t t COOPER IS LYNCHED THE SOUTH CAnOIINA MUR DERER MET DEATH A tcr Making Donperato Krslitihcu Surrendered to tlio OIUccm but a 3Io IIunKtMt IHinnnl rlddlvU IIla Hotly VMtl Uulluts Sumter S C Jan 0 Simon Cooper thD negro outlaw who Thursday mur dered thrco members ot tho Wilson family and a colored servant was lynched near hero yesterday Cooper was captured by the sheriffs posoe and was being takom td Sumter when tho mcb decided to hang him The deputy sheriffs aided by two men resisted tho lynchers but were oveipo wered A rope was thrown oor a limb of a tree and as the man swung upward the body was pierced by more than 160 bullets One bullet cut the rcpe and the corpse tell to tho ground where tho coroner found It some hours later when ho went to hold an inquest Cooper was captured about noon In a cabin flvo miles from thl3 place About 2 oclbck yesterday morning lako Darwin colored went to the house of V R Burkltt a white neighbor and said that Cooper was at his house asleep Burkltt rodo to Sumter with the news and a deputy sheriff with a posse of nlno men Immediately left A woman and a man wero In the house with Cooper He sent tho woman out and later cent tho man out to buy him ammunition In Camden giving him a sample shell Tho man rode over to tho posso and gave them tho shell Cooper was well armed with Win chesters and kept up a continuous fire The house Is a small one and on a hill In the cpen co that tho posso could not at first como within range with any degree of safety Oneo Cooper came out of tho house with a gun and was taking aim when a Mr McCown fired at him Cooper immediately dropped his gun and seemed to bo hit Ho did not shoot but returned to the house About noon an advance was made and tho po3so closed In After a parley Cooper agreed to come out Several men posted themselves at the door and as tho outlawstcpped out ho was seiz ed by armed men As he stood facing the crowd a shot wa3 fired and Cooper drepped with a rifle ball through hU cheek Ho wa3 not badly wounded > vRvcr and ao he rolled over ho1 made an attempts ett bis hand to his trous ers In his shirt a rezor wa3 found while benorth his trousers band was a leaded revolver Cooper was drunk and after the shot becamo almost unmanageable A ecairch of the cabin revealed a Winchester rifle two revolvers a va lise filled with cartridges and a number of flasks some empty and others filled with whisky On a pae torn from a blank book was written Itememibcr that I killed myself Thero never was a man that could tako me SIMON COOPER Cooper was placed In a wagon with Mr McKagan of Sumter and Mr Tur blvillo of Florence and tho party start ed for town The crowd of nearly 100 men followed There were mutterlhgs cf lynching but the trouble did not culminate until Green swamp was reached about two miles from Sumter Vuen tho mob demanded Coopers sur render tho officers wero overpowered and the negro lynched as related The coroners jury returned a ver dict that Cooper came to his death at tho hands cf a mob whose members wero unknown to tho jury ricked Up nt Sea Jacksonville Fla Jan 9 As tho United States revenue cutter Doutwell was approaching tho mouth of St Johns river late Thursday evening the lookout discovered a catrigged yawl Hying a flag of distress One of tho Boutwolls boats sent to investigate found a sailor la the bottom of tho yawl unconscious He was wasted to a skeloton and his mouth was on his naked forearm as though ho had tried to drink his own blood ile proved to be Capt Charles Her man of Providence R I who left that ploco Nov 1 accompanied by Charles Gladding In the yawl Cocheco for a cruise along the coast of Florida When they left Charleston on Dec 20 they were blown out to sea Their provisions and water were soon ex hausted Last Friday Herman thinks it was the light house on Anastla is land was sighted By this time Glad ding was crazy and put off for shore in a boat attached to the Cocheco and un doubtedly was lost Herman remem bers nothing else and must have be come unconscious shortly after Glad ding left The Cocheco then drifted up tho coast with its unconscious master until discovered by the Boutwell Her man weighed ISO pounds when ho left Providence He now weighs only 110 ant Is so weak he can hardly raise bis hand Lula Jones was burned to death at Hamilton O tho other day i Itchols MiUu nil Attarlt Key Wcjt Fla Jan D AdvloC3 re ceived here from Havana eIiow that nt i oclock on the