OCR Interpretation

Palestine daily herald. [volume] (Palestine, Tex.) 1902-1949, March 28, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090383/1910-03-28/ed-1/seq-3/

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f we have a
jf Lingerie
you will
igney if you buy
clours here
vas elected one of the commission
aire under the commission form ot
Kovernment about a year ago
Christian Sunday School
liThree hundred and fortyseven an
swered present to roll call in 1 the
Christian church Sunday school yes
terday m ornlng Twelve new schol
ijrs were added Next Sunday it is
jjroposed to run the attendance up to
five hundred and it you do not attend
Sunday school elsewhere you are In
vited tq join us Secretary
L Darn
iyjVlth nn Fdeal Darner fits any ma
chlne Regular price 3Cc special IS
pany on March l to accept a posi
tion in the same territory wtih the
Charles It Ball Lumber company of
Shreveport Mr Bay will continue to
make his home in Dallas and handle
the North Texas territory from this
center He is one of the best Known
salesmen in the state having pre
viously been sales manager for the
Hayward Lumber company before
joining the 4 C people The Charles
R Ball Lumber company appears to
be constantly broadening out and
getting a stronger grasp on a position
at the very top of the heap of yellow
pine manufacturers and wholesalers
and the success of the company is re
markable Nacogdoches Sentinel
At the Christian Church Last Evening
Was a Success From Every
Standpoint Large Crowd
Possibly a thousand people gathered
in the Christian church last evening
to enjoy the special song service by
the choir and others and the sermon
by Itev L D Anderson The church
was packed with an attentive and ex
pectant audience The choir was as
sisted by Miss Frankie Mobleyviolin
ist and Messrs Shelton Werremeyer
and Williams After the voluntary by
Ine was incorporated he was one ot Miss Vinnie Keller the choir gave
he first three white aldermen ne that beautiful anthem By the Rivers
jroes having served as aldermen in of Babylon It is doubtful whether a
he early days of the city He was prettier piece of music was ever writ
Vor a while city marshal was deputy ten and the choir Tendered the same
llstrlct clerk for a lime justice of in a pleasing manner Sjrace forbids
he peace sixteen jears mayor two an individual mention of each num
rears county judge four years and uer but it is a fact that the entire
program was of a high order and
the choir and those who kindly as
sisted them are coining in for many
He Is today a young man the kind compliments today The remainder of
hat grows not old with years Sur
Grounded by his grandchildren often
me would think that he Is in the
> < rgor of youth Possessing that keen
ijflow of wit and humor and optimistic
thoughts he is a welcorne guest ev
r rywhere He was a Confederate sol
dier one of the first volunteers from
thls county and shared the joys if
any the sorrows many of the war
relents at The Fair
v Ted Bays New Position
iMr L Bay better known to the
tjade jis Ted Bay resigned his
j 5sItlon as North Texas representa
t ve of the Central Coal Coke com
the iHogram follows
Solo Mis > s Emliy Naylor
Solo Mr M R Shelton
Anthem bjvthe Choir
Quartette Messrs Shelton Cooke
Wei remeyer and Williams
Duet Miss Teamer Mrs Perkins
Offertory Miss Prankie Mobley
Solo Mr W H Wei remeyer
Duet Mesdames Knrn and Wel
The Christian chinch choir was or
ganized several months ago and gince
organization the music has shown a
lapid improvement Mr Geo R Cooke
is the able director the choir meet
ing for lehearsal Thursday night of
each week The organized choir
seems to have solved the musical fea
ture of the services at the Chilstian
church That people appreciate good
music and that this part of church
work should he kept up to a high
standaid is evident to all who have
given the matter thought Rev An
derson and those who gave the musi
cal program last evening are xto he
At the Temple Tonight
A press notice says
The great five net melodiama
the Shadow of the Callows will be
pipsented by the Ilowaid Stock com
pany supporting the clever young act
ress Violet Veinell at the Temple
Theatre tonight They use all their
own scenery in this production and
ire said to be one of lie best popular
priced attractions in the south
as =
Have no automobile Order your
roast in the evening or early in the
Davis Meat
312 tf
morning or dont kick
= > 1
If its a Skirt you will
find it at THE FASHION
all styles all colors
range of Prices 998
to 298
9Jtfbw Childrens Dresses
This mornings express brought us a shipment of Childrens White Lawn
Dresses in sizes 1 to 6 nicely made and trimmed ranging in Price from 200 to
50c We have also received some Colored Dresses in sizes 2 12 to G at 100 to
50c A shipment of larger Dresses expected the latter part of the week
Wash Skirts
We have also received a shipment of
striped or checked Linene Wash Skirts
suitable for street or house wear and
the price is only 135 and 125 We
also have a nice line of white or colored
Skirts in Repp Linen or Linene at 235
to S IOO
Gingham Petticoats
If you have been waiting for our new
shipment of Gingham Petticoats you had
better come and select a few before they
are all gone We have them in two
styles with plain or embroidered flounces
at 75 and 50c Also graystriped Hyde
Grade Petticoats at 125
