K THE GAZETTE Published Every Thursday by C W WA11D Editor and rub SUBSCIUITION BATES pno Year postpaid fioo Entered at the Shiner Texas Postofllce fa secondclass matter ITS PERILS ARE MANY latlco Superior Is Ah Kxceodliitcly TreatIt rrotw Ilocly of Water From the betrolt Free Press Tbo recent accident to the steamer Missoula ends to show more clearly than any thing that occurred the vast ar a of italic Superior and the possibility ol a Vessels crew reaching land after ship Precis and yet being unheard of for a couple of weeks after starting on a lojiigc The shores of Michigan Wis consin and Minnesota on the big lake oro traversed by railways and tele graph lines and the towns and small settlements on the American sldo of the lake e en to the Islands furnish ready nuans of communication with the larger cltlesj but not so on that part ot llo Canadian shore north of tho lakes vhero a wilderness Inhabited by a few fl hermen and Indians exists This Is especially true of tho Canadian shore dust above Sault Ste Mario and for a long stretch ot country to tho north and rast of the point where tho Canadian Pacific railway turns In to the shore ot the lake and traverses It on toward Port Arthur and Fort William When tho Mssoula broko her shaft and was ren dered helpless she was less than Upntyfho miles from Caribou Island < r tho course down toward Sault Ste Mario Sho was somewhat off the jog ular courso of vessels bound down from the head of Lake Superior but If Bhe Jmd been able to make any headway toward tho Sault or care for herself at al on tho courso sho was following sho wculd have been picked up veiy soon after the iccldent by some passing ves sel But a southerly wind drifted her out of the course of even the few ves sels trading to Canadian ports at the head of the lakes and she was working over toward the wildest part of the Canadian north shore territory when her crow was compelled to abandon her A glanco at tho chart will show that Erulo point where the crow of tho Mis soula first made land Is scarcely more than seventyfive miles from Sault Ste Marie where 15000000 tons of freight passes through a canal In a single sea sen and jet the men In ono of the Mis soulas yawl boats spent nearly two < iys working along the Bhore of rihe Jk kebelorelhey found any more sign ot life than a deserted fishermans shanty in which they built a fire and dried their wet clothing Tho fishing season lias closed but even fishermen aro scarce In this territory during tho most active periods It Is not Btrango there fore tHJt the men from the Missoula rcero nonrly a full week In finding means ct communicating with the owners of tho vessel after they had landed on the dieary north shore of Lake Superior Turned the Tables The tables were turned in a surpris ing manner on an exultant crook by a smart Yankee deputy sheriff In York county Maine last week The deputy was after the crook and came up with him just across the border In New Hampshire The crook was safe from the deputys warrant there but in or der to be safer he boarded a train for the Interior of the state That was his mistake The deputy boarded the same train and took a seat near the crook At a point a few miles ahead the rail way track ran across a corner of York county Maine The deputy knew this but the crook didnt When the lino was crossed tho deputy pulled the bell rope stopped the train dragged the crook out of his seat put him oft the train and arrested him The New Metal Gluelnum The metal gluelnum says an electri cal contemporary Is emerging from Its position as a chemical rarity and is coming to the front much as aluminium did some years ago It Is even lighter than aluminium which Is remarkable but Its chief value consists in tho fact hat its electrical conductivity Is as high as that ot sliver and consequently higher than that of copper It Is less extensible than Iron and more durable A t present its value is 71s 4d per pound fwhlch is prohibitive for large quan tities but this Is only onetenth of the price of platinum weight for weight nnd one onehundicdandslxtleth of tbo price of platinum volume for vol ume Pafl Mall Gazette Named by Unyard Taylor Mount Clair In Montgomery county Pennsylvania was named by Bayard Taylor during the course of a spring day ramble In 1847 Taylors associa tion with the place should be sufficient to