OCR Interpretation

The San Antonio light. [volume] (San Antonio, Tex.) 1907-1909, April 11, 1909, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090330/1909-04-11/ed-1/seq-2/

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Mayor Callaghan Will Deliver
Address at Two Days'
Pursuant to a letter of invitation
sent to the Daughters of the Republic
of Texas by Mayor Callaghan, the an
nual convention of that organization
will convene in San Antonio on the
morning of April 20. Addresses will
be made by Mayor Callaghan, Col. G.
Leroy Brown, of the Carnival associa
tion; Mrs. Schasse for the Woman's
club, and a representative of the Bus
iness Men's club. Mrs. Cornelia Branch
Stone will make the response to the
address of welcome.
Memorial services will be held in
the afternoon and a reception will be
given at the Monger hotel in the eve
On the morning of the 21st the mem
bers of the convention will decorate
the grave of Milam, and will adjourn
to the opera house to participate in the
patriotic program. In the afternoon
they will witness the Battle of Flow
ers." Mrs. Nettie Houston Bringhurst
will give an informal reception at her
home on Madeleine Terrace in th?
evening to the executive board and the
The entire day, April 22. will be con
sumed in a business session.
Judges He.r 67 Cases Within Three
Chicago. 111., April 10—All divorce
court records were broken here to
day when Judges Ball and Barns, of
the superior court considered 67 ap
plications for decrees within three
hours. The two judges untied mar
ital knots at the rate of about one
in every two and a half minutes.
The most common charge made by
those seeking to run in single harness
again was desertion. Close upon this
followed cruelty, non-support and ha
bitual drunkenness. Both judges at
tributed the extraordinary number of
petitions to the approach of spring.
Texaa Title Co.
Lockwood Building, Navarro Street
H. J. Hayes, Mgr.
E. B. Lovin, Architect and Builder,
201 W. Houston St. Old phone 1167-4 r
ROBT. SCHUCTZE. 218 Utica St.
Plans, specifications, loans and con
tracts. Build a home, pay for It same
as rent. Best of references. New phone
1710- Satisfaction guaranteed.
Leo M. J. Dlelmann,
306 East Commerce Street.
J. Flood Walker.
Rooms 310-11-12, Alamo Nat. Bank bld.
D. R. Vaughn.
626 Avenue E. Old Phone 1899.
J. C. Dielman.
Wholesale and Retail Build. Material
The Concrete Construction Co.
Everything in reinforced concrete
from cement walks to concrete houses.
Old Phone 714. Office 225 St. Mary.
Martin Wright.
222 St Mary Street.
Graham 4 Collins, both phones.
Practical Electricians. 246 W. Com. St
J. D. Connelly.
218 E. Com. St. Electrical Machinery.
To buy your grocery supplies from us is to cat well. They
are absolutely pure, clean, and in every respect first class.
We realize the importance of good food—how important
a part it plays in a man or woman's daily work—and the
Fuos-Taylor Grocery Co. is achieving a great success by
keeping this idea in view.
High class goods and low prices are a great feature
with us.
just in:
Full Line of Casino Canned Goods
Full Line of Oriole Canned Goods
Welch’s Grape Juice Peeled Peaches
and “Everythirig Good to Eat"
511-513 AVE. “D”
Old 533 New 417
A Suit You’ll Take Pride In
$lO. $12.50. $l5 and Up to $35.00
Not merely clothes to cover you, but a handsome, distinctive,
attractive suit. A suit that in every line and seam shows the handi
work of the expert tailor.
A suit that fits not only your person, but your personality; made
with the long lapels and shape retaining front, in all of the new shades
Including many shades of green, brown and gray fancy worsteds, as
well as plain and fancy weave blue serges.
Every man can buy a suit this season at our prices. A long
string of therm ranging from $lO.OO up to $35.00.
Boys' Wear For Spring Now Ready
We have made this department one of the best in the city and do not carr>
anything that is not approved by the best makers of Boys’ Clothing. Our show
ing of double-breasted, Knickerbocker, Russian and Sailor Suits priced from $1.5(
to $7.50 has all of the new ideas for spring and summer wear.
fl We've everything that the youngster wears from his head to his shoes.
Shirts $l.OO Up to $2.50
fl The shirts we sell are full value in full sized shirts.
