" - ii i .-.-, ...i - ...i -i. , .ii.il yw,'.. n .11 ... ; ppi Jit DEMOCKATIC 1IV lOLITlCS PUKM IN LlTEltATUHEi AN imoOUKHHIVE INT SOUTIIKIIN INTE11EST8. BY Ai M. 'BARNEY & CO. MMINNVILLE, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1881. VOL. II.-NO. 10. i i -. i ; . N EJV Si (AN D : NOTES. A Summary' of Important Events. ' .7. O.' Fa ha? received the Demo cratic nomination for United States Senator from Nevada. , Tub Stato police claim to have discov ered a now sceret organisation of Socialist extending ovar"tJhe whole of Germany., JuDGjf'VriraiAsi'B. Woods, the new ly nppolntca Associate Justico, has taken his lilaca on thauprciue lioncli. The President has nominated General 'athnn Goff, Jr., ofVe'st Virginia, as Sec retary of tho Navy. ., Uon. fSoff him beou for twelve years United States District Attorney forWo.pt Vbrgiula and, four years ago was the Iiniil)Hpanr'cauditlato for Governor In IhatStfrto. Ht; l i; ;-? . , Tnij LandJUagiK! Iriids at Dublin are ' Jifopressing ytiletly.'' The impression pre vails that the traversers will be acquitted. It is requited that Enfield rilles have been for some tinio regularly shipped from Binning' bam to.' Ireland. The Government has or dercd'lho removal of the locks from rilles in the armories of volunteers. Tub; Legislatures of California, Ne vnda,.Xpnnee and Texas met on the Rd of January ; Delaware, Florida, Nebraska, New York, ''Ohio,; and Pennsylvania on the 4th; Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Michigan, Minnc nota, Missouri and North Carolina on the 5th; Indian and lisisippt on the (Ith; Con nccticul on .Ilia 7th;- Arkansas on the 10th; Kansas and liew Jersey on the 11th; West Virginia and Wisconsin on tho 12th. Captain EAiis.bas returned from Mexlfifj and states that the Mexican Gov- . t'rnmctit Ikis (riven linn tlio ri''tit to build a ship-rMIway across tlio Isthmus of Teliuan- tcpcnUud gr'nnts him 1,000,000 acres of land on the l'actlic coast for harbor purposes . The road must bocouipleted in ten years. A Paris tele-Tain announces that an.exnedillon of engineer has mailed from lfuv'rc to direct operation on' Dc'.LcsScps' Panama Canal, mid machinery, provisions and labor had been ordered forward from . New York and New Orleans. Ten lives were lost by a tenement house Are In New York City, on the morning of yie 4th. numbers were thawing out come frozen water-pipes at No. 'X Madison f l recti wjieo a cmi of gasoline used by them exploded, setting fire to tho surrounding wood-work. The flumes quickly communl cated to the slairway, up which they rushed with terrific volume, cutting off this means of. escape to tho occupants of the .upper floors. .The building was five stories high and occupied by eight families. Those on the lower floors Jumped from the windows and escaped with more or less bodily injuric-i. vThe upper floor was occu pied by Mrs. Rllen Sheridan and her family of four children and Mrs. Cassldy and three children. These, together with a girl named Ejran, were all suffocated or burned to death ' General Walker, the Census Su perintendent, has issued a statement giving the population of tho various States and Territories. In some instances the figures are approximated, but they ore very nearly correct. New York leads all the States with a population of 5,083,17:1. Pennsylvania fol lows with 4,'J82,7:i8. Ohio comes third with n,li7)7!)4, and is closely followed by Illinois with a population of 3,078,030; Missooil has 2.1IJ!I,01U; Indiana, 1,5)78,858; Kentucky, 1,(US,.7)'.; Iowa, 1,024,40.1. and Michigan,. ,;i4,0!0. Kansas hag 095,335, Nev;idtlwitlHiLV-)05, is the State of the small est population, and Delaware's is the next smallest, being llt!,(!54. Colorado, tho youngcbt of the States, had 194,049 people when the census was taken. Of the Terri tories, Utah, with 14:1,907, has the mostpeo pic, and Dakota, without Mormons, has 134,502 people. The total population of the United States Is 50,152,539. The Queen's speech, read at the open ing of l'urliamcut, fays that the ordinary powers, of law, have proved insufficient to deal with the ex'sting troubles in Ireland, and that additional powers will be immedi ately a-ked fur. ,Tbe Irish Land Act of 1S70 has been of great benefit, but under the strain of recent and calamitous years has not been found sulllcient either in Ulster or other provinces. A further development of its principles Is recommended, with a view to giving a larger portion of the people an opportunity to acquire by purchase a per nianent proprietary interest in the soli, and this legislation will require the re nioval of all obstacles arising out of limitations on the ownership of property. ,As an additional security for Intcri'sU Involved, ameasurc will be submit ted for the establishment of a county govern Pient in Ireland, founded upon representative principles, and fruited with the double aim of confirming tho popular control over the expenditures, and of supplying a yet more serious want by extending tho formation of habits of local self-government. A Dublin telegram ot tnoist an nounces that arrangements are being made for tho organization of flying column to scour the country, as was done during the Fenian rising. It is intend cd to start nino columns two from Dub lin, two from the Ctirrah, one from Athlone, one from Cork, ono from Fennoy, one from Limerick, and one from Belfast, Knch column will consist of a troop of cav alry, a division of artillery with two guns, four companies of infantry, ten sappers, a detachment of the Army Service Corps, a detachment of the Hospital Corps, nnd one ambulance wagon Three thousand