Newspaper Page Text
3aily SAN ANTONIO LIGHT PUBLISHING COMPANY A. W. GIFFORD, .... I’m si den t W. L. WINTER, • - - V.ce-Prwidkxt T. B. JOHNSON, - - - Sec y. A Theas ADVERTISING HATCH i mw 1 g | o(©| p J j < w : . • . k.CbT... ; fTui I 8 00 11801 WO OU |54 00 Special rates given on larger space and long time advertisements. Legal advertisement* fl UU per inch first In sertion 75 cents per inch each subsequent in sertion Trustees’ sales fl 00 per inch first in sertion .26 cents each insertion afterwards. Reading matter, editorial page. 25 cents per ine each insertion. Local columns 20 cents first insertion; lucent# first week, 5 cents after first week. Special rates on 50 and OX) lines running for month. Home advertisements payable on first of each month Transient advertising payable In advance Only metal cuts printed. Subecnoers not receiving their paper wi please make complaint to the office. Sut scribers are warned not to pay their subscrip tion except upon presentation of a property receipted bill from this office. All communications for publication, or |m i - taluing to the Editorial or Local News De partments, should lie addressed “To the Editor of the Light." All letters of a business character should be addressed “Dally L’.ght,” San Antonio, Texas. Anonymous communication* will not Im* noticed We beg leave to state that we de •line to return rejected communications. To this rule we can make no exception. Entered at Postoffice at San Antonio,Texas, as second class matter. THIS PAPER mny b* found n/ Gro. Adverting Bureau* NiSpniceF •. " hero Adverting cuulracu lua>' bo made tur it IMAL2IV IOKK, Saturday, February 20 1886. The Luling Signal has enlarged,which is a sign of improved times with Brother Bridges. Deep w ater on Aransas bar not only weans a harbor and a railroad leading to it, but means many roads and corres ponding prosperity for Western Texas. Ir I-a little strange that some think deep poverty sutlicient reason never again to give employment of any sort to one seeking it. Jr is a matter of fact that the Chinese are steadily and not very slowly increas ing in number in this city. “A stitch in time saves nineand a sign should be hung out—"No Chinese need apply,” on all empty houses. There have already been more cases of the small pox, and more deaths from it in Fort Worth than in San Antonio, yet a general panic has not been created as it was here. The scare this winter was the most senseless that ever oc curred in this city. The striking brakesmen on the east ern end of the Southern Pacific, have the sympathy of the public generally in the justness of their cause, and have the re spect of everybody for the orderly and dignified manner in which the strike is conducted. Public opinion seldom makes a mistakejn judging the right eousness of a contest between capital and labor. Since the grand jury failed to indict William Scott as being the alleged mur derer of his wife, Patty Scott, who was killed about three weeks ago, it de volves upon the officials of Bexar County to follow up any and all other clues that have been obtained regarding that mys terious crime. Public opinion was con tent with the arrest of Scott, but his release will serve to increase the'general uneasiness such murders occasion in the minds of all. In a letter to the editor of the Light, Hon. Joseph I). Sayers. Representative in Congress from the Tenth Texas District, among other things says: "I have every confidence that appropria tions will be made at this session for a court house and pes'ofllce building at San Antonio; also for the post, and for Aransas Pass. At any rate, I shall use every exertion to that end. The West ern portion of my District shall receive faithful attention from me.” The White Cross Society is a new or der founded in England and already spreading rapidly in this country. Its object is to protect the innocent and assist to save the fallen women, includ ing all the tendencies to the social vice, beginning at impure and indecent lan guage. Its members are composed of both men and women, who certainly