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Shiner gazette. [volume] (Shiner, Tex.) 1893-current, March 19, 1896, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090270/1896-03-19/ed-1/seq-8/

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IB order to reduce iny stock of
Crockery 1 will sell a beautiful
decoration of the genuine MeaKin
ware absolutely guaranteed at
cost for 80 days for cash only
Here is a splendid chance to obtain tho very best crockery lit lowest
prices Those who conio lirst will get tho pick of tho stock I
DRY GOODS This Department includes all kinds of Dress
Goods Calicos Domestic Notions etc
CLOTHING Our lino of Clothing includes Mens Boys and
Youths Clothing Over Coats Hats Caps nnd Gents Furnishing
Goods Prices lower than tho lowest Full stock of Groceries and
Notions all fresh Agent for
ErOotton ajad Oof ton Seecls
Bought at highest cash prices
Has exclusivo Bale of these cele
bratcd glases in Shiner from tho
Kictory ofMooroKclluin the only
completo optical plant in tho
South Atlanta Ga
The roll of honor for tho week
Willie Emler
W S Coons
Rudolph Ferder
W J Cooper
Leon Kendall
Mrs Henry Messier visitod Cucro
City election matters are getting
a littlo lively
Go to Murscburgerb for fruits
Ernil Gold of Schulenourg is
tending bar at tho Bisiuaik
New garden seed for sale by J B
Mersebu rger
loo Smith find Otto Koehler
oinio over from Witting Tuesday
Lunch at all hours at tho Aran
sas Pass saloon
The two headed pig is on exhi
bition at Graves drug store
Fresh broad every day at Dvo
inks bakery and lestaurant
Lon Hull of Moulton was hero
on business several days labt woek
Poitland and Rosendale Cemont
for sale by Flato it Green
C J Gray spent Sunday in Yoa
A nice assortment of work bas
kets at J E Mersohnrgers
W 8 Coons of Moulton isa new
1 remit to our subscription list
Get you a re < idy mado fishing
line at Mersebnigers
Mrs Annie Lockmau spent last
week in San Antonio
Get a bottlo of Viei shoo polish
nt Ed Colemans
Louis Trautwem reported a littlo
i o early Monday morning
P D Smith is in Yoakum under
going treatment from Dr Weyruan
Two weeks from next Tuesday
iB city election
Gicat is Texas when it comes to
March weatkrr
A Jiico line of garden hose just
received at G E Ruhmanns
M Ehlinger made a business
trip to LaGiango this week
Charlio E chonbnrg has doubled
tho rowaid offered for his saddlo
which was stolen
A splendid assortment of candies
just received at Ed Colemans
Prof Guenther of Moulton was
the guest of Piof Mail Saturday
August Stephan ginned ten bales
of cotton Satuiday and will not gin
nny more this season
Rent contracts and chattel mort
gage blanks for galo at A Gravos
Four negro murderers will be
hung March 20th Two at Bell
ville aud two atGcorgetown
ExGovernor John Ireland died
at San Antonio Sunday of neural
gia of the heart
Tho horso attached to Jaegglis
delivery wagon ran away Saturday
completely wrecking tho wagon
Mrs R Gellhorn wont to Rook
port this week to seo her sister
who has been ill
A oar load of genuine Now York
seed po tatoes received at Seydler
A fino lot of yeailings belonging
to Flato Green were branded at
the cattle pens Saturday
Jim Swaitz is suffering with an
abscess behind tho drum of his left
0 L Williams will sell you an
Aeimotorwind mill 30 footgilva
nized iron tower for 45 Now is
the time to buy
Chas Allen will not be a candi
date for fbater this year Mr Den
nis will probably have tho field to
Tho beautiful dressing case of
fered by tho fiiemen as a prize at
the calico ball Saturday night was
awarded to Miss Isabel Wondtland
For a short time only eightcon
photos lbr 25 cents or 40 cents
with cases Tho neatest pictures
to exchange among your friends
Call at tho brown tent photographer
near tho depot
Flato Green have just roceived
a car of tho Gliddon and Wauko
gau barbed who manufactured I y
the Washburn aud Moen Co
Wo heard it rumored on tho
streets the other day that Mr M
Ricntor woull bo a candidate for
county treasurer on tho populist
Udet >
Tho calico ball given by the
firemen Satuiday night was greatly
interfered with by the bad weather
A cold east wind prevailed all tho
evening and kept many away
Thcro weio two couples present
from Yoakum two from Moulton
and two from Sweet Home
A full stock of perfumeries
brushes toilet cases combs station
cry school books fancy toilet ar
ticles and notions of all kinds at
A Giavos drugstore
Otto Ilenkhous one of our pros
perous farmers was in town last
Friday and announced that ho
would go to Bellvillo Maich 21st to
seo the two negroes hung The ex
ecution will bo public
The editor of this paper is in re
ceipt of numerous inquires as to
tho timo and place of tho death of
iMiss Fannio Kaeglar If some of
our readers will furnish us with
this information we will gladly
publish it Miss Kaeglar was long
a resident of this place and has a
largo circle of friends here
I am selling tho Steel Star wind
mill 8 foot wheel and 30 foot towor
with galvanized iron tank 10
cheaper than thoy have over been
sold before I am also hoadquartes
for galvanized iron piping and all
kinds of steam gttings
G E Ruhmann
A phonograph man a picture
man who give eighteen tin types
for 25 centruhd the skating rink
man have been in town this week
Complaint is made that tho win
dow panes alfiautwein Wolteis
gins havo nearly all been shot out
with niggeisbooters This is tho
