OCR Interpretation

Shiner gazette. [volume] (Shiner, Tex.) 1893-current, February 27, 1896, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090270/1896-02-27/ed-1/seq-8/

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in order to reduce my stock of
Crockery I will sell a beautiful
decoration of the genuine MeaKin
ware absolutely guaranteed at
cost for 30 days for cash only
Hoio is a splomlid chance to obtain tho very best crockery at lowest
pi iced Those who come first will get the pick of tho stock
DRY GOODS This Department includes all kinds of Dress
Goods Calicos Domestics Notions etc
CLOTHING Our line of Clothing include Mens Boys and
Youthb Clothing Over Coats Hats Caps and Gents Furnishing
Goods Prices lower than the lowest Full stock of Groceries and
Notions all fresh Agent for
aeOotton and Cotton Seed S
Bought at highest cash prices
Has exclusivo salo of thrso cele
brated glasqs in Shiner from tho
factory of MooreifcKellum tho only
complete optical plant in tho
South Atlanta Ga
> i V <
Rain fell all day Sunday
Lent began Wednesday
Potato planting is nearly ovor
Mrs John Elsik died Monday
There are 4401 convicts in our
etato penitentiaries
Go to Merseburgerfl for fruits
Miss Willie Dickson roturned
from Wharton Sunday
New garden seed for sale by J E
t According to repoitn precinct No
3 is without a constable
A nice assortment of work bas
kets at J E Mcreebiirgers
Tho new Lutheran church will
be dedicated next Sunday
J II Huebner is building a new
residence Wra Lau contractor
Get a bottle of Vici shoo polish
at Ed Colemans
The waterworks hive been ex
tended to eoveral saloons
Abe Mulkey is coining to Moul
ton this summer
Gctypu n ready mado fishing
inent J E Mereebuygcrs
Rain fell nil over Southwest
reins for pevciardays this week
Rent contracts and chattel mort
gage blanks for salo at A Graves
drug store
A car load of choice New York
seed potatoes jlist received at C II
Platos i
Wiley Thornton hadhis harness
badly cut up at the tabernacle one
riight last week
Hon Jonathan Lano announces
that ho will not be a candidato for
congress this yoar
L B RichtPr is in Uoso Bud and
Rudolph Welhauson is in Alice on
businow this week
Miss Ada Priestly of Yoaku m
was the guest of Mits Mamio Cox
hero during tho recent meetings at
the tabernacle
L M Kokernot and 0 L Wil
liams attended tho regular meoting
of A F and A M at Moultou last
Saturday night
Dave Meyers who killed two
men in a houeo of ill famo at Cam
eron a year or two ago has been
given a life term in thoponitentiary
One or tne maskers from tho ball
Thursday night played tho ghost
with greatbuccsss in tho eabtern
part of town Several got a little
Chas H Flato is preparing to
crept a handsome dwollinghonsH on
tliOjiCorner opp oito Ed Wango
minns residence on East Main
A full stock of perfumeries
brushes toilet cases combs station
ary behool books i anoy toilet ar
ticles and notions of all k inds at
A Graves diug store Shiner Tex
The free nightly concerts gheu
by the frogs in the city park pond
aro now in full blast These with
tho catetfind babies in this vicinity
makes tnispart6f town very musi
cal of nights
The coining city election has ex
cited no inteicst b yet Tho may
ois election proclamation will
probably appear snext week We
will eleot this year a mayor mar
shal and fivo aldermen
Pat Dunn was fined 750 for
aggiavated assault at Ilallettevillo
Thursday The case against his
codefendant John Schrimscher
was continued The cjse arose out
ofii shooting scrapo at Yoakum
Wo wish to call attention to C I
Jaegglis card this wcok Read it
it will bo to your advantage Last
week the words at cost were
omitted making bad senso
Tho GAZETTfi desires to correct
an error which appeared last week
in the writeup of the Iv of P in
ttallation Tho number of tho
lodge here is 109 instead of 117 as
stated last week
0 YoagirFNneman Jerome San
some and L B Richter took in the
ball at Witting Saturday night
They got a wetting on their way
homo Sunday morning
Tho many friends of Leo Hum
mel will regret to learn that ho is
in poor health He relumed last
week from Sail Antonio wheio ho
had been to consult a specialist
His many friends wish him a
epjedy return to health
C v
A >
Over Forty Hoslco Tiilly One
lluti droit Pcoplo Attended
As ovcryoho predicted tho Mas
qnerado ball given by tho Firemens
Band at thobpera bouso Thursday
February 20th was a decided suc
cess in every particular Tho
weather was favorable and tho oc
casion being the initial mask ball
of the season together with tho de >
siro on tho pait of tho people to as
sist and encourage our local band
thoy turned out in a body With
the exception of the leapyear ball
this ball was tho grahUcst cyidt
bostof thebeason Tho maskers
were very slow about putting in
their appcaraijco Every one seem
ed to be waiting for somo one elbo
to coma first At last the boot black
mado his appqaranoo with his box
andin the usual delapidated attire
of tl o street boot black He was
followed bya beautifully dressed
flower girlytwoclowns and a sailor
Next carao a typical negro sport
Htraigtil aR art Indian with region
frock coat and low cm vest check
pants > 1inch collar silk beaver
bilodV shirt tho front of which
was adorned with an immense
brilliiant Geofge yashinfitdivtben
madeKia fappc arano followed bj
two clowna who camo in wheel
barrow fashion The four clowns
thon proceeded to amuse the crowd
with various feats and tricks Two
