OCR Interpretation

Southern standard. (McMinnville, Tenn.) 1879-current, August 22, 1891, Image 3

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A Household Remedy '"
Botanic Blood Balm
. rheum, ECZEMA, every
form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be
tides being efficacious In toning up the
system and restoring the constitution,
when Impaired from any cause. Its
almost supernatural healing properties
justify us In guaranteeing cure, If
directions are followed.
OUI1 I rntt "Book of Wondirs."
BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga.
ftniifr ill tin fortuneehaTe been made at
wutk for tii, by Amir. IVge, Auulii,
I flan, ml .Tito, Itnnn. Toledo, Ohio.
Hee cut, OiherBareduitiftaaweU. Why
lut your Hume earn over f umi.uif a
noutli, You cm it 00 the work end IWa
it home, whrrrver von in, Even be-
fHnnera are emily rarnintr from f i to
t Mutiny. Allagra. Weahow you how
and Mart you. Can work In Mwre time
or all the lime. Hlg money for work
fri. Failure unknown among thnn.
NKW mid wonderful, rarttriilnrafVee.
Timo Table Mcll AlIBfi
Freight Pass.
Lv. Sparta 10 CO am. 3 05 am.
" Doyle 1120 am. 3 35 am.
" Holders 1145 am. 3 54 am.
" Walling 11 65 am. 4 02 am.
" Rock Island 12 05 pm. 4 10 am.
" Rowland 12 45 pm. 4 35 am.
" McMinnville 1 15 pm. 5 05 am.
" Smartt 145 pm. 5 25 am.
" Morrison... 2 10pm. : 5 45am
" Summitville 2 35 pm. 6 05aoi.
" Manchester 3 15 pm. 6 30 ora.
Ar. Tullahoraa 4 15 pm. 7 20 am.
Pass. Freight.
Ly. Tullahoma 10 00 am. 5 30 am.
" Manchester 10 45 am. 6 30 am.
" Summitville 11 15 am. 7 00 am,
" Morrison 11 35 am. 7 25 am.
" Smartt 11 55 am. 7 50 aa.
McMinnville 1215 pm. 815 am.
" Rowland 12 45 pm. 8 50 am.
"Rock Island 1 05 pm. 9 15 am.
L Walling 1 13 pm. 9 25 am.
' Holder 1 21 pm. 9 35 am,
11 Doyle 1 40 pm. 9 55 am.
Ar. Sparta 2 05 pm. 10 25 am.
Passenger trains pass Tullahoma going
south 9 53 a in, 10 24 p m and 5 55 p m j go
ing north, 4 32 p m, 2 58 a ni, 7 32 a m.
Tullahoma to McMinnville Arrives 12:10 p.
m.: leaves 5:20 a. m., daily except Sundays.
McMinnville to Sparta Arrives 5:30 a.m.;
leaves 12:00 p.m.; daily except Sundays.
Through mail to and from beyond Tulla
homa, arrives 8.00 a. m., leaves, 12.00 m.
Beershcba Springs Arrives 6:30 p.m.;
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ; leaves
6:00 a. ni., sapiedays.
Smithville (route No.19355) arrives 12:00
m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays;
leaves 1:00 p.m., same days.
Woodbury Arrives 12 m., Wednesdays
and Saturdays; leaves 1:00p.m., same days.
Horse Shoe Falls Arrives 12:00 m., Wed
nesdays and Fridays; leaves 2:00 p. m.,
same days.
pastor; services every Sunday morning and
night. Sunday-school at 9 A. M. Prayer
meeting Wednesuaynignt.
Christian Services every Sunday. Prayei
meeting Wednesday night.
Presbyterian Rev. J. D. Murray, pastor.
Preaching every Sunday morning and night;
prayer meeting every Wednesday night.
Sunday-school every Sunday morning at 9
Cumberland Presbyterian Rev. G. T.
3tainbackpastor;servicesevery Sunday and
at night; prayermeeting Wednesday night.
Sunday-school 9:30 a. m.
Baptist Dr. A. D. Thillips, pastor.
