OCR Interpretation

Palestine daily herald. [volume] (Palestine, Tex.) 1902-1949, August 19, 1910, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090383/1910-08-19/ed-1/seq-5/

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WANTED To rent > two or three
rooms well furnished Will exchange
leferences Phone 1029 183t
WANTED Intelligent man to sell
county rights new invention used in
every house Small meritorious and
quick selling article State and coun
ty rights for sale Address G M Don
aldson 305 Magnolia St 16Gtd ltw
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
south rooms for rent Apply to No
108 Dallas street 18Gt
FOR SALE The Bie Hassell place
at No 305 Magnolia St Can be
bought cheap if taken at once See
Ed Kingsbury for price and particu
lars 174t
FOR RENT One nicely furnished
southeast room with bath connection
at corner Lacy and North Sycamore
htreets Apply to Clarence Averyt at
Silllman Hdw Co or phone 851 6t
JOR RENT Store room on Oak
street between Gas office and Pales
tine Hardware lately occupied by
The Model Also elegant office rooms
upstairs Building has sewerage
water electric lights and gas Apply
to B H Gardner 89tf
move 2 new 6room cottages with
line shade trees and all modern con
veniences one 4rdbin cottage Box
13 173t
FOR SALE Young full blood black
Minorca and Buff Plymouth Rock
joqsters T S Howard corner How
ayi and Peiry streets or phone
309 166t
FOR SALE My property located
corner DeBaid street and Texas Ave
202 12 feet by 208 feet conssting ot
2 cottages 4 rooms each large barn
on corner lot large garden lot with
grape arbor and some young fruit
trees houses and fence in good con
dition For terms and conditions
apply to owner on place A
Decker 88lm
DRTSACE Olie fiveroom cottage
K Eh room stable carriage and wood
house lot 100 by 172 No 60 west
side of Queen street One fiveroom
cottage bath room servants house
stable and carriage house lot 70 by
115 No E9 east side Queen stre et
four lots with twa small houses on
east < sid ot Queen street two blocks
from Lacy I will sell the above prop
erty at reasonable price and terms
Write or apply to J M Pool 26lm
Wood Saw Notice
l have sold my wood sawing outfit
to Mr J R Cotton and take this
method of thanking my many friends
and patrons for the liberal patronage
given me and ask that you patronize
Mr Cotton as you have me He will
appreciate anything you do for him
in this line and his services will be
thoroughly satisfactory to you
Yours truly
J A Richardson
Phone 1091 81618t
PATENTS procured also sold on
commission Positively no advance
fee Patent Exchange Jenifer Build
ing Washington D C tfF
To the Public
Effective August 11 the price of au
tomobile service has been changed to
conform to the price regulated by
the city ordinances namely 25 cents
for ten blocks or under and 50 cents
for distances over ten blocks A
charge of 250 per hour will be made
to parties wanting to hire cars by the
hour The change is made in order
to enable us to make a small profit
on the business as the prices hereto
fore charged allowed no margin The
new prices are the same as hack
charges and no moie than has always
been charged
i c
> d c bhough fon co
> For Sidewalk Cuib and Gut
< ter and Step Work All
< Work Guaranteed <
jm >
Palestine Texas Aug 3 1910
To the Property TaxPayers of Pales
We have this day passed an ordi
nance calling on the pioperty tax
pay eis to vote on two piopositious
one to issue 17000 in bonds to pay
Lor and improve two public parks in
me city of Palestine one ot about 22
acres to be purchased out of what is
icnown as the ALchaux Grove to cost
12000 the other in the northern
part of the city bounded on Ihe south
by Cherokee stieet on the west by
Conrad stieet on tne east by Queen
street and on the norm of Alkires
Line containing about 20 acres for
3oi0 also 2000 to impiove the
parks one thousand dollars each
And a second pioposition to ask the
propei ty taxpayers to vote on a bond
issue ot 9000 to buy fire fighting
equipment At the present time we
nave but very little fire fighting
equipment and will have to purchase
some as soon as possible if we hope
to reduce or even maintain our pres
ent insuiauce rates
We desire to advise you that the
issuance of these bonds will not in
any way increase your present tax
rate or cause you to pay any more
taxes than you will pay if they are
jot issued They will be taken care
ot in the 25c bond levy for public
improvements that is fixed by law
and cannot be increased but is al
ways levied to care for bonds We
cow have 100m in this fund to take
care of these bonds without increasing
tue tax rate
I Respectfully
A L Bowers Mayor
G H Turner
J H Grant
