l f THE GAZETTE JOHN WALLER BACK Published Evory Thursdiy by D W WAIfl Editor and PuK SUBSCRIPTION HATES PneYeii postpaid Kntcred at tho Stilner scconjcljs i matter > fl00 Texas Postoflln CENT HAS BECOME POPULAR Cheaper rrlces Mnko Enormous Ue > ranmM for the Small Cola Less than twentyfive years ago that Coin of the United States designated one cent was unknown to tho far West and seldom seen In tho old north western states says the Washington Post Nothing was sold for less than nickel and prices were arrnnpnd to make even change Now In nil tho states Including those of the Pacific slope which were the last to succumb cents aro In common everyday uso and prices are arranged arcordlncly The effect of the change Is of course an Increased coinage demand Three presses In tho Philadelphia mint are turning out 15000 cents a day It Is stated that from 1793 to the beginning of our great war the colnaso of the cent piece averaged only J25000 worth a year Just before and durlns the war the coinage became unusually largo but during the period of Inflated prlce3 It fell oft very materially In 1SSG however there was a sudden and great rise In cent coinage and there has been no return to low figures Almost one half of the entire cent coinage of the United States has been executed In tho last fifteen years or to be exact 301 700000 of the 780001000 pieces out standing have been strurk since 1880 And still the demand continues If this chacgo had set In whon the crash of 1873 cr that of 1893 came on It would have been regarded as a nat uraj result of hard times But as It be gan with tho return of nrnwMlty after resumption Fome cxnlnrtntlnn other than that of financial stringency Is re quired to account for It The Portland Oregonlan thinks that probibly the potent Influence In oxtfillnir the use of copper cents Is the reduction of Drlce through Improved machinery and les sened cost of production of articles of universal use which nlwnss are sold separately like newspapers It says tho Bale of papers for fractions of a nickel everywhere east of the Missis sippi has created an enormous demand for pennies and predicts lhat this de mand for pennies will be quite dou bled before long by the Inevitable fall of the price of a single rldo on a street car below E cents Tho use of cents Is not a peculiarity of the poor Many of the most costly goods such as Bilks velvets and laces aro marked so as to require change tn thlscolh Writers on economic sub lets state that the use of small coins IS greatest with the most highly1 devel oped nations We havo beard but one objection to this reform In tho United States and that came from a rastor of a Wesleyan church He complained that on the Introduction of the copperusing ainblt In his town the collection fell off more than GO per cent I > I Bniito of Color In AtilmaU It In next to Impossible to clto an Instance In which a dog Identifies an object by Its huo and there Is little posi tive evidence that the largerquadrupeds have much sense of color Domestic cattle are so far affected by violent con trast of white and dark that the pres ence of a black white or very clearly spotted animals In the herd sometimes results in calves being thrown of tha same color or markings But though red la said to Irritate a bull and to xclte hunters by association of ideas the latter statement rests partly on sur mise Tho writer has seen a setterrefuse to retrieve a black rabbit becauselt ap parency thought it3 master had shot a black cat But a houseliving dog shows no preference for a red carpet or rug over a blue or a variegated one and expresses no surprise or curiosity Whether Its master wears a red uniform or black evening suit None of the cats whether wild or tame show any par tiality for bright hues and among all the stratagems used from time imnjo tnorlal by huntors the use of color as a luro for quadrupeds is notably absent Exchange Hero a Way Worth Imitating Charles H Patterson a manufacturer of Dayton O speaking in New York recently told how he bad made money by being kind to his employes 1000 girls He started a school to teach them bow to work more intelligently gave them Ave minutes for rest and calisthenics morning and evening put a stove and colored woman in each de partment and served coffee and soup free started a laundry to save them the trouble of taking their aprons home to wash bought 1000 aprons forthem fitted up a room with a cot and medi cine chesttapd says it all paid the best of girls eagerly seek the work and they work willingly and well Three singers are still living who took part In the drat performance of Elijah in Birmingham England 60 years ago EXCONSUL TO MADAGASCAR 1 NEW YORK Xlli Treatment In franco lhlnkii llin Action Wnf Jimtlllable A jllurtler Mystery Developus nfc Denvor Colo Tito Vouml Dentl Now York April 15 John Wallfi late United States consul to Amative Madngasear was a secondclass pus scpjrin on the steamer New York which nuived today fioin Southampton