OCR Interpretation

The Waxahachie daily light. [volume] (Waxahachie, Tex.) 1894-current, July 09, 1902, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090369/1902-07-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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FemaJe Regulator j
A vegetable liquid for Koverninjf at '
eqaaliamx the flo*r of women s menvs
which occur abort once in ever)· lunar ,

κ tb® aaaaeH»! "t pnw«rfal berb».
IfKtii··, r»tl«b'·· and'h«rtn.«»t in natura,
eimpHctty and »r .a- r.
It la a conirttt»ud nwnc» b*«» adapted
for woman · 4c!:cata or(f«oiam and put ο
aaeb term that It In not ■•nly palatable, bat
nil ha prop»rly aaaitmlatad and takjn into
the *vat«m
ft(oppaK*a, »ορ|ΐΓ»Μπ,ο, jMi'nfa! oha'roo
tlnn. trr*tularit». >( the mm·»» and «ickif
βο.» • r* correct·<! and cur*4 by the f»tfaler
»^mnn'r»tion i t thi* iup«M'ir errrnen»·
niatto·. of periodic nfftwi·
t··· a break--η* down of ce * iising tht
anitooj· n)emtr*n· a-.<1 * reconfltructloa
»fter <"f«rv ticket*·*. whl· h it a<> ompanted
w*\h raark^d cvngei^i η ai, J !o%* of biood
Hoch cbeoii** a:e rrrv «pt to j'tf doc#
cbro««o catarrh. -rhea or Wfeitea ia
th· rretitt of tfce*· !?r:*··»· .".if d ι argea
Regulator « rrti t.*>eaa tr*· -earn! r**!' ft·
to perfec? heaJUl tfc· (Mt>rr.t v|o · u ff * r *4
• be 4#feflitatifig Bay of draftfiat·.
#1.® per bet t toe
fvtif i : «etra* *d bor>k " PeflfCt Health f»r
*A u«*« ire·
tor K«iprf<M»ntAtirf
J M Au>KRl)ica
for IMatrirt Ork:
Tom Bi'tUMoii
Pot Ountt Jariire:
Lee Hawiik*
Pot County n»r»;
Rof* HK!*D&!(E·
Pot Sheriff:
J, P. Mixxice
Pot Coonty Tex Aaeeeeor:
John Mc RiJtov
Pot Tea OellHHor:
BtUJt BkaT* :HBK
For ^oontv riupertntvudent Pab'^li ·
atitH-t.o· .
E- D
For Jaailr·- Pr^fMnct'N'o. 1;
Ε Ρ Α Κ ι»κ »»«»:«. J»
The WorK of the
Printer aaaa
Ktcry ^irlnlir ι« abl»· to do I
*<>«»#- tn)»· kind of w»>rk m j
nul»· Wtter ti at; h*· ο a a do any
otii# r kind. We have {rood tn*u
«»xji»»rt*—In fucti branch.
Etch Job is well handled
Each customer is pleased
Your w»»rk «111 hav»» the at !
[• ntloti which will make· of it a
fl rat-el ft*» pi»»o*· of printing. j
Let ua hav*· it.
Job Office
Phon·» 14ft j
Offict.Over H'-rriri£-.bpark·
linij? Store.
y y
1 am prepared to tr»>at the morphin# J
or opium habit; also whiikey and
tobacco, painleaaly, and I tak»> till·
oirHim <>f attracting tlu· attention of !