Jno F Watts
Providing for the holding of an elec
Lon in the City of Palestine Tex
s to determine
Fiist Whether or not the City Coun
cil of the said City shall be author
ized to issue bonds of the said City
in the sum of 1700000 for the
purpose of purchasing and acquir
ing lands for public parks consist
ing of about twentytwo acres in
what is known as the Michaux Ad
dition to said City and of about
twenty acres lying in the northern
part of said City immediately ad
joining and north of Greens North
Hill Addition to said City and for
the improvement of such lands for
public park purposes
Second Whether or not the City
Councl of said City shall be author
ized to issue bonds of the said City
of Palestine in the sum of 900000
for the purpose of purchasing and
acquiring new fire equipment and
apparatus for the use of the said
Cty of Palestine by its fire depart
ment and in fighting and protecting
said City its inhabtants and prop
erty fioiu lues
And fixing the date for the holding
of said election the rate of interest
which baid bonds shall bear and
the date of their maturity desig
nating the voting places for the
several wards of said City at which
said election shall be held and for
tne appointment of the presiding of
ficers and judges of the several
waid voting precincts in said city
to hold such election prescribing
tne form of official ballot to be
used at such election and who shall
be pel muted to vote on said ques
tions at said election and for notice
oi such election to be given to the
voters of the several wards of said
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Palestine
Section 1 That an election shall
be held in the City of Palestine Tex
as on Tuesday the Sixth day of Sep ficeis or judges heiein appointed to
Lember 1910 for the purpose of sub act or the Mayor to appoint some
muting to the pioperty taxpaying qualifed person to conduct said elec
voters or the said City of Palestine tion the officers of such election shall
the following propositions towit be chosen and selected as provided
First Shall the City Council of by the laws governing the holding of
the City of Palestine Texas be au general elections
thonzed to issue bonds of the City of Section 4 That said election shall
Palestine u the sum of 1700000 for be held under the provisions of Chap
the purpose of purchasing and acquir ter 146 of the Acts of the 26th Legis
ng lands for Public Parks consisting
of about 22 acres in what is known as
the Michaux Addition to said City
and about 20 acres lying in the north
urn part of said City immediately ad
joining and north of Greens North
Hill Addtion to said City and for the
improvement thereof for public park
Second Shall the City Council of
the City of Palestine Texas be au
thoiized to issue bonds ot the said
City in the sum of 900000 for the
purpose of purchasing and acquiring
Are equipment and apparatus for the
use of the said City of Palestine by
its fixe department and In fighting
rrttfi f THvW TWMwffafcaMMwajBaaatfc Mi
No 8 arrives at 700 p m
Schedule State Railroad
Wee days mixed train No 1 ar
rives at 1201 p m No 2 leaves at
230 p m
Sundays passenger train No 3 ar
rives 11 a m No 4 leaves at 2 p m
and protecting said City its inhabi
tants and property from fires
Section 2 Each series of said
bonds to be dated October 1st 1910
to become due and payable forty 40
years from their date shall bear in
terest at the rate of five per cent
5 per cent per annum from the date
of their issuance until paid the Inter
est thereon payable semiannually at
the office of the City Secretary of
the City of Palestine at Palestine
Texas or at the National Park Bank
in the City of New York or at the
Austin National Bank at Austin Tex
as at the option of the holder or hold
ers of said bonds and to be made re
deemable at the opt on of the City of
Palestine at any time after ten 10
years from their date
Section 3 Said election shall be
held in each of the four wards of the
said City of Palestine each of such
wards be ng hereby designated and
constituted an election precinct for
such election and the voting places
for said election in the various elec
tion precincts herein named with the
presiding officers of eachelectonprjep stion But the vote on both prop
cinct and voting places shall be as
Election Precinct No One 1st
Ward voting place shall be at the
Court House of Anderson county
Texas with J D Moore as presiding
officer and J E Rose and R J Wal
lace and S V Knighten as assistant
judges of said election
Election Precinct No Two 2nd
Ward voting place shall be at the Re
corders Office in the City of Pales
tine with J D Frederick as presid
H Briggs and L J Berryman as as
