OCR Interpretation

Shiner gazette. [volume] (Shiner, Tex.) 1893-current, April 09, 1896, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090270/1896-04-09/ed-1/seq-7/

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What Hunt lie II He to lrevent It
Armed Guarttn should be Carried Ho
M to Command tlio ltal lolnt Be
tween tliu leucine und Kxjiret Cur
St Loul Apr 4 lllooilhounds will
bo placed on the hull of the Tilsco
tralu lobbeis Tie bootj Is ollltlillj
stated to lie slSM So fai 100 liaa
been recovcicd Flunk Jniue > a
biothir of tho famous bandit Jcsso
James when nshul his opinion of lue
lobba Onally said
When n man mgages In tlio tialu
robbing business ho Is badly In mid
of mono nud will take dcspeintc
chances to secuie It All tho talk about
SOH10 men having no seiibe of Lull
und espulnllv when thej nie making
a raid on a tialn is all uousiiise I
hao been in sonic pluchts and theie
vveio times wleu 1 nilUid lcai but
theie was nothing to do but to light
iny wnv out
1 urn opposed to train lobbcij and
the only wn it will evci be stopped
h to lime in mid guilds on eaih tiiln
Two oi time would be sulllcluit but
they should bu well armed and be m
cased in it steel cage of some kind
ihe cais should have portholis ho the
Kiuuds could command a view of the
outside One point In putlcuhu they
ihould keep in view and that Is the
space betweiu the engine and the ex
press eai this point should bo
watched foi a number of teasons
Ilist because tobbeis could uncouple
the txpiess cat fiom the lest of the
tiaiu and with the engine pull It bev
cral nillu down the tiack and with
djnumltp blow eveiv thing up The
second and main leason Is that the rob
beis would be awaio of the guaids
presence in the ear and if they could
get to the couplings of the cai all they
would have to do would be to pull the
engine away from the tialn a short dls
lame levetse the Icier and come back
against the tialn with such a foice tint
the expiess cai would be demolished
and the guilds killed Until these
Ideas aie muled out the robbers will
continue to think Unit train lobbory Is
a science
The Sleeper XII11 Job wur done by
men who knew thelrbuslness but as
Iam not In that husjncas niid never
further This however 1 will say the
times when I wasciedited with having
fcerai In certain tialn robbeiies I was
miles away fiom the scene Inuling
The Mlnuty Denlea
Madrid Apr 4 A rumor is in cir
culation here to the effect that the
United States would tend a squadiou
to Bnicclonn If Spain continual hei
naval preparations against Cuba The
Tumor Is fcopcislstent that the follow
ing foickjn ministerial denial has been
The mlnlstiy emphatically deny
hat there Is uny foundation foi the
tumor that International difficulties
have ailscn which Impede the sending
of a squadron to Cuba or the arming of
trans Atlantic vessels as ciulscis
It Is said that two of these ships will
start liumedlatel with their full ai
The loturn of General Fando Is gen
erally consldeied to be due to a dls
agieemeut with Gcneial Woylci
A Waco Aulcnment
Waco Texas April 4 E W
Mitchell a piomlnent Jeweler made
n assignment for the benefit of ci edit
ors without preference to Herbeit Lit
The liabilities are 4000 with assets
atout the same
rite Silo Campaign
NowYoikApriU A epcdalto tne
Now Yolk April 3 A special to the
lleiald fiom Cairo rajs the demand
for wu news hue Is so gicatthat
evcij evening theie aie fiosh stories ol
attacks up the Mlc Tlio movement
of the tioops nt this point his about
ceased though recruiting and foiled
enlistment goes on veiy vigorously
The oflleeis of the Comnught langeia
have been ghm a fnewill dinuei In
epeitatlon ot an iuly foiwud move
Your oouespondent has iuleivlewed
the Kuedlve Ho Slid he took great
in rciest in this upper Mle eptdltinn
though ho wis ton a that It was so mid
duilj louiil upon Eg pt th it due picp
aintlous lould not bo uncle lie le
gietted tint his mlllinr education had
not been concluded when he was cilled
to succeed his fithei Ills highness
thought that theie vvoie now oei ten
thousiud Egvptlm and English tioops
bitwien Assouan and Akashch Ho
asked about the Japiniso aimy and
uivy and should a diep Inkiest In all
that was told him
