OCR Interpretation

The San Antonio light. [volume] (San Antonio, Tex.) 1907-1909, April 06, 1909, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090330/1909-04-06/ed-1/seq-5/

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Cl^ m Baking Powder
is the most efficient and
perfect of leavening agents.
No alum, lime or ammonia.
T 111 Savage Old Indian Chief Who Cut Right and Left Wi'h
IJItM I Knife Into a Crowd at City Depot, Is Silent and
* * Ready to Be Hanged When White Man Says So.
Cincinnati, 0., April 6. —"Ugh!"
And that’s all they get out of old
Chief Becody, the Navajo Indian from
Arizona, who, in a wild, savage frenzy
waded into an unsuspecting crowd in
the B. & O. depot in this city and
half killed two men and a woman
with a long hunting knife.
At the Hamilton county jail Chief
Becody waits, stolid, calm. If the
white men decree his death —Ugh Ilf
they free him—Ugh! He will take
what comes. He’s a good Indian.
Ten minutes before the train
reached the depot there was no man
in it more peaceble He was return
ing from a government mission to
Washington. He had talked with many
white men on the train. He belonged
to the tribe of Navajo, whose mem
bers have made fine blankets for
easterners, and have songs written
about them, but who never have given
the government any trouble.
But the old, quick, hating, blind,
terrible impulses of Decqmseh and
Geronimo, of Sitting Bull and Rain-in
the-Face, lurked beneath the veneer
of civilization and benevolence. His
seamed and wrinkled face was ready
to break into a grim scowl whicn
would mean death for someone.
And so it happened. His overcoat
wae stolen, the thief was gone. His
forefathers, generation after genera
tion had known how to act. Kill the
thief, or if he had gone, then kill his
The old chief pulled a pint flask
!‘om his bag attached to his belt.
One, two. three .drinks. Th e quick
fiery liquor mounted to his brain. Ho
was ready. The next minute he was
in the crowd, striking, striking to
They got him. of course. What was
one old man against so many? Now,
maybe, the white men will hang him.
That’s their law. Very well. He is
still the son of his fathers. They
Editor Daily Light/ It was with
isurprise and regret that I saw in the
Sunday Light of yesterday a conspic'
taous headline referring to King Ed
ward. +n words which, in my opinion,
■re utterly unwarranted, and which 1
»m sure cannot fail to cause unneces
|eary annoyance to very considerable
yumber of persons in this community,
Whose feelings, I am certain, you
>onkl not intentionally outrage.
1 hold no brief for King Edward, and
bare no intention of defending him
■gainst the imputations referred to —
it is so obviously unnecessary. He
Is well known to the people of this
r untry. and I venture to say that
their respect and admiration for him,
Is second only toxhat of his own peo
y.e—which places him in a position of
genuine popularity, impossible to a
/tan as described in the article, and
fnobfibJy unequalled by any living
Lin or woman
it I trust, therefore, that in the spirit
JV fairness which has always been
i uch a conspicuous feature of your
" er . you insert this letter, be-
A family Medicine Without ATcoHol
। A Strong Tonic - Without Alcohol I K Great Alterative - Without Alcohol
A Blood Purifier - Without Alcohol | A Family Medicine - Without Alcohol
Ask your doctor if a family medicine, like Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, is
, not vastly better without alcohol than with it.
B' ‘ - ! L ' .
Prcmnt Hillyer-
Uelivorv u The 'T of “ few Beutsch-
UcliVciy hours with carpenters .
gf t i waiting, means a loss of Jarratt.
8 money to Contractor n ft
Lumber or Owner. We are in
SaVeS a P oB *^ oll to make Both Phones
Manev Prompt deliveries. UM Solllh
maney F o es Sf
We are prepared to furnieh ——————
Crushed Rock -r sT
OF all in this
KINDS (CryetaJized Limestone.) VICINITY
___________ in all sizes, any quantity.
See us about building your cement walks.
UNG and HUGHES Qu, XT. X”"'
won’t see Chief Becody show fear
or ask for mercy.
Calm]/ he waits. Occasionally he
smokes his old pipe. He is the white
man's prisoner.
One of his victims is not out of
danger yet.
Heving that it will be a satisfaction
to my countrymen and others in this
city and state to see a protest against
What they know to be untrue.
Yours truly,
Cor. Secy. Texas-British Ass’n.