have a wide field of labor and who de- serve the hearty support of every true friend of the human race. How long be fore a branch of the order of the White Cross will be established in San Antonio? One of the first acts of Mr. Garza Ga lan, the newly inaugurated Civil Gov ernor, of the State of Coahuila, Mexico, was to issue a decree reducing the ex traction duty from $3 50 to 25 cents a bead on all stock except sheep and goats. For this he will receive the unqualified thanks and gratitude of all ranchmen in the State, Mexicans as well as Ameri cans. Tne principal industry of the northern portion of the State is stock raising, and with an extraction duty of $3 50 a head, and an import duty of 20 per cent. In the United States, the bal ance left the ranchman was too little for profit. It was a direct tax on the indus try, as the only market for the stock was in this country. The imposing of the high extraction duty by General Cervantes, the retired Military Gover nor, was a high handed price of military despotism, that was very repugnant even to the Mexicans, and extremely so to the Americans engaged in ranching in that State as it was looked upon as personal oppression. The effect of the reduction of this duty will be to boom the ranch property in the Santa Rosa Mountains, and in a short time every available acre will be in the hands of American rancheros raising high grade cattle, sheep and horses, and the taxable property of that State increased to that extent. —The most popular cigarettes are the Opera Puffs at popular prices. 4-7-ly Spring time with its freshness, bloom and verdure, the joyous songs of birds, the reviving warmth of the sun, the hopes it Inspires, should renew cheerful energy and expand all goad and kindly feeling, leaving grudges to the cold past to be buried forever. I’KiSIDEXT Alderman Dai ly's action iu refusing to serve while there existed a doubt as to its legality will be applauded by the people, who will return him to his seat. That is the class of men badly needed in the Board of Aidermen—men who hold the city's Interests above their own. The strike of the brakemen on the Louisiana division of the Southern Pa cific Railroad is beginning to have its eflect in this, that no freight trains are running out of New Orleans, much to the Inconvenience of some interests '1 he men demand $65 a month and will enlist the entire Brotherhood of Railway Brakemen tn their behalf in order to ob tain what they claim is due them. The most prominent feature of the strike is the good feeling which exists between the men and the officials, pending the settlement. The present complication of Sena torial ambitions in Texas, says a Wash ington correspondent of the Atlanta Constitution, “render it quite possible that Representative Mills of that State may be elevated to a chair at the other end of the capito). Mr. Mills may be fairly classed among the most influen tial men in Congress. He holds extreme free trade views and is unalterably op posed to federalistic Ideas of govern ment. He is about 50 years old, six feet high, straight, well proportioned, and as vigorous in his physical as lie is in bis mental make up. History is his passion. His remarkable memory has treasured historical dates and events until in knowledge of the annals of our own and other countries few of his political peers can cope with him. He uses his knowl edge finely under the direction of a quick sense of application with the illuminating power of n fer tile fancy. Scholarly Congressmen from the West are rare; but rarer still are unsocial ones. Mr. Mills is solitary in his habits. He has a well-worn path from his rooms to the Capitol and never diverges from it unless it be to make oc casional visits to the Departments. Of social life he sees absolutely nothing ex cept what is afforded him in the charm ing circle about his own fireside. He lias never been out at night unaccom panied by his wife, unless there hap pened to be a night session of the House. He always commands the attention of the House because he always speaks