Newspaper Page Text
6 Read and use Light “Want Ads” Classified Ads W« take classified ads over phone, or will send messenger for them when required to do so. Ono insertion, per word. lc Four consecutive Insertions, per word 8c Seven consecutive insertions, per word 4c Ten consecutive insertions or more, each insertion, per word..%c No ad received tor lees than 15 cents. Classified ads for The Sunday Li~ht will not be received after 10 o’clock Saturday night. EITHER PHONE 176 HELP WANTED— Male. WANTHD— High-claes man to sell best real Mtai'.e proposition in San Antonio. This proposition will be advertised and pusned to the limit. The Clifton George Co.. 115 Loecya street. WANTED—Railway man clerks; $BOO tor first year. Examinations in San Anto nio May 15th. Preparation free. Frank lin institute. Dept. 929. Rochester. N. T. YOUNG men for railway mall service. Exain. May 15. Intending applicants should begin preparation AT ONCE. Sample questions and “How Government Positions Are Secured” sent free. Inter State Schools, 352 College Pl., Cedar Rapids, la. WANTED—A good baker; steady posi tion to right party. Apply US Crosby street. _ WANTED—Men to learn barber trade. Thoroughly practical training by free clinic and careful instructions. Life schol arship. tools given, board provided. MO- J.ER graduates command highest wages. Dur diplomas recognized everywhere. Shop experience and wages before com - pletlng. Catalogue free. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 716 West Com merce street. HELP WANTED— Female. WANTED—A good reliable girl to nurse a young baby, one that 1« willing to Itai' on place. 819 San Pedro avenue. LADY can secure profitable position; nothing to sell. Address Dr. Andrews, 21,1 San Pedro. WANTED—Two good women for gen eral housework or would take man and wife; good wages to right parties. ISI6 North Flores street. WANTED —A good cook. 825 Carson St. WANTED —Competent dressmaker. Call Madam Cook. 421 Avenue D. WANTED—FemaIe cook. 156 Porter St. Phone 252. WANTED—Six refined young ladies for vaudeville act. Apply at once to Miss Dunbar. 229 East Houston street. Room 3. YOUNG white girl to take care of chil dren and assist with housework. 602 East Quincy street. WHITE girl for general'housework. Ap ply 602 East Quincy. HELP WANTED— WE FURNISH bookkeepers, stenographers, salesmen and ladles, cooks, waiters, nurse and all kinds of reliable help. Berth phones 517. Citi zens' Employment Agency, 521 East Houston street. 136 A WEEK and expenses to men with rig to introduce poultry and stock pow ders; experience unnecessary; reliable company and exclusive territory given. The Grant Co.. Dept. 95, Springfield, Illinois. • • • « **••*•««•***•*« * , « * • * • • • WANTED at once. 50 ladles and 50 * • gentlemen canvassers. Apply to * • Marine, Askin & Berman, the • • world’s greatest credit clothiers. » ♦ 108 West Houston street, R. K. * • Marsh, manager. » LOST, FOUND, STRAYED— WILL party who took cravanet coat out of seat at Empire opera house Wednesday matinee. April 7. please re turn to 1104 N. Flores street and get reward. GOLD spectacles in black case on South Hackberry St, at Marlborough Place. Return to janitor Riverside Park school Reward. LOST—A diamond ring set with fifteen stones. Ix>st in Emil Blum & ■tore. The party who found it please re turn to me and get reward. Mrs. E. F. Wood, care Emil Blum & Co. LOST—One black wagon sheet. Return to 419 Main avenue. Reward. MISCELLANEOUS— WINDOW shades properly hung free of charge for architects, carpenters and builders. Call on Brown, 227 East Hous ton street. HORSE clipping. Get your horses clipped by electricity at Kneupper’s blacksmith ehop. 514 River avenue. New phone 974. EDUCATIONAL— A. M. C. GARClA—Artistic violin In struction. Few more pupils desired to complete class. Prices moderate. New phone 1569. or address, care Thos. Gog gan & Bros, music store. » LEARN TELEGRAPHT. Railway w*-w are cut into Draughon’s Practice' £•• s iness College, corner Alamo Plaza a,i Crockett, San Antonio, for students’ vsu Positions secured. Call or send for FRL3 booklet. “Why Learn Telegraphy." FOR SALE— Furniture and Pianos. FOR SALE—Cook stove and a lot of household furniture. 