Negligees in coat style or the kind that are closed in
front, with or without cuffs. In, all of the good soft
cloths, in fancy and plain white, and a splendid show
ing in pleated bosoms. Come in and you’ll find your
size in something you like.
fl Fashion dictates them, and from now until September 15th Straw Hats will reign supreme. .This season has
produced some very nobby creations in straw headgear, and the styles and shapes are so diversified that no
man need be afraid of securing a hat that is becoming to him. Our stock embraces everything, high and
low crown, sailors with narrow or wide brims and the young man’s favorites, the popular soft straws, in a
great variety of shapes. Straw Hats 50c to $3,50. Panama Hats $4.00 to $B.OO.
Eagle $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes
’[Greatest shoe values anywhere. Most comfortable,
most stylish, best made, of the best material for the
money of any shoe sold in San Antonio. Others may
for a time approach it in outward appearance, -but
Eagle Shoes are good through and through, and every
dav of wear convinces you more of their unusual value.
Friends frustrated an attempt at sui
cide on the part of a young woman
about 9 o’clock last night in Travis
park. They found her just after sho
is said to have taken an antiseptic tab
let. They hurried her to the office of
a doctor who by the energetic action of
a stomach pump relieved her of the
poison and cheated the ferryman over
the River Styx out of a job.
The girl is said to have been des
pondent, but the police lack details
as to whether it was about a recalci
trant lover or whether she was just
tired of life.
Not Much.
(Illustrated Bits.)
‘ Don't you,” quoth the youth, “think
a 'ittle of me?”
“Yes, Indeed, Mr. Saplelgh, “very
The Time for Straw Hats Is Here Now
SAUL WOLFSON doygoodsco
A balance was reported by the treas
urer. Mrs. L- E. Wolfe, at the meeting
of the City Federation of Womans
clubs held Saturday afternoon at the
Woman's club house, after all the
bills of the board and council meeting
of the general federation are paid. Va
rious other reports were received.
The report of Mrs. L. E. Wolfe, spe
cial treasurer for the occasion showed
that $456.95 had been received from
the various clubs, and $398 had been
expended in the entertainment of the
guests. leaving $58.20, which was vot
,ed into the treasury of the city fed
eration .
Resolutions of thanks was voted all
who had contributed to the entertain
ment of the guests, and among those
snecially mentioned were the musi
cians Miss Steele and many others
| for flowers, Jas. Van Landingham for
1 the taxicab, the keeper at San Pedro
I park the press and all those who do
nated carriages.
Among those who gave talks and
their impressions of the council meet
ing were Mrs. J. T. Smith, Mrs. A. R.
Thomas and Miss Marian B. Fenwick.
Mrs. Smith declared that the utmost
I simplicity in dress which impressed
[ her most, and the graceful and par-
I llamentary presiding of Mrs. Moore.
Mrs. A. R. Thomas made a witty
talk of her impressions which brought
out that one of the most lasting tm
nressions which womanliness of the
women who demonstrated that they
could carry on their affairs in the
most business-like manner.
Miss Marian B. Fenwick also gave
her impressions of the council meet
By United Press.
Tampa, Fla., April 10.—A posse
aided by several hundred citizens is
searching the country in the vicinity
of Arcade for a negro who attempted
to assault Miss Ewan, daughter of a
planter. If caught it is likely he will
be lynched.
Miss Ewan was going to her homo
when the negro accosted her but her
screams brought help and the negro
.UNDAY, APRIL 11, 1909.
Neckwear 25c and 50c
fl Men all over town will tell you there is a selection
of styles, materials and colors that is equal to any de
mand that choice may lay upon it. We have drawn
upon the world's best makers for their splendid stocks.
Tomorrow we will make a special display of 25c and
50c neckwear. >
Men’s Underwear for Now
fl Getting good underwear at popular prices is merely
a question of going to the right place for it. There's
no question about the superiority of our underwear
stock. Every desirable grade, size and style may be
found here at a price to please the careful buyer—
Shirts, Drawers and Union Suits of Balbriggan, lisle
thread, silk and silk and lisle mixed.
By United Press.
Washington , April 10. —There is
talk that ex-Representative James E.
Watson of Indiana, republican whip
in the last congress, is to be given
the first vacancy on the interstate
commerce commission.
Hear of State Appropriation to Boost
Nacogdoches, Tex.. April 10. —(Spe-
cial.) —News was received here this
afternoon from Austin, that a $2OOO
appronriation for tobacco industry
uassed both houses and was signed
by the governor. The tobacco grow
ers are jubilant.
Cancer Cured
In Twelve Days
Patient 75 Years Old, Had Cancer for
Twenty Years, Voluntarily Testifies
That he was Cured In Twelve Days.
