iT-fWiypimn - Rim hip ii p1 ! 'TmSEjL ' I -W-WWl t J M ' ' L st s --.' ;i --- j5ss:s J,VSIH V&f?-SirfW7 TO&SSftS? I -j&gMi;yy.- f SIPHSSSS: WOLTERSBROS., Genera'," Merchandise. Agenfs W StiSM.'ird Cultivators. Mowur, liahts, 'Neivlim Wagon?, Aitici ii mi Scffing Machines. ?TFfipTTinlii'Kt. 1-frlhnrmlil fnTr-nnnirr M proiHioe. s7J BIKffiOOMFAUr, hdY" "1 s . 2.50 T?hsbesrE:SVirNr SHO'E; made. Inquire afypor shoe dea ler. i i I! FOR SALE Y . CH&S. K. HOaCHSK, WEAR DIAMOND SHOES And you will wear Diamonds, v c'nmi.lplo lino of Dross Goods, Trimmings, Clothing, lint?, Caps, .,.! i!or,nJ VnLl Uik nf Ladies' Hats. Hiahcst nrice paid for Cotton and Country produce. CHARLES K. HOLCHAIL THG -v GHZ6TTE. l'rm.isiicn svkiiy thumday by c w. wakd. hl'DscmiTioN hates: One Year, Postpaid 'rl.OO Always In the Lead! THE CELEBRATED LONE w BREiftZED FROM THE BEST HOPS KND MHLT. FOR SALE AT THE ARANSAS PASS, STUERKE'S.BISMARK, axd PALACE SALOONS, M. KICHTER, General Agont. Entered at the Shii'cr, Post Office as second class matter. SHINER, TEX, THU 00T. 18th, '04 Democratic Ticket. For rioater for L-uaca, Colorado, (iunales and Wharton counties, C. A. ALLEN, Domociulic Nominee. ooxj3srT"5r. FOR COUNTY JUDGE: P. II. Gni'EN. FOR DISTIUCT CLERK: 0. C. Searcy. F )R SHERIFF: John F. IloucuaiS. FOR TREASURER: A. 15. Devai L. FOR TAX ASSESSOR, "R. ZtMWALT. For ,.X UO'-LEOTOR, I'. F. (. I I WEIl, FOl' COUNTY TTORNEY: PP-EOIWOT. FOR COMMISSIONER. Piec't 3 .T D. A. Ilrvnii. JUSTICE OF PEACE Prec't. 3 W. V. Foi:n CONSTABLE, Precinct No. 3 Iln.NUY ScltAKNBUIlO. I lionOiv announce myself as a c n lidato for tlnr oilice of .In 'tico of tlie Piueu of pieeinct No 0 of vara count v J'l lict. John Weiiley Hardin' letter in Saturday's Gonzales Drag Net cre ated a profound sensation here and flutter developements are looked for with breathless interest. The general verdict is that bloodshed is almost inevitable. Li on tno Democratic F. J. IIelweh. Sehulenburg has been infestod with numeious cuiios tho past week. Tho one-legged Siameso twins, old woman selling lead pen cils, patent lamp man, snide show, beggars, professional fakirs, etc., head the list. Nearly all of them are going further south, wherii the climate is warmer, Sehulenburg Sticker. Your fakirs are differontjfroirnvhat ho liars here. Ours are geinK to Waco, where they all have aunts living, W. M. MoMuuov has announced by ciiculav as a candidate for commissioner lrom tne loauura distiict from Lavaca county. Mr McMuney is a good farmer and 1 good citizen and old democraoj will have to see that, he is kept out of politice. J. D. A. Meyer is tho inar for commissioner from this district. Yoakum Graphic. Right you are. I'. D. A. Meyer is tho "best commissioner we over had. tunity presents itself. I knavr him to ben corrupt man and a chem ing officer, and I do not believe life, liberty and property will be safe in his hands." Moulton Institute. irow.Tox Inst. Editoii Gazette Last Sunday there was Bin gin g at the Methodist church by the choir. Wo would like for all tho young people and old ones too, to come out and join us, as it would bo a great help to the choir. Mr. Hampil and wifo of Moulton were at singing Sunday. Mr. Hampil has disposed of his cattle and corn and contemplates leaving this country. Joseph Spears called ut E W Walker's oQico last Sunday to help him translate "'Sic Semper Tyran nus." The school at the Instituto is growing gradually. There were fovty-otiB tcholara in nttendanca and think it will close this week with fiftv. There are a Great nianv of the patrons keeping their chU- "on account of JL O IblLP imXJtMSb Saloon and Dance Hall, Good music. Fine whiskey, beer SHINER, and cisrars. TEXAS. drensat horrio,row"oii cotton picking. ' ' "' I' see that Joe has harvested his fust crop of moustache uinca hut week. I guess ho wants to see if ho can raiso another crop bolbre frost. Davo Hughs made a round trip Main stieet present a mo3t impos-fst Tuesday via . Moulton and : .,, .,,,. Ti,fl r,-nnt ; mnrln Flatnia. He will soon movo into (IIK .!' ... .u.,v v ,.....