playmates with blonde hair and
tanned complexion then came in
followed by two U S mail carriers
who proceeded to go their rounds
aud distiibulo mail One hungry
looking man received a package
postmarked Cqrpns Christi Oh
opening samo he found a piece of
bolognosausageTho masLeis then
camo iii hfekand fast and soon
all were jvalkiiigjar ound the hall
The Gypsy andTilancing girls wore
beautifuicost The
umSj hoop girl
rolling her hoop1 around looked
qulto natural an d lifelike The
five old women and thp shoemaker
seemed to bo tlio most ludicrous
characters presonU Tho comot
butterfly and empire girl who were
beautifully dressed wero looked
upon with admiration Tho lilly
and sunflower worp beautiful cos
tumes profusly dccoratcd with em
blems of tho characters represented
The characters of a Spanish dancing
girl and of sailors woro as near
perlect as possible Tho impersona
tion of a witch vw an good Tho fruit
girl had a basketof fruit much to
the delight ofWclittlo ones Two
little girls inblue and tho U S
flag attracted niuch attention A
shudder ran Ibrough tho eager
spectators whc rfThey noticed the
slow measurouVtread and sad coun
tenance of tho Nun or Sister of
Charity andt whiterobed emblem
of doath with its implement of
destruction Iti would bo exceed
ingly hard to tell who had the best
mask iAll wero good
Below we give the names of those
who masked and tho oharnctor each
representel VV
Mrs AniieWelters and Miss E
i tgrcjMJCTwo
Is givon our friends patronB and tho public in gencial to coma
and look ovor ourfnl and cnmplelo stock of
Dry Hoods Clothing Groceries
Boote5 Shoes Hats etc
Solicits accounts farmers accounts a specialty Deposits of papers of
aluo received without cost to pernons holding rogular accounts Note
and interest bearing papers sold on easy commission Remittances to
all parts of Europe without cost to tho reoipiant at rate of 50cts on 100
Collections at lowest rate Oflicfi hours from 0 a m to 4 p m Burglar
proof safe always under time lock afo
Fir InsTaretnc Agrrt
Have the largest stock of
Remember this when you get
ready to buy
Baumgarton U S mail carriers
Mrs Ed Yangeumnn and Mrs J F
Mittauck flower girls Mrs Henry
Meseer hoop girl Mrs Chas it
Hplcbalc Mrs R Eschenburg and
Miss Augusta Eschenburg old
women looking for husbands Miss
Henrietta Richterand Rudy Flatp
playmates Miss Lonora Riohtnr
Spanish danoing girl Mies Isabel
Wcndtland btitterrly Miss Em
mie Mueller Gypsy Miss Bertha
Doebler witch Miss Lydia Win
del flower girl Miss Lizzio Va
lenta lilly MissMinnie Griebseh
comet Miss EmmaLuedke danc
ing girl Miss Fiieda Wangemanu
Empiro girl Edwin Wolters and
Lizzie Wertdtland sailors Tillie
Wolters fruit girl Miss Mary
Koenig Nun Miss Paula Pro
kiob flovror girl Misses Annie
Lyons and Lorena Ware Two
littlo girls in bluo Mrs Mandie
Lyons U S flag Charles Richter
Frank Neumann Adolpli Herms
Chas Eschepburg and W Zander
clovns Holt Richter and Erwin
Wendtland sailors Otto Richter
bootblack Wash RuhmannjNo
gro sport G E Ruhmann old
woman Max Wolters country
woman selling chickens and eggs
Joe Wrba doath Aug Schramm
shoemaker Mike Koch George
Tho masks wero removed about
ten oclock and great weie tho sur
prises loud exclamations etc from
tho throng of spectators when they
discoveied that thoy had guessed
right or wrong and in most in
stances thoy guessed wrong
After quiet had been rostored
dancing bogan in good earnest and
buchadanCe Tho ihuhiciaiiB seem
ed to lealiza that the success of the
affair depended on them furnishing
good music consequently each one
did his best and asa N result they
broke all previous records for giv
ing good music
Three oclock and still the dance
goes on with apparent renewed vig
or and energy At about 330
howeve tba participants began fa
slowly and reluctantly disporao all
loud in their praise of tho Fire
mens Band and all declaring that
theyhadhada splendid time Thii1
occasion will long bererjienlbersl
Among tho visitore wore Misscfj
Annie Lieck Lizzio Finkonstoin
Selraa Mueller Messrs Miko Kooh
Ed Thulemeyor and Ben Kemjiq of
Flatonia Miss Frieda Wangemann
Mrs Montis LyonsMessrs Lether
man and Kuesal of Yoakum Miss
Lena Wrba Miss Sladeck Miss
Elizabeth Baumgarten and Mr Ed
Wolters of Schulonburg Miss
Lorena Ware of Moulton
A car load of genuine New York
peed potatoes recoived at Seydler it
Our old frjend George Phillips
from Valley View reported thi
arrival of a remarkablo litter of
pigs at Tom Hollys One of tho
pigs has two heads and another
two noses well developed
G E Ruhmann U now prepared
to sell yon a Steel Star or an Im
proved Dandy wind mill
Wo are authorized to announce
that J C Habermacher and liis
talented troup from Fla
tonia will bo hero about March Oth
or Cth and play Rio Grande for
tho benefit of tbo public schooli
Joe Machel a Bohemian farmer
living about threp miles from I
Woimar got en a drunken pjnco
Saturday and shot his wife and son J
and then committed suicide Thol
wife and son aro still alive andf
may recover
Mrs Wm Green has been in GulJ
veston for tbo past two weeks iJ
attendance Upon Miss India Ta
lor who has been undqrgoiif
medical treatment for injuries rl
coived in an accident in Shiif
two years ago next July Ml
Calllo Hughs was Injured at
same time Misses Hughs Ta J
and another young lady wero
driving when the lniggy was pi
turned in making u sharp i
Kliss Callio left for Cuero MoJ
tobo tieated by Dx lluess

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