When something was said about Sou
danise tioops belli ollleeied bv Eng
Ush ho oxpiessed gteat confidence In
them His highness will shortly go to
the Aleximdiln lesoit foi the summer
The discussion In the commons on
Ioid Croinei s attitude towjuls the
Dongoli expedition can be easily an
sweied from heie Fiom the outset
the ltiltlsh lepiisentatlve has dihsp
pioved of the movement Ho did not
advise It and his opinion was not
sought lie believes that the leveuues
° f 1iOPt should be used for lellevlng
nnd lmpiovlug the couutiy and not In
iccouquulng teirltor net uieded nt
pieseut Ho feais tint all his pist fi
nancial lihoi will bo lost He Is how
evei giving the expedition his heaity
suppoit now that It has hem cnteied
Biltlsh mllltai men heio express
contempt foi the attitude ol Finucu to
vvaids the Biltlsh expedition up the
The dervishes are gathering in
stieiigth foi offensive action and at the
wat otlice this afternoon the opinion
was fiequcntlv expiessed that the sit
uation at the fiont is growing setious
Theie is n feeling tint the advamlng
column Is entiiel adequate
Jtilmor Uenled
Washington Apr 4 Secretary La
have been I do t cam toUllscuTs fff > f edtatay totie retogthe
Deporting Insane
Chicago Apr 4 Audrow Jansen
was yesteiday sent to the insane asy
lum at Dunning When his case was
called In the Insane court he told
ludge Carter he had been sent to Chi
cago by the authorities of the Minne
sota state Insane asylum He further
said that he was not the only patient
deported from the Minnesota Institu
tion He declared there were three
athcrs with him when ho staited but
that they left the train befoie It reaeh
d Chicago One got off Just before the
train passed the Wisconsin state line
hto Illinois and he did not know what
tad become of the others
Jansen said he vvns much opposed to
earing the Minnesota asylum because
ho waB far from being cuicd but he
was compelled to leave by the keepers
published statement that he had in his
possession a letter fiom President
Cleveland declining to bo again a can
didate for the presidency and urging
the demoicatlepnrt to stand for sound
mono nnd its previous position on
the tnrirf question said that the state
ment was absolutely untitle Secic
tary Lnmont added I never heaid of
such letter
1rom another and unquestionably
excellent souice of lufoimntlon It Is
learned that the published statement
is absolutely without foundation and
and that no such letter has been writ
ten by the president
The fact that President Cleveland
had fully decided not to be a candidate
for icnomlnatlon and tint Secietary
Carlisle would go before the Chicago
convention ns an aspirant for the demo
cratle nomination on a sound money
platform was announced exclusively
by the Associated Tress a few weeks
ago but the matter has not et gono
beyond the lines then indicated
Tried to Wreck It
tanene Cltyt Mo Apr4 An at
tempt was made last night to wreck
the Chicago and Alton passenger train
which leaves hero shortly after 8
oclock for St Louis and Chicago
Just out of Grain Valley twenty Ave
miles east of here the engineer saw an
obstiuctlon on the tiack He stopped
his tialn quickly but not tu time td
avoid the derailing of his locomotlv e
A pile of ties had been laid across
the tiaek and the mils loosened and
the stopping of the tialn quickly was
all that prevented a serious accident
Believing that a train robbery hid
been planned guards were at once put
out but tho train was not molested It
was over an hour before the wreck
could be cleared
It Is thought here that robbers had
calculated on a bad wreck and that It
was their purpose to loot the train dur
ing the confusion which would have
followed Six weeks ago a similar at
tempt was made In the same vicinity
I Still Governor
Phoenix Arjz Apr 4 L C Hughe
says he still consldeis himself gover
nor of Arizona and challenges any
official acts of Secretary Bruce as act
ing governor until time for the con
firmation pf Colonel Franklin as ht
V >
The Tight Ilttlo Jilanit Will > ever Con
vent tn Solid Comiectlun With tlio iu
ropetn Mainland Jsor Will she Kvac
uale Kcypt lteasoita UWen
Paris Apr 3 The European edition
of the lleiald this moinlng piluts the
