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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
WAX AH AC HIE, TEXAS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1902 VOLUME VIII ιΛΛΛ»ννν ( We ÎWév Have In Stock i Ferndcll White Asparagus J AJfD yf \ I I AND Asparagus Tips Just as good as any fresh Asparagus you ever ate ES°3NE J. Β. H INES I Mere Froe Hale Count). Mr. J. A. Umb, who own· a farm near R*nkln, bat moved taut fall to ; Bale oonnty, oa the plain·, came in la«t night to look after lite I me rut· here. He express*· himself well pleased with the plain· country, which h· nay· la filling up rapidly. Mr. I Lamb e»ya that when moving there fee cariiedjwkh him » pair of homing pigeon·. They escaped on the 2*tfe at November and on the 23rd of December one of them re urned to ite oid home In Ooryetl county. Fob Bauc -1 c4fer ji> h .τη»· <n Main strest for eale jkj «asy tens.·; tarnished or aftlplTntehtd. m>v«u room·, elect rte Heht, city water, and close to Trinity Universir*. Every thing !· brand new J. W fra*er. tf Fob Rbi«T— Stor· room, sontb tide square, now occupied by Jarrell & Co. R. W. Getsendaner. 23* ρ Mrs. C. J. Grigg*, C*t«<· Α .βι*ν«!» * I!rc , <.:&!«« lb· ftmι J.*uMw ΙΉηιΐο^ΗΜ jm'u— and WiHi ilmJf M(in»"T, » fell Iia/ot Call »nj Wtaiw mi»[) ·* mki (tkiir· or «rasA. »MM·, «·; 1 Mil »»·-!£ w *»*-,' to hat* <*» ««it **4 • IMSilW !#«■« **' tot riaxvin *fi«ne Failed Jo Arrive, Through * failure to make proper railway connections the < rawford Comedy Company could not reach here today to All tbeir engagement at the new hall. Any disappointment occasioned because of their non-ar rival will be more than made good next week by the Curtis* Comedy Company. Mr. Curtis» with his ex cellent company will have tbe pleas ure of formally opening the new ball and the prospecta are that be will be greeted by a large house. Tickets are on auto at Pearls* drug store at SO cent» each Those who purc hased tickets for tbe ftrst attraction can re tain them and tfeey will be honored at tbe door night or yoar money wilt be refeoded bv returning the ticket to tfce drug store. fie WouWe'i Move. A stranger, said to be from Wichita was arrested here today Officer John J >**ee«n. It Is charged that the m«n gjt on the train this morning at ' Fort Worth, and took a seat in the negro osaoh. When Condecftor Han ηey found htm there he told him ho m let r <5 · In another coach, bnt he tc fs»«"d I# m >ve, and it is said irew a large knife on the condeetvr when he ! insist «β on his moving. The atn was aeresteo as soon as t£e train got to Eim»s.— Ennis News. %àattei Wwrtfages mad Notes. W* have on hand a «pp!y of t*hat ι i»t! £kor< gages and b'tmk noies and <*» *»!> >owr orders i«umediate I> . Nates one cent each: mortgages tnree cents «**oh. Tlie ffawrpriee. Fob Rbn't - Uoid btasiMees hoo#e on eint - 4»· ut tqu*r^/ Apply io i. K. Kin*. tf I' y<w want to sell your proj»«er ty ite>t it with A. T. Bishop. if Cert If» Comedy Company. Next Monday night the Curtlw Comedy Company wifl open their' week'· engagement »ί the now Tram* ! pet Corp· bull presenting for the flr»t I time the beautiful rural comedy dram» ' "Down on the Farm,"· play that con- ! tain» ail the elements that go to make ' a performance complete In every de tail. ''Down on the Farm" baa won universal prates of pre·· and public in every city where It ha· been pro duced and onr theater goer· can reet aaaored of aeelng a first elaas per for- j mance, as the Curtiea Comedy com-, pany la oomp ^ed of artlsta who have j each and every one made a distinct reputation by "»ir clever work and | their excellent ueportment. Mr. Cur- ] M*a, who It at the head of the organi- | zulion, ia an artist who has *made a j prend record for himaelf by hard ! work and hta one aim ia to pieaae and delight hie audience, and under bia careful management bia company han atep by atep won the proud fame of being the foremoat and moat com plete repertoire organization on the road. A auperb band and a firat-class orchestra are extra feature· with thia company and our mutic-ίονιηκ public will no;doubt enjoy » rare treat dur ing the company a engagement. A oar load of ateuery will arrive hero Mono*· and eacn ptay will be pre vented with specif] acenery, elegant •tage aettinga and oiigmal costume·. The sale of reaerved seats now on at Poarfa' drug store, and it will be wlae to aeoure your aeata early. For city «arshal W 111 Kyle announce» In thia iasue of the Daily iéeht ai a candidate for