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PASTEURIZED Milk 4 Cream Twelve wagons to make deliv. eries to all parte of the city. CREAMERY DAIRY CO. Phones 871. NINE MEMBERS OF JAPANESE DIET ARRESTED; SUGAR GRAFT IS CAUSE Tremendous Sensation Caused at Tokio by Revelations, Members of Upper House Also Believed Implicated. CHARGES KEPT SECRET Tokio. April 16.—A tremendous sen sation developed here today with the arrest of nine members of the lower house of the diet, the nature of the charges being withheld. Xt is believed, however, that bribery charges in con nection with the recent difficulties of the Japanese Sugar company figure. There is great unrest in the capital, as it is stated that some members ot the upper house are subject to arrest also. A few weeks ago charges of fraud were brought against the directors ot the sugar company, which is a big concern, capitalized at $12,000,000. The directors resigned and an investiga tion of the affairs of the company fol lowed. A series of questionable trans actions was disclosed and the stock dropped from 50 to 60 points as a result of the exposures, a large num ber of people, including foreigners, meeting loss. They started an outcry which led to investigation. These men were all high in commercial and social circles. When the nine members of the low er house were taken in custody today the charges against them were not made public. It is believed that the investigation of the sugar company re sulted in the exposure of bribery in the diet. The members arrested all belong to the Seyu Kai, the dominant party in both houses. The arrests and the belief that others will follow, have caused consternation in parlia mentary circles. ROBBERY CHARGE FOR TWO SOLDIERS Two of the three indictments with held by the grand jury in their report of eight bills last week have been accounted for by the taking into cus tody of C. F. Malvin and E. J. New comber on the charge of robbery by assault. Newcomber and Malvin are soldiers who are alleged to have assaulted and robbed Frank Fey, a bartender, at Van Raub station on March 13. Fey claims that $7.05 was taken. Newcomber was placed under arrest by Sheriff Lindsey last night and Mal vin was taken into custody today. New comber gave bond this morning and similar arrangements Will be made at once by Malvin. RANGERS ARE NOT ON GAMBLERS’ TRAIL Just passing through but not look ing for gambling dens or any other places cf law violation in San Antonio, State Ranger Sam McKenzie spent last night and a part of today in the city. Ranger McKenzie stated that he had been out in West Texas and was now on his way to his home in Alice. LEAVES MONDAY ON A YEAR’S EUROPEAN TOUR Off for a tour of Europe which will last nearly a year. Father William A. Fuhrwerk, pastor of St. Joseph’s Cath olic church, will leave San Antonio Monday, Father Fuhrwerk will visit first at his old home in Muenche'n. Gladbach. Germany. He will later go to Rome, and during his tour will make stops in Naples and at points in Switzerland. Italy and France. In honor of Father Fuhrwerk a party of about 35 of the members of his congregation gathered last night at St. Joseph’s hall at a dinner and informal entertainment. Toasts were responded to by Father Fuhrwerk, Father Baum, who will ac company him on a part of the trip. Father Pius, who will be in charge of St. Joseph’s parish in the absence of the regular pastor, and by William V. Dielmann. J. C. Dielmann. Geo. Man dry. Geo. Theis and others. TERRELL MEN PLAN TO GROW FRUIT IN MEXICO Terrell. Tex.. April 16. —(Special.) capital is organizing a com pany to take over the purchase of 1700 acres near Tampico. Mexico, for Agricultural purposes. I. M. Brien Is president. W. P. Allen treasurer. P. M. Payne manager, all Terrell citi zens. The company will raise fruit on a large scale. ®Be ' Uttft THE ONLY AFTERNOON PAPER IN SAN ANTONIO CARRYING ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS ESTABLISHED 1881 WOULD BURN EIGHT SO THE POLICE BELIEVE NEGRESSES ALIVE Incendiarist Kindles Fire Under House, but Bluecoat Saves the Occupants From Prob able Death. With a fire raging just beneath the house, eight negro occupants of a re sort near the corner of MatamoAs and Concho street, were thrown into a fever of excitement when the alarm was given by Patrolman Mcßea, ivho discovered what he is certain was an attempt at arson. The fire was discovered shortly after 4 o'clock this morning by the officer while making his rounds. The negro women sleeping within, unconscious of the danger, were aroused by the shouts of the officer. A scramble to get out of the resort followed. The fire was soon extinguished by the policeman with the aid of s.’veral buckets of water. That it was an at tempt to burn the building, there is little doubt in the minds of th? police authorities. Examination showed that a great heap of papers and a portion of a mattress had been piled along the edge of and beneath the building, after which it was touched off. Three matches partly burned were found ly ing near the fire, after the flames had been extinguished. INDICT CUDAHY ON 737 COUNTS Federal Grand Jury Says Pack ing Company Defrauded Government. Topeka, Kan., April 16.