L. N. du QUESNAY, JR. & CO, JOBBERS IN Cigarc and Tobacco Aihl State Agents of the A. DELPIT Factory. New Orleans. Will Receive in a few days A FULL LINE OF GOODS, and INVITE INSPECTION. Volume V.—Number 32 I . CLEARING-OUT SALE! We take occasion to mention to our friends and customers in the City and Country that since we are through with our annual Stock taking, we have made great reductions in all our departments, and are offering Bargains to all those in need of any thing in Dry Goods, Clothing. Shoes, Hats, Ele. to see and be convinced that we mean what w< advertise. Geo. H. Kalteyer, President - Otto Koehler. Sec. and Manager ★ LONE STAR* I BrewingTW” Com’y. SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS TO ARRIVE I! Oue C:ir Upholstered Goods, new styles, very fine. One eur Chamber Suits find Novelties from Grand Rapids, unique and elegant in design and finish. One car Fine, ('heap Furnituie, from best makers. Erastus Reed F. SIMMANG. A. HAMPEL Oysters, Fish and Game. Cafe Restaurants And At Scholz’s Hall, Corner of Commerce and Losoya Streets. and Meals at all hours. Everything served in First-* Ta r « Style. Polite waiters in attendance. 7-2S-6m L. WOLFSON, of fashion/ This Establishment is now Replete with AU the Novelties for the Fall and Winter Season. Fall and Winter Silks and Salins Can be seen in Black and Colored, Plain and Brocaded. Cassimeres (black and colored), Tricots, Diagonals, Serges, etc. Camel Hair and Wool Sat eens. Velvets and Velveteens in all colors, plain and brocaded. Silk Pongees, Dress Plaids in single and double widths, and IST Trimmings to suit all Dress Gloves, Laces, and Fancy Goods. He is now showing the largest stock of Kid Gloves. Mits, Laces and Fancy. Goods for Ladles and Children ever brought to our city. In Silk Hosiery he has an endless variety and cannot be undersold. Fall * and * Winter • iVliliinery All the latest Fall and Winter styles and makes of Bonnets and Hats, Ostrich Plumes, Tips, Ribbons and Trimmings will be found there. This department is under first-class artistes, who will please the tastes of all. Flannels, Blankets, Linens, Cotton Goods, Towelings, Domestic Prints, Ginghams, Alpacas, Comforters. Canton Flan nels and Hosiery. Among the other things which were very extensively purchased by bis agents was the most magnificent stock of Dress Goods of all kinds ever seen in any dry goods house in Texas. Especial attention was given to purchasing Fall and Winter bilks, and can be also give the greatest bargains in Clothing, Boots Shoes and Hats His stock of Fall and Winter Clothing is the largest ever brought to Texas, and em braces, in the latest patterns, Prince Albert. Cutaway. Frock and Rack Suits. A very large and complete stock of Ladies', Misses’, Men s and Boys' Shoes and Boots. A full line of Stetson Soft and Stiff Hats. Also a full stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. FURNITURE AND CARPETS His Furniture Department Is complete with Household Gnod*. and he will suit everybody in this line. A mongot her goods we find Plush Parlor Sults. Mohair Parlor Suits, Walnut and Ash Bedroom Suits, Wardrobes, Chairs, Body Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Hugs. Mat ing. Curtains, Window Shades. Etc. Country orders tilled promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Send for samples. L. WOLFSON, IZoin P:2Z3 nrd Z equia Street San Antonio Daily Light. JOSKE BROTHERS. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. FRIDAY, JANUARY 15. 1886. COOK AND GIBSON. They Take Their Trial for the Murder of Young Russell. Excitement in the District Court One Witness Fined $5OO Description of Accused Their Antecedents. About SCO or 400 people bud assembled in the District Court thin morning, some of them prospective jurors, others witnesses, but the great bulk consisting of spectators who had been drawn by the morbid curiosity that usually at tracts people to anything outside the law of nature, ami possibly this is never more obvious than when a man or woman appear before a tribunal charged with the crime of murder. To day is the day fixed when Cliff Cook and Lily Gibson take their trial for the murder ol young