incite a desire to spell the name as he spelled It The railroad company spells it Mount Claire which spelling originally must have been a blind guess by somebody who perhaps thought that It wasnt correct lt was near enough to puss WASHINGTON TOPICS SOME QUESTIONS TO RECEIVE ATTENTION Tho Cuban Itelllgeronts Slay Come Up lor Dlicusalun In the Ilouie While The Senate Mill Talk Monroe Doc trine Othor Matters Washington Jan 20 Tho liouso will dovoto tho coming wock to ap propriations unless a motion Is made to recognize tho Cuban belligerents It Is qulto probablo that tho quostton may bo proscnted to tho houso in somo shape Tho committco on for eign affairs has as yqt presented no resolution on this Biibjoct but thoro nro many indications that the wholo question may he considered in tho liouso boforo long The urgent mili tary academy appropriation bills which nro ready to go make up tho regular work for the week > er Orleans Mint Washington Jan 18 For tho past ninety days tho mint at Now Or leans has been virtually closed by tho retlrment of its employe Tho Louisiana congressmenhavo been dili gent loget them roiuslatedaiid now thoy have secuiel from tho seoiotarv i tho promlso that thlsjwlli bo done as tho tho mint at that place will bo put iu full operation for fho coinage of silver dollars within tho next sixty days Tho secretary says that tho silver dollars which ho found in tho treas ury vault when ho camo in > oillco had been reduced to about bl 8000 000 and lhat more have to bo coined in order to take up tho Sherman notes which may bo presented for redemp tion in sliver It is estimated that when Mr Carlisle chine into otllco there was about 250i0 of thoso dol lars in tho vaults Tho reduction has boon made by tho redemption of tho Sherman notes in this coin When the notes mentioned aro redeemed in silver thoy aro at ouco destroyed but when they aro redeemed in gbld thoy aro reissued again so from these facts it would seem that at least 9000000 of the original Sherman notes have been redeemed and destroyed rubllo Latiu Committee Washington Jan 18 Tho houso committee on public lauds yesterday agreed to report a bill lor tho confir mation of all cash entries for public lands subject to sale in Alabama Miss issippi and Arkansas as offered be tween tho approval of tho act o May 141888 and promulgation May 29 1888 where all requiiemonts of tho law have been complied with and that all canceled entries wherq tho purchase money has not been refunded to be reinstated Also tho bill to repeal tho law excluding tho public lands of Alabama from tho operation of tho mineral land law Tho houso committee on public lands also de cldod to report to tho houso tho iieo homo bill proposed by Chairman Lacoy of Iowa which is practically a revival of tho old homestead laws Under this bill settler s on Indian lands that are opened to settlement may acquire title to tho lauds without paying lor them by a residence of live years If they desire to secure their title before the expiration oflivo years thoy will be able to do so by paying tho rates fixed by tho govern ment Seunte Forecast Washington Jan 20 The pre sont indications aro that tho timo of tho senate will be divided this week between tho discussion of tho Monroe doctrluo and finance tho iormer be lug based on tho Davis resolution Several senators including Teller Daniel Cockiell and White will speak on tho silver bill during tho week aud tho probabilitos aro that fho con sideration of the silver bill will not bo concluded when tho end of tho week is reached INo veto will be socured until the Utah senators take their seats but it willcoiiio soon atlei that time The silver sbbstltuto is tho unfinished business which inct gives it precodenco over all business alter 2 oclock thus rendering it impossi ble to take up the Monroe doctrine during the morning hours unices by general consent Senate Foreign Committee Washington Jan 10 At tho meeting of the senate committee ou foreign relations yesterday tho reso lution prepared by Senator Davla de fining tho nttitudo of tho country to ward foreign encroachments on the western hemishere in accordance with tho Monroo doctrine was reported to tho committee The resolution was discussed at somo length but final consideration ot it was postponed un til next Fridaj when a special meet ing of tho committee will bo