rubllshod Every Thursday by
Entered at the SMuer
fa sccotulcl isi matter
Editor aud Tub
Ono Your postpaid
Texas Postofllu
A Mftlrun Paper AttpmiitH to Interview
lllni on VtinertiHla
The Hon John Young Brown vvhO
until ten days ago occupied tho post
of governor of tho BlueGrass Btate ar <
riveil In this city Ufet night via tho Mo
lean Central In special officers car
bays tho Mexican Herald Though th < i
governor was feeling lather tired after
days ot railway Journeying ho courted
ously gavo a short Interview to a Heri
ftld representative The governor bears
some personal resemblance to Isaao
Pusey Cirny who until his lamented
death acceptably filled tho position ot
United States minister here
Well governor said tho Herald
repiesentatlve what Is your opinion
ot President Clevelands special mes
I havo not yet read It Our party
f > aw tho Mexican Herald of today but
not yesterday I would lather not ex
pross an opinion on tho subject until
I Invo read the message and other In
formation bearing on tho case I am
heartily In favor of tho Monroe doc
trine but I decline Just now to talk
further on this subject Wall till Ive
lead tho message
What arc your Impressions of the
country as far as jour opportunities
of observation havo gone
Very favorable What wo have seen
on our Journey Eouth through this his
torical and picturesque land has Inter
ested nil ot us very much Wo started
from Louisville last Saturday and ar
rived In Eagle Pass night before last
by way of Mobile and New Orleans
Wo stopped off twentyfour hours at
the latter city We Intend to stny n
week In this city taking In tho sights
I look forward to meeting tho progres
sive and able chief of the Mexican exe
cutive as well as my old and valued
friend Clot Crittenden We are going
tonight to a hotel but probably we
shall raako our car our hcadquartera
I wish to say that we have been treat
< d with every courtesy by tho officials
of tho roads over which we have trav
olod and by the Moxican customhouse
officers at Cludad Porflria Diaz who
passed our baggage without examina
tion Gov Brown came to Mexico for rest
and change after the cares ot office
How the Ijvit nocnrtllni N w pap
Allmlnlitoroil In Oerinany
Tho case of the editor of the Rheln
Ischo Zeltung the organ of tho social
domocratle party at Cologne has al
Teady beon alluded to In the Mall and
Express cable dispatches This Ger
man editor made grave charges ot cru
elty and brutality against the governor
ot the provincial house of correction
and on legal investigation the charges
were in fact sustained It was provod
that In this reformatory barbarities and
tortures worthy of tho middle ages were
practiced dally Nevertheless tho right
eous and Intelligent Judgo condemned
the editor to three months imprison
ment on tho ground that tho publica
tion was not mado in defense of public
Interests Speaking of the condition
of this reformatory the Berlin Neueste
Nachrlchten sayst That people should
bo subjected to mediaeval tortures like
the gag with accompaniments of atro
clous cruelty that they should be put
Into straight waistcoats mercilessly
beaten until they stream with blood and
then left to their fato till death releases
them from tholr misery that they
should be confined for weeks together
in a black hole on meager rations of
dry broad and condemned to wear night
and day tho same garment which fet
ters their every movement that scourg
ing with an Indian rubber whip or with
the tow end ot a rope dipped in water
should admittedly bo a common prac
tice may well explain tho fact that
according to medical testimony a large
number of deaths should have been due
to tuberculosis though consumptive
persons are on principle not admitted
But how can such a system conduce to
Capital and Labor
With passion on the one side and cap
ital on tho other with a nation In
danger of being cut In twain by these
nattles between tho upper and lower
classes the only way to Bottle these
quarrels Is by the Intervention of law
and Justice Lyman Abbott
Flihluc by Klootrlo IlKht
FlBhlng by means ot electric light
has been successfully tried at New Ha
