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2 Saul Wolfson Dry Goods Co. New Selling Prices on Women’s Suits OFFERINGS in our Suit Department are very timely ones, next week Carnival * crowds will own the town —shopping.will be inconvenient —we will give our city friends first call* on the new prices. Come tomorrow and Saturday and make a personal examination of the garments. The New Selling Price for $l5 Lingerie Dresses Is Here is the best story that has come from the second floor in many a day. Exquisite lingerie dresses at a saving of 33 1-3 per cent. It is a golden opportunity for the women who did not buy their dresses before Easter. Made of soft lingerie cloth in-pink, blue and white—they have just enough Empire to give them graceful lines, the bodice has a pointed yoke of tucked net and bands of baby Irish lace over the shoulders. Newest model sleeves of tucked net. On the front of the dress there is a panel extending from the yoke to the tucked ■.■ ■ ■wa flounce at the bottom of the skirt. A dress that is regularly sold for $15.00 is buyable tomorrow and the next day for $lO.OO Linen Coat Suits at a New Selling Price One of the seasons smartest suit styles in blue, pink and heliotrope linen. The'coat cut in the Em pire hipless model is finished at each seam with a band of cluny lace, large buttons fasten and trim the front. The skirt is cut in the newest gored model, ■ ■ W and is perfectly plain save for a fold of the material around the bottom. A ■ ■ $lO.OO suit tomorrow and next day for $22.50 Empire Lingerie Dresses at a New Selling Price One-piece short waisted, hipless Empire gowns in white, pink and blue. The yokes, outline"d"by fluted Vai. lace, are made of bands embroidered in rich Oriental colors and baby Irish lace. The entire blouse, sleeves and skirt are made of g J ■ ■ bands of batiste, baby Irish and Spanish lace. The twenty-inch flounce ■ J S on the bottom of the skirt is of lace and tucks. A $22.50 value at JI w • $16.50 and $2O One-Piece Lingerie Dresses $12.50 and $l5 The best and most extensive line of Lingerie Dresses shown at these prices. Too many styles to attempt to describe them at this writing. They're i n white, pink and blue—Empire and Princess models, trimmed with baby Irish, Oriental, Spanish and Valenciennes laces; tucked aqd paneled. Newest ideas in sleeves and yokes. Skirts with deep flounces styled with lace and tucks to mitch the bodice. Two exceptional values at $12.50 and $15.00. Jumper Dresses at $2.49, $2.98. $3.49 and-$4.50 Women's and Misses' Jumper Dresses of linen, gingham and lawn; in checks, stripes and solid colors, finished in various ways with tucks, piping, embroidery and buttons. They are going fast at the prices we ask for them. All have been marked down. Misses' Suits at $3.00, $3.50. $4.00 and $5.00 Smart hipless coat Suits for Misses. They're made of blue, pink, white and natural color linen. Severely plain tailored style with cuffi and collar of a contrasting solid color and button trimmings. You will be surprised with the value in these suits at $3.00, $3.50. $4.00 and $5.00 $3.50 Panama Skirts $2.98 Several styles made of chiffon Panama in blue or brown, trim med with a fold of the material around the bottom of the skirt. A regular $3.50 seller in this sale $2.98. , $7.50 Tailored Skirts $6.50 Seven and nine-gore skirts of chiffon Panama in solid brown, navy, green and black or in black and white, finished, with a fold of the material around the bottom of the skirt. <7.50 Tailored Skirts $5.98 Skirts made of Voile and chiffon Panama, different styles, four-piece and gored models, trimmed with folds of satin or with folds of the material. Shown in colors to please every fancy, brown, green, taupe, dark red, navy blue and black. $8.50 Tailored Skirts $7.50 A variety of styles. Panama skirts in black, gray and novel ties; some trimmed with folds of the material and stitched straps, others with buttons on the sides; also hand embroidered skirts of white linen. Choice of any of these $8.50 skirts for $7.50. 25c White Reps Friday and Saturday 15c a Yard Through a special effort we have just procured the scarcest line of white goods in America, namely a 30-inch White Kep for Suits and Skirts. This is the season’s most popular fabric and is sold in other stores at 25c a yard Friday and Saturday as an extra special we make the price 15c a yard. 7 85c Rag Finish French Shrunk White Linen 48 inches wide 69c $l.OO Rag Finish French Shrunk Linen 48 inches wide 85c 75c Plain Finish Irish Round Thread Nt/hite Linen 45 inches wide 65c r , , . JC . Plain Finish Irish Round Thread White Linen 45 inches wide 75c 2-Sr Shadow White Lawns. Another Large Shipment at 10c, 12'/2c, 15c, 17c, 20c to 50c a yard 25c Shadow Stripe Voile. 