1 Ill-other of Ills Ha, Alio 1)1. appeared
anil tear are lil.rtaln.U lluit lie
Ha. Met the Sam. Jrnte The OiiTuruor
Trying to Capture the lyncher..
Iluuule Lynching-,
bs Louis, Mo , Doc. 2. A special
from Atlanta je: Thero Is iiiudi
miraLery about u flupposcd lynching
In Dooly. Out! olllccr of the court,
W. T. Saugutcfl, noiit Into tho Louutry
near Uu&Uilla. to fccrvo a warreut on
Tony Sutton who Is ugnrcloil nan
debperado. rjnttoii, liU father mill
two brothers wcreatacano mill. Thu
resisted arrest, a light followed
and bungattt was killed. Tony lkd.
-Tho lather and brother were arrested,
hut wcro liberated on condition thai
they glvo Tony up. Tho uUicu
fltartod for Uuadllla. A mob tool:
bim trom them uud sluco then no
trace of Sutton has been found.
Iloury Sutton, tho youngest brother,
has also disappeared aud It Is leared
ho has been lj uched. Governor At
kinson is doing nil in his power to
tapturo tho lynchers.
Attempted swindle.
Boston, Mass, Nov. S9. The Stan
dard yesterday printed lengthy de
tails of an alleged attempt to swindle
Eilae Brett or, an elevator builder of
this city. It appears from tho story
that the would-be swindlers, writing
from Farrngoua, .Spain, explained cer
tain peculiar details in the I'ajuma
connal allalrs, by which one man is
uxivlcted and $2 000,000 secured and
hidden In a trunk. Thoy wanted Mr.
llrcwcr to take charge ot a beautiful
daughter of ono of tho swindlers and
asked him to eond for tho young wo
man, or fond tho wherewithal to tako
her to America, in consideration of
wlilou the ?2,000,000 would Do placed
in his chargo, and of it $500,000 was
to he his payment. Alter correspon
dence with ono Antonio lloderigno at
Farraxona, Mr. lljcwcr was aked to
forward money to get the trunk out
ol tne power ot the authorities nud to
aid In smuggling tho girl of tho coun
try. Mr. lirewer was contented with
eiroply writing letters. Finally, when
Mr. llrowor received a letter 6aj lug
hia Farrngoua cone6pondeut was
dead, ho wrote to tho polite author
ities there for pattlculars and tho
story was branded as a fabrication.
AioJdem la m Mine.
Oaiimul, N. Y, Nov. SO. An accl
dent resulting in the loss of thirteen
or fourteen lives occurred at the Tiliy
Fetter mine a little later than S o'clock
yetterday afternoon. Foreman Fet
rlck Murtba was dccendlng into the
Jilt to take tho time of two gangs of
nborers, numbering abont thirl -six
niou, who wero working at the bottom,
'when a vast weight ot earth and rock
Ud mUIi tne torco of an avalanche
from tho mought ot tho pit to the
bottom, a distance of about 390 lcot
The earth crashed ovor the meu with
irekntuidoua iorcc. Out of a gangol
etoyon only five came out alive, and
thrco of tiio'men coiplo) ed in another
gang were taken out dead. The acci
dent U supposed to havo been canted
principally by the heavy rains, which
qpened crevices In many places. The
mitro is ownod by tho Lackawanna
cenpany of New York and Scrnuton,
cumulations of iloet and snow broke
down wires ot all sorts. In the bus
iness district telegraph and telephone
wires aro underground, but iu tho
outskirts they ate carried on poles.
Tho weight was so great in many
places that tho pole? wcro broken aud
went down with tho wires. Ktcn
tho hoavy trollej wires wcro tumble
to withstand tho strain and wcro lulu
pled in cxtrlcahlo couluslou with the
tclegranh and telephone stein. In
cluding the city police and tiro alarm
wiles. Finally tho postnt company
secured lnleimlttent coiimnulcation
between this city aud ClcUaud, over
which the Assoclato i'ress managed
to get a little now s, and both that coin
pan) and tho 'Western Union hail
communication with St. Louis aud
wero accepting the Association Press
news and general business. Tho
Chicago and Milwaukeo telephouo
also got up its wires betwocn the
board of tiado and Milwaukeo and
business was moling. Altogether it
wa tho most complete telegraphic
lsol ttlou which this dty has aullered
lor many etra. Freight traffic lrom
every direction by railwa) was pratti
ctlly blocked, aud all pasreuger ser
vice, iutlutllug tho suiouibati trains,
wiu much delajcd even inside ot the
city, In spite of overy efloi t.