—Indictments were returned here today by the fed eral grand jury against the Cudahy Packing company of Kansas City. Kan sas, on 737 counts for defrauding the government out of $BO,OOO by viola tions of the internal revenue laws. SEVEN WRITE POEMS FOR A GOLD MEDAL The reading of seven original poems will be the unique feature of the entertainment given tomorrow evening by the section of literature and art of the International club. The writer of the best poem will be pre sented with a gold medal by the club and the second best will receive a silver modal from Mrs. H. P. Drought. An excellent program has also been arranged for the occasion. The program will be as follows: PiSno solo “La Falleuse’’ (Raff) Kel logg: contest of original poems; “Cello Scherzo” (Van Goens) Miss Burkey; vocal selection, “Doris — Pastorale” (Nevin) Mrs. Lois Cory Thompson, with cello obligator, Miss Bujkey; violin obligato. Miss Kel logg and piano, Miss Kimberly. The presentation of medals will be made by Winchester Kelso, president of the International club. SEEK SEWERS FOR SUMMIT PLACE A petition requesting the establish ment of the fourteenth improvement district of this city, was presented to the city council sewer committee at its regular conference yesterday afternoon. This latest addition will lie to the north of San Pedro Springs and to the east of the proposed Bea con Hill district.. The district is for the establish ment of a sewerage system. The pe tition was handed in by a committee composed of James Lieder, w. D. Sy ers, J. J. Mahon and Ed Roos, repre sentiug the property owners of Sum mit place and adjoining districts. It was signed by about 30 persons. TEN-CENT BREAD IS POSSIBLE Loaves in This City Already Shy Two Ounces, According to Baker Who Says the End Is Not Yet. •}* Chicago, 111., April 16. — 4- The close on wheat: May 4* 4- 127 1-8; July 117. + Small loaves of bread and larger holes in 'doughnuts is the rule with the bakers of San Antonio, but ac cording to A. V. Tondre, one of the leading bakers of San Antonio, the near future may find the public buy ingibread not cheaper than 7 cents and possibly as high as 10 cents. The increase in the price of flour, resulting from the manipulations in wheat in the eastern markets is re sponsible for this condition of affairs. During the las three years the price of flour has more than doubled. “Three years ago-I bought flour at $3.45 a barrell.” said Mr. Tondre this morning. “Today I am paying $8.70. What is the natural result? Either the bakers must charge more for the present size loaves or reduce the size and sell at the present price.” According to Mr. Tondre many bak eries have entirely discontinued mak ing doughnuts and cakes. There is ab solutely no profit in them it is said, and to raise the price would still fur ther lessen the present small demand. A loaf of bread now weighs 15 oun ces, or two ounces less than they did 10 days ago. Several bakeries are wholesaling to groceries at seven loaves for 25 cents, still there is a difference of 14 ounces in the total weight. Fort Worth Bread to be Dearer. Fort Worth, Tex., April 16.—(Spe cial.) —Local bakers today are seri ously talking of raising the price of bread as a result of the increased price of flour following the Chicago comer in wheat. The bakers say they will lose money on every loaf sold. (Texas requires 25,000,000 busheld | of wheat annually for bread and if the price holds up the corner will cost Texas $15,000,000 this season. Three big milling plants are located here, which ship flour to hundreds of cities throughout the southwest. Patten Still Buying. Chicago, 111., April 16. —'Following yesterday’s sensational market wheat on the board of trade was nervous at the opening today. Patten said he was a buyer. July opened at (16 to 1-2. May at 127 1-2 to 5-8. September at 106 l-2@3-4. The story that Patten employed a bodyguard hrs no foundation. The negro alleged to occupy this position has been at the same door receiving visitors’ cards for a generation. CONSUL MANUEL CUESTA. Consul Manuel Cuesta, formerly sta tioned at Calexico, Imperial county, Cal., is the new consul at Del Rio, and in the short time that he has been there has completely won the hearts of the people. He has been banqudtted and feted in vairious ways, and while the soldiers were here during the recent revolution at this point he was honored with a special parade or review by cavalry. IT WAS TOO ANNOYING. Elderly friend: lam glad to hear you say that you do not let the young men kiss you. Belle—Yes; I can’t enjoy myself if I have to revamp my complexion ev ery time I come out of the conserva tory. I SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1909 German Prince May Visit America This Summer — Berlin, April 16.