Newspaper Page Text
DU QUESNAY’S 5-Cent Cigar, 3 Commerce, West Side Bridge. Volume Vl.—Number 45 Joske Brothers Having now open a select and choice ' —ln our— |i CLOTHING DEPARTS SPRING GOODS dj or such as— ~ tali Satins, Zepliyrs, g GiMta. Linen Lm, p EmMery. L«. b Ever Exhibits ta. Material, fit and finish cannot Im» sur- BtC EtC Prlces exe"< dlnaly low. Joske Brothers L. Wolfson’s Emporium of Fashion. Greatly Reduced Prices on all Goods. The whole Stock Re-marked. Bottom Prices on everything for a short time only. SILKS AND SATINS In black'and Colored, Plain and Brocaded. Cassi meres (black and color* di, Tricots. Diar onals. Serves, etc. Camel Hair and Wool Sateens, Velvets and Velveteens in all colors, plain and brocaded. Silk*Pongees, Dress Plaid*. In single and double width, and Trimmings to suit all Dress Goods. / Gloves, Laces, and Fancy Goods. He is now showing the largest stock of Kid Gloves, Nits, Laces and Fancy Goods for Ladies and Children ever brought to our city. In silk Hosiery ho has an endless variety and can not be undersold. MILLINERY In all styles aud uiasM of Bonnets ami Hats, Ostrich Plumes, Tips, Ribbons and Trimmings wHi be found there. This department is under tlrst-cias^artistes, who will please the tastes of all. Flannels, Blankets, Linens, Cotton Goods, I J J • J Toweling*, Domestic Prints. Ginghams, Alpacas, Comforters, Canton Flannels and Hosiery. Among the other things w hlch w ore very extensively purchased by his agents was the most magnificent Stock of Dress Goods of all kind* over seen in any dry goods house in Texas. Especial attention was given to purchasing Fall and Winter and he can also give the greatest bargains in CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, The stock of Clothing is the largest ever brought to Texas, and embraces, in the late patterns. Prince Albert. ( utaway. Frock and Sack Suits. A very large and complete stock of Indies*, Misses’, Men’s and Boys’ Shoes and Boots. A full line of Stetson Soft and Stiff Hats. Also a full stock of GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. FURNITURE AND CARPETS His Furniture Department iB|eouwlcte with Household Goods, and he will suit everybody m this line. Amongothcr goods we find Plush Parlor Suits. Mohair Parlor Suits, Walnut and Ash Bedroom Suits, Wardrobes, Chairs. Body Brussels and Ingrain t arpets, Bugs, Matting, Curtains, Window Shades, Etc. Country ciders tilled promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Send for samples. It Is not the pm|M>sition TO GIVK THESE GOODS AWAY, because they have cost money, and hence will be sold only at greatly reduced rates. In coming and examining my stock and seeing prices every one will be convinced that I mean business. L. WOLFSON, _ MainJPlaza and Acequia Street. UjILILN HTRICKEK. THOS ZOPES STRICKER & ZOPFS, Manufacturing Jewelers. Gold and Silver Plating and Engraving, Watches and Clock Hcpairing. Onlv the most Skilled Workmen Employed. Strict Attention to all Business entrusted to us. VMiicc and Work Kooms opposite Groou' Bank, NO. 14, NAVA BRO STREET. tt BIMMANO. A. HAMPEL Oysters, Fish and Game. Cafe Restaurants And At Scholz’s Hall, Corner of Commerce and Losoya Streets. IfirLunch and Meals at all hours. Everything served in First-Claes Style. Polite waiters in attendance. ' 7-28-6 m A. A. and F. A. BROOKS. ROBERT H. HUNSTOCK, L. ORYNSKI & CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists AND DISPENSING PHARMACISTS, South sidt|Military Plaza. Corner South Flores Street, SANZANTONIO. - - - - - ’ - TEXAS. 2 IMf SHAFER~& BRADEN 31 West Commerce Street, —Sole Agents for— “HOME COMFORT” RANGES, ln the City of San Antonio and Vicinity. PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, pyika'ers In Plumbers, (Jas and Steam Fitters' Supplies and Asbestos Parking SPRING Iffi San Antonio Daily Light. SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. FRIDAY, MARCH 12. 