. e i
Atrocluui Aalault
lIl.NM.ssrY, Ok, Nov. 29. The
story otuu atrocious absaultucat Dnnd
postolllce reached hcio jtstertlay. An
old man UMiicd Moore, his wile and
daughter, 20 care old, wcro traveling
overland lrom Texas to some point lit
Nebraska. Thoy camped on a stream
near lloud. Tho daughter loft camp
duilug tho evening iu seaithof hoises
that had striked, and was set upon
aud abcaulted by two meu. Her cries
weio stilled by a gag and beating.
Her parcnls misccd her and not till
after a search of over three hourj was
she found, In a deplorable condition.
Tho men ato unknown aud the girl
can glvo no description except that
both wcro tall men and that ono wore
a fur cap. Tho citizens in that spar
sely settled neighborhood aro greatly
excited, aud should the perpetrators
bo found no doubt a lynching will
Sew 1iue
Woman Hlioots llemelf.
Syracuse, N. Y., Dec 2. A wo
ninn 8fi ) ears old, who rcglsteied as
draco M. ilubhard, Albany, at tho
Klngslrl house, this city, was found
dead in bed Saturday with a bullet
hoio in her right temple. Sho ci mu
to iho hotel with an unknown man
nud after bolug assigned a room they
talked together iu tho sitting room
half au hour. Sho retired to her
room aud alter burning up letters,
which led to her Identuleatiou, shot
lierkelt in tho head with a revolver.
Heine ltnlirrt
A new Isstio has been rnlesd at liar.
rard ttlilch promises to eclipse In Im
jortnnce the question ot athletic rela
lons with Yale.
Tltla la tho sear ot prohibitions nt
Hairrnl Athletic contests with Yale
nc piohlblted, the gun Bhoot with
I Ills Is prohibited, the Christmas
tilp of the gleo club li mohtblted, nnd
nov It seems likely that "tho uso of
Irish Btcw In Memorial hall" will be
prohibited also, says the Dostnn Post
Tho enemies of this homellko and
wholesome dish como from the aris
tocratic portion ot the college popula
tion who nrc accustomed to eating
French dishes from sliver platters In
the homes of the Back Ilay. The
havo started a vigorous crusade and
are pledged to tho total abolition of
this old boarding-house friend.
Tho students are forming themselves
Into two parties, the Irlah-stcwists and
Iho antl-lrlsh-stcwlsts. Tho ontl-Irlsh-stewlstH
posted a petition on tho
bulletin board nt 'Memorial yesterday,
expressing in no uncertain language
tho cause of their grievonco and the
tcasons which have led up to tho prcB
cut vigorous campaign Tho petition
wob promptly removed by the Memoi
lal Hall management, as it Is against
tho rules to have editions posted In tho
main entrance, where they cause
crowds to collect and block the pass
age - way. Tho antl - Irish - stewlsts,
however, were not to be so easily put
down, and a regulation hluo hook has
been placed in the auditor's olllco for
signatures. Tho platform on which
the "antls" will stand or fall has been
drawn up as follows' "We believe
that the uso of Irish stew should be
discontinued In Memorial Hall The
Btew is disagreeable in taote, and to '
many men who simply connot eat It
is an uom or expense Blnce It requires
tho ordering of 'extras.' Tho tlmo lost
In waiting for extrna is seriou3ly felt
by men having lectures both at 12
o'clock and at 1:30, Wo appreciate tho
wish of tho directors to give as great
a variety of .food as possible, but dis
like this special variety, rinally, we
believe that food which Is, as tho first
petition showed, objectionable to ncai
ly 200 men, should bo no longer Bcrvcd
In Memorial Hall." In Justice to the
Carnegie rata,,
CutviiiiAND, O, Nov. 28. Andrew
Carnaglo addressed tho chambor of t lrlsh-stewlsts, It should bo said that
commerce hero yesterday afternoon. ' many ot tho ajenalures nlaced on the
in the course or His remarks he said Dul,etln board were put ther6 .,,.
ho bellovcd the mouey qucstaon had . , ,i, n,.t, rnmi. . ..
been settled by the practical agree- Georl:0 xvu,hnilon. Benedict Arnold.