soldiers are now stationed in Dublin.. .....A dispatch from Cork says the want of employment everywhere is felt, and nowhere more keenly than in those dis tricl ji where fho agitation has taken the greatest hold, hxtraordinaryenort are ie ing made in different parts of the country for the purpose of starting public works Land ' League meetings, announced to bo held throughout Ireland on Sunday, tho 2d, were prohib ited by tho Government. At Drogheda the meeting announced for Sunday was held on the previous day. After Ilealy and Davitl had made speeches two magistrates summoned 'the Chairman to stop the meet in',', and the Riot act was read. Tho people dispersed quietly. Ten thousand persons were pre-eut. A monster meeting took place at lially Castle ou the same day, and a meet ing at which S,CtX) rcoplo were present was held at Killalla. A collision is it ported at Tuam between soldiers and the crowd, during which stones were freely thrown. m GMEHAt. President-elect Garfield, on the 6th, formally tendered to tho Ohio I.egisla tine his resignation as United States Sena tor, and at the samo time hotiiled the United States Senate of the fact. A flat-boat containing eight frozen corpses was picked up by a Government steam-launch between Beaufort and Tort Royal, S. C, on the .Id. It was ascertained that the boats' crew had been drinkinghcav- ily on the previous night, while on their trip from SMIclena to Port l'oval. It is sud- posed that while under, the Influence of liquor they fell asleep, drifted out, and froze to death from exposure. ... Mrs. IIarmas, living near Midway, Ky., was fatally burned by her clothing tak ing flie. General John F. Miller has been nominated by the Republican caucus of the California Legislature to succeed Booth as United States Senator., " GovEunou' ei.ect Porter, of Indi ana, was married on the nth. In New iork City, to Miss Cornelia Stone, daughter of a wealthy farmer of Western New York. The bridegroom was a widower, and has a sou and daughter both nearly grown. Hon. Otto Dres.el, a leading and wealthy German lawyer of Columbus, O committed suicide on the 5th, bv shnotiug himself. Mr. Dressel left Germany during the troubles of 1848, and has for many years been a leading Democratic politician, and has served the district as a member of the Legislature. ' It Is rumored that recent financial reverses induced him to commit the deed. As the result of a saloon quarrel at Cambridge, Tex., on tho 4th, James Curtis, a wetl-known cattle man, was shot dead bv Van Rice, and the latter was badly wounded by Curtis. Rice was arrested and taken to a doctor's office, and while undergoing treat mentsonie person tired through the window, the hall entering Rice's breast, inflicting fatal wound. At Coalville, Bourbon County, Kans., on the 4th, a young lady named Davis was burned to death by her clothing taking lire from an open grate, and her mother was fatally burned while trying to extin guish the flames, dying within twenty-four hours. A singular double suicide is report ed from Coffey villc, Kans., the victims be ing Miss Henrietta Bailey, aged 18, daugh ter of a prominent citizen, and Charles Dilley, aired 24. The young couple were aflianced lovers, and their wedding day was originally set for Christmas, but for some reason not stated was postponed until New l car's Day. On tho day before the date last named the young ladv died sud lenly and, as was afterward developed, bv strvch- niuc poisoning. Two days later young Dilley died in the mine manner. No cause is as signed for these suicides, as there was never known to have been any trouble between the parties and no objections to the wedding by the parents. At Newark, N. J., on the Gth, Mrs. Meirhoffer and her paramour, Frank Lam- incns, were hanged from the same scaffold, their crime being the murder of Mrs. Meir- hoffer' husband in October, '1879; and at Philadelphia, on the same day, Daniel F. Sullivan and Patrick Hayes were hanged, tho former for the murder of his wife, and the latter for killing a woman with whom ho hud lived, but who had separated from him at the time of the murder. A boiler in the puddle milr of tho Allentown (Pa.) Rolling-mill exploded on the 0th, damaging the mill to the extent of ff3O,00O and instantly killing John Shak, aged 48, and fatally wounding Hugh Gallagher, aged 23; Hugh Harrington, aged 19; Patrick McGee, aged '0; James Rorily, aged 18, and Charles McClosky, aged 18; besides badly injuring five others. William II. Blackbtrn, a commer cial traveler, going on foot from Dumas to Blackburn Station, La., a distance or tnree nines, was overtaken by two tramps, who demand ed his money or his life. Blackburn pulled his revolver and shot one of the would-bo robbers through tho head, killing him in stantly. His companion turned and ran, but was brought down by a second bullet from Blackburn's revolver, which hit him in the leg. Ho gave his name as Peter Brizendine, and Louisville as his home, but the name of his dead comrade is unknown. Epes Sargent, well known as a jour nalist and text-book author, is dead. Eugene Hale has received tho Re publican nomination for LTnited States Sera tor from Maine. The Missouri Democratic Legislative caucus renominated United States Senator Cockrell. Conger has carried off the Senatorial prize In Michigan. The Strafford County Foor-house, at Dover, N. II., burned at an early hour on the morning of the 7th. There were 109 in mates, thirteen of whom perished in the flumes. Their names ore: Frank Jones, Asa Hall, Peter Sargent, Burnham Note, Jeff . Holland, Thou. McDermott, Ivory Hans corn, Joseph