1.886. THE STRIKE. The Knights Propose the Following as a Basis of Settlement: St. Lovis, March 11 —Martin Irons, chairman of the executive board of District Assembly 101. Knights of Labor, has prepared a statement of grievances and demands of the striking employes of the Gould Southwest system, and sent It to Colonel Hoxie, first vice president and general manager of the Missouri I’acitio railroad. Irons denounces the statements made in Colonel Hoxie's cir cular, issued a few days ago, as wholly false; considers it too insignificant to reply to it in detail.,and expresses bis surprise that railroad magnates who have so long insulted the people by ap plying to them the phrase “be damned, ’’ will fall upon their knees and cater to them for sympathy. The statement pr <• eds by setting forth that it is th. f>< lie'of every Knight upon the Gould bysu in that the roads it embraces have inaugurated a sys tematic method of breaking up their organization, to check which attempt the strike lias been commenced. In order to bring about a speeay settle ment of the difficulties now existing be tween these roads and lueir former em ployes. Irons makes a proposition that a conference be arranged between the management of the Gould Southwest Co i panics and District Executive Board Assembly 101 of the Knights of Labor, and that they agree to the following pro positions : 1. That all unskilled labor, including section laborers, trrekmeo and orossir.g watchmen be paid $1.50 per day. 2. The abolishment of convict labor. 3. That all bridgemeu be paid at th. rates ef $2.00, 2.25, $2.50 and $2.75 per day according to the nature of the work performed by them. 4. I hat all house repair gangs be rated ne bridgemen. 5. That nil boarding houses for bridge gangs be entitled to half rules of freight on all supplies for the use of bridge out fits. 6. When outfit cars are moved at night or on Sunday, bridgemen shall be allowed one and one-halt time while so moved. 7. That while bridge men are com pelled to work in water at washouts, etc., they shall be allowed double time while so engaged. 8. That bridgemen be allowed one and one-half time for extra service. 9. That bridgemen be allowed passes to homes from places of employment twice a month. 10. That better regulations of appren tice service be inaugurated. 11. That when the services of any employe are deemed unsatisfactory by the Company, it shall be made known to him in writing that they may defend themselves in the following manner: He, the ac cused party, to select to assist in conducting the defease, and the officer of the company in immediate charge of the department in which the discharged man worked be allowed to select two persons to assist in conduct ing the prosecution; that accused be tried before three disinterested parties, to be selected in the following manner : Parties assisting in the defense to select one and parties assisting in the prosecu tion one, and the two thus selected to choose a third. The accused must be allowed to remain at work until the charges are either disproved or substan tiated. 12. That all men be paid the same wages for the same work. 13. That all men unjustly discharged be reinstated at the conclusion of this strike. Respectfully submitted, [Signed] P. L. Martin Irons, Chairman Executive Board, District As- sembly 101. Knights of Labor. At Galveston, Galveston, March IL—The situation to-night presents no new features of im portance. but indications all point to the fact that the Mallory boycott is gradual ly nearing an end. Three members of the Executive Board of the Knights of Labor, N. P. Hnux, of Austin, D. 11. Black, of Fort Worth, and G. W. Smith, of San Antonio, arrived in the city to day. and have been in secret session with local Knights during the the after noon. Master Workman Farmer and Master Workman Connelly, of Paris, are expected to-morrow. The full board will hold a very important session to morrow afternoon, and probably finally decide the Mallory boycott one way or another. In the light of recent events in North Texas and elsewhere. the grievances of local Knights have under gone an apparent change. Individual grievances are lost eight ef. Your re porter, in conversation with many Knights, beard no individual grievances. The matter has narrowed down to the single issue, in their opinion, to-wit: Will or will not the Mallory company recognize and employ organized labor, and as the great* strike on* the Gould system is said to have been in augurated by the discharge of one Knight of Labor at Marshall, so the trouble of the Mallory boycott could be adjusted by the employment of a single Knight. The issues in Texas, therefore, are as broad as they are long. President Sealy, of the Santa Fe, arrived here yesterday, but up to 5 o'clock this evening the Knights had not called on him In refer ence to any probable trouble on bis road. It is even doubtful whether tbe boycott committee of the Knights of Labor pro pose to wait on Mr. Sealy at all. To morrow’s meeting of the Executive Board is awaited with a great deal of curiosity and anxiety. The Engineer's Position. St. Loris, Msrch 11.