Russell at the latter's bagnio I'he facts of this tragedy are still fresh in the recollection of the readers of the Light, and the circumstances of the crime, being peculiar, considerable in terest is excited in the community as to its ultimate result. At 10 o’clock two deputy sherifls led the two prisoners into court, and imme diately commotion took place among lhe crowd ; even the legal fraternity displayed curiosity at the appear ance of the accused. Lily Gibson en tered slowly, and her features, which are regular and prepossessing, were those of a woman who was about 20 or 2S years of age. Her face was deadly pale, the pallor of it being heightened by the black bonnet and costu t e she wore. Ciitl Cook, who Is alleged to have been the principal in the murder. Is about 2S or 30 years of age. Hi-fea tures are small and bis build is slight, giving one the impression that he is ol delicate constitution. He was almost as pale ns his companion. Both of them were perfectly composed. After a short conversation with .Mr. M. G. Anderson, who together with his brother. T. 11. Anderson, and Hon. A. J. Evans, are their counsel, Lily Gibson expressed a desire for a glass of water, which was brought her, both she and Clitl < ook sipping a few drops of it. Another hum of excitement was presently heard, which was caused by the appearance of Judge Noonan ascending to his judicial bench. District Attorney George Pas chal and Major T. T. Teel, who repre sent the State, at this juncture rose and approached Sheriff Nat Lewis, and soon after the sheriff began calling in sonor otis tones the names of the various wit nesses for the prosecution and defence. Some delay occurred, owing the chief prosecuting witness not answering to his name; this was Mr. Jones, who was with young Russell on Ihe fatal night he met his sad death. Soon how ever, he made his appearance, and immediately he did so. Judge Noon an summoned him before him, and after delivering a severe reprimand, lined the tardy witness $5OO. The defendant's counsel informed his honor that one of their chief witnesses, named Breeding, bad not been served and was not in town, they therefore begged for a con tinuance, the Sherif stated however that Breeding would come into the city on a freight train in an hour or so and the State urging they were ready and anxious for a trial to-day. the petition for continuance was net granted, the Judge decidingto postpone the trial un til 12 o’clock. The courtroom then was quickly cleared of its occupants. Pub lic opinion appears to be decided!}' inim icabie to the accused and a firm convic tion that Cliff Cook's neck is in jeopardy is deep-seated in the mind of the com uiunitv. From Mr. C. 11. Jaques, of St. Louis, the following brief particulars of the prisoners’ antecedents were gained. Cliff Cook and his brother. George Cook, lived with their parents in the Twenti eigbth Ward, of the ( ity of St. Louis, their father being in the wine business. Cliff Cook, as a boy. was remarkable for his intelligence and exemplary charac ter. and for some years attended the Cote-brilliant school, of which Mr. Sam Cuppies was Superintendent, and he was one of the most attentive scholars in the bible class, which Mr. Jaques,our informant used to bold at that in stitution. His deviation from the path of rectitude was as sud den as unexpected, be simply left his home and went gambling During the early years of his gambling, he contracted an acquaintan-e with Lily Gibson, who was then one of the young est and prettiest inmates of Kate Gib son's well known bagnio in St. Louis, Kate Gibson having taken Lily to serve her vile purposes at the age of 15. Cliff Cook becoming enamored of the pretty LHy finally married her. Their married life, however, was not altogether a hap py one. and they were divorced. After the separation Lily Gibson came to Texas and ultimately settled in San An tonio and became proprietress of Ihe "maison de joie” she now occupies. CligCook's fortunes were as variable as the life of a gambler usually is; be not only became poor but liis health failed him, and he had to seek "fresh woods and pastures new" to regain it. He came south and reached this