C,r " Dlim'S- 1 J ’
0 o;-n B ° VOI U'
Opera House,
a E HRLI° a ’ La33 ! e and Manage L
Monday, Feb» 12.
A Grand Production of the Grand Play,
Good Bye, Sieeflieart,
s Lilian Lfifis
The Mg storm, real thunder, lightening,
llle 6 wind, rain, trees.
THE scenery:
, ni.rht tin' naiace scene., St.
Ti peSwg illioniiryel. the Siberian
scene, the vision of angels,
au ,l all calcium light
Wednesday Evening, Feb. 14
XB •
And I yis Company,
Under direction of Mr. E. • B. Jack, pre
senting Ins new comedy,
By Glen McDonough and W. Stokes
j Is not complete
without an ideal
i Combines every element of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
I rightly used is invisible. A most .
delicate and desirable protection ■
to the face in this climate.
Insist two- having ths genuine. | j
itis~foFsale' EVERYWHERE, jplj
0Y «. fl. PAYNE ,
Byrne Block, - - Texarkana, Ark 1
Ladies and Misses Hair Cutting. Bangs
Trimming. Shampoonlng and Blond
ind a Specialty.
Will Visit R. sidimce When Desired, or
do Work at Shop.
Private Boarding. House
ms. m. e. mcchesney.
Car. Hazel aqd Clinton Eats.,
Lmgi'. niry |. (ll |, ns w ,,|| furnished. Table
supplini with the b< st the market
ullords Terms reasonable.
H ’V.
• — O
hi'Uti'st. Newest iimi I’rettli'st Shop In
yll.v. Lni.i si lmp:ovi'd fixtures and
"'jntiiiv, revolving funs, sulllful artists
M'l polite attendants.
Elegant porcelain bath tubs, the finest
111 the city. Don't full to call at Kelley’
Merchant Tailors,
trxabkana, auk.
f'Uuiarieed to Kit and hold the Shape,
rd'ill',i c ta ,lloi’lng. We have locat
Hyriio |,| lSlat(1 hiim Avenue,
store (i u .in tl ,' Brown's grocery
asm,',,, , "‘‘'e (.nodsare beauties,sue i
ym'r ei ""'l' exhibited In
(rmn I’.ii j."’ v’"' | our sty les direct
by ih,. i, .' , ’ handle woolens Imported
you, a h ” s in A'nerlwi. Can lit
:ifXl!Ted. Y.m will do us
Wf'vvpv',.,,' >" wait on you,
iitto. hilly solicit, your patron
®lje oailg Sewkamrm.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many,‘who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world’s best products to
the needs of physical being, will.attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fever
and permanently curing constipation
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free fe i,
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 50c and 81 bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syru;
Co. only, whose name is printed on ever;
package, also the name, Syrup of Fig-'
and being well informed, you will no’
accept any substitute if offered.
A Great Mistake.
A recent discovery Is that headache,
dizziness, dullness, confusion of the mind,
etc., are duo to derangement of tho nerve
centers which supply tho brain with nerve
force; that Indigestion, dyspepsia, neuralgia,
wind in stomach, etc., arise from the derange
ment of tho nerve centers supplying these or
gans with nerve tluiil or force. This Is likewise
1 rue of many diseases of the heart and lungs.
The nerve system i:; like a telegraph system,
as will bo seen by the accompanying
cut. Tho little zYZsK
white lines uro
the nerves which fess®
convey tho nerve
for to from the
nerve centers to
every pert of the
bodv, lust as tho
elec rlc current is '«
conveye,l along KBWw, ,gHp,«g
w'r -'0 ■ ■ '■ y ®
pliv i ■ • - fail to
rer i-i Jtis f.T’.t; ZHr gffIJJjRUR $3
In. lot’ treat- j?