held to cousidor the resoiatiou and tho entire subject which it conveys S 94 Territory Matters Washington Jan 16 Judge Kilgoro was at tho department of Justice yesterday and reports thaUt has been agreed to tho proposition of the firm of Wolrcrton Jcmlson of Ardmore to build for thogovornmeul a court house in that town The court houso aud Jails offered in tho other districts in tho torrltory will also be accepted but at a rent some what lower than tho owners offer Tho Cepartmout has agreed to recom mend to congress tho payment to tho representatives of tho lato Marshall titowo tho amount of his salary to tho time ot his death Under tho law ho could not get his salary Tho eamo thing occurs In tho caso of MrVoliey Walker who was district attorney of tho Central distilct Ho resigned be loro he was couflrniod and roceived no salary The paymout of it up to tho timo of his resignation will bo asked for by tho department of jus tice There is no doubt that theso salarios will bo paid i Indian I6 < rlslntlon Washington Jan 17 Legislation for tho five clyllizod tribes of Indians of tho Indian Territory is likely to ab sorb considerable attentlau from tho houso committco on Iudiau affairs this session Yesterday Chairman Sher man of the committee selected a sub committee to hnvo chargo of all legis lation relating to tho Indian Territory composed of delegate Flyun of Okla homa as chairman Messrs Gamble of South Dakota Wilson of Ohio Llttlo of Ohio Owcus of Kentucky When a bill to chaitcr another railroad company to pass ncross Oklahoma was proposed in tho committee meeting yesterday Mr Flyun gave notico that ho would in the futuro oppose all grants of right of way to railroads irom Oklahoma and Indian Torrltory unless there was satisfactory tssur ancios that tho companies wero acting in good faith and that the roads would ba built Senate Proceedings Washington Jan 16 Tho bond silver bill was lurther considered iu tho senate yesterday but without ap preciable approach to a conclusion of tho debate Mr Butler of Not th Car olina spoke for two hours iu opposi tion to bond issues and in favor or silver legislation The early hours of tho session brought out an extended controversy over pension discrimina tions Mr Lodge sought to pass a bill granting a pension to tho widow of General Cogswell but Mr Allen led a vigorous opposition claiming that tho widows ot tho generals wero being discriminated against tho wid ows of plain soldiers The bill was finally passed Mr Mills offered a resolution declaratory against tho pol icy of the govorhiiieut of tho issuo of bonds favoring jjrtfr pecdy extinction of tho national MMnd for tho coin age of the silverTuVlJonUn the treas ury e Democratic National Convention Washington Jan 17 Tho dem ocratic National convention will bo held in tho city of Chicago on July 7 That was the decision reachod yesterday by tho National democratic committeo after an interesting aud at times exciting session which con tinued until 11 oclock last night There was considerable difference of opluiou as to tho time for holding the convention ono proposition advanced by Allou G Thurnmn of Ohio who had the proxy of tho Now Mexico member being to hold it Juno 2 two weeks before the republican conven tion and tho othor by Hugh Wallace of Wasuiugton Stato to hold it July 7 The committee decided upon the latter date by a vote of 32 to 18 St Louis Chicago Cincinnati aud Now York wore alter tho convention and Chicago was decided upon by the tweutj ninlh ballot Ilonse rrocetllnics Washington Jan 15 Tho houso spent yesterday iu further debate upon the pension appropriation bill Tho speakers wjtlia slngloexception were all republicans and favored liberal pensions aud tho change to the exist ing law proposed by tho hill Among the speakers was John A Walkcrwho terved with distinction in thoCoufed eiato army from Manassas to Appo mattox Ho Is tho only republican representative from Virginia His assurances of tho good feeling that ex isted in tho South toward tho union soldiers and tne lack of hostility toward the pension system waB warmly received on both sldos of tho house It seems probablo now that tho gencial debate on the pension bill will continue for several days Interest lleetnnlnir to Lac Washington Jan 17 The con slderation of the silver bond bill pro ceeded in the senate yesteiday with