On Btlo via the
in Antonion an Aransas Pass Railwa
To all
M Corpus Clirisii Mprt Aransas Pass aniT Portlaiil
Apply to Local TIckot Agent
s j Yourycs
City Meat Market
Moots first ami third Sunday in
caoh month at Opera House
j aXo u w
Meets tecond Monday in each
month at Opera House N
K of P
Meets first and third Friday nights
in each mouth at Opera House
w o w
Meets last Wednesday in each
month at Opera House
C S P s
Meets second Sunday in each month
tat Opera IIouso i
No 3950 K of H
Meets third Tuesday In each month
ist > Opera Houso
S Prop
h a 10 0 v a p lj e v
MB E 20
Mayor T C Blohm
Marshall R II Loossln
C II Flato It LEaohenbnrg
U Wagoner Louis TrautweuL
E F Writers
V Cjile for Two
From the Scientific American The
bicycle lias now reached a typical con
struction Iiom which thero teems to
be slight tendency to deviate Abso
lute novelties beyond the details aro
more and more rare Tho companion
side Seated bicycle which we represent
la however ono of tho novelties ot tha
car Xle tandem blcjclo which has
tnet with Considerable success where
the desire is to have company on a
ride Is moiQ or less criticised on ac
count of the position of the riders one
of whom must bo behind tho other In
the bicVciothatwo lllustrato It la pro
posed to hive the two riders s eated side
by sldo as in the oldfashioned so
ciable tricycle and yet to have the
two riders carried by two wheels only
The long axlo of tho rear wheel en
ables the use of two sprockets at Its
extremities so far apart as to permit
of each ones being acted upon through
a separate pair of spiockets each ac
tuated by a separate rider There Is a
triple head and a duplex frame the
latter carrying two saddles placed side
by side at a proper distance apart for
two riders to occupy also sldo by bide
It is said that a difference ot 100
pound3 weight In two riders is not no
ticeable and that a person who Is Ig
norant of riding may bo taken out on
this wheel with perfect safety
The system of mounting is peculiar
Forthe first ono who mounts the wheel
Is Inclined to one side and this rider
takes his or her place on the lower
Eaddle Tho machine Is then pulled
back to an upright position and the
second rider mounts by the pedal and
so the start Is made Tho dismount is
made In tho same way reversing of
course the operations The two sad
dle posts are connected it will be ob
served by a crossbar At the center
of the crossbar Is a special socket
When a single persort Is riding tho
< vheel the saddle Is transferred to the
central position and tho rider sitting
thero drives the machine by ono of the
right hand and ono of the left band
sets of pedals This of course pro
duces considerable lost motion on the
pedal action but it at least is possible
for a single rider to take caro of and to
drive the wheel to and from the place
lot appointment with his friend It is
not a wheel depending absolutely on
the presenco ot two ridrs
Of course the materials In the pre
scriptlon are not near worth tho price
but ws charge for knowing how Oh
well thero is no doubt that you hnow
how to charge Indianapolis Jour
A TtoMiVfiAttEDY
lie Theu Commit Suicide by llnncme
lllmnelf Wounded frartlen May Un
convicted of forcurylr
Wiimah Tex Fob 24 Joe Machel
a Bohemian about fiO years of age
living about three miles east of Wei
mar was in Weimar Saturday pur
chasing sonio goodp got full of whisky
and wont home Ho became frenzied
shot his wife uetir tho loft nipple
wounding Iter sorlously shot nls
fourteen year old boy In the right
side and then conmitttod sulcido by
hangitig himself Tho wife and son
woio siill living at last reports and
may recover 4
KUlmt lll FatliBr
Nashvimi TcunFob 22 E It
Campbell cxcloik of tho United
Statos district court was killed by
his sou Robert Campbell of this city
yesterday Yotiug Campbell had
bcon regarded ns mentally unsound
for soiuu time Mr Campbell was
walking down North Vino street with
his sen E It Campbell jr when tho
latter suddeuly drew a revolver and
