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$l.OO Package Free. Quickly Removes Dandruff, Stops Fallins Hair and Rolling Scalp. Changes Gray or Faded Hair Toits Natural Color. Grows Hew Hair. I Don’t Ask You To Take My Word For It. Fill Out Free Coupon Below and Mall Today For a Free $l.OO Package - That Will Prove All I Claim. Before and After Using the Wonderful low Compound. Dandruff Is Easily Removed Bv using Foso. Sometimes a single treatment will do it If thoroughly applied. All scslp diseases quickly yield to this treatment. A trial will speedily convince you. No More Gray Hair Foso Hair and Scalp Remedy brings your hair back to its natural color, gloss • and vigor. It is not a dye, but a true hair food that destroys the cause of the trouble and assists nature to supply the pigment or coloring matter. Why look qld before your time? Food For Hair Is as necessary as for the body. Hair, lacking proper nourishment, gets dry. brittle and dull in appearance. Life and gloss disappear when the food elements required are lacking, and the scalp Is not able to supply the same. Foso in vigorates and promotes what nature de mands. Good hair is an index to good health, * By Peter Power. Not since the United States su preme court decided, in the celebrated case of Loew vs. the united hatters, that boycotting is illegal, and that the hatters were liable for damages an<j cost« aggregating about >200,000, has organized tabor received such a stunning blow as in the decision ren dered (tawing the paat week by the Manitoba court of appeals against the United Association of Plumbers, Gas and Steamfitters. The plumbers were on strike at Winnipeg, and. as is customary in such controversies, the men sought to win over to their side a number of strike-breakers who had been im ported to take their job®. The em ployers asked th' court for an in juniction restraining the unionists from interfering with their employes, and their prayer wa® granted. The plumbers appealed the case, and the upper court not only made the in junction permanent, but ordered the union to pay the employers >25,000 EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY. A. M. Fischer’s drug store, the relia ble druggist at 510 East Houston DIPO,” the new Kidney Cure and Nerve Tonic that they are selling un der a positive guarantee. Its merits are becoming the talk of the town and everybody wants to try it, and why not? It costs nothing if it don’t do you good—not one cent They don’t want your money It it does not benefit you, and will cheer fully refund the money. Try it today. Alamo National bank SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $600,000.00 Safe, Conservative. Accommodating Both Fire and Burglar Proof Vaults in Fire Proof Building Thia la atypical American beauty, the handsomest of women, but what would she look like without her wonderful head of hair. Why don’t you have hair like It f Foso will grow It for you. Oet the Free >l.OO package. Falling Hair Is Sick Hair Foso remedies it, makes hair healthv. stops falling hair and promotes new growth on bald spots. Natural color re stored. dandruff removed, inflammation stopped. All germs hidden under scale or dandruff, that are sapping the life of the hair, are destroyed and health and vigor renewed. Try it; iCwlll delight you. Baldheads Rejoice When they try Foso. Thousands of men and women who had been bald for years now have a beautiful head of hair grown by the proper use of Foso. which is the great and famous treatment for all dis eases of the hair and scalp. Foso also insures a luxuriant growth to eyebrows and eyelashes. Why Comb Out Hairs When you can keep them? When the scalp is put in a healthy condition, the roots nourished and scalped cleaned by using Foso. the hair will stop coming out and grow in thicker and glossy. damages, and eve” rule® that the union members ar e to be assessed personally and that their property may be attached to satisfy the judg ment. The progress of this case has been watched with keen Interest by union official® all over North America, for, since the decision in the hatters’ case a number of labor organizations have considered the advisability of depositing their funds in Canadian banks for safe keeping, through their affiliated local unions in the Domin ion. Now that avenue of escape from damage suit® for striking, - picketing and boycotting seems to be closed against them. The Manitoba decision is being widely discussed in labor circles, and will probably continue to he a live subject for months to come. The la bor officials are becoming firmly convinced that the anti-union employ ers, both in the United States and Canada, are determined to destroy the labor organizations by mulcting their treasuries and confiscating what lit tle property may have been accumu lated by the members. Take It from me. Gompers, Mitch ell and Morrison, who were sentenced to sprve term® in prison ranging from a year to three months for boycot ting Bude’s stoves, will not go, to jail. In deciding that it is illegal tp pub lish an unfair list, but that the three labor officials could not be prohib ited from “mentioning, referring and writing’’ about a concern that they believed to be unfair, the court of ap peals in the District of Columbia opened a way of escape for the men. SUNDAY, APRIL 4, 1909. tRE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT SUNDAY. APRIL 4. 