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Il ... - ® .50 in advance 2.76 in advance 6.00 Business Manager eitj Editor in the Waxabachie poetof ae mutter of the second class. Advertising rat*» may be obtained making appUntiou at the bamneat Office of publication at US and 117 Telephone no. - - 14H. ANNOUNCEMENTS. COUNTY TICKET For District Clei k : Amzi Carotheks Tom Bcrleson For County Clerk : Jl. E. Pickett Kufe Hendricks C. M. Banner For Sbeiiff: Brice West J. P. Minnick For County Judjje: Lek Hawkins Fjr County Tax Ameeeor: Ike Eason For Ta*. Collector: Billie Bratcher For Justice Peace, Precinct No. 1: U. Q. Pierson >r Constab'e. Precinct No. 1: P5.. Cooper CITY TICKET SjVt City Attorney: Ο. H. Chapman Y. D. Kemble For City Aas< esor and Collector: ι h. Rag land i. lint Spalding P. J. Herndon Munsey L Campbell J. B. McCaul For City Secretary : George Walker For City Marshal: Tom Dixon Tbi candidates. M UNSKY CAMPBELL will be (on d the nana of thè^P^ë" young man who is «u aspiraDt tor the office of city assessor and collector. Mr. Campbell has been a citizen of Waxahachie eeverai years and hie uniform couru *y»toward all and his high moral cl aracter hen won for him hundreds of friends. He is an enter prising young bu intss mau and ie eminently qualified to creditably fill the office wnieh he seeas. Should he be the cfco ce of t ie voters of Waxa hachie t ir asne-s r and collector he will apply himself as faithfully to the discharge of ihe duties of that otHce s ι he h if to r !- business t'ifairs Give hie claims an 'moartial considérâti m, ■* id re ! nh^r that h· announces sub ject to tli·* action of the ci'y primary, P J HERNDON. B> referring ι ο our announcement -column )ou wi.l tiud ι he name of Prof P. J Herndon, who w<.nts the p°opl< to know that he is a candidate foi city h «essor and collector, Prof Herndon is not λ étranger t > the citi· zenr of Waxahachie. For thirteer y ars he has been a citizen of ih< I iwn, and for twelve cocsecutiv» years he taught in th·» public schools ft] of » pedaji<%u*?, »x?t fci· *» Tat Ion wi« abort. A few snetiU*· ago the school ooard elected hi m to fill oat the unexpired term of Prof. Fran* e n. Prof.Herndon la a courteous sea· tie men, one of f or be»t educators and la in all respecta ^dmtrabiy fitted for creditably discharging tbe duties of assessor end collector. Qlve bis claims doe consideration before yon vo e This annou icement is nade sal j *ct to action of the city primary. J. Β MCCAUL. The Rbnve named gentleman an nounces in this iaeua of th * Daiiy L;gt<t hh h candidat»» for city assessor and c iliector. Mr. McCaul is well 1 and favo ably known t > the people of ; Waxahachie and need* no words of ; c immendation fro 11 our pen. Mr. McCaul ia a clever, gtn1 >1 gentleman I sn<l Le ia well q'iaiitied for the posi ' tion he set ks. île annonrcee subject ! to the action of the city primary, ard your support and itflaence will be ap ! predated. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Mr. George G. Pierson announces ; today ns a candidate for Justice of the I Peace of precinct Ν j. 1. Mr. Pierson'» I father settled on what is known aa the j Hallam place, near Avalon, where j ihe first years of hia boyhood was spent. Later his father moved to Raina county where the son grew to manhood. Mr Pieisou was educated in tae public schools of Raina county aod taught school for three jears to j obtain m >nr-y to carry him through ! college. Hia collegiate education *ar? I rece.ved at Baylor University, Weco. ι ! Having formed ear y afachmens for ! Ellis county he decided to return here and make his home. He purchased a ; home on Lake Park avenue and is j fully identified with the city and ! county. Mr. P<eraon has been prac {tlci ig law five years, ia a capable and j euceessful young lawyer, and siys I that if elected he will enforce the law as be finds it without fear or favor, j He awkr your support in the coming j primary. ; TOM BURLESON. , The · ojng man whjsa came ai> i pears ab <vυ ia a citizen admired and ι beloved »>y everybody He is a man ; w;io hn a ways made it a ^oint to