Aransas Pgiss
talking about ono another The
Jast report ho had from them they
had talked oneof their number into
jail and all weio in eminent dan
der of goiug to tho samo place as
the result of too much talk
Tho writer knoivs of a cise that
discounts tins Not moro than a
thousand miles from Shi nor there
Htood a few years ago a beautiful
littln villiage It stood on a high
bluff ovoilooking a wido and deep
river The bluft was covered with
lofty vlimit trees and the people
of tho village were wont tp gather
hero in this grove overy warm eve
ning undCiijoy the splendid view
over the deep valley below The
streets weiewidu and clean and
lined1 with beautiful residenccsTho
great majority of the inhabitants
wore cither rich or welltodo and
nit lived together in harmony and
l > ic until one day ono of tho
Best Bargans Largest and Rest Stock of
Wines Liquors Beer and Cigars
la Lavaca County
Ono billiaid table in connection The proprietor
invites his friends in paiticular and tho publio in gcneial to give him a
call Henry Mcsscr will continue to tend bar
Published bveby Thursday by
One Year Postpaid 125
Entered at the Shiner Texas Post
Office as second class matter
Bill Nye tho famous humorist
died Sunday at his home at Ash
ville South Caiolina
Rudolph Klebkiw vv ill prob
ably succeed tho late Win Henry
Crane in congrtBsfrom tho eleventh
Any ono wishing to see Mr
Eaton of the lato fuin of Mensing
Eaton of Galveston can now
find him at tho city jail in Galvcs
ton whore he is no doubt ready to
draw up checks in countless num
bers Mr Eaton has one little ec
centricity that isho always forgets
to sign tho checks
They met tho great Fitzsimmohs
and the great Maher over among
the Greasers across tho Rio Grande
and Fit givo it to him whera the
chicken got tho ax Tho cactus
and sage brush had been cleaicd
away for the occasion and the
coyotes and prairie dog s had taken
to their hqlos in terror Tho con
gregation gathered but > the pro
ceedings opened without prayer
Fitzreaehed for Mahers stomach
but Maher dodged Then Maher
reached for Fitzs left oar but
missed Meanwhile Eitz had been
getting his right list into action
and proceeded to swing it around
his head three timusandtho iourth
time it cauio around it hit some
thing and that something diapped
It was tho man called Maher The
sports bowled Fitz stuck 30000
down in his pocket and the crowd
dispersed without waiting for the
benediction The coyotes crawled
out of their holes again and a8 tho
train stoamed away human events
icsumed their normal condition
Will S Tames in his address last
Sunday night told of an amusing
story pf tho people of a ceitaiu
town who made a practice of sit
ting aiound on the streets and
wealthiest citizens decided to fenco
up a part of his land which joined
tho publio park on tho blufi An
other prominent citizen declared
that ho had nq right to close up
this land as tho town was entitled
tothofieouso of it Mustering a
few of his adherents thpy destroyed
tho fenco ono night A law suit
followed and was docided in favor
of tho owner of tho land A very
bitter animosity had boon engen
deied between these two citizens
The next night aftor tho court do
cided tho ease tho barn and con
tents belonging to tho owner of tho
land who was a physician wcro
burned to tho ground Soon after
this the immense store of tho other
citizen was fired and destroyed with
all its contents Tho war was on
and soon every man woman and
child in tho village hud taken sides
Each leader had a email army of
followers many of whom wero worth
less characters men who would cut
your throat or fire your houso for
5 In two years there were eight
lesidences six stores two factories
two mills and seven barns burned
Tho doctor lost his residence was
shot twice by ambushed cnpmio
his baby wa3 killed in ilB mothers
arms as she sat by the windowTwo
of his followers wcro alto killed
The other side fared equally as bad
two brothers being shot down side
by side Now the once beautiful
village is a ruined waste Half of
it burned and popple are afraid to
rebuild Tho doctor and the mor
cliiintjvvho staitedthqfncd are still
theic and swear they Hull did in
their tracks No grand jury has
ever beon able to return a single
indictment as people uro afraid to
tell what they know
This caso reminds us of two farm
ors who were neighbors One of
th em grubbed up his fence rovy and
and throw the brnsh over in his
neighbors field He throw it back
again and a quarrel ensued which
resulted in a suit for damages Up
to this timo tho two families had
been very intimate When Sunday
came Jones would tako all of his
family and fo over and spend tho
day with Brown and tho next Sun
day Brown would return the visit
with all his family When the suit
camo up Brown filed acounter suit
and among tho articles specified by
him was H7G0 for board duo him
from Jones on account of Jones
numerous visits Jones not to be
out done charged Brown 30 for
30 loans of an iron wash kettle Tho
caso was appealed several times
and at last accounts it had cost
each farmer about ftlOOO
Blaok Wall
A Porcheron Stallion about 1G
hands high and coal black in color
will stand this season at my farm
about 5 miles south of Shiner near
the old Berckonhoff place Terms
> S insuicd Will tako marcs at 1
per month in pasture
John Mladenka
Tho Meetings Closed
Rev Will S James closed his tab
