Dr. Wertenbaker Saya:—‘'Don't Ute
poigonoua Depilatories.”
In treating superfluous It Is of vital
importance that the agent to be em
ployed should be absolutely non-pois
onous, anti-septic and germicidal, be
cause if It is not so with frequent use
It will produce eczema or blood pois
oning. The trouble with the majority
of ladies is that they don't do a little
thinking for themselves. When an
assertion is made by some unreliable
concern they take it as gospel truth.
They never consider the reliability,
neither do they question or ask for
any substantiating proof that a prepa
ration is non-poisonous. They see®
to think that the bare word of the
manufacturer is sufficient. To the
contrary, ladies should be most par
ticular in choosing a hair remover and
learn first what reputable authorities
know about it.
Dr. Wertenbaker. the prominent
physician, says:—"For several years
I said to my patients, 'Don't use pois
onous depilatories, because they are
bound to do harm. I have found De
Miracle to be absolutely non-poison
ous, antiseptic and germicidal, there
fore, on account of these qualities, it
is distinctly beneficial to the skin and
under no circumstances can it pro
duce eczema or blood poisoning. I
have used the preparation in my prac
tice for a number of years, and find
that the principle of its chemical and
physiological action is correct. I con
sider it the only satisfactory method
for the removal of superfluous hair.' ”
Better take a doctor's advice. Don't
be deceived with the fake free treat
ments which are advertised so exten
sively in the newspapers. Remember,
after you have used worthless concoc
tions it will be harder to remove the
hair: therefore, isn't it better to in
vestigate all hair removers first, be
fore you try any of them?
We will send, you absolutely free, in
plain sealed envelope, a 54 page book
let containing full information con
cerning this remarkable treatment, as
well as testimonials of prominent phy
sicians, surgeons, dermatologists, med
ical journals and the principal maga
zines. You should read this booklet
before you*try anything. It treats the
subject exhaustively. Write to the
PANY. Desk 392. 1.905 Park avenue.
New York, simply saying yon want
this booklet, and it will be mailed,
sealed, at once.
This is a rule from an old New
England family noted for their good
“Take two tableapoonfnls of pow
dered cinnamon, one tablespoonful of
powdered cloves, one tablespoonful
of powdered allspice, two teaspoon
fuls of powdered mace and one grated
nutmeg. Mix thoroughly and sift
twice. Put away in a tight glass jar
or tin boxes and keeip ready for use.”
The spices becoming finer in fla
vor by long standing, and are much
better to use than any one can buy
already prepared.
— Give a woman a beautiful bead of
hair and half the battle of beauty’s
bw won. Never before in trie history of
WhBeKSW the ur d haf woman giorieti in eu<'h
beauufol hair aa to-day. The
Imperial Hair
which is an absolutely harm-
Ipreparation, will restore
that, ha’ become Str-aked,
81%?? Faded or Gray, or ruined by
Pjee to the actual
of youth. Its application
be detected. Sample of
your hair colored free. Privacy
assured correspondence.
” ▼ Sole nianufaetnrers and patentee.
mPEOAL CHEMICAL MffW.JMW. 234 St.,Mew York.
Nothing Prettier Than a
Pretty Fitting Shoe .....
And the Cinderella Shoe Palace
trouble and time is taken to see
that you get a good fitting as well
as a comfortable shoe. :: :: ::
f ■
For ladies we are showing all For gentleman, all kinds of Low
kinds of Ankle Strap Pumps in Cut Shoes, in tans, patents or
patents or tan leathers from plain leathers from $2.50 up
$2.00 to $4.00 to $5.00
All styles of Button Oxfords, two, For a good comfortable shoe we
three and four buttons, tan or have ail styles in the plain toes.
patents, fr0m.. 52.00 to $4.00 medium and wide, gaiters or ox
fords at $3.50
All styles of Ankle Straps for
misses and children in black, tan Boys’ Oxfords, tan and black,
or white, from... 50 £ to $2.50 from $2.00 to $3.50
(For the protection of the public and
Itself The Light is compelled to make a
rule that no society Items sent in may
be published unless the street addresses
of the persons mentioned are given. It
Is necessary that The Light be able to
Identify persons about whom Information
Is given before It can allow mention to
be made in the society column.)
Seated upon the brow of the hill
overlooking the valley of the sinu
ous San Antonio rives and basking
in the bright rays of a Texas moon,
the Country cluib last night was the
rendezvous of many members of the
most exclusive San Antonio society.
At tables laid in the spacious dining
room were seated groups of congen
ial diners, who gathered at the close
of a busy week to enjoy the quiet and
the home-like comfort of the Coun
try cluib, while they paid resipect to
the appetising menu set before them.
