OCR Interpretation

The Waxahachie daily light. [volume] (Waxahachie, Tex.) 1894-current, April 21, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090369/1902-04-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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For the best and
freshest Candies
of all Kinds come
here 0 We have
the goods you want
Users of
will find our etock ju*t
what ia ne«<i*d for re
liable ua^'at all eeae
oni. <'ari»enter· say
our epecially t«m{MTMl
edfre tool* are the befet
they ever bought for
the money. They'll
wear and eattafy.
£.1115 County
Hardware Co.
Bueeennor* to F. 8.
f'r«wik and Howell
Hardware Co.
Buy Your Groceries
M»'nilw r Offer· and Batcher· A«»ociiUlot>
Telephone 10 118 College Stre
Mid-April Bargains
For "W *m>I we place on sale the following choice Items at special
prie··». Sal* Sat unlay, April 19 anil .-nds Saturday, April 20
Ladies' Silk Skirts.
Black Taffeta Silk Skirt*, all
over tuckfd, trlmtned In applique,
full flnunpi·: v» $ 13.Λ0, €11 Cfl
dpwldj'Hcf f I I. JU
Hi ark TafT.-ta Silk Skirl*. circu
lar flounce trimmed with H moir·
band* ^xtra quality *4ft DR
silk: «ai $i"2..V· <ial f lUiuS
Black Taffeta SUk Skirt·, circu
lar flounce·. trimmed with two
row* moire band ami rnflle, and
two (!«-»·}> chiffon ruffles at the
Spffi — »· "· $10.95
Black Taffeta Silk Skirt, hand·
aom*- flou DC» with prrUy insert
ii>K "t medallion and net, 2 rib
bon ruffle·: win $12.Λ) f4A QC
Special «IU.93
Black Taffeta Sitk Skirt, hand
some, deep circular flounce;
an extra valu»· at $10.00 fQ QC
Special #0.9 J
H lack Taffeta 811k Skirt, a splen
did grade, heiw-atitched silk, cir
cular flounce, trimmed Id ribbon
ruffle», waa 18.50 #7 Cft
Social il. DU
Black Taffeta Silk Skirt, circular
flounce, nicely trimmed In ti row·
of ribbon ruffl»·»: was $7.50 #C ftC
Special *0.03
5,01)0 yards Hamburg EdginK and
lii»«-rting, worth eV^c and 10c,
bought under the market C>
value; on «aie at, yd., tlv
i Strf-ci*!» for thi» tjaie: 1 lot
Ladles" Black Twill Gloria Silk
P»ra»of»i~'Jfi in., splendid assort
ment of handle·, steel roda;
»hould btinjf
I iot ladite' itlack Twill Gloria
Silk 20-in. Jrarasol, choice han
dle», me»·! rod·, worth 1.25
Special —
1 lot Ladies Black English cloth
20- in Parasols, ateel rod·:
were fl.00 1C.
Sp««oiai . I vw
Black Taffeta
waa $1.50
- hI —
e; Taffeta. 42 inches wide:
JC— $1.39
; Taffeta 27 Inchea wide:
*»·.75ϊ f\l}P
Special 0121»
Black Taffeta '£ inches wide, in
Swiss oil boiled : was $1.75 H Oft
Special. — V I ·ZU
Black Peau de Soie: $160 M
Special f iiJZ
Black Peau de Soie: $1.00 ftfJo
Special s-, uUw
One pattern Black Raye Soin, 48
inches wide: wai **
Fine Wash Goods.
New Mercerised Waist Goods in
blue, pink, green, tan, red and
white; have sold all tne spring
Silk Mous&elalne with pretty lace
appioue stripe, new shades, green
and linen; was 7.V A Qn
Special 'ruli
Beautiful M ouest-laine Tissue,
satin stripes in pink, blue, gray,
white and black; was $1.00 ΊAn
Special - l*Hi
About 3Γι0 yards Sea Island Per
cale; «ai 10,12£i 71
Speelel L 12
Table Linen.
1 p'ce Bl'ch P'm'sk,2.00, Sp. 1.70
1 " " " 1.25, ,f 98
2 " " " 7">, " 87 V;
1 " 14 " », " 30
Lot· let. 2nd, and 3rd above are
72-inch, lot 4 is 70-incb,X-bIeaeh.
AH other Linens and Napkins at
10 per cent. off.
White Quilts.
Another shipment of these extra
large quilts Just received. Du
ring this sale the $1.25 one at 99c
Special Lot· to C^oee at a iBargain- Hhoe· and Mattings.
Durham Dry Goods Comp'y
H (Boone Corner) Caeb, Plain Figure», One Price (Wax»h»chie)
lev. 0. F. Seasabaugh Delivers
aa Eloqbeat Sermon.
The Knights of Pythias lodge of
VVaxahachie numfwr* mor" than
me hundred and sixty member* and
It is their cuatom to hold an annual
memorial service in memory of de
parted member·.