ernaclo meetings Sunday night
Ram Saturday and Sunday kopt
many away and but little interest
was shown Roy James has many
friends hero Ha goes from heie
to Yoakum wheio he will conduct
a teries of meetings
The jLargest and best assortment of Printed Lawns Sateens
fe White Goods Swisses Nuns Veiling Percales
And numerous other Styles Laco3 and Embroderies to match We invite the ladio3 to look over this
ILiine of Si z ing Goods
A Oliaugo of Vennc
Aftor listening to lengthy argu
ments from both sides Judgo
Spoonor granted a change of venuo
to John Othold Friday Tho caso
v ill now come up at Cucro in Do
Witt county John looks palo
and worn from long confinement
and smiled when he heaid tho
Judgo grant tho change
A Thoroughbred
Kentuc k y Jack
Will the
stand at g
Wiseman farm ono a w
milo northwest of Shiner this sea
son 10 insured 750 per season
Satm day night February 8th a
saddle bridloand blanket from my
horse dome where west of Shiner
Horse beinglost at the time il5
reward for any information as to
the whereabouts of this property
Ciias EsoiiENBUna
Karls Clover Root Tea is a suro
cure for Headache and nervous dis
eases Nothing relieves so quickly
For salo byA Grave Shiner and
A JI Kotzebue Moulton
For dyspepsia and liver com
plaint you have a printed guaran
tee on every bottle of Shilohg Vi
talizer It never fails to cine For
bale by A Grave Shiner and A M
Kotzebue Mdutlon
Health and sweet breath secured
by using Sbilchs catairh remedy
PricoSOc nasal injector free For
sale bv A Grave Shiner and A M
KohebubjMou lloh
focathoi lfp Mary Amgler
Mrs Mary Anislor aged 93 years
died at Hempstead Thuisday Feb
2th Tho deceased lady with her
husband tho late C O Amsler Sr
camo to Texas from Switzerland in
1831 and knew all the early promi
nent citizens of the state and often
rehearsed tho stirring times of the
early days of Texas when tho set
tlers combated with Indians and
Mexicans vrhe lady had always
up to a fow days ago enjoyed good
health and had four generations of
her fitraily living vilnder the same
roof Her daughter Mrs Chus
Welhausen accompanied by C B
Welhausen left here Thuisday to
attend tho funo ral
Consumption LaGrippo Pncu
monia and all jtliroat and lung dis
casesaro curedby Shilohs Cure
For sale by AGiave Shiner and
A M Kotzebue Moulton
Thousands of cases of consumpt
ion asthma coughs colds croup
aro cuied ecery day by Shilons
Curo For sale by A GiavoShinor
A M Kotzebue Moulton
Karls Clovor Root Tea purifies
tho bloodand gives a clear and
beautftrcomploxion For salo by
A Grave Shiner and A M Kotze
bue Moulton v
On account1 of tho Catholic Win
ter scbopl of America and Mardi
Grag carnival at New Oileane tho
S A A P Ryancl connections will
make special rates
Ask your pKvsician your drug
gist andd your fiienda about fShi
lohs CUrofof Consumption Thoy
will recommendjit For sale by A
Grave Shiner and A M Kotzebue
Constipation causes moro than
half the ills o f women Karls
Clovor Root Tca4iS a pleasant euro
for Coustipationsf Eor Salo by A
Grave Shiner afld A M Kotzebue
fauwa3 ifljsi SfkItjS flpaqsclM
Imnrli at all Hous Tresli City Btti always on Tau
Shiver Texas
Fine Stock of JeweJry
pSfCull on him at his new htand near tho Post Office
New fixtures and new
liquors ail around Gall and you
will receive a cordial welcome
Polite treatmont accordsd all
On orabout December 22 1895 one brotyn horse 16 hands high
branded lazy E and 6 connected on left shoulder Lame in right
shoulder when last sem Heavymain and tail One baldfaeod bay
paid for any
leading to the recovery of these hoises
Mr Knesel has seemed tho sole right to pell tho celebrated
patent hamo hook in Lavnca and DeWitt counties Ho has
on hand a fine stock of Saddle Whipd Harney etc and
turns out none but firstclass work YOAKUM TEXAS
Makes a specialty of Chi onio Nervous Diseases Whiskoy Morphine
and Tobacco habits Undera new and distinct system
My treatment is no home treat
ment I administer my tieitment
in myloflico at regular hours
under my own direct supervision
It takes four weeks to cure the
tobacco habit and my charges aio
20 It takes ionr weeks to curo tho
liquor habit and my charges aro
75 It takes six weeks to curo
the morphino habitand raycharges
aio 4150
I havo got a tieatment that is as
far superior to the other treatments
as a railroad is to an ox cart I
guaranico my treatment no cure no
pay I also havo floated with suc
cess all kinds of chronic nervous
troubles Como and see mo office
consultation arid examination free
of charge
An any price the old Kof P hall
next to Mueckos store Apply to
Chas Muecke or address me at
Gonzales Texas
F Maurux
Cured T Y Plume G Eilers TO
Moss and J P Michua of tho whis
key habit
Cured of the tobacco habit Rev
J M Caves Baptist minister Sweet
Homo Texas Scott Taylor Judgo
Wimberly Yoakum
Cured of snuiF Mrs Ida Freeman
hotel keeper of Yoakum
Cured of morphino habit Erank
Tally of Galveston G P Cheiry
formerly of Lockhart now of Yoa
kum John Uay Houston
Can furnish lots of testimonials
that will convince you can fur
nish 1st class references
Can furnish names of riaities
where you live likely w ho w ill not
permit their names to he published
both ladies and gentlemen
On account annual meeting of
Texas Scat Tournament at La
Grange Sunday Marck 15 tho S A
Ac A P Ry will soil round tiip tick
ets at one and onethird fare Sell
March 13 and 14 limited to re
turn March 17