OCR Interpretation

Southern standard. (McMinnville, Tenn.) 1879-current, September 19, 1891, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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A. Specialjnvitation is Extended to Each and
Every Purchaser of
si: (puis.
for men and boys, a 'spec
ialty with nsl
full line of "Texas Cowboy" styles. Especial at
tention is called to our' line of "Albert" stiffs.
Every hat guaranteed. In
everything the most fastidious dresser could wish.
Our Neck-wear, superb Collars and Cuffs, in all
prices of latest fads. E. & W. brand a specialty.
Have secured the agency for the patent "Vertical
Slide Back" Suspender, acknowledged the most
comfortable and substantial suspender ever made.
Will not pull off buttons.
A magnificent line UNDERWEAR in
both American and imported goods. In fact our
stock in every line is complete. A personal inspec
tion solicited. No trouble to show goods. Full
line of Ladies and Childrens Wraps to arrive soon
Our line of CLOTHISC is especially full,
by far the most complete we have ever handled,
and we feel safe in the assertion that it is the larg
est ever displayed in any house in the city.
One-half our house, shelving and counters is "full
to overflowing" with SHOES of every descrip
tion. To our customers in this line, we desire to
say that we intend to maintain our reputation for
selling only solid, substantial goods. We
will not buy cheap shoes at all, preferring to let
other people sell them believing it injures a
merchant's reputation more than the recompense
in profit amounts to.
In HATS wc lea(l ne syl having Dunlap,
Knox, Youman and Stetson's new fall shapes. A
full line of Crushers in all newr colorings. Also a
WARRANTED -st-- t - H
Have given a contract for hand
some show window fixtures to
arrive next week. It will be
worth your while then to call
and see our windows in "full dress."
Toq Topics
Onions at A. M. Jones'.
Cutlery and Shoes at Seitz's.
Piles of school tablets at Seitz's.
Mr. A. C. Johnson was here two
or three days this week.
Country Bacon, Sides, Hams and
Shoulders at A. M. Jones'.
The front of J. C. M. Ross & Son'
store is being re-painted.
Miss Fannie Gross, and brother,
are in Nashville this week.
A few more jars of that Broken
Java Coffee at A. M. Jones'.
You will find the largest stock of
Jewelry in town at 1). L. Brown's.
That Seed-tick Coffee at A. M.
Jones' can't be beat in this market.
Mr. W. D. Northcut made a trip
to Nashville and returned this week.
Mr. Erby Montgomery was in
Nashville a day or two of this week.
Miss Mattie Mofiitt, of Nashville,
was visiting relatives here this week.
--Mr. Alfred Hume, of Uni verity,
Miss., was here a few days this week.
A Diamond Safety Bicycle for
sale at a bargain. Apply to D. B.
Mr. Jesse Saflley is spending a
few days with home folks, in this
Prof. J. II. Sherrill made a trip
to Nashville and other places this
Mr. W.II.York and wife went to
Nashville Thursday morning to spend
a few days.
Dr. G. It. Crain is in his office,
prepared to make engagements for
dental work.
Mr. Frauk Mullican went down
to Nashville Wednesday to see n
"Night in Pek4n."
Mrs. A. II. Woodlee went to
Nashville Thursday to spend a few
days with her husband.
Miss Jennie Mollitt has returned
houie, after spending a month nt
Monteagle and other places.
Found A sum of money. Own
er can get same by describing prop
erty and paying for this notice.
-Mr. J. F. Morford left last Monday
morning for Cincinnati to buy fall
and winter goods for Morford & Co.
Miss Jeanette Davidson left one
day this week for Chattanooga, where
she will take a course in a business
Mr. J. It. McGregor came over
from Chattanooga Wednesday, aud
returned Thursday accompanied by
his wife.
Mr. Frank Cardwell has rented
and will occupy the dwelling house
of Mr. A. II. Faulkner, on Spring
D. L. Brown has a large and
varied stock of school tablets and
scratch books. A nice blotter given
with every tablet.
The small electric dynamo ar
rived last Tuesday, and some of the
lights in the business houses have
been running since.
Mr. Ed. Sanders arrived Tuesday
from Carthage, and "will take a po
sition in the office of the Mountain
City Woolen Mills.
A display of special interest to
the ladies is that large stock of cloaks,
wraps and furs opened at A. II.
Grass' this week.
Miss Mamie Allen, of Painsville,
Ohio, arrived last Saturday to spend
several weeks here with her aunt,
Mrs. E. G. Mead.
Mr. Chas. Colville left for Cin
cinnati last Monday, to buy his . fall
and winter stock, and was accompa
nied by his wife.
Mrs. J. T. Kelton left Inst Satur
day afternoon for St. Elmo, where
she will visit her son, Mr. Thos. K.
Bostick, for several weeks.
The weather signal pole was rais
ed last Monday, and the fair weather
signal, (white Hag,) has been floating
to the breeze every day since.
Buggy, Harness and good gentle
family horse will be sold at a bargain.
Apply to Mrs. Wm. White, McMinn
ville, Tenn. 2w
Miss Sarah Birdsall, who had
been visiting her neice3, the Misses
Kennedy, near here for several
weeks, returned home last Monday.