Mr. T. G. Fritts, Oneonta. N. Y.,
writes: ".My little girl was greatly
benefited by taking Foley's Orino
Laxative, and I think it is the best
remedy for conetlpqtion and liver
trouble." Foley's Orino Laxative is
best for women and children, as it
is mild, pleasant and effective, and is
a splendid spring medicine, as it
cleanses the system and clears the
complexion. Bexar Drug Co.
Macon, Ga.. April 6. —W. S. Tyson,
aged 60. married and the father of
nine children, shot and killed hint
self here while tn a fit of despond
ency yesterday, because of the Joss
of hi« position as state convict war
Manufacturers Declare the
Women Are Needlessly
Chicago. 111., April 6.—Following a
conference here of representatives of
the National Association of Hosiery
and Underwear Manufacturers of Am
erica, which includes 500 companies,
a statement has been issued saying
that talk of higher prices for im
ported hosiery is not based on facts.
The increasing tariff tax has been
slight and the women of the United
States will not have to pay one cent
more for their stockings than they
do now. Imported herteif that coats
25 cents per pair now will continue to
sWI at 25 cents.
It i? estimated that by 1 o'clock p.
tn. tomorrow, when the lists close.
50.000 names will be on the anti-tariff
petition being signed here. At that
hour, the petitions will be gathered
together and entrusted to the five wo
men who are to go to Washington as a
committee to present the petitions to
the Illinois representatives in congress.
This feminine committee will reach
Washington Thursday. Arrangements
are to be made lor them immediately
upon their arrival to meet the Illinois
representatives. They will explain ver
bally the sentiment of Chicago gener
ally regarding the hosiery and glove
provisions of the bill.
New York. April 6.—The descent
of the police last night ujion tnn
Marathon Athletic club of Brooklyn
at the conclusion of a 10-round bout
between Johnny Dohan and "Fight
ing Dick" Nelson caused talk that an
attem.pt will be made by the police
to test the validity of the law under
which such contests have been made
possible. The referee and both prin
cipals were held in |5OO bail.
Great Physical and Mental Agony.
"Before we can sympathize with
others we must have suffered our
selves." No one can realize the suf
fering attendant upon an attack of the
igrip unless he has had the actual ex
perience. There is probably no dis
ease that causes so much physical
and mental agony, or which so suc
cessfully defies medical aid. All dan
ger from grip, however. may be
avoided by the prompt use of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. Among the
tens of thousands who have used this
remedy, not one case has ever been
reported that has resulted tn pneu
monia or that has not recovered. For
sale by all druggists.
Unanimous endorsement of Govern
or Campbell's action in vetoing the
Bexar county court ibill was given
by the Pastors’ union of San An
tonio at a meeting yesterday In the
Y. M. C. A.
The endorsement was in the form
of a resolution, a copy of which was
ordered sent to the governor. It fol
Resolved, That the Pastors’ union
of San Antonio endorse the action of
Governor Campbell in hi® veto of the
bill passed by the legislature creat
ing an additional county court for
Bexar county with jurisdiction over
civil cases We take this action be
cause wp believe that the creation
of a court with civil jurisdiction
would prevent our county from se
curing a court with special jurisdic
tion over criminal cases, the issu
ance of liquor licenses and control
of all cases arising from the liquor
"We believe the creation of such
a court for Bexar county would be
distinctly in the Interest of morality
among our people and,would go far
towards the suppression of lawless
ness and crime in our city and would
result in a strict enforcement of the
laws on our statute (books against
gambling and abuses of the liquor
"We place ourselves on record !n
this matter .because we believe the
question i 8 not political but distinctly
moral, and we offer no apologies for
aligning ourselves in accordance with
the best light we have upon the side
of morality, law and order in our fair
The presbytery of the Mexican
Presbyterian church in Texas will
meet for the first time since it be
came known as an independent con
ference tonight at 311 Durango street.
The conference will continue five
days. Sermons will be delivered each
evening. The opening address will be
made by Rev. w. J. Scott of this city,
moderator. Saturday the conference
will be addressed by ex-Governor R.
B. Glenn of North Carolina. Others
who will speak have not been yet
The Mexican Presbyterian church
in San Antonio has a membership of
136 and 196 children in the Sunday
school. Its pastor is Rev. R. Avila,
514 Durango street.
Rather Undecided.
Sandford —So you’re In love with
Miss Fairly? She’s a decided blonde,
isn’t she?
Chappy—Well, er, I can’t say that
she’s quite decided yet.
You Will Wonder Where the Stomach
Distress and Indigestion
Has Gone.