city where gambling was then in its “palmy” days. Once more he met his divorced wife, and their relations were renewed and a second marriage took place, after which Cliff Cook pro ceeded with his gambling and Lily Gib son continued the nefarious traffic, which has brought them into their present difficulty. George Cook, the brother of Cliff Cook, is the chief clerk at the Barnum Hotel. St. Louie, and Is now in the city watching the trial of his brother and sister-in-law, and to learn its ultimate issue. Later: Since writing the above, the Court reconvened at 12 o'clock and af ter a little preliminary business the Court was adjourned till'3 o’clock. Will all Strike. Nov Yokk. January 14.—Toe applica tion of the live New York branches of the Cigar-makers’ International Union of America to the main body for author ity to strike against the proposed reduc tion in prices, was approved hv the In ternational Union yesterday afternoon. As soon as the decision was received, a sub-committee of the general strike com mittee waited on the flrm of Levi Bros, and demanded a return to the old prices. This was refused, and the men of this factory will strike to-day. The ( igar maker’s International Unions of the city have called a mass meeting of the trade for Friday night. The strikers are confident of victory. — Every flrst-elasa dealer sells Dpi ra Puffs cigarettes. Avoid injurious imi tations. «r 7 lv>s JOHN SHERMAN. He Addteites the Members of the Ohio Legislature. Cent Mut a, Ohio, January IL—Senator She man arrived from V. ashington over the Baltimore and Ohio road.at 4 o'clock this afternoon, and was met by the Leg islative Committee and escorted to the House of Representatives, w here, in the presence of the members of both branches and a large audience of inter ested spectators he was formally wel comed, in an address, by Hon. George Washburn. Mr. Sherman replied in quite a lengthy speech, in which he returned thanks for the renewed honor and con fidence of having been again elected to the office of United States Senator from Ohio. In the course of bis remarks, ad dressing himself Io the Members of the Legislature as a body, he said the time lias arrived when there ought to be au entire revision in the election laws of Ohio. The time has arrived when both political parties shoo Id address them selves to this que-tion. and prevent fraudulent voting. “For myself. I could never see why, in State affairs, politics should be brought into play. It Is dif ferent with great national questions. In State affairs, you should be patriotic, regardless of political affiliations, and regard this question from the same standpoint. it is very apparent that there might be a general revision of our laws. i'he occur rences which have happened re cently should convince men of all polit ical opinions that a radical change should be made. I a'so feel the impor tance of your legislating upon the tem perance question. There is agrowing sentiment in every State in this Union that certain laws ought to be passed to prevent the evils growing out of traffic in intoxicating liquors Thia question ought not to assume a political charac ter. The Legislature ol Ohio should ad dress itself to this question, and enact wise laws, going as far as is consistent with the rights of citizens. If you will not lay party aside and represent the people, a higher power will bring about this legislation. There is one other question 1 desire to call to your atten tion—that is. the labor. The devision of capital and labor is dependent upon the law of supply and demand. Yon ought to legislate so as to secure to the laborer, as far as law can go. the highest wages and the advantages of social life. Laboring men are the foundation upon which all superstructures are reared. I'he great body of people are laboring men. Therefore the first duty of legis lators is to look after the advancement of the laboring class of the country. Give them an opportunity to make their way jin the world. Secure to them all the advantages of education, without distinction of race, creed, color or any thing else. Above all. secure to them an equal advantage in their contest with capital.” A Girl's