1715 Durango St. FURNITURE and stoves repaired, bought, sold and exchanged. Brown, 413 East Commerce street. REFRIGERATOR, kitchen cabinet, three screens, washing and ironing outfit no dealers need call. 416 Baltimore a.’enue. FOR SALE— Real Estate. JOHN H. BOLTON—ReaI Estate. Pension Claim Agent. Notary Public. SL James Hotel. Houston street. FOR SALE—I4CO acres of black land, loam; al! fenced; no waste; land near school and store. Will sell all or cut to suit purchaser. Part cash, balance to suit. This is line land, good water, good range. Stock keeps fat the year around without feed. Call on C&pt John W. Womack, 113 Porter street, old phone 1004 r-L TOBIN HILL cottage for sale; built on 6-room plan; modern; sewerage, hot water; 590 feet cement walk: stable; lot 53x167; near two car lines. $2750. Terms. 216 Washington place. FOR SALE- Miscellaneous. FULL CORD WOOD YARD Sells only the best post oak and mes quite wood, delivered la full cord wag ons. Phones 1107. Frank Basala. FOR SALE — Wrapping paper, paper boxes, bags, twine, all kinds and sizes; lowest prices, prompt delivery. R. L. Burnett Co. Both phones. LUMBER, lumber, lumber. I am selling lots of it because our prices are the lowest. Frank W. Spear, 309 Avenue C, old phone 1708. BUTTER—Phone us for prices. Any grade you want. Main Avenue Grocery Co. Branch. 102-10 S Garden street. ROOMS AND BOARD— GURDEN CAFE, 908 AVENI £ C. Absolutely the best meals in the city: special accommodations for families; sep arate tables, individual service. Single meals. 35c; tickets. $6. If not satisfied, tell us; if satisfied, tell others. New telephone 1522. LOVERS of good things to eat will go to the new and up-to-date Alamo Cafe, 325 Alamo plaza, where you will find ths best eatables at moderate prices. SPECIAL NOTICES— MESSENGER BOY. Citizens' Messenger Service, prompt and up-to-date; try our parcels delivery. Both phones 517, 521 East Houston street GET estimates from Southern Construc tion Co., general builders. Building loans, p. C. box 29. San Antonio. SWIFT buys, sells or rents furniture. stoves, harness, etc. 216 South Flores street. New phone. LEAKS, leaks, leaks. We stop them with the I. X. L. roof paint in any kind of roof. All work guaranteed. Old phone 1004-lr. Captain Jno. W. Womack. PLANT fertilizer, pure bone meal, rich in phosphates, clean to handle, recom mended by florists and nurserymen. Samples free. Ring up 1112-2 r and ask us about it. LET me write your fire insurance at right prices on house and furniture. Bitter, real estate, notary public. 102 West Commerce. LIST your rooming houses with us. We have always got buyers on hand. E. A. Fox & Co.. 113 Avenue C. YOU will make a mistake if you buy your lumber bill without seeing me. Frank W. Spear, 309 Avenue C, bld phone 1708. WANTED —Squabs: all you have. Main Avenue Grocery Co 401 and 40.3 Main avenue. Branch 102-108 Garden street. BARAJAS & PORTESI, scientific horse shoeing, blacksmithing. wheelwright and repairing. New phone, *296;01q, 1.341. RING up Joe Barajas for your tin work and repairing. First class work. Both phones. MOVING AND STORAGE— STORAGE for furniture, pianos, buggies. Separate stalls, f 1.50 per month. Mov ing. packing, shipping. L. W. Culver, 129 Fannin. Phones 2180. HARRISON MOVING CO. Storage, packing, shippt.ig. New phone SO'.'; residence, 107. MONEY TO LOAN— And Wanted MONEY loaned nn horses, cattle, wag ons. buggies and household goods. We are the people to see. Ramsey Loan Co., 11l Losoya street. MONEY WANTED—We can loan your money for you on first-class real estate security at 3 per rent, without expense to the loaner. Write or phone us when you have money to invest and we will submit the securities. Get vour name on our list. E. A. Fox & Co., Financial Agents, 113 Avenue C. WANTED— ’ Houses. WANTED—To buy four or five room cot tage. close in. give price and terms. Ad dress Light 1560. CEMENT SIDEWALKS— IF you want the best class of sidewalk or any kind of concrete work, see us and we will refer you to some of our work. D. P. Smith ft Co., 105 Duffield street. Old phone 1632-2 r. New, 2206 red. BICYCLES— 7 WHEN others fail, see EMERSON, the Bicycle Doctor, a leader in his profes sion. Largest bicycle store in the state. 