Presiding Elder O. F. 8ensaL<augh
■ran «elected to preach the'memo
rial sermon. At ten o'clock veeter
:lay looming the Knights assembled*
In their hall and forming in line
marched to· the Methodist church
where the serffcon was preached.
The front pews were reserved for
them. At 11 o'clock the opening
ode was sunjr and a fervent prayer
offered by Rev. O. R. Wriget, the
pastor. Rev. Sensabaugh delivered '
one of the prettiest, most eloquent
and appropriate sermons we have
lately listened to. It has been fa
vorably commented upon by the
Knights and other members of the
T. H. Wear, Ed Hudson, J. W.
Miller and Geo. Coleman composed
a quartette that rendered some ex
cellent music during the service.
In the afternoon the Knights
airain assembled at the hall and
marched to the City Cemetery where
the decoration exercises were held.
Under the shade of the beautiful
trees at the entrance to the ceme
tery Hon. Robt. Wimbish delivered
a short eulogy on the life of J. T.
Booser, a member of this lodge who
met a tragic death in west TVxap,j
and who was buried in North Cam-1
Una. Mr. Wimbish also eulogized
the following deceased members of
Htohewall lodge: Will Fears, who
is buried at Milford; Thos. Graney,
at 8t. Louis; Rube Jeffreys, at
Hrenham; Jim Young, at Ennis;
and a Mr. Austin. The good deed·
and generous disposition of these
departed ones were kindly and elo
quently recalled by Mr. Wimbish.
At the conclusion of Mr. Wiro
bish's remarks the line again formed
and proceeded to the graves of the
following deceased members where
flowers were deposited and a few re
marks made in memory of each de
parted Knight: A. I). Coleman, T.
H. McDuffle, L. M Gahagan, Roger
Hrigjrs, N. J. Nash, Pat Kolon, H.
8. t^uaite, Rush Williams. Robert
Beale, John (libson, Tom Florer,
Jim Walker, Tom Maddox. Of the
above named Α. Γ). Coleman and T.
H. McDuffle died during the past
year. V. Trippet and Prof. Criddle
delivered short address*^ at their
graves. ·
Wanted to See Innocence.
L#*wis King, Mr. Hammond and
J. W. Fudge, father of all the Fudge
boy# In Elite county, arrived in the
city last night from Giles county.
Mr. Fudge called at this office today
to see Innocence Abroad. He said
he wanted to go back home and Cell
hi m wife that he shook hands with
this Individual. They have been
reading Innocence's letters for »ev
eral years and he said that aside
from his boys living here he and his
wife had learned to love Texas by
reading these letters.
Mow t Γ hi»?
We offer On» Hundred Dollar* Reward 'or * η ν
caœ of Catarrh (bat cannot be cured b> Hall's
Oatarr Cure.
¥ J. CHUnCT A 00-, Props.. Toledo. ().
We the anderstghned, have nown K. J. Chener
far the last five rear», and belIve him perfectly
ι honorable In all business transactions and floae
I stall; able to carry out an; obligation made bj
heir firm.
West a Truai, Wholesale. brugglat·, Toledo, U.
Walden. Klnoao Λ Marvin.Whol«e»alc I>ruggi*ts,
Toledo, Ohio.
Hall"» CatarrhCure I* talan Internal! v aettag
direct!) upon the blood and mucous surine .1 the
•/•tern Price, 75c, per bottle. Sold b) all l>ru«
giata. Teatfaioniali free
or- Hall'» VatellT PUIa are the beat
The Lxuht is Waxahachie's tx-st
advertising medium.
Without Provocation Slays An· !
other Nan.
Tom Varnell, who several yearn
apro gained considerable notoriety in 1
the courts of Ellis and Hill counties, j
is in trouble again, this time in I
Oklahoma Territory.
From Col. T. R. Anderson, who
has just returned from a trip to
Oklahoma, we learn that on last
Thursday afternoon at about 5
o'clock, Varnell, without provoca
tion, shot and mortally wounded a
man in the town of Hobart.
It seems that Varnell was drink
ing, and was looking for trouble.
The shooting took place in a
restaurant, and the wounded man
lived until Friday night.
Varnell was at once arrested, and
is now in the Hobart jail.
It will be remembered that several
years ago Varnell killed an old man
named Land, In Hill county. He
was trifd twice In this county on a
change of venue. The verdict of
the first trial was a s«>ntf*nce of
fifteen yt-ars in prison, and which
was appealed to the higher courts,
and was reversed and remanded. In
the second trial he was given twelve
yars in prison.
Anson Rainey was at that time
district judjre.
A few weeks a^o Varnell was
pardoned by βον. Savers, and upon
training his liberty went to Okla
Sinfing Convention at Sardis.
