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Shiner gazette. [volume] (Shiner, Tex.) 1893-current, January 23, 1896, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090270/1896-01-23/ed-1/seq-6/

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ITrnnk Chauyeya Nuso Almoat Torn On
and lie Has an Ufilv Wound Jit lilt
Bide rive Heparatu Trnllii of Isluoil
Frutn Die Homo on the Huow
FoiiT Vaykt i ltd Jan 20 Yes
terday morning tbout 0 oclock llv
Port Wayne sports whilo out for n
time called at n road houso aud
raised n disturbance Tho keeper or
dered tliem away aud slammed tho
door in Frank Chauvcys lace Ills
noso was almost torn oil Tho boys
thou forced tho door in and tho
keeper slezed a shotgun and fired
down ho hallway toward tho boys
Thcro wero flvo scparato trails of
blood from the house on tho snow
and it is supposed that every member
of tho gang was wounded Chanvey
has an ugly wound in his side which
may provo serious Ouo of tho gang
got fifteen shots in his leg Tho phy
sicians in chargo of the other young
men rofuso to reveal their identity
Curloim to See Hill
GuTJtnn Ok Jan 18 Great
crowds surrounded tho United States
jail all day yesterday anxious to catch
a glimpse of Hill Doolin tho notorious
outlaw An examination of tho
official record shows Ithat tliere
are rewards aggregating 3500 oil crod
for his arrest without any rolereuco
to conviction IIo was officially identi
fied yesterday and the money will bo
paid over to Deputy William Tilgh
man who alono aud unaided eilectcd
tho capture An affecting sccno took
placo at tho jail where Doolin met
Bill Kaldlcr his old partner who is
lying badly wounded ou a cot there
having been shot and captured some
time ago by tho same officer who
arrestod Doolin
Iteilgnatlon Accepted
itAimiD Jan 18 Tho cabinet has
u iimously decided to supercede
Captain General Ardireus owing to
differences which exist between thorn
and the political parties in Cuba
General Mario and General Iando
who aro now in command of the
Spanish troops in tho province of
Santiago de Cuba will replace Gener
als Campos and Ardireus tompoiarily
The names of General 1plavicja and
General Weyler are both mentioned
for post of commander in chief in
Atlverllaett For a Wife
Hennessey Ok January 18 Tho
marriage of John Campbell of Blaine
county to Miss Mabel Hagcman of
Michigan City was celebrated by a
big dance at the grooms ranch last
night Campbell is a wealthy cattle
man having been in that business in
Oklahoma and Texas for twenty
years Four wcoks ago ho advertised
for a wlfo aud rocclvcd flvo answers
He sent for Miss Ilageman and was
murrlod immediately ou her arrival
Both aro well ploased at their novel
engagement and marlage
Arretted For Asiault
Faikmount V Va Jan 20 A
negro who is supposed to bo an as
sailiant of Banker Witherells
daughter at Parkcrsbutgwas arrested
here yesterday He answers the de
scription of the much wanted negro
and will be taken to Parkcrsburg to
day The tolegrams from Parkers
burg indicate that should this suspect
proves to bo the right man he will
probably bo lynched if tho authorities
can bo outwitted
> a
Arretted For Whttecapplng
Marion Ky Jan 16 Thirty war
rants wero issued by tho county judge
Tuesday charging thirty citizens of
the northern and western portions of
the county with whitecapping Bight
prisoners have already been brought
bore and it is expected that tho re
mainder will bo arrested by night
Several of the men belong to tho best
Jamlllcs and are young men Consid
erable excitement and trouble 1b
j Carbollo Acid br MUtake
Hennessey Ok Jan 20 Five
men were camped on persimmon
creek west of Cantonment Thursday
night One of thorn Marion Finley
became very ill aud a companion gave
him a dose from a bottlo which he
tup posed contained pain killer but
Instead it was carbolic acid Tho
lick man died after suffering untold
f Killed by an Knglne
New York Jan 18 Alight engine
ran into a crowd of cleaners who wore
walking on tho track of tho Now York
New Haven and Hartford railroad at
One Hundred and Forty Second streot
yesterday killing tivo women and in
luring two other women and a man
no badly that thoy wili probably die
A atnllT Tragedy
Chattanooga Tenn Jan 16 Joe
y Doves wife and seven grown sons
and daughters live on a farm near
Joncsboro Toun Tho man and wlfo
lived together for thirty years peace
ably until recently when proceedings
for divorce wero entored by tho
woman Tho court granted tho divorco
but ordored tho property divided
equally between them icsterday
tho commissioners to partition tho
property under tho decico of tho
court went to tho liinu consisting oi
about 300 acres All tho family was
p eseut when tho commissioners m
rlved Without warning Will