224-226 Main avenue. Both phones. GRAVEL ROOFING— ’ GRAVEL Paint Co., manufacturers of Asbestos paints. Dealers in oils, paints and all kinds of felt roofing. 121 West Military plaza. Old phone 920. THE HOTEL GEM? MRS. E. VIVIAN, Proprietress. 20‘. North Presa street, 100 feet south of Alamo National Bank. New building, fur niture and modern in every respect. Transients solicited. New phone 2825. SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1909. FOR SALE— Live Stock and Pets. C. E. BOWLES will teach you to ride horseback free. Horse and skirt fur bished at a minimum price. New phone 492. CAESAR, by Longfellow, will make the season at Ponytorium, corner St. Mary and Travis streets. POULTRY— And Eggs for Hatching. EGGS for hatching. White Pekin duck,. $1 per setting. Old phone 1014. WANTED—Prairie Stare Cyphers tr Model outdoor brooders for lift e chicks. State make and pried in answer. Address 1283, Light APRIL chicks do best in this climate. Set your hens and incubators with eggs from my large, vigorous white Ply mouth Rocks—every bird standard-bred —and you'll have Winter Layers. Eggs 81.50 setting; two settings $2.50. D. Root, 31S Powderhouse street. Take S. P. de pot car. FOR SALE—Plymouth Rock Homing Pigeons, from Plymouth Rock Squab company, Boston. The finest squab raisers possible to get. Mated pairs $1.50. New phone 1061. Old phone 1672. EASTER eggs are plentiful. If you want fall and winter eggs get a few hens and pullets bred to lay when others are loafing. Pens of White Leghorns, Barred Plymouth Rocks and White Wyandottes a specialty. Setting hens and baby chicks for sale. Old ’phone 2240. BRONZE turkey eggs; stock winning nine prizes at McKinney’s last show; five at Dallas (Southwestern). Also Bar red and White Plymouth Rock chicken eggs. Blue ribbon kind. Mrs. Jonas Hoffman, Plano, Texas. FOR SALE— Vehicles and Harness. SECOND hand buggies, phaetons, sur reys and express wagons at Pena’s ■hop, 307 West Nueva street. New phone 836. WANTED—Cameron puts on the genu ine Goodyear rubber tires, the best made. 112% North Flores street. FOR SALE —Ono Studebaker surrey as good as new, $135; one Kaufman phae ton, never used. $125; one Studebaker runabout, good as new, $lOO. Inquire 350. Light office. FOR RENT— Furnished Rooms. ROOMS furnished and unfurnished. Rates reasonable. Nice quiet place; 105 Du val street. Army Post car. FURNISHED rooms, 132 Dwyer avenue. Old phone 836. Near court house. Lights and bath. FURNISHED rooms, 132 Dwyer avenue. Old phone 836. Near court house. Light’S and bath FOR RENT Nice enol furnished rooms, with or without board at 321 N. Cherry street. LADY alnne wants couple tn rent two furnished rooms. 202 Blanco road, Treasure Hill. FOR RENT— Miscellaneous. TYPEWRITERS TO RENT—AI! makes typewriters to rent. Rental apalfed if desired. Reasonable rates. Geo. Poteher nick, 208 East Houston street, San Al tonlo, Texas. FOR RENT— Rooms for Housekeeping. ROOMS— Housekeeping rooms, modern, seasonable, close in; no sick or small children. 202 Convent street. ROOM where you like, hut eat at the Uneeda Cafe, 404 East Houston, where everything is of the best. WANTED— Miscellaneous, WANTED—Diamonds, old gold and sil ver. Wm. N. Capurro, Jeweler. 502 H East Houston street (upstairs), room I. WANTED--Everybody to have their old rooms re papered at $6.50 per room. E. J. Womack, nld phone 1004-lr. WANTED—Frying size chickens. Main Avenue Grocery Co. Branch, 102-108 Garden street. UNDERTAKERS— SLOAN A HAGY, undertakers. Ambu lance service. Meet any train day or night. seedTpo u ltry'su ppues FERD STAFFEL, 319 East Commerce. Hay and grain, gaiden and field seed, poultry supplies, incubators and brooders. SEWINGMACHINEREPAIRINj CLEANING, adjusting, repairing. Work guaranteed. Parts, attachments. Nee dks and oils for all makes. J. H. Strick land & Sons, 404-6 S. Flores. N. phone 2947. JOHN VATTUONE repairs, sells and ex changes sewing machines and clocks 722 South Pecos street. VACUUM HOUSECLEANING— BY electricity. When you want your house thoroughly cleaned thir spring, phone new. 847. old 847-2 r. We clean without removal, carpets, rugs, matting, upholstered furniture, walls, etc. AH work fully guaranteed. All we ask is a trial. Estimates cheerfully given. S. A. Vacuum Cleaning Works, 327 East Com merce street CLAIRVOYANT— BACK AGAIN. GARLAND, World'x Greatest Seer and Clairvoyant, tells full names and every thing you wish to know without you writing a word. Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. 727 East Houston street. ’ MARCOS LAMAR ” Wonderful European Clairvoyant and Mental Healer. An honest, most reliable medium. He tells you the innermost se cret of your heart and gives never fall ing help and advice in all affairs of life. Satisfaction guaranteed. German. French. English, Italian and Bohemian. Hours 10-6, Saturdays till 8 p. m. Closed Sun days. Special low fee 50 cents. 214 Ave nue E. opposite postoffice. THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT TAILORS— PANCOAST * KOHLER, tailors, have received their first shipment of spring woolens. 104 East Commerce .tree' HOTELS & RESTAURANTS— NOW OPEN—Alamo-Mexican-American restaurant. Meals 25c. 205 N. Presa SI. FOR RENT— Fur. or Unfur. Room*. FOR RENT —Two nice front rooms ir. private family; one nicely furnished. 214 East Macon. BEE SUPPLIESAND HONEY — Catalogue free. Honey wholesale and retail. Selling American Tin Co.’s honey cans. Southwestern Bee Co., 438 West Houston street. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING SILVERWARE plated, good as new. Cost is small. Work delivered. Reed Jewelry Co., 144 Dwyer avenue, opposite court house. PERSONAL- GRADUATE midwife, Mrs. H. Bieck. 1220 South Pine street, near South Heights car. Old phone 3565. WANTED—To take ladies in confine ment; also take children in board; good home. 1215 Avenue B. SPECIAL prices to hotels, restaurants and boarding houses on dry picked poultry. Main Avenue Grocery Company Branch. 102-108 Garden street. BUSINESS CHANCES— E. A. FOX & CO., Business Brokers and Auctioneers. 113 Avenue C. FOR SALE—Established blacksmith shop, good location for a hustler. Address 106, care Light. AUCTIONEER— E. A. FOX & CO. Auctioneers. 113 Avenue C. Amusement J BY HARRY BOONE. Interest in the exhibitions of Anna Eva Fay. past grand mistresfe in the art o£ psychic demonstration, increas es as the news of her wonderful re plies to questions becomes broadcast. The audience at the Grand last night, desnite the fact that it was Good Fri day. was of goodly proportions and excitement ran high and laughter rang loud at many of the answers. On the part of many the desire to see Miss Fay has become more than a curiosity and with a large number this desire amounts almost to a craze, such is the faith had in her ability to read the secrets of her auditors. Many who have attended every per formance find that their interest grows with each attendance, because there appears to be no limit to the versatility that Miss Fay displays in the entertainment of her audience. There are those who claim t« have solved the manner and metheid em ployed by the little wizard in her working out the problems presented her. but called upon for explanation their knowledge proves only conjec ture. Numerous are the solutions to the cabinet trick, where, bound hand, head and foot, she makes things live ly for 20 minutes. ‘‘A man comes through a trap door and does all that work,” said a wise one last night. "But the cabinet was on a carpet and the committee said there was no opening in it and no trap doors,’’ re plied a puzzled one. ‘ Some small animal, a monkey con cealed in the folds of her dress then,” suggested the wise one, “It would take an orang-outang or a chimpanzee to drive that nail in the chair —no monkey could do it,’’ was the quick retort. And so the guessing at “How it’s done.” goes on. It looks as though the answer was as far off as it has been these 20 years. Miss Fay and company will give their last performances at the Grand tonight and tomorrow afternoon and night. At the Sunday matinee gentle men. as well as ladies, will be eligible for admittance. EMMA BUNTING AT THE