Some people think they Lave Indi
gestion. others Catarrh of the Stom
ach, others Nervousness. Cancer or
Dyspepsia, etc. Call it this if you will,
but the real name for your trouble is
Food Fermentation, with only partial
digestion. Everything you eat turns
to either Acid, Stomach gas or Stom
ach poison. which weaken the diges
tive organs, causing a lack of gastric
juice. Your food sours. Is only half di
gested, and you become affected with
loss of appetite, pressure and fullness
after eating, burning sensation, a feel
ing of vomiting, heartburn, water
brash, slimy tongue, bad taste in ihe
mouth, constipation, nausea, belch
ing of gas, dizziness, sick headaches,
mental depression and many other
common symptoms'!
You can cure all this by not eating,
by not putting any food in your stom
ach to ferment; but how about the
nourishment needed to sustain your
bodily strength? If you are a stom
a< u sufferer, either man or woman,
young or old, whether you call it Indi
gestion or any other name, go now to
your druggist and give 50 cents for a
case of Pape's Diapepsin.
Every possible kind of Stomach
trouble is readily cured by Diapepslu,
which takes right hold of the food in
your stomach and digests it alone,
without the help of the stomach, just
as if your stomach wasn't there.
After a few days’ use of Diapepsin
your Stomach will again be in good
working order, your meals will thor
oughly digest and your Intestines will
be clean and fresh, and you will have
no use for laxatives or liver regula
Chicago, 111., April 6. —Between 6
o’clock this morning and 4 o’clock
this afternoon Chicago will pass on
rival candidates for city treasurer
and city clerk, the personnel of more
than half of the city council and up
on the advisability of a tax levy for
the establishment of a tuberculosis
sanitarium. As a side Issue the city
will have its say concerning the adop
tion of Evanston and Cicero as in
tegral parts of the municipality. The
prediction is made by party chiefs
that nearly 75 per cent of the regis
tered vote of 406,000 will be cast. In
four wards there will be a big slump
in the vote because today is the Jew
ish passover and orthodox Jews re
fuse to mark the ballots. Thousands of
votes will be lost because of the pass
Keokuk, la., April 6. —Leaving notes
telling of a suicide pact, Herman
Bartlett and Belva Pugh joined han Is
and jumped into the Mississippi river
at Alexandria, Mo., last night. The
couple ended their lives after young
Bartlett had paid a call at the home
of hig sweetheart. Two notes, one
from each, were lound bv th eglrl’s
mother soon after midnight. The
notes told exactly where the couple
would jump in the river.
Both left their jewelry and wraps
on the table. Bartlett’s hat and his
money also were left.
The Longer You Know Them the Bet
ter You Like Them.
Doan’s Kidney Pills never fail you.
San Antonio people know this.
Read this San Antonio case.
Read how Doan's stood the test for
many years.
It's local testimony and can be In
v cstigated:
Mrs. M. S. Freeman, 434 Presa
Street, San Antonio, Texas, says:
"Ever since using Doan’s Kidney Pills
over a year ago, I have been in the
enjoyment of good health and pleased
to have recommended the remedy to
many other people. I am pleased to
renew the testimonial I gave in 1907.’’
The endorsement to which Mrs.
Freeman refers was in substance as
follows: “I suffered a great deal from
pains in my back and had an idea that
I was suffering from kidney disease.
When the action of the kidney secre
tions became irregular, I was con
vinced of this fact and I accordingly
procured a box of Doan's Kidney Pills
from the Bexar Drug Co. They helped
me from the first, and after a short
time. I was entirely rid of kidney dis
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name —Doan’s—and
take no other.
To Cure Eczema
om Hdikdl’t Ointment, qoick in action. ।
perrnanent in rerult. Carel blotchy, ronah
and pimpled akin, ringworm, tetter, etc.
* The ef. I
Jrtert naruAcufTb.- butted with R-Mt.lC, I
■,' <, M.fk.ir> Blood ..4 I
lr** r * bottle. Book of I
free. WHksro,. noitoWkr.jwft.M, I
4«l<ooua.r« St..
helpers In addition to the ex-presi
dent’s companions, a head man, a
cook, two servants, two gun bearers,
four askaris or game watchers, and
100 native porters. These last get $4
a month and keep.