speaks well and because lie enjoys the reputation of saying honestly just what bethinks. His oratory is better suited to Hie hustings than to the halls of Con gress, but it is vigorous and entertain ing always and not unfrequently it rises to eloquence.” EDITORIAL CLIPPINGS. CW I 1 vniou Houston Post. There is a cow in Nebraska that barks like a dog. She could be advantageous ly utilized in the Panhandle to fright the souls of fearful sheriffs w hen they go to serve writs tor unlawful fencing, etc. It is feared that in his attempt to please both Republicans and Democrats and maintain a perpendicular backbone, our Grover may eventually find himself alone with the ‘ grandeur of his own originality.” Dallas News. Sam Jones has announced that lie w ill noHie in New Orleans for several months yet. Sam has a duty to perform, and that is to tackle the lottery business. If he can induce the bouse servants to in vest their market money in beef-steak and not in lottery tickets, the world can not say he has lived in vain. Chicago Inter-Ocean. The wage-workers among women In New York, according to the reports of savings banks, save more money than men similarly situated. As they are paid a little more than half the wages received by men, the fact is greatly to the credit of women Their money does not drop into the till of the saloon, and that tells the whole story. Galveston News. The homestead law of Texas is at tacked in some of the [tapers, because it makes money hard to borrow. It ought to be bard to borrow on a real bona-fide homestead. The man who will specu late and lose bis homestead w hen be once has it safe from debt is a man who Is very likely to leave a family for the county to take cure of. Fort Worth Gazette. The Corsicana darky who traveled over Texas givingexhibitionsof disabil ity to eat glass, is now in a Philadelphia museum, amusing the citizens up there devouring lamp cnimneys, beer bottles, window panes, and other like articles. Slowly’ but surely the superiority of Texa- is producing products that' lay her sister States sadly in the shade, is beginning to dawn upon the mental vision of the effete Easterner. MEXICAN ITEMS. Oaxaca has in its Treasury $lll,- G 16.97; and all its pay rolls are covered. Two Californians have arrived in Ja lisco with the intention of purchasing a farm on which to raise sheep. Two journalists had a pistol duel near Popotla. The adversaries exchanged two shots and did not hurt each other. During the year 1885 the civil register in Vera Cruz showed up 241 marriages and 2099 births. The population is about 20,000. One Guadalajara man stabbed an other and then started to run. But a young" man going by horseback gave chase, lassooed the murderer and deliv ered him to the polite. The mail carrier between Iturbide and Allende was killed last week on his route. The murderers were after the mail, which they carried off. They did not take bis clotbing, pistol or money. A bull-fighter in Puebla last Sunday met bis death from a tore emlmlade, or hull with balls on his horns. This very seldom happens, and this part of the sport is generally indulged in by ama teurs. A good Samaritan tins gladdened many hearts in Pachuca. Mr. M. Brookman went to the Hidalgo Asylum a few days since and gave eacb inmate of that poor house a complete suit of stockings, shoes and hats, and to the indigent girls in the institution be gave clothes, etc. The mail from Iturbide to Queretaro is always carried by a carrier on foot. The mall due in Queretaro on the sth was delayed because the poor fellow froze one foot while going through the snow, and had to crawl to the nearest shelter. He sent the mall into Quere taro by some persons traveling that way. The famous bull fighter. Bernardo Ga vino, died at 2 o'clock on F riday afer noon, at me residence. Calle Tnrasquillo. His last surroundings were those of a poor man, and his room was a hovel, but still it is said he has willed to so e fa vorite relatives an immense fortune, accumulated during h's life of half a century in the bull ring. He was buried