GRAND. The Emma Bunting Stock company, which opens at the Grand April 12, will be strengthened by the addition of four players from New York, who are now e nroute to begin rehearsals in “Anita the Singing Girl,” which the |FOR SALE I Cor. sth and Ave. B F, PASCHE, 705 Avenue B | MORE BANKERS In the 17 States In which Jno. F. Draughon’s 31 Colleges are located, indorse these Business Col leges than indorse ALL others. If YOU want EVIDENCE and wanttoßlSE to theslo-a-day class, ask for FREE catalogue. Lessons BY MAIL II preferred. Draughon’s Practical Business College: San Antonio, corner Alamo Plaza and Crockett. SATURDAY, APRIL I®, 1909. STREET SIGNS COMING SOON Mayor Callaghan Says Neces sary Delay Is Almost at an End. While the street sign proposition has been lying dormant for some time, Mayor Callaghan today announc ed that the question weald come to an issue in the immediate future. Certain matters connected with the proposed placing of signs has held the project in abeyance. "The sum of >5OOO was appropriat ed by the city council many months ago for street signs, but an appropri ation by the council do6s not always mean that the money is on hand. Just as soon as the financial condition of the treasury will permit, the sign question will be settled. ‘lt is not niy purpose to try and have a sign placed on every corner or crossing of a street,” continued the mayor, “but efforts will be made to have signs placed at such intervals along each thoroughfare as will, in. the opinion of the council, serve the purpose. “No decision has yet been made as to the class of street sign to be used. There are several samples now being considered.” winsome little lady has chosen for her opening bill. Mirs Bunting has a record for play ing Anita in San Antonio, having ap peared in that role here oh so many times. But that does not detract from the interest attaching to the event — not at all. in Miss Bunting’s company now are Miss Lillian Lee Anderson, Miss Ber tha Thorn, Charles Winninger, Mr. Adolph Winninger and Mr. George Bernard. Miss B-unting will close her San An tonio engagement as Nance in “'l’ha Eishop’s Carriage,” in which she made me of the most pronounced successes of her career when she appeared in that role last fall. ROYAL THEATER. The bill at the Royal moves with a rush tills week. From beginning to end it is a whirlwind of music, song, dance and comedy. Byrd and Vance leap Into the middle of things with a domestic skit, Foster and Ander son do a racing playlet, the three Kellevs keep up a musical clatter with foot work, Kittle Stevens does dances with remarkably Quick chang es of costume, A Halverson sings il lustrated rongs and the muromato scope shows a thrilling moving pic ture. Thete is not a dull moment in the bill and it is kept going with a vim that fairly sweeps the auditor off his feet. The Royal is the compelling attraction in vaudeville in this city this week, and tonight will be the last chance to see the bill. HAPPY HOUR THEATER. A throng of people, bubbling over with merriment and satisfaction, left the Happy Hour theater on Losoya street last night after the big double bill had been put on. The profes sionals made good, as usual, and the amateurs made at hit as they always do at the Happy Hour. The offering this week for a di,no is worth the money. It includes a rapid fire sketch, clean comedj - and touching pathos; a black face act that adds to the joy; a juvenile sketch; a German monologue, illustrated song and moving pictures. There is no place in town where the vistior gets so much for a dime as at the Happy Hour. This fact is so well known that the crowds come every afternoon and night and on the special nights fill the theater from the entrance to the stage. Manager Munsell is proud of the record he has, established as a pur veyor of clean amusement and he is determined to maintain it. EMPIRE. Good Friday night at the Empire went against all showmen’s rules —it was by far the largest audience of the week. College Chums,” the laugh able farce comedy, runs tonight and the great New York Casino success, “The Telephone Girl.” is announced for the entire week