27 inches wide, in colors. 19c z 35c Luxury Silk, 34 inches wide, in colors, 25c 35c Bordered Swiss, 27 inches wide, in blue, pink or lavender 29c 39c Silk Tissue, 27 inches wide, in all colors 29c 50c French Linen Soft Finish 36 inches wide 39c Remnants of and Colored Wash Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices Towels, Bedspreads, Sheets and Pillow Cases—Big Bargains Towels—A good size 6c each bor der Huck Towel at the spe- J cial price of 4C Towels—A 10c red bordered hem med 17x34 inch Huck tow el is priced at / £ Towels—lsc fancy red border, ISx 3G inch absorbent crash 1 A towels IUC Towels—Double thread initial Tur kish towels, 18x36 inches wide— red borders—2oc value « p for 13C Towels —30c all white 22x44 inch hemmed, double thread Tur kish bath towels Free Baking School 2 to 5 P. M. Second Floor Jury Slices Damages From $lO,OOO Down to $2.50 in Ticket Case Twelve Men Find That When Paste board Is Not Honored Holder is Injured Little/ It is not worth $lO,OOO in damages to be forced to sleep in a day coach when vou have a valid Pullman ticket Pillow Cases—loc hemmed muslin 42x36 and 45x36 inch pillow O cases priced at OC Pillow Cases—l2%c bleached mus lin, 45x36 inch hemmed pil- | A low cases i vC Pillow Cases—Hemstitched Pepper ell, 45x36 inch 25c pillow | slips 41C Sheets—6sc hemmed Ridgwood 81x 90 inch sheets, all in one p 'I Piece 33C Sheets—Boc hemstitched Pepperell 81x90 inch sheets. Specially *7O priced at / JC SAUL WOLFSON DOY GOODS co. that is refused by the. company’s con ductor. but it is worth $2.50 accord ing to the verdict of a jury rendered in the Forty-fifth district court yes terday afternoon in the case of Dod son vs. the 'Pullman company. J. D. Dodson, deputy United States with beadquarters here, claimed that while traveling to San Francisco in 1907 with Chinamen he was taking to the coast for deporta tion. the Pullman company refused to let him occupy a berth, though he hpld a valid ticket. He asked $lO,- 000 damages. The jury allowed $2.50 and assessed the costs of the suit against the Pullman company. Thursday, april is, iocs. On Main Plaza $l.OO Waists, Special at 49c Tailored waists and fancy waists in many different styles. Each one of the season’s newest n.odels. Made to retail at si.oo. A fortunate purchase lets us mark them at 49c each. Dutch Neck ’Waists 98c M hite batiste waists with the Dutch collars trimmed with lace edge and insertion, two bands of embroidery down the tucked front, long tucked sleeves with a fall of the lace over the hand. Splendid $1.50 values priced at 98c each. $2.25 Waists. Special $1.49 Many different styles of white lawn an dbatiste tailored and lingerie waists in new and attractive designs. All of them are beau tifully made. For Friday and Saturday we have priced these $2.25 waists for only $1.49 each. $4-00 Waists, Special at $2,98 Lingerie waists of rare beauty and fascinating elegance. All beautifully made and trimmed, fine laces, embroideries, etc. The newest and daintiest of styles are to be found among these $4.00 waists that are on sale Friday and Saturday for $2.98. Sheets—soc hemmed muslin 72x90 inch sheets for 3-4 7/ beds jOC Sheets—ssc heavy linen finish mus lin 66x90 inch hemstitch. J P *d 45C Sheets—6oc linen finish muslin hemmed 81x90 inch A P sheets 4 / C Sheets —75c hemmed Pepperell Six 90 inch sheets, an extra z 9 special at 03 C Sheets—sl.oo hemstitched Fruit of the Loom 90x90 inch on sheets for only OzC SAILORS HAVE MEASLES. Five Hundred of Uncle Sam's Fight ers Are, In Quarantine. Norfolk, Va., April 15. —An epidemic of measles in the training station at St Helena with an outbreak of ihe same disease aboard the cruiser Prai rie will delay for 20 days at least the transportation of 1500 seamen to Panama en route to the Philippines via San Francisco. The Prairie is in quarantius in i Hampton Roads and the station has . also been quarantined. It is said that fully 500 men have the disease. After j SHE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT. Saul Wolfson Dry Goods Co. Spreads—sl.2s full size brochet hemmed spreads, ready for (JC use ”3C Spreads— full size Marseilles pattern hemmed crochet 1 1 P spreads i • 1 3 Spreads—sl.7s hemmed or fringed spreads for double lOC beds 1.33 ' Spreads—s2.oo full size Marseilles spreads, in assorted colors $ Z P -each 1.03 Spreads— extra size Marseilles with cut 1 QQ corners for non beds 1,0/ Columbian Brand Milk Demonstration First Floor several men aboard the cruiser devel oped the disease the order to sail was countermanded and quarantine estab lished Mr. F. G. Fritts, Oneonta, N. Y., writes: “My little girl was greatly benefited *by taking Foley's Orino Laxative, and I think It is the best remedy for constipation and liver trouble.’’ Foley’s Orino Laxative Is best for women and children, as it Is mild, pleasant and effective, and is a splendid spring medicine, as It cleanses the system and clears the I complexion. Bexar Drug Co. THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1909. FINED 525 FOR MITO SPEEDING Court Listens to Policeman’s Story but Defendant Will Appeal. Accused of operating an automobile along East Commerce street at a rat® of approximately 20 miles an hour at 4 o’clock in the morning of April 11, and with refusing to stop when called upon by a policeman to do so, C. H. Kellam was haled before Judge Buck ley in the police court this morning. The testimony of Officer Serna, who made the arrest, was to th e ef fect that when he saw the machine approaching he ran out in the street, flashed a bull’s eye lantern on the auto and as it approached called to the driver to stop'. He claims no heed was paid and that the machine shot past him at a rate he believed to be 20 miles an hour. The defendant was later arrested at his home. The defendant testified that he did not see the officer when th e latter hailed him. He admitted haviug been running the machine at about eight miles an hour and may have exceeded the rate a little, but as to that he was unable to say. Judge Buckley Imposed a $25 fine in the charge, alleging a violation ol the speed ordinance, dismissing the other charge. The defendant gave no tice of appeal. HAMS NO 1001 FOR- RDRGLARS Thieves Break Into Meat Mar ket but Get Dozen Pennies as Only Plunder. Dressed chickens, juicy hams and steaks did not appeal to thieves who last night broke into the meat market conducted by Will Barger, Avenue D and Ninth street. Twelve pennies was the sum total appropriated. A rear door was pried open with a heavy iron bar. The burglary was not discovered until 4 o’clock this morn ing, when the proprietor opened’ the place. \ An investigation showed that noth ing except the pennies in the cash register had been taken. The register had been left open for just such cases in order that probable thieves might not break it. The burglary was reported to the police authorities “Don’ts''—When You Have the Grip. Don’t kiss the children. Don’t delay going to bed. Don’t attempt to walk the attack down. Don’t take a cold or /even a hot bath. Don’t use any alcoholic stimulants. Don't eat a heavy meal. Don't associate with the family. Don't forget to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Don't let your bowels become con stipated. Don’t leave your bed until the worst is over, nor venture out until fully recovered. I Do this and the grip is shorn of nearly all its terrors. Grip never re sults in pneumonia when Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy is used. For sale by all druggists. AN ORDINANCE. Prohibiting the establishment and erection of any sanitarium, hospital or other institution for persons suffer ing from tuberculosis, or any char acter of infectious or contagious dis ease, and providing penalties for vio lation thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN ANTONIO: Section 1. That from and after the passage and approval of this ordi nance. it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or associa tion of persons, to hereafter establish or erect within the corporate limits of the city of San Antonio, any sani tarium, hospital or institution of any kind or character, for the reception of, care, cure or treatment of per sons suffering from or afflicted with pulmonary or other character of tu berculosis, or suffering from or af flicted with any character of infec tious or contagious disease, whatso ever. poration or association of persons vio lating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction therefor, shall be fined not less than ten dollars, nor more than two hun dred dollars for each offense, and every day that such violation con tinues, shall constitute a separate of fense: and in addition, such sanitar