Cook, Cba. Riley, Sadie Ab bott, Martha Jewell, Lizzie Wilson, Clara Scates. A terrible boiler explosion occurred on the morning of tho 7th in Dalbach & Sons' smeltinic works, Newark, N. J. Three buildings were entirely destroyed. John Matz, engineer, George O'Gorman", J. W. Schlee and John Queen were instantly killed, and two others were badly Injured. All were employees. Four men were probably fatally burned by an explosion of varnish in a New York brewen1, on the (ith. Arthur Mirimiy was hanged nt Pendleton, Ore., on the (ith, for the murder of F. D. French, in Juno last,.. About one-quarter of the business portion of Lockhart, Tex., was burned on the 5th. Dr. E. M. Wright, republican can didate for Governor of Tennessee in 178, and formerly a member of the State Board of Health and Insp. etorof the National Boaid rt ll.inltl. Ai.xA it f'l.nltnuwwra nn tlin I! ll 1 VI Jll.MIM, 111. V III II ill I ti.l"''.., V'.I HI" VJ.H, of pneunn nia. The funeral of Bltinqui, the dead Com-1 nuinist, at Puns, was the Occvsion of a great demonstration. Thirty thou-and persons followed the remains to the cemetery, where several orations were delivered, one by Louise Mi'hel, recently Returned from ban ishment, and who received an ovation from the populace. There were no disturbances. A Washington dispatch says: The withdrawal of Mr. Fry from Hie Maine Sfi, Venal contest is an imln iU'in Ilia B aine is to be one v' G ij liehl's Cabir.c!, tin that Fryo Is to succeed Blaine in the Senate. It is said to be with this understanding that Frvo consented to withdraw in favor of Hale. C. B. Wilkinson, a well-known ne ws paper man, died suddenly of heart disease, in Denver, on the 7th. -- He was sitting up in conversation with friends five minutes-be fore his death. The Army appropriation, as passed by tho House, limits the enlisted men to 25,000, nnd authorizes the continuance of the Signal Service with a force not exceed ing 5'JO. The sum appropriated Is $20,315, 800. It is thought that the Maine Legisla- tttre will refer the Gubernatorial mutter to the Supreme Court. Pluisted leads Davis by 237 votes on tho straight count. The two Fusionist factions have held a conference, but could not agree, and consequently no future alliance is anticipated. A. J. Thomas .was. injured. At Nail" Walla, W. T ou tho 7th, for tho murder oi C. W. Bi umtield. The execution was wit ncssed by 2,500 people. The announcement that General Grant is about to visit Albany, N. Y., as the guest of Governor Cornell, has given rise to rumors that he may be presented as the Conkling candidate for United States Senator from the F.mplro State. Chaunccy M. De pew Is the anli-ConUling candidate. Ihsuor Atkinson, of the Episcopal diocese of North Carolina, is dead. The court-martial for the trial of Cadet Whittaker will meet in New York on January 20. It is estimated that our production of gold in 1880 was $33,522,182, and of silver :40', 005,30 1. The message of Governor Fostor an nounces that the funded debt of Ohio ag gregates $0,470,805, of which two-thirds Is payable in July next. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. Congress reassembled on the 5th.... Amontrtlie Senate bills introduced was one by Mr. InfjaHs, to provide for tho side, of the reservation of prairie land of Pottawatomie Indians in Kansas. The Vice-President sub mitted ti-oni tlio Secretary I War papers showing tiie mnlutenam-o of a channel at 8out.li Pass, Mississippi River, for tho quarter endni:; ovi lnberti, Jtwo. -j no bill lor tun re. lii fitf Id n Ilollidav whs taken no. but with out action tlio Senate went into executive session In tlio House, Mr. Springer (I)., in.) intiYMiticcu a oiu providing ror mo apportionment of It'-proscntntives under tlm new nstiB. i ue mil recognize tiie princi r:o of minority representation. It was refer. let to Hie I'ooiioiteo on Census, owitnrto the Illness of Mr. Wood (I)., N. V.). the Fund im: tiitl was not taken up, and tlio llmii-owcnt into roiniM it e on i lie Army mil, wiu -n was coinnleted mm i,:ssei. ino inter taici:oni men o bill whs tuen taken up and Mr. Kengun (I)., Mo.) snoke in lavor oi Ms suustituto lor the penilini; bill. Jan. 0. In the Senate, the Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation bill was reported and uluced on the CHlen-bir In the Housn tl:e iiim-riintf hour was dispensed witliandthe Fuinlinif bill was taken up In Coninil tee of tt e Whole, siieccbes ?eln nrnde bv Messrs, Kellev (li., Pa.), Weaver (Gr., Iowa), Mcl.ano (r.,Md.), spii'itfer (1)., ill.), nnd others, in opposition io tlio bill, and bv Mr. Chittenden (ii.. N. V.) in its favor. Mr. Phillins (I).. Mo.) also spoUo in favor of his tubslituto for the proje"d uill. - Jan. 7. In the Senate, the Consular and Diplomatic Approptiatlon bill passed. Mr. .loniis present ?d (lie memorial of ore W.J, Moore, of New Orleans, ullt'Kiil'j that Mutator K"1!ohr procured his election by bribery and corruption, and asking to lie examined b-foi-e the Coininilteo of Privileges and Elections. Mr. Kellogg said Monro had reecnty been rttselinrjed from the New Oileiins Custom-ilouso lor attempted ciiilczz:ciiiciit, and denounced him also as a perjurer, blackmailer and liar. Mr. Hill ((ia.) said tluit Moore had once before ottered to testify nsninst Kelloirg, but upon be iiiii iriven a pliico in tlio Custom-house ho tesiilled in his favor. He was now repeating bis plan. No notion was taken. The .