Special to the Herald
Paris April 20 The Btatue of Ben
jamin Franklin presented to the city
or Paris by John H Harjes the bank
er was unveiled today with great cer
emony The statue stands on the
Rue Franklin not far from where
Franklin dwelt when minister from
the struggling colonies In honor of
todays ceremony the vicinity was
richly decorated and the houses were
festooned with the French and Amer
ican flags
The literary exercises of the day
took place in the Trocadero Palace
a short distance from the Rue Frank
lin The principal address was de
livered by Prof Albert Henry Smyth
of the American Philosophical Society
of Philadelphia
Professor Smyth said in part
It gives me great pleasure to rep
resent the chief republic of the new
world on such an occasion and to be
the interpreter of the good wishes
and messages of friendship which the
citizens of the United States convey
to the citizens of France The sight
Special to the Herald
San Antonio Texas April 20 The
Northern Settlers Convention for
which preparations have been in pro
gress for nearly a year opened in
this city today with several thousand
visitors in attendance and more ar
riving on every train
The purpose of the convention Is
to acquaint prospective settlers from
the north with the advantages offered
by the Lone Star State to set forth
In a comprehensive manner the great
natural resources of the state the
fertility of its soil the perfection of
its climate and marvelous increase
of its wealth and population during
the pastfew years The Industrial
J 4n seniBj flal iqWSouthwest rrcra 11
roadsyare5inrattendance ahdtwlllrconji
fer on plans for fostering the immi
gration movement
The spring carnival Is In progress
affording a wide variety of entertain
ment for the visitors In addition
they will enjoy the annual celebration
of San Jacinto day which takes place
French Squadron Due
Special to the Herald
Washington D C April 20 Ac
cording to advices received by the
navy department the French cruiser
squadron which is to be present at
next weeks ceremonies attending the
burial of the body of Paul Jones at
Annapolis will arrive In Chesapeake
Bay this afternoon or early tomorrow
morning The French cruiser will ar
rive at Annapolis in division forma
tion under the command of Rear Ad
miral Campion who Is on board the
flagship Marseillaise Rear Admiral
Bradfords cruiser squadron Is to
meet the visiting warships outside
the Virginia ca > es and escort them
to Annapolis
Minnesota Pedagogues
Special to the Herald
St Cloud Minn April 20 The
members of the Northern Minnesota
Educational Association certainly
have reason to feel proud of their an
nual convention In session here today
The attendance is large and the pro
gram the best ever prepared for a
meeting or the association Promi
nent among the participants are Su
perintendent Darius Stewart of Still
water Superintendent M L Jacob
son or Atwater Superintendent H E
White or Little Falls Superintendent
Paul Ashles of St Cloud Superintend
ent F W Dobbyn of Wllimar and
Proressor Richard Watson Cooper or
Debate Fifteenth Amendment
Special to the Herald
Forest Grove Ore April 20 The
debate between the teams of the Uni
versity of Washington and Pacific
University of Oregon takes place here
this evening and promises to be the
event of the college year The repeal
ot the Fifteenth Amendment to tho
Constitution is the subject to be de
NebraskaWisconsin Debate
Special to the Herald
Madison Wis April 20 The de
bating team or the University or Ne
braska accompapied by a delegation
of students and Instructors is here
for tonights contest with the Univer
sity of Wisconsin The visitors will
of this statue will serve to awaken
our sense of gratitude and revive our
recollection of the treaty of alliance
contracted between these two great
nations when the American republic
was In Its Infancy Permit me to ex
press the wish and belief that the ties
of friendship so early established be
tween these two great republics may
never be broken
Professor Smyths address was
greeted enthusiastically by the as
semblage of six thousand people that
filled the great auditorium of the