He stated to a lcpoiter at quaran tine that ho was iclnscd from prison In Franco ou Ieliruaiy 20 exactly eleuii months from tho tliro he was sentenced nt Madagascar Ho declined to dlscu s his case at length but said he felt confident of the ultimate u3tlIlcntIon of his actions lie iuqulied anxiously ns to tho health of his wife and fam ily who have tieeii In Baltimore tho pnst two months Waller eald that while on the guard ship at Madagascar and dining his passage to France his ticiituicnt was simply Inhuman but that nt tho piis ons In France his lot was no worse than an oidlnary prisoner Tho food served 1 ail uutilnient and he was compelled to puichaso supplies out side Omernor Jouos Doilli Carson Nov April 13 Governor John E Jones who died nt San Fran cisco last night was boin In Wales De cember 51810 lie came to the United States with his patents and settled In Iowa In 18 r0 He was educated In the public schools finishing with a four jear course In the Iowa Unlveisltv lie was a school teacher lu his eaily mnn ltood and afterwards like most western men followed mining and such voca tions as came to his baud In Colorado Wyoming and Nevada In 1803 ho held tho oflico of United States deputy In ternal revenue collector losldlug nt Eureka Nevada In 1SSO he vins elected suiveyor general of the state by the lcpulillcnn parly He was re elected In 1600 serving until he took the otllco of governor In ISO IIo was elected governor by the sliver party He will be succeeded by Lieutenant Governor Hclnholil Sadler now acting governor News of his death caused much sor row In tlila city and state Tuo > ot li ent Waehlugtou April 13 It now ap peals that on tho voto by which Con gi penman Abbott was ndjMdgcd en titled to the seat In the easo of Kearby vs Abbott two lepulitluins were ab sent The vote stood therefore two for Kearby and live for Abbott There are nine members of the com mittee and tho absence of the two republicans at the time the voto wns taken creates some doubt as to the fu tuie of the case No one knows what these two will do If they should re fuse to sign tho majority report width gives Abbott tho scat then there will bo four republicans on the mlnouty report If they agree with the majority then It Is highly probable that there will not be a mlnoilty report If there Is n mlnoilty report signed by four republicans It la nfe to siiy that tho case will bo fought further In tlio house So far tho two absent members have not given out what they intend to do Should four republicans sign a minority report then there will be the majority report witl threo dem ocrats and two republicans on it This would uiuke the caso very Interesting Greer County lllll WashlugtonApr 13 The subcom mittee of tho judiciary committee of tho house to which was referred tho bill In regard to tho validation of the acts of tho otHcqers and courts In Greer county considered It yesterday and agreed to favorably report It back to tho main committee This is tho bill which was prepared by the attorney general nnd Judge Brown of Greer county There Is no doubt but that It will be approved by tho main committee and that it will pass tho house The sanio bill has been Introduced In tho senate by Sen ator Chilton Another Victim Helena Mont April 13 Anothor victim has been added to the Hope mine disaster Last evening n rescu ing party succeeded In descending to the one hundred foot level Bad air made them como up Boon All returned but one An attempt wus made to go back after him but the gas had been ln croased so that It was impossible Tho man is dead beyond doubt There aro no signs of life yet from the soveninen eutombed Setmntlonnl btory Washington April 13 Presldou1 Cleveland has mode to Spain a formal preposition that tho goad olllces of tho United States bo accepted In mediation between that country nnd iter rebel lious colonics ru th6 West Iudles This preposition was made In a caulcginm of Instructions to our min ister nt Madrid Mr Taylor which was dispatched yesterday No diplomatic dispatch of equal Itu poitonco hns left this capital sluco Scc rotaiy Ollieyst uo ta to tho British gov ernment on the Venezuelan boundary question was Sent to London It bilng3 to a ciisl tho relations between tho United tSatcsl and Spain which liavo been unsettled since the outbreak of tho Cuban rebellion The note thor oughly explains the attitude of tho United States and reasons which led to this action Tho note recnlls the correspondence between this government and Spain nt the time of tluV ten yenis war when President Grant and Secretary Fish pioposed mediation and the Spanish goeminent although declining to ac cept It premised certain reforms In Cuba The tact that the United States was In part Instrumental in bringing about that settlement and the chnigo that the Spanishgovernment lms not kept Its promlsesds given ns a reason why the United Stater now has n light to be hcanl lu the case Spain is assured of the fact that tho United States is actuated