Miss Annie Ewing , of Pennsyl
vania, arrived last Friday, and will
spend several weeks with her sister,
Mrs. J. L. Dempsey, near this place.
-Mr. P. II. Wlnton, of Viola, who
was so badly injured one day last
week, is rapidly recovering, being
now able to sit up a portion of each
Mr. D.M.Wrightsman was given
a preliminary trial before Esq. C. G.
Black last Friday, and released on a
bonk of $1,500. Mr. Davis, the man
he 8hot,is improving.
Miss Fannie Gross is now in the
markets selecting aud purchasing a
large stock of fall and winter milli
nery goods, which will arrive next
week. . .
I intend to still maintain the
reputation the house has always had
for being headquarters for Shoes of
all kinds. My stock is complete.
Chas Colville.
A special coach will leave Mo
Minnville for Texas on the 29th inst.
The emigrant fare to Dallas, Fort
Worth, and other points in that por
tion of Texas, will be $17.90.
My goods will arrive in a few
days, and no special day for bar
gains will be had, but it will be one
continuous bargnin day until they
are sold. Citas. Colville.
Mrs. Wm. Eastwood left Thurs
day morning for Nashville to join
her husband, who has secured a po
sition there. We regret very much to
lose them from our town.
Mr. Charley Rogers, who had
been visiting his mother, Mrs. J. C.
Biles, at this place for several weeks,
I left last Monday morning for Ocala,
I Fla., where he will engage in busi
j ness.
i Dr. Stainback and wife left last
J Monday morning, the Doctor going
to Missouri to dedicate a new church,
J and Mrs. S. to Alabama to visit
j friends. They will be absent about
i three weeks.
W. S. Lively & Co., have receiv
ed this week a large new stock of
Bureaus, Bedsteads, Center Tables,
and other articles of Furniture. They
invite a call from everybody needing
anything in the furniture line. , .
Did you know that this is lovely
weather for making fine photographs
and that W. S. Lively makes photos
of all styles equal to the best produc
ed in this country. Go and see his
fine samples of work.
Mrs. It. M. Atkinson and little
son, who have been visiting relatives
here for three or four weeks, left for
their home at Fulton, Ky., today
(Friday) accompanied by Mr. Eugene
Atkinson, who will engage in busi
ness at that point.
Mr. J. S. Burroughs' new resi
dence on Main Street, on which the
carpenter's work is now. nearly com
pleted, will be one of the prettiest
houses in town. It is of graceful ar
chitecture, and will be very ornamen
tal in finish, both inside and out.'
One hundred nd seventeen emi
grants, bound for Texas, passed
through Nashville last Tuesday
night, about thirty of whom were
from Warren county. Mr. D. B.
Carson, agent at this place, has sold
over one hundred emigrant tickets
during the present month.
A. M. Jones wishes to state to
his friends and patrons, that having
lost his horse, he will be compelled
to stop delivering until he is able to
get out and get another. However,
he hopes his patrons who have been
so kind to him will continue their
patronage in such things as are not
burdensome to carry, at least.
Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle: The
Pathfinder is the name of a neat lit
tle three-column folio issued monthly
in the interest of the Christian church
in this city, the first number of
which made its appearance last
Saturday, which contains a sermon
by Rev. A. M. Growden, the pastor,
on "Ephesus, the Fallen Church,"
and other interesting matter. Its
motto is, "Ask for the Old Paths."
Why suffer? Preston's "Heart- Ake"
will cure you.
Workmen are now engaged in
making some changes in the building
of Mr. II. L. Walling, on the south
west corner of Main and Spring
Streets. A stairway will be run up
from Main Street between Mr. Wall
ing's and Jones Bro's buildings, the
room used by Mr. Jeanmaire will be
lengthened six feet, and a handsome
suit of offices will be fitted up in the
second story of the Walling building
for Dr. Crain.
The revival meeting at the Meth
odist church has been largely attend
ed this week, morning find night.
The church has been very greatly
blessed. The sermon tonight (Fri
day) will be specially addressed to
young people. This morning (Sat
urday, at 9:30 o'clock there will bo a
special, service for children and young
people. Everybody is cordially in
vited. Mr. A. H. Faulkner, postmaster
atMcMinnville, is now engaged in
making a general inspection of all
postoffees through the county, and
reporting their condition to the De
partment at Washington, in accord
ance with a recent order from Postmaster-General
Wanamaker. The
inspection and consequent instruc
tions to country postmasters will no
doubt result In a general Improve
ment of the mail service.
It is hardly necessary to call tb
attention of our readers to the adver
tisement of J. C M. Ross.& Son in
thi3 issue, as- "he who runs may
read." We will just say in passing
however, that their new fall and
winter stock is even more attractive
than the advertisement. Mr. Ross
has exercised more than his usual
good taste and judgment in selecting
his stock, and every purchaser of
goods in their lines will find some
thing in this new' stock ti.
please them. Give them an early
HomcKtcd I'rrtlltzrvs.
Wheat growers will find a full sup
ply of this reliable Fertilizer fur sale
by Mead ,1 Ritchey.
If fails, money refunded : Preston's
! "lled-Ake,"

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