ven A lamp lowered into the sea brll <
llantly Illuminated tho water over a
clrculir prea of twenty yards In dlatne
Hftrtlnl Lair lrorlnlmed by Gorornor
llrntllay lltreatt Matto That the Hen
Me Would Arrnst th Oovernor or
Koutucky tor Umirnatioii ot Authority
Cincinnati O March 10 Tho
CoinniorclalGazottes 1230 amspec
ial from l rauklort Ky says Tho
riot bell rang from tho cugino houses
at 11 oclock tonight at tho samo
moment Governor JJradloy ordorod
out tho militia Ten minutes lator
iho McCionvguards lilttwo strong
Cspt Noel Gaines weio In possess
slou of tho stato house ami martial
law was proclaimed Until today
Governor Bradley had peislstoutly
refused to call on tho militia though
uigeil to Jo so by citizone Irrespect
ive of party Tho Blackburn leaders
he was iuformoil had been prcpariug
nil duy to take lorclblo pos slon ot
ot tho state house toniorrort Tlnents
wero mado that tho seuato would ar
test tho govoruor tomorrow foi
usurpation of aulhoiitv in aivlug tno
instructions ho gate to tho sheriH
of Fiaukllu county to clear tho corri
dors anil clonk looms All trains to
day brought In leinforicmouls for
tho men bent on m > thtef tomorrow
It was only at tho last moment when
tho prescuco of tlui erowds seriously
presaged danger that Iho governor
> lolded to repeated requests of or
derly citizens of both parties anil
called out tho miliiia
A Mine Sold
Siiinariii 111 March 14 Tho
plant ot tho Idiuburgh coal company
nt Edinburgh Ohrlitlaua couutj has
been sold by Mnsteriu Clianucry
llogan under u dogieo of loieclosuto
for 23000 in favor ot Henry Davl
Jr ot this city nud 56000 in favor
of W L and li T Vaudlvere of Tay
lorvilio Tho plant includes a coal
miiio brick nud tilo woiks and elcc
irioh light works It was bought by
It Wilkinson ot Taj lorvlllc it was
contracted n few jenrs ago to the
Chicago raid bt Louis Chicago nnd
bt Louis electric railway company
lor A1U0000 but tho railway company
refused to build the road or pay for
tho mine
IlullmiM ifxcltetl
DtVMiu Col March 11 A special
to the Itcpubllc frmi Wider Wyo
sajt Thoro is coiisldtiablo excite
ment among the Indians of Shoshouo
ngouey causnl lij tho shooting ot
Jim Washakie n grandson of the
veuerab o ihlot ot ttiiit iiamo Dock
Lauioieilx and Cnl ONeal halt In ceils
unit Frank OUill and Bill Itjherts
stole Jim Washakies wife uuil made
tor tho Montana lino with her WrUh
nkio went In pursuit and oveitook tho
abductois tony miles north of tho
agoucy In the fight which lollowcd
WiibhuUlo was fdiot through the body
anil thigh Tho doctor ot tho ugeucy
icpoits that tho wounds aro nccessai
hy fatal
llaviitia War kimii
Havana llarch 12 Tho iusur
geuis Uiachod tho village ot 1ilotas
ptuvluco ot 1iunr tltl Itlo aurt were
lepulscd with considerable loss In a
jtcent attack mule by the insurgents
on biigua Taiuimo tho president ot
tho Cuuitit govei miHiit tlio maiquis
oi Santa Lucia fell fiom his hoiso and
was sciiously huiti lie is 76 veins
old oevcial skirmishes havo taken
pla < o in tho province of Matanzas re
eenth tiuriug wllleli tho insuigeuts
lost olght killed It is reported that
in an ougagement dtiuug the past
week Angel ttierrn tho insurgent
geuoial was wounded
t 1
Neihrntku lltenoinona
Omaha Neb March 1H Slran < > o
pheiioineua aro shown in vniiousparts
of Nobuiska Tfco vvntor stands
higher in tho wells and is found in
lugci volume In the streets than for
seveiul curs at this soison There
has been very little rnlu In Nebraska
the pa6t tall an 1 vvluicr yet streams
which vvoro dry lat year aro filling
Svith water iiom somo unknown
frouice and wclli show more water
than usual Tho weitor bureau has
bniuu an investigation
ralent Coiiiimtloe lteport
Wasiunoton Mnreli 12 Tho
tiro correaion 7f tho unfortunate 1 locidoil lotmiiltieo on paienls ortorday
lnga for whom tho stato maintains thld
Bort of establishment
to repoittd tho house the
copyright bi 1 and the bill ftmeudiuir
I lie patent laws iiuuumeudeil by tho
national association
Cotton Acroaco Speculation
Nabhviil Temi Jlurch 14 Tho
SouthernTiaau Itniiow has ausvveis
liomcoricstioudiutb in nil tho cotton