At the close of the dining hour, to
the pulsing strains of the orchestra
groups gathered here and there on
the broad veranda and in the spa
cious hall to while away the hours
as the young folk tripped the light
One of the prettiest tables of the
evening was that of Mrs. J. S. Lock
wood. This was enhanced by a spam
ling fountain through whose spark
ling waters tiny electric lights glint
ed and turned each tiny drop Into a
rare gem of purest ray. Fragrant
roses masked the places of each
Covers were laid for Judge and Mr?.
A. W. Seeligson, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Kampmann, Miss Harper and Miss
Cassidy of Pittsburg, iuiss Eda Kamp
mann, Messrs. Chas. C. Cresson, Craw
flord and Ike Kamipmann and the
host and hostess.
Others entertaining parties at din
ner last evening were Judge and
Mrs. W. S. Fly, Captain Austin, Ms.
and Mrs. Robert Maverick, A. W.
Houston. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Wil
liams, C. C- Cresson. Mr. and Mrs.
William Negley, G. J. Giles and Semp
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Johnston, San
Pedro avenue, left last night for a
two weeks visit to Warrensburg, Ohio.
Mrs. Henry Inselmann and children,
of Falfurrias, are in the city visiting
Mrs. Inselmann’s parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Koch. 127 Dakota street.
Miss Clara Thompson is the guest
of Miss Carrie Ward, and will remain
in the city a week before leaving for
her future home in Los Angeles.
Mrs. W. Correvon entertained yes
terday with a 6 o’clock dinner in hon
or of Mrs. Henry Harrell, of George
town who is visiting Mrs. Jack Duke.
A very pretty wedding was cele
brated Tuesday afternoon at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Free D. Green, when Miss Verner M.
Green and Will F. Morgan, of Teague,
Conducted by Amy Cresswell Bell.
were quietly married. Rev. Nolan B
iftrmon, of the Travis Park Methodist
church officiated.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan left on the
evening train for Teague, where they
will be at home after April 10.
Miss Bertha Schiebel will have as
her guest during the carnival. Miss
Winnie Gilbert, of Del Rio.
Miss Bertha Schiebel entertained
Thursday with a Mexican dinner com
plimentary to Miss Tessie ot
Galveston, and Mrs. George Reuter, of
Lincoln A. Bryan of Chicago is
spending a couple ot weeks at the
Country club.
Mrs. Alexander 0- Mason of Chi
cago. who, with Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Hamlin, have been the guest of O’. S.
Newell, left last week in company
with Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin for New
Miss Genevieve Scott will be the
hostess of the Five Hundred club
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
At the invitation of Mrs. Percy V. I
Pennyibacker a nuniber of the ladies
attending the board and council meet
ing of the General Federation of Wo
men's clubs went over to Austin at
1 o'clock yesterday, where they were
tendered an informal receiption oy
Governor Campbell and Dr. Mezes of
the university. Dinner was served at
the Country club.
Miss Mary Terrell has gone to Mex
ico to visit Mrs. Clinton Hall Kear
Mrs. H. I. Lawrence of Fort Sam
Houston has as her guest Mrs. Tur
ner of San Francisco.
Mrs. H. D. Kamipmann will enter
tain at luncheon Tuesday in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Parker of St. Joseph,
Mo., who are spending the winter
Miss Louise Girard will be the hos
tess of the Girls’ card club at the
post on Monday afternoon at 3
Mise Eda Kampmann will have
Miss Rebecca Seal?’ of Galveston as
her guest during the carnival.
The De Zavala School Mothers’ club
will hold its regular meeting next Fri
day afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Dr. B.
F, Stout will address the club.
Mrs. James Mackay, formerly of
this city, is here visiting friends. Mrs.
Mackay has just returned aftel- two
years in China, Japan and the Philip
pines She will leave for New York in
a few weeks.
The Shakespeare club will meet
Thursday afternoon at the residence
of MBs Baskin. The study of the
“Taming of the Shrew” Act 1., scene
1. will be concluded under the leader
ship of MbH Ebmde Johnson. Re*
sponses to roll call will be given from
quotations on wooing, and a reading
will be given by Mise Langston.
The special points for consideration
Almond Blossom
A Great
Toilet Luxury
”leanses, softens, purifies,
whitens and beautifies the
Skin. Soap and water only
cleanse superficially.
Mme. Yale says: A little
Almond Blossom Complexion
Cream should be applied every
time the face and hands are
washed. It removes the dust,
soot, grime, smut and smudge .
from the Interstices of the skin
and makes the surface smooth
and soft.
