CCDWS SfeBPj? E&'cS&a vteeittn S WS f tyn iXXS ISliI Of our Stock of Goods comm s Jruniis ences Thursday, December 5th KiWbtS KCT.1S3 ITII greater bargains than ever before offered to the trading" public of Lavaca and Gonzales counties. Bargain seekers don't spend a cent until you have seen our new prices. Remember this Sale will only last a short time. Come Early, Leaders and Originators of Low Prices a uO Wolter's Brick Buildine bHIKlIEfc, TEX. THG cnzeTTE. I'l DI.MIII.D r.VKBV THL'HSDW OY C, W. WAIID. bl'C&WIIfllON KATES lino Year, Postpaid $1.00 Oa lima 1.2 Entered at the Shiver 7 ems, Post Office as secoud class matter SHINER TEX. TITO,, DEO. 5, '95 Coxokfss met Monday ami may tod have nioicy on tbo country. Any man who gambles on weather is sino in lose. It is liable Id chnngo every two hours- It is ii n old sajing that a man in Texas when ho goos on a journey should ulwaya have an umbrella, an over coat, a palm leaf fan and a six shooter. Saturday morning it was dark and close and the weather piophets standing around on the uticcts said wo would hae a pour ing rain in a ery few minutes. In stead the clouds lolled away and v nine o'clock the sky was clear. Tho piophols then Uiook their head and paid: "A dry noither is iming." The nnrthei didn't show up, however, so they said it would May nico and fair. Jilbt to show them, that they didn't understand llieii buiiinekK it clouded up and began raining hard. The prophets then prepaied for a hard rain and Kit out their umbrellas and mack intoshes. It then cleured up and Itjinainud bo. Don't bet on Texas weather. A Curious Piophccy. Topeka Press. Over forty ) ears ago an old Ger man hermit published in a Bavar i in paper a cmious piophecy. In i bo finotold tho Austrian-Russian .ind tho Franco-Prussian wars, tho death of Pope Pius and tho Turco Knssian debate at arms. Ho said t .nt Germany would have three t npeiors before the end of the c-ntnry, and indicated tho death of two tTnited States presidents by a'mtsination. All these things tiavo come to pass. .(n tho same articlo bo said that tn the twentieth ccntnry opens, .seismic distuibinces will ace, wbieb will cauco tho kn of New Yolk City and Jialf of the- city of is to bieak in tio, nd Loner Califor- fcptal extinction. earthquakes to giound in (.continent and millions and billions of dollars worth of property will bo lost. There is to bo a change in the economic conditions of almost eieij ciulized nation. Ho fore tells tbo growth of -i demeciatic spiiitin England, which will ro suit in a reolution tint will over throw the present t'otm of govern ment, and make tho country a republic. Ho says tbo last ruler of England will be tho best the country ev r bad, and tho first president ot tho now nation will bo one of the mal family. Queen Victoria is by long oddo the best ruler England has ever had, and the Prince of Wales, said in a re cent speech that it was his desiro to live to eee England a republic. Accoiding to the hermit, Russia, Frauce and Italy will ferm an al liance and enter into a war with Turkey. This war is to bo the out growth of Turkish persecution of Christian subjects. This tripplo alliance will conquer the domain of the sick man of the cast. At tho expiration of the war complications will arise which will plunge Italy and Prance into war with Russia. Tho result will bo that tho two countries will bo gobbled up by the northern power and mil cease to exist as innopendent nations. While the wai is being waged tho pope will moe tbo scat of Cath olicism fiom Rome to boaotonn in southern Ireland. A rebellion will take placo id the land of the sham rock, in which the country will becoma independent of England, Then aconllict will niiso between tbo ultra Catholics of south Ire land and the ultra protesemts of the nogth, ih which the southern ers will bo the victors. A Kingdom will be cstablibed, and it is pre dicted that tho reign of tho fust potentato will become historic for its tyianny. Tbo prophet paints a dark fu ture for tho United States. He says at the oloso of the century a leeling of uurest will srue tho peo ple. This will bo tbo outgrow tb of unequal social and economio con ditions. Ho predicts that during the administration of the twenty fifth president the discontented masses will bierk into open rebel lion, and tbo established form of government will bo oicrthrown. The United States will be rent asunder, und for a year or more anaicby will prevail. When older shall bo brought out of chaos, six lepnblics will boformo.l. with Cap itols at tho following cities: San Francisco, Denver, Now Oileans Si I ouis, Boston au& Washington. Wai. AVKSDT&A.ND & CO- Jfn Deaieis in Iftj BUGGIES. m Ik fd FARMING liM IMPLEMENTS, jji jl PIPING AND yJtLM WIND MILLS. irsTlR'"'! PI Blaoksraiths. "Wlieel-w-rigtLts- Shiner Texas. Not so Easy tin it Looks "Are you good at figures?" asked Mr Bently of Mi Goves, who sat at the next desk to the right. "I used to be; why do you ask," said Mr Groves. "I bavo a littlo problem here. Tako it down and see what j on can do with it. "A man has $100 with which to buy lOfi head of stock. Ho has to pay $10 a head for cattle, $3 a head for hogs and 50 cents a head for sheep." "Do you J:now the answer?" "Yes.itB simple when pou get it." "I think it can bo worked by algebia. I'm a littlo rusty but I'll seo what I can do." Groves slaited in to solvo tho problem. In a half an hour, hav ing covered several pages of paper with xy antlz calculations he asked ''Is theioanyway to make it come out even?" 'Yes. can't you get it? I'll show you," said Bently; and he marked down: Ocattlout $10 $50 1 bog at $3 8 91 sheep at 50 cents 47 100 $100 "How did you work it?" "I didn't work it. A fellow told mo the answer." ''Whv did yau give it to me?" "I thought yon might bo able to .guess the answer-to it," 'Well, said Mr. Orores, "you keep jour fool problems to j ourtelf. BUY OUR AJPWNMAKE FOR SALE DY "v- CHKS. K. HORCHAK, -SHBSRia, 1M33C. WEAR DIAMOND SHOES And you will wear Diamonds. A Complete line of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Gioceui?. Full lino of Ladies' lints. Highest piico paid for Cotton and Gauntly pinducc CHARLES K. HOLCHAK. THE STEW Aransas Pass Saloon HENRY ELLINGHAUSCN, PROP. Best B.irgins i.argest and Best Stock nf "Wines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars In Lavaca Count). One billiard (able in connection. 'Jhe tunpiklnr invites his friends in paiticnlar and thu public in to givo him a call. Heniy Messer will continue to tend bar. P. STUERCKE'S (Headquarters for the Faimcrs.) The beat of Wines, Liquors and Beer. Klein's Best cigars on sale. SHINER, - TEX Joseph Oiidrej5 Hi:DQUAItTKltS FOI1- flpaqad fi&$, ffasaiS, Slaqda3jp, AND GROCERIES. Lnnol at all Hours. Presh Oity Beor always on Tan- Shikek, :: :: :: :: j: :: Texas J Tunc Your Owu Pianos. I will teach ladies tho art of tuning pianos and thorough bass. Terms $10, invariably in advance. Address Pnoif. .1. A., A full stock cf perfumeries brushes, toilet cawis. combs, station ary, school books, &ncy toilet ar ticles and notions of all k inds at A. Grao's drug store. Shiner Tex Holland herrings by tho keg and. buiel at Jterscbiugei's. i v iirnwnnMflM mm i nwimwini inryirti imp i hmibi ih iwiihib iniiiiiiMMnMWfiwifflWHiiBiiii tii n ii k&toA I