OCR Interpretation

The Waxahachie daily light. [volume] (Waxahachie, Tex.) 1894-current, March 17, 1903, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090369/1903-03-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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Fresh Lowney's Candy
and all other kinds of
fine Candy in today
φφφ i
Souvenir Saint Patrick's |
Pipes here |
JD HIKIITG Both Phones Î
• O· JLlliNIL/Cj Number 32
" ^ ▼▼▼▼ f ffif f · ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ ▼▼▼▼▼▼ ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ ▼▼▼ w ψ W
Leigh Brothers
Both Phones ------ No. 54
The Magnolia Flour
Has Arrived....
Order a stcK and have good
biscuits again 0 a a
Jim Kelleher
Mouth Hidf H q 11 » r ·>
Diamonds, Watches. Cut Glass,
Silverware, etc.
Repairing a Specialty
All 0«*w1· Rnarbt H»r» Κη*Γ·τΗ Krw ο I Char*»»,
Te Fooii or Any County
\Γ·. λ
. md r j
Prompt, p«rf*ct μ·γτ!ο«». AU Une»
metallic circuit. Long Dtetanc*»
Hutfn»·· I'hon»· . .. M.flO * month
Rfililoiirc Phone.... U iW it month
No |»«rty
Ellis Co. Independent
Telephone Company.
"ham ON tVtflY PIKCg."·
Chocolate Bonbons.
Gretk-Aroerican Candy Kitchen
Ht Usa* M
IV» τ°* «Mt a Κ·ι», or n>tfcla« U
S*·" : :e M/panrf i)M«>!|.e«Utt3,riitaf pita*
R. S. Ρ R I IN
««etts W4*. *«{ β·* Ueit'u': :
h % «'*4 & ...
Farmers Going Ιο Work.
"Πι*· farmera of Kill» county are
already planting corn and sowing
■ oat· lu aome placée, e «penally on
(I:·· high land, mid if thi· wo«|!)»r
continue· planting will be geueral
kit over the county hi * few «lays
it U believed by »ouu· that it is a
little bit late to plant mm, and for
that reaaon it ia very likely that the
cotton acreage will he it»crea»ed
very largely. The farmer· gener
ally are expecting thai thi· will be
a good crop year, and aince it haa
• topped raining everything lu thi»
part of th· •tat·· la aaauming a very
busy appearance aud confldt-nre la
j being rentored.
Puejutouta Follow· a Cold
but never follow· the uae of
;Koley'a Houey and Tar. It atop·
! the cough, heal· and Rtrengthena
the lung· and afford· perfect aecur·
■ it y from an attack of pneumoia.
KefuM •ubatitutea. Hold bv H. \V.
Business Meeting.
The regular monthly buaiueaa
meeting of the Kpworth League
will he held tomorrow night at the
cloae of prayer meeting aervicea.
Several new uiemb«'ra to be elected,
official and committee reports, etc.
All meinbera are urged to be prea
ent. Ct-'ixm Hryant, Pre·.
Dangera of Pneumonia.
A coldjal thia time If neglected ia
liable to causa pneumonia which ia
•o often fatal, and even whan the
patient haa recovered the lung· are
weakeued, making them peculiarly
auaceptihle to the development of
conauaiptiou. Foley'a Honey and
Tar will atop the cough, heal and
atrengthen th® lunga aud prevent
pneumonia. Bold by B. W. Kearia.
Preacriptlona filled promptly aud
correctly at the Orientai Drug store.
Ttiomaa à Moore, proprietor·. 9U
Foley'·; Kidney Cure makea th·
kldaay· and bladder right Cou
tale· nathintr injurious. Bold by
B. W. Pearl·.
Election forVeting Electric Light !
Bonds Will Net be Held.
From recent development· it ap
pear· that no election will he held
on April 7 for the purpose of determ
ining whether or not Waxahachie
et)ail issu»* bonde for the establish
ment and maintenance of an electric
light plant. The election has been
declared off, for the present at least,
for the reason that the ordinance
under which it was to have been
held was defective.
City Attorney Chapman was seeu
this morning by α reporter in refer
ence to the matter and he made the
following statement:
"It is a fact that the election will
not be held because of the reason
that the ordinance was not drawn
up to conform to the statutes. I
never saw th«> ordinance until the
night it was read before the council
and passed by that body, and con
sequently I do not know who wrote
it. Th»r·» were two or three defects
In it which render it of no force. In
the first piace it did not specify how
long the bonds were to run or how
much interest they should draw. In
other instance the ordinance stated
that the bonds were to be used for
establishing, maintaining and o(>er·
ating an e|*»rtric lijrht plant. Bonds
can be issued for the establi«hment
of the plant, but not for its opera
tion, this being expresslv forbidden
by the statutes "
Mr. Chapman said he did not
know what further action would
b# taken with reirard to the matter,
but supposed it would come up foi
another hearing before the council
at its next resmiar meeting·
Trinity Victorious.
ignite a largf· crowd wa* out at th«
grounds of the University Athletic
Association jfit*rdajr afternoon t<
Se« the first genie of baseball of th«
icuoa played between the Dalla*
league t<*am and the Trinity Univers
ity nine. The exhibition of thil
ever popular game nave verygemr
al satisfaction and iu spite of tin
error* arid fumbles a f«-w good play*
were made. During the first twt
Innings It looked like Dallas would
wipe up the earth with Trinity, bui
iu the last half the Dallas buys be
gau to weaken and Trinity kept th»
score keeper busy marking talley·
At the end of the game the scor*
stood: 'trinity 11. Dallas Ô.
