OCR Interpretation

Shiner gazette. [volume] (Shiner, Tex.) 1893-current, October 05, 1904, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090270/1904-10-05/ed-1/seq-7/

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Valuable Information Compiled by the Government
For tie Thrifty Farmers Benefit
Washington ct 3 Chief Howard
f the Bureau of Entomology has sub
mitted to the Secretar oj Agricul
ture jthe report of Special Agent W D
Hunter who hits charge of tho exper
Imental work with tho Mexican boll
weevil In Texas Ho states the sub
ject is one of tho very greatest Imj
pprtancetothe cotton1 Interests in the
South namely control of the boll
weevil In cotton seed and in ginner
ies and on account of the fact that
lie ginning Benson is now at Its height
and that tho farmers In Texas and
Louisiana will soon be obtaining seed
for planting purposes Special Agent
Hunter states in opening his report
thattho extent to which cotton seed
andginneriesaro factorsIn thedls
semination of tho boll weevil has not
een realized generally Durlug the
Tjresent season ho writes tho Bureau
pf Entomology had paid particular at
tention to this matter and has demon
strated that ginneries aro tho most Inv
tfortant single factors n the dtsseraln
Bitlhfr tho pest at least In
WhliWh otcotton flefls
ares omew liaT
isolated Spreadlng ofjtho insect bjj
eems tobe
by thpwlndj
ojj little importance compared with
t s artificial agency The coopera
tion ofthls department with the Louis
iana crop pest commission which la
engaged In an attempt to prevent the
further entrance of the weevil into
that state has given many opportunl
ties for determining the exact means
whereby weevils reach new regions
AtS tho present time this work has led
to tho conclusion that If it woro possl
bio to control the post at gins It
might be possible to greatly retard Its
present rato of spreading but that
without any such means pt control
there Is groat doubt about the feast
bfllty of an attempt to check its
spread unless indeed measures aro
s taken to prohibit In Uninvested lpcall
tics the ginning of cotton from in
l rfostedi regions
inthp lsb oi p l46sJjtty i
llh thl Wj
e > jtrelnw men connMtjg
f rftau wV staffone d lthytWestefn
i > IbaVlshepjof Loufslana The Jrifestod
tefcV5vVfle s h avo been dtefrnlneiTvery care
uj speclaf stiidyhas been
fullyand a
made of the means iby which they be
came infested It was soon found that
Texas cotton growers along the Sa
bine river wero accustomed to gin
nlng their cotton in Louisiana Vari
ous localities In tho eastern tier of
counties In Texas have been Infested
for nearly two years One farmer by
b rlngtag seed cotton from Texas to
Louisiana gins would cause those
gins to bocome infested From
t tiese Infested gins the spread of the
weevil has been tracedcarefully In
spmec ases customers of an Infested
glncbangSuto an unlnfested ono dur
ing the season and thus carried woo
vils with them Instances have also
bison recorded where farmers collect
ed seed from unlnfested cotton on
Miraculous Escape
Ballinger Toxas C P Humphreys
a carpenter was truck by a train
which was switching here Saturday
nlght He was painfully injured about
the face but not considered serious at
the present time Ho was knocked
down andrtragge dseveral yard bJy ft
icar nnd his escape Without further
injury was a miracle
HPttest ln Thirteen Years I
Dallas Texas SundaywasJhe hot
tpst day in October duringJhola
thirteen years hero according
> iV l X
EfcW tiio
statement of the loca weath f ob
aerver vrhe ttgrmometer rogis tered
wagon sheets at a gn wJTeriT Infested
cotton hadalso boinglnnld In these
cases1 no lnfoslatlon fia lbeen attrib
utable to the seed so collected In
one case however a farmer known
to have collected tho seed on a sheet
In the way described and during the