suites n9 to the1 probiblo Jucronse in
cotton acreage iu tlio present yea
lljpoila from Texis estimate nn in
croasq of irom 10 to 80 per tint
Memphis corieopiiitieuis say If tho
piescnl lqciiiioih ilk price of cotton
ciuauuea thoro will li 110 inertase
Vickshurg ropm t a piobuble lucrciibc
it Georgia will bo ia to 15 per cent
boutu Carolina iui ur > s no probable
The Steamship llirmuda
New York March 18 Tho steam
ship Bermuda it still the causo of
numerous rumors but at a lato hour
Wednesday night bIio rode peacefully
at anchor scomlugly glad to bo out
of tho storm A dozen or more of
tho crow bailed a passing tug atid
went nshoro Woduesday As they
carried tholr baggaio It was ovldcntly
their intontion to stay nshoro Tho
tug W J McCaldvvlu took out o
number ol mysterious looking men
Weiluosdny night so It was said ami
it is supposed that they svere carried
to tho Beiiuuda to bo shipped lo placo
ot tho men who camo ashore On
board tho released steamship tho
greatest mystery was presorvod
John llaggcrty mid John McClalu
who said they wero members of the
Bermuda uow called upon United
States Commissioner shields and
asked tor iiifoimii iou ns to how thoy
couhl collect a months pay which
was duo thorn They tald they
shipped on tho Bonmidti supposing
her to bo u froighter bound for
Jamaica According to llicstoiyten
her mcmbeis of tho ciow left tho
1 liuuda beenuso the v hml been con
vinced that tho vessel was engaged
tot u Cuban leVolutionaiy expedition
Two men alo said it was generally
undciotood abroad the lie muda that
a uugo ot arms und ainmuuttlun was
to ho shipped somo time during the
night or early morning At an c irlv
hour vestcribi morning tho Bermuda
vv as still ut author
llilMlun Opinion tin Italy
New Yoiik March 12 A dispalch
to the lleuild A out St Ielei6burg
snjs Intel est hero Is acute in the
Italian situation It is admitted that
Nnpolcaii himself could not have con
tinued tho war under present circum
ssances The Vledomost eoeniB to
suspect tho prcsouco ol the Austrian
minister in Berlin It tujs that if
Goimauy ahd Austria wish to inter
vene it will be a eljual for action by
thobo powei8 that do not appiove of
the course ot Italy in Abjssiuia It
sae that thuio is no leason why
Italy should not leavo the bad course
taken and join tho nlliunco which
guarantees peace Tho ietes in Nice
should indicate to Italy the policy to
llaiilc lllown Up
Datok O Miuth 12 News has
just loached heio of an attempt to rob
tho Fust National bank at Geimau
town this county voatcrday mouilug
at 3 30 ollocl The robbers were
evident gleet ut tho business and
ucd so much powder that tho bank
was wrecked Tho town was aronsod
and the loutcrs lied The door of
tho vault w lghlug 800 pounds was
tin own thiity led Tho vault con
tained 70000 in cash ami many val
uable bond nud oilier securities The
gient mjsieiy Is how tho robbeis es
caped bejng blown to pieces tho
wieck ot iho banking loom being so
Armenian ltollor
Nlw YoiiK Mtiich 10 Yeolordn
the Nationul Aiinuuiiiii rolioi aseodit
I011 bent 10000 10 Aiiiienht It is
Muled that gicat tellet ie being gifeii
to the Aimeuluu but that an obstacle
is a lack oflunds Mis btcpheu liar
ton of WesterlyL I 1 09 it ceivod a
cablegram irom Miss Ciuri Buou at
Consinutiiiople saving that tho lied
Cross soclely shipped on oatuulavn
lnigo tiuautity or lcllt supplies to tho
inteiior ol Armouin to go bj way of
Aloxiuidietln on tho Mediterranean
Miss Barton has fornaided sums to
Haiool fcovas and Marash and re
ports fiom tho iutciior indicate that
the needs of tho sutlcriug Armenians
aro iucieaslii
American Flaffilurned at Salamanca
Madiud Maich II There wa9 a
seiioiis aiiliAmeilcau riot at Sala
manca Monday evening Studouts
weio tho leadcis ot the disturbance
Tboy can led Spanish and American
Hags and burncC tho latter nmltl ac
clamations from tho crowds which
gathered to Wltnoss tho patriotic
demonstration Eventually gen
darmes charged tho rlotorj nud dis
persed them Ordor was llnally re
stored sud tho university closed
Hheoitmen lliroateneil
Dlita Col lluicU 10 Tho sheep
men in tio western patt of Del a