thi* unfortunate rlaka to thia eaay
mean a of deliverance from their
Citation by Publication
Tar. i*r*Tgor Τ***»
To l«e s-heriff or aa.v Loanable of EI1U County—
YOl art hsreby tommaaded lu memonl·. ή
Me Doute I b.» making publication of thi»
Citation une# In eat h »etk Tor four »ucc*»st>e j
week» prcvlou» to the return day hereof. to some |
newspaper put)!i.»<-d In «our Count;, «ο appear :
at the next regular term of the District Court of j
ΚΙΙι» ι oust v. to be hoiden at the Court House |
thereof, IE Wnaahachle, on the Hrit Monday I» j
December. A. P. ttttl. the name being the !ir»t day
of Dec*moor, A. D. 1(Αϋ, then and there to answer ;
a petition Bled In said court on the 'ώι.ιΙ day of '
April, A. D. 1902. and first amend» il original pe-1
tilion tiled June IT, A. I), 1W6. In a sun . numbered ι
mi the dockct of said eourt No. βΜΙ, wherein
Kmmu McKonlel li plaintiff and U. Κ McDotiict is,
deft· miaul, and «aid petition alleging in substance :
rutt for divorce, alleging In *ubMaitce I tuai plain
tiff and defendant Were marrw-d in Ualla» Count)
ia lHtr», and lived (ogether a* oian and wife until
ou or about the lit day of May. ltW, when the de
fendant left the bed and board of plaintiff, with
intention of permanent abandonment, alnce w hich
th*> plaintiff Mi not heard from hit», and know » ι
lot hh «beteabout*. Wherefore «lie pray» for
llvwee aud general relief.
Herein fail not, hut bave before «aid court, at
It* aforesaid next regular tern, thi· writ, with 1
your return t hercoe, t>bow tag how you have ex
eaated the taaie.
Witness W «. Κ I'M HI E, Clar of th« District
t*urt of Kill* County. ί
ttlven eader tny hand and the seal of said eourt,
at office la Waxafcacfci·-. tbu the 2Uih day of Jan.
C«rt tlW tbe D 'ulet i
wmrt, aniaceanty
fj fe.f. KKMbIc. Deputy
eerttfy thi* to be a true ot
Sheriff Elîu Coaaty.
aopy.S.C. SWIEATT,
■y BEN r ABBOTT, Deputy.
HiuOL * . » \ι f ι I ;
One Thon.«;tn<l Uo &«u»r ιύ« £ «■
taped Oregon (on vict.

Be Etnpud from a Honse Wih Po«rn
li Sight after Trlug HI* Prisoner
t· a Tree— HI· Capture
fierw ι Possible.
Seattle, V»»«V, July F :f91
Tra eey, the fugitive Oregou cou» let, |
who baa killed r<x men and wounded
teveral other· since June 9. ia bel·*
hotly pursued by men and dogs In the
country southeast of Seattle and nay 1
te slain or captured within a few
hours. His pursuers bave with then
two fine bloodhounds and are only a
•hurt distance behind him
Tra<ey made another e*trsordinary
*s< ape from one of the posses Tues- ι
day. Word was received at the sher
iff's office that Τ race y had been at the
house of Mrs. Oerald at Trenton for !
tve hour*. Fifty armed men at once
hastened to the scene. When they
reached the place, the." scattered and
took positions so they could watch
the honse to the be>t advantage.
Tne peculiar actions of Mrs. Oerald
convinced them that Tracer was still
In the bouse. On the arrivai ai Sher
iff Cudahie the pomee entered only to
learn from Mrs. Gerald that Tra/ev
hat: given tliem the slip. He had left
the home by a rear door ten minutes
previous while the posse were takins:
up their position* to watch the place,
hid for a few minutes In some of the
bushes and then quietly slipped away
through th» woods toward Palmar The
wonderful nerve of the convict wt>
ttiever more fully exemplified than in
this instance. In the t»a< k yard of the
Oerald hom? was found Anderson the
man whom Traeey bad kept a prisoner
front the time he left Port Hudsoo i
tied to a tree. Tra< ey had tied An
derson to the free while the posse
was in full view of the house by mak
ing his escape
The bloodhounds were let loose on
hi* trail and are reported to lw> only
• few minutes behind him. l'ully *
thousand armed men are now <τ _atreι
In the tmrsult. inclining a po-**» tvfytch
has taken the train for Painter to in
ter' ept Tra< **y in bis flight toward Ce
dar mountain.
W <ι·Ι M *n Cif»« tte#*t
G jfhrle Okla . .July f| Following a
nwtft chas#, Um co*\hj\% and Indien»
«m thf» Outer τ*·*» vvatlon bave suc
ceeded tn capturing- an aliened wll<l
:mau «ho in h!» rational moments
iglve* h!» name an John Podgett, *nd
'«ays h» ha» frémis in Indian* St.