-. Tho Now ISriclc IJullilltiK, Tho now llrick building's on West Ansaownooraents. C'OIIRII A. J 0. UMth Cong. Diet.) LM'HAL. 1' vttte Countv. "nniL. ')R. i . K hereby an numineo of the i'i iplc's Partv i ir the olheo of Tax ii lector of La ,ic Kconnty. TVX. Ao-5ESS01t. V. J. Peseic is hereby announced i a candid ite for Tax Assessor, on i k Peoples' Party ticket. l'r public in i v COI 1 I U TI K' no rv i 1 ns Ii. (INDSPENDCHr.) We aro authorise 1 to announce T F JC!Crt0N as a candid ite for . li etion to tho ollicj nf Justice of tin Peace for prec'mc,t No. tiof La- i i cnuntv. Subject to tho viters i' tin en ling Novo nberleleoiifin FOR JUSTirE OF PEACE, Pre i net No. Three, L. Tamtke. OR CONST BLE, Precinct No.3, Gus Walkeii. ng apueaui out of Elgin prebed hi ick und stone trimming'? in a neat and pleasing design. They have a vestibule en hance, with Urge plate glass win dows on each side and openings are semi circular with tho inside 35 feet, without any suppoits in tho center. The firm of Mouror & Welling i of LaGr.uige, architects and build- orx, is certainly a trustworthy one. Their noil; on those buildings was eminently iirst-claes. People say the building is ono of the hand bomost and the finish the best of any building of it's kind in the county. ISlootlTtn tiiu Jloon. If blood is not shed in Gonaloi foonitwill bo surprising indeed Last week W. E. Jones, democratic nominee for shcriif, came out in n cud in the Inri!Tirar charging IttR. Culeman. ponulist Icandidato ,To: hcri(T. with havini rrud) f.ilfo statenicnta about hirtt in public. Satn.ruay'8 DiojNc 'contained a cSlfjnin and a garter letter from Jno. Woiloy H.i rcf'in which Ro'voreh' attiqked .Tone's record while Bhepff apd undo other gorious charges agalnvt Mr. Jon'o, whose courage is wcfl known and a conflict will undoubtedly occur." In Hardin's letter ho makes usb of tho following language: "As to HUH Jones, he has sold you nut in thu past and I beljevo ho will aoitag.uu when tneoppor 0 sussss& mmB Moulton Gin and Oil Works. Highest markot price paid for cotton seed. Capacity of Gin, MO Bales per 21 hoius. All tho latest improvements in machinery. Gin and oil works lighted by electricty, Cotton" received day and night. MOULTON, ' TEXAS. arney s Is where all the people go. . Fine Whiskeys, Liquors, Beer and Cigars. Moulton, Texas.. R F George, Houston; C. L. Berring, Houston, R L Simmons, Flatonia t : -Late of Flatonia, Texas, his new home ho recently bought. W S Coons passed through here tho other day on his way to Moul ton. Mr Cobb and' James Johnson went to Flatonia hiBt Tuesday oi business, S T Speara has sold his farm. Mis; s Maud thinks of leaving us soon. Last Wednesday while Mr Hamil was closing a gate his team, became frightened and then came Very near bwng a run-a-way aa'ape.. Prof. Walker went over to Moul ton Tuesday and got n. hair-out, hIihyo and moustache trim. "Sure am good lookin,' ain't It. Somo of our young ladies at tended the ico cream supper'at Jlr. Dockory's hint Saturday and- sura got left in t lio cold. We ho-ii of a wedding Fonm ,- v E T Long of Eell, wasm pur MANAGER FOR. George, Berring & Simmons, 810, S12 Commerce Street, Houston, Texas. GENERAL COMMISSION AND PRODUCE DEALERS. Will handle fruit in BeaBon and receive on consignment anything fiomi a bono up. Carload lots solicited. Manufactuieis of coops nndtates. TV. wendtland & Co.. Awerded A. Highest Honors Worlf'a. Fair. MMMil . I IB! ' km f .f.w n m Dealers fn BUGGIES, FARMING Cliac Wclliatisen IH IV IMPLEMENTS, 'PIPING AND. WIND MILLS,. 'SlIINCUr Tex 4IH vnulfl. Blptolcsrciitrlis. . ' "WHeel-wr iglits. Shiner, " .Texas. .'., t3 13KB GENERAL "BANKING Nrj CQL- ) LECTING. DepAtits Received . Derirond. MOST PERFECT MADE. re Crsps Crcim oi I rr i-owocr Ammonia, Alum or ?ny otheradu 40 YEARS TH2 STAriPAKUjv,. midst last Tuesday. Come- again old boy. " v ' Rev. Wnller, of l oakum, camp Monoy Rcm(ttd to Countries. and Paid.' on All Foreign Sunday. WilloloBoiy laying the West rexas Roformera' Asso:I.ition have mo A .,, f.rfln f!rc-im of Tartlr Powder. 'Frjl.. q1.",,1,, tn Uannf Tnilrtnfrli ' rn.nrTnniid (lrfl tnkln? in from Ammonia, Alan, or ,ny other adjultnt.' i ... '. i,' uK w,n New Members. XX. U UID LVViMg - j(1Hw wV(3..