—No attempt up to this hour, as far as can be ascertained, has been made to start freight trains from tbe Missouri Pacific yards. A con ference was held this morning between the freight engineers and General Super intendent Kerrigan and Master Mechan ic Bartlett, at which the engineers stated that they would stand at their posts when it was decided to run the trains; that when tbe engines are prepared in a proper manner for work they would run the trains according toorders,but further than this they will do nothing. The en gineers are holding a meeting this after noon, at which they will take formal ac tion in regard to tbe strike. Met the Cut. San Francisco, March 11.—The South ern Pacific yesterday, made a rate from here to Kansas City of $l5 and Chicago $lO, for limited and emigrant tickets. The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fernet the cut. Four car loads of oranges, wines and raisins produced in the Los Angelos valley, were forwarded to Chi cago to-day, to be exhibited at the fair there. GEORGE WAUGH'S ARREST. A Few Particulars Concerning the Uni versa! Building Association. Mr. George Waugh, the president of the Loan nod Building As sociation was once more arrested last evening. After he had been surrender ed by Messrs. The mas B. Johnson and D. J. Kearney, he procured two others who. however, quickly relinquished their responsibility and George Waugh was placed in tbe county jail. Mr. McPhail, one of the bondsmen, states that this was due to the fact that he had received a letter from bis sister in Brit ish Columbia, giving an interesting ac count ot the prisoner's crooked charac ter In that portion of the globe. From Mr. Garza, the banker, it was ascertained that he became acquainted with him some time ago through the medium of Mr. Tom Harrison. Mr. 1 Garza was informed that he was very wealthy, and had about $40,000 in ver. Colorado. Waugh drew check for $350 on a man named Earnest, in Col orado. Mr. Garza, before cashing i ba check. Inquired of Messrs. O'Connor A Sullivan as to the solvency of the man. They replied that they knew Earnest, but did not know if Waugh bad any authority to draw on him. It was then sent to Colorado ! and raturned. Harrison came and told him that he had got some collateral and asked him to let him have tbe money. Garza received some vendor's lien notes and Harrison gave him a check on an Austin bank for $300; it was sent up there and collected soon after. Harri son gave Garza a check for $l5O and lie cashed it. When sent for collection to Austin it was returned. Garza was told by Harrison then that Waugh hud neg lected to have thia money transferred to him. While Harrison had gone to Aus tin, Waugh called on Garza and told him that there were some men working for Harrison, and he wanted monev to pay them, ns they had stopped working. Garza naked him about the check of Har rison’s that had been paid, and the ex planation given. Waugh replied that it was a mistake on his part, and he would give Garza a check for the $l5O on the bank over nt Austin, and he gave him another for S4SU. which Garza paid him and they were both sent back. Mr. Waugh has also victimized Mr. Jeremiah Brown on the same principle, giving a fictitious check on Earnest, of Colorado, for work done. Mr. Thomas B Johnson, of the Light has been swindled out of nearly $2lO by this slick < anadinn. among other items there being a board bill at the Maverick to the tune of $5O. Regarding Mr. George Waugh's con nection with tbe association of w hich lie was president, lie was elected to the position on representations made by himself and others that he would invest largely in tbe stock of the association, placing it immediately on a secure finan cial foundation. His explanations were of so plausible a nature that he readily secured the co-operation of some of our most prominent citizens. In tbe charter the following names were given as the Board of Directors: Theodore Roziene, George Waugh. T. Hines Clark, D. J. Kearney, Joseph W. Maddox, T. B. Johnson, Alexander L. Lucas, L. Garza, John H. Bolton, T. P. McCall, Walter Scott, D. S. Burus and William B. Hamilton, and the following officers of tbe association were appoint ed : George Waugh, President; Theo dore Roziene, First Vice-President; Wal ter Scott, Second Vice-President; D. J. Kearney. Secretary; George T. Howard, Treasurer; Tom