Mr Pefler continuing hU speech be gun Wednesday luterost in the dis cussion has beguu to fag as was evi dent by tho scant attendance on tho floor and in thj galleries As yet no suggestiou has been made as to bringing tho measure On a Serious Charge CAMiatoN Tex Jan 14 Sheriff John II Dlcket and Deputy John p Womack arrived yesterday fraV North Texas having in custody ClA Dawson W It Clark J C Xhohas and C L Smith all charged frith burniug a house hero a 0ctober nova Thlst We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any caso of Catarrh that can not bo cured by nails Catarrh Cure V J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O Wo the undersigned have known F J Cheney tor the last IS years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business trans actions and financially able to oarry out any ohllraUons made by their firm West TruaxWhokBaleDruggl8ts Toledo O Waldlng Rinnan Marvin Whole sale Dnuglsu Toledo O HallsTstarrh Curo Is taken Internally acting dtroctly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of thesrstom Trice 75 cents per bottle Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free A sad slciit iu this world is an old ben trying to plume horsolf to look chic In Olden Times People overlooked tho importanco of permanently bonoflclal offects nnd wcio satisfied with transient action but now that It Is generally known that Syrup of Figs will peimancntly cure habitual con stipation wolllnfotmcd people will not buy other laxatives which act for a time but finally Injure tho system For Christina California has nu ice palato in ono cud and a flower show In tho other Walking would often lion pleasure werlt not for tbe corns Tliesa pests are eastlrro looted wltli llludurcoias lac at druggists Chewing gum costs tho people of this country 20000000 a year The inoroono uses Parkers Ginger Tonlo tho tuoro IM good qualities aroreroslod In dlspclllng coldsIndlteitlon ptln andcrer rkui of weasuess The street accidents of Loudon amount to about 3500 a year nearly ten a day IXansoiie 31 agio Corn Halve Warranted to euro or money refunded Aik your druggist for It Price 15 centa Kissing u woman wearing a veil must bo Hko kisslug a man with whiskers 01 the Breast Mr A H Crausby of 158 Kerr St Memphis Term says that his wife paid no attention to a small lump which appeared in her breast but it soon de veloped into a cancer of the worst type and notwithstanding the treatment of the beet physicians it continued to spread and grow rapidly eating two boles in her breast The doctors soon pronounced her incurable A celebrated New York specialist then treat ed her but she con tinued to grow worse and when informed that both her aunt and grandmother had iVdied from cancer he s gave the case up as hopeless Someone then re commended SSS and though little hope remained she begun it and an improvement was no ticed The cancer commenced to heal and when she had taken several bottles it disappeared entirely and although sev eral years have elapsed not a sign of the disease has ever returned A Real Blood Remedy SSS guaranteed purely vegetable is a real blood remedy and never fails to cure Cancer Eczema Rheumatism Scrofula or any other blood disease Our books will be mailed free to any ad dress Swift Specific Co Atlanta Ga Hundreds of ladles write us that they cant find good bindings in our town Its easy enough if you insist on having BIAS VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDING Look for S H M on the label and take no other If your dealer will not supply you we will Send for samples showjnjf labels and mate rials to the S H MCo P O Box 699 New York City 5EEDS > < Perfect seeds grow poylnscropa PerfectseedV Faro notgrowobj chance Koth 1 lng taever left to chance In gow1 ringFerryufleels Dealereflell them everywhere Write for FERRYS SEED ANNUAL L for 1S90 Brimful of valuable Information about bcetnndnew est seeds Free by mau D M FERRY CO Dfitroll Mich ociveh kino nARtT3r xis dv run Acne Tho borioy Wonder Yields right Along on poor good or lndlfforent noils SO to 100 bug per aoro That pays at 20c abusholl Salsors mammoth catalogue it full ot good thlngo Silver Mine Oats yielded 209 bushels in 1895 It will do bettor In 180C Hurrah for Tooslnte Band Vetoh Bpurry and Olant Clover and lots ot grasses and clovers they offer 33 packages earliest vegetables 