ium, hospital or institution shall be declared a nuisance and abated as are other nuisances under the charter and ordinances of the city Passed ‘and approved this, 12th day of April, A. D„ 1909. BRYAN CALLAGHAN, • Mayor. Attest: FRED FRIES, City Clerk. How’s this? A saving of from $lO to $35 on your buggies at C. H. Dean's as he must have more room. Get your Spring Suit before the Carnival starts and be ready for the big show—ours are ready to put on and wear. $12.50 to $40.00 FRANK BROS. San Antonio’s Greatest Clothiers Alamo Plaza TWO STORES Commerce St. Loss in Bad Eggs SAYS * GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL Totals Huge Sum Could Be Prevented if a Cam paign of Education Is In stituted Among Farmers of the Country, Washington, April 15. —Millions of dollars are carried down the sewers of the country in the shape of ''bad” eggs, according to Milo M. Hastings, scientific assistant of the bureau of animal industry of the department of agriculture. He has just completed some interesting results of a study made during the past year of the conditions surrounding the production and marketing of eggs, with a view to determining causes of deterioration in quality and consequent loss. Mr. Hastings’ observations are presented in a bulletin entitled jjfhe Egg Trade of the United In this, publi cation he calls to the enor mous loss due to the spoiling of eggs which it is •pointed out could largely be prevented by improved methods. Briefly. Mr. Hastings points out the necessity first for a campaign of ed ucation.among egg producers that will show every farmer’s wife that when eggs are allowed to remain in damp nests under bloody* hens, or in hot kitchens, there is a loss in quality which means an actual loss of mon ey to herself and to her neighbors; and. secondly, a system of buying eggs exactly in accordance with what those eggs are worth. “Although an individual farmer may appear to make a few cents by hold ing or nicking his eggs,” says Mr. Hastings, ‘‘the gain is apparent only, for the destruction of wealth involved in the injury to the quality of the egg must be borne by the farmer him self. Above all else, the infallible rule concerning the marketing of eggs is for the farmer to sell his eggs as, soon as possible after they are laid.’’ * The great bulk of the poultry, wealth of the country is produced by the general farms of the Mississippi vallev. and it is also in this region that the most rapid increase in pro duction is shown. Some Idea of the rapid growth of this industry in this region mav be gained from the fig ures for Kansas, the value of poultry and eggs sold in that state increasing F O R _S A L E 1886 acres located 7 miles southeast of Stockdale and surveyed into tracts ot 166 to 350 acres each, some improved and others unimproved. Soil black sandy and shelly mesquite land, clay subsoil. Near church and'school. Reasonable prices and terms. For full particulars write E. B. Chandler* CROCKETT ST. SAN ANTONIO COMMISSION (0. 207 MAIN PLAZA COMMISSIONS EXECUTED ON A LL SPORTING EVENTS. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO DENVER, L ATONIA AND CANADIAN Track# BREEN (Si COMPANY “BREVITY IS THE SOUL OF WIT,” GOOD WIFE, YOU N£ED SAPOLIO COATSHIRTS Cuffs Attached / That’s the style that assures perfect fit, perfect comfort and perfect wear. We have them in hun dreds of fresh Spring patterns in pleated or plain effects. $l.OO to $3.00 from 56.498.856 in 1903 to $10,300,082 in 1907. In soite of the rajid increase in the production of poultry products, the supply has not kept pace with the demand. The price of eggs for the last ten or 12 years has shown not only an absolute rise, but also a relative rise when compared with the general average of values of either farm crops or food products. At tention is called to the fact that tl»e oualitv of American eggs in the gen eral market is decidedly Inferior to that of several European countries. g~> A HTOTtIA. th * Slgnntnn A , MARRIAGE LICENSE . Enrique Hernandez and Brigid! Rendon. Mont B. Sims and Lillie A. Mire laz. Prosperity Invites You to join the great society of success ful savers who have found by ex perience that by depositing their spare cash in the bank regularly, they are establish ing the best finan cial protection for times that may be less prosperous. Open an account now with this re liable bank. 4 per cent Inter est paid on Sav ings Deposits. The EMMET BANK] (Unincorporated.) 224 West Commerce Street. San Antonio. Tex.