shot his fattier ju t > ovcr tho right ear
tho bullet entering tlin brain Mr
Campbell fell and expired Young
Campbell was Immediately taken iuto
custody and conveyed to tho police
station He is 2G years old and has
been a patient at a privalo sanitarium
in Michignu ami in this state atdlll or
ent times It is thought the killing
was duo to tho bollot on tho part ot
ouug Campbell that his fntntr In
tended to Bond him back to an aejlum
lor treatment Deceased had been a
clerk of the United Stattscourt for
mauy yenrs and was well known
SutolllWii Itoute
New OiuEAN Ia Fob 22 Card
inal Sutolli ablegate of the sovereign
pontiff Loo XIII n ecompauied by his
irlvato sccietnry Father Osban both
or Washington left horo last night
ovor the Southorn 1aclllc for Galves
ton wheto his eminence Wll celebrate
pontifical high mass next Sumlay
They go to Sun Auioufo Monday and
will boin El Iaso Wednesday Three
days will bo spent with the lueblos
at the Indian vll age Isleta and Al
buguerque where Indian festivities
will bo celcbrafeilS Tnreo days will
be sp nt at Santo Fe thon on to Den
ver where reccpjlous and religious
cxercios coverlngjiwo days have been
arranged FrpmtDouver tho routo
leads to Kansas Qitf where another
pontifical mass will bo celebrated
Sunday March 8 Then Cardinal
Satolll goes lo St Louis One mouth
will be conslimod in this tour of the
Suy lie Vtns lloblie < l
Foot Wontif Tox Feb 24 Yes
terday morniug Collins Adams who
runs a small grocery storo on East
Twelfth street reported at tho police
headquarters that he was silting in
its siore Saturday night when a man
entered pointed a pistol at his head
and ordered him to hand over all the
money he hod Adams promptly
complied when Iho stranger backed
out of the door closed it hold his
pistol against the glass until ho saw
his way of escape clear aud then left
Ho threatened to kill Adams if the
latter made any outcry Adams Bald
ho was afraid to get out to summon
help until the man had escaped
Wnntml In Alabama
San Anionic Tor Fob 22 A II
Draper has boon arrested here charged
with tho theft of court records on
January 10 1815 from United States
circuit court ot tho northern district
of Alabama The papers he is alleged
to havo stolen woru witness pay rolls
certitlcd to by Robert Chsrleon then
a United States commissioner The
papers stolen wore part of tho evidence
against Charlsou charged with ren
dering false claim against the United
States aud who was arrested hero last
week Draper has waved further
proceedings for his removal to Birm
ingham where tho Indictment against
him was drawn J
ronvtctodof Forgery
CoiiANCiii Tex Fob 21 In tho
caso of the state ol Texas against A
J Caffey cxtieasurer of Comanche
county in which ho Was charged
Avith forgery lnjthe district court
Saturday tho jury brought in a ver
dict of guilty audassesed his punish
ment at three yeurs in tho pouiten
tiary Mr Cafleyi stood high in the
public estimation up to the time of
his indictment Thero aro several
cases still pending against him of a
similar character Mr Caffey is about
76 years old
Editors Under llond
FrUNituN Tor Feb 21 U S
Morehead and Hill Calvert editors of
tho Bremoud Star were arrested aud
had an examining trial beloro Justice
It J Lloyd hero yosterday charged
with criminal libel They wero each
placed under a 200 bond to appear
bofore the March term of tho county
Landlady Rtalibed
Austin Tex Fob 20 Tuesday
nigh < thero arrived in the city from
Georgia n man by tho namo of J T
Crow Ho was accompanied by his
wile A hotel runnor showed them
to tho Ialuior house kept by Mrs F
M lroir aud her husband They
Buccesaor ror Cralii
Austin Tex Feb 19 Much op
position to a special election to olect
a successor to Mr Crain in tho
Eleventh district is manifesting itsolf
and tmeS8 it is compulsory with tho
governor it is moro than probable
that ho will comply with tho wishes
of tho pcoplo by not ordering n special
election as all know this is a busy
limo with the f iriuors aud an election
