Newspaper Page Text
8 Read and use Light "Want Ads” Classified Ads We take classified ads over phone, or will send messenger for them when required to do so. One insertion, per word lc Four consecutive insertions, per won! 3c Seven consecutive insertions. P«r word 4c Ten consecutive insertions or more, each insertion, per word..He No ad received tor less than 15 cents. Classified ads for The Sunday will not be received after 10 o'clock Saturday night EITHER PHONE 176 HELP WANTED— Male. WANTED— High-class man to sell be” real estate proposition In San Antonio. This proposition will be advertised and pushed to the limit. The Clifton George Co. 135 Loeoya street WANTED—Railway man clerks; 3800 for first year. Examinations in San Anto nio May 15th. Preparation free. Frank lin Institute. Dept 929. Rochester. N. WANTED—Men to learn barber trade. Thoroughly practical training by tree clinic and careful instructions' Life schol arship. tools given, board provided. MU RER graduates command highest wages. Our diplomas recognized everywhere. Shop experience and wages before com- Sleting. Catalogue free. Call or write, foler Barber College, 716 West com merce street. WANTED—First class bookkeeper for mercantile business in San Antonio. State age and experience. _ All applications answered Address 1887. WANTED — Young man as collector; must have wheel of conveyance arr know the city. Apply Praeger Hardware Co 322-324 East Commerce street. WANTED—Six good carpenters for fin ish work. Apply corner French place and San Pedro avenue. WANTED—Yard boy. $l5 a month. 112 Wyoming street. HELP WANTED— Female. WANTED—A good reliable girl to nurse a young baby, one that I* willing to atav on place. 819 San Pedro avenue. LADY can secure profitable position; nothing to sell. Address Dr. Andrews, til San Pedro. WANTED—A good cook. 825 Carson St. WANTED —Colored woman to cook. Ap ply 138 East French place. NURSE for fifteen-months-old child. 429 West Magnolia avenue. WANTED—House girl. $2O a month. 112 Wyoming street. HELP WANTED- 336 A .WEEK and expenses to men with rig to intj-oduee poultry and stock pow- ' ders; experience unnecessary; rellible companv and exclusive territory -given. The Grant C 0.," Dept 95, Springfield, Illinois. WANTED at once. 50 ladies and 50 gentlemen canvassers. Apply to Marine, Askin & Berman, the world's greatest credit clothiers. 108 West Houston street, R K Marsh, manager. WANTED— Agent*. 31200 FOR YOU—Stoneman made SI2QO monthly; "Korstad $2200. New business. Hundreds getting rich. Experience un necessary. Credit. Strange* invention. ■Gives even home bathroom for $5.00. Cleanses almost automatically.. Startling inducements free. Allen. Mfg. Co., JJOI. Adams. Toledo. Ohio. SPECIAL NOTICES— MESSENGER BOY. Citizens’ Messenger Service) prompt and up-to-date; try our parcels delivery. Both phones 517. 521 East Houston street. GET estimates from Southern Construc tion Co., general builders. Building loans. P. O. box 29. San Antonio. SWIFT buys, sells or rents furniture, stoves, harness, etc. 216 South Florea •treet. New phone. LET me write your fire insurance at right prices on house and furniture. Bitter, real estate, notary public. 102 West Commerce. YOU will make a mistake if you buy your lumber bill without seeing me. Frank W. Spear, 309 Avenue C, old phone 1708. BARAJAS & PORTESI. sclent! shoeing, blacksmithing, wh ■nd repairing. New phone, 1341. RING up Joe Barajas for your tin work and repairing. First class work. Both phones. SEE me about your superfluous store office and fountain fixtures Buv ot sell. Frank Priestly. 