OCR Interpretation

Palestine daily herald. [volume] (Palestine, Tex.) 1902-1949, December 21, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090383/1910-12-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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In Our Store WeHave the Gifts
Herald Special
Chicago 111 Dec 21 Charles H
Markham president of the Gulf Hefm
ing and the Gulf Pipe Line become shorter until June 21 when
r 1 j elect jie shortest night and the longest day
of the year will be reached
company of Pittsburg was today
ed president of the Illinois Central
Railroad company to succeed J T
Harahan who will retire from the
office next month The new presi
dent began his railroad career i
1X81 when he started as a section
laborer on the Santa Fe In the same
year he became a station agent for
the Southern Pacific at Deming N
M and held similar positions for six
years From 1891 to 1S97 he was dis
trict freight and passenger agent at
Fiesuo Cal and in 1S97 was promot
ed to be general freight agent of the
Oregon lines of the Southern Pacific
company In 1904 he became
president of the Houston and
If you need any assistance
in selecting the article we
can and will gladly sug
gest many things appro
priate for the present
Any articles sold by us
will be engraved free of
From Today on Ypu Can
find me on the counter at
The Co pe land Jewelry
Store Tickle my toes and
se me smile means good
luck to you I wish you
one and all a Merry Xmas
Billiken at Copelands
President of Gulf Refining Compainy
Will Succeed Harahan as Presi
dent of Illinois Central
Winter Is at Hand
Herald Special
Washington D C Dec 21 Today
In the northern hemisphere is the
shortest day of the year and tonight
the longest night Astronomically win
ter will begin at noon tomorrow ac
cording to Washington time the sun
and earth at that hour being at the
minimum point of separation Begin
ning tomorrow night the nights will
Dont Be Hopefess
Jabout yourself when youre crippled
with rheumatism or stiff joints of
course youve tried lots of things and
Ihey failed Try Ballards Snow Lini
jment it will drive away all aches
pains and stiffness and leave you as
well as you ever were
Sold by the Biatton Drug Co
V Indianapolis Has New City Hall
Herald Special
Indianapolis Ind Dec 21 The
vice Inew city hall building was dedicated
Texas Jlhis afternoon with interesting exer
Central and later he was appointedjcises Governor Marshall Mayor
general manager and vice president Shank and five exmayors of Inelian
of the Southern Pacific About eight jUpolis were included among the
years ago he resigned from the South c speakers
ern Pacific to engage in the oil busii
Herald want ads bring results
Is an indication of kidnej trouble It means much to the
victim because the deadly ISrigld s Disease begins in just
such symptoms
Is a successful remedy for diseased kidneys It
strengthens the saffiiring kidneys helps them to
perform their dutiesproperly and by cleansing and
regulating the bowels it drives out unhealthy con
ditions restores strength and vigorous health
Get the Genuine with the Fig ure 3 in Red on Trent Label
Sold by Druggists
fc j jfr a Adsdx g A
Price 100 B r bottle
HUGE 10 51 i LIFE
Colored Population of Chicago Will
Raise Funds to Defend Thomas
Jennings Grand Ball
Herald Special
Chicago 111 Dec 21 The colored
population of Chicago is on edge in
anticipation of the grand ball to be
given tomorrow night the proceeds of
which will be employed in an attempt
to save Thomas Jennings the finger
print burglar from the gallows Jen
nings a negro exconvict was recent
ly convicted of the murder of Clar
ence Hiller whose house he is alleged
to have entered for the purpose of
robbery Finger prints left in the
soft paint on a rear porch railing
were the principal evidence against
the nesro The proceeds of the ball
will be used to carry the case to the
supreme court for a ruling on the ad
missibility of finger print evidence
in a trial
is very important in fact it is
everything when you go to buy a
piece of property You can only
afford one record and that is the
most complete one That is the
kind of record you get if we make
your abstract
Anderson County
Abstract Co
F = s 5 S
We are prepared to care for your wants having the goods prices and competent clerks to wait on you We anticipate a great week in
business Our sales for the month of December so far have been larger than ever before and the closing of the year 1910 will give us we
believe the largest business we have ever enjoyed in any one year before This we attribute to having the goods both in quality quan
ity and price From Tomorrow Tuesday on Mr John W Steele representing C Q Alford Co New York City will be with us until
after Christmas having as already advertised the largest stock of jewelry including WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY of all kinds
and makes ever shown in our city before This stock of 12500000 coupled with what we are now showing gives you an opportunity
of selecting from just such goods as you are looking for We are sparing no trouble time or expense in arranging for such a stock and
do not question being able to supply you with the exactiarticle you are looking for
Did you ever think what
a nice gift anda useful
one too a Kodak
would make The small
est child has no trouble
in the operating of onei
These we carry in sizes from
the smallest to the largest and
in prices from 100 to 3500
Let us show you these
J ewe
> > <
A number of Palestine ladies >
are sending regularly to the >
Board of Trade a choice col
lection of reading master con >
sisting of magazines periodi >
cals etc These are for gratu
Itous distribution to those who >
appreciate reading such publi >
cations as Munsey Ladies >
Home Journal Harpers Ba >
zaar Literary Digest and <
others C A Steine >
Secretary >
Upholstering and Furniture Repair
ing Ed Kingsbury Phone 266
There Is Never a Time During
the dull summer mbnthB when we
h are short on Lockets what do you
suppose we have now to show
Filled Gold Chased Plain Dia
mond Set in fact anything in
any size
No cost for engraving of our goods
Lockets Plain 2oo to 35oo
Lockets Chased 25o to 35oo
Lockets in Diamonds 45o to I25oo
Lockets in Gold Stiffend 25o to 185o
An Appropriate Gift
for fathef mother sister brother or
sweetheart Diamonds Cameos Opals
reconstructed Kubies Signets plain
chased in fact we have them all
When in ask to see the latest designs We bawe it
Opened on Corner of DeBard and Cottage Avenue by
Has a Full Line of Groceries Call and Get Our SPOT PRICES
We have an Al Market with Mr W T XJaniel
to serve the trade with Fresh Meats afld all V
Market Produce Prompt Delivery a Specialty t
Telephone 913
C C Everett Co
Was Jusf Arrived
With a monster train load of good things for Christmas He has hunted California through and has bought
the veiy best California Oranges he also went to Washington Oregon Idaho and Colorado and secured the
best stock of Apples to be had In Baltimoie Md he selected one solid car load of caady over 200 dif
ferent varities more candy than the whole town has together
He has also visited different markets and selected the very best stock of nuts raisins dates dried Iig3
citron and cocoanuts All the above has been bought very cheap I will actually save you onethird straight
through on everything you buy I have bought Celery in such large quantity that I can sell cheaper than
any one else I will also have the largest stock of Oysters that ever came to Palestine furthermore from
eastern markets
I have selected the best stock of Fireworks that could be had for Christmas The price I have paid
for these goods enables me to sell cheaper than any one else This stuff will all be on sale beginning De
cember 14th Dont wait until the last day Buy early and get first pick i
Hoping to see all my old customers and lots of new ones I remain
WW m H m > Iwl f I M m

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