I In Dolores, yesterday. Thoinan Waited wna ng sirred nt the Windsor Hotel, El l’aso, a lew days since. He bad just eome in from the mines in which lie was engaged, and which are located about 20 miles from Montezuma, a station on the Mexican Central. He reported the country un commonly dull, and money scarce. The district is being developed by poor prospectors chiefly, and in consequence the mines have to be worked on an econ omical basis. He brought with him a car of ore, for the El Paso sampling works, which he thinks will pay him handsomely for his time and labor in extracting it. UmJiyesled Food 111 Ilie stomach develop- an neul which Mings the lipper pan of tin, throat and palate. can-- ilia "heartburn. It al-o evolve, a vua whleli produces "wind on lio* -toinacli." and a tool ing and appeanitiee ol dl-tcnsion in that oigan alter eating. For liotb this acidic, and swell Ina H, -ii iter - Stomach Hiltei- i- a much la t ter remedy than alkaline -alt-, like hart-horn and carbonate id soda. A wine-glas.-ful of the Bitters, after or before dinner. M ill be found toad as a rollHldeciU'minallve or preventive. This tine speeltie lor il.vspi pfiiu. noth in its acute and ehninie lorm, also prevents and cures malarial fever, constipation, liver com plaint. kidney trouble., nervousness and de bllity, person- Mho observe in themselves a decline of vigor should use this tine lonic without delay. lot.l, GulMt s Co.. Texas, yarch ill, ISM. Messrs. Morley Hios.. Austin, Texas: 111. tn So:- Please -end ll- four dozen bot tles ot v iIMH'.HI I I. EIGHT "• have a great demand for your WON DEKFI’L EIGHT, audit is giving satisfaction to ail that use it. We sell in >re of n that all liniments together that we handle. Touts, I. M. Nci.l.v it Co For sale by F. Kalleyer Ac Son. OH! MY BACK herj strain or cold attark* that weak bark aud nearly pruatratea yun. MB BESTTCNCC * Strengthen* the Miuilm, St«R<lhH the N« rres Enriches the Bloody OtveaKcw Vigor. Da J. L MrrHA Fairfield. Town, Mrs: "Brown’a Iron tn the he«t Iron medicine I have known in my S< yearn’ pracxice. 1 hsro frond it specially beneficial in nervous nr physical eihaus tion. and in all debilitating ailments that iroar an heavily on the lijßteni.Us® il freely in my own family.” Genuine has trade mark aud crowed red lines on wrapper. * Take no other. Made only by dHOW * CHI Ml< \L <’<>.. BALTIMORE, MD. Ladifh’ Hand Book -useful and attractive, con taining list of prizes f.r rocijies. information about coins, etc., given sway by all dealers in medicine, or ruaded to any address ou recepit of 2c stamp. X * 5 ww wk • ’Wk ,1 , »• • f Swift’s Specific. Is nature 8 own rt iiudy, made from roots gntht red from forests of (•uoi'Kia. The ulaive i iit represents the method of its manufacture 20 years a>fo. ’Phi- demand has been gradually increasing, until a laboratory is now necessary to supply the tra*le. This great Vegetable Blood Purifier cures Cancer, Scro fula, Catarrh, Eczema. Cher. Rheumatism and Blixxi Taint, hereditary or otherwise without the uae <»f Mercury or Potash. THE SWIEP SPECIFIC co.. N. V . 15" W. 23d St. Draw er 3. Atlanta. Ga norMs —.SELF-RAISING DIV cl d rrepamtion. THE HEALTIIFCI. AND NETRITIOCS Baking Powder. Restores to the Flour the Strength-giving Phosphates that are nunoxed with the bran, and which are rc«|Uire<| by the system. No other Baking Powder does thi*. It costs less amt is Healthier and Stronger than any other Powdet. Home Testimony From Oocrgc H. Kaltoyer CHEMIST, SAN ANTONIO, San Antonio, Tex.. July 1. 18K5. I purchased in this city a package of Prof. | Horsford's Self-Raising Preparation ' and submitted it to a chemical examination, and find that the same is compose! of pure and non-poisonous chetxlcals. I The idea of Prof. Hoiaford was indtnsl a grand one in supplantin* the indigestible tar tarate of s<xla, which is always the end result of all Baking Powders composed of Cream of Tartar and Soda, by the soluble phosphate of lime and soda, the very nutritive value of bread, and the lame producing elements of nature. It is certainly the la«st and most healthy bread-raising preparation ever offered to the public, and every mother that has the health of her children at heart should use no other. 