634 East Commerce FOR RENT— Room* for Housekeeping. ROOM where you like, but eat at the Uneeda Cafe. 404 East Houston, where everything is of the best. TAILORS— PANCOAST & KOHLER, tailors, have received their first shipment of spring woolens. 104 East Commerce street RIEDNER makes the best suit In towi for the money. $l5 up. 224 East Com merce street. FOR RENT- Fur. or Unfur. Room*. FOB RENT—Two nice front rooms I private family; one nicely furnisher 314 East Macon. FOR SALE— Real Ectate. JOHN H. BOLTON—ReaI Estate. Pension Claim Agent. Notary public. St Jame* Hotel. Houston street TOBIN HILL cottage fcr sale: built on 6-room plan; modern; sewerage, hot water; 590 feet cement walk; stable; lot 53x167; near two car lines. $2750. Terms. 216 Washington place. SEE H. H. SANDERS—ReaI Estate, Loans and Rentals, Bargains in city and country property. Listings solicited, 521 E, Houston. Phones 517. FOR SALE—Five-room bungalow, new; small cash payment, balance $2O month. Apply 1918 Matamoras. FOR SALE— Miscellaneous. FULL CORD WOOD YARD Sells only the best post oak ana mes quite wood, delivered la full cord wag ons. Phones 1107. Frank Basala. FOR SALE — Wrapping paper, paper boxes, bags, twine, all kinds and sizes; lowest prices, prompt delivery. K L Burnett Co. Both phones. LUMBER, lumber, lumber. I am selling lots of it because our prices are the lowest. Frank W. Spear. 309 Avenue C. old phone 1708. HOT WATER FOR YOUR BATH. Nothing is better than the "Dayton- Ohio” instantaneous water heater for gas or gasoline. They are guaranteed by your local plumber. See him for details, or write Dayton Supply Co., Dayton, Ohio. LOST, FOUND, STRAYED— STR A Y E D—From Government Hill. Scotch Collie bitch, year old; yellow white markings. Reward for information. New phone 1978. GOLD spectacles in black case on South Hackberry St., at Marlborough Place. Return to janitor Riverside Park school. Reward. FOR RENT— Miscellaneous. TYPEWRITERS TO RENT—AII mikes typewriters to rent. Rental applied K desired Reasonable rates. Geo. Poteher nick, 208 East Houston street, San An tonio, Texas. PERSONAL- GRADUATE midwife, Mrs. H. Bieck, 1220 South. Pine street, near South Heights car. Old phone 3565. WANTED—To take ladies in confine ment; also take children in board; good home. 1215 Avenue B. AUCTIONEER— E. A. FOX & CO. Auctioneers. 113 Avenue C. SEWINGMACHINEREPAIRING CLEANING, adjusting, repairing. Work guaranteed. Parts, attachments Nee dles and oils for all makes. J. H. Strick land & Sons. 404-6 S. Florea N. phone 2947. JOHN VATTUONE repairs. Belts and ex changes sewing machines and clock* 722 South Pecos street. FOR RENT— House*. FOR RENT—From May 1 to October 1, Fix-room furnished cottage on Wash ington place, Tubin Hill; make reason able terms tn reliable party who will care for place. 2195 Light. FOR RENT —419 West laurel street. 7- room, 2-story’, porcelain bath; gas, screens 4nd servant’s room in yard. W. Kellar, 902 San Pedro avenue. FOR RENT—Nice three-room cottage 71 u Avenue E. FOR RENT—Four-room house with hall, electric lights, bath. 906 East Crockett street. BEE SUPPLIESAND HONEY— Catalogue free. Honey wholesale and retail. Selling American Tin Co.’s honey cans. Southwestern Bea Co.. 438 West Houston street. VACUUM HOUSECLEANING— BY electricity. When you want your house thoroughly cleaned this spring, phone new. 847. old 847-2 r. We clean without removal, carpets, rugs, matting, upholstered furniture, walls, etc. All work fully guaranteed. All we ask is a trial. Estimates cheerfully given. S. A. Vacuum Cleaning Works, 327 East Com merce street FOR SALE— Farms and Ranches. 