Trocadero Included among those
present were the American Ambas
sador and his aides leading members
of the American colony in Paris the
President of the French republic the
members of his cabinet senators and
deputies members of the Academy of
France and other leading lights In pol
itics literature science and public
At the conclusion of the literary ex
ercises the chief participants were es
corted to the site of the statue In the
Rue Franklin where the unveiling
took place Here President Fallleres
delivered a graceful speech accepting
support the negative side of the ques
tion Resolved that In some indus
tries at least in mining and railroad
ing it would be good policy to require
employers to pay compensation to
their empolyes for Industrial acci
dents Much interest is manifested
In the contest This is Nebraskas
first debate with Wisconsin and will
decide her place In debating among
the Big Five universities
Intercollegiate Debate
Special to the Herald
Northfleld Minn April 20 A live
ly interest is displayed in the debate
here this evening between the chosen
representatives of St Olaf College
and Gustavus Adolphus College The
subject is Resolved that complet
reciprocity should be established be
tween this country and Canada The
two colleges have engaged In two de
bates with honors even so that the
present contest is in the nature of
Rev Farleys Birthday
Special to the Herald
sixtyfifth year today and was the
recipient of numerous congratulations
from churchmen and laymen in New
York and elsewhere His Grace was
born in Ireland In 1S42 and came to
the United States shortly before the
civil war In 1892 he was made
coadjutor bishop of New York and ten
years later became head of the arch
diocese on the death of Archbishop
Kansas School Men
Special to the Herald
Lawrence Kas April 20 The
third annual state conference of su
perintendents of schools high school
principals and instructors began to
day at the University or Kansas The
purpose of the conference which lasts
two days is to exchange Ideas In re
gard to school management college
entrance requirements scholastic ath
letics and other questions of Import
ance to the educational world
Nebraska T P A
Special to the Herald
Omaha Neb April 20 Commer
cial travelers fiom every nook and
corner of the state trooped Into
Omaha today for the annual conven
tion of the Nebraska division of the
Travelers Protective Association
Headquarters for the gathering were
opened this morning at tho Paxton
Hotel and the business sessions will
bo held tomorrow at the rooms of the
Elks Club A preliminary banquet
takes place tonight with a number of
prominent traveling men as speakers
Waco Musical Festival
Special to the Herald
Waco Texas April 20 Many vis
itors are here for the Waco spring
musical festival which opens this
evening and continues over tomorrow
The affair promises to be one of the
most brilliant of Its kind ever held In
the Southwest The entertainment
will be furnished by the Chicago Or
chestra and the soloists and chorus
of the Mendelssohn Choral Club ot
this city
On Southern Trip
Special to the Herald
Troy N V April 20 The crack
drill corps ot Apollo Commander No
13 Knights Templar lert Troy this
afternoon for an extensive trip in
the South Atlantic States From New
York the party will proceed by sea
to Charleston S C where they will
be entertained b South Carolina
Commandery No 1 the oldest com
mander In the country Subsequent
ly Savannah Columbia Richmond
and other points will be visited
And the words of Mlrab
Lc Genie Qui Affranchi
que et
Versa Sur IEurope desiTdrrcnts
de Lumiere
Le Sage Que Deux ll lohlps
Special to the Herald
Portland Ore April 20 Erlniarr
nominations are taking placellnTC r
gon today the first to be hempmaer
the new direct primary law
tlon takes place In June
mary is for state officers including
governor for United StatesjeenaTor
and members of congress jlnterest
centers chiefly in the fighfjiforitho
congressional nomination
sor is to be chosen to Congressman
BInger Hermann of the Firetiatrlct
who is under numerous indictments
for complicity in the land frauaBflarid