Another writes that a few days treat
ment removed a cancer from his face,
while a third patient says: "The first day
my cancer was killed clear to the bone.”
I would like to send you many more
letters with names and addresses of peo
ple who have been cured by my cancer
cure, that you may seo tor yourself what
my former patients say of my cure. Per
haps you may be personally acquainted
with some of them.
If you are afflicted with cancer, kindly
fill in coupon and mail to me at once. I
won’t tell you, but those who have been
cured, witl.
I have one of the finest sanitariums in
the country for those who wish to come
and have my personal attention. How
ever, you can cure yourself Just as well
at homo. Any bank or business firm in
Lebanon will tell you we are reliable and
successful in curine cancer.
Write me at once for particulars.
Free Cancer Coupon
If you suffer from cancer In any
form, simply flit In your name and ad
dress on dotted lines below and mall
today to Dr. Curry Caneer Cure Co..
Cum- Sanitarium. Lebanon. Ohio. You
will he surprised how easily you can
cure at homo without risk or
If you prefer not to address the
Cancer Company Itself, you may reach
the doctor privately just as well by
addreselng his private Secretary, E.
W. Ramsey. Box 11M, Lebanon, Ohio.
Charles Rateree of Chicago was yes
terday appointed official decorator for
appointment was made by the carni
apDontment was made by the carni
val committee and Mr. Rateree will
have charge of all decorations put
up about the city by the Carnival As
sociation. He will assist private par
ties. firms, etc., wherever his help is
The automobile parade on Friday
night is expected to be one of the
features of the entire carnival. An
agent of the Martin Fireworks com
pany. of Oshkosh, Wis., arrived here
yesterday and has been engaged by
the assocation in the arrangomtnt of
a new’ and special method of illumi
nating the cars that will be in the
parade with colored fire, in yellow,
red and green, the carnival colors.
Fountains, sprays, etc., will be intro
duced. As the parade moves down
the streets all lights will be extin
guished except those on the cars,
which will make a wierd and beauti
ful scene. All occupants of the ma
chines will be dressed in white in
order that the colored lights will
show to better advantage.
A false alarm of fire, turned in at
10 o’clock last night to hose company
No. 1, makes a total of four alarms of
this sort received during the past 10
days. Chief Wright is confident that
all are the work of the same person
and that a false alarm fiend is oper
ating in the city.
Last night’s alarm came over the
telephone. The informant talked
broken English and, from his conver
sation. seemed to be intoxicated. He
said in an excited tone that Benevo
itneia hall was on fire. One hose com
pany was sent to the scene and the
fake was discovered.
Investigation was begun at once by
Chief Wright, who was informed by
the central operator that the call came
fronT the saloon of Carlos Munos at
123 South Laredo street. Inquiries
there developed that a number of peo
ple had used the telephone during the
evening and no notice had been taken
of them, making it impossible to iden
tify the faker.
Fire of unknown origin about 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon almost
totally destroyed the bakery, grocery
and bottling works and dwelling of
Gus A. Bohnet at 227 Meerscheidt
street. The toss is about $2OOO.
(Mrs. Bohnet was alone In the place
at the time. The flames started in
the bakery shop at the rear end and
were not discovered until they had
Good heavy solid silver has been our specialty for 50 years. We are now
showing the largest line, both of Spoons. Forks. Knives or fancy pieces and
of hollow wares such as Bowls. Tea Sets. Trays. Dishes, etc., ever shown
nere. Every piece is properly engraved and cased in a new Gorham case
free of charge.
Whatever is new and up-to-date In Jewelry, we always show the best
selection of, and our Une this spring is unusually large and prices are very
reasonable. Drop in and see the new things. .
The Bell Jewelry Company
227 W. Commerce St.
gained considerable headway. The
grocery, bakery and bottling works
were destroyed and all but the back
end of the dwelling was burned.
Three fire’ companies were called
out and good time was made in get
ting to the scene despite the long run.
Only one hydrant was available but
by means of the engines three
streams of water were used on the
blaze. . i
Sad. but Common Sense.
(New York Sun.)
Knlcker: Did Jones lose control of
his auto?
Bocker: Entirely; his chauffeur
won’t let him use it at all.
A Reminder
That John F. Fentiman, at
the Alamo Trunk Factory,
“opposite the Alamo,” car
ries one of the largest
stocks of traveling necessi
ties in the south.
Trunks $5 to $l5O
Bags $1.50 to $65
Sult Cases.. .$2 to $25
Alamo Trunk
“Opposite the Alamo.”

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