1200 ACRES sandy loam, 8 miles from Gonzales Gonzales county, Texas; ban ner agricultural county of state; must sell. Frank Priestley,, 634 East Com merce street. CEMENT SIDEWALKS— IF you want the best class of sidewalk or any kind of concrete work, see us and we will refer you to some of our work. D. P. Smith & Co., 105 Duffield street. Old phone 1632-2 r. New, 2206 red. WANTED— Houses. WANT a strictly modern house, not ess than 8 rooms with barn for horses, triage and automobile; preferable on rtii side. Apply Light, 2197. ANTED—Four or five-room cottage also .vacant lots, Dignowlty Hill. Ad ess 1819, Light. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14. 1909. FOR SALE— Live Stock and Pets. C. E. BOWLES will teach you to ride horseback free. Horse and skirt fur nished at a minimum price. New phone 492. CAESAR, by Longfellow, will make the season at Ponytorium, corner St. Mary and Travis streets. S2S.OO—KUBY RADIANT—S2S.OO Imported Hackney Stallion. San Antonio Veterinary Hospital. N. P. 1234. Carter-Mullaly Block. POULTRY— And Eggs for Hatching. , EGGS for hatching. White Pekin duck). $1 per setting. Old phons 1914. APRIL chicks do best in this climate. Set your hens and incubators w ith eggs from my large, vigorous white Ply mouth Rocks —every bird standard-bred —and you’ll have Winter Layers. Eggs $1.50 setting; two settings $2.50. D. Root, 318 Powderhouse street. Take 3. P. de pot car. BRONZE turkey eggs; stock winning nine prizes at McKinney’s last show; five at Dallas (Southwestern). Also Bar red and White Plymouth Rock chicken errs. Blue ribbon kind. Mrs. Jonas Hoffman, Plano, Texas. FOR SALE— Vehicle* and Harne**. SECOND hand buggies, phaetons, sur reys and express wagons at Pena s shop, 307 West Nueva street. New phone 836. FOR SALE—One Studebaker surrey as good as new, $135; one Kaufman phae ton, never used. $125; one Studebaker runabout, good as new, $lOO.. Inquire 350, Light office. ' FOR SALE—Rubber tired cab, two phae tons, four express wagons, surrey and runabout. All must go this week. Pena's Shop, 307 West Nueva street. New phone 836. LIGHT two-seated, top, side spring wa gon for $3O. 237 Furnish avenue. FOR RENT— Furnished Room*. F.OOMS furnished and unfurnished. Rate? reasonable. Nice quiet place; 105 Du val street. Army Post car. FURNISHED rooms, 132 Dwyer avenue. Old phone 836. Near court house. Lights and bath. FURNISHED rooms, 132 Dwyer avenue. Old phone 836. Near court . house. Lights and bath. FOR RENT—Nice cool furnished rooms, with or without board at 321 N. Cherry street. ROOMS AND BOARD— GURDEN CAFE, 908 AVENUE C. Absolutely the best meals in the city; special accommodations for families; sep arate tables, individual service, Single meals. 35c; tickets. $6. If not satisfied, tell us; if satisfied, tell others. New telephone 1522. LOVERS ot good things to eat will go to the new and up-to-date Alamo Cafe. 325 Alamo plaza, w here you will find the best eatables at moderate prices. NICE cool room with board for young man. Three blocks of S. P. depot. 44 50 per week. 321 North Cherry street. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING SILVERWARE plated, good as new. Cost is small. Work delivered. Reed Jewelry Co., 144 Dwyer avenue, opposite court house. EDUCATIONAL— A. M. C. GARClA—Artistic violin in- struction. Few more pupils desired to complete class. Prices moderate. New phone 1569. or address, care Thos. Gog gan & Bros, music store. LEARN TELEGRAPHX. Railway wl-B* are cut into Draughon’s Practice' r v i ■ Iness College, corner Alamo Plaza an. Crockett, San Antonio, for students' use Positions secured. Call or send for FR.S booklet. "Why Learn Telegraphy." MOVING AND STORAGE— STORAGE for furniture, pianos, buggies Separate stalls. $1.50 per month. Mov ing. packing, shipping. L W. Culver, 126 Fannin. Phones 2180. \ HARRISON MOVING CO. Storage, packing, shipping. New phone 809; resilience, 107. MONEY TO Loan- And Wanted money loaned on horses, cattle, wag ons. buggies and household goods. We are the people to see. Ramsey Loan Co.. 11l Losoya street. GRAVEL ROOFING- GRAVEL ROOFING—S. A. Roofing and Paint Co., manufacturers of Asbestos paints. Dealers In oils, paints and all kinds of felt roofing. 121 West Military plaza. Old phone 920. HOTELS— THE HOTEL GEM. MRS E. VIVIAN. P|opr!etres« 20. North Presa street, 100 feet south of Alamo National Bank. New building, fur niture and modem In every respect. Transients solicited. New phone 2825. BICYCLES— WHEN others fall, nee EMERSON, the Bicycle Doctor, a leader in his profes sion. largest bicycle store in the state. 224-226 Main avenue. Both phones. SEED & POULTRY SUPPLIES FEED STAFFEL, 319 East Commerce. Hay and grain, gulden and field seed, poultry supplies. Incubators and brooders BUSINESS CHANCES— NOTICE—I have purchased the Commer cial drug store at 430 East Commerce street and have assumed the payment of all debts. I will continue the drug store, and solicit your patronage. Dr. H. V Lew'- m SAN ANTONIO LIGHT WANTED— 1 MiaceHaneou*. WANTED—Diamonds, old gold and sil ver. Wm. N. Capurro, Jeweler. 50284 East Houston street (upstairs), room 1. MISCELLANEOUS- WINDOW shades properly hung free of oharge for architects, carpenters and builders. Call on Brown, 227 East Hous ton street. HORSE clipping. Get your horses clipped by electricity at Kneupper's blacksmith shop. 514 River avenue. New phone 974. CLAIRVOYANT— MARCOS LAMAR Wonderful European Clairvoyant and Mental Healer. An honest, most reliable medium. He tells you the innermost se cret of your heart and gives never fail ing help and advice id all affairs of life. Satisfaction guaranteed. German, French. English, Italian and Bohemian. Hours 10-6. Saturdays till 8 p. th. Closed Sun days. Special low fee 50 cents. 214 Ave nue E. opposite postoffice. FOR RENT— Stores and Office*. FOR RENT —Office space, close tn; phones free; ground floor. 228 East Commerce street. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS— NOW OPEN—Alamo-Mexlcan-Ameriran restaurant. Meals 25c. 205 N. Presa St. UNDERTAKERS— SLOAN & HAGY, undertakers. Ambu lance service. Meet any train day or night. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. $2O PER MONTH Buys a new 4-room bungalow, with bath, galleries, good barn, located in a restricted district, about three blocks from car line. Couldn’t be duplicated for our price, $l4OO. Terms, $lOO cash and $2O per month, with interest. EMPIRE REALTY CO., 120 Mackay Building. $25 PER MONTH Buys an almost new 4-room cottage, with bath, reception hall, large galler ies; on a large lot, fenced, good barn and outbuildings, cement sidewalks to the car line. This is an elegant home for little money. Price $2350; terms $lOO cash and $25 per month, with in tercet. EMPIRE REALTY CO., 120 Mackay Building. A BIG SNAP A close-in lot, 55x184, running from S. Presa street, with a 4-room cottage, renting for $l2 per month. Two good sized houses can be built on this