>c)ui« an<1 Arkansas For three *wli«
le terrorised the vi<!nlty by prowling
About with a lor.p d:rk in his hand*
,and Ȕ'h this he cut the rop five times
when l&ssœd by the cowboy*. He was
f.naily cornered. knocked down with
ta club and while unconscious »as se
curely handcuffed Hp *a a turned
iirer to the authorities at Pawnee
«I»·*«··· nrrUon "rnt * 4
CMorado.K.tn . Jul* 9 -Jeasle Mor
if mob. convicted Junt· 2H of murder In
th« ser-ond degree fi>r killing Mr». Olio
Cattle at the latter* home here In
June. !!<ΛΛ, ha» been sentenced to 36
vi-«r» In the pealtenlirry. Motion for a
new trfal was, overruled. Mies Mor
rison, *ho ha* gone through thre»·
trial*, took the sentence with Utile
fallow of demonstration The case will
{tie appealed to the slate supreme
'«•our! At her second triai Mise Mor
'rlson was given but rtve veara.
flfhl iKintif Nurrw··
Texarkana Te* July 9—New*
reached here through Π Γ l.umkln.
It vingt * few mile* west of Atlanta,
of a shooting affray on hi* plantation.
■\m . and »VU«y Johnson. brother·,
and Anderson Galloway all negroes!*.
Iwere implicated lu a fl*ht growing out
of domestic trouble As a result Will
Johnson I* fatally shot with a charge
of buckshot. Mr. Johnson reports
considerable excitement among the
negroes on hie plantation as a result
of the shooting
Will Ν«»ι II# P»rtnili«<l.
Washington, July 9.-*Coni plaints re
ceived at the war department that cer·
tain tea* hers la th» Phelipplne» have
been trying to Influence children to be
come Fm-'s^arvie have been swat to
Acting Gosernor Wright with Instruc
tion# to have the practice (topped. The
teachers will be Informed that It la no
part of the policy of the government to
navehny religion taught In the schools.
Kxl Kan Mud·
Springfield, 111., July 9.—The fvonth
mail on the Baltimore and Ohio South
western railroad made a record run
Tuesday from Washington. Ind., to
East St. Ix>uis, a distance of 1&5 miles
in 18S minutes. Including six stops
which averaged 5 minutes each, mak
ing the actual running time 158 minu
tes. The train consists of an engine
and six coaches.
HhootiuK N»«r
Marlow, I. T., July 9.—A shooting
took place at a brush arbor four
miles east of this place, In which
Charles Briscoe received a mortal
wound in the head and Ilus Wyatt
a alight wound in the knee. Both
these men and Wlllard Briscoe, a
brother to Charles, wer.i plated un
der bond.
CnfrMniu n>rll«ll Knumlnltil.
Macon, Oa., July 9.—Congressman
Charles L. Bartlett was unanimously
renominated for the fifth term by the
Democratic convention of the sixth
congressional district.
* »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ > «»♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦
Don't wante your time and energy—
rmt an art In "the want column today.
If you don't see the opportunity
you want, try an ad yourself.
"Try it once and you wHl try it
WANTED. — Fight «τ ten boarding
horses at barn corner of Jackson A
Jefferson streets. Apply for rates
atbarn. White's Transfer Co. M
FOUND—Pair of gold rimmed glass
es. Enquire at this office. H4
LOST A Bundle containing black
lacedress goods with Jolesch A Chas
ka wrapper. Finder rewarded if re
turned to the Ll<;HT office. ltp
FOR RENT Nice five room resi
dence with hall and bath room.good
cistern and city water, splendid
barn, garden and large lot. Will
rent only to responsible party. Con-j
veiilently located 011 Htreet oar line.
First class neighborhood. Can give ι
possession at once. Address P. Ο. |
b·»* Ô7S or enquire at the Daily
Light office for particulars. tf |
LOST—AO umbrella at Sim's ball
park when last game of bast- ball
was being played. Finder return to
this office and be rewarded.