," T",!',""! it for and Theodore Itoosevelt are said to
oH. The first dutv of the hour, Mr. I ha,c been amonE tho ,,gnalures. a
Cariicgl- said, was to provide ade-, dlrcctor , tne IIarvaI(1 Dln,nR AE90.
quale revenues for tho government. clatlon waB Boea )ast cvenl Ho
lie declared that tho government was ,,,, down a ,., IIarlend Cook
being robbed of one-thlrd ef the reve- Book a8 ,he po(t r,pre!cntal ve cam0
nuos which it assumed to assess , but rcfu8ed , be ,ntervlowed.
KS,"5..r."rWU.?"" S1V 5a..T.: ' "What la all this stew aboutT" asked I
mi . i """ "' the reporter,
could bo restored he was certain there. ',, ,,,
would be no more deficit in the reve
nues, h urthermore, he had enough
confidence in tho honesty of Presi
dent Cleveland to believe that ho
would not veto such a measure if it
was to be passed,
, e
"Mum's the word," replied the di
rector, "Do they expect wo can give
meal foi $4 n week?"
them humming birds on toaEt every
Value of the Ills Corn Crop.
Cleveland Leader' Small fry econo
mists who Jump at conclusions and are
Inclined to look at tho dark side ot
Caie of Smallpox.
Nbw Yonn, Dee. 2. The Anchor
lino Bteattishl,! California, which ar
rived y estcrday morning from Medi
terranean ports with 800 steerage
passengers embarked at Naples, has
ono ease of smallpox on hoard, a wo
man aged 16. The steamer was de
tained at quatantlno aud the patient
transferred to the lloccpllou hospi
t t
Tragedr In Kentucky.
Mount Steumno, Ivy., Nov. 30
A tenlblo battle took place at Hazel
Gi ecu, Wolf county, Thursday be
tneon John Williams nnd David Hose,
two prominent nnd -woslthy stock
tradcis. Williams was killed and
Itoso is In a dying condition. They
lell out during a settlement.
e i
A namaginr Htorut.
OinaAao, III, Nov. 27 Up to 11
o'clock j cstcrdny morning this city
wna practically dead telegraphically.
Monday night's itoruiol mingled rain,
sleet and snow utterly piostrated
electrical communication of all eor.s
within the city limits. The heavy ao.
Intnranee l-oinutnatlou
New Youk, Nov. 28. The mana.
gers of tho twenty-four Llojd's fire things, say that the greatest corn crop
fjiBuiance companies, that toirether ever rrown Ik not eolnr to nav the
underwrite $16,000,000 of risks hava farmern ot the United States as well as
assesta of many millions, have Just tho short crop of last car. They for-
held a meeting preliminary to a cloto tify this gloomy assertion by statistics
union. Tho plan ot the promoter! which show that tho biggest of all big
look to tho ultimate association oi crops, if sold at tho prices now ruling
such ns London Lloyd's. If the do- and likely to rule, would bring less
sign bo worked out successfully it money to tho men who grew tho corn
means uniform Lloyd rates by all the than they would have received it the
members of tho league and tho oxtluc- email crop of 1891 had been mrketed at
lion of thoeo outside ot Lloyds the the quotations cm rent a year ago In
fifty or fl.'ty-uve companies that, with tho large cities. In other words, tho
tho exception of half a dozen vigorous fall in price is held to more than offset
ones, aro not regarded as in the some the lncrenso of a billion bushels or
rauk as thoso in the combination. I more In the ieltl. This Is nonsense.