in the Second district one Iqashw k1
John Newton Williams whq ttSjepn
ylcted for land frauds
> TntyhAPtrfr < trlrt tho l
are Walter L Tooze of WooKjtr33JTS
B Huston of HHlsboro and Rmpfor
Willis C Hawley of SalejSjgfirhe
friends of all these candldatejKare
sanguine that each will be successful
On the Democratic side tl ietfcamll
dates are P A Cochran of Wjodburh
and Charles V Galloway of McMlnn
In the Second district w hicjjliln
eludes Portland and the entlrg sec
tion of the state east of the Cascades
there Is a spirited fight onflforlithe
Republican nomination jjberoeen
Judge W R Ellis of PendltfOEyil
liam J Lachncr and John Ljjtantlirof
Baker City and George S
of Portland James H GrahnnT
Baker City will be the Democratic
the statue on behalf of the naUdriiahd
the city of Paris The escjffiwjras
formed by a squad of Frencnptroops
and a detachment of marlng
the United States cruiser BroB
At the conclusion of the cere
a salute was fired and thej
airs or France and the Unit
played by the bands
The Benjamin Franklin
veiled today is a duplicate
statue standing in front oM
office in the city of Philadelpl
Is the gift or John H Haf
merlcan banker of Paris
nicipality It is of bronze
designed by John J Boyle
The pediment is by the w <
architect Charlej Knight araj
Hefs thereon arc by Frederi
On the front is the name Bgnjamln
Franklin 170C1790
Prince Arthur Leaves Ottawa
Special to the Herald
Ottawa Ont April 20 ffiflfetya
week of elaborate entertalnmenUgin
Ottawa Prince Arthur of Connaiig lit
and his party left the city iS afxfor
Niagara Falls by way of
The journey Is made over ttieTGrahd
Trunk which lias placed a
posal of the royal tourist ongmtflthe
most luxurious trains ever sejjjplnllhe
Dominion The Prince was
Itnry escort from CovernmentlHSiise
to the Union railway sUUltttflffirhe
party will spend tomorrow atNajfara
Falls leaving in the uftcrnwmjfrfor
Hamilton and proceeding
Toronto where a stay of mx
be made
Dr Henry Coming Ho
Special to the Herald
London April 20 Rev
Henry D D was given a
sendoff today upon his depaiprfe for
America after five years of sd pssful
temperance and evangelical wSrk in
Great Britain During Dr Hqnrys
work In Greet Britain ho baJfc con
ducted over one hundred arid fifty
missions addressing two and half
million people has taken one fjWdred
and thirty thousand total abstinence
pledges anil had twentylive thousand
conventions Upon his arrlvallin the
United States lie will begin aTsories
of evangelistic meetings In jftoston
He Is accompanied by J Raymond
Hennlnger as soloist who hag been
witli him during Ids Kngllsh wo rk
The Parlor Market has meat from
specially fe 1 beef 30tf
The Herald sells rubber stamps of
all kinds
The Herald sells metal
Now rendy with a most com
plete Stock of
New FresH
You are never disappointed
in what yon Buy at
This Store
Give nica Call
Demand Standard
So Don t be deceived
when others offer you
Cheaper Articles
I Bake Only
For Quality
Phone 234
Junt received a barrel of
twenty five year old whiskey
It was mado in spring 1891
and contains only l7 gallons
It is a straight double stamp
pnro Hour mash Bourbon The
U 3 Govormnentguarantees
Its ago proof purity and con
Youll find all Standard Brands
of High Graue Goods at
For a Short Time Only
The Philadelphia Hatter
Formerly v lth John B Stelxon
Fine Soft and Surf IlaU Cleaned Dyed
and Hemodled with New Hands and
Snratbanda name an now
Panama Hats and all kinds of Straws
liltiaihed and Blocked Silk Hats
Ironed and Blocked
Work Dorm on Short Notice All
Work Gun > anteed
Avenue Hotel Oposite Temple Op
era House PaleMne Tens
Wright Kendall
Insurance Lands
and Rentals
First National Bank Building
Tho noted Trottlntr Stallion who
makes it in 230 will bo at my
place for STVlce tho coming sea
son 103 Uirard St Phone 2S4
Fee 910 Instiro Colt 815
L W Meredith
< W
JS jf
Adam Cono Mrs Gideon 3 Goocn
County Abstract Company
We wish to announce to the Public that the Anderson County
Abstract Company and thcGooch Abstract
Company are now consolidated
The books of tho Anderson County Abstract Company
con kt of a complete uptodate index system while the