—PrinceEitel Fred erick of Germany, second son of Kaiser William, if he makes his re ported trip to America tnu> summer, will make as big a hit In that country as did Edward, prince of Wales, in his famous tour of 40 ago. A good, honest, jolly’ big boy—this is Eitel Fritz, - the most popular of the kaiser's six sons. His brother, the crown prince, is more quiet and serious and studious. STUDYING IN MACEDONIA 8000 Families Suffering and 100 Have Already Died. Berlin, April 16.—Dispatches from Uskub. not far from Ibaloniki. report a famine is prevailing in Macedonia and old Servia. Eight thousand fam ilies are suffering. *the correspondent declares, and more than 100 are al ready dead of starvation. RICH INDIAN VICTIM OF ASSASSIN’S BULLET Claremore, Okla., April 16. —(Spe- cial,) —George Bullett, aged 55 years, a Delaware Indian and wealthy own er ot mines in Texas, Oklahoma, Mex ico and Canada, was shot by an un known assassin at midnight while sitting in his office. He was engaged •j> marry Miss Pearl Eddlemau of Muskogee. , ARREST FOUR AFTER CRASH ON SUNSET Kforgan City, La., April 16. —Four Italians have been placed under ar rest as the result of an investigation into a wreck early yesterday on the Southern Pacific railroad, which cost the life of Brakeman Ryan of New Or leans and the serious injury of Fire man John Quinlan of Algiers, La, BURGLARS OVERLOOK $2OOO IN HURRY Harrisville, Mich.. April 16. —Bur- glars last night blew the safe in the Algona Connty Savings bank here and escaped with $5OOO. The thieves over looked $2OOO in currency. Realization that he w|U havs to take f up the work of "his impetilous rind ■ energetic father lays a weight on his , spirits. But Eitel Fritz hasn't any. such re i sponslbilities and bellevee in enjoying himself. A hunter, fisherman,,hutoist, traveler, sbldier; Eitel ■ Fritz is all these. Hq_gets a lot of fun out of life. He is a big. hjisky chap, bikgpr than the crown prince, and likes the outdoors. GETSIO,HOO IN GASH AND NOTES Oklahoma Bank Robbers Wreck Building and Escape With Loot. Enid. Okla.. April 16— Robbers dy namited the safe in the bank at Lu cien. east of here last night and es caped with. $lOOO in currency and nctes to the amount of $9OOO. The interior of the building was wrecked. The robbers escaped in a stolen rig. NO LOOSE STOCK IF CITY LAW IS MENDED Stock will not be allowed to roam any section or the city in the near futujtas in the event the proposed amelMJdcnt to the present ordinance establishing the boundary of the poun& limits is passed at the meet ing cls|he city council next Monday. The amendment provides for the ex tension of the stock pound limits so a s to embrace all territory now lying within the corporate limits of San Antonio. •The question came up at the com mittee meeting of the aidermen at the city hall yesterday afternoon, in the shape of an amendment to be offered to the ordinance offered by Aiderman Dietzman at Monday’s meeting providing for the extension of the pound limits to cover hat portion of the city known as com missioner's precinct No. 2. The passage pf the amendment would mean pound limits twice as large as at present. The sentiment of the aidermen at yesterday's meet ing seemed to favor the enactment of the amendment. CHAPTER TO MEET. A meeting of Barnard E. Bee chap ter, Daughters of the Confederacy, is called for tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at the hom e of the president, Mrs. J. D. Guinn. 443 South Alamo street. Important business is to come before t>“ chap*" PRICE FIVE CENTS MOSLEMS KILL TWO AMERICANS Report at Constantinople Says Missionaries Are Victims of Fanatical Outbreak Against Armenians at Adana. SIXTY ARE SLAIN Constantinople, April 16. —Informa- tion received here today from Alana, Asiatic Turkey, declares two Ameri can missionaries have been killed in the anti-Armenian outbreak at that place. Moslem fanaticism against the Christians of Adana appears to have broken out fresh. The Moslem attacks recommenced yesterday afternoon and continued throughout the night. A large number of Christians are said to have been killed. Gate report says 60 Armenians lost their lives and maiiy houses have been looted and burned. There is no confirmation of the death of the two American missionaries. Their names were not given in the dispatch re ceived here. The British vice consul at Mersina proceeded to Adana. The first news of this anti-Christian outbreak said the scene was at Mersina, but this is erroneous. The trouble occurred at Adana. Ambassador Leishman has no di rect news of the reported killing of the two American missionaries. He Instructed the American vice-consul at Mersina. John Debbas, to proceed immediately to Adana and report on the situation. Adana is a city of 45.000 and is the seat of government of the province of the same name. Horrible Massacres. Berlin, April 16.