Wanted to Kent—2 η η furnished
rooms. Apply at this office. sj
WANTED—Everybody in Waxa
hachie to read this column every
day. It always contains interest
ing ads.
KOI'ND—The place to fiave umbrel
las fl*ed, lawn mower· sharpened,
sewing machine* cleaned, keys and ι
snrings for locks, etc. Arthur Mc
Roy'a gun shop, real \V. K. Moore's |
grocery. 101i
(■UK >ΛΙ.Κ -harm 111r*-»■ miles from
town. Good water; well Improve.
For ternie address Box 304. S4
WaN I'KD To sell .VI sacks cotton
seed meal. Ί V»«- last for the season.
Those whit will iif-ed an y mort· be
fore coming season, secu re same at
"I»·'* Waxahachie ( otton Seed Oil
company. 84
< ΛΓΊΙΟΝ:—Buy you » ten c·· 111
rnl«· and measure the wood frame
when you buy your wood. J. A.
Syoco. 82 !
THE NEW BAKERY on Cottage !
I strt-ec 1» now open for business.
The beet is· the cheapest always.
Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. R.
Boehle, the baker. 105 |
WHKN you need a tank of water
"phone No.Ht). H. I). Rosser
LET me till your water wants. H.
I>. Rosser, 'phone No. sti.
Κ<·Κ βι DAYS ON I, Y—During the j
month <>f July I «ill sell cord wood
at fft.00, for cash only. Guaranteed
t«ι 1m· ffood, dry wood. J. A. Synoo,
Telephone 99-.ι. Slip I
WANTFI>—Hit) more suits to clean
and press. K. Perrin, at Wear's
New Century Store.
FORHALK—At a bargain, a house|
and lot near the public school.
Apply to V I). Kemble. tf
LOKT—Your opportunity to sell
your house is umT if you don't
us»· this ciilumn. Everybody reads
It just lib.· you are reading it now.
It will cost you but little to adver
tise it.
J<> 15 PRINTING quickly and neât-I
ly done at the Enterprise Job Office.
We especially solicit commercial
printing, folders, booklet·, cards, I
etc. Beet facilities in the city for j
quick execution.
PRESSING, cleaning and repairing.
Will take order· for suits as soon
hs sainples arrives. The·' Farley,
110 Main-st., rear of Citizens Na
tional bank.
graduate of the American School of
Oet«*onathy, of Kirksville, Mo., is
now located at "JG8 West Franklin
street and le ready to receive na
tients. Consultation free, and lit
ature upon application.
Your Life away I
Y chi cat π be cured of anv form of tobacco using
easily, be made wp|l, strong, magnetic. full of
new lift and vigor by taking NO-TO - BAC,
that makra weak men strong. Many gate
ten pound* in ten days. Over 300,000
cured. Ml druggist* Cure guarauteed. Book
let and advice l-RKK. Addreas STKRJLING
ΚϋΜΚυν CO., Chicago or New York. 43?
Cures Consumption,Coughs,
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma^
Pneumonia, Hay Fever, Pleu
risy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness,
Bore Throat, Croup and
Whooping Cough.
Price 50c. and St- TRIAL BOTTLES FREE.
Mm) u4 lui· Οβ«η Arc ml Oat
la W«H Virgl·!·.
Charleston. W. Va.. July 8.—Prose
cuting Attorney C. W. Oesenton ol
Fayc/tte county wan here to see Gov
ernor White to ascertain if something
could be done to check the federal of
ficers in the enforcement of Inunc
tions. The governor being absent a!
Mountain I>ake Oseenton conferred
with Federal District Attorney Atkin
•on and Federal Marshal Thompson.
Thompson reports a reign of terror in
the mining districts. He says Deputy
Marshal Cunningham is acting as
guard for the operators and is enforc
ing Injunctions on everyone. Marshal
Thompson said Cunnringham had au
thority only to serve injunctions, but
not to make arrests and that his bus
iness of guarding property was a per
sonal matter.