His Sons are Succeeding.
G. W. Oolliday, who own* a gooc
farm near Eyrie,! wa* In the citj
yesterday and said that his soni
w.-re scattered iti different direction»
o\er the country. One is attending
the Agricultural and Mechanica
College at Hryan, one ha» a goor
position in the machine shops ai
Cleburne, one is an artilleryman it
the Unites States army and is locat
ed at a post in the state of Washing
lngton. His captain say· he is t
fine shot and is making a good re
cord. Another son is located on s
ranch near Han Juan, Mexico, ant
writes to his father that he is sue
e»eding splendidly and has l*id b\
about UtM). These boys were rais
ed on the Anderson ranch In Kllii
Cough Settled on her Lung*.
"My daughter had a terrible cough
which settled on her lungs,'' khv«
N. Jackson, of Danville, 111. "\Vf
tried « great many remedies with
out relief, until we gave her Foley >
H oney and Tar which cu»ed her."
I<*' i »·· m t>*t i t il t f-i. S ·Μ ». y Κ W
Crop aim C nattie Mortgagee u«ms
iu stock. Orders tilled fur any quan
tity desired. Also bill of sale books
for stockmen. The Enterprise.
Returned From Abilene.
Will H. Davis of Waxahachle, J.
O. Wilson,Otey Smith, Will McKin
ney, Ed and Tom Pheian and Joe
Clanton of Avalon, and Fat Martin
of Italy, returned yesterday fr >m
Abilene where they had been as
witnesses In the case of the state of
Texas against John Pheian, charged
with horse theft. Pheian was con
victed and given four years in the
penitentiary. The offence was com
mitted last winter the full account
of which appeared in this paper.
While at Abilene several of the
above named gentlemen visited the
farm of Walter Hale nine miles from
that city. Mr. Hale moved from
Ellis county to that section about
four years ago and is said to be
succeeding splendidly.
Mr. J. O. Wilson owns 040 acres
of land in Jones county, on which
his son is located. Mr. Wilson says
he paid an acre for the land
and could dispose of it at a hand
some profit, but doesn't care to sell.
Childr* u's Coughs and Colds.
Mrs. Jue McOrath, .ΧίΤ Ε 1st St.,
Hutchh son, Kao., writes: "I have
given italiard's Horehouud Syrup to
my children for coutfhs and colds
f'>r the past four years, and I find it
i the best medicine 1 ever used." Un
like many cou«b syrups, it contains
. no opium, but will soothe and heal
any diseas··· of the throat and tuners
{quicker than any other remedy.
125c, 00c and 91.00 at Hood A Mar
Will Appear at Trinity Univer·
sity Soon.
The department of oratorv of
Trinity University announces the
coming of Mrs. Jessie Eldridge
Southwick, of Kmerson College of
Oratory, Boston, Mass., on the
evening of March 24. Mrs.
Southwick is the wife of Mr. Henry
Lawrence Southwick, president of
Kmerson College, the largest school
of oratory in America.
Mrs. Southwick enjoys the envia
ble reputation of being one of the
finest impersonators in this coun
try, and Waxahaehie, as well as
Trinity University, should feel
proud of so rare an opportunity to
hear this gifted woman. It is
through a strong personal friend
ship existing between Miss Randle,
instructor of oratory at Trinity, and
Mrs. Southwick that the latter was
induced to make a tour of Texas.
In the regular professional en
gagements of Mrs. Southwick she
never appears for less than |130 and
$200 an evening, but owing to her
personal plans she will appear at
Trinity for a much less amount,
which enables the department of or
atory to sell tickets for theoccasion
at the reduced rates of ΓιΟ cents for
reserved seats and 35 cents for gen
eral admission tickets. It is hoped
that the Waxahaehie people will
avail themselves of the opportunity
to hear this beautiful interpreter of
human mind and nature, which was
secured through the untiring efforts
of Miss Randle.
Miss Handle says of her interpre
tation of Shakespeare's plays:
"Could Shakespeare hear Mrs.
Southwick on his Macbeth, Hamlet
and other plays, he would exclaim,
'The dead can live a^ain.' "
Disturbance· of strikers are not
nearly as irrave us individual disor
der of the system Overwork, loss
of sleep, nervous tension will be
followed bv utter collapse, unless a
reliable remedy is immediately em
ployed. There's nothing so efficient
to cure disorders of the Liver or.