et· I tend to lis own hfftirs and a:low I others t ) at tn i t ) tin-ira Ο ne* - j quetitly hia friends are numerous.. In announcing tor dieti iot c e k Mr Bur leson will receive the welcome ι up port of many fneuds throughout Ellis He is a Texts produc', the _ " tiMon, t>f Mt. β)) of MW H. ai. uu. Ί " „<S end commercial education, which coupled w'ih bi· 'natural Abilities, splendidly equipped him (or tfae dis charge of the Intricate duties of the office which be reek·. For eeveral year· past be bee beer one of Waxa hachle's most efficient eeleemen a«d bookkeepers and has gained deserved popularity among all oar people lie Is a young man of a high état dard of morality, is active and intelligent, and if eleced would make the county a m >gt efficient and μ mistaking offl cial. Mr. Burlea >n will abide the ac tion o* the democratic primary, and your support and influence will be ap preciated. h. a coorKR. In rnr announcement column today will be found the uatne of Mr. H. A Cooper, who i·» a candidate for con stable of precinct No. 1. Mr. Cooper is not wholly unknown to the people of Waxahachie. He has resided in the town about nine years, during which time he has followed various [vocations. By tralehe is a painter and paper hanger, but for a few years he was engagea in the grocery busi ness. His dealings with hie fellow men i ave alwaj s been strictly honest and his friends are numerous. He an nounces subject to the democratic primary, and iu tbe event of his nom ination, and tlecticn he promises to discharge the duties of the oftloe to wLvcb he aspires ion faithful and effi cient manner. FOR COUNTY ( LEBK. Another Ellis county boy who wants to serve the county iu an official ca pacity is Rufus R Hendricks, who has been a deputy county clera uuder Clerk Laseweu for three years Mr Hendricks announces f jr ine office of ceuuty clerk, and with tbe experience he has bad during rhe ρ ist three years it cannot be saia that he would not make a good one He is a goad ac cnuntant, fan.i iar wiih th« detail work of the office. Chre'nl ai d correct, and withal courte u· and obliging t > all having bastuf<-« with the record depariuient < t ti e county. Mr, Hen dricks ι as aluavs been au active d-mocrwt, and submi · l is came to trie aeiiou of the democratic voters at thfj primary ;o be called later. He solicits your «upp >ri and promises fait itul ar^d conscientious service if t- Κ cted. h* ha* resigutd his position In the t'lerk'e ι fflce and will endeavor to eee evory voter ρ rsonally bef ore ibe caii[>aigu clofre». i ilMwkinw i« anoth r Ellis county boy that wai t·· to grace the judicial » rmtne of the county. In the proper column y u will Unci his name as a c& dttat" fc ' ou< ty Judg»·. Mr. Hawkinxisa State t'n.ver*lty grade this Without of cdDtom ttvely that Doctor Piercc's Golden Med ical Discovery cures weak lungs, hetnor r h age a, brorxhi' deep-aeated .stubborn cough, other diseases which if neglected or un akillfully treated find a fatal termination in consumption. There is no alcohol in the " Discovery," and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine, and all other cotics. rersons suffering from chronic dis ease are invited to consult Dr. H erre, by U tter, fre£ All correspondence is J conducted under the seal of sacred secrecy. Address Dr. R. V. I*ierce. Buffalo, Ν. Y. In s little over thirty years. Dr. Pierce, assisted by his medical staff of nearly a score of physicians, has treated and cured thousands of men and women who hail been given up us incurable by local physicians. " Your medicine 1* the best I h ire ever taken " write» Mr» Jennie Din* ma η of Rapid City. K«!ka*ka Co Mich " Lant apring 1 hail a liait rough got no bad I had to t>e iu bed all the time My hu*hand thought I had coti •emption He wanted me to get * doctor, but thought we would try Dr. Pierce'a Golden Med ical Diac*rrery and tieftire I had taken one bottle the cough «topped and I have litice had no aign of it* returning Doctor Pierces Pleasant Pelleta cure constipation. nar ate. After graduatlrg from the law! department tie enter, d the practice of law h» re aDd