of April 11, start ing with Sunday matinee. The sale of seats is already large and record business is assured. DISTRICT ATTORNEY BAKER TAKES VACATION Wearier with the cares of his office, a strenuous load of which have been on his shoulders for many months. District Attorney Baker has taken a lay-off. Mr. Baker will take two weeks of absence from duty. ’He left the city last night, announcing that he was “going hunting” and intended to just wander around the state for a “spell,” expecting to come back ready for a long, hard grill during the next crim inal term in the thirty-seventh dis trict 'court. Affairs of the district attorney’s of fice will be In charge during Mr. Ba ker’s absence of his assistant, C. M. Chambers. THEY’LL SAVE YOU TIME MONEY AND TROUBLE GENERAL WEATHER REPORT Most of the eastern half of the United States is under high barometric pressure and the weahter is fair and coot In creasing cloudiness in the western dis tricts and rain In Oregon and Washing ton may be referred to an extensive storm area over the Rocky mountains, centra! now over Wyoming. The temper ature continues below normal, but it is generally higher than it was Friday morning. It is 56 degrees at Galveston, Texas, and 18 degrees at Marquette, Michigan. The storm area will drift east ward and may occasion rain here though the character of the disturbance suggests fair and warmer weatlier tonight and in creasing cloudiness Sunday. ALLEN BUELL. Local Forecaster. —Temp.— , Max. Mln. Rain. Abilene, Tex 40 66 .00 Atlanta, Ga 40 52 .00 Boston, Mass 34 46 .14, Brownsville, Tex 50 56 T Buffalo, N. Y 22 32 .12 Chicago. 11l 24 34 .02 Cincinnati, 0 26 44 .02 Corpus Christi, Tex 48 62 T Del Rio, Tex 44 68 .00 Denver, Colo 34 54 .00 El Paso. Tex 40 62 .00 Fort Worth. Tex 44 70 4)0 Galveston. Tex 54 62 .00 Kansas City. MO 32 50 .00 Key West, Fla 70 84 .00 Knoxville, Tenn 38 52 .00 Little Rock. Ark 44 66 .00 Los Angeles, Cal 56 84 .00 Memphis, Tenn 40 60 .00 Nashville. Tenn 40 56 .00 New Orleans. La 52 62 .00 New York. N. Y 32 56 .00 Omaha. Neb 30 44 .00 Palestine, Tex 48 66 .00 Pittsburg, Pa 22 36 .08 St. Louis. Mo 30 46 * .CO St. Paul. Minn 24 32 .00 Salt Lake City, Utah.... 48 6j .00 San Francisco. Cal 48 76 .00 Spokane, Wash 38 58 .14 Taylor, Tex 38 66 .00 Vicksburg. Miss 46 62 .00 Washington, D. C 34 48 T T Indicates inappreciable rainfall. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. W. D. and Maud L. Ryan to George H. Harris, March 29, 1909, deed to lot 24, block 19, new city block 1457. East End; $250. E. J. and Ettie J. White to W. D. Ryan, April 3, 1909, deed to lots 25 and 26, new city block 1457, East End; $322.40. Hugo and Mamie Lieck to Tony Spencer, April 7, 1909, deed to lot 9, block. 44, city block 645, on south Hackberry street; $llOO. G. A. and Beatrice Gage to C. H. Dean, April- 6, 1909, deed to lot 6. block 20, city block 393, on corner of Evergreen and Paschal streets; $5500. Bmdie Zizelmann to Agnes Plug, haupt, April 9, 1909, deed to a lot 75 feet cn South Olive street, 129.8 feet from corner of old city tract, block 7. new city block 675; $2, etc. Manuel Hernandez to Carolina Her nandez de Trevino, March 15, 1909. deed to all my right, title, etc., in and to lot 6, block 3, original city lot 74, 'city block 2178. on Lonez street; $llO. J. A. Ratcliffe to Louise Ratcliffe, April 8, 1909, deed to lots 27 and 28. block 11, city block 1786, on north ride of Fowler street. Beacon Hill; $250. D. D. Valzah et al. to J. L. Siedo, March 10, 1909, ded to lot 4, new city block 2119; $2OO. D. D. Van Valzah et al. to Lizzie K. Siedo. July 12, 1907, deed to lot 6, new city block 2119, original city lot 75. on south side of Castro street; $250. Clifton George of Bexar county, to E. B. Dobbins, of Hays county. No vember 30, 1908, deed to lot 21, block 84. Keystone park; $lOO. Caroline Kampmann to John A. Fraser, April 1, 1909, quit claim deed tn lots 4. 7, 19, 27 and 29 m upper La bor ditch as described in decree, jour nal G, page 578, of fourth judicial dis trict court; $l, etc. Nelson Lytle to Mrs. C. A. Canute son. April 6, 1909, deed to lots 1, 5. 