afternoon of Jan 3 the Insurgent force commanded by Juan Dclgado opened fire on tho forts a Calabazar province of Havana The military governor Major Justlz had chargo of tho troops in thi garrison and they resisted tho attack of the in surgents so briskly that the latter were obliged to retreat > On tho following morning tho insur gents renewed their attack simultane ously on forts No 5 0 7 and 8 with a lively dlschargo of musketry which was answered by the garrison At the same time the insurgents burned tho dwelling of Senor Fernando Garcia situated near the railroad sta tion Tho bullets flow thickly many of thp missiles penetrating tho storo of Pedro Brdcena In twenty different places The Spanish trocp3 finally compelled tho insurgents to retrcit While the Cubans wore retlrlns they destroyed with their machetes all tho tobacco that had been planted In the vicinity Tho insursents also attacked tho village of Ilancho Boyero but with out result Advices received yesterday confirn tho report that Callxto Garcia with 5000 well armed Insurgents after an engagement upon tho arrival offGen Boschos convoy at Bayamo marched toward Jlguanl which placo they be bleged for five days It Is said that tho garrison of the town resisted the at tack of the Insurgents until tho arrival of tho column of Gen Boscho when Garcia and hl3 men retreated towatd Santiago de Cuba countermarching af terward In the direction of Holguln Tho insurgent leader Jose Maria Agulrre the dispatch also Eays has been shot In the head but is Improv ing Ho Is at Aguacato province of Havana One hundred and flftyslx wounded Spanish soldiers arrived at Havana from tho province of Plnar del Itlo on Tuesday last Advices from Havana say that a pe tition was presented on Tuesday last at the produce exchango by a number of merchants requesting tho executivo committee of tho exchange to send a dispatch to Madrid on tho authority of tho wholesale and retail merchants ot Havana a ddressed to Premier Can oras del Castillo protesting against the action of tho marquis of Apezto gula and other Spanish sugarcano grinders who are agitating the ques tion of Capt Gen Weylers recall from Cuba These grinders claim that Gen Weyler does not protect their Interests by not allowing them to grind but on tho contrary thus favors the insur gents plans The signers of tho peti tion states that they aro above political corruption and only wish that tho truth bo made known Guarding n Mlno Ottowa III Jan 0 Sheriff Yockoy has left for Rutland village with six teen special deputies picked from tho old militiamen and armed with Martin repeating rifles on a call for help from Deputy Matt Coulson who has been on the ground ever slnco Monday night when tho miners at Emerson Hakes shaft threatened to raze the building The telegram to Sheriff Yockey was to tho effect that between 200 and 300 Italians and Austrlans were parading the streets and threatening to loot Hakos store and burn the shaft The trouble grew out of a break In the scales which weighed 450 pounds light It was several days before the miners discovered this Tho manager failed to keep his promise to repair the scales and tho men quit Ho has refused to pay them the money duo claiming that they ore not discharged and must wait until pay day Jan 1G for their money Tho Rutland miners nave been joined by miners from surrrounding towns Many of them aro armed Rutland is a vlllago of 1000 people halt way be tween Wenona and Mlnonk Held Up lUHl Iltubed Kansas City Mo Jan 8 Frank Stewart an Ottawa Kan farm hand staggered Into the Kansas City pollca station lato Wednesday night suffering from loss ot blood He had been held up and robbed five miles west of tho city by two footpads who after shoot ing him through the groin placed bis body across the Missouri Pacific tracks Stowart was scarcely able to roll him self off tho track before a train ap proached He lay in the snow uncon scious several hours before being able to start toward the city His wound is serious Poultry Show Guthrie Ok Jan 0 The attend ance at the territorial poultry show yesterday was largo and Judge H B Savage of Belton Tex finished tho scoring Tho association elected offi cers yesterday for the year President J J Wallace Oklahoma City reelect ed first vicepresident Thomas Mor ris Guthrie second vicepresident F C Brown of Kingfisher secretary and treasurer L F Laverty Guthrie re elected executive committee L Obrel ter of