now would put thoni to no little trou
blo and iucouveniouca Another ar
gument is used that a congressman
elected at a tpeclal election would
have but little Hmo to servo beloro
the regular election would conic on
and that tho oxpeuso incurred in hold
ing n special olectlou would bogrpator
than tho cniergoncy if emorgeucy it
cau bo called demands At tho regu
lar election tho man can servo both his
own term and tho remainder of tho
uullnished term created by Mr Crains
death and whilo tho governor has not
expressed himself on the subject it is
very likely that no Bpeclal election in
tho Eleventh district will he called fot
tho purpose of electing a successor to
Mr Grain
Woman Ueportetl Killed
Galvuson Tox Feb 20 Thurs
day morning at 2 oclock Robert Mag
nolia colored called at the drug store
on Tremout and Avonuo O and not
ified Mr Kecno that a few minutes
beloro a colored man living on avenue
P 12 between Twentyfifth and
Twentysixth strcot had shot and
killed his wife and run away Mag
nolla could give no coherent account
of tho tragedy Mr Kecno at once
telephoned the police station and the
patrol wagon was sent out on the
rim Coroner Barry was also notified
by Night Clerk Wheeler The woman
The nooTOr Homicide
Colomaus Tox Feb 18 Tuck
Hoover was killed j estorday evening
rt Alleyton It appears that deceased
and his wile wero in the storo ot W
F Neal trading when the fatal shots
wero fired which canio from a back
room adjoining tho store Two shots
wore fired ono load of buckshot
cloycu out of twelve taking eirect
The other load was srall shot which
encred his back ns ho fell The de
ceased had his Winchester rlllo by
him but did not use it Tho defend
Decatur has a literary club
Hunt county only owes 14250
Ward county has Just had u Jail dollv
ory <
Tho railroad shops at Tyler are to
wero shown to a loom by tho porter
ue enlarged
without the knowledge of the laud I
Prohibitionists will nominate
o a
lady and her During the
Btate llckot
night Mr and Mrs Crow were >
alarmed by a noiso in tho hall and be I Wichita county will issue 9000 of
lug uuacqiiaiutod with tho ways of bridge bonds
tho world and having just arrived in Hillsboro has another local option
Texas them imagined they were in election on hand
dauger of having their room iuvnded I c H > samlngtoni a iquor dealer at
lliero was no lock on their door so Dall ms talIeil
Mr Crow got out ot bed and prepared I
todetoud Ids rights Shortly alter f fi T5 ° We 5SG48 Wlth
tho noise in the hall was heard Mr 3851S8 on hand
licar tho landlady went to tho loom Grayson county has Issued 15600 of
occupied by Mr and Mrs Crow not record vault bonds
di earning that tho porter had placed A J Brown doing a grocery business
anybody in there As she opened the at LaQrango has failed
door Mr Crow beibroseelug who It
A Btud t clubbe professor at
was plunged a knife iuto MrsMiears
Waxahachle recently
breast iitilicting a very painful and
probably serious wbuud Tho occur Iid TPP3 took to ° mlIch morphine at
euco was a most uulortunato ono nud i Houston recently and died
Is deplored by none moro Hum Mr Fort Worth Is to entertain tho big
and Mrs Crow It was their first cattle convention next month
night in Texas aud they wero en
routo to llluff Springs this county
whore they expected to locate Soon
The Populist state executive commit
tee will meet In the near future
M1 la h J t paid 1 200 In
alter tho cutliug Officer Jim GrWd V
was sent for aud conducted them to torest on ljonds hed th ° ECho fund
tho police station where they aro be Nolan county recently redeemed
ing held awaiting the result of Mrs 2000 of bonds held by tho school fund
Prears wound
referred to has been sent to the hos1 to 0T8S The county treasury is
pital seriously wounded but not
The Fannin county Alliance men
want the next State Alliance held at
Tho Popjullsts have nominated can
didates for county officers in several
Comanche county hai just redeemed
1000 of courthouse bonds hold by the
school fund