sistant judges of said election
Election Precinct No Three 3rd
Ward the voting place shall be at
he Railroad Y M C A Building
I with Chas Jacobs as presiding offi
cer and S E Reed and F D Gilliam
and Jas Healy as assistant judges of
said election
Election Precinct No Four 4th
Ward the voting place shall be at
the office of the Palestine Electric
Ice Company with S A Taylor as
presiding officer and W B Davis E
A Williamson and Will Lyne as as
sistant judges of said election
And the presiding officer at such
election hereinabove named shall se
lect and choose the necessary clerks
for holding said election as required
by law and in case of the failure or
refusal of either of said presiding of
ficers or judges named to preside over
and conduct said election it shall be
the duty of the Mayor to appoint some
other qualified person to conduct said
ure upon the part of the presiding of
lature and any amendments thereof
and only qualified voters who are
property taxpayers in the City of
Palestine Texas shall be allowed to
vote at such election
Section 5 All voters desiring to
vote in favor of authorizing the City
Council to issue 1700000 in bonds
for the purpose of purchasing and ac
quiring lands for public parks as
hereinabove mentioned and for the
improvement thereof shall have writ
ten or printed on their ballots FOR
the issuance of 1700000 in bonds for
the purpose of purchasing and acquir
ing lands for public parks consisting
oi about 22 acres in what is known as
St ssr
ieMlchaux Addition to the City of
Fj lestine and of about 20 acres lying
the northern part of the City and
adjoining Greens North Hill Addition
toffthe City of Palestine and for the
improvement thereof for public park
purposes And all voters desiring
ftvote against authorizing the City
Council to issue said 1700000 In
ibonds shall have written or printed
Mfjtheir ballots AGAINST the issu
ance of 1700000 in bonds for the
purpose of purchasing and acquiring
lands for public parks consisting of
22 acres of what is known as
theyMichaux Addition to the City of
Palestine and of about 20 acres lying
Inlthe northern part of the City of
Ealestine and adjoining Greens
North Hill Addition to the City of
Palestine and for the Improvement
thereof for public park purposes
SEjl voters desiring to vote In favor
offauthorizing the City Council to is
tsuerbonds in the sum of 900000 for
theipurpose of purchasing and acquir
ingNew Fire Equipment and appa
ratus for the use of the said City of
Palestine by its Fire Department
andin fighting and protecting said
City Its inhabitants and property
from fires as hereinabove mentioned
shall have written or printed on their
ttallpts FOR the issuance of 900000
Inf bonds for the purpose of purchas
ingand acquiring new Are equipment
and apparatus for the use of the said
City of Palestine by its Fire Depart
ment and in fighting and protecting
said City its inhabtants and property
from fires And all voters desiring
togvote against authorizing the City
Council to issue said 900000 in
bonds shall have written or printed
their ballots AGAINST the Issu
ance of 900000 in bonds for the pur
P se of purchasing and acquiring new
Fire Equipment and apparatus for the
useT of the said City of Palestine by
its Fire Department and in fighting
and protecting said City its inhabl
tants and property from fires
JteSectlon C Each of said proposi
tions for the issuance of bonds as
herein set forth shall be voted upon
as separate and distinct from each
other and the acceptance or a ma
jority vote in favor of one of said
propositions by the voters at said
election shall not be cbnstrued as an
acceptance or vote In favor of the
one which may be rejected or voted
against by a majority of the voters
nor shall the rejection or a majority
vote against one of said propositions
be construed or operate as a rejeo
tion or vote against the one which
may be accepted or voted in favor of
py a majority of the voters of said
osltions shall be written or printed
on one and the same ballot cast by
each voter
Section 7 Said election shall be
held in the manner provided by tho
laws of the State of Texas regulating
the holding of general elections ex
cept that none but property taxpay
ers in the City of Palestine shall be
permitted to vote at such election
Section 8 A copy of this ordi
nance signed by the Mayor of the
City of Palestine shall be sufficient
l J JAB r 0Wn and Proper notice of the holding of
such election and the Mayor of the
City shall cause said notice to be
posted up at each of the voting places
herein designated for said election
and shall cause the same to be pub
lished in a newspaper in the City ot