A dally necessity at home and
abroad; a treasure when traveling
by land and water. Excellent for
allaying abnormal redness of tlje
noee or any form of Inflammation,
also ehaflng. cold sores, fever blis
ters and aQ Irritation of the skin.
It gives jirimpt relief to burns,
takes the fire out quickly, soothes,
heals and prevents scars and sup
puration, Indispensable for use of
Infants and every member of the
household. An exquisite toilet ar
ticle. A greatly application after
shaving. Excellent for massage
Surposes. Mme. Tale's Almond
lossom Complexion Cream Is sold
In two sizes.
We carry both sizes in stock.
50c eind $l.OO
Ask for a free copv of Madame
Yale's 96-poge souvenir book at
our Toilet Goods Department. Also
mailed free to those living out of
town. Write for a copy.
Wolff & Marx (o.
will be: What would you deduce as to
Petruchio's nature and character from
lines 113 to 119, 122 to 126? Are there
any modern instances where such con
tracts are a very principal feature?
How dees line 130, “I am as peremp
tory as she proud minded,” suit Petru
chio's greeting, “Good morrow, Kate,
for that’s your name, I hear?” And
what of the answer, “They cal] me
Katherine that do talk of me?” Also
of the answer, "You lie in faith?” Is
the language between Katherine and
Petruchio natural for a woman of her
type, or too coarse? Would a shrew
usually be loose tongued as to the
quality of her language? It so, due to
what trait in her character? Does
she believe lines 63-65? Compare lines
279-283. Is Petruchio persuasive? Note
his speech, lines 284-292, and Baptis
ta’s answers.
Fannin School Mothers’ club will
meet Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock
at. the school. Mrs. Nolan B. Harmon
will make an address upon the “Social
and Home Life of Boys and Girls.”
Vocal and instrumental selections wifi
complete the program.
The members of this club are plan
ning a concert to be given Saturday
afternoon at 3 o’clock at Casino hall.
The program will be furnished by
some of the best local talent in the
Mrs. Benno Kayton, 619 Avenue D,
will be the hostess of the Swastika
Card club Monday afternoon at 2:30
Crockett school is making strenuous
efforts to build vp Its reference It.
brary. During the past week it has
been presented with a complete En
cyclopediac Dictionary.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Grace
English Lutheran church will meet
Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at
the church, corner of Avenue E and
Fifth street.
On accqunt of next Friday being
Good Friday the meeting of the Aus
tin Grammar School Mothers' club
which has been previously an
nounced, will not be held.
The King Mother and Friends’ club
of Navarro school will meet Thurs
day afternoon at 4 o'clock at the resi
dence of Mrs. Van Teel. All mothers
and friends of the school are urged
to be present.
Crockett School Mothers’ club is
making extensive preparations for a
mock carnival to be given at the
close of the school.
The following committees have
been appointed:
Arrangement committee: Misses
Johnson, Higgins, Young, Russie,
Miller, Boettler, Loessberg, Wilcox,
and Mesdames Ludovic, Miller,
Barnes, Creighton, Meyers.
Program committee: Mrs. L. L.
Bovd, Mrs. J. T. Smith and Mrs. J. D.
Refreshment committee: Mesdames
Crews, porter, cuff and Agnese.
Lemonade committee: Mesdames
Mareaux, Kelley and Lindsey.
Popcorn committee: Mesdames
Marray, Bechtel and Evans.
Candy committee: Miss Minnie
Johnston, Mrs. Johnston and MA. J.
B. Callaghan.
Decorating committee: Mesdames
A. H. Cadwallader, Duke and Ander
At the meeting of the Government
Hill Literary club held Wednesday
at the home of Mrs. E. T. Smith. 41J
Carscn street. Mgs. Lois Cory-
Thompson rendered a program of folk
aor.js, using these to illustrate a very
interesting talk on the evolution of
song. ,
The following was the program ren
dered: German, "The Green H>»1"
(Schumann); Polish, "Lithunian
Song,” (Chopin); Bohemian, "Songs
My Mother Taught Me," (Duvrak);
German Lied, “Ein Ton,” (P. Cornel
ius); "Gretchen am Spinrad,”
(Shubert); "Er Istis,” (Schumann);
Romantic School of Opera, "Frei
Schuetz” aria, (Von Weiber); Dramat
ic school, "Dietl Theure Halle,” from
I'annbauser,” (Wagner); "Mother of
.dine,” (Tours); "What the Chimney
oang,” (Gertrude Griswold.)