second complaint of this natuia
that has been made the Baptist
chuich being the other sufteier
Tho weather turned very cool
Saturday night and a cold rain
from tho northwest set in and con
tinued all day Sunday The day
was very disagreeable Gravo feais
weio entertained for a lieeze Sun
day night but only a light host
fell Monday morning Some dam
ago was done to gardens and fiuit
A petition was circulated Mon
day and received a long list of
signatures requesting 1 C Blohm
to accept a reelection as Mayor
As a result of this call ho announces
this week for reelection City
Marshal Loessin ako announces
for reelection and horn all ap
pearances will have no opponent
Tho announcement of J 1L H
Denuie of Wharton for Floater ap
pears this week having been re
ceived a few hours too lato for in
sertion last week Mr Dennis is
in tho raco to stay and wo can
promiso him a hearty support from
Shinor and Moulton the democratic
stiongholdi of Lavaca county
Njokel has heon treated to a mad
dog scare About January 20th a
dog belonging to Win Sockwoll
went mad and bit throe of his hogs
and was killed In about thiity
days two of tho hogs went mad and
died Friday tho third one went
mad and died It exhibited all tho
symptoms of hydiophobia and bit
iit ovorything at sight Another
dog belonging to Mr Sockwoll was
also killcd >
Is given our frionds patrons and tho publio in gencial to corao
and look over our full and completo stock of
Dry Goods Clothing Groceries
Boots Shoes Hats etc
Chas Welhaiisen
Solicits accounts farmers accounts a specialty Deposits of papers of
valuq received without cost to persons holding regular accounts Notes
and interest bearing papers sold on easy commission Remittances to
all parts of Europe without cost to the reeipiant at rato of50ots on 100
Collections at lowest rato Office hours from 9 a m to 4 p m Burglar J
under timo lock J
proof safe always safo
Fir Insurance Agent
Have the largest stock of
Remember this when you get
ready to buy
In The Toll
At noon Saturday a man about
tweutyfivo or thirty yeais old
stopped at the homo of Prof Will
Fertseh at Bunyes school house
and wanted to get some feed for his
t am Finding Mrs Fertseh alone
at tho house ho grossly insulted
her and was ordeted to leave tho
premises at once Mis Fertsohs
littlo brother appealing on the
sceno at this time tho stianger
boat a haBty retreat to his buggy
and drove off Prof Feitsch re
turned homo Boon after and was in
formed of what had taken place
Ho at once pursued tho stianger on
horseback overtaking him near
Pontons crcok Sonding word to
town for an officer tho Professor
kept the man in sight until they
reached Charlottcnbuig Heie
Doputy Sheriff E F Ruhmann ap
peared on tho scone and took the
stranger into custody Ho was
brought back to Shiner and about
dark Siturdaj evo was placed in a
buggy and taken to Hallettsvillo
and lodgod in jail While in the
buggy and just before starting for
Hallettsvillo ho was seen by Mar
snal Loessin concealing something
under his coat and on being
searched a big dirk was unearthed
Deputy Sheriff Ruhmann and
Marshal Loessin had an exceeding
ly unpleasant trip A cold east
wind was blowing which they had
to face all tho way to tho county
capitol which thoy reached about
ten oclock Their return was less
speedy The night was pitchy
dark and the road was invisible
When the Bonndry was reached
tho two officers lost their way and
did not reach Shiner until four
oclock in tho morning At this
writing the prisoners examining
trial has not been hold
On account of tho state conven
tion of tho Y M C A to bo held at
Palestine April 0 to 12 tho S A
A P Ry will Boil lound trip tickets
at one fare Selling dates 7 and 8
limited to 14 for return
Seth Cames has moved back berej
from Cuero 1
Masks Masks for childien at
C I Jacgglis
Plenty of children masks at 0 I
Tho examining trial of tho pmty
arrested Saturday charged with in
sulting Mrs FortMJh Avill prob
ably bo hold heie this eye
Sam Bradley living with John
Thigpen at tho sheep rancn waa
taken in charge Monday by Deputy
Sheriff Frank Miller and taken to
Karnc3 City as an attached witness
Sam Bradley and another young
man named Bosworth wore set
upon near Kenedy about a year
and a half ago and Bosworth
was shot dead and Bradley loft for
dead Several arrests were made
and Biadloy was taken to Karnes
City Monday to teatify against
some pai lies accused of tho killing
Bradley was bhot through tho
head the ball entering tho right
cheok shattering the jaw bone nnd
coming out in his neck under tho
ear Ho states that he cap hardly
cat on account of the w < und his
jaws being nearly locked Ho is
quite young in appearance appar
ently biing no more than twenty
one years of age
Dr S S Stahl DeiUiat of Yoji t
kum will do hero for tho next two
days Being permanently Ideated
at Yoakum I will visit Shiner jeg
ular and ttand by any work I do
Churls Soavonif
At John Harwoods stablcsShin
er Texas Choris Souvenir has
been duly cntoied for jegistry in
the sixth volume of tho Peicheron
Stud bonk of America as the prop
otty of Cross Bros of Durand 111
He is the only full blood Peicheron
Rtallion in Southwet Texas
Terms 10 insurqd or 5 per
Season <
An any price the old K of P hall
next to Mneckeo stpro Apply to
Chas MuCcke or address mo at
Gonzales Texas
F Maurin

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