1909. Before and After. Healthy Hair Is Moist; Is Yours? It the natural 'oil is lacking, your hair will become dry. harsh, brittle and split. Foso gets at the trouble by assisting na ture to put in a healthy condition the parts that come into play In supplying the oil and properly distributing the same. Try it once; you’ll use it all the time. Free 11.00 Package Coupon Fill in your name and address on the blank Unes below, cut out the coupon and mail to J. F. Stokes, Mgr.. 8991 Foso Bldg.. Cincinnati. Ohio. Enclose ten cents in stamps or sliver as an evidence of good faith and to help cover pasklng. postage, etc., and a full Jl.OO package will be sent you at once by mail prepaid free of charge. Give fill; address—write plainly. I have got it straight from head quarter® In Washington that while Gam|>ers, Mitchell and Morrison were ready to serve the sentence im posed by Justice Wright, the three men did not believe they would be actually placed behind the bars. Pow erful politicians have been planning some way out of the dilemma, not be cause they had any great love for Gompers and bis colleagues. but for the reason that If those prominent officials were incarcerated a country wide agitation would be created that would be very annoying, especially since some very “Itnde&irable citi zens.- ’ like Messrs Rockefeller, Har riman, Armour, et al., wer e charged with committing contempt of court, but never served a minute in jail. The program of the anti-unionist® is to outlaw the “unfair lists” with out creating too much of a row. Hence the prominent tabor officials will be let off with a warning, but the little obscure agitators will be jailed with out compunction. In a few days the long expected struggle on the great lakes between the vessel owners and the marine workers will begin in earnest. It will be a long, hard fight. In previous years the workingmen who "follow the lakes’’ w-ere hopelessly divided and continually at war with each other. Now they are fairly well united and indications are that the various organizations will make common cause against the vessel owners' com bine.- The the fight on ! both sides are exceptionally aible ' men, and this battle between atom- ' achs and dollars will prove a most ■ interesting contest. While there is nothing to the talk . of certain anthracite that I the United Mine Wbrkers are being unfairly manipulated in the interest ' of the bituminous operator®, it is I nevertheless true that if work in the hard coal fields is suspended next i week it will be cf great benefit to the I soft coal industry. One of the largest operators' in i Ohio said to me, in discussing the j matter, that the bituminous operators j had made money during thle past I three or four y“ars, but that a sus- | pension in the anthracite* districts | would prove a godsend to* the soft coal men by enabling them to work off their sunplus stocks and stiffen prices somewhat. It looks now as though a general strike in the three anthracite districts HUBS SPOUSE FORGIVES SHOT Mrs. Northcraft Again De clares She Hopes Husband Will Survive. That no prosecution will be insti tuted against Hattie Northcraft by her huslband. Leo Northcraft, whom she shot and seriously wounded a week ago last night and then turned the pistol on herself, is certain. Both are rapidly improving. The husband, at first believed to be the more dangerously wounded, appears now to be in a better condition than his wife. He is able to don clothing, and yesterday sat up and talked to his friends and his sister, the latter being a constant caller at the hos pital since the tragedy. His wife, while her condition has greatly improved, is still weak. She also spits blood oc casionally. The husband has little to say ex cept to his relatives and more inti mate friends. To them he is said to have stated that he has given the matter of prosecution little thought, his mind being wrapped up in the great proposition whether he was going to live or die. The wife, how ever, says that she has lisen in formed that he does not propose to institute any legal steps against her. Prays He Will Live. “Ye®. I have heard that my hus band says