i J MOULTON Local UTews Tho next democratic candidate for tho legislature should come from Moulton Slie lias a man w ho can poll tho votos and lead tho democratic hosts to victory Henry Etlingcrs new meat mar ket looks as neat as a pin Ho will toon have tho iloor completed and n ill have tho best equipped meat market in tho county Seed potatoes in largo quantitos just received at D W Hinrichs Rudolph Vyvial has purchased a half intorost in tho business Owned by II T Wunoburgcr Sam Gottliob went to Halletts villo Sunday on business Buy your seed potatoes fiom D W Hinrichs Georgo Bargman gave us a call Sunday Always glad to seo you Win Kucdell tho photographer who has been here for 6omo time will move to Flatonia this week Will receive this week over 1000 pairs of the celebiatcdBrown shoes and slippers of all kinds and vill sell them at prices which will as tonish you Call and seo them as I can save you moneyDW Hinrichs Hugo Bucschor left Saturday for Chicago with fivo car loads of fat oxen belonging to Buebcher Sons S B Mooio went to Houston last Sunday on a business trip Brown shoes and slippers cheap at D W Hiniichs Prof LcHoens band of Merry makers held down the boards at Kotzebues hall Saturday and Sun day nights of last week Every body was pleased with their work Dr J Y Hicks paid Gonzales a business trip hist week For brand now goods go to D vV Hinrichs Our black mud is something ter liblo Frank Neeloy caught a full grown male grey wolf in a trap about four or live hundred yaids from hie bouse Ho has three trips pet and expects to make another haul soon Dr Wudo has been doing sonio excellent dental work at his oflico at Moors hotel this week Ho goes from hore to Shiner D W Hinrichs buys his goods for the cold cash and consequently can mako prices lower than any body Diseased blood constipation and kidney liver and bowel troubles are curt d by Karls Clover Root Tea For salo by A Grave Shiner and A M Kotzebue Moulton The best cough cnie is Shiloho Cure A neglected cough is dan gerous Stop it at onoo with Shit lobs cure For sab by A Gravo Shiner A M Kotzubue Moulton Arc you made miserable by In digestion Constipation Dizziness loss of appetite yellow skin Sbi > lohs Vitulizor is a positivecure For siloby A Slave Sidney A M Kojzebue Moulton K AXBSECHT BLHCKSmiTHond MHEeLMRICHT Horse Shoeing a and Specialty TEXAS NICKEL Editor G > zKTrn Our public school taught ly Miss Zco Bunting closed the term on tho 10th The pupils acquitted thomselves with honor to tho teacher It has boon my happy piivilcge to visit the school taught by this ttblo and highly accomplish eel young1 lady and noer did I seo pupils advance so rapidly as hero Tho Bohemian pupils teemed to advance Jas fast as tho Americans and as devoted to their teacher This is Miss Zoea first term hero and wo all hope she will continue to bo tho teacher for porfect satis faction was giveu to all Mr and Mrs Soth Bunting aio snuggly domiciled in their home Mr Sulac an honorable and ro spectablo Bohemian tanner met with a bhocking accident on tho 2 in which he is not fully lecoveicd Ho was returning from tho woods BJino six miles distant whenco he hid gone in a jumper and it is supposed he ran over a stump and fell out dragging by tho ftet about 150 yards When found his coat and shirt were banging only by the wristbands and he was in an in eonsablocondition lie was badly bruised on one side from his head to his feat ono eyo being perfectly black The liorso in his run had demolished tho gig MrSnlno was brought home and medical aid sum inoned It is now ovor two weeks sinco tho accident happened and Mr Sulac is still in a precarious condition Ho lies in a prostrated condition sleeping all tho while Having never recovered hia mental faculties nothing definite can bo as certained as to how tho accident happened Last Thursday J W Griffin and family weio summoned to the dy ing bedside ot his brotherinlaw W A Cobb of Denton Creek who pa > sed peacefully away to tho realms of eternal blisb on Jauiury 10aftsr an illness ofseveial months with consumption leaving a dis consolate wife and four childien to mourn hi3 loss also many friends who will sadly miss the good man for he was a true and faithful friend in time of need His 10 mains wero taken in chaige by tho U C V and conducted to Denton Creek cemcteiy whero they wero consigned to Mother Earth in tho picsence