OCR Interpretation

Palestine daily herald. [volume] (Palestine, Tex.) 1902-1949, April 19, 1906, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090383/1906-04-19/ed-1/seq-4/

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Entered In the Palestine Toxas Poetoflice an BecondOuws Mall Matter
Published Every Afternoon Sunday Excepted
Take you heed or
thlB As sure as you
Hvethe producers are
the feeders and cloth
iers of the world
1390 Robert II or Scotland died
1529 Name or Protestant derived
from protests against the decrees of
diet of Spires
15C0 Philip Melanchthon coadju
tor of Luther died
160S Thomas Sackvllle Earl of
Dorsett Lord Treasurer of England
1CS9 Queen Christina or Sweden
1707 Jean Gallois French critic
1721 Roger Sherman horn at New
ton Mass
1751 John Banks English author
1775 Battle or Lexington
1782 Holland acknowledged the
Independence of the United States
1787 Dr Herschel discovered three
lunar volcanoes
1S13 Benjamin Rush distinguished
physician and statesman died
1824 Lord Byron George Gordon
died Born Jan 22 1788
1831 Cabinet of Washington dis
1859 William C Bouck governor
of New York died Born Jan 7
18G1 Sixth Regiment of Massa
chusetts attacked by mob in Balti
1867 Creton victory over Turks at
1872 R A Westmacott English
sculptor died
1880 Independence of Albania pro
1881 Benjamin Disraeli Earl of
BeaconsOeld died born December 21
1804 V t
cienUs died D neb lTSu9
18S3 Attempt to blow up London
Times office
1887 Alexander Mitchell railway
magnate died
1892 Bering Sea modus vlvendl
adopted in United States senate
1893 Marriage or Prince Ferdinand
of Bulgaria and Princess Marie Lou
1894 Duke of Hesse wedded Prin
cess Victoria bf SaxeColburgGothq
now divorced
In the face of such disasters as the
one that visited San Francisco the
world stands appalled and the
thought is brought home to every one
that it Is a great truth that Man
proposes and God disposes
Up to the very hour of the de
struction of the city by a terrible
earthquake the citizens had no warn
ing of the Impeding danger The ebb
and flow of life was serene and nat
ural A busy day had come to Its
close without incident and the popu
lation was wrapped In restful jcpose
excepting those who toll at night and
in the early hours or morning The
doomed city was on tho threshold of
another busy day But that day was
Ushered In amid scenes never
dreamed or by those peoplu What
terror What destruction Theele
ments of destruction were at play
with all their fury Men saw loved
ones crushed to death or trapped
like rats and roasted to death The
saw pioperty the accumulations of
years of toil swept away at a breath
It was awful
The people or that doomed city are
no doubt many or them In need or
aid many or tbem are hungry and
must be fed The civilized world will
lespond to the cry for help
Tonight Is the night
The Herald had it all yesterday ex
cept the red head lines
The Campbell Club will be organ
ized at the city hall this evening
Lufkin Is to build a 20000 opera
house What is Palestine going to do
for an opera house
The Denison Herald says a town Is
advertised by Its own citizens Yes
and sometimes the ad Is not a good
The Palestine strawberry Is begin
ning to ripen now and very soon car
EDiTona xxcd Proprietors
The Hamilton Boys Yon Know
By THE YEAR 1600
Among freemen
there should ba no
masters but Justice
and duty and love of
right and fellowman
load shipments will begin to move
There Is something doing all the
time In the truck belt
Everybody in Palestine will want
to be a chaiter member of the Camp
bell Club Be at the city hall this
Palestine fishermen continue to
have good luck and bring in good
strings of fish and strings or lies
about the ones they did not catch
Yesterdays Herald was In big de
mand many people out or town want
ing copies sent on the first trains out
of the city Still some people do not
think a telegraph newspaper is worth
much to a city
No country on earth is free fiomt
disaster It may not come in an
earthquake a fire flood cyclone or
other of the usual disasters Very
unusual things sometimes happen It
may be a plague of insects or cholera
or yellow fever or something else
never yet heard of
General Manager Trice of the I
G N has served notice on the city
that the fire house standing on the
companys rightofway must be
moved The Herald never has partic
ularly admired the location of that
unsightly old building in such a con
spicuous place and if the general
manager will have the site now occu
pied by the fire house converted Into
a park we will second his motion
The whole continent was shocked
yesterday over the disaster that be
fell San Francisco in our own coun
try These calamities seem more ter
rlble jthel fnearer homeVthey are
bfought There Is always the dread
and the question where next San
Francisco possibly had as little rea
son to expect an earthquake as Pal