he has forgiven me for what I have done,’’ said Mrs. North craft yesterday afternoon. “I only pray that he will live. I have not given myself much thought as to the outcome, but I feel much better, and I think I will live.” Mrs. Northcraft said that she is in clined to be jealous, and it wa s be cause she loved her husband that she acted as she did. In reply to a ques tion she replied that she shot herself because she believed she had killed her husband. Would Die With Him. "When he cried out that I had hit him I thought he wa® going to die,”, said Mrs. Northcraft. "I decided that I would die with him. When I shot myself he had his arm about me and his lips Were pressed to mine. I held the gun in both hands and with the muzzle to my breast ( .prilled the trig ger with my thumlb.” Has a Caller. Among the callers who have visited Mrs. Northcraft since she has been at the hospital, was Mrs. Rosa Mun dy. who was shot and desperately wounded about six weeks ago. her father, it will be remembered, being also wounded. Mrs. Mundy wa® also shot in the lef* breast, her wound being identical with thatyof Mrs. Northcraft, except that in tfie case of Mrs. Mundy the bullet only grazed the left lung, while with Mrs. Nortbcraft the bullet passed directly through the upper portion of the lung. It may be necessary to perform an operation Leo Northcraft during the present week. SHOEMAKERS WOULD HUMBUG THE COWMEN Fort Worth, Tex., April 3. —(Spe- cial.) —'Petitions circulated by east ern shoe manufacturers among Texts cattlemen have come to the notice of the cattle raisers’ headquarters here with a complaint by the stockmen. They were circulated by salesmen and other representatives of manufac turers. The stockmen are asked to approve of free hides with the as surance that shoe® will be cheaper. A few have signed, but a warning, spread over the state, has stopped the signing, it is said. A Suspicion. . (Fort Worth Record) How many servants do you keep?’’ "Only one servant, but she has about a dozen relatives, and I suspect that we are keeping them.” cannot be avoided, and it is quite likely that Mr. Baer's press agents will respect the charge that the min ers have been incited to suspend work by the bituminous operators. ■ i — ■— ■ — ■ r —■ . - -m, .v • —* m-— — ORRINEi I CURES LIQUOR HABIT U, > W-, - I *&■„.. _ _ T ....... _• CURE EFFECTED or MONEY REFUNDED. The ORRINE ireutment will com pletely and absolutely destroy the desire or craving for whisky, beer and other intoxicants If taken ac cording to directions. It is a simple qnd efficient home treatment. No de tention from work or business; ro publicity; no sanitarium expense. A. M. Fischer, ore of the leadlnn druggists of this city, has been sell ing ORRINE over 6 years, and he says: "I have been selling ORRINE for 6 years and have sold In that time over 3000 packages. I have never handled a preparation that gave me more satisfaction In sell ing. It produces results. My cus tomers tell me never to hesitate about recommendin'. It. This Is their universal verdict. Conse quently, I am always glad to recommend it and tall the people all I know about It." ORRINE is prepared in two forma. No. 1. a powder, tasteless and color less, can be given secretly In food or' drink. ORRINE No. 2. In pill form, is tor those who wish to cure them selves. ORRINE COSTS ONLY SI A BOX. The Guarantee Is In Each Box. Write for Free ORRINE Booklet (mailed in plain sealed envelope!, to ORRINE CO.. 935 ORRINE Building, Washington, I> C. ORRINE ! s sold by leading druggists everywhere. _______ Special Agents: __,__ A. M. Fischer and Bexar Drug Co. GET READY FOR SPRING. Your Easter Suit is Waiting COMING STYLE EVENT As Press-Agented by the Sporting Editor. FASHION NOTE. —The advent of the high girdle skirt is expected to sound the doom of the favorite and serviceable shirtwaist. A new form of waist may replace it. There's a finish fight on the calen dar, and the police can't do anything. In fact, there’s a deadline drawn around it, over which no bull may venture. The old champ, Shirtwaist, is to de fend the title against the ambitious newcomer. High Girdle. Shirtwaist has had the belt hang ing up in the wardrobe so long that now it would choke her to death if she’d try to wear it. She’s stiff and over weight. Still, she is confident that she can get back into trim to put up the scrap of her life. That’s what they always say. High Girdle is a dangerous oppo nent. Coming almost unheralded, High Girdle proves to be the sensation of the pattern world. She was given a secret tryout at the Modistes Athletic club, pronounced fit, and then sprung as the logical wallop producer. High GIG FASTEN EGG HOT Cash Prizes for the Child Finding Prize Egg—Alamo Heights the Place. All the children are going to