lot, one facing South Presa street and one on Garden street, and will pay big in terest on the investment. Ownei; needs money; he has made a special price for the next three days. EMPIRE REALTY CO., 120 Mackay Building. MUST BE SOLD New 8-room house, with bath, re ception hall, large galleries. This is a confnletc home, modern in every re spect; located on Warwick Boulevard, one block from South Presa street car line; we will sell it tor what it cost to build. Will take vacant lots as part payment, or part cash and balance on easy terms. EMPIRE REALTY CO., 120 Mackay Building. $5O GISH Buys a brand new 4-room bungalow, with bath, front and back porches, large lot, fenced, good barn. This pret ty little home is located on Drexel ave nue, between S. Olive and S. Hack berry streets, about three blocks from car line; sidewalks to car Une. This is a complete modem little home in every respect. Price only $1650. Terms $5O cash and $22.50 per month, with Interest. EMPIRE REALTY CO., 120 Mackay Building. BEST BUSINESS LOCATION ON S. PRESA STREET • A 75-foot lot, right opposite where the new car line turns oft South Presa street, going through Marlborough Place. This will be transfer point, and as this section is building up rapidly this is bound to be a fine business lo- cation. We have an extremely low price on this for this week only. EMPIRE REALTY CO.. 120 Mackay Buildin*. WEDNESDAY, APIJIL 14, 1909. BUILDERS DIRECTORY LIVE WIRES IN THE CON STRUCTION WORLD. ABSTRACTERS. Texa* Title Co. Lockwood Building, Navarro Street H. J. Hayes, Mgr. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. E. B. Lovin, Architect and Builder. 201 W. Houston St. Old phone 1167-4 r ROBT. SCHUCTZE. 218 Utica St Plans, si reifications, loans and con tracts. Build a home, pay for it same as rent. Best of references. New phone 1710. Satisfaction guaranteed. ARCHITECTS. Leo M. J. Dieimann, 306 East, Commerce Street. J. Flood Walker. Rooms 310-11-12, Alamo Nat. Bank bld. BUILDERS. D. R. Vaughn. 626 Avenue E. Old Phone 1899. BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES. J. C. Dieiman. Wholesale and Retail Build. Material CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. The Concrete Construction Co. Everything in reinforced concrete from cement walks to concrete houses. Old Phone 714. Office 225 St. Mary. ELECTRICIANS. Martin Wright. 222 St. Mary Street. Graham i Collins, both phone*. Practical Electricians. 246 W. Com. St J. D. Connelly. 218 E. Com. St. Electrical Machinery. ATTORNEYS OF SAN ANTONIO BIRKHEAD & BOOTH, Suites 306-7 Frost Building. Both Phone*. W. R. PARKER. Attorney-at-Law. Notary Public. New Phone 40. 203 Kampmann Bldg. GENERAL WEATHER REPORT The order of distribution of air pres sure has chaitaed and new Unes of action have appeared. There is a storm area over the east gulf and the weather in the Atlantic districts Is unsettled and cloudy and it is raining on the coast from Flor ida to Massachusetts. Another storm aiea comprising the western and southwestern districts is central over west lexas and the weather in the western and north western states is more or less cloudy and it is snowing in places in Montana. The temperature is below normal except in New England. In the northern Rocky Mountain states it is below freezing. It is 64 degrees at Jacksonville, Fla., and Ip degrees at Havre, Mont. The western storm area will drift eastward and while rain here is not improbable, the aspect of the sky over the southwest suggests wliat is expressed in the forecast: in creasing cloudiness tonight and Thurs day. ALLEN BUELL, laical Forecaster. —Temp.