Harrison. Attorney. The organization of the association was completed simultaneously with tbe removal of the “Light” Publishing Com pany to its present location, and they rented the east side of tbe front office, which they fitted up witli elegant office furniture, the greater pat t of which was purchased of J. W. Hm nig. and still remains unpaid for. This re mark can also be applied to the rent due the Light Publishing Company. Mr. Roziene stated to a Light reporter this morning that bis name was used totally without his consent, and that was the reason he compelled the association to accept his resignation. He niso said that the orig inal intention of tbe parties concerned was to open a land office and to make a complete abstract of Southwestern Texas. The Company was to be incor porated and for this purpose Mr. Tom Harrison was sent to Aus tin to procure tbe charter. This be found he could not do nnd he changed the original plan into tbe Universal Loan and Building Association, drawing on Mr. Garza for tbe amount required to pay the fees and also Ids board bill during his stay in the Capitol city. Mr. George T. Howard, who was treasurer, save that bis name being used without authority, and be never qualified for tbe position nor handled any of the funds of the asso ciation. Certain amounts have been paid into the association, $196 of which Waugh was allowed to gain possession of fer some inexplicable purpose. A general meeting of the members will be held to-morrow evening when the books and vouchers of the associa tion will be strictly investigated and a definite statement of tbe status of aflairs ean then be ascertained. Stopped by the Knights. St. Lotfis, March IL—Without the knowledge of the strikers, this miming tbe Missouri Pacific Railway officials succeeded in starting from this city over the Iron Mountain track, a freight train consisting of a caboose and 17 cars. When it reached Carondelet, a short dis tance from the city, it was going at ex press train speed, but met with no oppo sition until it reached Desoto, where it whs boarded by Knights of Labor, who site-tracked it and afterwards killed tbe engine. Tbe Knights ef Labor say that they will oppose, to their utmost ability, any attempt to resume freight traffic by the road. MARKETS. Reported expressly for the Lioht, by 8. S. Flovd & Co.. 21 Soledad Street: Ntw Yona. March 12. — Cotton — Spots quiet; niidiMtnir 9',c; sales 121 bales. Fu tures sready; sales. M.tWO bales; March. K.«KW.K; April. HfBWI.W; May. ».13@9.15; June. 923C19.24; July. 9.35 i Amrust, 9.38(19.40; Heptember. SI: October. Wk 9.08; November. 5.02 bld; Decciubor. UO4 bid; January, 9.11 bid. New York. March 12. — Stock Market — Northwestern. 100; Delaware nnd Lacka wanna, 128',; Bt. Paul. 9",. Llwapoon, March 12.— Cotton — Spots, dull; middlings,4’>d; Orleans, 415 lad: sales, 8000 bales: receipts, none. Futures dull and unchanged; March-April, 4J>!-'io; April-May, 4 51-54; May-Junc, 4 53-56. Chicago. March 12.|—Grain and provision market—Wheat May, firm, 86 So. Corn May, steady, 4O'*c. Pork, May, quiet. 10.15 Lard, May, quiet, 6.08 H. CAN'T STAND CRITICISM. "Blunt" Reviews the Municipal Battle field, With Some Advice. Editor Sun Antonio Light. I take it. from an item in your paper, that MayorCallsgban is not pleased with my plea In Ids bebaif. I hope you are mistaken, as it would lessen ray good opinion ef the good sense of that worthy young gentleman. When tbe surgeon finds the bone crushed beyond redemp tion, he takes ofl the limb. It would be neither just or generous for the unfortu nate cripple to look upon the surgeon as his enemy. A just criticism may leave the patient shorn of some of bis beauty, but it should not be looked upon as an unmixed evil. There is a rule w inch is generally applicable in such cases, to wit: The public officer or admin istration that can't stand criticism had better step down and out. The man who occupies a high place of trust must be able to look over the beads of the toadies and flatterers who surround him to the great crowd upon whose shoulders he has been borne to his high position, or else he is lost. When .Mayor Callaghan cainc into of fice his friends were hopeful that hit career would lead to u higher place in tbe esteem ot the people than occupied tty bis predecessor, especially was this the case with bls Republican support ers. The yen ng Mayor promised relorui in city aflairs and a progressive adminis tration in the way of public improve ments. How