only by dis interested motived and by a desire through fiicndshlp to bring about a more pacific nnd satisfactory settle ment of nffalis in the island Swiln Is urged to accept our pood olllces In tho spirit In which they me tendered and the hope Is expressed that the Spnulsh government will see its way clear to granting reforms In Cuba Tho president doc not nate Spain to giant the Independence of Cuba nor does he suggest that home rule be ac eotded that island He leave alt these questions of methods to bo dis cussed after Spain shall have expressed a willingness to accept mediation A IIIK lleaV La lorlc lud April 13 Lwt De cember tho L A Bell company of this place and tho Muntslug company of Cleveland Ohio owning 1S1O0O acre of timber land lii UIchfguntiluutary to Munislitg nild LalielSupeilor sold tho bark from bo lu ttacts to Uostnu and Silem Mnss parties nnd stipulated for tho erection of one of the largest tauueiles lu the United States at liuailr slug Today the same two companies old t John C French of Olonn N Y and Mllo Lj man of Hotter county a all of tliu lock Umber on both premises after the balk had been peeled there from estimated nt more than lour hun dred million feet One of tho conditions of the tinusactlon required the pur chasers at once to erect a mill at Munl slug with a capacity for munufjicituiuig not less than 21000000 foot of the lunu ber purchased In the onlluary sawing season of each year VlglittiiK the lto San Francisco Apr 18 The auuua election of oiileeis by this dlreatois of the Southern Pacing showed a division of opinionas to Hid atnoss of O 1 Huntington for president of the com pany which Is looked upon as tho be ginning of a light against that mag nate At tho direction oC Mrs Ielaud Stanfoid the two directors who repre sent the Stnnfoul estate voted for Gen eral Thomas II Hubbard of New York for president and William Crocker also refused to voto for Huntington General Hubbard admits that ho was urged by Mrs Stanford to become a candidate for tho presidency but says ho refused Mrs Stanford is said to havo ex pressed the belief that If the Stanford Crocker and Senile Interests could havo milled on General Hubbard he would havo been elected Cairo Short Una St Louis Mo c April 13 Illinois Central officials have completed the plans for the reorganization of tho old Cairo short line As a result of a conference Mr Geo 13 Lnry formeity o the Cairo Short Hue Is appointed nsslstant general agent of tho Illinois Central with head quarters at St Louis Dlvorlinocl Crop Nashville Tonn April 13 Ihp Southern Trade Kevlew has answeis from correspondents In all tho cotton states giving estimates of aqreago for 1800 t Tho plnntlpg is fully under way in tho far South nndvwill bo very soon In full operation overthe entire South On tho whole tho Increaso is not much larger than cnu he accounted for on tho ground of natural development and there is a mnrkeiktendeney toward di versified crops i TEXAS NEWS NOTES yitherB McGchoe of Kylo shipped four oars of fine beef cattlo to East St LouU market recently This firm will soon close their shipment of 1000 head of beeves A party of hunters who have been spending n fow weeks in the Indian Territory returned to Uenlson recently reporting a flno catch offlsh plenty of turkey and small game Harry Johnson a Cycarold Denl son boy jumpod In a milk magon stand ing In front of his homo whipped up tho horses Tho team ran away throw ing tho boy out and seriously Injuring him As tho passenger train drew into Byron switch below Grapeland the other night some unknown person fired a pistol tho ball striking William Biggs In the thigh Inflicting a seilous wound Mls3 N Downes tho young lady who was charged wlthi cowhidlng a young gentlemah of Fort Worth recently pleadod guilty to disturbing tho peaco la tho city court and was given a flno of 10 and coots In the case of Charle3 Gallagher charged with tho murder of It W Laird at Texarkana last August In tho district court at Bo3ton Tex tho Jury brought in a verdict of not guilty after deliberating seventy hours The following anonymous letter was received at Wichita Falls by tho post master and It caused a Rreit deal of talk ind excitement To the post master Wo are going through that same bank the boys xtaa in and tho pastoffkte tho same day and wo aro go ing to havo twentyfivo of your best men in nlace of the boys you hung my brother 32 In It Unusual Interest Is being developed In tho revival services at the Methodist church at Lone Oak After a sermon by Itev E 1 Kllgoce one evening re I cently about forty arose and requested i the praycra of tha thurch Uncle Jim Anderson formerly ai noted saloon keeper of Greenvlllsv and Itev E G I Phillips of Navada are present as work ers Tho pastor Rev L S Smith has also the cooporatloa oi tha other pas tors of the toyn Tho remalnsi ot Qiarley Craig a young whlto man IT years < oId wero interred in thi Hutchlns cenatery re cently While tolling n > tree three miles