Preaching every Sunday morninc and
night. Prayer meeting every Wednesday I
night. Sunday school 9:30 a. m.
'. COUUT8.
CHANCERY Sits 4th Monday in May and
November; W. S. Bearden, Chancellor;
J. C. Biles, Clerk.
CIRCUIT Sits 1st Thurday after Second
Monday in January and May, and 3rd
Monday in September. M. D. Smallman,
Judge; W. V. Whitson, Attorney-General,
I. W. Smith, Clerk. ,
COUNTY Sitsby quorum 1st Monday in
every month; full court every quarter;
F. M. Womack, Esq., Chairman ; A. R.
Hammer, Clerk.
Rheny, Sheriff; W. W. Mulliean, Regis
ter ; Win. G. Etter, Trustee and Tax Col
lector; John F. St. John, Tax Assessser;
O. F. Hruster, Ranger; I. L. Rheay,
Jailer; W. N. Mitchell, County Superintend
ent of Publio Instruction.
C. Womack, Aldermen, Geo. W. Hood
enpyl, John B. Biles, I. W. Smith, J. E.
Jones, Thos. Black, C. H. Scales; Recorder,
I. W. Smith: Treasurer, J. E. Jones; Mar
shal, II. P, Maxwell.
If & A. M. Warren No. 125 1st Thursday
X: night in every month, in their hall over
the court room. J. G. McGuiRK, V M.
nightin every month.
W. W. Fairbanks, II. P.
IO.O. F. McMinnville, No. 146;every
. Tuesday night, in their hall over Wom
ack & Colville's store.
S. T. Lively, Sec.
Rebekah Degree, meets First Thursday
oight in each month.
Mrs. W. S. Livklt, N. G.
.Mrs. J. II. Sherrill, Secretary.
I No. 140; meets in Masonic hall 2d and
4th Monday nishtsin every month.
Tiros. Black, Uep. W. G. Brittain.D.
and 4th Thursday nights in everv monthd
S. X. LlVHLY, P.
Of nil the books around the house
Arranged in piles or rows,
The picture bok's the poetry,
The butcher's book's the prose.
Of all the plttntH about the place
On which the zephyr blows,
The white rose is the poetry,
The cabbage is the prose.
Of. all the birds I daily hear,
In chirrups or in crows,
The bobolink's the poetry,
The shanghai is the prose.
And in our pretty little home
This thing my fancy knows:
My mother is the poetry,!
Her slipper is the prose.
Harper's Young People.
The Smoke of Pinbook Swamp.
Tallahassee Floridian.
For more than half a century this
mysterious column of smoke by day
nnd a flame by night, rising in the
midst of an impenetrable swamp on
the Gulf coast, has not only puzzled
the rustic fishermen and hunters who
watch it from the outer edges of the
swamp, but scientists and thousands
of others who have viewed it from
elevated points about Tallahassee,
thirty miles away.
By day it presents the. appearance
of a vast volume of jet black smoke
rising up as though issuing lrom a
huge smoke-stack, ascending high
above the tree tops and floating off
on the breezes. At night it presents
a bright light, as though a large
house was burning and the flames
were not quite visible. It appears
and disappears at irregular intervals,
but always in the same place. From
Tallahassee it is south-south-east,
and when burning can be plainly
seen from any elevated position.
For more than twelve months, a few
years ago, it was continuously visible
from the oast windows of the Talla
hassean office.
Numerous expeditions have started
out with sanguine expectations, but
came back worn out and disgusted.
They can get all around the mystery,
and see it from any elevated stand
point, but when they start into the
swamp, which 13 from fifteen to thirty
miles across in any direction, they
are met by insurmountable barriers,
besides snakes, alligators, mosquitos
and sand flics.
It is hard to believe that a decent,
respectable volcano would hide itself
away in such an ungainly place as
this, but there is the smoke and
llame, and ifit is not a volcano, what
is it?
During the late war the federal
gunboats lying out in the gulf off St.
