OCR Interpretation

Shiner gazette. [volume] (Shiner, Tex.) 1893-current, January 23, 1896, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090270/1896-01-23/ed-1/seq-4/

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Best Bargans Largest and Best Stock of
Wines Liquors Beer and Cigars
In Lavaca County
Ono billiard table in connection The proprietor
invites bis friends in particular and tho public in general to give him
call Henry Messor will continue to tend bar
One Year Postpaid 100
On Tlmo 5125
Entered at the Shiner 7cxas Post
Office as second class matter
TnE Flatouia Argus comes out
Fussion between tho democrats
and republicans in this county is
an almost assured fact
War is ths last thing to bo do
sired It would paralyze business
and everything elso But if Great
Britain attempts ta gobble Cuba or
any other country over here there
will certainly be war and a bloody
one too
In another column will be found
tho Associated Press report sent
out Sunday night containing alarm
ing rumors rogaiding tho colling
out of the state troops throughout
ltotho Southern Stales We do not
know how much credenco can bo
placed in tho report Wo want
peaco if wo can get ithonorablybut
if we cant havo peaco wo must
abide the aUernatic
Tub votes that aro to elect the
democratic ticket in Lavaca county
this year must come from the west
end of tho couuey Shiner Moul
tonj Yoakum Witting Moravia
Oak Grovo and Novogoard aro the
voting places where democracy
reigns Consequently the west
half of the county must be liberally
represented on tho ticket which the
democrats put in the field
St Louis January 10 A special
to the Republic from Tallabasse
Florida says Sensational atones
aro afloat here tonight Governor
Mitchell at tho request of the war
adjutant at Washington has order
rd General Houston to see tho
Floida war department placed in
readiness to tako the field at a mo
ments notice Governor Mitchell
it is reportod will oil the militia
out to morrow Similar requests
it is reportod havo heon ecnt to tho
Governors of other Southern States
Clio fetory has becomo generally
known is causing great excitement
throughout thiougbout tho South
Governor Mitchell and Adjutant
General Houston were asked iu ro
gird to it but thoy refused to talk
General Houston has been in his
office all day and has sont telogratns
to all batallion commanders in the
State Major Tumor of Jackson
ville commanding the First Florida
Inttalion has received several mes
hitgeti Ivom tho adjutant genoral
The battalion commanders at Peu
hicoiaand Tampa have also receiv
Id messages from General Houston
during tho day It is stated as
coming irom tho oxecutivo offico
that tho Washington authorities
h ive rcaton to bolicve that Great
Britain and Spain aro negotiating
< or tho sale ot Cuba and that tho
flying squadron it coming to
Aine iei to be ready for tho war
that will inevitably follow the
totnptcd seizure of Cuba
Dispatches from various cities in
Florida today report that troops
are gathering and that tho war
fever is higher now than tho day
after President Clevelands Vene
zulean Message
Washington January 20 Aflat
denial is givon at the War Depart
ment today to tho roport from
Florida that the department has
requested the governor of tho state
to put the Florida troops in read
ness to tako tho field at a nto
monta notice In tho first place it
is paid tho President has no con
stitutional or lawful authority to
mako such a request in tho next
placo thcro is no emergency that
would justify tho calling out of
1200 men who make up the Florida
Tho Pirate Battle on Galveston
Island 1817
A J Sowcll In Uvaldo Democrat
From tho discovery of Galveston
Island in 16S5 by tho colony of
LaSallo up to 1810 it had no per
manent settlers Tho ships of La
Sallo rodo in on the whitocrested
waves of tho gulf and tho daring
Frenchmen under his command
looked at tho grasscovered island
and then bore away to make now
discoveries along tho shores of tho
wild and unknown country and far
onohundred and thirty years tho
spot whoro now stands the flourish
ing city of Galveston was untrod
den by the toot of the pale faco
race Occasionally a few roving
Indians resorted to tho western end
of the island for the purpose of
fishing but thoro was no human
habitation upon it In the bo gin
nigh of 1816 however ships again
rodo at anchor in tho bay and then
Lafitte afterwards known as the
Pirate of the gulf landed with
his men At this time tho inland
was covored with tall grass on
which fed herds of deor It was
also infested with snakes and was
called Snake Island by tho
Tho pirates under Lafitte first
occupied the Island of Barrataria
but woro broken up and diiven
away from that placo by the Unit
ed States government It is related