has he fulfilled this expec tation? If we are to judge from the ex pressed public opinion on every hand, irrespective ef party, lie baa failed, signally failed. Yet, Ins failure is due largely to the City Council who have shared with him the responsi bility of tbe city government; bis great trouble came from tils inability to ap preciate the fact that our city is no longer a Mexican village, that the methods of ward politics would not be popular with the great muss of intelli gent. people, for the inaugura tion of a progressive, independent ad ministration of their atlHirs. Had the young Mayor thrown aside all his preju dices, and acted entirely with a view to tbe public benefit instead ot trying to strengthen his political position, be would be the strongest mau of bis party in the city to-day. In fact, had our Mayor been a stronger man with a ripe experience and knowledge of aflairs lie might have overturned bis watchful, crafty enemies in tbe city council and driviug them against tbe wall ot public opinion, be came their masters, and forced upon them a policy of his own. In tbe dis tribution of the spoils the council were content to take the crumbs th At fell from tbe executive table, but in ail other matters the ambitious counciltoen have had their way and left his honor the doubtful advantage of an undisturbed use of patronage. There is certainly a power in or garized public pap. but it inust be in accord with tbe sentiment of a large body ot the people who do not feed at the public crib, or it will bn swept like toe chaff before the gale Of the public wrath. Hence it is that tbe solid, substantial voters have de termined to the sewer propo sition in order that tbe present adminis tration shall not have the chance to use that expenditure Io feed its hungry sup porters, Tbe Mayor has hitherto op posed sewers, but he must now fall into line, as it lias developed into a conspir acy to secure control of our city govern ment at the next election. If Mayor Callaghan will openly and resolutely oppose the present sewer proposition, such action would go far to restore him to public favor. Bi.i nt. The Trades Assembly St. Lovis, March 11.—The Trades As sembly of this city, which is composed of regularly appointed delegates from all trades unions, have held a meeting and adopted resolutions recognizing tbe railroad strike as a struggle for the right yf workingmen to organize; that the po sition taken by tbe railroad managers is inimical to tbe rights of the working men and the public good and should be denounced, and expressing hearty sym pathy with tbe strikers. Preliminary steps were taken by the business men of merchants and mechan ics exchanges and other organizations to devise means to bring about a settle ment of the strike, and restore business to its normal condition A Question and Answer. A Dallas special to the Express gives the following telegraphic correspon dence: John C. Brown, and Pacific Ka I way. Dallas: Pbiladklphia, March 11, 1886.— Will you meet with committee selected by General Executive Board. Knights of Labor, to arbitrate for settlement of dif ficulties with Texas and Pacific em ployes? [Signed] T. V. Powdkri.y. i o tlieabore telegram Receiver Brown replied as follows: To T. V. Powderly, Pliilmlclpin, Pa. Dallas, Tex., March 11, 1886—Mes sage received asking me if 1 will meet committee selected by General Execu tive Board, Knights of Labor, to arbi trate for settlement of difficulties with Texas and Pacific employes. I beg to say that we have no diiliculties with Texas and Pacific employes, and should any arise, we are most willing now, as in tbe past, to confer with them and right any grievances shown by them to exist. Tbe issue between former em ployes, who are now strikers and not now in our employ, and ourselves is that they have committed depredations upon tbe property in our possession, by dis abling and killing engines and inter fering. by intimidation and otherwise, with meritorious and honest men now in our service, desirous to perform tbe duties abandoned by the strikers. This matter we have remitted to the United States Court, and the United States Marshals, under writ of assistance from the courts are settling the trouble for us, so I do not see any good that arbitration with a committee of the Knights of La bor should accomplish. [Signed.] John C. Brown. A Bank Closed. Nkw Brunswick, N. J.. March IL— The Dime Savings Bank ottbls city is In trouble. The doors were closed this