The postmasters In the hirger towns
and cities did a rushing baslness on St
Valentines day
The officers aie still pursuing the
blind tiger and malt tonic peoplo
In Johnson county
The Texas Division American Cotton
Growers Protective association met
at Waco on the lStb Inst
The comptroller reshtered u 3500
Issue of Chlco Wise county school
house bonds a few days ago
Bids will be asked for the recov
ering painting and general repair ol
the fedsral building at Dallas
Recently the team of Jc3S Tones liv
ing four miles north of Elmo Kauf
man qounty became frightened ran
away overturning the wagon and
throwing him out He was dragged be
neath the wagon for several feet frac
turing his skull breakinghis collar
bone and left armnearthe shoulder
Mr Jones Is 03 years old and will hard
ly recover
During the fiscal year just ended tho
total receipts of Dallas county amount
ed to 25300704 total disbursements
12851000 leaving a balance of 70
49098 on hand Twenty 1000 bonds
were redeemed leaving thf bonded in
debtedness remaining 5321000 divided
as follows Courthouse bonds 276000
road and bridge bonds 18000 jail
bonds 27000 The receipts from ad va
lorem and redemption taxes amounted
In firstclass running order and fifteen
more 1000 bonds will be redeemed
right away
Partlos digging a well near China
Springs McLennan county found In a
j gravel stratum twentythree feet be
low the surface an Image In clay of
queer shape apparently an idol It
looks as if was made with the Angers
I while the clay waa soft and burned
In a very hot fire causing It to glaze
from sand particles contained in the
clay It a Is rather giotesque effigy
I having features which might be human
or ape either The mouth Is wide and
the ears sticking up above the top ot
the head The nose is hooked and tho
ant came to Columbus and gavohnn1 B la ln SQiuUIng position It Is
six Inches from the pedestal which
self up to Sheriff Ileese
Child Killed l > r a Tree
Omaha Tex Feb 19 I K Hog
ers and his son who live five miles
north of tills place wero sawing down
a very large tree Mr Rogers little
daughter 3 years old was standing
noar unknown to him until tho tree j
had nearly reached to the ground
Sho was caught under tho top of the
falling ttce and killed
Killing nt ruraley
Oohsioana Tox Feb 21 A kill
ing occurred at Ptirsley this county
Wednesday evening DeerDorffwas
shot and instantly killed with a double instantly
barreled shotgun Itubo Ulce gave
himself up to the officers and waa
brought to this city and jailed to
await tho action of court Both par
ties are white
OTertloge of Morphine
Denison Tex Fob 21 Yesterday
evening between 7 and 8 oclock Chas
Wltcher 6on of J O Witcher ol
It squats to the crown of the head and
the whole thing weighs four ounces
Eugene Dalton living near Taylor
cut off the forefinger of his right hand
some days ago in a feed chopper
Burleson county has just redeemed
1500 of courthouse and 1000 of jail
bonds held by the school fund
Near Bartlett Williamson county a
few days since Gus Grawunders two
children a boy about 12 and a little
girl of 3 years were playing ln a room
A gun leaning against the wall was
knocked down and waa discharged
The bullet pierced the head of the little
girlJust above the left eye killing hei
Amos Nichols living near Van Al
styne Grayson county while eating
dinner the other day fell over dead
On Jan 31 tho penitentiary board had
9808118 on hand 6800032 of which
was in the state treasury the re
mainder being in nine different bankB
Another Dallas county jury has found
Dr It H Jones guilty of murdering
Bolls Tex committed sulcido by Capt W G Veal and assessed his pun
taking an overdoso of morphine Ho Ishmont at twenty years in tho peniten
left a lettor to his lather stating that I tlaryt
he had lost his Job all his attends and f hoPooplos party executive commit
that tho only girl ho over loVed had tee ot thq Eleventh congressional dis
mantled and lllo hid no charms for met at Rockport on the 18lh ln3t