of Lafitto that on ono occasion
when the governor of Louisiana
offored 500000 for tho head of
Lafitte the saucy pirate offeied
15000 for the head of tb3 governor
which so alarmed tho chief execu
tive that he at once withdiew his
About tho close of the war of
1812 between tho United States
and England Lafitto and his men
joined tho Americans and fought
bravely at tho battle of New Or
leans and for this service rocoivod
full pardon for all past offenses
After the close of the war Lafitte
recruited his band and in 1817
landed ono thousand men on Gal
veston island and began to ereot
habitations intonding to make this
place his stronghold and placo of
operations in the futuro exploits
upon the high eeas
Lafittou men wero of all nntions
and languages lefugees from jus
tice and victimB of oppression who
had fled from their own country
and were ready to mako war upon
all mankind
Lafitto was a well forraod and
handsome man six feet two inches
in height strongly built with large
hazel eyes black hair and heavy
moustache He drosood in a green
uniform and gonerally woro an ot
ter skjaicap but sometimes a wide
briuied hat highly ornamented
and cocked up on ono side Ho
was a man of polito and easy man
ners and his influenco over his
followors was almost absolute Ho
was a Frenchman by birth Lafitto
built himself a house on the Island
painted it red and surrounded it
by a fort After ho had mado tbeso
improvements and become settled
in his new habitation ho called the
island Carapeachy
Just received at Wolters
Bros a car load of lexas
red rust proof oats free from
Johnson Grass
Jury District Court
Grand Jury R Byrne T B Cole
man R Miller H Obelgonnor Nio
Neuhaun Aug Afflerbach A Baron
Sam Mooro Soth Carncs II Millor
T T Dew Jae Precsby B P Steph
enson Jno Harmes Wm Atkinson
John Jacobs
MTIT jury I
1st weok Fritz Koch Wm Mar
burger J P Daily F Fehrfinkainp
Leo Koehler Jno Koonco W Boek
ning FritzSeeger T Judd Chas
Kuykendail m P Billiard J Col
well J E Deitz Paul Fahrenthold
Richard Boehm Austin Johnson e
Georgo Nance S A Clark W F
Johnson Honry Pearce J Kraus
kopf Emil Appolt Wm Chambers
A Hoohhcrtz
2nd week A Baur C Hankc R
Stratmann H Smith R F Hcin
solinE E Blnrae Eug Blakesleo T
E Brannon D R Breedon Julius
Einkauf A F Groober Jno Hicks
Thoo flolscb J M Kirk F Appolt
W Brown Luke Herring J M
Hogan Harry Carvillo WmEngle
king Fritz Borokouhoff LJ Davjs
B C Avant Fritz Koehler Otto
Fertsch Wm Wcndtland Wm
Roebcon John Sehornack J W
Hawkins Wm Luke
Jurors for 3rd and 4th weeks will
bo given noxt week
one car genuine D Landreth sons
car load genuine New York seed potatoes Texas
red rust proof oats
Splendid assortment of Landreth Fciry Bow en Cog garden seed All of the above seeds aro guaran
teed to bo pure and firstclasa Our Btock of general merchandise and farming impliraents is complete
J51 > 5
Shiner Texas
Headquarters for the Farmers
The best of Wines Liquors and Beer Kleins Best
cigars on sale
Lunch at all Hours Fresh Oity Beer always on Tod
Shiner Tjcxao
New fixtures and ucav stock of
liquors all around Call and you
will receive a cordial welcome
Polito treatment accorded all
Makca a specialty of Chronic Nervous Diseases Whiskey Morphine
and Tobacco habits SSFUndern now and distinct System
My treatment is no homo treat
ment I administer my treatment
in my oflico at regular hours
under my own direct supervision
It takes four weeks to euro tho
tobacco habit and my charges are
20 It takes four weeks to euro the
liquor habit and my charges are
75 It takes six weeks to euro
tho morphine habitaud tnychargea
are 130
I have got a treatment that is as
far superior to tho other treatments
aa a railroad is to an ox cart I
guarantee my treatment no cure no
pay I also havo treated with suc
cess all kinds of chronic nervous
troubles Come and seo me office
consultation and examination free
of charge
Cured T Y Plumo G Eilors T C
Moss and J F Michna uf the whis
key habit
Cured of tho tobacco habit Rov
J M Caves Baptist minister Sweet
Homo Texas Scott Taylor Judge
Wimberly Yoakum
Cured of snnll Mrs Ida Freeman
hotel keeper of Yoakum
Cured of morphino habit Frank
Tally of Galveston G P Gharry
formerly of Lockhart now of Yoa
kum John Ray Houston
Can furnish lots of testimonials
that will convince you can fur
nish 1st class references
Can furnish names of parties
where you livo likely who will not
permit their names to be published
both ladies and gentlemen
Will buy your wool hides tallow
pecanseggspoultryaiid produce
Highest cash price paid
Send for their price List
Artistic sign paintins a specialty Wall paper end paper hanging
Also pictorial work All work guaranteed and done on short notice
Theatrical and photographers scenes mado to order

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