Oseenton says the people are much
wrought up over the situation as the
depmty marshals are using their posi
tions as federal offlcers to enforce tbe
authority as armed guards and that the
civil rights are made subordinate to
deputy marshals who carry winches
ters. The constable of Fayette county
arrested Cunningham on a warrant
from a Justice court charging him with
an affray, and because of that Mr. Cun
ningham arrested the constable on a
charge of interfering with a federal of
ficer and ordered him before the United
States commissioner.
Sbf»t Hi* \% If*· η η <i i4 Friend
New York, July 8.— Karl van Boerk
man shot and killed his wife, fatally
wounded O. F. Farwell, a friend of his
family, and then sent a bullet through
his own h»>ad here. The shooting oc
curred at th·» home of Mrs. von Boevk
man in the upper part of Manhattan.
A sister of the dead woman said Von
Boeckman had served 18 months for
burglary In a Massachusetts prison and
♦ hat in the meantime his wife had put
two of their five children in an insti
tution. allotted another to be adopted,
and supported herself and the other
two. A few months ago Von Boeck
man went to live with hie wife in the
fiat where the shooting occurred, but
the man took to drink it is said and
treated bis wife so bedly that she caumg
ed his arrest and this caused the trag
Mari* Mob Par Far*.
N'»w Orleans, July 8.—Conductor
Mikhell of the Texas and Pacific re
fused to allow forty men to ride from
Chopin to Boy ce. a distance of about
forty miles. The men went to Chopin
to assist in a race riot, but there was
no trouble and they decided to go
botne. They boarded the train at
Chopin and when Mitchell went around
for tickets the men refused to "pro
duce. They declared that they would
not pay.
"You either pay your fares or stay
out in the woods all night.' said the
conductor. "If you don't pay pretty
soon I'll run the train onto the side
trai k."
The forty men, who were all big.
burly fellows, armed w«ih Kins of
every description, saw the conductor
was In errnest, and paid.
Not λ OmididAti·
Indianapolis. July 8.—Senator Albert
J. Beveridge. who is In Indianapolis,
was asked about a Washington dis
patch published in a Chicago paper
saying that general opinion ther®
seemed to be that President Roosevelt
will be nominated by acclamation,
with some western man for vice pres
ident—Beveridge, Spooner of Wiscon
sUi. or Dollivar of Iowa, preferred.
As to whether he would be a candi
date for vice president in 1904 Senator
Beveridge said
"1 will, under no circumstances, be
come a candidate for vice president
end at no time have I been consider.n*i
the matter. I am content with m»
work in the senate."
Μ r- *t Snpm«n.
Norman. Okla.. July 8.—The most
destructive fire in the history of Nor
man broke out in the city Monday
afternoon. The fire originated in a
wood"n structure on South Main
street, with a strong wind blowing
from the south, which carried the
flames toward the row of br^-k and
stone buildings on the op[H>site side of
the street. In a very short time IS
wooden buildings had been consumed
entailing a loss of |15.00jit to $20.000 on
buildings, and possibly as much more
on their contents
Elfht Fn»oo«r* Κ«ο*ρ·.
Nacogdoches, Tex., July 8.—Eight
prisoners broke jail here Monday
morning, three of whom are charges!
with felony, the others with misde
meanors. They are all negroes. Those
charged with misdemeanors did not
leave. One of th-era notified the sheriff
of their delivery, while another notified
the jailer. The Jail is old and rotten.
They made holes through the walls of
two cells and escaped by going through
the floor of the third oeil. A contract
to repair the old jail has been let.
Bought by (ho Friw«
St. Louis, Mo., July V—The Arkan
sas and Choctaw railroad has been
purchased by the St. Louis and San
Francisco Railway company, giving
the Frisco road ninety miles of new
ly constructed track through the Red
river district In the Indian Territory.
It is stated that the consideration was
about 17,000.000. The formal trans
fer will take place on July 10.
I'nknown Man Killed.
Beaumont. Tex., July 8.—A couple of
boys who went to Beds bayou, Orange
county, on a fishing expedition ana re
ported finding the body of an unknown
man near the Kansas City Southern
railroad where It crosses the tracks
of the Texas and New Orleans. Th«
boys say It was a white maa. and thai
it was horribly mangled, evidently bj
the cars.