Alamo Heights Easter Sunday to hunt Easter i eggs, hear Rogers’ band play, and to | have a good time generally. There I are promises of a fine day and the . trees and flowers will be beautiful. I Alamo Heights with its splendid live oak and laurel trees and its myriads of blue bonnets and other flowers pre sents one of the most beautiful sights imaginable, and on Easter Sunday everything is going to look its best just for the children’s sake. Judging from the expressions heard on every hand, hundreds of little ones, and big ones, too, will go to Alamo Heights Easter Sunday and join in the egg hunt, as It will be great fun as well as a most pleasant outing. The eggs will be marked. Five dollars cash will be given to the boy or girl finding the greatest number of Easter eggs on Alamo Heights Easter. There will be eighteen other cash prizes—no one to receive more than one cash prize ‘ besides the grand prize. Of the 18 | prizes the first will be >5.00. the sec ond >3.00, the third >2.00, and fifteen : other cash prizes of >l.OO each. Full | particulars as to location of eggs, and j other information will be given in I next Sunday’s papers. is Good J ••THE WORLD'S GREATEST CREDIT CLOTHIERS." DON’T DELAY Your promise to pay will buy your en tire Easter outfit at this store. Low, plain prices on every garment—the easiest credit terms, the very latest styles. Women’s Tailored Suits in special assortments —at $l2, $l5, $lB, $2O, $25, $3O Trimmed Millinery —Imported Styles from . $3 to $l2 Men’s Spring Suits in all the new weaves and shades . $lO to $3O Soft Hats in the new shades of gray; and Stiff Hats in the latest shapes $1.50 up Girdle is touted to crowd old Shirt waist off the map. Ladies who have looked over High Girdle declare she will carry all their money. Dress bugs generally decide she has the goods. Vogue. The Delin eator, New Idea and other perfumed pinks are boosting her for fair. From the Shirtwaist camp comes a grim noise like silence. Some pretty read work is being done by Shirt waist. She has quite a large follow ing. This following is a hang over from last season, as it were. She still looks good, for instance, to the Every time you enter the door you think of the few days left before the collector conies back again for another month's rent. If you want to pay your rent money on a home of your own. fill In this coupon, mail it to us. and we will tell you how It can be done. How much rent do you pay? Name Street * Car line City That the money you pay out for rent is absolute!}- lost? Do you think you will always be able to earn money as you are at the present time' You can not hope to retain your physical and mental powers at an advanced age. therefore, don’t you think it would l>e wise for you to begin saving the money you are now paying out as rent' Our plan will enable you to own a lovely home for your wife and children. Payments on the pHncipgl ft SO you month on the Jl.OOO. with 5 per cent interest. You say where you want pert home and how you want It built, we furnish the money. Everything Else in Clothing, Hats and Shoes for Men, Women and Children MARINE, ASKIN 4 108 W. Houston Street R. K. MA h SH, Manager. The House Rent Question Did You Ever Stop to ThinK THE STANDARD HOME CO. Incorporated Without Banking Privileges. Authorized Capital >300,000. Assets >550,841.82. NEWMAN A HIGGINS. District Agents. 407 Moore Building. San Antonio, Texas. New Phone 1436 EASTER STYLES ARE READY- bush league dressmakers, and the fashion fans who want to get some wear out of their 1908 wardrobe. Also the suffraget contingent is still loyal. They will meet at catch weights. A large purse will be hung up—dad’s, of course. Then, there are the picture rights. Whichever wins, the pictures will be featured as headliners on all the cover pages for the season. There’s no question that Shirtwaist has the stamina and ring experience. But can she make the weight? High Girdle has the reach and all the ad vantage of youth. As for bett^pg —make your own book. It's no cinch either way. Department of Insurance and Banking, State of Texas. Austin. Tex., March 29, 1909. To All Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that the Liverpool * London & Globe Insurance Cony pany of Liverpool, England, has in all respects fully compiled with the laws of Texas as conditions precedent to its doing business in this state, and I have issued to said company a cer tificate of authority from this office entitling it to do business in this state for one year from the Ist day ot January, 1909’ to the 31st day of De cember, 1909. Given under my hand and seal of office at Austin, Texas, the date first above written. (Signed) THUS. B. LOVE. Commissioner. GEO. C. EICHLiTZ A CO.. Agents, San Antonio, Texas. Light want ads pay. 11