was for several years : • partner with Mr. S. P. Skinner. Ιο | be entered the rsce for county attorney and was successful by a eloi»e margin. In thla p'siMun he made a splendid · filoer, discharging his dutie* with fidelity and msrked ability. He is welt «quipped for the position of County Judge, and if elected will give bis best efforts lo a satisfactory administration of the «ffairs ot the ooui.ty entrusted to hia hards Mr. C. M. Banner, of Enn's, ap»uM j to keen 'be records of the County! Clerk's office for the n*xt two jn. rs, ι an i to that end announces hia can ! didacy tor County Clerk In todsyV j pape% Mr. Banner Is favorably itnou'D throughoat the county, htviin ; made a r*ce several years ago for Ta* Collector and reeeivtd a flattering vote. For a number of year* he hi»* been li'v asaeesor and collector of j Ennls, and no more popular (rentre man resides wi'b'ti the limits of 'hat ci'y. lieiia g-ntlemiu of st«rnn« j worth, a true nemoc-at, and w«nl i qualified for De positon he ><■«*· He solicits jour support, and if elected will do I is beat to condu ι th office in a satisfactory mann* "· i warns the privilege of presenting h.s , candidacy to y<iu befure >oj uuak* up ι your ballot. A prjmine^^HfeΗβη ; oftbf county woo peo ple in the 1 ' rtct Clerk : b Mr. ATzi *u~ Doonceuient lefoWra hi <?>A-j roper column. Mr. Car«jtbcr* in «e l anu j favorably known in η anv ρ riior* of ! the connty. He hu be«-u Identifier with the public school* of Kllui county for a number of year* and has always exhibited a live int«re»t in the educa I tlonsi welfare of its young pfeople At present he is teaching at India, ι this being hie tweoud term there. Mr Carotbers in well qualified for tne position be weks; ia a gentleman of known integrity, and if nominated id : tne coming primaries, will make the ; comity a good officer. He ask· a , careful considérât! in of hi· candidacy, I and will cheerfully abide the verdict of hie democrt'ic compatriot 8HER1FP. Mr. J. F. Minnfck, who h«s been conn» ct«d with the sheriff's office for a number of year*, announce· this week ae a candidate for sheriff. Mr. Minuk'k mad" the race four years ago sgaimt Β eriff S wea't, and received a moat (Uttering vote. Aa a peace of ficer he lia» been active ia the dis charge of his duties, and baa made an excellent record. For the past three years he has been chief deputy under Sheriff Hwoatt, and is recognized as an excellent c fllcer and gentleman. Previous to his experience in the sheriff'· office he was constable of tb« Ferris and Palmer precinct. He It we l fitted by training and experience for the duties of the office lo wbiofc he aspires, and submit· his name tc the democratic vo«*f» of the couaty willing to cheerfully abide their de cision. % Brice West, of Forreston, is anothei pood democrat wlio want* to servi the people of Etli· county in the ca pacify of high sneriff. Mr. West la ι native of the good old state of Tenue see, a state that ha· furnished man; good and abl« men to Texas. Hi came to Ellis coauty twenty-one year ago and engaged In farming, la wbld he baa been eminently successful He owns a good (arm near Forrestoi and lives at home. V>' hite not allow Ing bis farming Interest· to «offer Mi West has alwava taken a wboletom Internet in politic·, believing that th citizen owe· it to himself to eee the be live· under the bout obtainabi government. Mr. West pommm ib« qualification· for a good sberl and nay· that if the people' will ooi give bim an opportunity no will tak pleasure ia shewing bow good a peac fllcer be can make. Hé aucounct •abject the action of tba democrat! p%rty, with which ho has always affi laieo, and aaks that the vofcer» git bit caodldaby fall con ideration at tfc coining prloartaa. A88Bsaoa OF TAXES. ored with the eefffege of the demo-1 cratie voters of the county will m»le· * good officiel. Mr. Emch is a gentle j man of high moral chSrsc er, upright, and honorable ia toi» deVingê sir/aid toe toe «elected tor the office he seek· the interest· of the county in so fur •«the. relate to the assessor's office will be ία good bands. TAX COLLEOrOEt. Blllle