-enate adjourned till Monday Iu the i louse, Mr. Springer (1.,11I.) introduced a resolution calling for information In regard to tlio Halifax llslierv award, ullegpig by im plication Unit the f.V.tW.OOO award puid by this lioveinnient to Great Britain was obtained throiiL-h perjured testimony. Mr. Newberry (It., Mich.) wade, a speech in support of the resolution. It was referred to the Committee on Foreign Atfairs. Several bills of a private nature passed. LITE NEWS ITEMS. Governor Muruav, of Utah, has certified the election of Allen G. Campbell as Delegate to Congress, on the ground that Cannon, his successful Mormon competitor at the polls, and the sitting Delegate, is not a citizen. The vote at the ele 'Aion stood, Cannon, 18,508; Campbell, 1,357. The Mor mons are highly Indignant, and hold that Congress lias already passed upon the ques tion of Cannon's eligibility by admitting him to a seat. A hreak-cp of the ice in the Olro River at Cincinnati occurred on the 8'h. Several steamers and other craft were badly damaged. Capt. James B. Eads made an ad dress before the St. Louis Chamber of Com merce, on the 8th, explaining and illustrat ing, by map, his proposed ship railway across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Keso lutions were adopted memorializing Con gress to give oflieial recognition and aid to the great work. Mrs. C. G. Galley and Mrs. E. O. Ellis, wives of two prominent farmers in Gieenfleld Township, while crossing the track of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad at Havana, about twelves miles from Norwalk, O., were struck by a train run ning at a high rate of speed and both killed, almost instantly. They were riding in a cutter, and the sound of the sleigh-bolls drowned the noise of the ap proaching train, which was also bidden from st;:ht by an intervening building. Their horse's neck was broken and the cutter smashed to atoms. At Lake Frovidonce, La., on the night ofthe7th, a mob broke open the Jail and took therefrom a prisoner, James Brown, and hanged him to a tree. Brown was a flatboatman irom Illinois, in January, ibso, ne ana a party of twelve others arrived In town, and becoming unduly boisterous from drinking, the City Marshal, Ber nard McGuirc, attempted to arrest Urown, who acted as ringleader of the crowd. Brown immediately pulled a revolver and shot the officer dead on the spot. The mur derer escaped, but was subsequently recap tured and held for trial. A iiEAvr snow-storm prevailed throughout the Southwest on the 9th. The Senate was not in session on the Sih. In the House the Funding bill was further considered in Committee of the Whole, a general debate being held under the live-minute rule. Mr. Wood (D., N. Y.) who has charge of the bill, endeavored to cut short the tulk over the bill and bring it to a vote, but n motion to adjourn was in teijcctcd, which, being supported by the iireenbackers and other opponents of the I bill, was carried. OCCURRENCES OF INTEREST. Kecro'.oillciil. FnoM a list, published in the Chioigo Trf?) unr, of tho nam1. of prominent individuals who died durliijf tho year 1SSJ, wo compile the following;, belonging to tho United States: POLITICAL, WOlll.I). Adolph E. llorle, ei-Secrctary of United States Navy; Hon. William A Howard, Gov ernor of Dakota; Richard II. Conooly, cx-Comp. troller of Now York City; cx-Govornor Ed ward Clark, Texas! ex-Mayor Ooorgo Opdyke, New Yorkl ex-Uovornor Albert G. llrown, Mississippi; ex-Uoveruor John A. Campbell, Wyoming Territory: ex-Oovernor Herbert, of Louisiana! Uovornor WilllauM, of Indiana; cx-(lovc-ruor Westeot, of Florida; ex-Uovern-or Henry S. Footo, Teunesseo; ex-Uovernor McClelland, of Michigan; liunjamtn K. I'helps, United States District Attorney, Now Yorli k City. ex-mrmi)Khs of oo:anBss. General John Urisbin, lV-iituylviinla; Sam Uol G. Arnold, Haode Islah 1; William W". War ron, Massachusetts; Th iuuis F. Rayard, Dela Atrariii I.Mn.ph HntfijaYirtf .nlft-JH iWUbia Pennsylvania; 12, ij. Fi-euuh, M.tine; J. 11. Howell, Iowa; Juo b Brinkorlio. Oliio; Jo seph K. Chatvilor, Pennsylvania; William Dig ler. Penmylvania; James Alexander SoJdoa, Virginia; Hersehul V. Johnson, Georgia: Len Darttiuloinew, New Jersey; Hobert McClol land, Michigan; It. C. Hitter, Kentucky; Charles Albright, Pennsylvania; Fayotto Mo Mullen, Virginia; Evarts W. Farr, New Hamp shire; Peroy Walker, Alabama; C. D. Collin, Ohio; Charlos Knapp, Now York; LarayotteS. Fostor, Connect ioat; llonry D. Fostor, Penn sylvania. united states Anv. Brevct-Major-Gcuoral George Sykes, Malor Genorul Hector Tyndalo, Gen.iral Joseph W. Hevero,MaJor-Genoral Hlut.elmnn, General Albert J. Myor (Old Probabilities), General Alfred Torbert, Geuoral Richard 8. Sattorloe. UNITED STATUS NAVV. Commodore Homer C. illako, Cupttlln John Carson, revenuo marine; Isaiah Hauscom, Chief of tho bureau of Navigation; Commo dore Edward Barrett, Rear-Admlral Thatchor, Chief-Engineer John 8. Albert, Commodore Lowry, Uear-Aduilral C. K. Stribting. tiikoukiv. Bishop Gilbert Haven, M. E. Church, Mai den, Mass.; Jacob Ide, D. D., Congrojationat, West Medway, Mass.; William McAllister, Methodist, New York City; Hev. U. 8. Mo- Murdie, Director of tho Theological Seminary, Emmottsburg. Mo.; He v. Ad ilph Italtzur, President German Evangelical Synod of North America, St. Louis, Mo.; ltcv. F. W. Kennedy, editor SmUhern Christian Aduocdc, Macon, Ga.; Uov. Joromiah 1). Jeter, D. D., baptist, Klcbmond, Va.; Prof. D. L. Tresslor, D. D., President Luthornn Coil-go, Ca.