following signed statement fiom M
Hcml Ilochefort
thile nie two things to which Eng
land will nevei consent the constinc
tlon of a bildgo ovei the ilnnuel and
the ovacuitlon of Egpt
Mr Cavendish Ilcntlnck a member
of Hei Biltnnnle Jlnjestjs mlate
council ouce sild to mo In London
We nie peifectly willing to allow ens
glueeis to stud the mnns of linking
Glint litltiiln with the continent of
Emope but the stinlt which wo call
oui sllvei stieak is oui defense nnd
we shall never allow It to be bildged
Much the same holds good with
iciid to Egvpt The Lugllsli will let
the powers continue to piotist against
tho continual delis In evacuation but
tht nie dall glowing mote detenu
lned not to quit
llei majestjs government pio
fesses foi the dlplomii of Euiope
paiticuliuly foi tho diplomacy of
Fiance nu Intense dlsd tin It believes
peilnps with good leason tint It is
equal to tho task of pa lug off Sll the
Tnllcjiinds nnd all the Mttteinlchs ot
the old vvoild nud It Is In this thoiou h
confidence In Itself tint It finds Its
chief stieiigth This the Biltlsh gov
ernment fot that matte l has Just
piovid by Inducing tlio commlssloneis
of the Egptlnn debt those of Finnee
nnd Biisbii excepted to authoiUe i
payment which Is nothing but a loan In
disguise out of the seventy million ot
francs of the ieseve debt
During the last two enis of my ex
He I vvns the witness of excessive vvoik
the objtet of which was the Impiove
ment of the fleet of the United King
doni The most unlmpoitant contin
tlon seived as n pretext foi tho build
lug of win vessels In lenllty England
was aware that the Insufficient lensons
alleged for the maintenance of hqr
tioops In Egypt would not long pass
muster nudAwas making piepaintlons
mv opinion she has quite made up hei
mind notwithstanding Pilnce Bis
marks Insulting piedletlon that Eng
laud will astonish the vvoild b hei
cow ai dice
The expedition to Dongoln pel
chaneo to Sauklni was Invented only
In older to Justify a lefusil to with
draw from Egvpt the nmi which Loid
Salisbury on the control has decldid
upon lelnforclug He Is not a little
pugnacious b character He will
evoke the spectre of the Soudanese In
vasion In the event of a defeat compara
ble to that of 1874 when of the 10000
men under Genctal Hicks none to
turned to tell the stor of the dlsnster
He w 111 rack his Imagination to luv eut
giounds acceptable or not foMbo evei
lasting piolongntlou of the British occu
pation but vvhatevei happens whit
ever lesponsc he receives or whatever
objections may bo made he will not
cv acuate Eg pt
This Is my firm conviction based
upon numerous conversations I had on
the subject with several ineiubcis of
the house of commons and paitlculail
Irish members who being opposed to
the English policy had no leason to
conceal Its undercurrents from me
The English pipers are pleased to
state that the deith of the Mnhdl
caused dlsiuptlon nuiong the famtlcs
who made of him a row piophot That
Is I believe a serious inor In whlih
cross channel chauvinism will be
wrong to take stock
The question our diplomats are vain
ly endeavoring to solve will perhaps bo
settled by the Soudinese and If Egpt
Is ever to be evacuated by the Euglia
ltwlllbobattles waged befoie the Halls
of Dongola or befoie uakb that
will determine the nvw itlou ques
tion Henri Hechefort
Uubam at Work
Hew York April 8 News was
received at the Cuban headquarters In
this city that a large expedition is be
ing formed In the yleintly of Key West
Ela for the Insurgents It Is said that
large quantities of arms and ammuni
tion have been Smuggled out of Key
West on the schooners Dolllc and Pearl
Tho schooner Martha owned by J I
Horr ex collector ot customs has left
Blsenyne with a full caigo of aims to
be transferred to some schooner
S riw iwi ijpi
Denlson Is still growing
Paris wants a beef packery
At Houston 9121 votes registered
At Dallas 7807 voters registered
Whttewrlgiht Is Improving some
The Dallas Sernlccntcnnal scheme is
progressing satisfactorily
The blood hound Idea is quite popular
with Texas sheriffs
Tho business houses and residences
of Greenville aro being numbered
Greenville Is to have an electrlli
street railioad
Gainesville now has a board of
