OCR Interpretation

Shiner gazette. [volume] (Shiner, Tex.) 1893-current, April 16, 1896, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090270/1896-04-16/ed-1/seq-8/

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+ iwv wwn v tVapwwtMM wjenmntxntremrvai
Ktvt 9umnxMiameBCjfvesvvaiMi9r mofAtmmM mj
A Wtwd to the
° 8 Wise is SuJStoxsai
If If Oces arja Qualify
j of Gteods Irjfcresf jou
And tuev coitainly bbouid in ny line because a porson is generally
< irtful about what Ik c i s A dollar saved is n dollar made i3 cer
tainly true and a word to the lso is sufficient Thcrefoio go to
The Family feoos
This Department includes all kinds of Dress
Goods Calicos Domestics Notions etc
Our line of Clothing includes Mens Boys and
Youths Clothing Over Coats Hats Caps and Gents Furnishing
Goods Prices lower than the lowest Full stock of Groceiies and
Notions all fresh Agent for
jfjsrOotton Bjrxci Cotton Seeclsstf
Bought at highest cash prices
enysTAt leases
Csillt firs ul A A
Has exclusive sale of these cele
brated glases in Shinov from tho
lactoiy of MooroKellum tho only
complete optical plant in tho
South < Atlanta Ga
The roll of honor for tho week
Georgo Phillips
Wm Boorm
Otto Fertsch
A splondid assortment of candies
Just received nt Ed Colomans
A nico line of garden hoso just
recoivod atG E Ruhmanne
Lunch at all hours at tho Aran
sas Pass saloon
Fresh bread every day at Dvo
raks bakory and restaurant
Jungbccker Co for fruits
Got you a ready made fishing
lino at A B Jungbeckor Co M
A nico zHSortuioit of work bas
kets at A B Jungbeckor Co
N > w garden seed for bale by A B
Jungkoker Co
Portland and Roeendale Ccmont
loi siIp by Flato Green
Gut a bottle of Vici shoe polish
at Ed Colemans
Rent contracts and chattel mort
gao blanks for sale at A Gravos
drugstore tf
foil stock of perfumeries
hi lshcy toilet cases combs etatiqn
< ry school books fancy toilet ar
icIps and notions of all kinds at
A Gravos drug s ore
< L Williams will sell you an
< nntar wind mill SO footgilva
n I iron tower for W5 Now is
i tino to buy
Flato Green have just received
p nr of tbo Gliddon and Waufco
C barbed wire manufactured by
toi Wuihburn and Moen Co
A nvi at Mellicnn baR discovered
v in w way to koop his daughter
4 ma eloping Ho killed her and
I a > low hluiFolf Up v Uh dynamite
Diseases of tho Eye Ear Nose
and Throat n special and exclusivo
praotico Catarrh of tho Nose and
Throat treated The scientific ap
plication of spectacles to tho eye
receives my special attention
Ollico with Dr Eidson Friday
12 m to Saturday 3 p m of each
Gano Eads came up from
kum Sunday
Mrs Sarah Hughs has boon very
ill this week
HeniyKuesal of Yoakum was in
town Sunday
Shiner now has a gun club com
posed of about 25 members
Olley Emil of Yoakum has been
here this week visiting friends
Brandon Smith camo up from
Edna this week on a visit
Oscar Bellamy of Yoakum was
in town Friday on business
Eddio Hornor is back at his old
stand in tho Welhausen bank
Mrs J B Hollingsworth is slowly
recovering fron her recent illness
Grandma Mowca is quito ill at
the residence of her daughter Mrs
Chae Flato
Rudy Flato goes to tho Indian
Territory this week to remain a
Tho announcement of Anton
Bcrkofsky for tax collector appear
in this issue
Ernst Guilland has returned
from Houston and i3 running a
lunch stand in thoBismark soloon
Too Wrba left Satnrdiy for Fay
ettqville where ho may conclude to
Tho charter for tho Shinor Social
and Literary society arrived t last
A 0 Koepko and family have
been spending the week out on tho
Tho number of votes cast at tho
cjty election vfas 110 instead of 102
its we stated last week
Henry Kocther recovered his
hpise Wednesday of laet week It
was found in tho Boundry pas
O J Koehler en mo over from Wit
ting last wook alid stated that he
would piobably movo back to
Shiner this fall
v n 9
Br dfrlL BtirlesoH
The wellknown and successful
Eye Ear and Throat Specialist oi
Cucro will visit Shiner every week
commencing Wednesday March
25 and remain until Thursday of
each weok Call nt Dr Eidsons
office and consult him
Phillin Welhausen attended the
meeting of tho democratic county
executivo committoo at Hallotts
villo Saturday
Prof Will Fortsch called at this
ofiico this week and left a years
subscription for his lather Mr Otto
Fertsch of Bieslau
Frank Koneeny a Bohemian
farmer living about half way be
tween Shiner and Yoakum brought
in 14 bales of coiton Saturday
Wolt ors Bros were tho purchasers
J R Daniels has purchased 800
acres of land 7J miles from Edna
Jackson county of Louis Doakard
and will movdHhero next fall or
winter Tho prico paid was < 8 per
Tho Btorm Saturday night was a
sevoro one and on the gulf assumed
tho aspect of a hurrican Tho high
winddid cohgidorablo damage to
crops and fruit Sunday night wc
were treated to thunder storm by
way of a chrngov It has rained on
an averago of every other day for a
month past
j i
Sunday morning tho back door
of the bank building was found
open having bcien lorced open by
some one during tho nightNothing
had been molested and the would
bu burglar had all his troublo for
nothing Thtime lock skfo there
is absolutely burglar proof
Wo are authorized to stato that
tho opera houBO is open every Sun
day afternoon for tho reception
of ladies nndijl who care to enter