-thago, III, Hev. Kohert L. Dashlcll, D. D Methodist Episcopal Church, Newark, N. J.: Rev. Georga Puncharl,- Congrega'lonal, Huston, Mass Itev. Hr. Osjood, Episcopalian. New York; bishop Pellieier, Roman Catnolic, San An tonio, Tex.; Prof. Alexnn lor Maowhurter, Presbyterian theologian, New Haven, Conn.; Dr. William M.ittbews, Presbyterian, Louis ville, Ky.; Hev. Dr. William Adams, Now York; Hev. Dr. O. E. Daggolt, Profoswr of Divinity, YaloColloze; Hev. S. D Dennlson, D. D., White Plains, N. J.: Rev. William 8. riumer, D. D.. Baltimore, Md.; Bishop David 8. Daggett, ltichmond, Va.; Thonun II. So. ton, D. D., Petersburg, Va.; Hev. John Mo- Closkcy, President Mount St. Mary's College, Emmlttsburg, Md.: Hev. John S. Pholps, Met odlst, Trenton, N. J.; Hev. Dr. Edwlrt H C'bnplu, Now York. sciantca and enuOATiON. Trof. 'William Livingston, Lombard College, Galesburg; Prof. SnmuelOardlner, oleotrleiau and inventor, Buffalo, N. Y.; Prof. I. O. Chap man, Mount Union College, Ohio; Prof. F. A, Allen, Principal Pennsylvania Normal School Ptif- Frederick Pock, botanist, Washington, D. C; O. U. English, school-book publisher, Pittsburgh, Pa.: James Lenox, founder of the Lenox Library, No. v York; Prof. James Das- comb, Oburllu Colloge. Ohio; 1). K. Jones, In ventor of luclfer matche-., Chillio .the, 0. David M. Lord, editor IAtctani and 7'hcoo((r(U Journal, Now York; Prof. John C. Bull, Amer ican Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, Hartford, Conn.; Rev. llamas Soars, ex-Presiduut Brown University; Prof. Hiia-.n Collyer, Ne braska State University; John B. Gordon Profossorof Mathomatios, Faycttovlllu, Ark Jacob Hall, geologist, Texas; Benjamin Pierce, Professor of Maihomatiei, Harvard Collego, tliissncbusotts; Prof. James C. Watson, as tronomer, Madison, Wis. JOURNALISM. Herman Roos, Swedish American, Chicago Georgo W. Bliss, Mineral Point (Wis.) Triiurt Frank Leslie, New York City; Thomas Grant, Evening A'cum, Detroit, Mich.; L, Plummor, Tribune, Minneapolis, Minn.; Will iam H. Brewster, TraecVtr, Boston, Mass. George D. Hebard, Gallipolis Led'jcr, Ohio; R, P. Lee Shufer, Montgomery (N. Y.) ,St,iaird Charles Smith, Keokuk (In.) Consfftuffon; C. 0, Taylor, Philadelphia Times; John F. Wheeler, Fort Smith (Ark.) Jnifcwmtoif; John Nugent, San Francisco Herald; James J. Koss, Mays. villa (Ky.) BuiJetm; T. W. Elehelborg, Des Moines (Iowa) State lletiintir; chaunccy New ton, Cincinnati (Ohio) Kniutrer; Sidney Andrews, correspondent, Washington, D. C Samuel H. Glonn, New York Herald; Georgo Brown, Toronto Globe; E twin A. Tucker, Hartford (Conn.) Evening Vit; George Hip- ley, New York Trihune; David L. Phillips, StaU Journa', Springfield, 111 ; J. Bradbury, New York M'orid; Alexander W. Hook. Pitts burgh Dispof eh; Robert Lourle, Auburn (N, Y.) Courier; Germon Fobs, Woonsocket (It. I, Patriot; Solon Robinson, Now York Tribune William Stengol, H'esflfche Post, St. Louis Hiram Fuller, New York; Charles W. Whip ple, Louisville Commercial; Chnrles E. Smith, Cincinnati Gazette; Edward Lloyd Ford, Chris tian Union, Now York; Jerome li. Stlllson New York Herald; John Nugent, Sun Franci oo Herald; Gerard Stith, New Orleans PicavuiM. I.1TKRATU11B. Hiohnrd Frothingham, historian, Boston, Mass.; Mrs. May Agnes Fleming, novelist, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Dr. Edmund ilailoy O'Cnl Ughan, historical wrltor, New York; Lydia Maria Child, Wcy land, Minn.; E. D. Mansflol New Haven, Conn.; George Merrlam, Spring- Held, Mass., publisher Wcbitcr'a Dictionary. A Brave F.iidlnrrr. The bravery of locomotive engineers has often boon dwelt upon, and many heroio acts by the brave fellows have heretofore been chronicled. One of the most hemic deeds on the pnrt of an engineer yet recorded wns per formed recently by Engineer Bond, of Wabash Engtne 327. His engine left Toledo Sunday at 5:55 p. m., pulling tho No. 3 west-bound passen ger-traln. When nino miles west of Defiance, Ohio, ono of tho driving--rods broke in twain on the engineer's side. Tho fragments tore up through the cab, and threw Bond, stunned and bruised, back on top of the ron! In the tender. There was groat dangorof tho broken driving-rod throwing the engine from the track nnd wrecking tho train. The broken rod kept chopping up through tho very spot where tho whlstlc-cord hung, so that brakes-down" could not be called. The mo mentum of the train gradually Increased, and tho danger of ditching the whole train was paramount in the engineer's mind. As he re covered himself a hnppy thought struck him. The train was supplied with automatic air brakes. If ho could but cut tho pipe nnd allow the wind to escape the brakes would set them selves. Ho put his Ideas Into action by putting his penknife between his teeth andcliml.ini' down the rear end of the tender, and geitinit between that and the tlrt conch: hu reached down while the train thundered along nt fifty miles nn hour, and at the risk of his life tfuo eecded In ruttlna flit in the brake-hose. The binkes. faithful to their duty, set themelve and brought tho train to a halt with nit any 'urther daniaue. Of course the passengers, when they heard of their n irrow esenoe. wre loud in their praise of Bond's bravery. (7i xiio 'JYViunr. mil VND F01XT. Aw attractive but uncultivated woman is very like brown sugar sweet but un refined. The Detroit Free iVpss says,; .."It is very haid to be poor That is out" recollection of it. Milwaukee bun. There is an old savins that "if you keep anything seven years it will come style." All right: then poverty is stylish, and. we're iu style. OU Oily Derrick. A Missouri man with an ingrowing nail chojipod his too off. This remedy never fails. For sale at all hardware stores. Beware of imitations. Norm- town Herald. It is the opinion of Nans Tfeiffer that murderer upon tho scaffold, although in a very serious position, is always ound to have his "leedle choke." awcob Strauss. Wk T would