present season it was found that Ihe
only fieldon hs fa rm where the wee
vil is found was that to which he had
hauled bulk seed for fertilizer from
the same gin at which he had so care
fully guarded his cotton seed
One farmer In Calcasieu parish gin
ned his cotton partly at an infested
and partly at an unlnfested gin if
has been found that the weevils upon
his plantation occur only In the Held
grown froin > seed brought fromtho In
fested gin
Ins a sparsely jsetUed country like
th ft westerr portion of ualcaBleu Par
Ishwhero the cotton fields aro small
and the gins consequently located at
considerable distance from one an
other the weevil has been carried
astonishingly long distances Prof
MotgViise raarofI tlie Lbuisl
VnavCrop jPestyComralsslopr Jias fur
nlshed thewriter with mnnv lnterest
lngfex amples of this In one jSase it
has been ascertained that a farmer Iri
tho lieIghborhood of Jcrryvlllo trans
ported the pest tor sixteen mllos thus
establishing an Isolated Infestation
That the occurrence of the pest in
this locality was not duo to its being
blown by the wind Is demonstrated by
the fact that no othor cotton fields In
tho nelghborh ood are Infested the
neighbors having ginned their cotton
outside of tho Infested territory
In Shelby county Tennessee a doz
en farmers procured seed of a desira
ble variety of xotton which though
grown in the Immediate unlnfested ter
ritory has been ginned further west
where the weevils were very numer
ods On the dozen farms upon which
this cotton is growing the present sea
son wee viis hoyo iVvjrttylabljr been
found although i surrounding fields
plantoai frW 4 t Mer Bain
beenfound tbU e untnfes ted
Tho report then dwells upon the
experimentsmade by th e Bureau of
Entomology with reference to thopos
Blbilltytofdestroying tho pest by fumi
gation A number of fumigation ex
periments were made which are de
tailed at great length in the report
The conclusion drawn from these
trials is that tho fumtgutlon of cot
ton seed in bulk offers many difficul
ties The adhering line seems to form
a dense maSB very impervious to the
commonly used fumigants Moreover
seemsunusually resistant
the boljweovll
ant to theseagonts
Jt Is also stated that tho experiments
demonstrate that in gin machinery
cotton carrledby tho powerful suc
tion of tho faWmay strllto indirectly
agalnilt tho wire sefcen separator and
98 in tho afternoon
wa 01 degreps
Tho minlmuni
Corpus Chrlstl Texas Mall eei
Vice to BmwnsvlUlo has been resum
ed a railroad antotnobllo being used
gn tho south side of the brcak
Ml S
sShotln tfie StornacK r j
llouston Texas George Stewart
colored surrendered to Sheriff Ander
son Sunday Ho Is charge4 with tho
Shootlpg bf anothernegro atAmosvllle
a suburb of Houston Saturday night
The1 wounded man was shot in tho
ftomaSh afiils inrii very crltoaljjonj
failiorftStewartIslleia awaljnFno
result of thTTBhooflng
7 v is r KJWi ft aSfe V VaAil iWifcii
> Newly Renovated and Improved
Has Just Eeeu Reopened By J yangemann
> 4
I Will Carry the JBInes nd Best of Wines Whiskies Beer and Cigars
oTqto Call andSea Mo ud YontWillib rSlado V7elcom <
IxqBftaw MNJ < i 2
h W h
tho weovils contafj
Jured in the
Tho report tbe
the many devlceij
footed for cleanlri
proving the staff
of great vdltto lnji
llcohavo mado s
si k
The report con l
lowing aummary o
It shoul d
fllenrflse Toxas
wlrtiwas shot at
inaynot bo In
ftegre o >
pds to dlscusB
fhiJVebccn per
fttou and im
iM lucldentally
jimtltigthe boll
In ft difficulty b < li
and Mose Arnoldii
iosft ArnoId whd
S W Stfwart > vjj
day evening in ac
Brazqs rlvor in
of Bosque county
fe wfth the fol
VstooH Complete
T levII
success in kee p fflrbollV out
of cotton see3fdeueid Upon a com
bination of the fofioflng recommen
dations for tho v pl cotton storage
house In addltlonMfflhj combination of
recommendation Jjofthe gin house