morning by orders of the Secretary of State. The Directors of the hank are now in session. They positively refused to give any information aS to what the trouble is. ’ Arthur G. Oglesby, the Sec retary and Treasurer, it is rumored. Is short in his accounts to tbe amount of $BO,OOO. HAASHOPPENHEIMEH'S Store is crowded every day with bargain hunters. Since wo have coouaenoed our Great Clearance Sale. That is the la st evidence that our MARKBD DOWN PRICBB are appreciated. Something m-w addtMl u» the Rnnmin Counters every day. DRESS GOODS. ‘JOdrenH lengths, assorted plain and fancy woi-Hteds, 25c. worth W and Wk*. .mJO roui nant% th«- end* of the choicest fabrics, nri< «* cut in hall. What sold for jmt yard last wi < k you can buy now for 12‘$c; UK- ipMMh for 15c. 51k* jo mm Im f or 2Ta’, etc. |tm reinnantMof black k*mm!m, consisting of ba’i-te. cashinvtvH' < ra|M* ainun-s. drapd' Alinas, taffeta laines. and many other deair* able style* at rak? on the fl 00. 26 fancy worsted combination*, at $4 50, and £S,W. 20 pieces double, with colored easlim<*r' and coupes. aLJ7' t c, worthtkk*. • fancy drew put terns in«‘inbn>i<! * n <rcam< l«' hair, irrldesswnt b<>adtsl paueh. fancy braided, etc., $M.5t», fHMiu. sl*so and f is.m, worth $14.00, W. 50. flu.uuand s2»io. LADIES' WRAPS. Gray chinchilla circulars at $6.00, worth s9.on Berlin twill Bit>erian circulars, in black, at saoo, worth Minim. Ottoman silk circulars, fur trimming nnd quilted lining, at $ll 50, worth s t Bourlv cloth short wraps with fentin r trim ming, at $12.50, worth $13.50. Berlin twill-diort nips. Aptrakhan trimmisl ' $7 50. worth S!3.(M. Brocade ottoman silk short wraps, fur trim- I ming and ornaments, fll .Vt, worth $17.60. Black ail-w »ol Newmarkets.tight fitting.full tailor finish, at worth Black ißcnre Newmarkets, double-breast•**!. • t’ght-fitting, at iw tm, worth flu. Five Paris-made wraps in heavy seal plmdie*, • with silk medallion ha»ps nnd black silk veh<-t trimmed, with hand mail** garniture. These ' g*M»<|s will be sold at the same reduction. Mf'An early call will convince the most skeptical that the above prices have nevei been touched be fore. No samples cut during this sale. Geo. H, Kalteyer, President - Otto Koehler, Sec. and Manager. ★ LONE STAR* A BAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. HOTEL - MAVERICK o The best Appointed Hotel in San Antonio. WHERmNN, ■ - - - Proprietor. o The Patronage of Corfimercial Travelers solic ited. Table and Accommodations first-class. . Mat Mr. Moody and the Negroes. Evangelist Moody bus more tbun tbe average amount of common sense in his ■nuke-up. This is one of bis chief char ucteristics, mid he has never shown it more plainly than during bis present series of meetings in tbe cities of the far South. Tbe question at once arose when he wus in New Orleans and Galveston and Houston and other cities, ••What shall we do with the negroes?” There was no doubt they needed converting quite as much as their white brethren ; but what should be done about inviting them to tbe meetings? Mr. Moody re fused to do anything. He insisted upon leaving the arrangements to tbe local committees In the cities be visited, and the result was that in some places a certain part of the hall was reserved for tbe eolored people, In others they bad exclusive use ot the hall at certain hours, and in others tbe Evangelist went to tbe negro churches. There was some complaint because the meetings were not thrown open to black and white alike, and because the colored ministers were not Invited to sit oa tbe platform with the white preachers. Tbe Evangelist paid no attention to this. He said be was iust as glad to preach tbe gospel to a black man as to a white man, hut be did not feel that it was any part of bis mission to go to Southern cities and try to settle the great race question. He did not go as a reformer, but to preach tbe gospel “I never Interfere with the customs of a place,’ said Mr. Moody. “This ques tion of race bas been discussed north and south for many years, and it is hot possible for me to settle in two or three days what bas been agitated and dis cussed so many years without being settled harmoniously.”—[Exchange. Worst and More Of It. Fenderson (who basjust been intro duced)— Delighted to meet you, I’m sure. My friend Jones often speaks of yon. It was only tbe other day that be said : “Mrs. Louisburg is such a tine, motherly lady!” Miss Louisburg (with a faint smile of annoyance on her smiling face)—How droll I Y'our friend Mr. Jones was prob ably speaking of my mother. I atu M iss. not Mrs. Louisburg. Fenderson (much agitated)—Oh, I beg your pardon! but, really, is it possible that yon have a mother living?