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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
m* We Now Have in Stock -m, Ferndell White Asparagus AND Asparagus/Ti ps Just as good as arfy^esh Asparagus you eyër ate -f J. B. HINES licit Here. iltiag, the β gent of the Car* }y company >■ in (be city tr ' the appearance of hU at the new opera honae all »k. The Curtlsi company to be one of the beat l att ract lone on the road sgage ment here should be On Monday ! night] [appear in the twaotlfal ly drama "Do * η on the ay that baa never failed to mttafacttofi. The pricea («unagemeni will b« 85, 35 », ie»erved aeata witi be oay at Feari»' Cru^ atore. 1«vati>a Completed iahoney told ce this af ί the excavating work fcr I ν en»'t y h*d ïrtste com [•expected to begin lay it Monday Brick 1 tying eommem-ed i*d»y but |lta· tx en d· la> ed »'i ar ■«ut, <* teiy far-it»'· '3 J ft r ■ u -t t THE NEW DEPOT. Jeff N. Ml 1er ϊ>·>« it 1» III be Built This Year. The gratifying new· come· from Hocaton that the Central will erect a new depot io Waxabacble thla year. Mayor Pickett is In receipt of a letter from Acting Manager Jeff N. Miller In which that gentleman give· aaaurance that a separate paaaenger depot will eventually be erecte I In thla city. The atrnctnre le to be modern in all reapecta and will contain handsome offlcea for at! the < flîciaîa connected «1th the r oad In the city. Thia ia a move in the right direction and <hia paper hopea the «ffort will be continued until one of the hand aomeet depot β on the Central will be eona*rncted In this ci y. ilfmitcfoficul Condi»'"·· Lxsal ob«er*pr 8. E. Hhellito haa ftjfaieht>d the Dai'y L'gbt with the 'ollowintr d«»a chowlrg the average by month* of the temperatnru and rainfall during tbe year lfrGl: Ma* Mln. Runfallj 78 16 80 15 87 18 84 32 97 45 102 69 ιοΛ m 107 «β 101 41 #Λ 37, 78 29 «ο a Total IacU** m t« watfe to ord«r. ike Mr·. C. J. Ori.-g*. 101 Marvin fet. tf Σά ot Travel k too The t/ »>ρι» J» · #* !0»ΐΛηί J ι ltd lu t ''JiOfiif l)t>· nd »a, a n««bdk>#« Jmmii ftwc»tern TeJ*Jtr»ph & î»(«pHen« Coj»p*«j. MM·· Walk Your Legs Off.. Looking for a place to Hiv Gr.x-eries cheap. There is no cheaper Grocery house in Ellis County than ours. Wish ing you a Hapj#?- New Year and thank ing vou ίοr \»ur patronage, we remain, LBIGH BROTHERS e makes the most as well as se h old use. ^•Linaware we ;Λν K^iade, I * * $ IS φ φ φ % φ 4> * Φ 1S 1S φ Φ Ψ Ψ Ψ 25 to 50 Per Cent On Your Money ISN'T bad. is \i? Well, it is just what you can make your money earn here now. The GREAT END OF THE SEASON CLOTHING SALE bi ffins here Friday. We have put in the whole week going through stocks, shaping, matching up, after the Christmas rush, and now we are ready. Every Suit, Every Overcoat, Every Pair Odd Pants, Every Boys' Suit ■In fact the whole stock now LOT NO. ι Includes every Winter Suit in Serges, Grays, Colors. Absolute choice at these prices: $^3 50, 20.00 and 18.50 Suits at 16.50 and 15.00 Suits et„ '3-50 and 12.50 Suits at __ 10.00 Suits at 8 50 Suits at $14-75 <1-95 9.50 795 6.75 LOT NO. 3 Contains all ou - regular Blacks, Qranites, Clays / and Worsteds. Our $25.00 Suits $20.00 Our $20 00 Suits $«6.oo Our 18.50 Suits 14 75 Ou- 15.00 Suits 12.50 Our 13.50 Suits 1000 r 0.00 Suits 8.50 LOT NO. 3 Contains all odds one or two suits of a ki^ but not regular sizes. pick at 11. vhere there are only % clean clothes, you can get φ w up ι φ φ Φ ψ φ ψ ψ LOT NO. 5 Gets*into even hundred,*; anjJ more tiian we as we get We have an hundred as soon 525 and 22 50 Overcoi, Overcoats $14.75; $15 $12.50 Overcoats $8.80; $> $8.50 Overcoats $6.50; $ $5 75; 5s-oo Overcoats $3.8 This deep NO 5. AH our Boys' Cloth ^ nothing kept out, at a fourth of LOTi^tl 6. 200 pairs Jean Pants, V and 85c kind at 65c. is the time of year to cut prices, and when we cut we cu Evervthing marked in plain figures. Everything guarar, Come expecting great bargains and you will not be disappointe ou can see just how • >our money back. MATTHEWS BRO \ RS φ I Odds and Ends of ; I XmasStock ! At One-Half Price * * * φ Perhaps you forgot some one Xmas ψ day, and who you woi^ld like to J remember on the New jf We are ready for you with some nice ψ presents for just olW-half what we formerly, asked. — i Herring-Sparks Drug Go. (Sucr^sors to J. S. Herring * Co.) ' Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ■η Ι The New Hill. Work is progressing at a satiefaV ry rate on the new Trumpet Co\ ball end it wiM be ready to open i morrow night. A new and commoi\ ous stage has been pat in and a new set of drop curtains and scenery cost ing about $300 has been mounted. The electricians now have charge of the buildii?g and are putting in a heavy battery of incandescent lamps and one powerful arc light. The hall will be opened tomorrow night by the Crawford Comedy Company, present ing "Z'g Zsg," a three-act farce. There will be a matinee Saturday af ternoon and another performance that night. Tickets are now on aaie at Fearis' drug store. Oil next Monday night >hat popular comedian, (Samuel Cutties, with a strong company of artist» will begin a week's engagement. Mr. Cat ties car ries a il ret class band and orchestra and has one of the beet companies of artiste in the slat*·. Mr, Curtice won many new friends here ii&î October in his prt*«at*Uon of "Utah". This play wSi be given again next On January IS the tionnair-l Dompacr will begin a week's sum ι here. ÉM Game Yeetenfav. î football announced for Τ at East End did not wait not tbe fault of however, that the β place For some »wu the Dallas ,eam •pearance and eo« any people were had been look tt game as both tead, / ftrong player». It is y /Ί\ Kaœ® can be arranfc will yei x {nether \ eason ci V <ό