H«jr Kill» R!tn««lf
San Antonio, July 8.—Leon Jackeun
aged 14 years, while out hunting nea
the Union stockyards Monday aftei
noon, accidentally shot and k'lled him
qtlf, tue ballet piercing the heart
. Buy Your Groceries!
I From
Member Grocers and Butcher· Asîbeiation
Telephone 10 118 College Street
■· ········ »···♦**· · *·*«#♦·« J··»··»· ···· · · ···
ΙΛ/® have bcugbt the frVerl and Koel baaioeM of W, Κ. I
Jennings, on College Street, end now are prepared *
to give tbe people of Waxahacnie an> thing to oar Hoe OB 4
■bort notice. Prompt delivery. . . . · «
Waxahachle Feed & Fuel Company *
We have come as:ain; we are here to stay. Ae long as
this ad stays in this paper we will sell cordwood for 12.76
per cord, cash. Phone us your order. ——MÛ _ *
Stone Brothers
Will Ralston & Company
will appreciate your orders for anything In
« the line of Groceries and Feedstuffs....
Free delivery .-tore on Rogers street
(/ΙΕ ΛΑ To California
φτ^3·νν and # Return
"Sap" and "Sunset Route'
Account of the Biennial Meeting Knights
of Pythias, tickets on sale August 2nd to
lUth inclusive, >food until September .'50th to
return. Stopover allowed, and return trip
may l>e made via μ diverse route. Low rates
to Portland, Oregon, on same dates, and
through sleepers to California and Mexico
without change
For folders, illustrated literature, schedules,
all particulars, et cetera, write : : : ·
Sunset Route, Waco. City Pass. Agt., S. A. < A. P. R'y
Sap" Texas Coast Resorts
Summer Excursion Tickets fi() day limit)
on sah- daily to Corpus Christi and Rock
port. Kate from Waxahachie to either
Corpus Christi or Rockport is $13. Apply to
your local ticket agent or write : :
E. J. MARTIN, G. P. Α. φ φ San Antonio, Tex*
Summer Excusions
at special R<mnd Trip Rates via
Cotton Belt Route
ASHEVILLE, X. C., and return, one fare, June 12 and 13.
NASHVILLE, TENN., and return, one fare, June 12,13,14, 27, 28. 29
and July 3, 4 and 3.
KNOXVILLE, TENN*., and return, one fare,
June lj, Hi, 17, 27, 29, and July 10, 11, 12.
ST. LOUIS, MO., and return, one fare, plus $2, June Hi, 17, 21, 24.
CHICAGO, ILL., and return, one fare plus $2, June 16, 17, 21, 24.
I CHATTANOOGA, TENN , and return, one fare, plus $2, June 25, 26, 27
MONTEAGLE, TENN., and return, one fare June 1, 2 , 22, 23, 25.
I In addition to all the above special rates, the Cotton Belt Route will or
I lune 1 place on salt· round trip tickets to summer resorts in Tennessee,
Virgina, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, New York and Canada at greatly
reduced rates, limited till October 31 for return.
I For full information write any Cotton Belt agent, or
Τ. P. Α., Waco, Tex. Τ. P. Α., Fort Worth L Ρ A Τ A, Tylet
THE I. & Ο. Χ.
International & Great P»orthern Railroad Co.
; Through Cars and Pullman Sleeepers Leave Waco Daily for
Mexico San Antonio
Austin Houston
Galveston Coast Country
South and Southwest
Texas Points
Superior Passenger Service
Fast Trains <3 Modern Equipment
— If you ar<· poing anywhere see nearest agent, or write
L. TRICE, 2nd Vice-President and General Manager, Palestine.
D. J. PRICE, (ieneral Passenger and Ticket Agt., Palestine, Tex.'
This office is prepared to do your printing ir the
best manner and as cheaply as the foreign
printing houses. Bring or send us samples
of the stationery, gin books, etc.,
you are using and get our prices
We can interest you and
guarantee to give you
Λ first - class work
. -L· * -Vh>>■' ■ · tii;f VVi V···

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