In ■<; ’rvecen
test;), 'localise wOy
of Hie disorders gww Ww
arLbi'<therefrom mfff JXU
they treat tho Mff »|lm
pan allot ted. Ufa wf]J
Fr inkiln Milos, ■IM' Mr
M. D , LL. TL. tho JU Iff
hi;’ 7' ’.obrated JBf JU
ape •i 11 ist and
st id ib o? nervo’.H disease*, and nuthor
of 1 I.' n >:.e| treat isc; on the latter subject,
loiit.s: 10 r.‘t:i;jel the truth of the first
st I-.? i!’ i'. r:il his Rordoratlvo Nervine
is )»••;> . ’I 01 that, principle. Its
in <• irin: n’l di -.cases arising from deramre
mci'. of th a nervous sj’Stem is wonder
fu!. a »th') thousand • of unsolicited testimo
nl I’4 in possession of the company manufac
turi u s he remedy amply prove.
Dr. Miles’ Restora! ivo Nervine Is a reliable
remedy for nil nervous diseases, such as
headache, nervous debility, prostration
sleeplessness, dizziness hysteria, sexual de
bility, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy, etc. it is
sold by all druggists on a positive Ruaranteo,
or sent direct by tlie Dr. Mlles Medical ( 0.,
Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of price. per bot
tle, six bottles for $5, express prepaid.
Restorative Nervine positively couUuaiS no
opiates or dangerous drugs.
That AVER’S Sarsaparilfe cures
others of Scrofbl ollß Diseases,
Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver and
Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Rheu
matism, and Catr’rh should be con
vincing that the me course of
treatment will cure you. Al
that has been said of the wonderiul
cures effected by the use oi
during tho past 50 years, truthfully
applies to-day. It is, in every sense,
The Superior Medicine. Its cuia
tive properties, strength, effect, and
flavor are always the same; and or
whatever blood diseases AT ’.RS
Sarsaparilla, is taken, they yie d to
this treatment. When you ask or
don’t Im induced to purchase any of
the worthless substitutes, winch are
mostly mixtures of the cheapest In
gredients, contain no sarsaparilla,
have no uniform standard ol ap
pearance, flavor, or effect, are blood
purifiers in name only, and are oi
fored to you bceanso there is mine
profit in selling them. Take
Cures others,wiilcui ey«“
gtfmilNißilW'KL 11 ®
'hallst• A»l“”»“’ w "
™° SITY towards his
Romance of Texarkana, in
Which a Number of Prominent
Business Men Take a Very
Conspicious Part.
By W. S. Guthrie.
‘ ‘Miss Summers — Polly—l—er—
dare I— But the speaker took a
header over bashfulness, only to
hear a sweet:
“Yes, Charley.”
“Can I aspire to —er —to—that
is— ’’
Again a laps into silence, followed
by an encouraging:
“Yes, Charley.”
“Oh, if I might only hope to —er
Another failure of language. It
was seemingly a hopeless case, and
might have been, only fora demure:
“Charley, I’ve said -yes’ twice, and
if you mean it, I mean it too, and —
And to this day the young man
will insist that he popped the ques
All this, happened away “down
east,” and it wasn't long before
there was a wedding. Not much
longer before there came a letter
from Polly's Uncle Josh out in Ar-
I kansas, who wrote effusively of his
delight at her exhibition of what he
called “grit,” and he proposed that
if the young couple would locate at
Texarkana he would start them up
in life as ft wedding gift.
¥■ nR
fc / IF
“uncle josh”
Os course they accepted and
were bidding their friends, adieu.
r ******
i A few weeks subsequent to the
j above conversation a travel-stained
; party arrived at Texarkana. Our
; friend, Uncle Josh, was in charge,
and he led the party straightway to
’ a hotel. “The Huckins,” said he,
• “is a typical hotel of the best class.
J I have known J. Huckins, Jr., the
! manager, for years, and he is mine
, host after my own heart. A thor
ough business man, he is endowed
with that intuition that makes a
guest feel at home, comfortable,
contented and in mighty good luck.
The house is a marvel of conve
nience; the appartnients are hand
somely furnished; the cuisine all
that a superior chef and unlimited
orders on the market can make it,
and the attendants polite and ex
Udcle Josh declared his intention
to begin at once the fulfillment of
his promise.
“The most important thing,' 1 he
said, “is a house in which to live.