—A dispatch re ceived today at Mersina from Adana says the city has been aflame since last Wednesday evening and horri ble massacres are being carried out on the streets. This information was conveyed to Berlin in a private cable gram from Mersina. POISON KILLS MAMIE SPALNO Dies This Morning After Suf fering Since Monday Morning, Suffering agony for five days, Ma mie Stialno. who swallowed a solu tion containing bi-chloride of mercury tablets and iodine, last Monday morn ing at her home. 814 South Concho street, expired at 7:30 o'clock this morning at the city hospital. The victim, a French woman, aged about 30 years, had made San Antonio her home for the last four or five years. Desertion by an ex-soldier is thought to have led the unfortunate woman to kill herself. Her body was removed to the Riebe undetaking es tablishment today, where it will-be prepared for burial. The body will be held pending advices from rela tives. The woman was found by neighbors shortly after 9 o'clock Monday suffer ing from the effects of the poison, which she had herself administered a few minutes before. She was hur ried to the hospital, where it was found her mouth and throat were had ly burned. Little hope was entertain ed bv the hospital officials from the first. w — j-u mui LOCAL WEATHER inr ~m omi~ nJ —— Forecast for San Antonio and P vicinity: _ Tonight and Saturday: Part | !y cloudy weather; wanner to- Lb night. □ The minimum temperature for the 24 hours ending at 8 o'clock in the morning was 56 and the U maximum was 80. 1908 1909 D 4 a. m 68 57 6 a. m 70 56 8 a. m. 70 58 YlO a. m 76 65 12 noon 80 70 I p. m 83 74 The temperatures In other cities will be tound on oass 10 GOLDEN ROD BUTTER Made in a Sanitary Creamery. If your dealer does not handle it telephone us. Phones 871. Manufactured by CREAMERY DAIRY CO. SCORE DIE IN FIRE Lodging House Fire Results in Terrible Loss of Life —One Victim Partially Identified as From Texas. 6 BODIES RECOVERED San Francisco, Cal., April 16.—* Nearly a score were burned to deatij and 200 guests at the St. George ho tel, a lodging house, were thrown in to a panic by a fire which complete ly destroyed the building, a three story frame structure, early today. Six bodies have recovered and probably eight Or 10 others are bur ied in the ruins. Six are injured, one fatally. The property loss is $125,000. The bodies were taken to the morgue, but are so charred that identification Is impossible. One body has been partially identi fied as that of one Johnson, recent ly from Antonio, Tex. Two hun dred people were in the hotel when the fire broke out. Many were injured by leaping from the upper stories. The postal authorities say there is no such postcfflce in Texas named 1 Antonio. There is a town in Fannin I county named Anthony. ENTRIES FDD WWW First, three and one-half furlongs, 2-vear-olds: Pick Point .. *llO Miss Hattie 105 Very Much 115 Easter Roses 105 Nila 115 Pineapple ' . ...... 105 Covers 105 Leade t. *no Sam Webb ......... 118 Henry Belton .. 108 Black Light 115 Second race, five-eighth mile, sell ing; Morning Light ... 11 Campan nj Dick Shanlev 11l Lady Parker 94 Comal 108 Loyd 96 Lizzia *B9 James V ...... 11J Porriwinker 94 Miss Snack 94 Constantia 109 Cliff Cole ill Third race, one and one-sixteenth, miles, selling: Hollowav .’10! Dick Redd *lOl Oberon .' 106 Miss Topsy *9(5 Goldfield 109 Doubt 109 Servile 112 Adesso ..... 106 Fourth race, handicap, six and one half furlongs: First. Premium 118 John A 104 Tlill Eaton 100 Transform 110 Sam Tavlor 113 Luckv Mose 109 Fifth race, six and one-halt fur longs • Minnolette 117 Chipmunk 12/ Promethius 123 Almena 117 Rov Shumway 119 Jollity 117, Shone 124 Sixth race, five-eighths mile: Gee-Whiz 108 Insnector Bird 106 Padrone 108 Virginia Beach 109 Toboggan 11l Cintilla 94 Dandv Dancer 106 Deshon UI Lista *lOl Ezran 11l Stoic lil Luckv Mate 99 SENATOR PERKINS ON ROAD TO RECOVERY McKinney. Tex.. April 16. —(Spe- cial.) —Seantor Tom W. Perkins, who became seriously sick while visiting his family here vesterday. Is reported much improved today and will return to Austin sooner <u.p«ctiML