Prominent on the list of supplies
are a writing table, a typewriter, a
bath tub which is folded up and
strapped to the tent when not tn use,
and writing paper and reading
The guiui have been made to order
in the Unwed States. The ex-presi
dent's gun will be the .405 caliber
toy, intended for rhinocerous, hippo
potami, elephants and animals of that
size. It uses smokeless powder and
has an epergy equal to 3500 foot
The next gun is the new United
States government 30, carrying a 220-
grain bullet and, guaranteed to kill
very large animals at 500 to 1000
yards. The third Title Is extra light
.405 caliber, carrying a 45-70 car
tridge. and to be used for close range
work —say when the lion is about five
feet nway, licking his chops.
The last gun. a .400 caliber thing
for medium sized game, such as Col.
Roosevelt has used frequently In his
hunting trips in the western United
States. Resides these main guns
there will be revolvers and knives and
smaller weapons In plenty. The nat
uralists will depend mainly on a 12-
bore gun.
The native hunters who have been
hired by Richard Cunningham, the of
ficial guide, will have to furnish their
own weapons.
Then as to camp supplies:
First of all come the “Colonial”
tents, one big enough for two peo
ple, 12 feet, 10 and 7 1-2 feet high. It
is lined inside with turkey twill,
which gives a cony, home like appear
ance. and it has all sorts of pockets
tor holding odds and ends. Small,
valuable articles, such as hair brushes
or razors, would hardly be safe lu
these pockets becauee o( the thieving
propensities of the “boys.” The tent
has a second canvas which protects
the occupants from the elements, and
in the heat of day keeps the tent in
terior cooler. Under this second can
vas, known as the “fly," the "boys”
sleep, sharing the space with their
The rent Is also provided with ( a
veranda in front, and a bath room
laced on at the back.
Otner are a four*
pound folding table, a canvas hang
ing wanfrobe, a folding mirror, a
dressing roll replacing the usual hand
dressing case, and a green canvas
ground sheet. To the tent poles are
attached leather straps, fitted with
brass hooks for guns, coats and other
For lighting. Col. Roosevelt will
take several windi>roof "hurricane"
lamps, a mechanical oil lamp without
a chimney, a collapsible candle lamp,
and perhaps one or two reading
Many of the natives aro clever
cooks, and can bake bread, or roast
small game or joints with ovens built
in a hole in the ground.
But for other foods and methods
of cooking the Roosevelt party will
take an ingenfus “cook’s box." The
box is 2 feet 6 Inches long and 15
Inches wide. It contains 28 pounds
of groceries for the dav, a large
kettle, a frying pan with folding
handle, a grill with telescoping han
dle. and a saucepan for boiling a large
pudding or a round of meat.
Inside this pan are a Dat-lidded
kettle, with tea Infuser, and also two
neatly fitting cans for tea and sugar.
Also enamel or aluminum plates and
spoon Also a nest, of five saucepans
with lids, one within the other, the
same handle taking all five.
Apert from his camping and hunt
ing outfit, Col. Roosevelt will take
about 25 “chojts.” A "chop” is a
box of general provisions'. such as
tinned meat, flour, jam, bacon, soap
and all kinds of dry goods. Esch
complete chop weighs 60 pounds, and
Is one boy’s load.
The medicine case, with Its tabloid
remedies and surgical bandages, fs
another very important item.
Other contrivances which make
for comfort are a combined folding
pick and spade for trenching round
the tent in case of rain, folding
metal boot trees, hair clippers and
safety razors, barbers being scarce
in Uganda; a portable weighing bal
ance, which enables one to give fig
ures to a skeptical public; a patent
pump filter indispensable, where the
water Is thick and muddy; a minc
ing machine; an alarm clock; and
a walking stick, which, at the will
of the owner, can be turned into a
stool, upon which he can sit down
to await the arrival of the big game.
KM TutlHsw Always BMgB
Easier cards at Roe’s Book Store.
The fight which took place at a
dance in th? Beanville addition two
weeks ago, in which some 20 persons
are said to have been involved, was
aired before Judge Buckley in the
police court this morning. All defend
ants, 12 in number, who were ar
raigned on charges of having engaged
in the affray, pleaded not guilty.
Jose Barientes was stabbed in the
back In the affray and Manuel Jim
enez was twice cut on the left arm.
Both men remained In the city hos
pital for some time. Both testified
that Pedro Siedro had used the knife
on them. Siedro was fined 125.
Enchesto Flores, said to have
struck the first blow, was fined |5
The otFiers were dismiss?*’
Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect It.
Nature warns you when the track of health
is not clear. Kidney and bladder trouble coni
r«l you to pass water often through the day
and get up many times during the night.