100 If Ton trill rnt this ont nnA ssocl It with 10c postage to tho John A Sal zer Seed Co La Crosso Wis you will get free ten grain and grass samples Including barley etc and their mam moth catalogue Catalogue alone Ec for mailing wn > i After a woman has tried up a bun dle there is no string loft in tho houso It tho l bj Is Catting Teeth ne sur sml uss that old and well tried r mdy SIBS Winslows Soomtf o brncr for Children Teethlna A Norway ile man is in jail to assort tho sacred principle that ho would not pay 260 taxes Dopend upon tho blood for sustenance Therefore If the blood Is lmpuro thoy are Improperly fed and nervous prostration results To maio pure blood take Sarsaparilla The One Truo Blood Purifier 1 6 for S5 HfififP Pi lie cur habitual consUpa 11UUU ij f lllb tlon Tries a cents The Catholic Opinion Father Weimer Hector of St Josephs Cnurcii Galveston Writes About Dr Veno Under date Dec 23 leoi Father Welmersayat I have heurd Dr Veno lecturo in thfa city and judging not only from a sani tary but aKo from a moral standpoint I can cons clou tiously recommend him Father J M J Iteado Rector St Marys Cathedral Gaheston writes Doc 24 1865 I cheerfully recommend Dr Veno I found hlmhoncsi nnd lair dealing in whatever transactions he had with me I moreover found him liberal In hla charity to the poor both in treatment and supi plying needy families withl food I have heard nothing bui Hood reports of the casesj he undertook to cure I The above la not only the opinion of the priests of tho Catholic church but of mln Istcrs of all denominations concerning Veno and hla world famed remedies The extraordinary cures per formed by these famous medicines have called forth the admiration andunsolicit ed testimony of the best poo plo of tfcia country The Veno Drug Co guar antees to return the money if they full to cure Thev aro sold bv druwrists as follows YlfiNO 8 CUilATiVIi SVllUP is tho best and only scientific cure It permanently curea malaria chills nnd ftivorjand thoroughly euros catarrh constipation and ller trouble It strengthen the nencs clears the brain in vigorates the stomach and purines the blood leaving no 111 effects This medicine has for Its body the famous Llandrlndod water the great grrm destroyer and blood purifier and when used with V1SNCT8 KsLUGTRIO FLUID will euro thq worst and most desperate coses of rheumatism paralysis sciatica neuralgia and all aches and pains They are sold at SO cents each 2 for 5 tt Ask your drucglst to get Venos Curatlyej Syrup and Veno s Electric Fluid for you or write to the Veno Drtu Co Pittsburg Pa TOE A E It MO TOR CO does hair me woncr windmill btulBOM bocanw it hat reduced the cot wind power to l UwbUltwiBs It hu many branch hoives and supplies iu goods and repairs atyour door It can and doe f urolih a better artlcl for lets money than othere It makes immplna and Geared steel Galvanized Mter Corapletlon WladmlUi Tilting Fixed Steel Towers Steel Buii Baw Frames steel feed Cutters and Feed Grinders On application It will name ono of these articles that itwlU furnish until January 1st at 13 the usual price It also makes Tanks and Pumpe of all kinds Bond tor catalogue Factory I 121b Rockwell and Fillmore StretU Cblcajcfe PIKES WHISKEY iClncmnafi T N U UUN Cur sonthing Is Id tlacofOld ltsllaLU PIKES MAQNOLiA IfroardaalerdoMotkeep jit write ui and we wilUn 1ormjorjhowto etit Ack nowledfifld to be Tbo Beat IV W JOIINSOX A COi ClnclnnAtl O Cttecuiori ta R n FIE 0OLE DI8TUIAU A WEEK AGENTS Local or traveling ladles or gents eelllng National Patent DlaliWaahei best marie simple durable lowprico well and honestly mado washes and dries iiieles In two minutes no muss slop scalded Queers or broken dlshoe a child can operate every one warranted one In a locality means a sale to all the neighbors sells on merit every family buys permanent sltnuttou writ for agency World alfg Co U M > Colombus Ohio PARKERS HAIR BALSAM Clcanies and beaatifies the balA Promotes a lnxuilct growth Mover Pails to Bentore Oray CoTorT llaii to lta Youthful Cures Up nd8lJibat htjMiilirjg 0c DnnnriiU Morphine Ilablt Cored In 1Q toSOtinyn No pay till cured DR JSTEPHENS LebanonOMo HOUSTON ptKfc ALL tlit I Hllest Cough Sirup Tastes Good CsO Ca In tlms oidbTtiruRirists C O NSUMP T ro N 403 When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Pupar RISCvS EUJJfE FOR w l >