' ' ' Not moro than 20 pei cent of a largo
wind seventy Miiea an Honr. ' corn crop, in the United States, is ever
LouisviLLr. Ky, Nov. 20.The moved out of the c0"1"1" 'n wllch tho
highest galoev or recordod in Louis- Graln Is grown. Farm animals cat it
vlllo swept ovor tho city last night, There It la produced.
tho wind reaching a velocity of seventy ,
miles an hour. Signs, awnings nnd "''1 struck Another Match,
chimneys wero blown down. Plato Dlshop Wlllmar of Alabama Is not
glass wiuddws were broken and a in attendance upon the convention, but
great amount of small damago done, he Is well represented by his anecdotes.
although at midnight no serious which are related by churchmen much
troublo was reported. The barometer as Lincoln's stories are by the general
was down to withlu .03 of tho point public. Hero is ono ot them: One ot
at which tho tornado of 1800 occurred, the blshop'B f riend3 lost a dearly be-
Tclegraph and telcphono poles w ere
blown down and outside communi
cation wosbaaly interrupted.
i e I
SvacuatloQ Day.
Ni.w York, Nov 20. Tho 102d an
nlvorsary of Lvaeuatlon day was cel
ebrated by all the patriotic societies
of this city and Brooklyn yesterday.
In the afternoon the old guard pa
raded to tho battery, where exorcises
wcro held and a new American flag
raised on the great staff. At the
minute of sunrise General Earle,
who is a member of tho Society of
War of 1812, hoisted a large Ameri
can ensign.
Lynched la Tennesiee.
CitATTANooaA, Tenn, Nov. 28,
Cad Smith, a white larin hand em
ployed by IJ. T. Talley near Whito Oak
James couutv. was Ivnched on last
Monday nlghv for an attempted as
sault upon the wile of tils employer.
loved wife, and in his Borrow caused
these words to bo Inscribed on her
tombstone: "The light of mine eyes
has gone out." The bereaved husband
married within a year. Shortly after
ward the bishop was walking through
the graveyard with another gentleman.
When they arrived at tho tomb the lat
ter asked the bishop what ho would
say of tho present atato of affairs In
view ot the words on the tombstone.
"I think," said tho bishop, "tho
words, 'But I havo struck another
match,' should be added,"
The Jokei IEun Forever.
"I think It Is a mighty good thing for
you that the copyright law does not ap
ply to Jokes," said the man who likes to
think he is sarcastic.
"Wouldn't bother me any If It did,"
replied the eminent after-dinner orator.
"A copyright only runs about forty
years." Cincinnati Enquirer.
PRICKLY ash, poke root CATARRH, HALftHH,
in Blood Poison
antl Scrofula
V r V pt-rlflu the blood tnlldi up
the WonW nt id debilitated, Rhes
tt-pnoth lo wahond nerrts, oil flu
dliotuefl I fin? tun patient h et.lt ti and
liftpfrliieaa wliure ukiuia, Rlooinr
Icoluikt anil lnllud flrnt pro? e Hod
For prlmnTj- soeondnrjr nnd tertiary
TpliillB fur lilond pulsunltiK, rrn-rcu-rial
rolnnu nintnrln dyijepAln, and
tn All ti ooil and Rkln diienae, Ilk
blotchon, ptraplOR old eiironio ulcera,
tetter irald lieod bolls orrttpelo..
ceiuiuri o may Ti without fcaror
contrmct.n.i.int 1 1 F.la th bott
blond r urlfler lit tho world, an uiakiin
foltl apoodj aud permanent curs
Ltt1lwhoeritmi ara pnlionad
and nbosnbloodlii In An Impure condi
tion, due to roonatrunl lrrenuiarltloa.
nrpfouIlarlhenpntd bj tlio won
dorfnl tonto an 1 blood cleantion prop
ertlMof H. 1 I -Prlcklr Ab, Poto
Kootand PottMlum
ErilHortULD, Mo., uff 14lh.lt.03
loan rpcnltln tbo hlbeat terror of
JoarmediJln) (pom my fwn personal
nowlodRO I vai nftectBd ti lth heart
dlftoaafl, pleurloj nnd rheumatism tnr
35 Ttiri'wM treutcd by tbn TnrybonC
Rh Tito! an ana opoiit hundrecls odlol
im, trlftd arerjf known rcunedy with
out flndlnffruMof. I hare only tnkaa
on Dottle of your P. r. P.. and can
obefrfully aoy is In a dono ma more
rsodttiau anything I bAToeyar taken,
oau recoinmsn t yonnnedlclno to all
"U" T1..-4 M. M VI AHT.