The DlackandTan Republicans split
at Austin 1
Waxahachle wants the Presbterlan
Young wheat looks promising In
North Texas
Smallpox at Center and Temha in
Shelby county
Gainesville has a magnlfllcent and
bountiful water supply
Sherman is a growing city and will
soon have a sewer sysem
The Stato Epworth fragile will meov
at San Antonio on April 15
The ladles of Victoria will give a
floral carnival on April 21st
Measles are prevalent at Saulnnl and
the public schools has closed
Aiibtln counity authorities have con
tracted foi a nev Jail to C03t 19970
Ihe farmers are behind with their
work in mln counties too much
The comptroller has registered a 10
000 issue of DsWltt count courthouse
Another vein of the lignite coal has
been discovered near Hockdale Milam
Duval county has paid 51210 Interest
due April 10 on bonds held by the
school fund
The school at Cuero has been dis
missed in order that the building might
be repaired
Grimes county has Just paid 716 In
teiest duo April 10 on bonds held by
the school fund
Martin McGrath under nine years
sentence at Fort Woith escaped from
Jail the other night
During the months of Januar ana
February 41810 dozen eggs were ship
ped from Lampasas
Edm the county cite of Jackson
county Is growing and the improve
ments are substantial
to a
Full Text of the Hill to Amend Bocoml
Class Mall Mattor Law
There Is now before congress a bill
to amend the postal laws which Is meet
ing with some disfavor among publish
ers of country newspapers The lull
text of the bill Is as follows
Bo It enacted by tho senate and houso
of representatives of the United Statc
of America In congress assembled
That mailable matter of the ECcond
class shall embrace all newspapers and
other periodical publication which aro
Issued at stated lntervalo and as fre
quently as foui times a year and aro
within the conditions named In bec
tlons thre and four of this cct Pro
vided That nothing herein contained
shall bo sovconstrued as to admit to the
second class rate publications purport
ing to bo lBsued periodically and to
subscribers but which are merely
books or repilnts ol books whether
they be Issued complete or in parts
whether they be bound or unbound
whetherithey be sold by subscription
or otherwise oi whether they purport
to bepremlums or supplements or
parts of regular newspapers or perlod
Sec 2 That publications or the sec
ond class except as provided in sec
tion twentyfive of the act of March
third eighteen hundred and soventy
nine when sent b ythe publisher the re
of and from the office of publication
excluding sample copies or when sent
from a news agency to actual sub
scribers thereto or to other news
agents shall be entitled to transmis
sion through the mails at one cent a
pound or fraction thereof such post
age to be prepaid as now provided by
law Provided neverthelets That
news agents shall not be allowed to re
turn to news agents or publishers at
the pound rate unsold periodical pub
lications but shal pay postage on tlio
same at the rate of one cent tor four
Sec 3 That all periodical publica
tions regularly Issued from a known
place of publication at stated inter
vals as frequently as four times a year
by or under the auspices ot benevolent
or fraternal societies trades unions or
orders organized under the lodge tys
tem and having a bona fide member
ship of not less than one thoufcand per
sons Bhall be entitled to the prlvllcgo
of second class mall mattci Provided
That such matter shall be originated
and published to further the objects
and purposes of such society or order
Sec 4 That the conditions upon
which a publication shall bo admitted
to the second class aro as follows
First It must regularly bo issued
Tai ySmbirrV rttrnWtt rJiidffeitrltti PnftewTWt nTtTreenvrne > ll sooir tme3 ye i > eir n J01o S 5
be connected by telephone as well as
by rail and telegraph
Elsa Haywood living near Detroit
Red Itlver county shot himself
through the head recently
Mulkey and Ulnca rare holding a
meeting at Mlncola They enter ant
offer prayer In the saloons
At Temple recently D W Moore sold
a onehalf interest In the Moore
Childress cattle for 10000 cash
At New Boston Lizzie Casteel a
young negress received a life sentence