estine has today yet it came with all
of its attending horros
Tom Campbell Clubs are being or
garilzed all over the state There Is
no necessity for such an organization
In Lufkin Practically everybody is
for Campbell anyhow Lufkin Trib
Same here but the friends of
Governortobe Campbell are going to
keep busy in his behalf just the same
Every vote counts as the election law
now stands and we dont want to
lose even as much as a few votes by
taking things for granted We want
to hear the Campbell men speak out
In meeting on every possible occasion
Panola Watchman
The more the Herald lenrns of the
way business of the state Is handled
at Austin the more It becomes con
vinced that there Is great necessity
for an entire overhauling of the
tnelbods or handling public business
In short the state or Texas needs a
business doctor who will go through
the different depaitments and point
out the defects in the present meth
ods and show how they can be done
away with It Is a business proposi
tion and should be met In a business
way Denison Herald <
Col Toin Campbell Is making his
campaign for the democratic nomina
tion for governor on a business plat
form and ir the Herald Is sincere lu
what It says it should fall In Hue and
give him Its hearty support It Is
questionable however that the Her
ald believes that tumbles with state
business at Austin are on account of
the routine methods employed It
probnbly knows as does every one
else that when Influential politicians
want to nullify a law or the sacred
grafters get In their work a method
adequate ror the occasion is adopted
Section 120 or the Terrell election law
Is not the only enactment nullified af
ter It had passed from tile legislative
body Sometimes it Is deemed ex
pedient to garble or eliminate the ca >
tion and tlieie are various other
methods which are convenient when
It Is deemed expedient Heaiiniont
Of the many announced candidates
for governor Judge Hell Is said to
have more Influence with the big poll
Iv Sis t i
g afe fc
tlcians and is generally regarded gjfs
the administration candidate But t
Is very likely that the common j
pie will have an opportunity to dd
some Independent thinking and yok
ing this year and their choice will
most probably be Mr Campbell TITS
Kosse Limestone County CycloneJt
For some reason we know not
what the Impression seems to pre
vail in political circles thnt the race
Tor governor Is between Bell aftd
Campbell This Impression ratajgV
have been started by the polltlcSi
prophets at Austin last week gjqj
have always thought that the fit
who beat Tom Campbell would
the nomination but we have yettjjj
be shown that Bell Is any Strom
than the Dallas man Judge Broj
Graham Leader
A Campbell Club Is to be organ
in Houston not because he Is ar
pecinl rriend to Houston but
caus ho Is capable honest just
a friend to all Texas lioaur
Hon T M Campbell of Pale
who aspires to be governor of Tj
will open his campaign formalf
a public address at our neighbor
of Athens In Henderson county
the Cotton Belt railway be
Waco and Tyler next Saturday
21 By a happy coincidence thai
pens to be San Jacinto Day oi
anniversary cherished by T
The Tribune has not seen any
written advance sheets of
Campbells forthcoming address
therefore does not know what
going to say We have an fj JC
that he
though is going to say somel
things that will sound well to Texasls
people that will call to mind thejeras
of Coke and the Old Alcalde andfgu
Ross and Jim Hogg That idei
based on the fact that Mr Campbell
perhaps more so than many othei
Texans drew his political tramps
and inspiration from the men weinava
named He Is from the same school
of the same breed and It hasflfjjg
nlshed public men who were equal
the emergency when It came and
never fooled or broke faith wlt jfl
people who trusted and honored tbnr
The people want to hear of cours
what a mans Ideas and pollclosiari
and the people read the platformslo
political parties That is customjwla
In the game
But Is It not a fact that the people
of Texas have about reached a JxamS
of mind where in considering mauler
of politics and government thegnal
thing Is THE MAN It looks S
way Ithrsrln other sUuta ur
not In Texas Folk and LaFollgl
just to give two Illustrations
their victories on their personal
chiefly so rather than the pla
of the parties behind them Th
pie know that parties sometime
nore platforms but the people
confidence In the courage in th
ity in the purposes of these m
strive for reform and right and
government Human nature
changed by state lines The
of Texas are yearning as they
not done in years for a leader In
affairs who is strong able fea
sincere and who above all can
lied on to stand up with and fo
people In the struggle of the massBI
against the deplorable tendencl
the times That Is the yearnlrl
the people right here In Texas
If any man doubts it let him ge