Edmond Frank G Kress of Guthrie J J Cumlrags of Perry and I A Deware of Oklahoma City CABINET PBEDlCTION SHERMAN DUOS AND ALTGELD ON THF SAME S1ATE Two Ilpgroes Supported to Havo llocn Itolilicit In 11104 round to he Still Alive lluosla Obtul ling n Firm Foothold on tlio Corcnu rcitnlroulm Cleveland Ohio January 11 The opinion nuiong those who claim to know Is that Senator Sherman will bo offeied nutl will accept he scciotniy shlp of State In McKInleyB cabinet anil that Mr Ilanna villi not be one of the cabinet ndvlscra o tho next presi dent It Is believed to bo certnln that Mr Ilanna will bo appointed ns tho successor of Mr Shcimnn In tho senate a place which the piosldontcloct could offer hlni Inasmuch rs tho senatorial appointment would have to bo marto by Governor Bushnell tho amange incut herein suggest Is snld to Indi cate tho filcndly feeling which Sena torelect VoniUor has for tne president elect and fotOhSfcilrman of tho na tional committee fT Regaidlug the selection of Cornelius X Bliss of Now York for secretary of the navy It Is salrttlwvt Mr Bliss has boon offeied tho pte > but that ho de ferred his acceptance until ho could ucertain whether he could so nrraugo his business affairs as to permit of his taking tho place Geucial Alger of Michigan Is counted ns certnln to bo tho sueietaiy of jsrir + Wore Not lynched Birmingham Ala January 11 In he summer of 1804 II B Walker the rullioad ngent nt Suspension On was shot and lobbed by two negroes Do teeth u Wnllnce of Columbus Gn while hying to nnest Itlley Walker and Richard Williams colored for the crime was shot and killed by thom The mmder caused gicnt Indignation and when the negroes weie nirested they only escaped lynching by being limited off by timu to jail nt Mont gomery In August of that year they were taken back to Union Springs and oaeh ghen n life sentence The ver dict emaged tho people so that a mob assembled The pilsoneis weie placed on a train to bo huiiled away to Mont gomery again Near Mitchell station a mob stopped tlife train boarded it and overpoweilug tho olllcers took tho nc groes orf It was bupposed they were lynched SaturdayRJiKtard W llljoms waa found and rcairested nt iilghlog Bui lock county lie had changed his name but finally acknowledged his Identity He says ho and Walker while hand cuffed together one with a lope about his neck were pushed off the train and then tho mob tprang off one hun dred yards fin thcrup the track Mean while the two uegioes had scrambled oft and ran to a ditch near by where they hid Tho mob passed near them cursing because they could not find them Enter tho pilsoneis went to nu old negros house and got him to cul off their handcuffs with an adze Then they pal ted company and fled Walk ors whereabouts aro unknown Will lams has slnco been working at a mil1 twenty miles fiom Mltchells Corcan Affairs San Francisco nInuary 10 A corre spondent of tho North China Dally News says Russia Is gradually securing n firm footing In the peninsula of Coren A fpy weeks ago a number of Russian military officers anlved to drill tho Coreab army Among those weie a ten noncommissioned olllcers the number to bo Increased In futuie who occupy quarters within the enclosure of tho now palace i These aro to act as a sort of hotly guardto tho king who will doubtless soon leave tho Russian lega tion and occupy tho newlybuilt palaco In tho foreign settlement of tho capital Russians have olso received several concessions ono of which Is tho cut ting of timber tln the north and on Dal got Island off the cast coast of Corea CaBhlcr Kills Himself Lebanon Ta January 11 John M Gosslln aged 40 ycais cashier of tho Lebanon National bank attempted to commit sulcldo yesterday by shooting himself In tho head Ho will < llo His wife and two children hod gono to church leaving him In the house alone Besides his connection with tho bank he was teacher of a largo Bible class In tho Lutheran church For some time past his health has not been good and thla It Is believed prompted him to end his life His accounts with tho bank aro said to bo correct Found Ilia Wife strangled Cincinnati Ohio Jnnunry 11 A spe cinl to the Commercial Tribune from Shakertown Ky says William Do vino a highly respected farmer wont homo near hero Sunday plght after an nbsence of several hours and found his young wlfo dead and cold on tho floor her two Infant children lying on her breast crying bitterly finger marks on her