So we will go to the real estate of
fice of W. G. Cook, who controls
some mighty desirable residence
property in Texarkana. I can al
ways depend upon Mr. Cook for
bargains, as he never holds out
false lights to induce people to buy; ,
besides, his judgment on real estate
is par excellence. There is haidly
a piece of property in town that to
him the title is not familiar, So
this makes one doubly fafe in buy
ing of him.” Not only did Mr.
Cook syll them a fine residence, but
also others which Charlie considered
a splendid investment.
“Having provided you with a cage
for your bird,"said Uncle Josh, the
first thing we'll look after will be
the furnishings for it. Hereupon
Polly energetically declared that
she had heard so much about E. A.
Schicker that she desired to go
there. The result was they were
ushered into such a bewildering dis
play that the girl was at first at a
loss how to select. But she soon
yielded to the seductiveness of a
magnificent parlor suit, a bedroom
suit in oak (antique finish) that
would have done credit to old An
tiquity herself. To this she added
a dining- room suit with all access
ories, a complete kitchen outfit,
and didn't forget a most convenient
and ornamental writing desk for
“Hubby" Charles.
“A pretty good start," said the
old man, “and now we'll go to Hoff
man Hardware Co's., store." Here
Polly’s housewifely instincts had
full play in marvels of kitchen ap
There is not an establishment in
Texarkana that carries a more
comprehensive stock of household
furnishings. Every possible piece
of kitchen furniture, from a tin
dipper to a cooking range is here in
all styles and variety. If Polly
fails to accomplish wonders in the
culinary art, it will not be for want
of superior cooking utensils.
“These house fixings remind me,”
said the old gentleman, “that you
haven’t got your dishes yet. The
most famous stock in extent, quality
and completeness you will find kept
right here by the Hoffman Hard
ware Co. Texarkana readers need
not be told what an array of table
ware Polly had to select from.
There isn’t, positively, a thing in
the line of China, crockery, glass
or porcelain needed for use or orna
ment in any part of the house thqt
cannot be found there in infinite va
riety and at wonderfully low prices.
They also have a splendid stock of
lamps of every description, and
silverware and cutlery in abundance.
Polly’s order suggested her thor
ough appreciation.
While Uncle Josh was pondering
where to go next, Polly suddenly
asked: “Uncle, where can I find
the leading millinery establish
ment?” “Just a few doors further
on,” remarked Uncle Josh, “and we
wi)l visit Mrs. Brownlee of the Tem
ple of Fashion, who, by the way
has on hand one' of the completes!
stocks of Millinery to be found in
the city. You can get what you
want there, the latest styles and
lowest prices being her motto. ’She
has the experience which guaran
tees that when you have purchased
of her you have the thing at the
lowest possible price.” And a few
hjpurs later there was nevei’ a hap
pier lady than Polly.
“Oh, I must have an album, Un
cle Josh,” exclaimed Polly, “and
——*—” “Yes, and a bible, with a
reasonably big family register,”
interrupted the old man, “so we'll
go down to H. Box & Co.’s book
store. You’ll find many articles in
dispensible for the parlor as
well as library there. ” And for va
riety they have an unequalled stock
and Polly’s purchase included mis
cellaneous books, fancy stationary
(all the latest agonies) bric-a-brac
of all manner for the center table
and other goods of endless variety.
In fact the girl fairly went into
ecstacies over the vast array of
choice goods kept by Box &Co. and
she declared that “goods are sold
so cheap there that we just couldn't
refrain from purchasing. ”
At this point, somewhat to the
confusion of Charles, the old man
indulged in a half serious criticism
of his personal appearance. “You
are decidedly off style for a towns
man,” he said, “and we’d better go
over to the Star Clothing House,
After Charles had fitted himself out
in a neat and late style business
suit from the piles of fashionable
garments that cover the tables of
this extensively stocked establish
ment, Uncle Josh declared that
“Now you look like a newly married
man." Before leaving, having
found goods and prices irresistible,
Charles also invested in a complete
outfit of gents furnishing
goods, from the latest style hat to
a dozen shirts. This house is not to
be undersold in the State.
. “By the way, Uncle Josh," ex
claimed Polly, “where can Igo for
dry goods? This dress of mine is
hardly suitable I must admit.”