1 can only Join in the endowment given by the late celebrated chemist. Prof. Baron V. Liebig, to this preparation in saying: “Icon aider this Invention as one of the most useful gifts which science has made to mankind." For Sale by all Grocers. Try It. ngrßear in mind that Frank J. Beltel keeps bulkier*’ hardware and lumber, nt the International and Great Northern depot. Pilc»» an-frci|uently preo*ded by a sense ol weight In the back, loins arid lower part of the atidomen. causing the mitioDt to auppose he ha* some Mflection of the kidneys or mdgh iMtring organs. At titnea symptoms of Indi ge-tion an* present, tint ulency, uneasiness of the st.unach. <dc. A moisture, like |M*r*uira ti<o»» producing a very disagreeable itching after getting warm. In a common attendam Blind, hh-esliiig and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Di. Boakano’s Pile Rvmctly. which acta directly upon the parts ibaorbtn* the Tumorta iilhvmg the intense Itching, and effecting a permanent cure. Price, 50 cents. Address, the Dr. Boa* kano Medicine Company, Piqua, Ohio Bold by Harrv L. Fowler, R. Cohn A Co., J. D. I fe rine, J. Clavln. <»ne of the finest <*atatdishments that Sail An* tonio, it nol r- km can bout of Is tbc Art Gallery of C. 11. .Mueller, at 205 Commerce atrevt. Mere can be had artist s and drrught men's materials, nf laith domestic and im |M>rted kinds. Engravings, chromos ami paintings are on hand in an endless variety. Picture frames, mouldings and materials tor In -co ami sign painting In large varieties. < hl mi deronitioiis and material for wax fjow eni in a lann assortment. Mr. Mueller re ccivcs din ct fnmi factories large shipments of palnta. oils and other material in that line as well m window glass and fine domestic, and im* porteil d<*corative wall paper are specialties in Ills establishment. 12-13-ly Pro er Treatment for Coughs. That the rentier may fully understand what cons itutes a good Cough and Lung Syrup, we w ill say that Tar and Wi d Cherry Is the basis ot •he la st remedies yet discovered. These ingredients with several others <*qually as effi cacious, enter largely Into Dr. Boaanko’s ( ough and Lung Syrup, thus making it one of the most rcliabh* now on the market. Priceso cent* and $l. Samples free. Soln by Rice A Fowler. R. < ohn A Co., J. D. Devine, J. Clavin.B TO ( I RK Biliousness, Dyspepsia and Sick Hi adache, w hen thesi' disorders are caused by impurity of the blood; to create an apt elite and give tone to the digeative and a*similntive organs; to eradicate all unhealthy humors from the blood, and for the lassitude and <le bilitv i»eculiar to spring ami summer, .MOR LEY’S T X-S TONIC CORDIAI.. the Great System Renovator, Is unequuled. Sold by F. Kaltvyer A Son. — During n serious run of whooping cough at Stillwater. N. Y., the physi cians found that Acker’s English Rem edy was a positive cure, and prescribed it very heely. Ragland and Co., and 11. L. Fowler say that in all their expe rience they never have known any med icine to equal it. They guarantee it to cure all Coughs (especially chronic cases), (’roup. Asthma and Consump tion. 2 An Old Citizen Speaks. Mr. J. M. Norris, an old resident ol Rome. Ga., sues that he had been badly troubled with kidney Complaint for a great many years and with Eczema for three years; at times could scarcely walk and had tried many remeilies without benefit, until he began tak ing Electric Bitivr- and annointing his hands ami hs-t with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. This treatment afforded him great relief and hi st rungly recommemls Electric Bitters to all w ho suffer with Kidney Complaints or need a B km! I’u-.ij i Sold bj A. Di• —My Homeopathic department is now complete, and I can now furnish medicines of that school in any form to either physicians or the public. A full stock or pellets, sugar-or-milk powder papers, vials, and all Homeopathic par aphernalia always on hand. Harry L. Fowler, 14 West Houston street. 