Mark's mistook the smoke for a con
federate blockade runner hidden
behind the swamps by some private
channel, and wasted lots of valuable
ammunition shelling that ' dismal
. Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from
Kractice, having had placed in his
andsbyan East India missionary
the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and perma
nent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, Asthma and all threat and
Lung Affections, also a positive and
radical cure for Nervous Debility and
all Nervous Complaints, after having
tested its wonderful curative powers
in thousands of cases, has felt it his
duty to make it known to his suffer
ing fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suffer
ing, I will send free of charge, to all
who desire it, this recipe, in German,
French or English, with full direc
tions for preparing and using. Sent
by mail by addressing with stamp,
naming this paper, W. A. Noyks,
820 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. Y.
It is by no means a new theory
that a man and woman who have
been married a great many years
grow to resemble each other,not only
in manner and voice, but actually as
to features and expression. A recent
number of the Illustrirte Welt has
an article on this subject which states
that the photographic association of
Geneva has quite lately been investi
gating the truth of this theory, by
the aid of the camera. The photo
graphs of seventy-eight elderly or
very old married couples were taken,
and an equal number tof family
groups, 'ine result proved quite sat
isfactory to holders of this theory, in.
asmuchasin twenty-four cases tho
resemblance between husband and
wife was much greater than that be
tween brother and sister, and in
thirty cases more it was fully as
great. The failure of the other twenty-four
old couples to realize the ex
pectations of those interested in the
matter is supposably due to "incom
patibility of disposition," which
time was apparently unable to com
bat in its effects.
One hundred and fifty (150) worms
from two doses of Dr. Fenner's Pleas
ant Worm Syrup. See his circular
Money refunded if satisfaction not
given. For sale by J. D. Tate & Co.
McMinnville, Tenn.
. . . , A Texan Cloud-Burst.
N. Y, World.
I was riding in the smoking1 car of
a Texas Pacific train, when a Texan
who sat opposite mo seized the
sleeve of his coat and began to
wriLg and twist as if to clear it of
water. It was such a queer move
that I asked for an explanation, nnd
he looked a bit confused hs he said:
"It's a habit I've fallen into. I did
it without thinking."
"But your sleeve isn't wet ?'
"Oh, no. I just imagined it. I
was in a cloud burst about two years
ago, and I got so wet that it took
me three months to dry out. I
got in the habit of wringing
some of my clothes out every
hour or two and I still keep it up."
"Cnn vnn ripucrilip Hin flmirl.Vtircf'
J . x v . yj . uu.oi.
I asked.
"Powerful easy. In the first place
I had 3,000 sheep feedin' on my
mt i
rancn. inesun oegan to pump up
water about noon, and at 2 o'clock,
when she had about 40,000,000 bar
rels on hand, she pulled out the plug
anu let trie whole man' of It come
kersquash down on my land, and in
ten minits I hadn't a sheep alive. All
the buildings went, all the herders
went, the old woman and children
went, and I was flung ashore ten
miles away. (Join' to live in
"If you was, I wanted to tell you
that you kin play with a centipede,
t . . ...
iuss wun a tarantula, joke with a
catamount, and make up faces with
a cow boy, but when it comes to
cloud bursts, you want to let right up
and begin on the Lord's Prayer!"
During the epidemic of flux in this
county last summer, I had hard work
to keep a supply of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hem-
edy. People often came ten or twelve
miles in the night to get a bottle of
the Remedy. I have been selling
patent medicines for the last ten
years and find that it has given bet
ter satisfaction in cases of diarrhoea
and flux, than any other medicine I
have ever handled. J. II. Benham.
Druggist, Golconda, Pope Co., 111.
Over five hundred bottles of this
llemedy were sold in that county
during the epidemic referred to. It
was a perfect success and was the
only remedy that did cure the worst
cases. Dozens of persons there will
certify that it saved their lives. In
four other epidemics of bowel com
plaint this llemedy has been equally
successful. '25 and ,r)0 cent bottles for
sale by Kitchey & Bostick, Drug
gists, McMinnville, Tennessee.
Josh Billings' Philosophy.
New York Weekly.