Cprlastld, Oreoo Cconty, Mo.
An entirely remoYtxl by P.r.P
-PrloklJ Ah. Poke Hoot d otu
alum, eb svaatMt blood porlUtl oa
Aubrdwik, 6 . July 21. 1891
IIEHSUB LifPMAJtBMoa . BaTannali.
Oa i Dsait Bib-I bought .bottlaor
your 1 P P. t Hot BprhiB,Ark.,aa(l
It ban done mo mora oolt bun thra
Oend tbreo bottltt O. O. P.
Abardean, Drowa county, O,
Copt. J. O- Jolinslon.
lb r, tAom i( may concern 3 hr
by taitlfy to the- wonderful propertlas
of P. P. p. for eruptions of the akin, X
mffarad Jor aoTeral year with aaun
aichtlr and dlaacrceabla eruptloa on
toy t ho. 1 triad Tiry known reme
dy bo 1ft TAin.nntll P. P. P. t?aa naed,
aad aro now ontlioly cured ,
'" '.-sE
Bkln Cancer Cared
TuHmonyrttnxht Majorat 3equin,Tx,
Okquik.Txx Jinaary II, 189X
11 a i n LirrMAH Vnoa . SaTannab.
Qa t Uftttamtnl bare tried your P.
P. P. lot a dlsaaao of tho akin, usually
known -t akin ranoer.of thirty yara1
sian Imtf. And icund trroat rebofi 16
purlfeaiae blood nnd removea All Ir
ritation from tho seat ot the Jtee
ftnd preTenta nny anrpadlne: of the
aorA-.. I hare taken Oveor aix bottle
end feel confident thru another coorae
Yiikl effect o cure. It haaalaorelleTed
me frora Indln atlon and tomaot
troiJilBA. Voora truly, V.B
Attorney at Laff.
W on M Diseases uzi m
L oox xf(SK &JZjiy8iA&J&jLiihJf&j
City Meat Market
On Hale vl tbt
-To all
1 Corpus Christ!, Rociporl, Araisas Pass anfl Portlaii
Apply to Local 'ikLct Agent
SHINER L0DG No, 111 A. 0. U. W.
lf(U J. weotU Uomday U excb xaesU $
Ioali Wagoner M W Y O Smith, For
man, Q A rannowlli!, OTersper; E F Wol
ITS Hfcorderi F. grlinlUn Hnanc1ri M E
Woltfra, necelyeri Chas Wnwner, Gnllei Q
A Wolters, In Watcbmant O Lueaaen, Oul
V. 0. W.
Con mil Commanaer, I. Warner t AdIao
rteutenttnt, M K Wolterai Ilanker, Lon
Trantflein Cleik, ltobert l.ncheiibirgi Facort
O V FucbcnbarBi Sentry. Aiignut Schtaldt
Outside Oiini-d. .Tojenh Undrev. Phvelclan. 11
II Schnrnberyj J A Woltera, John Rreugeri
Meet latt Wcdueiday or each month, at
aiorj'a iiaii
8. D. H.S.
5rfta flrat S tin J ay and third Monday In each
month at Morris IIaII
Kx-Frealdent, John O Blohm, Prealdenl
Oiai rrell, r , Ice Truldent Lonta Ehlers,
Pecretary, O. A PannewltEj rreaaurtr, Maj
L. Vllt, QaitLtieraaeui F Konther ,
uuiJe, iot Helwlc.t () W,, J SehroUeri I,
W., wbaa Well, Jr
Ue.t.flrit and third Friday QlKht. In earn
month. H A tarn.,, O C Jo. Kopecary. V
C , 11. II Merchant, I. Txiula Itantmln, M
orE,.Cnaa riato. M orF , John lllali., II
or A thai Jllchur, I Q K J Uarr, llfpr.
J. O. Blohm.
It. II. Locslu
C. II. Flato. R. UEschenhurf;,
u wagener. iouls Trautweln
E. F. yVolten.
K Br a
IS q
Water Supply Material
tTholeialo and KetlU-
Alamo Iron Works
City ODlc, C oincr Uemton tad St Mary '