— Max. Min. Rain. Abilene. Tex 60 70 .00 Amarillo. Tex 40 iO .00 Atlanta, Ga 42 6- .02 Boston. Miass 60 68 T Brownsville. Tex 48 72 .00 Chicago. 11l 36 40 -00 Cincinnati. 0 34 64 .-2 Corpus Christi, Tex 60 ,72 .00 Del Rio, Tex 46 74 .00 Denver. Colo 32 60 .01 El Paso. Tex 62 74 .00 Fort Worth. Tex 60 70 .00 Galveston. Tex 56 64 .00 Kansas City, Mo 48 56 T Los Angeles, .Col 54 66 Memphis. Terin 42 54 .00 Mobile. Ala 44 62 .00 New Orleans. La 46 60 .00 New York. N. Y 54 64 .50 Oklahoma City. 0k1a.... 48 66 .00 Omaha. Neb 34 52 T Palestine, Tex — 64 .00 Pittsburg. Pa 34 68 .88 St. Louis, Mo 40 50 .00 St. Paul, Minn 32 42 .00 San Francisco. Cal 48 60 .00 Spokane. Wash 34 60 .00 Taylor. Tex 46 68 .00 Vicksburg. Miss 46 58 .00 Washington, D. C 52 66 1.26 T indicates Inappreciable rainfall. Buy a lot and build a home of your own. There are plenty of real estate bargains advertised in the classified columns. R, L, BURNETT CO, Both Phones MAKE-A-NOISE LIKE AN ORDER We ; vs got the Paper Boxes. BagS) Twine. Oyster Pails, etc. etc. Lowest Prices. R. L. BURNETT CO.. 815-817 E. Commerce Street. Quick Delivery. Tents, Awnings, j Camping Outfits LORENZEN Mfgr. 215 Ave D 304 E. Slio Alamo Plaza t THEY’LL SAVE YOU TIME MONEY AND TROUBLE REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS A. J. Luckenbach et al. of Kendall county to Samuel and Jamie R. Coch rane of Bexar county, April 5, 1909, deed to lot 1, new city block 2384, corner Durango and Chupederas Sts; $350. , Margaret Baker and Hamilton H. Wallace to Andrew Mclntyre, April 13, 1909, deed to lots 3 to 5, block 11, original city lot 8, range 3, district 1, Woodlawn addition; $llOO. Domingo Fernandez to Viviano Va lerio. April 12, 1909,' deed to lot 9, block 2, original city lot 202; $lOO. Robert Uhr to William Stauss, April 12. 1909, deed to lot 13, city block 2924, on corner of Paul and Mon umental streets; $2OO. Street Realty company, by Hall P, Street, to Adams of Clinton county, Mo., April 10, 1909, deed to lots 3 and 4, block 4, Creatholme addition, on north side of Stratford street; $B5O. R. and E. Battersby to P. A. Vanve and C. B. Watters, April 13, 1909, deed to three-fourths of an acre of sub division 4, survey 28; $3OO. Annie Robinson to Harry R. Robin son, April 13, 1909, deed to lot 17, block 2, original city lot 15, range 4, district 1; $l, etc. J. H. Kirkpatrick to T. W. Harris, April 12, 1909, deed to lots 7 and 8, block 4, on south side of Grand View place, Madeline Terrace; $ll5O. Mrs. M. L. Seymour to Jesse Yan tis, April 13, 1909, deed to lots 14 and 15, block 7, Moore’s subdivision of Geo. M. Maverick’s first addition; $4OO. Otto Woltersdorf to Charles J. Ros sy, April 13, 1909, deed to lots 13 and 14, block 1, new city block 3102, Fox’s Beacon hill; $125. Z. T. Nesbit, to Charles F. Klock, Feb. 19, 1907, quit claim deed to lot 3, block A. new cify block 1376, divi sion 3, z also lots 11 and 12, block 5, new city block 1019, division 2; $lOO. Sarah and Milton L. Frank, trus tees of estate of A. B. Frank, de ceased, of New York City, N. Y., to Mrs. A. C. Smith of Bexar county, April 2, 1909, deed to lot 15, block F, City block; $350. Theo Magott to J. P. Pfeiffer, April 10, 1909, deed to lot 11, block F, lot 12, block E, original city block 42, new city block 646, on Cactus street; $5OO. Ben E. and Maggie May Weber to L. V. Newcomb, April 12, 1909, deed to east part of lot 6, new city block 444 on Seventh street; $2300. E. D. Henry to Miss Bertha Bill ings, April 3. 