ci'y -marivhai. tjnlfie K>le, Ββ ko is famil iarly known, has lived in Waxahachie about «even yrarti and baa won many friends who wt 1 give te!» eandii'aoy tfe«ir t-nthiisiaalic aapport. He for merly belonged to the jirluter's cr*ft, bat for the p*t»« few years baa bten with the grocery of L. Ërwln. tie ie one of our moat deserving young men, affable and genial in disposition and ι» well worthy to be feenored with the office to which be aspire». Give hîa claims due «o*«i<wraiion, and he promises that it eiacfted ha will dis charge the cta'Jes of eity marshal S η a fair and impartial manner. A New feature. Beginning tomorrow the Dally'Llght will add anoiter Important, feature to Ita advertising department. A "Want Column" will be inaugurated lor the bo. >f '»ir advertisers who want to make tlweir «Vûu known to the public. The column will be JlHuatra ted and especial alteration will be giv en thla department of advertwing throughout tau ye*r. The Light reaches the people and an ad in ita want column will be read in nearly «very home in the city Weather Indication*. Tonight and Saluday fair, ccdder, with freezing|U night. H. h WiKUJTq. Obaorver. HLcuse tor reclLycompletely furnish ed. Apply 61S Wert Jeffereon-at. tf Ladles suits made to order. See Mrs. O. J. Qriggs, 101 Marvin at. tf ΛΙΝΟΚ MENTION. Sfcen lieuse of interest Glesnîd by the Lifbt Reporter, J. R. Raxon ie now local agent for the Singer Sewing Machine (Jompany. A. D. Ooleman, who has been con fined to bis bed so long, ie reported to b ) better tcdiy. The ladies of the Christian church will have their Saturday market at the store of J. Β Biaes tomorrow. We are informed that Mr. J. J. MK calfe bits severed his connection wi;h the back at Oaidwe 11 en i w ill remain with bis family in Waxahachle. Mr. C. W. Kent, of the Light, was . taken quite ill this morning and was carried to tne home of Mr, R. I). Hud- ι son for medical attention and care. Mr. R. D Hudson returned last night from a visit to his mother in Brown county. He says he had a splendid trip and is feeling much im- , proved. John C. Johnston and sou in-law, J. j Ike Eason, have rented Mr. J. O. Pnii iips' home on Kaufman street anil I moved there yesterday. Mr. Eanon recently sold his name in East End. j There will be a meeting of the b<>" r<j of stewards of the Methodist chu h tonight. Ail members of the bu "d ' requested to be present The m» - ι ing will be held in tbe pastor's study. Mr. E. W. Wallace, who for the pat<t • sixteen years has rented on the tarm of Mr. George Conning ham near Boz. j last fail bought h farm of ninety-six I serf** near Oiro. Y r VV hi lace ie a ! good farmer aad a clever Citizen. Ea» 1 Smith, who has t>een with Î). ! linn for the past three years, is now : with the grocery establishment of j Geo. T, Wilson. Mr." Smith is a good I business man end he would be pit-awed I to have his friends call on him at his ! new location. The honsnhold effects of Mr. J. G. Phillips ντβ'ί «hipped to Kaufman to day, but'M "* " '-«j F η i 11 i ρ a will re main here ^ l 2o yea1lionfif'r on ac* count of killed by their little grandson, Linton. 1η<γ. little t , - „ are tneag»4. - y*. — —να > ■ — fellow ia reported to have regained consciousness, but he is ytt qaite sick, having some fever. N. J. Thomas received a telegram from Dallas yesterday afternoon con veying the intelligence of the death of Mr. Gear heart, manager in that city of tue Μ. Τ, Jone* Lumber Company. Mr. G arbeart died at ten o'clock yes terday morning and was buried at Sherman t' day. Mr. V. H. Shelton has moved his family into tbe Pattit residence, 122 j Vickery street. Mr Sbelton began the new year by having his name ad ded to our list of yearly subscribe May Mr. Hheltou live long Jand pros- j per and may his kind increase. ' Dr. C. W. Simpson has been a sub- ι ecribcr to the Daily Light for the past Ave years and in that time it has been his custom to pay for his paper six ; months in advance. Yesterday was pay day with tbe Doctor and he came tn on time and had his subscription i set up to July 1. Thanks, I>octor. vvov d from Hillsboro. The Uillsboro Mirror has the follow ing to say of Mr. F W. Burkbalter, who has just moved to Waxahaohie: F. W. Burkhalter, who has been with the J. R. Thompson Hardware Oo. eince October 1, 1S88, has resigned :hat place to take charge of the shelf ( *nd etone department of the Malone Hardware Co., of Waxahachte, Texas. He expects to move about January 1. Hr. Burkhalter's many friends