of n largo concourse of friends The funeral services at tho ichidence wero conducted by Rev Fouls May kind proovidenco help and sustain his family in the r affliction and grief Wo extend our deepest sympithj Ajiicus Capt Sweeney USA San Diego Col says ShilohsCatauh Rem edy is the first medicine I havo over found that would do mo any good Pi ice 50 cents For sale by a Grave Shiner and A M Kotzo bue Moulton Constipation can bo cured by tho uso of Shilohs Cure This gioat Cough Curo is tho only known remedy for that terrible diseabo For salo by A Grave Shiner and A M KoUobuc Moulton VALENTINES Comic nnd laco valentines n endless varioty Como and see them Wo havo tho mo3tiboautiful stock of these goods over brought to Moulton oot your sweothcart a laco valentine at C WHampils Pills do not curo consumption They only aggravate Karls Clover Root Tea gives porfect lcgulaiity to tho bowals For salp by A M Kotzehue Moulton and A Grave Shiner My baby bad croup and was saved by Shilohs Cure wiites Mrs J 1 Mai ton of Huntsville Ah For alo by A Grave Shiner and A M Kotzebue Moulton A CALL By authority vested in mo by law I Isaac Williams chairman of tho republican executive committee of Lavaca county do call a county convention thd 1st dayioP cbfuaiy 1SS0 for tfio purpose Of jJgcting a chairman of the republican party and tho delegates to tho congres sional convention I W WILLIAMS Chairmun I was nervous tired irritable and cross Kails Clover Root Tea lias made mo well and happ Mis E B Worden For salo by A Grave Shiner A M Kotzebue Moulton Farmers report tho roads to bo in a bad condition just now Squiro Ilolwog officiated at a wedding in tho country Monday Somo of our young society peo plowill probibly attend the Leap Year ball at Shiner tonight The sun rose Wednesday morn ing January 22nd on a clear sky for the first time in two weeks Theie being a fino beusqn in tho gound it is to bo dovoutly hoped that tho sun will continue to favor us with its healthgiving rays for an indefinite period and givo tho black land mud a chance to cease from tho evil of its waya p E 53 K7 ThM the Dleordera connonly cU ct Fciato DIsosccs aro tho Foundation ol marly all tho Trouble iron which they iWiar TVtitton CKro i3 miliir oJ tlio vVonil IrJjiIuJ nnd Irronali Norms nro cvisotl bv dernnrreineuta of tlio onnna of z icnutruftioa HcAtlarlie IiaclaclM DlnUra trnptlom of the Skin aiufrr istliig Spoils io alco eymjtcma ofthos madlaes eA Deinnoily6mptomithoir It can bo teien In tb ot lrdlaa usa it Ona Dollar buj Pianos I havo boon Ttfcnetruttlon lowlupo ach monthly I could did bad fai lot th A < l3an e temporary relief loos uo euro the Jlsecse ECOEZjaEISO w B3E OF CUKES hyactlngdlrec Viue of Cardial trantment I commenced mending at oiuo and tvfore I had tired a bottlo I then I had full vaa batto ben lor twelve zaoarha NhTTX WAISON MOULTON LAVAOA OOTJNTY TEXAS THURSDAY MORNING JANUARY 23 1896 ld Barneys Saloon Is where all the people go Fine Whiskeys Liquors Beer and Ci are Moulton Texas UjM ILfeBHU 5i BK OORDES Prop Moultons Most Popular Saloon A full stock of fine Vines Whiskies Recr and Cigars THE OLD SARATOGA WHISKEY always kept in stock Moulton Texas urc < Tho cheapest and best place to have your work dona All work guaranteed Horso shoeing and repair work Moulton Texas Notary Public When you want deeds bills of sale mortgages trust deeds and other legal documents and notices call on me at tho popt office T P JACKSOX MOULTON An RtrM and TlacM for CreryWudotluel Imitations A full Stock of these Stoves at II TWTORRUKGEllS Also Cistern antl Tinware Re pair work a specialty Plumbcra Fitting Moulton Texas ST JOSEPHS BAY SCHOOL MOULTON TEXAS Opened Monday October 1 1895 at tho New School Building A thoiough course of studies if Knglish German and Bohemian For teiins and fiuthor particulars Addicsa REV Jos IIUDECfiK Moulton Toxtit On account of tifaidi Oris to b held in Now Oi loins Feb li the S3 AitAPRy will sell round nip tickots at ono fuo Celling daleH Feb 15 10 and 17 limitod for re turn Match 2 On account of Athletic Expniil on at or near El Paio Feb 14 to 20 tlio S A < T Ry will sell round trp tickets at one faro Selling dalp Feb 8 0 10 11 and 12 limited fi r loturn Feb 22 Lone Star Beer It is not only admitted by its competitors but albo proved by il lapid success tint tho Lono Star Beor eceh all othors JEt EZ03HTEB Agosit Sizing