Bratcber, the prevent efficient collector of taies, announce* t ile week for re-election, «abject to ac tion of the democratic primaries Mr. Bratcber ha* been active in ths dis charge of hi· duties since hie election in November 1000, and hu m »Ue a moat admirable record a* an officer. So clocely bas he pushed the collec tion or delinquent taxée that the de linquent list last year Is Ue suailest in the history of ibe county »>ince it became one of the counties t ot the state. Mr. Bratcner ia an j obllgli-g officer, a courteous whole souled gentleman worthy the confi dence of the people, and will donat io» have no oppoiiilon for the nom ination. Mr. Harry E. Pickett, the popular' mayor of thla city, 1* a candidate for j the office of county clerk, and place· ; hla name before the voter· of the I county today- Mr. Pickett has made | one race for thla ofika and ha· many j friend· over the oonnty who will do i tht-lr beat to see that be is soeceesfn! { this time. He is universally popular j in Wazahachle, a gentle-nan of ac- ; j MU* « i'L Vkïrfy froûrt*,'» 9êéo. Pfcwbe Otoeriey, < f Peters, "and a lame bei-k p*ine<î mi f onld tot drs<J« nijut-lf, bat ί Bit!«r· wholly cured use, aiui, »J 73 .v<*ar« oifl» t bw now able t«] my hou*ework." It overeotni «tipatlon, improve· appetite/ perfect health. Only We m t HJ Souk· Drag Co. Mr. John i'htUlpm, one of chie> oitieut set*fer» »ud •pected citizens, he* mrde mente to move to Kaufman will in the fatore re-dde. hold effect· were loaded In a ι for eblpmeot to Kua'man family will go there immtdia EdonW f oar Bemli With fciidjr Cathartic, carp rfm*UpaM< <s, SSc is C C C fan. drntrvutt* tn ΩΏΜ'Χ Von ran be cei .·<! of suy »orw of t *«5Blyt be made welt, »iron(. κ» life end vieor by taking that make* week men Μ mag. tea pound* to tra dark. Over ce red. AU drnerrat*. Car* jruaranl M ami i.lviteiREa Add tea· KËMIUJV CO., Ckleaco or Hew Kodol « Digests what yoM ■■ a i Eat Dyspepsia Cupô A healthy stomach, capable of digesting a good, square meal, is a great blessing. It keeps the body strong by insuring pleut* of nourishment. In fact, it means perfect health. But boo.*/» thing must be done when the stomach is eo tired that it ^atrt digest what you eat, for undigested food poisons the blood. We can recommend a preparation that completely digeste all classes of foods—that is Kodol Dyspepsia Cuke. It gives the stomach perfect, reet and allows you to eat and enjoy the variety of food that is necessary for maintaining health. It never --m- indigestion, after everything else has failed. It is «- -π ooiuiomAu w—p It gave rue lief and I continued its use, until c I feel that I am cured."—Henry F. Cramer, Wendeivlîle, lî. Y. It can't help but do you good Prepared by Ε, Ο De Witt & Co., Chicago. The fl. bottle contain· ÎH times tbe 50c. sUe. The favorite household remedv for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, throat and lung troubles is ONE MINUTE Couoh Cur·. It cures quiclcly. | Gibson's Grocery fin New Quarters j = — I WILL MOVE from the south side of the square to the 1 building back of King & Davis, on West Main Street and opposite the City Hall. I Jam ready to extend accommoda tions to my customers as in the past. 1 will carry a com plete line cf Groceries and Plantation Supplies. : : : : : Thanking you for past favors and soliciting your future . I am youis for a prosperous 1903, V5! Λ / Art Leather Goods Cut Glass General Line of Novelties Fine Silverware Beautiful Birthday and Wedding Presents Our holiday Line is f-u !*and Complete in Silverware We can show you the latest creations in . Perforated Hollow ware colonial Designs in Sterling Silver Flat ware Jo Uot w#! can 'how you « j»tn up, complet#, aeivct *toek, I hav* no lead«-r*, no eeteh S penny «chrine·. t»ui en bon«*t and upright of U-giUuiate high diM at tew Jprtc ». George C. Blackwell g •/9&9&99&SG SGé'S 9/99/9 Waxahachie Cand Fresh Homemade Oandy 16c Kf; 3 lb« kind· for X ma β. . . . New thif Lowney'· Oiiocoleten and Bonbon· id Devenport & Ti Conduct * Strictly Cp-tos· Livery, Feed Have the only Kabbcr-tiJ· AU order» recelvaJMfep^-Q^ig^^