The pupils of Austin Grammar
o-hool will give a concert and
tableaux vlvants” at Beethoven hall
Tuesday evening, April the
benefit of the library.
The Self Culture club will hold its
annual election of officers Monday af
ternoon at the residence of Mrs. Joe
Murray, 3020 West Commerce street.
The Tuesday Musical club will meet
Tuesday afternoon at the home of the
vice-president, Mts. Chas. Snider, 127
Oakland street. A program on Rich
ard Strauss will be rendered by sec
tion A under the direction of Mrs. A.
The Woman's club will meet Wed
nesday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the
club house when the annual election of
officers will be held. The music will
be in charge of Miss Florence Con
verse and Mrs. W. S. Whitworth will
be the hostess for the afternoon. Echoes
from the board and council meeting
will be given by a number of speak
The Twentieth - Century club will
meet Wednesday afternoon at 3:30
o’clock at the home of Mrs. Belle DiL
garde, 1712 Buena Vista street. Roll
cail will be answered by responses
from Elia Wheeler Wilcox. Mts. E.
Bell will give as a reading part of
Emerson’s “Essay on Art.” "American
Ceramic Art; the Rookwood Pottery"
will be the title of a reading by Mrs.
J. E. Cappieman. Mrs. Solon Stewart
will give an oral description of "Nota
ble American Art Galleries.’’
The Government Hill Literary club
will meet Wednesday afternoon at the
residence of Dr. Nettie Gray, 312 Car
son street. This will be the annual
business meeting and officers will be
elected for the ensuing year.
The Phoenix club will meet Thurs
day afternoon at 4 o’clock at the Wo
man’s club house. Annual reports will
be given by the officers and an elec
tion of officers will be held. Thia
meeting will also be an open session
of the club, each member being priv
ileged to invite a guest Mark Twain
will be the subject for discussion with
Miss Mitchell as leader. The special
points to be discussed are: Sketch of
author’s life; his works; is Murk
Twain a true exponent of American
humor? Tell the story of the “Inno
cence Abroad.” A reading, "The Light
ning Pilot,” from “Life on the Missis
Anything in the printing line done
in a first-class style at Brown Print
ing Co., 11l Ixjsoya street.
It is hard to get oysters (breaded
and fried successfully at home. The
trouble is that most housekeepers
roll them in egg and bread crumbs.
The coating comes off giving the
oysters a piebald appearance, and
they are usually overcooked in the
attempt to brown them evenly.
Flatten th“ oysters slightly and
lay them in fresh milk. Prepare a
mixture of equal parts of flour and
sifted cracker crumbs. Oyster or but
ter crackers are best for this pur
pose. Let the fat be very hot. Drain
the oysters separately and dip them
in the cracker mixture. Lay them
in a wire basket and fry in deep hot
fat two or three minutes. Drain on
brown paper, then slip in a hot folded
napkin on a platter. Garnish with
parsley and lemon.
Dr. T. Felix Gouraud’s
JR' 11 ' A pure, antisep.
X- - ,ic Toilet Pc mier
' “ for lnfan,s al “i
aflu ' w - Exqui*
sitelv perfumed.
Renaeii an exceL
' enf ' complexioil
" nn keepc toe skin
clear, soft and
mH velvety. Rehe-eg
W? skin irritationand
B should ba used
■s.finely after ba.b*
ing “ nd ‘ haT ‘ n £
rul and refreshing
OhvAjiffy deal
era or by nuuLSJ
M cents Box. Pip.
pared by
bob wa ano *aooMMxiron> nr
Some New Waists
and Dresses Are in Again
fl The dresses arc linen, one-pieced. They are perfectly
plain tailored, and brightened with a touch of lace and
ribbon—just a touch. Dutch neck. $l5.
fl Other linen dresses, high neck or Dutch style, in white,
rose, natural and a few other wanted shades, are $lO
to $2B.
fl Most of the new waists are in the Dutch style, though
there arc four or five kinds with high neck (and one
with open front) for women who don't fancy that low
collar kind. Materials in all cases are lingeries, of dif
ferent degrees of fineness. $1.50 to $5-75-
fl Particularly worth seeing are two of the new waists
at $1.50. One is very fancy, the other rather severe,
though trimmed. The materials and style go far and
away above what one usually sees priced at $1.50.
fl Those model hats, at reduced prices, are still to be had.
Quite a few sold yesterday; yet what we consider the
better values were, as a rule, not taken away. You may
still have these today. Those women who saw them
fl And new skirts are here.
Carriage Entrance Alamo Plasa.
By Mme. D'Anjou.
If you need advice write to me.