county vvoro notified Sunday night
bv a pmy of iiiisloil cowmen that
l ulr sheop must bo niovod nt ouco or
tliey would bnkilltd Tho sheopmon
havo occupied their present rauga lor
jrBii auil thifr r g it to it ha been
conceded Bloodshed 1b oxpeclod if
the cattlompn ntteitipt to oiny out
tholr threats
bclmol llottee Dynmnltoil
OuiiAiioii t Oirv Uli M iuch 10
News has just been received that a
tchool hoilso tvvolvo miles from hero
a which a sihool was giving a con
colt vvn blown up with dynimlto
last Friday night The school was
burrOwcil fiom tho whiten for tlio
special occasion us taoir colored
school houso was to small lor tho
A bri
crovvtV expected groat uum
> ver > slightly lujuroJ hut no deathif
Young Thompson was wounded at
iiiowa it fow ouya rgo
Judge Morrow of the United States
district court 1nSan Francisco has de
cided that a Chinese born in this coun
try Is a citizen of tno United States
8UE <
A section of a moving tialn was stolen
in Chicago the other day The police
however eco an encouraging feature In
this affair inasmuch as tho tiacko wero
loft Intact
Tho persistency with which accounts
of Spanish vlctoilca come to us by way
of Madrid while lalej ot Insurgent buc
cczzets icach U3 by way of Florida lo
most etraorrtlntlry
llont llo Too Intl for Ihn Steamer
And dont omit when von aro paclclrn up
your effects pupaiuloi < t lor tho voyago toln
clndo anionic ihun a anjiply or Jlostetters
Stomliclr Jlittciu Hie grunt loflicdy lor sea
Blckntds ri tvelers lor pltneuro or buslutus
fineklng rorilKn rtlmca or who locomote liy
ateamlioit or train beside yachlineii and
marlnera tqitiry to tlie medloJl and pio
venthe elllciey of tho lllllera i > hlch 19 In
comparable lor nau ca hiadaclio dyapeiula
hlllotuneis uonmatliim ntrvoas and kidney
Japan had JJTstoamers built in tho
United States last ynr
9 frioe In 0 nirailo
Tho JAtit plTotogra ph ol tho lion
I N Wiilcer coiniiiaudorluchlef of
tlio Grind Aimy of tho ltopubic
Write to F II LoidQuliK Building
Chicago nnd you will receive ono free
British Coluniblascnds frozen meat
to Euglnud j
I bellevo PUojCure la the only medi
cine lliat will cure consumption Anna
M floss Wllllainajiort Pa Nov 12 05
Scvontocn per cent of Groat
Biltnlus doctors livo in Loudon
If the JVlhy is Cnttlnn Teeth
neftire mid ii e tlit olil and well tried remeilr Mna
WINBLOWaSooililhaSYaLPlor clilllt n rcethlu
London claims the wickedest woman
in tho world
ttlilE KIHQ CURE over all for
Is tlio Benson for purifying cleansing and
renewing The accumulations ot wnsta
everywhere aro being removed Winters
ley grasp la broken and on all sides aro
Indications of natures returning life
renewed farce and awakening power
Is tho time for purifying tho blood
cleansing the svstcm and renewing the
pbvBlcal powers Owing to closo con
finement diminished perspiration and
other causes In tho winter impurities
have not passed out of tho system as thej
should but havcaecumulaled In tho blood
Is therefore the best tlmo to take Hoods
Sarsaparilla becauso tlio system Is now
most in need of medicine That Hoods
Parsaparllla is the best blood purifier and
Springmedlclno is proved by its vvqnder
ful ceres A course ot Hoods Sarsaparilla
now may prevent great suffering later an
Is the One True Blood lMirlfler All druggists j
Prepared only by C T Hood Si Co Lou ell Mass
u 1 r n cnre lver Mm easy to
UOOUS FlllS takefeasytooperato2aa
If nflllctcd
suru yes via
nh Thompsons Eye Water
Sv S
i < l
The coming Artist who
paint a popular subject
knows enough
You get 5 02 of Battle Ax
for tO cents You only get 3 s oz
of other brands of no better quality
for 10 cents In other words if you
buy Battle Ax you get 2 02
more of high grade tobacco for the
same money Can you afford to
resist this fact We say NO
unless you have Money to Bum
For a Mens Fine
Black Clay Worsted Suit
Sprlnc Weight In roundoutsaok style sqUaroout Back stylii
or cutaway frookayle strictly an AllWool fabrlo exoellentliM
made and trimmed Send us your chest moasuro waUa
measure and Inseam lonath and well send you one of thoa
buns by mall or express prepaid on receipt ot SIO
Houston Texas