New Collars Jabots Braid Pins Nets Etc
We are showing1 some mighty pretty Dutch Collars Jabots and Bows at 50 25 and 15c
Also some pretty Braid Hair Pins and Barrettes at 50 25 and 12 l2c and a new ship
mehtof large Hair Nets at 10c
3jalyeston News Correspondent Sends
Following Facts Concerning
an Early Settler
MTho local correspondent ol the Gal
fareston News sent the following write
tyip oC an Anderson county pioneer to
jifsj > apei7for the Sunday Issue
StyJudge John F Watts one of the
earfy settlers of Palestine celebrated
vhlV 74tta birthday March 22 He was
jiprn in Sumter South Carolina in
1S36 came to Anderson county in
JLlSj > 7 and every year of his life since
vhas been identified withthe interests
rpf Anderson county and Palestine He
WaS marrie d to Miss MIssie E lJurton
Palestine In 1SG1 They are the
of fifteen children eight of
are living six in this city
Watts knows every foot of
imiTln Anderson county By edu
Sn a surveyor he surveyed land
In Jfederson county for his friends in
1 jfhe early days of his citizenship as a
fcfavqfc buf afterward was made conn
Kirveyor and served many years
rle surveyed a great deal of the land
or the International and Great North
srn railroad coming into Anderson
Sunty in the early 70s He often
pow is seen with his staff and some
friends surveying land When Pales
The Revival Meeting at Centenary
Methodist Church Came toa
Close Last Night
The revival services at the Cen
tenary Methodist church after being
in pi ogress for the past two weeks
came to a close lastanight with a
magnificent service Three services
were held yesterday At the 11
oclock morning service the chinch
was crowded to its fullest capacity
with an attentive audience and Rev
Bergln pleached a beautiful sermon
a sermon replete with beautiful
thought and woids showing that the
speaker could be both eloquent and
literary when he chose to preach that
kind of sermon It was a great
Easter message and he large audi
ence gave unusual attention to It At
the close of the service several pro
fessed faith and were received into
the church a number by baptism In
the afternoon a childrens service was
held and was helpful to a number
of childien some of them who had
just gone into the church At night
again another great congregation
filled the church and as isusual tho
last was one of the best services held
during the entire meeting Rev Ber
gln had another good message
preaching from the subject Choose
ye this day this hour whom you
will follow He said that in all prob
ability that was the last time he
would ever stand before this congre
gation and he wanted to plead with
them with all of his earnestness to
take Gods advice and follow Him At
times the speaker seemed
deeply ef
fected and pleaded as a brother for an
others life and his sermon made a
dee impression resulting in
a num
ber of confessions Those who have
attended the sen ices formed a good
opinion or this man of God and the
prayers of the christian people will
follow him in his work
Illinois Rifle Tourney Opens
Herald Special
Chicago March 23 The annual in
door competitions of the Illinois State
Rifle Association opens at the Dexter
Park Pavilion this afternoon and will
continue through the greater part of
the week The entry list tiiis year
Is the largest and most lepresentative
in the history of the associations tour
naments The program provides va
lions levolver and n fle team matches
between repiesentalives of the nation
il guard the police department civil
ma rifle clubs and high school and
academy teams
Havana Entertains Railway Men
Herald Special
Havana Maich > The city or Ha
vana has joined with the railway and
commercial interests of Cuba in pro
viding for the entertainment of the
membeis of the American Association
of Ceneral Passenger Agents who
met in annual convention heie today
The convention uliich will leinain in
session through the week is attended
by lepiesentatives or nearly all of the
leading railroads of the United States
Canada and Mexico
Hicks Capudlne Cures Sick Headache
Also Nervous Headache Travelers
Headache and aches from Grip Stom
ach Trouble or Female troubles Try
Capudlne its liquid erfects Imme
diately Sold by druggists
Carpenter and general repair work
1j y2Jli afc
Another WaterkFamine May Be Avert
ed But It W Take More Rains
jjr Industjous Pumping
City Commissioner Turner and a
Herald man dnwe out to the pumping
plants of the waterworks edihpany
this morning A take note of condi
tions and foi d that the old water
drawn upon for
present This old
very near nor
acking about one foot
of being up to the spillway The new
reservoir has a considerable volume
of water in it but not near as much
as there should be or as much as will
be needed should the summer prove
as dry as It was last year In fact
the new lake Is a disappointmnt
from the fact that it needs and
should have about ten or twelve feet
more water In jt thus spreading over
a much greater territory and in
creasing its efficiency several fold
Mr Branagan was at the old plant
and was trying airon the wells some
of them being partly choked with
sand This however can soon be
remedied and the volume of water
greatly added to by keeping the
pumps going and thus a water fam
ine even though the rains do not
come can iperhaps he averted
Apparently die water in tho old
lake is not of as good quality as that