1-7-tf ' Here lies the remains of John JEriculer. He walked in the ways of the Ixird |>erpendic ular." This is a noble epitaph, but I could not help thinking w hen reading it. that if John died of dysix-psia. blood poison, kidney disease, or *Hiil< from general debility, he might now be alive if he had taken Brown's Iron Tonic, and life beats the be-t of epitaphs all hollow . For sale bv Ragland A Co. MISCELLANEOUS. POUND NOTICE. TAKEN I'P, and in City Pound on Monterey strwt, on AlazanCreek, on orabout the tub day of February, 18*6. one Bay Pony, branded w ith Spanish brand; one Brown Cow. branded F E • with half-circle above) crop on left i ar; one Red ox. branded C, (set in square', and crop left ear am! unebrbit right ear, which will, if not redeemed liefore sale, be sold nt public auction to the highest bld ter, for < a<h at *ald pound, at the hour of II o'clock on the 25th day of February, IKM. Alexander’s Commercial Music and School of Specialtm, NO. 13 RUSK STREET, - SAN ANTONIO. With a full Corps of Competent Teachers Terms, for full coure in Book-keeping by double entry, fIM. Tult : on by the month. In gi-aded, sc rut or school of Specialties, $5. Music on piano or organ by the month. f 5. LEONIDAS D. DIBBLE, Auer noy ■ at - Law And Notary Public. No. 240 W EST Co M MERCt STH E KT SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. Veramendi Garden and Bar! The coolest place In the city. A fine assort ment of the l>est brands of Imported and Ik* mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. HOT FREE LUNCH FROM 10 TO 12 M NIC DAMKKN A CO. R. 11. RUSSELL (Successor to Williams A Russell) 42 Commerce St., San Antonio. WHOLESALE ANU RETAIL DEALER IN Wall Paper WINDOW SHADES, Pictures and Picture Mouldings, Artist Materials, Paints, Glass, Etc, 4GENT FOK H. W. John’s Asbestos Liquid Paints, Averill Ready-Mixed Paints. 5 VT" Decorat Ing and Designing in the Latest Artistic Styles by skillful workmen. Plctu-ie framing a specialty TEXAS HENRY KLOCKENKEMPER. SI s ® I ? m n o-> s S—4 Repairing of Fine Watches a Rfiecialty. Ido my own work and guarantee It to be firstclaas. 1 do not employ help, hence my expense is small, and can turn out work cheaper than any one. 25 Soledad St., San Antonio. Cure For Pile' Special to Artists. PHIL. SHARDEIN, Marshal. sygi HR! ®! AH th«>se afflicted with any disease of the Eyes, Ears, Nose or Throat,ran find f he great est and quickest relief and cure at th* SAX ANTONIO EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY, Cor. of Houston and St. Mary’s Sts , Which is the most thoroughly fitted up, and equipped w ith everything necessary’' including the skill and experience-as hundreds of cases can testify who have been treated there) of any institution for the treatment ol thia spe cialty in the South or West. KEFEKENCKS. The following are only a few of the many persons who have been benefited and cured by treatment at this institution: For « atarrh—J. F. Robinson, catarrh in throat, San Antonio; T. B. Johnson, catarrh In throat, manager San Antonio Light; F. Kuhn, catarrh ol the head* Denver, Col.; Miss Mary Fraser, catarrh of the throat and ears. Nova Scotia: Frank Newton, catarrh of the throat and eves, Sun Antonio; Miss E. Loundsbury, catarrh of the thnmt am! m ad. San Antonio. The Fars A A Druscher San Antonio; W. Dietert, Boerne; James Davis. San Antonio: George, son of W. C. Daugherty, Sheriff Frio county. Pearsall,Tex.: W W Berry, Ksq , San Antonio: J H. Murphy, San Antonio; E T. Alien, Pearsall: J. H. Jones, Major T T. Teel, J. C. Diermever. San Antonio. The Kyea-D. H. Breeding, blepharitis ci Ha ris: Major T T. Teel, pterygium: H. C Had state, granular lids and keratitis: Frank N<*w ton«stricture achrymalducts; L. H 1 nmben. daughter, blennorrhceaic conjunctivitis; An ton Halamuda, acute oouJunctivitls: J. W. Casey,daughter, iritis: Raeaol Breslin, choroi ditis serosa; W A. Carnahan, irido cyclitis, all ot San Antcnlo; R J. Vincent. Cotulla, ulcer on cornea; W. H Brown, Leesville, gran •ilur lids and k; rato-iritis; W. J. Hogge, Eagle .