Wit seldom makes a man laugh
when he fust hears it, but when he
cums tew think ov it, it often duz
It is easy enuff tew alter things, but
it is hard enuff tew korrekt them.
ro tneman wno minus, a city is a
Tne man wnose wnoie stock ov
knolledge is drawn from books, will
often phind himself at the forks ov a
road where there ain't no guide
Those who have the most merit see
the most in others.
it iz impossible lor a grate man
tew escape censure every noay iz
anxious tew get a krak at an eagle,
Ceremonys are a sort ov manuel
for fools to regulate their kondukt
Good sense and good breeding are
fruits that grow on the same bush,
The man who is waiting tew be
happy will next year at this time be
waiting still.
"Why, now I cannot get enough
to eat," says one lady who formerly
had. no appetite, but took Hood's
Hats Off.
Bentonville (Ark.) Sun.
Lilt your hat reverently when you
pass the teacher of the primary
school. She is the great angel of the
Republic. She takes the bantling
fresh from the home nest and full of
pouts and passions an ungovernable
little wretch whose own mother hon
estly admits that she sends him to
school to get rid of him. This lady
who knows her business takes a
whole car load or tucse little anar
chists, one of whom, single-handed
and alone, is more than a match for
his parents, and at once puts them in
a way of being useful and upright
citizens. At what expense of toil
and patience and soul weariness!
Here is the most responsible position
in the whole school, and if her salary
were double she would not receive
more than she earns.
Headache and neuralgia like a
dream fades away under the magic
influence of Megriniine. Free sam
ple on application. The Dr. White
hall Megrimine Co., South Bend,
Ind. 1 or sale by . II. ! leining.
OddlQtie about Flesa
Nothing curious about a flea, eh?
Let us see. Put one under a strong
microscope. What a transformation!
T . . .....
it seems to be clothed in armor
"from head to foot" formed of brown
oveiiapping plates, that are bo ex
ceedingly tough as to be-almost in
destructible, lis head is small and
very thin, with a single black eye on
each side, the rays of light scintillat
ing through the tiny optic like sparks
of fire. Puget managed to look
through the eye of a flea with his
powerful glass, finding that Its sur
face diminished objects in size while
it multiplied them in number, a man
appearing like an array of fairies,
and the flame of a candle becoming a
thousand tiny stars. From the shape
of its head, and for other reasons, tha
flea is supposed to use but one eye at
a time. The offensive weapon of the
little creature Is composed of two pal
pi, or "feelers," two piercers and a
tongue. When it feeds it stands
erect, thrusting this sucker Into the
flesh, and will eat without in
termission if not disturbed.
Tho flea's manner pf breathing is
still undetermined, but it is thought
to be through two small holes at the
end of the palpi. St. Louis Ilepub
Are active, effective and pure. For
sick headache, disordered stomach.
loss oi appetite, oau complexion and
biliousness, they have never been
equaled, either in America or abroad,
For sale by W. H. Fleming. 2.
Home Talk.
Epworth Herald.
Your conversation in the home.
What is its tone? Do you give quar
ter to criticism and censoriousness?
Do you talk harsh about people?
Have you unkind tilings to say of
the minister, the doctor, the teachei,
the judge, the grocer, next-door
neighbor? Look out! The meas
ure of injustice and cruelty which
enters into the conversation in some
homes is verily astonishing. The
habit grows insidiously and does not
willingly loosen its hold. What an
atmosphere in which to live ! WThat
chance is there for the growth of re
spect and confidence toward society
and the Church. There is much
goodness, realness, grandness all
about you. Talk about that. Quote
tho good words people speak, the
good deeds they perform. Let the
conversation ot the home inspire
confidence in virtue, manliness.
righteousness, and all things that are
of good report.
For headaches, biliousness, consti
pation, dizziness, sleeplessness, the
blues, scrofula, the blood and all skin
eruptions Dr. Fenner's Blood and
Liver . itemedy and JNerve Tonic
never fails. Warranted to satisfy or
money refunded, lor sale by J. D.
Tate & Co., McMinuyille, Tenn.
A German inventor proposes to
make boots with stone soles. He
mixes with a waterproof glue, a
suitable quantity of clean quartz sand
which is spread on the thin leather
sole employed as a foundation.
