Wi I VOL 5 WSS DEALEU IN u Shingles Sash Doors Bliuds and Builders Hardware The Genuine Gliddon and Waukegan Barbed Wire Mountain Cedar and sawed burr oalc Fence Poats rubber hose uuggy paints and brushes Buggies phaetons surreys hacks harness Studebaker farm and spring wagons Sllilier Te2CaS ei EHYTHINC FRESH HMD CHEEP NOETH BHP OF EAILBOAD AVEOarnes Bros1 Old Stand Ss sa 0 JL OjAR3STiIiSr 3VCanager c J H HUEBNER Prop HEADQUARTERS FOR Fine Wines Liquors Beer and CIGARS E3STNEXT TO WOLTERS BROS STORE SHINER TEXAS CIGARS j COOL FRESH BEER ALWAYS ON TAP Headquarters for the Farmer TTLE s 5 A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF HARNESS SADDLES BRIDLES COLLARS WHIPS ETC Repairing Done with Neatness and Dispatch on Harness Saddles and Buggy Tops GALL ON HTM AT THE wm KCqvst lEQnFroat Building SHINER LAVAOA COUNTY TEXAS WEDNESDAY MORNING JULY 211897 K eiirvwiLiijtxv J y TsTrvy > c wcSag JW cr KT The Baker Perfect Barbed Wire which is the ines Liquors and Cigars Icecold City Beer Mrs Loewc left Friday for San Antonio Mrs R II Loessin has been visiting in San Antonio this week Mrs C I Jaeggli visited in Fla tonia over Sunday She was ac companied by Miss Alma Kubitz who had been visiting heVe Moritz Seydler spent several days this week in High Hill G J Bohnenkamp of Moulton waB here Monday on business Otto Bruening of Lindenau was hero Monday to attend the Zander funeral Ho has ordered his Ca ssette chunged to Yoakum Several couples of young folks wore entertained last night at the homo of Mr and Mrs William Boothe complimentary to Miss Bertha Welhausen of Shiner who is at present their guest Gonzales Inquirer Joe Bowcn of Red Rock who was visiting Stove Holohaks boh Charles left for homoTuesday S A Carnos ats tho Cheap Cash Store will buy all your dryhides Mrs L M Kokernot h s < been quite sick this week Dr Woddington of Moulton was hflroTiiBsda on business ALWAYS ON TAP Prof Andree a Swede started for the north pole from Sweden July lGth in a baloon A number of Shiner people would have en joyed going along during this hot weather Chae Eschenlrarg M Richtor Dick and Henry Ellinghanson and Goorgo Seydler left yesterday on a prospecting tour through Jackson county Old Dick Kruse nn odd character who works around the saloons was overcome by tho heat Monday while working in W Wendtlands yard Ho was attended by a doctor and finally came around all right DeWitt Cole of Red Banks who has been visiting his parents at Stonewall was taken very sick there Saturday and had a congestive chill At last accounts ho was very ill Mr C H Smith is endeavoring to make the City hotel all the travel ing publiccould desire Every thing about tho houso is as neat as a pin He sets an excellent tablo and gives hisgnesta the best of at tention Try him onco and yon will go again Traveling men re ceivo especial attontion Misses Minna anft EllalCAjoner of BeigjjlvTaxas are visitihg J A Waltersand family NO 8 Z mITte y xxl I ES XDHSSS Lumber shingles sash doors blinds bricK wind mills etc best on the market and is easier to stretch than any itr 4 other wire Polite and prompt attention at all times SatisffeLOtion O uaranteeca iatt cgm am Egre g tJjS g SJSZSHSZr SHORT BUT SWEET Ellinger Texas July 17 1897 C W Waid Shiner Texas Dear Sir Enclosed find money oidor for the amount of 100 lot the Gazette Respectfully Tiiko Beveii From all lepoits it seems thit Wm Haider who was slut at tho Bunyes school houso July 11th is doing well and will soon be up Prof Eilers of LaGringe wa < hero this week visiting 0 T Ditt mar Chas and Win Bnumgarton of Schulenhurg have been visiting M 15 Wolters this week Dr Ruess of Cueio was hero Tnesday in attendance on Mrs Earl Fry 0 II Richter spent a touplu of days in Gonzales this last weak tram here Monday for Yorktown He will return today Ernst Schrnms big black dog be gan having fits in tho street Mon day ovening and had to be shot It had cither been poisoned or a > affected by the heat John and Fred Inikon of Wal halla are visiting hero John Harwood came up from Jackson county Saturday and or Monday went down to Moulton to > see his mother Emil Bneschor of Moulton wim hereMonday Ho stated that hoi did not expect any cotton at Moul ton this week as the prairie cotton is slow to open Tho first bale seems a little backward about making its ap pearance here Nearly every othei town of note has had one but tho cotton ieems to bo late about here Too Sulak had 1000 pounds picked Saturday and will bo able to com pleto his bale somn timo this week There will bo a match gamo ot ball between Moulton and Bastrn at Tumverein park Saturday even ing and again Sunday evening In order to make expenses the boy will charge 15 cents admission The contest will be a hot one ami well worth ton times the admission price Tho Dandy is a good mill It combines all improvements knowr to windmill manufacturers IN furling device is perfect the weinh can bo adjusted so that the mi will set itself out of the wind t any speeddesired Tho tower i absolutely guaranteed agaimt vreckage by storms The spin genrings go closer together as thi Hournals wear The mill and towni weighs more than any steel mi built and it is not so cxpensivo a w many U B Wkhtai sesv Agent foe SluiKMiv I