throat the clothing and all tho fur niture disordered and other signs of a struggle Ho ran and gave tho nlara A hunt for the mutderer all night and yesterday has been without result A Tearful Crime Ennls Tex Jan 8 E C Chapman a well known citizen of this place was found about 4 oclock yesterday morn ing in a dying condition lying on the sldpwalk on Main street near the Hous ton and Texas Central depot He lived only a few minutes after being found HIS throat was cut A stab wound and a short gash wero In the right side oi his neck and there was a gash four Inches long extending from tho throat nearly to tho left car Ho had bled a great deal From tho blood on the ground it appears that tho cuts were inflicted some thirty yards from where ho fell His groans attracted Night Operator B C Meredith at tho Cen tral and the night watchman at the Midland Tho body Was moved to an undoi taking establishment and pre pared for burial Justice Cochran viowed tho remains A small pocket knlfo wa3 found on the body De ceased was a member of tho Elks and will bo buried by that order this even ing Ho was a brother of J W Chap man of this city and was unmarried Sovcro Snow Storm Lipscomb Tex Jan 5 Tho weath er has recently been phenomenal Till Jan 1 there had been no severe weath er On that date there was a heavy rain and a thunder shower in the early part of tho night About 3 oclock a m ol tho 2d instant a snow storm from tho north began which lasted for thirty six hours and which in intensity ot wind and amount of snowfall has hard ly a parallel in this Bectlon The snow is now drifted in great banks which will impede railway and other travel for many days The amount of snow argues well for the success of tho far mer but stockmen are uneaiiy Tho storm Is now over Mr Frank Patton of Hlgglns was recently dragged Into Insensibility near hero by a runaway team as well as se riously mangled one arm being brok en Ho is rapidly recovering Now Waterworks Uompnny Ranger Tex Jan 8 Ranger has organized a full fledged water works company consisting of the following gentlemen G H Bohnlng president W R Hodges vicepresident W C Moore secretary W H Hagerman treasurer This will bo a chartered company with a capital stock of 3000 Tho citi zens aro quite enthusiastic over the mattor and most of tho stock is al ready taken up 3 B Thatohor a civil engineer of Dallas was on tho ground yesterday and says Ranger has a nat ural reservoir that with a thirtyfoot dam will contain 50000000 gallons of water giving tho town a pressure of a sixtyfoot stream Local Contest Looked For Paris Tex Jan 8 T W Carlock tho recently elected county attorney notified all tho owners of slot machines to discontinue the use of them or he would proceed against them legally for violating the law All of the owners complied with his demand Now he has issued a notice to all of the saloonmen to remove the screens and other devices for obstructing tho vlow of tho interiors of their places of business stating that ho would take ac tion in tho promises should they fall to promptly comply with tho law The saloonmen have not as yet complied and It is whispered that a legal contest is browing of no small dimensions Child Uurned to Death Dallas Tex Jan 8 Tho 5yearold daughter of Mr Joseph Thompson re siding on the Dowdy farm four miles southeast of tho city was burnod to death Thursday evening The child was In the act of placing a fow sticks of wood In tho large open fireplace when her dress became ignited She was enveloped In flames before assist ance reached her and died a few hours later after enduring terrible agony t Hoy Charged With Murder Galveston Tex Jan 8 Tho grand jury yesterday returned a true bill against James Louis Shepherd the 11 yearold boy who Is charged with hav ing shot and killed Mary Falk Dec 18 Tha indictment charges him with mur der in the second degree The case Is set for Jan 21 William Hansen who was arrested by tho police In connectldn with the Martin murder case was released yes terday The grand jury after hearing all tho evidence in the case promptly returned an order of no truo bill Mudstono Applied Bells Tex Jan 8 Wednesday a alf belonging to Sam Hicks suddenly became furious and ran bawling Into tho wlro fence The watchdog attacked the calf and Mrs Hicks and her 8 yearold son went to tho calfs relief The little boy was bitten nearly through tho hand by tho dog Mrs Hicks received a wire cut on the wrist