like to inquire if theman who sat with bated breath got a bite? li so, the plan might be at onuo adopted by our ignoble army of tramps. low I ers Statesman. Perry Martin, of Arizona, climbed a tree to shake down a coon. Just how he felt when he found the coon to be a bear will never be known, as bruin cuffed him off a limb and he had a fall of fifty feet. Detroit Free Press. There wns onen a poor pitiful plumbor, Who was meekness itself in the summer, But the frost mndo his "pile," And he now lias the stylo Of a brass-mounted St. bonis dmmmer. Indianapolis Herald. "Are you a eood riderP" asked a livery man. -'I am," replied the cus tomer, and just then the horse snorted, stood on its hands, came down and bucked. And the customer went on, from his hijjh seat in the haymow, "See now easily i get off.;' MEN AM) WOMEN, "Women have many faults; Men have but two; There's nothing right tbev say And nothing right they do 1 "But if naughty men do nothing right And never say wbnt'n truo, What precious fools we women aro To love them as we do !" .V. 0. Ptcaiwie. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Hydraulic cement, mixed with oil, forms an incombustible and watcrprool paint for rools of buildings. In S'tme recent experiments at Paris the fumes of burning coffee were shown to nave a uisinlccting power quae re markable. Dr. Vak Lent has been commission ed to study epidemic diseases in the united estates lor the tiovcrnment oi Holland. . It appears to be .vttlcd now, thrcu2h the researches of Gustavo Hausen, that it is by their antenna) that insects are able to distinguish odors. When the antennas were coated wiih parafline or removed altogether. Hies, for instance, took no notice of tainted meat. But it does not follow, however, that the an tenna) kav ttther-use. .s,. A bug has turned up in Asia Minor wlucli feeds upon the egirs of the locust, Where a cluster of locust eggs is exam ined the destroying insect appears in the midst of them. l,oeusts from time im memorial have made themselves dis liked in Asia, and the new bug, which i. believed to deposit its eerss in the live locust's body, has generafsymputhy and encouragement. From tho inquiries conducted by Pro fessor Hermann Cohn, of llre.slau, since 18G", it appears that short-stsrhtedncss is rarely or never Dorn with those subico! to it, and is almost always the result 1 strains sustained by the eye during study in early youth. A butter construction of school desks, an improved typography of text-books, and sudicient lighting ot class-rooms aro the remedies proposed to abate this malady. One of the advantages pertaining to the new method of engraving by elec tricity an electric spark pen having been invented for the purpose in Paris is that the artist does all parts of his work, and with no more trouble than ii working with an ordinary pencil, and can even operate in a dark room, with out any other light than the glare from the induction spark. If a sheet of thin paper be attached to a plate of copper or zinc, it is said that an engraving may be made with extraordinary facility by this device. Dr. Cutter states that the increase of nervous diseases, decaying teeth, pre mature baldness, and general lack oi muscular and bono strength are greatly due to the impoverished quality of flour now in use, the gluten being thrown away in order to make tho flour white. He urges the uso of unbolted flour, and of eggs, milk and butter. He denies that fish is brain food, or that Agassiz ever said that it was, and claims that butter, being nearly all fat, is a better kind of brain food than any other. Quarrelsome Neighbors. The Limekiln Club being formally called to order, Brother Gardner arose and said: " Doorin' do pas' week oue man tole me dat he'd got to move kase he couldn't stand it wid his najbtirs; a tecond had got to move kase de nay burs couldn't stand it wid him; a third said dat somebody frowed stuns agin his doah an' hurled taters frew his winders, and a fourth had some odder sorto' complaint. Some folk fink dat de test of goodness am gwine to church, or giv in' to charily, but 1 doan'. I believe dat a man's good an' bad pints am de veloped in de way he uses his naybtirs an' in do way dey like him. If yer nay burs am bad, let 'em alone ; if dey am good, incouraige 'cm. Keep no chick ens, build no nigh fences, maintain no howlin' dogs, have no rows, return all favors, an' your nayburhood will be all right. If George Washington had tried to keep sebenty-rive chickens on a patch of ground thirty by sixty, wid a garden each side ob him. he could not have bin de Father of his Kentry. If Henry Clay had kep' a howlin' dog or a brayin' mule, his oratory would hab bin declar'd a fcham. If Benjamin Franklin's wife nad trotted to disnajbur fur flour, to dat ono fur sugah, to do nex' for tea, an' so on arotin', de philosophy ob Poo' Hiermrd wouldn't weih ten ounces to de poun'. To sum it ail up, de family who quarrels wid its nayburhood quar rels among itself. Do manners in a fam"ly crop3 out in outride rows." De troit Free 1'rcns. Our. Young -Folks. I11S MANY NAMES. Nk.vkh a bov had so many namos; They t-alo-d him Jimmy, and Ji-.u, and James, ,-eoins and .Innile; and well ho know Who it was that wanted him, too. Tho bovs in tho street ran after him, Snouting out loudly, "Jim! Hey, J-i-m-ml" 1 ' lit 11 the echoes, liltlo nnd big, Seemed to be dancing a Jim Crow Jig. And little Mabel out In tho hnll "Jim-mi Jim-mi.'" would sweetly enll, Until he nnswerod, and let her know Where Bho might Und him; she loved him so. Grnndpnna, who was dignified, And held bis head with an air of