These quartz soles are said to be very
flexible and almost indestructible.
while they enable the wearer to walk
safely over slippery roads.
Bncklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap-
Sed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all
kin Eruptions, and positively cures
Tiles, or no pay required, it is
guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
money reeiunded. Trice 25 cents per
nox. ror sale by Kitchey & Bostick.
The old method of training a pet
lamb at the house and then turning it
into the flock is still practiced by
some flock masters. It is well known
that sheep will follow a leader, and
if the petted lamb has been taught to
come at a call or peculiar sound, the
the whole flock will be governed by
following the particular one that has
been trained.
t)r. Fenner's Golden Relief is war
ranted to relieve toothache, head
ache, neuralgia, or any other nain In
2 to 8 minutes. Also bruises
wouudSj wire cuts, swellings, bites,
burns, summer complaints, colic,
(also in horses,) diarrhoea, disentery
and llux. If satisfaction not given
money returned. For sale by J. I).
Tate & Co.
A house built on sand is, in fair
weather, just as good as if builded on
a rock. A cobweb is as good as the
mightiest chain cable when there is
no strain on it. It is trial that
proves one thing weak and another
James W. Lancaster, Hawkins-
ville, Ga., writes: "My wife was in
bad health for eight years. Five
doctors and as many more different
patent medicines had done nor no
good. Six bottles of B. B. B. has
cured her."
: Pimples, Headach'cs'LoTs'ofl
: Sleep, a Weary Feeling, Pains in-
: eoay or LimDs, ant of Appetite, :
Eruptions. . If you suffer from:
any cf thesa symptoms, take j
mm I
it in. jiii
WHY? Because Your Blood Is Impure l:
; liavo you ever nsca mercury7 if bo,
did you give yourself the needed attention
at the timo? Don't you know that aal
' long as the mercury is In tho nystem, yon
tell you that you reqntro a blood medicine, Z
I to ensure freedom from tho of tor effects."
Doctor Ackcr'n English Itlooda
Elixir Is the only known medicine that.
will thoroughly eradicate tho poison from!
tho system. Get it from your drupclst,
orwritoto W. H. HOOKER & CO.!
46 Wont Broadway, New Vork. "
These Cslebratcd ENGLISH;
Pilii aro Positive Cure for Mi L ;
Headache, UUIoutncu. ui'l!
Coutlpatlon. Small, plena.!
HBt and fuYorlte with the!
ladles. Bold In England for la.
I 'id., In America for 85c. Get;
them from your I)mm;lt, or
send to W. 11. 1I00KKH to,
4S Wmt Broadway, How York, g
" Mothers' Friend " is a scientific
ally prepared Liniment, every ingre
dient of recognized value and in
constant use by the medical pro
fession. These ingredients are com
bined in a manner hitherto unknown
WILL DO all tnat is chimed fur , .
it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor,
Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to
Life of Mother and Child. Book
to " Mothers " mailed FREE, con
taining valuable information, and
voluntary testimonials.
Sent liy express ri-rcipt of price $1.50 per bottle
McMinnville, Tenn-
lean be time d at our XKW line of work,
'rapidly and honorably, by thoM of
either kk, voting or old, and In tbrir
own loc&lUia,Hjif rarer they live. Any
one can do Ilia work. Kaay to learn.
We fUrniah everything. We atart you. No rUk. You ran devot
your apart mommiU, bt all your time to the work. Thla la an
entirely new lead, nil brhifre wonderful aucceaa to every worker.
iieglnnera an earning rrom vie to u perweec ana upwaraa.
i more after little experience. We can fumUh you the em-
Eloynacnt and teach y0 r KKK. No apareto explain here, run
.formation FUkK. Tit UK & ( O.t AltilbTA, AUKS
"W"Ej ST,
"Winter Rcsortw
N. C. & SI L. r'Y.,
-.Wi raxii u d iin i hr-n a
AGENT, Or Address
W. W. KNOX, Ticket Agent, or
W. L. DANLEY, G. P. & T. Ag't,
D. B. CARSON. Acent. McMiDnville.Tenu
Subsccibe for the Staxpaiu, $1.

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