•ass, cataract: George Loesberg, daughter, Castroville, strabismus; Mace Sorel I. Belmont, entropium and trichiasis; Robert Grier, Pana Maria, pterygium and !• ukoma; H C, Burris, Rancho, chronic conjunctivitis and keratitis; A. C. Decker, Stockdale, trariuatk- ulcer and hypopion; W. J Sau Uo. Mexico, traumatic glaucoma. 2-l»>-tf EYE, EAR, THROAT! Chas. Deady, M. D., 0. el A Chir, Late Surgeon to the New York Ophthalmic Hospital and Professor of Ophthalmology in the College of the New York ophthalmic Hos pital. Diseases of EYE, EAR. THRO Vl’ and NOSE an exclusive specialty. Refraction tested and correct glasses prescribed. OFFICE 40-’ E. HOUSTON TIiEET. Office hours Vto 12 m.; 3to6p. m. Nooffice hours on Sunday. Residence. 423 Romana street. Office Telephone 97. R<>si<ience. 364. 9-12-dm D. QUASSO, Merchant Tailor, 26 and 28 Main Plaza, Rear French Building. lutrge and fine line of Fail and Winter Sam ples ot Suit Patterns which will bi* ordered as desired. Suits made to order at New York prices and fit guaranteed. Uniforms for or ganizations a specialty. A n w method of renovating clothing, guarsn ing the color. Repairing promptly done. HUTCHINS Houston, Texas. Leading Hotel of the City. Head- quarters of the Commercial Men and Tourists. THOS. B. GzILE. - PROPRIETOR. HOUSE!- SAN ANTONIO ICE FACTORY FisK Oyster and Gm Depot Gulf Fish, Oysters, Soft Shell Crabs and all kinds of Game to Order. Free delivery system to all accessible por tions of the city. 11-18-fim FRANK STARR. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fish and Oysters Removed from Trevino Avenue to 410 West Commerce Street, Am agent for the following select brands of Oysters: Berwick Bay, Matagorda Bay, New Orleans Lake, Mobile Plant, Biloxi Plant, XXX Select and Select, Shrimp, Grahn, hard and soft shell. Will deliver goods to any part of the city free of oharfe, and will promptly answer all mail inquiries as to prices. Tele phone No. 368. FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION. 1 am constantly rcieving fresh goods by Express, for proof I pefer you to Wells Fargo AcCo's Express and Texas ExpresCo J 'j V -J5 V • „ I r —i g lAfor wi Aout team. J ’ M Jr. IkHMI 111 wrlWi Mk I 1 k»r a. Im< runm r l»t It UiM hMt marb M *•«» by u.»n 2-1 W« ba., j. »t M Mmmlm M <» •■-• day M If you rua rbotL . ran not • ■■y • urr for 11000." Mr. Hau*k P» J 111 . vr M • uld :-ot 'Ur fur buub r r Ba.l, r on tt> ( Rn. al h o'el- k 'bto ncrataa " Mr G JaquM, R» Ifrart M'oh wrt.ii • F.*a»aJr It took tbr waihaN r»»M frm 7a ■ k>li fm . bov fr m7a m to !<• a. B." s .. .. . ■ in u p n. . ofw it m ■ ni t. Mra A W M..rriMn, of I-nfTlrw, 1r« , writra ■lakaaibc «Llw lady UiJ«j>.tKUnt W tbt edaraJ oMi.arvomßß." I will nhh>umiinpletS thowcb-Mring nn ngencyon a week's trial on liberal tf>ima. A th<>tn«und percent the lent wu-her in the world for earing labor, elot bee urul soap, and pays moab!»n eiiH big money. M rite for ju rt ictibir-i. J WORTH, H'>» MH, Louis,Mo> MISSOURI PACIFIC RY SYSTEM INTERNATIONAL AND GREAT NORTHERN R. R DIVISION SOLID With All Modern improvements Through Between Galveston anil SI. Louis = San Aolom and SI. Lou Via Texarkana, Via Denison, Without Change of Care of any Description, and Only One Change to Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville, Baltimore, Washing ton, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, And Other Principal Cities in the NORTH leaving San Antonio at «GJO a. tn. has Pullman Hotel Car, via Itenlson, tlirouvh tc 81. Uiulh. i<”Train leaving Sao Antonio at 4:00 p. in. Ima Pullman Palace Sleeplaa Car via llenlaon, through to Kamum City, connecting at Denison with Through Sleeper to St Lotus. JVPassengerH booked to aud from all points In El ItOPE via the "AM Eu 1< AN" S s lino between PHILADELPHIA and LIVERPOOL, and the "RED STAR” S S. Lim- 1., tween NEW VORK. PHILADELPHIA and ANTWERP. For full Information cull on J. S. MaeNAMARA. W. F. SIMMONS. Ticket Agent. 