prido, Iddu t believe in abridging names, And mude the most that tie could of "J-a-m-e-s." But If nana ever wanted him. Crisp nnd curt was the summons "Jim!" That would make tlio ooy ou net orranus run Much faster than if ho had said "My sou." Biddy O'Flvnn could nevor, It seems. Call him any thing elso but "Jeoms," . Ana wuen tlio nurse, old .Mrs. itiovyso, C'Hllyd bbu "Jamie," it sounded nice. Rut sweeter nnd dearer than all the rest. Was the one pet name that be liked tho best: " Darling 1" be heard it whate'er ho wiib ut, For none but his mother called hi in that. Jugf.j'hinc IWIard, in Aiti iute. DO UN THE RIVER. Walter Dale wa3 a little boy six years old, who lived witli ins parents on the bank of tho Itiver Thames in England. One day after dinner ho went to the water's edge to play. beeing a small boat tied to a big Btono by a rope, ho pulled ihtj boat up to the shore. V bat a nice little boat!" said he, "1 will get into it, and rock it, as I once saw a big boy do." So he got into tho boat and began to rock it. The boat got loose and drifted down the river. Walter i did not notice this until he was quite a distance from the shore; then, turn ing round, he saw what had happened. bvery moment the current was carry ing him further from home. Walter was not a timid boy, nnd, instead of crying, he began to reason in this way: "The boat does not leak. It is safe and sound. There are no waves to make me afraid. The wind docs not blow. Here on a seat is a thick blanket. In this box is a loaf of bread nnd a knife. The water of the river is good to drink, and hore is a tin mug. i think 1 will not cry, but hope for the best." . So he sat down. He called to some people ou the shore; but they did not near him. lie stood up and waved his hat to a man in a passing boat, and cried, "Help, help!" But tho man thought it waa some little fellow mak ing fun of him. ideanwhilo Walter's mother had bo come anxious. She ran down to the river, and followed his foot-tracks to tho edge of the water. Then she ran back to her husband; but ho was not in the house. In about an hour he came back, and film said, "Quick, quick! Got a boat, and call John to help you. Walter is drifting down the river in that little green boat, I am sure. Mr. Dale ran out of tho house, called his man John, and they went down to the bank. Here they took a good fast boat, pulled it out into the stream, and began to row with the current. It was Eettinj late. A mist was creepinir over the great city of London. They could hardly see the tall stores, the masts and steeples on one side. But on they wcut, rowing swiftly with their good oars, as if for dear life. They looked out sharply on both sides to catch a sight of tho littlo green boat. At last, when they had rowed about two miles, with the tide in their favor, Mr. Dale cried out, "I see it! I see it! But, ah! it is empty. I see no sign of a boy in it. What can havo become of poor VV alter?" On they rowed, and at last camr? up with tho boat Still no Walter was to be seen. The poor father was in de spair, when all at ouco Walter started up from under the great blanket, where he had been hiding. Ho cried out, "Here I am, papa, safe and sound!" "Oh, you littlo rogue! Como here and let mo pull your ears!" They all got back to their horiie in time for a late tea, which mother had kept warm for them. Walter was kissed and then cuffed; but tho culls were so tender, that they made him laugh even more than the kisses. Nursery. The Kangaroo. In the large island of Australia an island so vast as to be ranked as a con tinentnature has produced a singular menagerie. The first discoverers of this country must have stared in amazement at the strange sights which met their eyes. There were wildernesses of luxuriant and curious vegetable growths, in habited by largo quadrupeds which ap peared as bipeds; queer liltlo beasts with bills like a duck, ostriches covered with hairinsteadof feathers, and legions of odd birds, while the whole woods were noisy with tho screechinj and prating of thousands of paroquets and cockatoos. Tho largest and oddest Australian quadrupedis the kangaroo, a member of that strange family, the Marstipialia, which are provided with a pouch, or bag, in which they carry their littlo ones until they are strong enough to scamper about and take care of them selves. The delicately-formed head of this strange creature, and it? short fore-legs, are out of all proportion to the lower part of its body, which is furnished with a very long tail, and its hind-legs, which are large and very strong. It stands erect as tall as a man, and moves by a succession of rapid jumps, pro1 pelled by its hind-feet, its fore-paws meanwhilo being folded across its breast. A large kangaroo will weigh fully two hundred pounds, and will cover as much as sixteen feet nt one jump. The body of this beast is covered with thick, soft, woolly fur of a grayish brown color. It is very harmless and inoffensive, and it is a very pretty sight to see a little group of kangaroos feed ing quietly in a forest clearing. Their diet is entirely vegetable. They nibble jrass or leaves, or eat certain kinds of roots, the stout, long claws of their hind feet serving them as a courcr.ient pickax to dig with. The kangaroo w a very tender and affectionate mother. When the babv is born it is tho most helpless creature imaginable, blind, and not much bigger than a new-Lora kitten. But the moth er lifts it careiully with her lips, and gently deposits it in her pocket, where it cuddles down and begins to grow. This pocket is its homo for six or seven months, until it becomes strong