younger sou a partisan of his father
struck John an older urothci who
had sided with his mother a torrlblo
blow felllug him to the ground Ho
covcring himself quickly John drew
his pistol and fired at his assailant
two shots taking eilect but not seri
ously wounding him While this was
goiug on Isaac another sou ou his
iathci s side rushed toward John but
ho received a mortal wound In tho
abdomen In tho meautimo tho
ther hearing of tho allray came on
tho scene annul with a pistol and
seeing John who started to run fired
upon him IIo missed tho ball strik
ing a jouiig daughter and inflicting a
fatal wound from which she later died
During tho meleo the father received
two bullets in tho arm and leg but
by whom llred is not known Dove
is said to bo dyiug at this hour John
aud Will aro in jail without ball Tho
father Is under guard not being m
condition to be removed to jail Tho
Tho family has hitherto 6tood well
and all were very much esteemed by
their neighbors
Cumno Denounctd
New York Jau 17 A special
from Key West Fla sajs According
to private advices from Havana there
was gicat excitement on tho oxchauge
Wednesday and much seditious talk
was indulged in Several colonels
and officers of volunteers who wero
present made speeches against Captain
General Campos and a general pro
test was expressed against his military
inactivity and overhumauo policy
Ouo major of volunteers proposed
that Campos bo cither forced to re
sign or bo lynched and tho speech
received with cheers from various
Spanish merchants The majority of
representatives of Spanish business
houses present signed a petition tci
close tho exchange aud many lavored
closing the stores A delegation from
tho volunteer corps of officers was
named to wait upon Campos and in
sist that Pouudo bo called and glvon
lull military command and that Cam
pos either radically chaugehls politics
or resign The Spanish sentiment
against him is increasing hourly and
trouble is feared Several lorelgu
vessels In tho port by direction of
their consignees have suspended the
discharge of their cargo awaiting tho
outcome of tho aflair Lieutenant
General Marin has been hurriedly
called from Matausas and is now in
consultation with tho captain general
Campos depends upon the regular
forces and upon tho fleet to support
him in tho ovout of trouble but at
this moment there are few troops in
Havana most of tho columns being
out after Gomez and Maceo and for
tunately all tho warships aro away
cruising up and down tho coast
A Mtstourl Tracedy
St JosciH Mo Jan 15 A terri
ble tragedy was reported hero last
night as having occurred at Marys
ville On a farm six miles south of
Marysville lived Joseph Hilderbraudt
his wifo aud family of eight children
tho latter ranging from 2 to 14 years
of age Ilildcrbrandt is at Kansas
Ciiy being treated in a hospital
Yesterday morning his wife becom
ing despondent administered poison
to the children and seven have died
Tno other is not expected to live
Then she completed the work of de
struction by hanging herself to a
rafter The cause oi the tragedy was
poverty Mrs Ilildcrbrandt had bo
despondent and temporarily insane
on account of tho illness of her hus
ntlderlirandt Disappeared
Kansas City Mo Jan 16 Joseph
Illldemrandt husband and father of
the victims of tho tragedy at Marys
ville Mo has mysteriously disap
peared from the All Saints hospital
in the city and last night no traco of
him could be found Monday after
noon Hilderbrandt left tho hospital
stating that ho was going out to
get a chock cashed All of the hospi
tals have been visited in an attempt
to locate him
Will Report Farorably
Washington Jau 14 Tho senate
committee ou the judiciary yesterday
decided to report favorably the nom
ination of Chas B Siinontown to b
district attorney ot the western dis
trict of Tennessee This appointment
was opposed by Senator Harris and
charges were lied but were not re
garded as sufficient by the judiciary
Fatal shootluE
Cauwdu Tex Jan 14 Last
Saturday during tho absence of Mr
Ferdinand Gold a constablo attached
some of his property This enraged
Gold and in the difficulty which fol
lowed Gold was shot and killed
Conflict of n Doctor with nn Kloren
loot Moniitcr
Two medical students Tred Kernn
and Charles Ellsworth of this city who
spent their vacation In tho vicinity at
Unlontown while near tho tragic and
famous spot tho White rocks In tho
Alleghany mountains about ten miles
from Unlontown mot with an adven
ture that almost adds another horror
to that placo says ihe Pittsburg Dis
patch Wearied with their wanderings
tho two paused and Mr Kernn throw
ing himself upon a mossy rock was
soon fast asleep Mr Ellsworth who
sat near by was In a short time
startled by a cry from hU companion