9<5 Commerce Street, Kampman Building. Ticket Agent I A G. N. Depot H P. HUGHES, B. W. MeCULLOUGH. P ;a„ Houston, Tex. G. P. 4 T. A., Galveston. Texas SAN ANTONIO & ARANSAS PASS RAILWAY. MISSION ROUTE. I'ntil further notice trains will run as follows, Daily, except Sunday, Leave San Antonio 8:30 a. m. Akhive at Floresville 11:30 a. m. Leave Floresville 2:00 p. m. Arrive at San Antonio 5:00 r. m. Connecting at San Antonio with Missouri Paeitlc and Southern Pacific Hallways, aud at Floresville with Stage Line for all points south. U. LOTT, Pre-id«uit and General Mauagvr. SOUTHERN HOTEL, Main and Military Plazas, San Antonio, Texas, JAMES P. HICKMAN, JR., PROPRIETOR, 6 4 b Convenient to business center, with best accommodations. A.. T Hensley & [successors to Wholesale and Colors in Oil and Japan, Plate and Window Glass. Strictly Pure White Lead, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil, Etc. 233 East Houston Street. SAN ANTONIO. WAHRENBERGER & BECKMANN, ARCHITECTS OFFICE AND CONSULTATION ROOMS : Over Lockwood & Kampmann's former Bank, Cor. Ytai and Commerce Streets. Plans, Specifications and all information desired by those contemplating to build furnished. We acknowledge no superior in the profession. Call and see us. RICE & (Lite with Klee, B< DROP IN AND SEE US S Y p 1 will put up $5OO DR. JOHN TRIPP S And care any caso of Syphilis or Scrofula on earth, tee a perfect and permanent cure. D. P. Sole Agent for the State, Northwest Corner Main Plaza, San Antonio. SCHULTZE HZ. IS STILL IN THE LEAD, AND ANNOUNCES THAT HE HAS The Farmer (sir! is the into this market. Among such as the Texas Beauty, BreaktaM and Diamond in hand. Cooking Utensils. Ite and Agate Ware, Hard- Tin Shop lor the minufac GALVANIZED is cjnnncted fwith Hives' promptly attended to Best an<l delivered free to any STOVES FOR THE MILLION! No. 9 West Commerce Street, San Antonio, Texas MARTIN & SCHRYVER, iffiWEßl Binding: M of all kinds, shaoos or sues. A large assortment of Ornamental Goods al wavs in stock We keen constantly on hand large quantit es of the never yet sur passed J. HaiSCh’S Barb and Fence Wire. We are successful competitors in price and goods. Cotup and bo convinced. OFFICE: SOUTH OF SUNSET DEPUT. B. SMITH & SON, Merchant Tailors 34 W. Commerce St. Keep always on hand a tine line of Imported Cloths and Trimmings, and will make you i flrstrdass suit of clothes to order at New York prices. A fit and best workmanship guaranteed J. H. MARQUART BOOT Hi SHOE MANUPACTURHR, Gents’ Calf Boots, from upward; Boys’ Boots of all descriptions; Boys’ Sho<*s, calf and grain, in button and lace. The Beamless. OXFORD PATENT LEATHER DANCING PUMP. nlce«t Shoo in the mar ket. Elegant OPERA SUPPERS. Just the thing lor a nice present. Full line of HEAVY BOOTH, best in the market; price W.OO. Come and examine them. A complete stock of Gents’ FINE BUTTON, LACE and Gaiter Shoos. They should be seen to be appreciated. i<T*ln addition to my stock of Boots and Shoes, I carry all kinds of shoe polish for ladies' and children's slices, and the celebrated “T. M.” Bia ‘king, for gents' snoes. iVOrders for any styles of Boots and Shoes will be promptly executed. A nicest and general rat infliction guaranteed. IT TO BL _l In S AND SOCLK 4 williams] Retail Dealers In DALLAS, >rn A Co.. New Orleans. La> Hardw aie, Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc. Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods. SOLE AGENTS FOR Cotton Plant Stoves and Ranges The BEST on Earth, w York Enamel Paint Company's Mixed Paint Bust ill the market. I.arge line of Heating Stoves at Low Prices. 33 & 35 W est Commerce Street. WHEN YOU ARE IN TOWN. I> w T O. »A •. H that 1 can take BLOOD PURIFIER BARR, .b-Mt Stove ever brought other leading brands the New Charm, the Early quantities always on • I’Hble Ware. Gran wan'j'c. A well regulated 11 ■ 1 u ** l CORNICEWORK W tablishment. Orders arc O l edHr < har< < h. <n hand part of the city. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. EAST. B. F. YOAKUM, Traffic Manager. Son OF ALL SORTS. KINDS AND QUALITIES I SAN ANTONIO. T3XIS 3 W. Houston St.