“Well, my girl, if you want to se
lect from one of the most exten
sively stocked establishments in the
city, 1 will direct you to O’Dwyer &
Ahern’s New York store, they carry
a line of dress goods that for varie
ty and real value, is seldom seen
outside the metropolitan cities,
they carry all the latest weaves in
fashionable dress goods and you are
sure to be guided right in your se
lection i. You will find Messrs O’Dwy
er& Ahern pleasant to deal with
andhis prices cannot be duplicated.
“Halt” commanded Uncle Josh,
as the two came in front of S. Lem
ley's Drug Store, “Walk right in.”
“Why dear Uncle, we’re not sick
and,—” “guess 1 know that and
hope you never will be, but I sus
pect it wont be very long before
fliis young man begins to take a de
cided interest in matters of para
goricand •” “Uncle!’ “We'll come
in anyway Polly may find some toil-
• et articles she needs. ’’ Sure enough
before leaving the girl was literally
■ loaded down with combs, brushes,
• face powders and ounces upon
: ounces of fine imported perfumes.
I “Don't forget" said Uncle Josh to
■ come here with your prescriptions
to be filled, for ND - . Lemley and his
i clerks are competent pharmacist s,
: and use none but the purest and
I most wholesome drugs, and by the
way, while we’re here guess we’d
better get the wall paper and
paints for your house.”
“You seem to have forgotton
‘Uncle Josh,”’ here remarked Polly,
“that I have a sweet tooth; won’t
you tell me where to get first class
confections?” Well, I think so,'
laughed the old man.' ”I'll take you
to a place where there is enough
concentrated sweetness to turn you
into sugar. Come with me down to
C. H. Barrelle & Co. 1 think you
can be suited there. To Barrelle &
Co.’s they repaired, where Polly re
galed herself in confections and
fruits. She purchased several
pounds of chocolates, creams and
coramels, while the gentlemen in
dulged in some elegant cigars. Bar
relle & Co. are noted for' the supe
rior goods of imported and domestic
smokers they keep. Uncle Josh de
clared it a real pleasure to deal with
such an enterprising firm.
By and by the trio reached their
hotel, somewhat wearied, but a
bottle of choice wine from a basket
which Uncle Josh (unknown to the
young folks) had ordered up from
J. W. Mayher's eodn relieved them,
and put them in a cheery mood,
Incidentally, while enjoying this
sparkling beverage, Uncle ’Josh, as
ter warning the young couple
against the evils of overindulgence
in of any kind, vouchsafed
the information, however, that
since on certain occasions wines
would doubtless be necessary also to
have something strictly pure about
the place—“for medicinal purposes”
you know—that his friend Mayher,
was the proper person to apply to
for these extras.
lie explained that Mayher hand
led the celebrated 1. W, Harper
Kentucky whiskey, and several oth
.er famous brands, and one noticing
the manner in which the old man
imparted this information could but
make sure that Uncle Josh had a
very friendly feeling for Mr. May
her’s place, and it was also noticea
ble that Charley took a marked in
terest in this part of the old gent’s
Then Uncle Josh and Charles
went out for a short stroll and call
ed at the Texakkanian office.
“You’ll want the news every week,”
said Uncle Josh,/‘and as this is the
. favorite paper here, i’ll subscribe
for it.”
Upon re-joining Polly began to
volubly express her thanks, “You
have bought us everything,” she ex
“Only one thing," remarked Un
! cle Josh, reflectively, “but I can
remedy that E. A. Schicker always
has a nice line of them and you can
■ get one whenever you want it; I’ll
> pay for the best.”
“W-h-y,” exclaimed Polly with
great curiosity, ‘ ‘whatever is it?”
“Well, it’s a baby wagon, and ”
’ But Polly had fainted.