regret :o see him leave Hlllsboro, but at the tame time they are glad to see hie jroraotion. During hie residence îere he has, by his uniform courtesy, nade many warm friends, both for limsdlf and the lirm with which he was connected. He has been super ntendent of the Baptist Sunday school or several years. The Mirror takes ileaeure In recommending him to the I >eople of Waxah*chie and Ellis coun y as a trustworthy citizen. —-— I i A Deep Mystery- , \ It U a mystery why women endure îacfcache, Headache, Nervousness, ileepleflaneee, Melancholy, Fainting ind Dizzy Spells when thousands have >rove l that Electric Bitters will cjuicJk- . y core such troubles. "I Buffered for '«rs with kidney trouble," write· ttre. Phebe Cherloy, of Peterson, I» 'and a latue back paired me r Ould not drees myself F Jitter· wholly cured - 3 - " * τ - ν *■■£ Η SjF ■; « Mr. Tlmmons in Florida. Mr. H. D, Timmons, who with . wife and daughter are spending thj holidays in Florida, writes his laugt ter, Mrs. M. D. Hickman » r.;ost ii teresting letter, from which we permitted to take the following tracts: - "I have at last met my îoar ai i whom I had not see : in thirty years. Our separation h*3 been long I did not recognize them at fini The orarge groves, pineries, eelei gardens and strawberry fields beautiful. We had strawberries fc supper Christmas night and can step! out iu the yard and get all the orangey we want right from the tree. Grap# fruit, though not so relishable, is row sidered healthy and is very plentiful^ There are seven beautiful, large lak«i right near Lakeland which have pleu ty of fish and some alligators in ttaftm. One alligator has been known kere thirteen years. I suppose he i» about sixteen feet long. It is real ψ arm here. People ut9 wearing sommer clothes. We are not ^erla^ we will start home, but Î th| about the tenth of Janua* Mamma and Minnie are with the trip and I may difficulty in getting thet to Texas before the li| ticket forcée ni back " .is like Po«tical Portrait S2TT32 822diï1î à lady, she of highly c )f manners simp -m! 1er varied pow m< wear, 1 Veiling her law rare ; 1er hidden gei* tree (tripped of its bark inigfetj argosle; ,iao wild wood violet 'neef of green. Sreathee odour from the ι >4 felt than seen, 1er kindly heart, eU#ot thoughtful tae<y ireathea a benevoV f grice, ι tenderi Vhich s{ kli AS! Ν Phone 247 for a Plumber « to suit »>*r< 1 «»♦*« Uuti.el· es ' ί· * »><** ιο « β Uj* br«t - t -1 £d Smith, Plumber i<& Oailrg» e;r«<·! 1 'Ml - -1, Old Papers for safe at this office TweiUy cents per a 00 Don't Walk Your Legs Off.. + jLooking/fôr a place to buv Greenes rtheij^^There ι*- no cheaper Grocery house in Ellas County than ours. Wish ing you λ Happy New Year and thank ing you for your patronage, we remain, Phone 54 LEIGH BROTHERS I Well made Chinaware makes the most ornamental decorations, as well as most serviceable for household use. You can depend on the Chinaware we sell {t's perfect in design, well made, and has wearing qualities. *ast sfL.. suciL*. ^ III The Busy Man Can Not Travel Time is too valuable. The *el«-i/"one gi**ee inetant mmuntcation a a d au ewer. Call ''Jftong Die tance" and Âve needless delay. 5outbweetern Teltgraph & Telephone Company. χ * m TOILET SOAPS! Good, reliable Soap, made by reliable Soap makers. Colgate, Lubin, Pears, any of these names on the box is a sufficient guarantee of the quality. We handle these brands, and America holds the grand prize of /lie Paris ex position on Soap. Cçflgate got il. Inspect this stock. \ Particular people will find complete satisfaction in the Soaps we sell. Price runs 10c to 50c a cake. All the leading brands of^ Soap in stock. Herring Sparks Drug Co. (SiKce**9r· te J. S. Herring k Co.) Wholesale and Retail Druggists, I January Selling! MADE BRISK? ♦ ♦ OUR Special End of the Season Clothing Φ Sale is now launched in good & shape. We are cutting prices and cutting them Φ· deep. The stock is double what it should be, and we know the read to stock reducing is Φ PRICE CUTTING. Φ 4 Any Suit that was 23.50, d? . . ^ 20.00 or 18.50, now only J : Choice of Jour 16 50 and 15.00 41 11 ^ Suits for only Φ 11.95 * J Choice of our 12.50 and 13 50 <£ Λ .π ^ Τ Suits for only V'5U # Choice of our 10.00 Suits for <£ « Λ ♦ only Φ 7·95 ^ Choice of our 8.50 Suits for <£ f. — ^ φ only J Overcoats $ We will not quote prices here. In fact we Τ have cut them so deep that we are most X. ash.imed to say how much. Come and see φ %xdadk. ikmfÂ. CÙÂlUli, ♦ ♦