and on turning around was horrified
to sco a huge blacksnnko rapidly wind
ing Itself about the body of Mr Kernn
Mr Kernn who was now on hit knees
staggered to his feet but the snake had
suceeoded In colling Itself two or three
times around his body fastening his
left arm in a helpless position Mr Ells
worth started forward to his assistance
of his unfortunate companion but could
do nothing During the terrible en
counter Mr Kernn never for a moment
lost his presence of mind but made re
peated efforts to seize tho reptile by
the neck hoping thus to choke It to
death The snake now tightening Its
colls every moment and almost crush
ing the life out of the young men sud
denly stopped with Its head In midair
and Its tongue darting rapidly back
ward and forward and Hi eyes fixed
upon Mr Ellsworth gave the nervy
young doctor the opportunity hohad
hoped for Kernn now quickly and bold
ly seized the neck of the reptile with
his free hand Ellswrrth seeing that
tho strength of his companion was isp
idly going rushed in to his assistance
At this moment Kernn sank exhausted
upon the rock but not before Ellawoith
with jackknlfe In hand had also celzed
the snake by the neck Pressing the
neck of the monster firmly upon the
rock with his left hand he with his
right quickly severed the head from
tho body The colls of the snake slowly
loosened from the body of Kernn who
was now unconscious A little brandy
however soon revived him and In sn
hour he with the aid of Mr Ellswoith
was able to make his way to a farm
house at the foot of tho mountain Tho
snake measured 11 feet C Inches in
length and the oldest inhabitants say
It is the largest snake ever found In
the neighborhood within their recollec
The Irblt Fair
The Irblt fair which is held at Irblt
In the province of Perm between the
1st of February and the 1st ot March
is not on thov great tradlnc route be
tween Russia and Siberia and jet it is
at Irbltthat Siberia is supplied with
manufactured goods for the year and
to which Siberia sends a large portion
of her furs skins fish honey wax
hempseed linseed and even butter
Here too Is a great market for Chinese
tea and silk and for many products of
Central Asia Most of the goods left
unsold from the NIJnlNovgorod fair
aro sent on to Irblt and Siberian goods
left unsold from trie Irblt fair are In
turn sent on to NIJnlNovgorod For
Russian goods the traders enjoy some
special privileges for carriages from
fair to fair The Irblt fair dates from
1643 but up to tho beginning of the
present century had not exceeded a
turnover oi 2000000 rubles per annum
In 18C3 however It had grown to G0
000000 and In 1887 it reached 57000000
which was the highwater maik By
1892 the turnover had declined to 34
000000 rubles and this fair Is expected
to suffer a good deal from the Trans
Siberian railway now In course of con
struction which will tako Siberian
grain and furs and other products di
rect to the Russian railway system
Irblt Itself is but a small place of C000
Inhabitants but during the falrthe
population rises to 100000 and many of
the houses are open only while the fat
A Illltorlo Barber Hhop
Glamorgans barber shop In St
Louis which is soon to be dismantled
has long been famous in the West Its
original proprietors who wero octo
roons established it In 1852 and fitted
it up luxuriously with mahogany
chairs marble tubs imparted from
Italy and tho finest of tonsorlal para
phernalia Dickens was shaved there
and Grant Gen Pope Benton Douglas
and other celebrities of the day patro
nized it Grant lndeedVis said to have
had his hair cut thereoftener than any
other customer Perhaps its crowning
glory was the patronage ot the Prince
of Wales who finding tho Planters
house tubs primeval came to lave in
Glamorgans Italian marble Etiquette
forbade him however to occupy one of
the barbers chairs
An Old Account Book
Dr Thomas Knowlton Marcy ot
Windsor tonn has found an account
book which was kept by Colonel
Thomas Knowlton the revolutionary
hero whose statue was unveiled lost
week It contains the notes of Colonel
Knowltoas command at the battle ot
Bunker Hill and a list of tho killed
Dr Marcy will present tile book to the
Connecticut Historical society
The Personal Side
Of George Washington
Not the General nor President but the lover
the man the husbandand neighbor Three of
such articles by General A W Greely the
famous Arctic explorer will shortly beginin the
Ten Cents on All Newsstands One Dollar a Year
AXAlNITPn Agents to look after renewals and new
YYAmIDU subscribers Profitable employment offered
The Curtli Pubtlshlnz Company Philadelphia
eorvmoHT ism bv the curtis rususHiNO company
Poms VtQisi EXxiumKvi Intoxicating
Cures ftMMDisEiHt

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