Whea War is Declared
Against a man’s happiness by his
: stomach, the enemy may be paci-
I fled and brought speedily and easily
r to terms. Tha t potent regulator
of digestion, Hostetter’s Stomach
Bitters, disciplines the rebellious
: organ thoroughly. Indigestion
r arises from weakness of the stom
’ ach, and the food in it, for want of
power to digest, decomposes and
’ acidiges, giving rise to heartburn,
flatulence and pain, besides a multi-
- tude of symptoms both changeful
• and perplexing. But peace soon
reigns when the great stomachic is
resorted to and used witli persist
ence. Dyspepsia gives rise to mor
- bid discomfiture of mind, and ev
. en sleeplessness and hypochondria
, in chronic eases. To the complete
dismissal of these the Bitters is lul
1 ly adequate. Liver complaint, con
r stipation, debility, rheumatism and
- malaria are completely subdued by
( this genial medicine.,
> Madam Amae, The Celebrated. Spirit-
i ual Medium.
Is the most wonderful prodigy of
■ mediumistic power the world has
- ever known. If your husband is
( breaking your heart by dissipation
or unkindness, she can reclaim him
to love and prosperity. If you have
> parted from your lover bytnisunder-
- standing, she can dispel the dark
> cloud and reunite yon in blissful
happiness. If you are troubled
' about your business, Madam Amae
d will tell you what to do and warn
i- you against impending dangers. If
j. you want to know your future hus
band or wife, and when you will get
married, she can tell you. Remein
■" ber she tells your entire past pres
e ent, and future life. 213 Clinton
Street. 2-8-Iwk
Concerning the qualification of
voters, at the coming city election,
and determining who will, as well as
who will not be, qualified to vote
thereat, under the recent election
law of Arkansas, Attorney General
James I’. Clark, of this State, has
written the following clear and ex
plicit instructions thereon:
Little Rock, Feb. sth, 1894.
Mr. .1. V. Scott, Clerk.
Dear Sir: —Yours of a late date
coine to hand in due time. The law
requires you to furnish to the sher
iff not less than three certified prin
ted lists for each voting precinct in
in the county at least ten days be
fore any general or special election.
This will of course include a city
election. The copies you are to
furnish are to be made from the
list last filed in your office by the
collector. You have nothing to do
with making the list; that is to be
done by the collector. He files his
list after he has collected all that
he can before his settlement in Ju
ly.. The law does not contemplate
that he shall file but one list during
any one tax gathering. This list
for the present tax collection will
not be due until July first. The list
filed last July is the one you will
furnish to the sheriff for the ensuing
city elections. Os course those who
have the Orher qualifications pre
scribed’by law, will be entitled to
vote upon a payment of poll tax for
the present year, but evidence of
this payment, must be furnished by
the receipt of the collector exhibi
ted to the election judges. It is al
so true that such as paid taxes at
the last collection may vote at the
ensuing city election notwithstand
ing a failure to pay this year’s poll
tax, since the time for the collect
tion of the present year’s taxes will
not close until next July, and no
one can be said to be in default un
til after the last moment within
the payment can be made has pass
ed. Answering you directly, I will
say that you will furnish copies of
the collector’s list now of record in
your office and which was filed
there last July. Neither yourself
or any other officer can make up
any list for the special purpose of
the city coming elections.
Very truly yours,
James P. Clarke,
Attorney General of Arkansas.
To say good by, sweetheart, is not
so difficult a matter, but very often
it hurts to such an extent that the
wound never heals - and such is the
case in the play Good Bye Sweet
Heart, which Miss Lillian Lewis
will present to a Texarkana audi
ence, at Ghio’s Opera House, on
Monday evening, next, Matinee.
“Credit Lorraine,” in the after
“Was it not beautiful,” “charm
ing indeed,” are the comments
made upon the production of this
really elegant and attractive drama
wherever produced.
Tn this play Miss Lewis plays La
Tisba, a beautiful, a good and pure
woman, and true as steel. Victor
Hugo wrote a great play and as
simple as simplicity itself. Miss Lew
is a shrewd woman for even this
generation of shrewd women—she
has studied public taste and deter
mined that no production short of
a great one would fill her coffers
with thq golden contents wanted —
a beautiful dance —splendid cos
tumes, and a charming apothosis
vision, coupled with fine acting and
a great play, are the combined in
gredients with which she made a
bid for success in the production of
Good Bye Sweet Heart. She deser
ves success and she receives it, and
she is by no means the whole show,
as many stars aim to be. She has
a splendid company ineach particu
lar. Matinee 'Credit Lorraine”
The Modern Invalid
Has tastes medicinally, in keeping
with other luxuries. A remedy
must be pleasantly acceptable in
form, purely wholesome in composi
tion, truly beneficial in effect and
entirely free from every objection
able quality, If really ill he con
sults a physician; if constipated he
uses the gentle, family laxative
Syrup of Figs.