southeast from that place he sustained injuries from which he diod three hours afterward In foiling ths trjie ho was cutting It knocllod a ljmUi frcma an ad joining tree ahdVthls limb struck young Craig and fractured his akuU IIo was uncbnsclous from tha moment tho limb struck hlm Israel M King a wealthy cattleman ot Silver City NH antka member of the legislature olthat territory wasar rested recently taiCuldad Juarez Mex charged with cattlo theft Ho was ar rested without aj warrant and without any specific chargB King while driv ing a herd from Palmoias Mex to Demlng N M found In the Uuuch sev eral calves belonging to a Mexican and returned to Palmoas and paid and ob tained a receipt for thorn There Is I great indignation expressed ai the ac tion of the Mexioan officials During tho last session at the Wil liamson county grand lury a number of blls of indictment ware returned against cltzens ol Tayloramong them a dozen or more of the leading men of the city charging them with playing cards In a public hnuEn Thesp cases will como up for trial at the next term of the county oonrt and as the parties interested paoposa to fight the cases upon tho grounds that tho cards were played at their private residences tho decision ot tha court of criminal appeals at Dallas recently In tho case of J Z Miller vs ths state from Na varro county whleh was reversed and dismissed proves Interesting reading matter to the dozen or more parties in terested United States Marshal J M Chan cellor passed through Denison re cently having in charge J W BeAr mond who was arrested in 1890 on tho charge of murdering Ed Howell in the Chickasaw aation In that year and who with five others escaped from tha Sherman jail In 1891 whllo awaiting trial in the federal court DArmond was caught In Brooklyn N Y about a month ago after having becn at Ub Erty nearly six years When asked how he got away so easily and what caused his recapture ho politely refused to talk but said it was a very easy mat ter to travel a long distance If aman s in a hurry and not particular as to tha i accommodations he has The remains of M Lewis who died at Htllsboro wore Interred at Fort Worth Up to a recent date he was a i leading merchant ot Hlllsboro Waxa aachle Ennls Mexla and Bryan Fall ing health recently forced his retire ment from business A fortypound catfish caught in Tied river a few days ago attracted popular mention at Denison George Money and Andrew Wood tolk of Kcndleton became involved in t dispute over a horse The former was iliit and badly wounded but will likely fecover iPresldontlsaaoLowla of Sabina 01ilo > is highly respected all through that ecotlon IIo has lived In Clinton Co To jChn and has been president of th6 gablna Bank 20 years IIo gladly testifies to tho merit of Hoods Sarsa psrilia and what ho says is worthy attention All brain workers find Hoods SarsaparlUa peculiarly adapted to their needs It makes pure rich led blood nnd from tills comes nerve mental bodily and digcstlvo strength I am glad to say that Hoods rSnrsnpn rllla Is a very good mcdlclno especially as a blood purifier It has dona mo good many times Tor sovcral years I suffered greatly with pains of In one oyo and about my temples es pecially at night when I had been having a hard day of physical and mental labor I took many remedies but found help only In Hoods SarsaparlUa which cured mo ot rheumatism neuralgia and headache Hoods Qarsapaillla has proved itself a trr o frlend I also tako Hooda Pills to kep my bowels regular and like tho pdla very much Isaao Lewis Babfna Ohio Sarsapad9ia Istbe One True Blood Furl tier All dhtctfser f 1 Prepared only by C I Hood Co Howell Moss aaPrompt efficient anj j jt HOOdS FlllS easj inoffoct ISccnts 0 KlftM 05JOCHCHJCKBO a TSaOncr Great StandardAuthorl S 8QtwiUa lion 1 J Hrewcr 5 JtMilca U S Kupiems Oonrtt C nCSendaPostal for Specimen PactaMc g Successor of tha VnabrldtedtV Sttiiitlnrtl of their 3 Oovtrnnti InROftlcctheU H Mn J i > reme Coml all tho i Miito Pupifina toiulK tinI of nearly all 1I10C Is drooll > U0k4ti mrnrnily Coiumens2fl < by Steto Hnperinwml < enta of Schools oiul t ctlieri rtucntor almost J Tvitiiout number THE BEST FOR EVERYttGDY BCCAUBC Itlfttetayto find the word wanted It Is eaiy to ascertain tho pronunciation It Is easy to troco the trowth 0j B wutd It la easy to lenrn whot o word means 37ei Ctcafio Timcs + Herald nsxyt WelwUrMnwrniUlortal Jlotlonnry lnrtM > rf < ntiC ioour JtHiwuKfl in lh npvi of 01 ihoKi v > T 0HI10 nnd deflmubn lrr > m Itthfre J no pyetyj ncwy npp9ft1 ItWni perfect nslmman elToitMiUBUiwanTC dUlpoammaWo It leo U78JS 1 GlCZIlIiilRTA3BCOt Publisher Springfield Efass UA > ooooooa 7i will send to any address by IrZall or Exprcsa prepaid sx Boys Bluo and Wlitto or Brown and White Linen rancy Trimmed Sailor Suit Agos 3 to 10 Sffl3SS STHE MODERN BAKKER simple sso c 11 kiiiu 10 to firm i < o umuo > y HI 1 XX 7 sJe < if T j HM Wh n Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention Th V por