books of the Gooeh Abstract Company consist of a compete
and uptodate block and map system both Companies being
consolidated gives us two of the most complete systems of
Abstracts known and vvc are now able to give our patrons most
prompt and accurate service while our Prices remain the same
It is important to land owners that they have their lands
abstracted and titles examined now as defects in the titles can
be more easily cured now than at some future date We have
Notary Public in the oflice and arc prepared to take affidavits
write deeds etc
Mrs Oooch requests that the former clients of hor deceased husband
now give their patronago tn tho new firm as she retains
au interest in the business i
Meredith Q Cone
Oflice Reeves Building Telephone No 298
Easter Time
Is a yearly epoch where tho line
botweon Winter and Sring is
frhirply drawn While bathing
facilities are a necessity all the
y par round a properly appointed
bathroom Ii particularly appre
ciated during the warm months
If your hliHe dies not contain a
satisfactory bath with sanitary
plomjinp a conciliation with
Fenton Bums will give you
some ido s of postlve value
Fenton EL Burns Plumbers
614 Spring St Palestine Phone 158
Met four leadlne pens ot Dallas McUregir and Waco 1903 took 7 to 12 pre
miums Including all firsts ana specials lJOl In the hands otcnatomers they
won premiums and attracted much admiration at Dallas Waxaoachle and
SbreTeport La No flock has a bett r foundation or produces a greater per
cent ot 3 to 90 scores Eggs for sale 15 for SI jOO
Eggs Sold Under Guarantee Phone 380 305 Palestine Ave Palestine Texas
The I G N R R has many fast trains throngh Texas traversing
the greater portion of tho State reaching all of the large cities except
ono affording travelers every convenience and comfort to be found
on a modern railroad Highclass equipment and motive power
seasonable timo tables excellent dining stations Pullman Buffet
sleeping cars chair cars and parlor cars and courteous Agents and
Train attendants
Direct to gjyftST LOUIS
The I O N It R in connection With the rron Mountain System
oporatea Four Limited Trains Dally between Texas St Loais ana
Memphis tho Bervice being four to ten nours qnickest and 100 to 160
miles shortest These trains havo Pullman Buffet Sleepers and Chair
Oars through without change and connect morning and evening
In Union Station 3t Lonis with all the Northern and Eastern lines
A la carte Dining Car Service botweon Taxarkana and St Louis
Direct to OLD MEXICO
The I Q N R Rt In ronnection with tho National Lines of Mex
ico oporato Fast Trains Dally botweon Texas and Mexico via Lare
do The Short and Scenic Route which is 302 miles shortest The
cities of Monterey Saltillo San Luis Potosi and Mexico Olty are
reached directly in through Pullman Bnffet Sleepers without change
This route also forms tho new short line via Monteroy to Torreon
aud Durango direct connection with through sleoper to Durango
being mado at Monterey
Excursions natosSPorlodlcally
For complete Information and descrlptlreillteratam
ae I O N agents or write
Gen Pxim i Ticket Agr > nt
AflBltnnfGen Paaa i Ticket Agent
WO eeS > e t ii t <
Located In the Panhandle Oouitry constitute a vast proportion
of those who are out of debt poshos au abundance of all that is
necessary to comfort and easy hours and own
Those who are not so fortunato should profit by past experiences
and recognize that those conditions are possiolo in
asjnowhero olso for the reason that no other section now offers
Really HighClass Lund at Low Fricos
and that tho Agricultural and tStocb farming possibilities of this
section aro tho equal of and in some respects hotter than three
to tlvo times higher priced property located olsewhoro
In a word Many magnificent opportunities are utill open
here to those possessing but little raonoy but urompt inves
tigation and
are advisable as spocniators have inves
tigated and are fast purchasing with a
knowledge of quickly developing oppor
tunities to sell to others at greatly in
creased prices
tolls choap RoundTrip Tickets twice a
week with stopover privileges
For full information write to
Fort Worth Texas