proper Net onoi aloM could be de
pended uponf On ount f e great
seriousness bf
lem the Importance
mendations deserves
tion of every glnn
should realize hi
their advantage tff
ginned whero tlfie
taken with the Jeei
W oro possl
cotton storage hous
ed In any casl
stored in a bulidlni
seed cotton storagi
In the seed coj
Should be Install
or droppers whlc
moving manyweqvi
ginning and lmpro vmth6 samplestu
In the gln housMpropcrathejrL
cpal recommcridallqns are tliMiclean
cofl tfs
er feeders and < cleane be used
irioro oxtenslv lylyhotthe trlshsthere
from bo treated mpuch a way as to
cause tho desruTOS of the weevil
and that a devi co i3perfecfed for re
moving and destroy tho weevils on
the seed
Ijoll we ovll profo
fof theirs recom
Ahe careful atten
or and farmers
Is decidedly to
ISive their cotton
Tcatest care is
Bhould be provld
seed should bo
distinct from the
Sn storage house
Jn addition to ro
ll would facilitate
Wherever thq iistem of handling
and ginning cottomyjEnot found tobo
effective ln rgmg the weevils
and tijls Is tb1ica5gaf practically all
the smallor andjmany of the Jarger
glnneriea In Tex aSKind Louisiana
tjto seed at le S Kr planting pur
poses should atwafl be sacked and
fumigated by thIVfcfnner In regions
where the cottorfSfiilds are isplatod
by this means thSuntrodiictibn of tho
weevils could bo dggyed considerably
In addition io o caro necessary
with the seed foifjfiantIng iurposeB
Ihe farmer BhouldlTiiho take great
pa Inij to prov rjWt niifroductionfot
as Hroll7a8 e from
thogtnneries wUcMljffi sometimes
use da s fertilizer jThferctfls noiapp re
clabledanger ffi cakejij meal
At present it lifoen i seem possi
ble to control tbe bolmevil effective
ly at the oil mills jffho Importance
the mills at present have In dissem
inating the weeyll however could be
very materially roduceafby the prop
er care at gins fflfo v
A fatal
New York John uSSters ofle of
tho principals In woMtig match in
West Bergen N JiTOKTin be ring
following a kuockoulMijiow In the
fourth roundfe arly Sunday TIio jio
wrests amTthe
county physician conducting an in
vestigation PatrlclqPSjmandy is Un
der arrosttchargedwUnJlfelng ono of
tho principals 3B8ri
Qorral Is CQm Tnn
Clty of Moxrcoij oj yjreslilent
clectrRamqnborral4bmlfelgnatlon of
Diaz will visit thogpiiaul3 ExpQsi
Hon as the presldenu e re sentatlvo
accompanied by GoSjEEuls E TorroB
subsecretary of flnanKaptitoberto Ju
peztand others THo
middle of the preset
near thoroad
frli bulgyiwas turH
Cameron Texas
telectldu tochoo
two aldermen has
tobcr 18 f f
Bwtlj depart the
Thrown from Buaayjatid Hurt
i cElllngeraTekasJM a M T
Webb an old < cU n of Fayettc
viile Texas was fe2ffi ° iout > bis
bifey Whlle corarn J ere Sunday
jmorntng andgwas ser
horse was frightened
uslyhurt The
yra Shetland
andKan15nt6va creek
Stalled for Oc
w rqayfir and
Sept 27
iatn v day night
Ijaifljleeod shot
KptUred Satur
0 nVffed on tho
county and was placed in Jail
F P LUCK Agent Shiner Texas
This fine beer is for sale in Shiner by J Wnngemnnn Joe
Mnclia and E B midebrnndt and at Dreyer by Adolph Schulzc
O > >
Bismarck Saloon J < H SK I
We sell the favorite PJIBST BEER
Po ito and Courteous Treutmen t T
it sMsrreadyforbusiness and will buy all your i
Wf seed y
andfpaythe highest market price
Sell your seed to the HOME MILL
and i
D C DANIEL Manager
Having purchased thlo 8aloonI Invite all my Frlendu
and the Old Customers to
I will keep a full stock of the BeBt Whiskies Wlneo
Beer and Cigars and will always treat you right
K W IHW iMW M1 w
The Moulton Lumber Dealer
Not only carries a Toil Stook of th Very Beit
But h eon also supply yonwith
Brick Paints Oils Builders Hardware
Barb Wire Poultry Netting Pump Pipe FlUligi nd
Prompt and oloea ttt ntlou glron to all briers
S Moultoh

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