The Kllie County Sinking Conven
tion closed its session at Hardie yes
terday afternoon. The large pavil
ion there wait filled to overflowing
with pex>ple from all over the coun
ty. It is estimated that the crowd
wa* above one thou Hand. The pood
people of Sardis had made every
preparation for the entertainment of
their guests and a most enjoyable
day was «pent. Rev. T. B. ('riddle,
of this city, preached at 11 o'clock t
and his sermon was well received
by the immense throng. At 12:30
Mr. A. M. Curry announced that
dinner would be spread under the
pavilion; that there was an abund
ance for all and that every one was
invited to march up to the tables
and be fed. That Mr. Currv did not
speak without authority was amjily
demonstrated when the good ladies
spread their baskets. There were
all kinds of meats, salads, pickles,
etc., bread, cakes and pies until you
couldn't rest. The writer never saw
a more magnificent or plentiful
spread than these good people laid
out for the enjoyment of their
guests. The hospitality of the peo
l*Je of the K*»dis community is un
bounded, and a more cordial citizen
ship cannot be found within thecon
| fines of the state. The visitor was
! made welcome from the time he
alighted on the grounds, and your
hosts seemed best pleased when you
ate all that was placed before you.
The convention at this place was
a remarkable success, and we here
venture the prediction that whenever
Sardis again asks the convention to
meet with them that it will not be
long in accepting the invitation.
Chronic BroncMtitlCurcd.
"For ten years I had chronic bron
chitis so bad at times I could not
speak shove a whisper," writes Mr.
Joseph Coffman, of M«>ntmorenci,
Ind. "1 tried all remedies available
but with no success. Fortunately
my employer suggested that I try
Foley's Honey and Tar. Its effect
was almost miraculous, and I am
now cured of the disease. On my
recommendation many people have
used Foley's Honey and Tar, and
alwavs with satisfaction." Sold by
B. \V. Fearis.
The full line of Blair's celebrated "p/rfect goods"
stock. We are ready to supply/ any size and most
any color in these goods. Ca^efyi correspondents
have no cause for criticism whbn they use Blair's
Herring-SparKs Drug Co
Whole·*!· «ad Retail Drugfists A Waxahachie, Texas
Clothing Values
THE value of a garment de*
pends in a great measure
upon the manner in which it is
made and trimmed. This is one
point upon which we lay great
stress—not alone the visible parts,
hut the invisible as well. The«
trimmings in a suit of clothes, the
linings, interlinings, etc., make its
real value. Matthews Bros.'
clothes have these good points,
or they would not bear Matthews
Bros.'label. Swell Spring Suits—
$10 to $20
Stylish Spring Hats
Ours is the brightest hat store in Waxahachie. We
show the brightest hat ideas, too. Good hats only
find room in this store—Stetson, Knox, Roelof and
Austin Drew—four good makes in all the popular
shapes ""and colors — hats that give the
fullest measure of value for the prices charged—
$5.00 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50
The largest line of Straw Hats ever seen in this city—
25c to $4.The genuine Panama for $8.50 and 910
Can not be played satisfacto
rily unless you have satis
factory balls, bats, et cetera.
We have the best—Spalding
& Reach's balls, Louisville
Slugger bats, Also a cheaper
line of balls and bats, croquet (4-, 6- & 8-ball) sets
Oriental Drug Store
Prescriptions Carefully lolled.
Job Couldn't Hive Stood tt
If he'd had Itching Piles. They're
terribly annoying; but Bucklen's
Arnica Salve will cure the worst
case of pile» on earth. It has cured
thouwande. For injuriée, Paine or
Bodily Eruptions it's the best salve
in the world. Price 2ό<· a box. Core
guaranteed. Sold by Herring-Sparks
Drug Co.
Don't remain in the dark as to the
local happenings of the city, but
read The Light.
'Tit Eat) to Fool Good
Countless thousands have found
a blessing to the body in Dr. King's
New Life Pills, which positively
cure Constipation, Sick Headache,
Dizziness, Jaundice, Malaria, Fever
and Ague and all Liver and Stom
ach troubles. Purely vegetable;
never gripe or weaken. Only 25c at
Herring-Sparks Drug Co.
It's the best that is—The Liuht.
Pneumonia it Robbed el It» Terror*
By Foley β Honey and Tar. It
stops the racking eough and heale
and strengthens the tangs. If taken
in tiine it will prevent an attack of
pneumonia. Refuse substitutes.
Sold by B. W. Fearis.
Beginning April 1
j We wila. Cut the
Price kkom $2.50 το
$2.00 per Month
for individual line residence service,
with Long Distance Phones.
South w esters Teleg ka γη
A Telephone Company.
Knox's Gelatine
It's Not Like Pie—It's Healthy
It is the purest made. .Jt is granulated for quic k dissolving. It
requires less flavoring than other brands, and makes two quarts
of jel'y to the package.
Leigh Brothers. Phone 54
It doesn't matter who
wants a Piano, wb can
supply it from the
most moderately
priced to the mont ex
p eu Hive η π c h as
Cable Franklin
Fischer Packard
Clough and Warren
and others.
Ross Jewelry Ompany
Graduate Opticians.
Agts. for Siuger Hewing Machines

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