Tboy have thctf permission of thu
manager o Gngag iri dancing or in
any other auitiSqments thoy care to
indulge in Acordial welcome will
be accorded rill < v
There wiU Jipa pjcnic and fish
fry on tho rivor near the mouth of
Poach qreok on Friday May 1st
Evory body gofci and take a wall
filled basket Tho ftebernien will
go outSrhnifdoty andby Fri ay
morning theywil be supposed to
have enough of tho finny tribo neq
essary for thanoccasiOn
The Gazette is indebted to Miss
Fannie Roberta for the particulars
regarding the death pf Bliss Faunio
Koeglar which occurred at Praiiio
Lea Friday night February 28 at
tho home of her brother She had
been sufTorin 1 with consumption
for somo years and had been in tho
mountains rnosj of tho time since
hor residence rro two years ago
Prior to her dfafli she had been
teaching Tnj intorment tool
place at ThohillSonyille
Owing 16 llipvusli of cattle to the
Indian TorritpM nd tho markets
of Chicago ancfSt Louis thoro is
quite a car farn iie among the rail
roads in Tosaty TJio Southern Pa
cific is said 5o away behind the
demand for cars Somo four oi
fiva trains of cattle pas through
Shiner every dty for delivery to
tho MK4T and the Santa Fe
f <
pypj > f aarnJfT > Tfwiir wnrtTjpwifn > mMJtaBiJwt mgJrtFwi
mm F
ItlfSTlTffll J S
Is given our friends patrons and tho public in general to come
and look over our full and complete stock of
Dry Goods Clothing fooc6ries5
Boots Shoes Hats etc
Chas Welhausen
jjgjrv k
Solicits accounts farmers accounts a specialty Deposits of papers of
valuo received without cost to persons holding regular accounts Notes
and interest bearing paper3 sold on easy commission Remittances to
all parts of Europe without cost to the leoipiant at rate off 0ct3 on if 100
Collections atlowest rate Office hours from 9 a m to 4 p m Buiglar
proof safo always under time look safe
Fire Insurance Parent
Have tee largest stock of
Bemember this when you get
ready to buy
Executive Committee
Pursuant to the call of the chair
man tho democratio executive com
mittee of Lavaca county met at the
office of Paulus Ragsdale Satur
day aftornoon The chairman was
absent Wm Blakosleo was chosen
chairman pro tcm and Dr F L
Fprdtran secretary
A losolution was offered and
adopted ondorsing tho action of tho
state executive committeo in call
ing a primary on June Gth
A motion was mado and carried
that primary elections be held in
each pioeincffor the purposo of
nominating county officers
It was duly ordored that the pri
maries for tho nomination of coun
ty officers be called by the precinct
chairman of each piecincton Sat
urday tho 27ih of June
It was moved and seconded that
tho precinct chairman of each pre
cinct shall leturn the vote to the
county executivo committeo to bo
counted on or boforo tho lqb day qf
July Carried
i QIC i
Mr Conrad Limbcrger a hard
ware merchant of thii city com
mitted suicido Wodnosday morning
at 010 Ho had been drinking
very hewily for about a week and
being in a partial ciazed condition
fired the bullet which ended his
hfo Circumstances show that ho
camo down from his room a few
minutes prior to the event pur
chased a bottle of whiskoVyand re
turned to his room over the store
Ho then picked up a pistol fired
one shot into tho cast wall and
plunug himself in front of a mirror
Ue sent the second shot into his
body about an inch and n half
above the navel The shots woie
heard by 13everil parties but they
did not know from whence tho
sounds came andhis body lay aB it
fell until his alerk Goo Fiotsam
camo down about 730 oclock to
open his stove Fietsam went to
Limborgera room and seeing tho
situation at onco ave tho alarm
Life was practically extinct how
rver when the body was found
Judge Hancock held an inquest
and returned a verdict in accord
ance with the above factsWeimar
p t v
Rev Schwab will preach jn En
glish at tho Methodist church next
Tho writer saw our old friend
Otto Henkhoufi coming into town
Tuesday perched on a load of four
bales of cotton There is yot 3ome
cotton in tho country
The ball last night was favored
with glorious weather and tho at
tendance was large The crowd
gathered early and camo propared
for fun and they had it Tho
mubic was superb
Tho council will piept tonight
in tho Mayor office ThU will bo
the lhst meeting of tne old board
and the new members will bo swotn
in Tho new member aro Mr
Youngs and Mr Wolterij
IL waB reported here on tbo
Ftreela Monday by a Gonzales gen
tleman that banker Carl Dilworth
of thatplace would bo a candidate
for congress on tho republican
ticket Tho rumor has not boon
coufirraqd as yet
Undo Danipl Culpepper waa in
town Tuesday and 1 sported the
May beotles doing groat damage to
gardentruck Tho bugs only ap
pear at night Some gardens have
been nearly destroyed By them
They are said to coma from the
common grubworin
Brandon Smith has secured the
plant of the defunct Gulf Newfc
formerly published at Ectaav and
will move tho plant to Gonzales nd
bagin the publication there oi a
sound raonoy democratic paper lr
Smiths mission ftt Gonztvles this
woek was for that purpose A 1
sound money organ hab l > en much
needed in Gonralcs tis th Inquirer
is a strong free tilvor paper Mr
Smith will no doubt mesit with
goad success

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