6. and '7, block 48, city block 668, on Del aware and Olive streets: $lO, etc. william Davidson to T. S. Lindsey April 9.1909, deed to lots 16 to 18, block 6, original city lot. 151, new city block 2199, on Leal street and Hamilton ave nue; $6OO. M. L. Oppenheimer to Frank Allen, April 8, 1909, deed to lots 4 to 6, block 10, new city bloek 1835, on Magnolia avenue, Laurel Heights; $4500. Mrs. Emmy Dittmar, by Charles Dittmar, to Clara E. Siebrecht, April 2, 1909. deed to lots 10 and 11. block 3, cn Dittmar street, Emmy Dittmar addition; $lO5O. C. F. Masch, guardian of estate of Masch minors, to T. Welker and I* E. Mays, April 2. 1909, deed to an un vided five forty-second interest in and to.a lot 55.9 feet on St. Mary's street. "Half a Block from Herald Sq.” WE ® T On the block between NEW Ik FIFTH AVE. & B'WY ■mEBH/f O Colling w o od Offers select accommodations to dis criminating people. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF, and affords every facility for the comfort of guests. Situated In the very heart of the city. in a very quiet neighborhood, •convenient to all surface, Subway and elevated railway Unes, and in the midst of the shopping and theatre dis trict. Roams with Bath $2.00 and np Special rates by the month or season. Restaurant a la Carte. BETH H. MOSELEY, 2D, Formerly of New Haven House, New Haven. Conn. INJECTION BROU Gives Prompt and Effectual Relief without inconvenience, in the MOST OBSTINATE CASES Noother weatment required. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. BUILDERS DIRECTORY Live wires in the con struction WORLD. ABSTRACTERS. Texas Title Co. Lockwood Building, Navarro Street H. J. Hayes, Mgr. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. E. B. Lovin, Architect and Builder. 201 W. Houston St. Old phone 1167-4 r ROBT. SCHUCTZE. 218 Utica Bt. Plans, specifications, loans and con tracts. Build a home, pay for it same as rent. Best of references. New phone 1710. Satisfaction guaranteed. ARCHITECTS. Leo M. J. Dieimann, 306 East Commerce Street. J. Flcod Walker. Rooms 310-11-12, Alamo Nat. Bank bld. BUILDERS. D. R. Vaughn. 626 Avenue E. Old Phone 1899. BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES. J. C. Dlelman. Wholesale and Retail Build. Material CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. The Concrete Construction Co. Everything in reinforced concrete from cement walks to concrete houses. Old Phone 714. Office 225 St. Mary. ELECTRICIANS. Martin Wright. 222 St. Mary Street. Graham & Collins, both phones. Practical Electricians. 246 W. Com. St J. D. Connelly. 218 E. Com. St. Electrical Machinery. ATTORNEYS OF SAN ANTONIO BIRKHEAD 4. BOOTH, Suites 306-7 Frost Building. Both Phones. GEORGE HUNTRESS. Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Old Ph. 1706. Washer Bldg. New 922. BEN P. LANE. Rooms 307, 308, 309 Kampmann Bldg. Both Phones. W. R. PARKER. Attorney-at-Law. Notary Public. New Phone 40. 203 Kampmann Bldg. JOS. J. SWEENEY. Lawyer and Notary. Room 7. E. Houston. Old Phone 1120-3 r. as per field notes of this instrument; $6900. Sofie Seiter et al., of Bexar county, to Burritt S. King, and Charles H. Rhodes, of Jackson county, Mo.. April 8. 1909, deed to 125 acres of Gonfacio Rodriguez, original survey 131; $15,- 625 T Welker and L. E. Mays to San Antonio Steam Laundry company, April 9, 1909. deed to an undivided five-fcrty-secohd interest in and to a lot 56.9 feet on St. Mary's street, as per field notes of this instrument. Ed Steves & Sens, by Albert Steves, to Geo. M. and Mary L. Millard. April 6, 1909, release of builders’ lien on lots 7 and 8, Johnson & Fest’s subdi vision, volume M. pages 43 and 45; $lllO. F. WSglesworth of Fort Worth is here for a short stay on business. R. L. BURNETT CO. Both Phones *1 MAKE-A-NOISF 01 LIKE AN ORDER We've got the Paper Boxes, Bags, Twine, Oyster Pails, etc, etc. Lowest Prices. R. L. BURNETT CO., 815-817 E. Commerce Street Quick Delivery, 304 E. Slk * lafflo Han MERCHANTS TRANSFER CO. Inoonxirataq. RECEIVING, FORWARDING, BTC"*. AGE, ETC. •»«*» »nn mzr.blnt.'H •a specialty. Offlc® und w/»i* 119-414 Bt Bo"), eh" .. Tents, Awnings, Camping Outfits LORENZEN Mfgr. 215 Ave.D Di *. *-»p&ANao’3