—Boston Transcript. Why She Wished Ho Was a Star. *•1 wish I were yon star,” he snid, dreamily. “So do I,” she returned, promptly, heroically swallowing a yawn. “And why, dear one,” he asked, im pulsively, “why do you wish I were yon brilliant orb?” “Because.” she replied, In cold, mat ter-of-fact Bostonese tones, “because yon brilliant orb is just 11.760,791 miles away.” —nd he faded silently out like a mist before a summer sun.—[New Haven News. —Every first-class dealer sells Opera Butts cigarettes. Avoid injurious imi- Utions. »4-7-lyBs DU QUESNAY’S, 3 West Commerce Street CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. Only $5 Year. HOSIERY. ('hwing out of Hosiery. Piled hiirh In basketo. wo exhibit a va«t ar rayof broken lots and wizea, ladles’ miMum' and übildn'ii'g. At 1 rtf J assorted colors and slzea, nl IVU । worth 2Uc and 25c. At 9A? ‘ P® 1 ” fancies and solid colors, Al 4tVb i worth &c to s<Jc. । At 3Sf* 7M pairs fandai and solid colors, Ai uuu t worth from soc to 76c. ( 300doseo ladies'Maco yam, fash* At 99f 1 ,OD ®d French feet. nt 64V am dozen ladies’ solid colors and ( fancies,worth, :flc to 37and 4Ue. Other odd lots fancy Lisle thread uad silks at the same cut. UNDERWEAR. Knit t’nderwear. One h>t ladies’ fine white merino underwear or drawi rs at 42c, reduced from Usc. One lot ladles' extra white merino under vests or drawers at 76c, worth fl.uiL 75 dozen infants', children's and mfefu*a'un dervesta ami drawers, all cut down In the I same proportion. Muslin Luderwear. 2Q dcoen Mucks full size muslin underskirts at 45c, worth 75c. 26 dozen ladies' chemises, best muslin, at 45c j worth 70c. 50 dozen corsets at 30c, a bargain to anybody , 1 at 75c. A tremendoua big pile of knit shawls, felt 1 “kirtM. Nubias, fascinators, hoods, etc., aC at I 50c each, worth SI.UU and $1.26. No Assistance from Waiters. “Waiter,this chicken ie very tougbj It’s all I can do to get my teeth through “Sorry, air, but I haven’t time to chew itforyeu now.”—[Tld Bid*. Frightful Ordeal to Pass. Charlie (striding up and down)—lt’e terrible—terrible. I owe money and can't pay it. Jack—Why not let the other fellow walk, Charlie ? Charlie—Let the other fellow walk ? I wish it was some other fellow. But it ain’t. It's an Irish washerwoman and she’ll be here in lOmlnutes.—[New Y'ork Times. _ A New Definition for Teething. Lady Caller- Come here, Mollie. Mollie (aged 6)—What fur? L. C.—l want to talk to you. Now tell me how do you like your little brother ? M.—Oh, he's tross and always tryln'. L. C.—lndeed! Why, what ails tbe little man ? M.—l dunno, but I dess he’s batchin' teeth.—Evansville Argue. —The only cigarettes which do not srickto the lips are Opera Fu®. FRANK STARR, Wholesale Fish and Oyster Dealer, Wants an insurance agent who will write up a policy on his restaurant, fish stand, horses, wagons, etc. Anply at No. 410 West Commerce street, San An tonio, Texas. 3-8-6 t. Machine buyers Take Notice. Mr. C. I. White, formerly manager of the Royal St. John Sewing Machine Company, in this city, is no longer in our employ ; all parties who have given mortgages or notes due on machines of this company will pay same to Colton A Bolton, Auctioneers and Commlseion Merchants, No. 2,4, and 6 West Hous ton street, who are hereby constituted our agents for collection of all monies dues us and sale of the Royal St. John Sewing Machine. J- M. Silliman & Co., General State Agents. By E. M. Stkrnk, Special State Agent. 3-6-8L New Good. For Spring Are coming in rapidly; everything you want in clothing, hats and furnishing good*. Pancoast A Sox. 2-26 tf —Just received, at Fowler’s drug store, a few copies of “Johnson's Ho mu-opathic Family Guide.” Practical Guide to llommopatby, also family cases. 1-7-tf Ssvwl His Life. Mr. D. 1. WBcoxson, of Horse < ave. Ky.. >*ays he wa* for many years badly aflllcted with Pythislc, also Diabetes; tbe pains were almost unendurable and would sometimes al most throw him into convulsions. He tried Electric Bitters and irot relief from tbe first Imttle and after taking six iMitth s, was en tirely cured and had trahMM in flesh 18 i>ound*. Says he positively believes he would have dh*! had it not twen for the relief afforded by Electric Bitters. Sold at 50 cents a bottle by A. Dreiu. t —~l%