which was wet with tho Ballva from the calf The dog was shot the calf 4iod and a madstone waa applied to the wounds of both mother and son and adhered firmly SHOT FBOM AMBUSIL TWO MEN SUPPOSED TO HAVE COMMITTED THE DEED Jim Hale n Young Fnrmor Loses Till Life us Ho wn Kotnrnlng Homo Dogi Were 1laced oil tho Track of tht Blur dorurs at Onco Mlneola Tex Jan 9 Jim Hale I young farmer living near Quitman wai ehdt and killed about G oclock Thurs day evenlnB Hale had been In Quitman Thursday and had a dlfflculty with a man who lives there About G oclock he left for his homo on horseback Tho horse reached homo and was found at the lot gate about 10 oclock with tho bridle rein securely tied around tho pommel of the caddie This excited Younc Hales father who im mediately started for Quitman to loot for his son On tho road he called on some of his neighbors who wont with him When about two miles east of Quitman they found Young HaTo lying In tho road shot through the head Tho ball entered tho temple passing through tho brain and came outon tne opposite side of tho head Ho was taken homo and dlod about 8 oclock yesterday morning Atelephone message from Quitman just received statC3 that two men on horseback wero seen riding hurriedly away from tho place where Halo was found Immediately after the pistol shot was heard and ono of the horses had been identified Also that an arrest would bo made in a fow minutes Hound s were placed on tho trail oi the horses and tracked them by a cir cuitous route into tho town ot Quit man > An Old Veteran Dead Denton Tex Jan 9 John Bran num a battlescarred veteran of two wars died here yesteiday morning af ter lingering In a helpless condition for eight weeks aged 83 years The de ceased had fought in the Blackhawk Indian and confederate wars drawing a pension from the United States gov ernment for his services In the folmer war Ho was a master Mason and will bo burled hero today with the Ma sonic rites by tho Standard lodge A F and A M It being hhi expressed wish that after a lapse of ono night ho bo so interred Tho deceased was orig inally from Tennessee and moved to Texas several years ago but had been living hero only about Two years Found Unconscious Mexla Tex Jan 9 An unknown man supposed to be Louis Schillings a spectacle peddler and a stepson ol Mr Reese of Dallas was found about ono mile south of town noar tho rail road track yesterday morning by the section men in an unconscious state having received a blow near the base of the brain as blood was oozing freely from both ears He was brought to town and placed In a hotel where ho lingered until 2 p m when he expired without ever regaining consciousness Marshal Hughes arrested a young man named Webb claiming to be from Collin county He is now behind tho bars awaiting further developments Hurt by Log Terrell Tex Jan 9 John Wayne aged about 30 years was found east of here Thursday with a log lying across his body He states that ho made a fire by some logs and went to sleep The limbs supporting one of them burned away and It fell on him mak ing him a prisoner until released by two tramps He was brought to town by Constable Dave James and placed In chargo of tho county physician He Is badly Injured but no bones are broken Waynes home Is in Memphis Tenn Damage Suit Ennls Tex Jan 9 Several months ago two young men Mr Reed and Georgo Davis wero working in the rear of a laundry in this city when a can of gasoline exploded burning tho young men severely Reed has about recovered but Davis died a few days afterward from his injuries W C Davis father of Georgo Davis has filed suit against the WatersPierce Oil com pany for 25000 damages for the death of his son Arrested for Murdor Greenville Tex Jan 9 A negro named Henry Strang was arrested near Campbell Thursday who is want ed In Shelby county to answer a chargo of murder tho dead man being John Richards another negro Strange saw the Shelby county officers coming to tho farm whore he was working and ran off He came in later however and surrendered There is a reward of 250 for his arrest lee Factory to start Sherman Tex Jan 9 It is stated on good authority that Sherman Is to have another ice factory and that it will be an extenBlvo affair Ground has already been purchased by Dallas capitalists who will erect equip and operate tho factory Thero is an air of activity generally noticeable in Sherman and the depression in busi nes3 Is gradually lifting