and talk with his fellow citizens
only with the farmers but wfthl
business men the mechanics of
towns even with the profess
men There hasnt been a U
miiiv years when the people In 8
state seemed to yearn as now fjMjn
man who would come with strtflg
clean hands sincere and feariesAtn
the helm or state and faithful toyfrie
lieople govern with justice andJi
triotlc purpose And when the pgople
fix on the man they believe they can
trust note how they will rally torhnd
stay with him Tlie people are think
ing and waiting and watching as jtijiej
have nut done in recent yearsA nitl
they will see the way clearer laterihn
Waco Tribune
Hy Our Wise Man
The visible supply of coal wlll lbe
come less visible as time passes
It was shmular that Dowle should
have supposed the reform wave was
going to miss Zinn
Whats In a name Zlon the place
or heavenly rest continues to leal all
the other boomsettlements In the per
capita or trouble
A poem by Mr IcCurdy brought
30 cents the other day The Mutual
policy holders would hardly bid more
than that for Mr McCurdy himself
Any one who wants to enrich his
vocabulary should bu > a ticket for
Zlon City on the day of the scrapping
or the First Apostle and Vollva et al
Mr Carnegie varied his usual pro
gram by kissing a number or pretty
women at a library meeting In At
lanta Still we have been led to
look iiM > n Mr Carnegie as different
fiom other Pittsburg millionaires
Be Our Guests SS i
At Our Camp in Maine
All Railway Camp and Other Expenses
of every boy who goes will be paid by
There will be Fishinjr Swimming Rowing Mountain
Climbing plenty of fun and wholesome healthy
living and wc payall the expenses < JYour parents
will gladly Jet you go when they leam of our plans for
your happiness and our precautions for your safety
jnr Any boy under eighteen who sells the magazine is eligible for membership in The
VL o > s Camping Club If you want to go write at once ask us to send you details
JJ together with ten copies of the next issue of the magazine The copies uilKbe mailed
to > ou entirely without cliarge These jou can sell at five cents each and thus provide the
money lot the following w eeks supply at the w holesale price
Hill information will go with the magazines including a twentypage illustrated booklet
A Boys Qunpihg Club telling how to become a member and another booklet Boys
ho Make Money giving clever plans of some successful boy agents Write today
J2 jft UAUU Who bo GoodWorKYEXTMONTH
The Curtis Publishing Company 172S Arch SL PhUidelphia Pa
Smiling Faces guaranteed
with every packap of laundry
work wo doll verw Youwillsmile
of the beanjl
j UiTuh wo give your
starched goods
Wo aro careful to dampen tho
seams of fold collars before shap
ing them This softens tho starch
and prevents the in6n com
cracking by being bent when
This Ib just one instance
of the caro wn take to
give entire satisfaction
In doing jour work
If wonronctfrottlngyourwork
mako tho chango today
Martin Steam
Latin dry
Frank Martin Prop
SIX Spring at Phona
For Slomucli and
Uimel troubles II v
or and Hidings and
all diseases due to im
pure blood or weal
ncrve > Small sue
tabids 25c large
izc 100 At Drug
1 ts in black boxc
I not nd lor I lthi
trul box to
IliisseM s Nillve
Herb Coniiiin >
nlumlMlt lil ut
Sun 1 rant ltti Ctfl
For Snle 1 BraUon Drujr C n
The Best
That is the kind of Printing you get at tho HeraldOffice
The largest shipment of Stationery ever opened in Palestine
just received Let us print some of it for you
Everything From a One Inch
Label to a Book v
PHONE 444 i
Holiday Excursions
to points in Mississippi Alabama Tennessee Georgia
North and South Carolina Florida Kentucky Arkan
sas Kansas Colorado North and South Dakota
Iowa Minnesota VVisuonMti Michigan Missouri
Tickets on sale December 21 22 23 limit 30 days
To thk Southeast
via Memphis the Hock Island offers advantage of
through car service to that gateway aud Union Depot
connections there avoiding transfer across town and
delay to passengers or bnggago
To the Nohtii V jst or East
we have be < t service quick time good connections
Ciiioauo and Return
one faro plus 2 December 16 17 IS 19 limit Decem
ber 26 account Live Stock Exposition
Throuoh Sleepers and Chair Cars
to Chicago ami Kansas City daily
For a Trip Anywhere
write ine for rates routes etc and full information
will buhentyou at once Give me names of friends who
expect to make a Holiday journey and I will advise
them also
G P A C R iZii G Ry
Fort Worth Texas
MODEL CANNEBIs the money maker for fruit and
truck growers In Texas I will < o > tract for the output
of tho Horiel Canner op to 100 carloads of tomatoes
peaehuf and berrlea Want 10 carload of canned toma
tnoa in July Plant plenty of tomatoes buy a Model
Canrer get bnsy and make money See mo and the
Model Uannor at Board of Trade Rooms
Lp ww Jf d < H I

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