A Tudor Gallant.
A gallant’s toilet, in the early
days-of England’s history, while yet
the star of the ill fated Tudors
shone severely, was no easy busi
ness, and a slow or clumsy servant,
no doubt, got many an oath and
blow if he failed to tie up the points
of the hose, lace the doublet or ar
range the stomacher and frilled
Offers Big Bargains in Unre
deemed Diamonds and
NO. 142.
shirt to his master’s satisfaction.
A gentleman's dress had so many
fastenings, there was so much tying
and lacing of his garments together
that it was impossible that he
should ever get costumed (sic) with
out assistance. The long hose had
to be securely tied by a number of
latchets to the doublet, itself was
laced up the front, and the sleeves,
being slashed to show the shirt
sleeves, had also to be laced some
Roland Reed Coming.
Roland Reed, the famous comed
ian, has been having the most suc
cessful season of his career. His
long engagement in Boston and
New York were marked by crowded
houses at each performance.
His latest play “Innocent as a
Lamb” has'proven a great hit and
it promises to be one of his most
successful plays. As Tobias Pilk
ington, an eccentric New York
Stock Broker, Mr. Reed has a hap
py and congenial role, The comedy
abounds with laughable complica
tions .and situations and
the characters are all of natur
al and well defined type. Mr. Reed
will present this bright comedy here
on Wednesday evening the 14 inst.
at Ghio’s Opera House.
Why Hood’s Wins.
President Lincoln said: “You
cannot fool the people a second
time.” They are too quick to recog
nize real merit or lack of it, and
cling only to those things which
they find to be what is claimed for
It is epecially gratifying that the
sale of Hood's Sarsaparilla increas
es most rapidly in those sections
where it is best known.
The inference is plain. Hood's
Sarsaparilla has proven that it pos
sesses genuine merit. It maintains a
high standard, which others cannot
even approach. It is the people’s
favorite blood purifying and build
ing up medicine, and is more popu
lar this year than ever before. All
this because Hoods Cures.
Not “wheels in the head,” so com
mon to humanity in this la', but
stering coins of the realm, upon which
the gilded chariot of Government are
wont to roll so smoothly. All to be
given to some lucky purchaser of a
single dollar’s worth of goods at
O’Dwyer & Ahern’s Mammoth Dry
Goods Emporium. The story of this
unique and tempting device, by which
every purchaser of one dollar’s worth
of goods, becomes a possible heir to
fifty times that amount, in “hard cash,”
has been told inthousandsof circulars,
too fully to require repetition. We
will add, however, that every pur
chaser must bo the galnei thereby,
as he buys the latest and best goods
in the market from the largest and
most responsible house in this section,
aud that too, at greatly reduced prices.
The, award will be made on, or im
mediately after, the Ist day of April.
The tags attached to the keys, one of
which is to unlock this “treasure
trove” contain full and explicit in
Beal Estate.
We have established an office up
stairs in the old Arkansas postoffice
building, formerly used by Col. Kel
ly. General real estate and finan
cial agents. Buy and sell all kinds
of real estate and negotiate loans
on satisfactory paper; also land
agents for the Iron Mountain rail
road. Shaw & Foreman.
For folding beds, parlor goods,
bed room suits, wardrobes, hall
trees, center-tables, side boards,
book-cases and fancy rocking chairs.
E. A. Schicker can't be beat.
(Reeves and Richardson's old stand.)
Cash or on installment plan.
Comet Pile Remedy cures.
KlcEi-REE’S WISE OF CARUUI tor weak Nerves.
Fresh oysters, of the best quality
are received daily at IT. Klein’s, nex
door to Turner Bros. ts
A crcani of tarter baking powder
Highest of all In leavening strength.—
Latest United States Government
Food Report.
Roval Baking Powder Co,.
ioe, Wall Si.. N. Y.