Unhealthy kidneys cause lumbago, rheuma
tism, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull ache
in the back, joints or muscles, at times have
headache or indigestion, as time passes you
may have a sallow complexion, puffy or dark
circles under the eyes, sometimes feel as
though you have heart trouble, may have
plenty of ambition but no strength, get weak
and waste away.
If such conditions are permitted to continue,
serious results are sure to follow: Bright’s die
ease, the very worst form of kidney trouble
may steal upon you.
Prevalency of Kidney Disease.
Most people do not realize the alarming in
crease and remarkable prevalency of kidney
disease. While kidney disorders are the most
common diseases that prevail, they arc almost
the last recognized by patient and physicians,
who content themselves with doctoring the ef
fects, while the original disease undermines
the system.
A Trial Will Convince Anyone.
If you are sick or feeling badly, begin taking
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney,
liver and bladder remedy, because as soon as
your kidneys begin to get better, they will help
the other orghns to health. In taking Swamp-
Root, you afford natural help to Nature, for
Swani|>-Root is a gentle healing vegetable com
pound—a physician’s prescription for a specific
lou cannot get rid of your aches and pains
if your kidneys are out of order. You cannot
feel right when your kidneys are wrong.
Swamp-Root is Pleasant to Take
If you are already convinced that Swamp- I
Root is what you need, you can purchase the
regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles at
all drug stores. Don’t make any mistake, but
reinember the name. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root,
and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., whica you
will find on every bottle.
SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE—To prove the wonderful merits of Swamp-Root
jou may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable information, both sent
absolutely free by mail. The book contains manj’ of the thousands of letters
received from men and women who found Swamp-Root tc be just the remedy
they needed. The value and success of Swamp-Root is so well known that
our readers are advised to send a sample bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer &
Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. Be sure to' say you read this generous offer In The
San Antonio Daily Ught. The genuineness of this offer is guaranteed.
Invitations to the queen's ball were
today placed in the mails by the Or
der of the Alamo under whose charge
this crowning event of the Spring
Carnival will be held.
Plans for the social affairs of the
carnival are rapidly approaching com
pletion under the work of the Order
of the Alamo.
A meeting of the executive com
mittee of the carnival will be held to
morrow afternoon at 5 o'clock, when
closing matters connected with the
w Becoming a mother should be a
ITw source of joy, but the suffering
UL incident to the ordeal makes
anticipation one of dread.
Mother's Friend is the only rem-'
Jg e dy which relieves women of
■" much of the pain of maternity;
this hour, dreaded as woman’s severest trial, is not only made less pain
ful, but danger is avoided by its use. Those who use this remedy are
no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distress
ing conditions are overcome,
and the system is prepared f r ftf 'WjS
the coming event. “It is worth Js hTsN
its weight in gold,” say many
who have used it.
II 00 per boule. Book of -Blue Ie HHg
■Uexperuot mother* mailed free. ■ ■■
Tbe Bradfield Regulator Ca., Atlaota, Ga. JK
: *
; 1886 acres located 7 miles southeast of Stockdale and surveyed into •
• tracts ot 166 to 350 acres each, some improved and others unimproved. $
• Soil, black sandy and shelly mesquite land, clay subsoil. Near church •
J and school. Reasonable prices and terms. For full particulars write
: E. B. Chandler, :
I* * (<• ■ J
ri ladder
tows. ? ■• ‘R
tuna. EgUJ
™rdin< V» a<*. nF
• wuh "mall
*tn foil dnw V XJB
**uid fit jH
<v rometo all
nd dta«* k’»
*y«» duch as gB*W
i'w, grAv- EX Lvß
n;ba<n and S3M
wbwhhth. wm
leer diaeaaa. S' '
•»LT KT Kal
RkCO., ■■
N * T>
Swamp-Root is always kept up
to its high standard of purity
and excellence. A sworn certif
icate of purity with every bottle
annual spring event will be takes
Decorating w<H-k has been begun on
the court house; Santa Rosa hospital
and other public buildings.
Theo. Artzt orchestra. Both phones.
Milwaukee. Wis., April 6.—Whilw
Wisconsin voters are choosing a state
superintendent of public instruction;
today, many municipalities are voting
on the question of licenses. Among
ths cities which are voting on the li
quor question are Oshkosh, Appleton,
Eau Claire. Beloit, Ashland, Mari
nette, Sturgeon Bay, Neenah and Bar

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