Palestine for a period of thirty 30
days prior to the holding of such elec
Section 9 That this ordinance take
effect and be enforced from and afler
itSe passage
Adopted August 3rd 1910
Mayor of the City of Palestine
Attest S P ALLEN
LS City Secretary 426t
This organization will fu niah food
clothing oi other necessities of life
ta the destitute of Palestine after in
vestigation of their needs
Report such cases to
Mrs E E Durham 602 Perry
election and in the event of the fail street If In First Ward
Mrs W H Kingsbury 712 Murchi
sonstreet if In Second Ward
Mrs Webb Wright Kolstad street
if in Third Ward
Mrs S A Taylor 445 Reagan
street if in Fourth Ward
Discarded clothing will be sent for
or received by Mrs Taylor or Mrs
The work Is supported by voluntary
contributions Send checks to Treas
j J C SILLIMAN President
J C OEHLER Vice Pres
ii L D ANDERSON Vice Pres
Aviation Meet at Sheepshead Bay
New York Aug 19 A three day
aviation meet under the sanction of
the Aero Club of America began to
dayipn the Sheepshead Bay race
trackj > Included among the sched
uled particlpants are Glenn H Cur
tiss rJT C Mars Charles F Willard
Eugene Ely and a number of other
aviators of wide reputation
Result bringers
Herald want ado
gP s raH PWSTgt
Be Satisfied with
an ordinary grade
Wear the best
Think of the satisfaction
there is in it
If you will look at the
most successful business
men in this city you will find
most of them are wearing
our work
They realize the impor
tance of having the best
laundrywork and looking
neat at all times
Wouldnt you like to im
prove your appearance by
wearing our work
612 Spring St
Plio e No 2
And see for yourself that J
am leading and that others
only follow in the FRUIT
and VEGETABLE busi
ness in this city You dont
have to take my word for
it People appreciate that
here they get the most for
their money Do you
Tho Original Fruit Man
Phone 1063
All kinds of Hats cleaned and re
blocked I take the old felt and work
it over that makes the Hat like new
I can make your old hat any size
style or color I do the work here
I dont send it away Give me your
work If I please you tell others if
I dont please you please tell me for
I guarantee best of workmanship
Ladles Straw Hats dyed jet black
Parvama and Straw cleaned bleached
and reblocked without the use of acid
710 Main Street
Office Second Floor Brown
Gardner Building
Will do a general practice
without medication or the sur
geons knife Knife as last re
sort Office phone 236 Resi
dence phone 494
Office East of Court Houc
Phone 295 Residence
Phone 449
fr < < <
< <
> Veterinarian
Office Mcley Drug Store
Phone 117 Hospital Harts
I Livery Stable
Residence Phone 315
C 2
> Palestine Texas <
> > > > > > > > >
Office Over Brattons Soring Street
Drug Store
Office Phone 1916
Kflce Hours 10 to 12 a m I to i
p m After supper by ap
Thats what we do Your shirts
and collars are washed Ironed and
shaped by nothing but experienced
labor No rough or broken edges
They look and fit like new ones Your
linen and starch wear will be as white
as snow Ironed just as It should be
washed In artesian water with noth
ing but pure soap If you are in
trouble Put your clothes in our bub
bles We know how We do it
Steam Laundry
Phono 120
Quick Service and
Satisfactory Work
i eiephone Number 2s
Something of
Why go to the trouble of mak
ing biscuits or corn bread when
it is cheaper to buy bread from
Telephone 234
ThePalestine Real Es
tate and investment
Shares in this Association are
selling at par 50 each fully
paid up and nonassessable This
Association has been paying divi
dends for several years pant
Loans are made on property See
Secretary for further particulars
A R Howard President
W C Kendall Secretary
Market and Grocery
For the best fresh and
cured meats staple
and fancy groceries
fruits nuts and can
Phone 465
509 Lacv SI
Transfer Line
New Piano Truck just received
and your Piano moved with
out scratching
Residence 457 Office i09
Office First National Bank Building
= = = = WITH = = = = =
Real Estate Fire Insurance and Col
lecting Agency
All accounts entrusted to my care will
receive prompt attention Rentals
looked after Phone 91 Office No
206 12 Main street
Watermelons on Ice
I am handling the famous Mclnms
watermelon Absolutely the finest
watermelon on the market Have
handled them for 23 years and every
melon I sell I guarantee absolutely
Delivered to any part of the city on
or off the ice Phone 1063 W H
Smith the Fruitman 9tf
Phone 1063 for the choicest ot
peaches tomatoes and blackberries
fresh picked every day 2tf
Herald want ads are result bring
ers three lines three times 35c

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