I want all the readers ot The Light
to bring their troubles to me. All
letters enclosing stamped envelope
will receive personal answer and
all communications will be held in
Spare the rod and spank the child.
Questioner —A sense of humor
should restrict you from proclaiming
vour love for the young man, even
though your dignity weakens and per
mits you to make declarations. Heart
affairs are not for general publication,
but for tender little special edition
books, written on your thoughts and
read only to “him.” Moreover, it may
embarrass the youth to have your
adoration for him so widely adver
tised, and I atn of the opinion that he
isn’t half wrong in his suggestion that
you voice your love less loudly. The
big world laughs at lovers, because
lovers are funny. It can’t help. The
world Is so human, you know.
Baby Bunting—All styles are freaky
when they are young, and when they
are old they’re not styles at all. As
long as you don’t scare the horses and
the one man in the world can still
bear to look at you. all is well. You
are not the only woman who considers
that the fashionrmakers think that
every day is the first of April. It Is
positively amazing how fresh these
designers get with their sheath gowns
and tub hats anil other strange array,
the likes of which were never seen
before the flood or after.
Housekeeper—lf you furnish your
house just for looks, it will look ft.
If you furnish for comfort, comfort
will be found there. If you have
oriental rugs, keep the draperies,
upholstery and everything else to one
color. Too many colors in a room de
stroy the harmony, weary the eye and
tire the brain. Blue and gray or lav
ender and gray are good colors for
sleeping apartments.
J. L. —The ordinary silver-backed
hair-brush is not only useless, but it
is a useless article that must be kept
In good condition. Tarnished toilet
table furnishings are anything but
lovely. The only hairbrush that does
We want this to be a personal in
vitation to the women of San An
tonio to inspect our showing of
Easter millinery. Our milliners
have been busy trimming hats for
your approval, and we arc safe
in saying there is no handsomer
line in San Antonio.
Miss Margaret Sammer
The Wonder Millinery,
113 1-2 Ave. C, next to E. Y.
Dve Works.
For - Easter - Flowers
Ring up 607 or call at 327 Alamo Plaza.
Roses, per dozen $1.50
Carnations, per dozen $l.OO
Violets, per 100 .' 40c
Lily of the Valley, per dozen 50c
Sweet Peas, per 100 40c
P. D* Hauser & Sons Floral
the real work is the one made of Si
berian bristles set upon a rubber
cushion. They sink through the thick
est hair, and are very invigorating to
the scalp and hair growth.
Laundress —You must use cosmetic
jelly freely on your bands. It will
keep them soft and white, heal that
swollen condition and soothe the irri
tated surface. The recipe appears
often, so will you kindly send a
stamped, self-addressed envelope for
the formula, which will be sent to you
by return mail?
Down —There always have lived and
always will live certain unkind, Ul
bred persons who bother and disturb
peaceable souls. Since they are here
to stay, and you can’t rout them or
stop them, why not forget them? You
don’t worry when a dog barks or a
cat hisses, do you? Same thing!
Writer —One writes successfully
when one can say true and useful
things In a pleasing manner. It is
necessary to know when one has said
enough and never to repeat a point
after it y’s been once made. Purity
of language is as delightful in prose
as in poetry. Since there are all
kinds of readers there must be all
kinds of writers, but it is just as
well to address readers of taste.
A Skin of Beauty It a Joy Forever?
DR. T. Felix Oouraud'e Oriental I
Cream or Magical Beautifler.'
SJSd Mete. Tu, Rmeleg
swd essry btmlsh
b. on beauty. and dt-
* r f/ tee dauctun. fl
A- -Jr 1/PW has stood ths UK
- y ■</ of eo years, sod
r= • 9 1 Cv *• we
"EXq CM tf.uk tobeßen N
, o 111 j B properly nade.
O Tj B / Accept no counit
ft <srN\
H I \ name. Dr. L. ▲.
Ai H 1 <* ~
K ) tOB <• patient)!
/ | It 7 "A« yo®
—J l\ K. th
IV X 1 recoufcetd
*C»c«rit«d*a Cream’ as the feast hsrmful of alt the
Alo r-aparsUont." For sale by a’’ dnur*ts and Fancy*
Ok’ods Peelers lb ths Vslted Suus, Osnada and Europe.
lEBO.T. HWUaS, Frai, 17 Grat Jinn Shut
Ladle*' Halrdreeaer and Wlpniakar.
Shampooing parlor. Manicuring
and face maaaagc. Scalp trentmeat
Manufacturer of hair gooda.
W* rent wlga for balla and partlaa.
Terrell Bldg, tig Ave. O.
New phene 10M. B. U Franool,, Mgr