Revenge. There was an exciting little cow hiding scene at one of the hotels at Palestine the other night. A painter bad been paying attention to a respectable young servant girl who refused to marry him. It is said that he then began circulating false reports about her character, claim ing among other things that lie had se duced her. Last night several gentle men boarding nt the hotel assured the young girl that they would stand by her if she desired to redress her w rongs. A heavy cow hide was procured and the young man was invited into the parlor. No sooner bad he entered than the re venging rawhide fell mercilessly upon his back, shoulders and face Knowing that resistance was useless, he took his castigation without a word or move ment. and will probably hesitate before be slanders another womaa again. A Descent from Thoughts Poetic. it was one of those delightful Septem ber mornings that strayed over into No vember. The light autumnal haze of Indian summer was sleeping on the hill tops, only to be invigorated with the colors of the riling sun. Rosalind Mc- Gush, aroused by the matin song that arose from the poultry yard, parted the curtains and looked forth upon the scene. “What a gorgeous morning. ‘Ob, why should 1 he chained to this hum drum sphere. I will seize my pen and pour forth melodious verse in honor of this day of the gods.” “Rosy?” came a sharp call from the foot of the stairs. "Come down and fry the buckwheats, right away ” And from thoughts poetic to deeds do mestic Rosalind descended. —[ Hartford Post. Sol Smith Russell Caught. Mr. Sol Smith Russell tells how he re cently renewed an acquaintance with Mr Otlo Schnelgarten, of Milwaukee. Schnelgarten set up the beer, and pres ently he said: “Let me see. Sol, you oond me vas aboud the same age. ain't ii? How old voa you anyway?” “1 am 37 vears old,” replied Mr. Rus sell. “Acb, gome now—dot vos a choke!" insisted Schnelgarten, smiling skepti cally. “No,” protested Mr. Ruserll, “1 was born in 1843.” “in eighdeen forty-eight, eh?” cried Schnelgarten. "Get oud ! 1 gatch you now—you told me dot den years ago!” — [Chicago News. Sound Logic. A rather shiftless sort of a fellow, who hangs around the saloons of a Texas town, was asked: ■'Why don’t you marry and settle down?” “Well. I’ve got my reasons for it. The woman I want to marry must have lots of money, and be smart, but when I find a woman who teas money, and who is willing to marry me. her willingness to marry me is positive proof to my mind that she is stupid, and then, of course, she don’t suit me. I want a smart wo man for a wife.”—[Texas Siftings. ■ — ♦ ♦ Cigarmakers on a Strike. New York. January 14.—According to an order of the Cigariuakers’ Interna tional union, 500 men went on a strike to-day in the factory ot Levi Bros. The trouble that led to this action was ths adoption of a uniform rate of prices, with which the employes in the factories controlled by the association are diwat isfled. The union ordered Levi Bros.’ employes to strike ns a test case, be cause if one mnnu'ncturer yields the others will do likewise, providing the ass eiath n s<> orders. THE SILVER QUESTION. Judge D. C. Robinson’s Vass m Ans wer to the E*pre ’i'he Express asks, "if -liver is the money of the people; why not issue sil ver to tlie-ni instead of silver certifi cates?” Does the Government issue money Io the people, just ns it issues rations to its soldiers? The Express ought to know better. The Express ought to know that, however plenty money is, that a man can not get any un less he has something to sell or pledge in payment of Ids daily labor, and that the silver has first to be deposited with ihe Government before the certificate is issued. Again, "if the Government stamp on So cents wortli of silver makes it worth Het cents in gold, why not that stamp on a piece of paper make it worth as much.'’’ I'he Express ought to know that the Government stamp on the pieces of paper, known as greenbacks, makes them as good as gold; if it doesn’t know it let it take a greenback to the banks and see. The Government stamp upon its bonds makes them wortli a premium of 103 up to 121. If the Express don’t know it let it look nt daily quota!ions of the value of United States bonds. And why is it? because the full faith and credit of the Govern ment is pledged for their payment. There is no gold or silver especially deposited for their redemption: whereas the 4124 grains of silver stamped by the Government of the value of lilt) cents is depreciated by the Government Itself, by Its official action—by the arbitrary rule of the .’secretary of'the Treasury— without warrant of law — paying the bondholders in gold and declaring silver unworthy of redeeming such privileged claims. Did it ever occur to the Ex press that when the Government coins a piece of gold ami stamps It of the value of a dollar, that It is not a dollar of the value of UK) cents, but that it is worth one doller and twenty cents; that when the bondholder presents his bond of SItXXL face value, to the (secretary of the Treasury tor redemption, that be receives $l2OO dollars therefor, a bond, too, payable in the cur rency of the country, that Is w hen the bond was issued also by a subsequent act of Congress payable in coin, gold or silver. The- bondholder tells Mr. Secretary, speaking for the gold bugs, we don’t care whether you stop the coinage of silver or not, you may purchase 2.000,- 000 of bullion each month or 10.000.00 u if you like, so long ns you continue to pay us our interest and principal in gold, so long as you don’t compel us to take that vulgar silver you receive for cus toms. The more you depreciate silver the better for us. We have hoarded our gold and when we want more our bonds will bring it. Stop the coinage of silver and we w ill buy the bullion. Ihe silver dollars already coined, not being re ceived for customs, will be further de preciated. so when I come aga'n to see you, you will pay me $l5OO instead of $l2OO for my slooo bond. So it matters not to us what the legislation of Con gress may be so long as you continue to pay us gold, so long as the Government makes a distinction in its coins, we will take advantage of it. Silver being the money of the people, the money which they rescue for their products, their corn and wheat, their cattle and their hogs, and the labor of their hands, and its depreciation being recognized by the administration, why don't they, it desirious of equalizing the valnea of the two coins, set the example by using silver for any and all purposes' The credit of the I nlted States Gov ernment is a power—the full faith and credit of the Government given to the silver dollar will restore its va'ue. and that faith and credit can only be shown satisfactorily to the people by the ad ministration. through its Secretary of the Treasury recognizing the face value of the silver dollar in all the transac tions ot the Government. D. C. IL Will Be Present* Bkki.is. January IL—Contrary to the advice of Ids physician. Emperor Wil liam intends to be present at the opening of ihe Prussian diet to-dav . Wauts Dynamiters Flogged Loxpox, January IL— Sir Herbert E. Maxwell, conservative member of par liament for Wiglernshire. intends to again introduce a bill for the Hopping of <1 vnnmiters. Telephone Suits Wasiiisgiox, January 14.—Secretary Lamar lias sent to the Attorney General a communication expressing Ills opinion I hat suit should be brought in the name of the United States, to test the validity of Bell’s original telephone patent. Will Prosecute. W asiiixihon, January 14.—1 n reply to a letter from ex-Delegate Downey, of Wyoming, in behalf of a prominent cat tleman of that territory, against whom proceedings have been recommended to compel the movement of fences main tained by him enclosing public lands, requesting that proceedings Jbe post poned until spring, the Assistant Com missioner of the general land office has written denying the request, and stat ing that it is the Intention of the land of fice to prosecute such proceedings as rapidly as possible, and to continue them until unlawful enclosure has been removed fiom public lands. A Total Wreck. Galveston, January 14.