and ; wise enough to fight its own battles in tho wood and world. Whilo living in its mother's pocket it is very lively. It is very funny to see a little head emerg- i ing all of a sudden from the soft fur of the mother's breast, with bright eyes peeping about to see what is going on in the outside world; or perhaps uoth- ing is visible but a littlo tail wagging , contentedly, whilo its baby owner is ' hidden from sight. The largest kangaroos are called menuahs, or boomers, by the Australian ; natives, and their flesh is considerea a great delicacy, in flavor" something liko young venison. For this reason theso harmless creatures are hunted and killed in large numbers. They ale very shy, and not very easy to catch; but the cunning bushmen hide themselves In tho thicket, and when their unsuspeot" ing prey approaches they hurl a lauco into its body. The wounded kangaroo springs off with tremendous leaps, but soon becomes exhausted, and -falls on ; the turf. , , , If brought to bay, this" gentlo beast ' will defend itself vigorously. ' With- its i back planted firmly against a tree, it has been known to keep, off an army of dogs for hours, by dealing them terrible blows with its strong hind feet,., until the arrival of the hunter with his gun put an end to the contest. , At oilier times tho kangaroo,' being an -export swimmer, will rush into tho water, ana if h venturesome dog dares to follow it will seize him and hold his head under 1 water till ho is drowned. Kangaroos are often brought to zoor logical gardens, and are contented in ' captivity so long as they have plenty of corn, roots and fresh hay to eat. Uar per's loung 1'eople. Five Cents. - 1 "Well, my boy," said John's em ployer, holding out his hand for the i change, "did, you get what i sent you for?,r ' "Yes, sir," said John; "and here is the change, but 1 don't understand it. Tho lemons cost twenty-eight cents, and there ought to bo twenty two cents change, and there's only i seventeen." . " Perhaps I made a mistake in giving ' you tho money?" . , . .-, i "No, sir; 1 counted it over in tho hall, to be suro it was all right." 1 1 " Then perhaps the clerk made a mis take in giving you the ehange?" But John shook his head: "No, sir; I counted that too. Father said we must always count our change before we leave a store." "Then how in the world doyouac-, count for the missing five cents? . How doyou expect me to believe such a queer " story as tbatF,",. -.-.:.. t!rWs-,t--John's cheeks were red, but his -voice was firm: "I don't account for it, sir; 1 can't. All I know is that it is so." " Well, it is worth a good deal in t his world to be sure of that. How do you account for that live-cent pieco thai ia hitting inside your coat-sleever' John looked down quickly and caught the gleaming bit with a littlo cry of pleasure. " Here you arc!" ho said. " Now it is all right. I couldn't . imagine what had become of that five cent piece. I knew I had it when I started from tho store." " There are two or three things that I know now," Mr. Brown said, with a satisfied air. " I know you havo been taught to count your money in coming antf going, and to tell tho exact truth, whether it sounds well or not three important things for an errant l-boy. I think I'll try you, young man, without looking any farther." At this John's cheeks grew redder than ever. He looked down and up, and finally he said, in a low voice, ." I think I ought to tell you that I wanted the place so badly I almost made up my mind to say nothing about the chango if you didii't ask me." . - , .. " Exactly," said Mr. Brown; "and if you had done it you would have lost the situation; that's all. -1 needaboy about ' mo who can bo honest over five ; cents,, whether he is asked questions or not.' ' The Fans. A Fatal Wedding Day. . , , , . ' It has been an open secret for some time among their intimate acquaint ances that Air. Douglass W arwick, of Richmond, and Miss Nellie Burwoll, of Franklin County, were betrothed, and r, they wore to have been married about . tho first of this month. Everything was in readiness on tlio evening ap pointed for tho wedding and a carriage was sent to tho depot to meet tho ex pected bridegroom, but instead of the gentleman a message came, stating that sudden illness prevented his presence ' and asking that the wodding be de ferred. Three times successively it was postponed for tho same reason. But last Wednesday when for tho third time everything had been prepared for the nuptials -came tho most cruel blow of all. 'Twas but natural that the young lady should have felt some trep idation at the approach of tho carriage that had thrice failed to fulfill its mfs sion and the sad sequel proves that her apprehensions were not groundless. Instead of greeting her future husband she received a telegram conveying the shocking intelligence that ho was dead- ' Let us draw a veil upon the scene that followed, for the poignant grief of a widowed bride is too sacretf to be ex posed to tho curious gaze of an unsym pathetic world. Miss Burwell was very popular among her acquaintances, ..and her sad misfortune elicits tho deepest sympathy from all who knew her. Dig Lick (Fa.) News. Is 1G11 Holland offered a reward of 25,000 guilders (about $10,000) for the discovery of that northwest passago which Prof. Nordcnskiold has at last, ia our day, accomplished. This offer was long forgotten, but it was neTer rceallod; and it is now probable that Holland will pay the. promisod reward to bo successful explorer, little though ho dreamed of tho possibility of such cuinjiensation when ho started on hi-) enterprise.