Kidneys λ s Electric Hitter*. It's a
wonderful tonic, and effective ner- '
vine and tlie greatest all around j
medidine f<>r run down systems.
It dispels Nervousness, Rheuma- !
tism and Neuralgia and expels Ma
laria frernis. Only 50e, and satisfac
tion guaranteed by Herring Drug
Co., Druggists.
A City in Trouble.
Muncie, Ind.—The City .Council is
in a quandry over its electric light
plant. The present one is inadequ
ate, and the City is bonded more
than the constitutional limit so that
It can not build a new one. It is
probable that a contract will be
given a private company. —Munici
pal Engineering, Febuary, 11*13.
It Saved His Leg.
P. A. Danforth.of LaOrange, Ga.,
suffered for six months with a
frightful ruuniug sore on his leg;
but writes that Kucklen's Arnica
Salve wholly cured it in five days.
For I'lcers, Wounds, Piles, it is the
best salve in the world. Cure guar
anteed. Only 25 cts. Sold by Her
ring Drug Co., druggist.
Club Meeting
The Phrilrai Culture rlub met
this morning with Mrs. Κ. H Orif
fin οι» Oldham avenue. Tt··* next
meeting of the Hub will be held at
the Armory o\er J. S. Campbell
Λ Co.'* store.
April J Imperial Util Kinger* at
Triuity I'uiversity.
April 7.—City and eleetrio light
bond «lection.
April 11. City fccbool bond » lec
April 12.—Easter Sunday.
April IS —Dr. Γ>. Κ. Fox, at Tria-1
lty University.
Marcli 27·—"Tenting On the Old
Camp Ground," at the opera house,
by home talent.
Cure* Sciatic Rheumatism.
Mr*. A. K. Simpson, Γι09 Craig
St., Knoxvilie, T«nn., writes, Juue
10th, ItftW: "I have bwu trying the
bath* of Hot Spriuge, Ark., for sci
atic rheumatism, but I get more re
lief from Hallard'· Snow Liniment
than any medicine or anything I
have tried. Kudosed find postofflce
order for #1 00. Send nu- a large
bottle by Southern Express." Sold
by Hood A Martin.
Weather Forecast.
Tonight aud Wednesday unsettled
weather, probably showers.
H. AL* !ttl> ln SMïiUÏ»,
ffioivtinff parlors
Opposite Campbell <k Co..
on Franklin Street.
SPLENDID place I )T recreation.
Persons desiring- to give bote!»'
ingparties can secure exclusive
use of the parlors upon application.
Big Seed Corn Sale.
D. H. Thompson sold 40 bushels
Orayson Co. c<rnto Manager Forbes
Monday to plant on the poor farm.
This is the bigest sale of the season»
Here is the way it is going:
J. S.Davie · lf> bushels
V. W. Gibson 10 "
J. W. Singleton 12"
Capt. M. T. Patrick 10 "
J.J. Rodifers - 8
Tom Yates 5 "
Too numerous to mention others.
Best tarmers are buying it. ltd-w
The ladies should see that nice
line of Papeteries at the Oriental
Drug Store.—Thomas A Moore, pr<>
pri-'t'-r-. 'M
Equalization Board Adjourns.
After being in session four days
the city equalization board adjourned
yeeterdav afternoon. Another meet
ing will lie held M arch 25 and J<> for
the board to hear complaints from
those who have been notified .to ap
pearand show reasons why their as
sessments should not be raisnd. The
board is composed of the following
gentlemen: J. W. Martin,chairman,
J H. P. Nelson and Κ. H. Griffin.
•On next Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock, Mr. I
George Bellar, representing the Eastman Kodak Com- I
pany, will give a public demonstration of the kodak II
developing machine at our store. Mr. Bellar is an II
expert along this line, and we invite our friends and II
the public to visit us during this demonstration#^** ||
Wholesalt ami Retail Druifists * Waxahachie
» ι
that nearly every one has
ί a Telephone when you
considei our rates of 51
to 5- a month for resi
j dences andSl.50 to ;?3 a
' month for business
houses : : : : :
Won't you let us
Plac· one for You?
U manager; he win eeml
λ eollcitor for your contract
The Southwestern
Telegraph and Telephone
We Make
..To Measure
All the new imported and
domestic Fall and Winter
materials to be made up
for men's wear are here.
Those who want first
choice must come before
the assortment is broken.
The best makers of Eng
land and the United
States are represented in
the goods, and our tailors
are ready to make them
up in the latest styles,
with finest workmanship,
to please men who like
to have their clothing in
dividual. Let Mr. Brown
show you the goods at
your earliest convenience
Cleaning and Pressing done
in the best manner AAA
At C'otule Mealer'a
Wftxahatiiie : . . : : T«xu

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