in the new lake though more bounti
ful Mr Branagan says the old lake
has gradually gained In supply in
the face of the fact that a great quan
tity of water is being pumped out He
claims the inflow is greater than the
quantity pumped out Indications are
that without the pumps rio shortage
of water need be expected until mid
summer mayb e kitef but with the
pumps in use constantly a shortage
can likely be averted even though
sufficient rains do not come
The situation is not as assuring as
it should he at this time of year how
ever and it Is tobe hoped the spring
will yet bring sufficient rainfall
Palestne cannot afford to go up
against what she has been up against
the past two summers
Runaway Horse to Baggage Wagon
Runs Driver Under a Guide
Wire Causing Injury
This aft ijTSnritvfaat nlnutes past
1 oclock a horse hitched to a bag
gage wagon ran away up Spring
street starting somewhere near the
lower end of the business district and
ran the full length of the street to
the small plaza just west of the I
G N passenger station Here he ran
onto the sidewalk at the plaza and in
going under a wire holding a pole In
place the wire caught the driver in
the breast and hurled him from the
wagon onto the paving A second
later the wagon hit the post and was
torn from the harness and the horse
continued his wild run until caught
by a gentleman who threw him Oat on
the paving The driveiwas picked up
by a number of other transfer men
and hurriedly placed in a hack and
carried for medical attention It could
not be ascertained at the time just
how seriousrare his injuries His
name was given as Tony Anderson
Attended Services at Congregational
Church Yesterday Morning
The Knights Templar of Palestine
attended Easter services at the Con
gregational church yesterday morn
ing and the service was a most im
pressive one A good congregation
was present and Rev Crabtree
Pleached an appropiiate sermon The
music was also appropriate to the
day and to the service
Opens at the Temple This Evening
For a Weeks Run
The Temple Opera House manage
ment announce the opening of the
Howard Stock company at that the
atre tonight In repertoire bills and at
popular prices Tills is a new com
pany to this city and to the local the
atre patronsbut they come with good
press notices
Good Weather Forecast
Washington D C March 27 The
governments weather experts pro
claim that the temperature for the
ensuing week will be mild for the
season Tills will he rollowed by
iiins and cooler weather which is
now central over the California coast
and is expected to leach the Atlantic
seaboaid by Friday Another disturb
auce is indicated that should cross
the country between March 31 and
Apill 1 according to the weather bu
i eau
Carpenter and general repair work
Heaid Want Ads bring results d T Michener phone 1001 221m D T Mlchener phone 1001
fo fo XvJiieJiSiLt
pring Clothes
I Am Making Them Belter Than Ever The Sea
son s Woolens and Trimmings are the Neatest
in Design and Colorings Ever Shown
Clean Hpnest Dependable Workmanship
and Perfect Satisfaction to You
You don t have to add much to the cost of a Hand
MeDovvn to have one made to fit you
and that will hold shape
S fifcd years bfdYjtiop er gal Good Table Clarot J100 per pa
WW j Zl21 hneOldhlAokberryWlnebestlnthemarket ThosewlB
t ysg SsS1 havo taken flrat premiums In Dallas Houston and San At
tVS 3ftixifC v tonlo for many years and are guaranteed to be pore la
T Witi5 IS eryrespeot Jngsfonndand wlnetiellreredto any part o
J v he olty free otoaarre
Always remember the full namo
for this si < rnii < on evci box
> 32dMia > r < jtttttr eiijAH
Over Palestine National Bank
Jim Redv me Co
Plumbing ano Tinning
All kinds of repair tin and sheet1 iron work Stoves
repaired and set up and flues cleaned out Give us
your work and have it done right
Shop Corner of Oak and John Streets
I Lead in tlie Fruit Business
In Palestine
Ofiorg Try to Fallow
But I Control Selling Moive Than All Others Combined
And Can Sell Cheap Fruits Are Always Fresh
Tho Original Frlut Man
Ladies and gentlemens furnishing goods I am
now open for business showing a new line of
Spring hats for ladies and children in trimmed
or untrimmed Also gentlemens furnishing
goods I kindly ask my old customers and
also new ones to come and see me
408 Oak St
Next door to Hooker Co Grocers
Should youneed Cotton Ginning Cane Grinding Saw Mill or other
Machinery or repairs for same it matters not by whom made Dilleys
can save you time trouble or money perhaps all if you will consult
them You are deairious of building up Anderson County give proof of
it by first giving home factories employing home labor an opportunity
to serve you aid then all things being equal give them the preference
CxIl on or Addrom
Geo M Billey Soi
V a
istlao ToztaB
Qvm Yogas Own Home
I will provide you with the money necessary
furnish plans and specifications to meet your
wishes supervise the erection and completion of
your house you to repay this outlay in month
ly installments like rent Call on me and inves
tigate this proposition
25 Link Bldg
Made Any Time Day or
Night Rain or Shine
RIMQ 329
Oafarmantsd Grap Julca lorCommui
Ion Purpose end 51ck Chambar i
Old Port Wine 3 years old llBO per jal Sherry Wine
There is OsaSy One
That is
frjswtw ussmne
LmKBiiw Erm Quinin
Im fniW l y

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