1909, deed to lot 1, block 12, Marlborough place; $4OO. John Bilhartz to R. Pace, April 13, 1909, deed to lot 6, block 3, new city block 262, on Zavalla and Me dina streets; $4500. Christian and Margaretha Schmitt of Bexar county to George and John Bullette and Frank M. Duckworth of Rogers county, Okla., April 10, 1909, deed to lot 4 and east one-half of Jot 5, new city block 2315, on West Com merce street; $l2OO. J. M. and Dora A. Longfellow to Mrs. Emma H. Mosley, March 5. 1909. deed to lot 1, new city block 2045, on corner of Brazos and Sandoval Sts; $2500. Israel Marks to Helen Wulff Mayer April 13, 1909, deed to lot 29, block 3, Villa Rosa addition; $4OO. Clifton George of Bexar county to A. R. Franke of Goliad county. Feb. 18. 1909, deed to lot 28, block 73, Kevstone park; $lOO. Clifton George of Bexar county to Mrs. William Seidel of Goliad county Feb. 12, 1909, deed to lot 26, block 73, Keystone park; $lOO. Clifton George of Bexar county, to W. B. Appleby, of Goliad county, Dec. 10. 1908, deed to lot 20, block 73, Key stone park; $lOO. I & G N fas dr ’Masfanafa/$).(?.. SAN ANTONIO Spring Carnival Race Meet April 19 to 24 SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIPS Battle of Flowers April 21 Low Round Trips Austin >3,10 April 18, 19. 20 Georgetown >4.25 April 20. 21 Ft. Worth >9.90 April 21st Louisville >38.05 May 9,10.11,12 Quick, through service. Ft. Worth & Dallas Both Phone* 425. City Office 401 E. Houston. MERCHANTS TRANSFER CO. lAooroomtod- RECEIVING. FORWARDING, AGE. ETC. Baulins and placing aana ana machine:* a specialty. OMo* and warahouae* ll*-614 Dolornaa Bt Both t>honaa ll*. LADIES OR. LaFRANOO’S COMPOUND.* RAILROAD OWE TABLE. Arrive— I. A O. ha No. 3—From the nona 10:lf ,m No. s—From the north 6:49 am No. 7—Local from Hearne....LlU:»3 am No. 9—Local from Taylor «;15 pm No. 4—From Mexico 12:55 pm No. 12—Loc’l rm Laredo (mixed) *:3O am Depart— No. 4—For the north 1:00 pm No. 6—For the north 7:45 pm No. B—Local for Hearne 7:20 am No. 10—ilxprevs Spec’l for Taylor 4:00 ata No. s—For Mexico 7:00 am No. 11—Local for Laredo (mixed) 9:00 pm S. A. & A. P. Arrive from — No I—Houcton and tn* ecaat.. 7:20 pm No. S—Houaton and th* coaat.. 7:*o«fn No. 46—Kerrville, except Sunday 9:40 am No 44—Kerrville, Sunday 0n1y... 8:00pm, No. 44—Kerrville, except Sunday 6:40 pm No s—Corpus5—Corpus Christi and Rock port, daily 1:35 pm Depart for— No 4—Houston and th* coaat... 9:lopm No’ 2—Houston and the coast... B:4sam Na 6—For Corpus Christi. Rock- port and Alice, daily.. 2:lspm No. 46—Kerrville, except Sunday 4:30 pm 1 No 43—Kerrville, Sunday only.. 8:30am! No 43—Kerrville, except Sundav 7:26 am Arrive — G-. H. 4 S. A. (Main Line). No 2—From Del Rio 11:25 ami No 9—From the eaat 7.J5 1 No’ 7—From th* eaat..... «:0* p m 1 No. 10—From El Pano and waat.. 7:80 pm I No” a, lZHigh Ball, for Del Rio.. 4:00 pm l No 9—For Kt Paso and weat.... 9:ooam No. 10—For the eaat 10:80 pm I No. B—For the ea5t....... il:4oam J Arrlve _ 0., H. AB. A. (Victoria Div.). No 305 —Cuero, Victoria, etc.... 7:B* pm Depart— No 306—Cuero, Victoria, et 0.... 8:80 am Arrive — M., K. A T. No I—From the norta/........ 8:18 pm Flyer —From the north 7:30 am No. 241—Houston, etc....- «:30am Depart— No. 4— For the north 7:80 am Flyer —For the north 0:00 pm N» 42— For Houston 10:15 pm TAXICABS New phone 631. Old phone 485. Popular । Low Rate ■ Excursions | on the k “SAP” I to SAN ANTONIO ■ I° r S Battle A I 01 Flowers I April 21. o Ask "SAP” Agents for E rates and dates of sale. Ku