—The ship William, which went ashore five miles down the island In Tuesday night’s gale, was visited to-day by a committee of survey from the board of marine under writers, but they were unable to reach the vessel, which is now firmly imbed ded in the sand and will prove a total loss. Captain Journeay. who, with his crew, abandoned the ship yesterdav, is the principal owner of the William. The vessel was built nt Yarmouth, N. S., in 1874, at a cost of $55,000, and was valued at $35,000 at the time of her loss. She was insured for only $30,000. The ill fated ship is a 1000 tons registry, and was in ballast from Havre for a cargo of cotton when driven ashore. No effort will probably be made to recover her. Auction Sale of City Lots Saturday morning January IG, nt 10 a. m., on Military plaza. Lots in each ward will be offered and sale continue every morning until sold. Titles per fect nnd taxes paid. It Mai. Wbarton. Auctioneer. FASHION -THEATRE SIMMS & SAMUELS. - ----- PROPRIETORS ». X TNT AIVTOTJIO THXA.B ■ ii simms .Bi amm mui igi a LEM R\KFR ... ... . AMIKEMKM IIIHECTOU IHHo. H \X D Lf.uirk or Orchkhtka < II \ s GROI 81. Lr H»n< or Brahh Bwd *«• THE ONLY VARIETY THEATRE IN THE CITY. THE PEOPLE’S FAVORITE RESORT. MHY WE ARE SI'iCKSSFIL: lli « mu'. i i.iblc (Inui if. Th.-bcM cnK-rta nimut. Thr uln i|H >t pricrM. The ImM tnan ju-i.I. Tlh iiio-i |»<«pii ar .iinu»fiueiit report in th«* Southwest. The talk of the It>u n unk< t< Ii ArfiM-. m their oriKinal I’liintation Sketch, entitled, “Orx Ha.w Home," I m rodnciii j l.oftir * cliHractcr pK-tine ot the iincuitix uted Sou I Im in Negro < nmp Mwt ■ Illg Hy nib'. Banjo Solo-, Etc. X B Xi>te the kiN*n insight of Negi** I lioni* t>y Mina Lnttic Burton. She in f»o great that the nudien<*<* are often ln< lined to believe that she Iwa man dres*M*d up in womans dot Id ny. I.nt a <• ii"me q.ir thm Mich in not lh«» First npp« HraiH*« of MISS LIZZIE SHELTON! The bewitching emliodlmeiit of gnu’c nnd n.erif. X nth and hv«i week of the Bard of flit South, HARRY MACARTHY, Five miuutci with the different nations Eng!iwh, Irisb. Scutch, Dutch and Yankee anecdote*. Pat riot ic ooiig ’Gen Gin. < iimii . ' written and com pi wed bj Harry Macurthy. Mucarthy nt Koine, in hi*, raidd chiingoM ot tadh costume and dmlci-t. In w hich he challenge- the world. < lianicti । An English E\ipii-ite. Im-hing ''well ol the First Water. Mer Scotch Ihm-ic in search ot h®r lover iH.'efnl Ballad - ‘ The Apple Woman'* I.anient." w ritten F\ llari.v Maearlli). < haradei Humphrey Dobbin-, a Yorkshire lad. green n-agoutdand put ii hi- i-v- in love. \ Regular York shire-Song "(ice W Ima Dobbin. ’ ttiME AXD BID HIM I REW ELL MISS ADA STANWOOD! Direct from the Metropoli-, in the Latest OVER I t RE Fiv< Miiuiti - Intermis-i<>n . <»R< HESTRA Serio-Comic Gems Miss Susie Stokes I ii -i ap|M*arance ot MR. JAMES NEARY! In hi* original miy of doing Irish Songs and Dances. Annin w • hm c the Bi w itching X’lwitb*!, MISS ADA STANWOOD! HARRY MACARTHY. In Banjo Solo*, hit reducing nt hi- late-t buccpsm**. The Popular. - -- -- - - _ _ MISS LIZZIE SHELTON Ii ifi im ill I\ 11 aordimit v ! I lie Grout .Lipam-sc Juggler— The* wonder of the 19th Century, Producing more Original and Diffi cult Tricks than any other Artist in his line. Don’t fall to see him. “EERTI l.'l _ <■l-011-0:1111 D W Baker Mr* Slattery . It her chai actors by the <*ompan> , NEW FACES EVERY WEEK. • DON’T s GO Wolf & Marx- IF YOU WANT TO BUY ANTIQUITIES. We are Not Selling Old and Shelf-Worn. Out-of- Style Goods, but New and Desirable Articles in Plenty. Special Importations FOB THE ZEZOLIZDJLYS. Fine Dress Goods, Silts, Satins aii Velvets, Gloats and Wraps of all ilads. 500 Boys' Suits. Short Pants. 500 Boys' Suits, Long Pants. Overcoats. Etc., Etc. WOLF &e JVETLFLLL Corner Commerce and Alamo Sts. vUJinter A FIRST-CLASS RESORT FOR FAMILIES. HEATED BYoSTEAM ITHROUCHOUT FREE CONCERTS Every Wednesday and Saturday Evenings, and a Special Free Concert Every Sunday, from 4 to 1 l p. m. First Cliss Bar-Pooj], R» shirant nnd BiJiiard Room Attached PKPMPT AND POLITE ATTENTTON“gVARANTEED. Alamo Street, ------ San Antonio, Texas. L M. du QUESNAY, JR. & CO., Cim and Tobacco Al Faut'ry Prices 3 West Commerce. Jmejs for Ladies, Hisses, Cbilta. Sill, Lisle Tlireah Cotton Hosier;. Kid Gloves, Haoilercliiefs, Fans. SCHOLZ'S Garden!- Only $5 a Year.