In tho penitentiary for infaticlde
At Galveston Norman J Doty and
Annie L Doty of Houston have filed
suit in the civil district court against
George W and Martha Schaper and R
T nnd Stuart Wheeler of this city
claiming damages In the sum of 100
000 Defendants caused the Indictment
and arrest of plaintiffs last July on a
charge of having embezzled a horse
Oapt Charles Davis collector of cus
toms for the ElPaso district denies
that there Is any Texas fever among
the cattle In that section of Texas and
the state of Chihuahua But says that
black leg Is killing a number of the
fattest oows as It does every spring
when grass begins to sprout Here
after all cattle shipped out of Mexico
will pass through ElPaso
Workmen while repairing a wall In u
building at Brenham the other day un
earthed something of a mystery in the
garret The place had apparently been
used as a sleeping apartment by some
person There was a pipe and tobacco
cigar stumps a pad of paper lead pen
cils and some other articles scattered
about but the astonishing thing found
was an Ingeniously made ladder con
structed of Iron and wood There was
a hook at the top showing that the
ladder was Intended for climbing
The antls were In the recent local
option elections In the Holland and
Rogers precincts In Bell county
The railroad commission has ap
proved and ordered registered by the
secretary of state 24000 of Aransas
Harbor Terminal ra way bonds This
Is part of the 250000 of bonds the com
mission recently authorized this road
to Issue
About 800 car loads ol stock cattle
will be shipped from Alice Nueces
county to the Indian Territory In April
Three insurance companies recently
paid 12160 occupation tax for 1896
The Mutual Life Insurance company of
Now Yort paid 12011 ot tine above
at stated intervals as frequently as tour
be numbered consecutively
Second It must be issued from a
known office of publication w lch shall
be shown by tho publcationMtself
Third It must be formed of printed
paper sheets without board cloth
leather or other substantial binding
such as distinguish printed books from
preservation from periodical publica
Fourth It must be originated and
published for the dissemination of In
formation of a public charaiter or de
voted to literature the sciences arts
or some special Industry and must have
a legitimate list of subscribers who voU
untarlly order and pay for the sarnfli
Provided That noting herein contained
shall be so construed as to admit to
tho second class rate regular publica
tions or any particular Issue of any
reguar publication designed primarily
for advertising purposes oi foi free
circulation or for circulation at nom
inal rates And provided That nil ex
tra numbers of second class publica
tions sent by tho publisher theieof
acting as the agent of an advertiser or
purchaser to addresses furnlsed by tho
latter shall be subject to pay poUgo
at tho rate of one cent for every four
ounces or fraction thereof And pro
vided further That It shall not bo per
missible to mall any given article or
articles or any part o any particular
number of a newspaper or periodical
segregated from the rest of tho publi
cation except at the third rate
cation except at the third class rato ot
Sec 6 That publishers and others
whose publications shall bo admitted
as mall matter of the second clasj un
der the provisions of this act shall be
required before depositing such mall
matter In the postofflce to separato tho
same into United States mall sacks or
bundles by States cities towns and
counties as the postmastergeneral
may direct
Sec G That the act of congress In
regard to secoid class all matter ap
proved July fifteenth eighteen hundred
and ninetyfour be and the same Is
hereby repealed
Sec 7 That thlB act shall take effect
and be In force from and after July
first eighteen hundred and nlnetyslr
If the relations of man and wife wero
such as they ought to be divorce would
be unknown To prevent separation
and divorce true love must be given a
new and practical formula when the
novelty subsides Instead of Ice cream
and caramels let It take tho form at
bread butter and meat Rev W W
A jV

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