Newspaper Page Text
THETEXABZANIAN ’ J. W. Gardner, Editor and Prop. ( SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1894. RATES' II Dally, per month by carrier » F* Daily, six months by mail J Daily one year by mail... - " Weekly, one year by mail . . 1 Weekly, six months by mall All communications should be addressed « The TexarkAsian. The Daily ami W, klv Texabkanian are entered at the postoffice a Texarkana as seeond-chtss mail matter. announcements. The following are our rates for announc ing candidates— positively cash in ad- VANCE Z 00 Congressional State fi* t “ n ’ y w Township * -50 FOR MAYOR OF EAST TEXARKANA. We are authorized to announce .T. C. Edwards as a candidate for the office of Navor of the city of Texarkana. Ark., subject to the action of the Democratic party. FOR CITY MARSH AL. We are authorized to announce J. N. Crenshaw ns a candidate for re-election to the office of City Marshal of Texar kana, Ark., subject to the action of the Democratic party. FOB CITY ATTORNEY. We are authorized to announce John N. Cook as a candidate for re-election to the Office of Citv Attorney of the city of Tex arkana. Ark., subject to the action of the Democratic party. FOR CITY ItKCOIWEH. We are authorized to announce Geo. Treher as n candidate for re lection to the office of City Recorder of .exarkana, Arkansas, at the ensuing election, subject to the action of the Democratic party. FOR CITY TREASURER. We are authorized to announce C. E. . Wright as a candidate for City Treasurer of Ti xarkann, Ark., at the ensuing elec tion, subject to the action of the Demo cratic party. We are authorized to announce W. L. Williams as a candidate for re-election to the office of Citv Treasurer of Texarkana, Ark., subject to the action of the Demo cratic party. FOR MAYOR OF WEST TEXARKANA. Wy are authorized to announce T. F. Tierney as a candidate for the office of Mayorof the city of Texarkana, Tex., at the approaching election. (it,AD to welcome back into the j editorial fraternity, Bro. W. S. , Eakin, now editor of that popular ■ weekly, the Washington Press. 1 The bondsmen of ex-Trcasurer ' Woodruff are being sued for $50,000 | additional shortage in his accounts, ■ as reported by special master Thos. 1 H. Simins. Os course the plutocratic East, with its hundreds of millionaires will ‘light to the last ditch” the income tax. Their opposition only empha sizes the justness and necessity of the measure. The St Louis Republic wittilly says: "We trust that threats of injunction suits to be brought against members of the cabinet will have no effect on Mr. Bissell, lie is in no danger of an indictment for arson for firing the Republi cans.” Thanks to Representive T. C. Mc- Rae, of the third district fora pam phlet copy of his speech on the re moval of the sugar tax. The people will not soon forget that it was Tom Mcßae who made the fight for free sugar and won it.—[Fayetteville Sentinel. The Texarkana Democrat is now known as the Texabkanian. It comes out now in a new dress, is al ways Democratic ami should be sus tained in a whole hearted manner. —[Little Rock Press. Thanks, Bro. Ludwig. We al ways appreciate kind words from our friends, and we know you to be one. “May your sadow never grow The llendeasou (Texas) Times says: The man who tries to com pare ('leveland to Jackson displays an ignorance of history that is in excusable. Jackson devoted his administration to the abolition of national banks and the restoration of silver and gold to circulation. His arraignment of national banks is the most vigorous state paper in existence If Mr. Cleveland had reproduced the fare-well address of Jackson, and submitted at the spe cial session instead of his gold stan dard message, it would have been the wisest thing he ever did, and would have afforded the Eastern gold worshippers an opportunity of reading the soundest document ev er published on the money question. And in the same great paper the, tariff and all other qtestions are I discussed exhauitively. The Texarkana Democrat has been changed in name to the Tex aukaman. We don't like the name because we never liked the name of Texarkana. But we congratulate Bro. Gardner on two things: The strength of resolution in changing the name and having a bran new dress, which much resembles the Commercial in appearance, and we think it quite pretty. We sincerely believe Bro Gardner is a true Dem ocrat and since he has been a mem bes of the party he has labored hard to serve it properly. is, however, no time-server to individ- uals, and when he wishes, gives vent to his opinions respecting the actions of officials of the party, from President down to constable. It is his privilege to be boid and in dependent in this regard, always af ter nominations are made to stick to them. We believe he will do this, and until he acts otherwise we shall ■ not condemn him. He has the best wishes of the Commercial and we hope he will soon be a rich man. — [Pine Bluff Commercial. Thanks, kind friend, for your very hearty endorsement above. And we are truly sorry you dislike our new name. It will be our aim to re move from the public mind the gen eral condemnation of our city for its “toughness,” which is fast dis- , appearing, since her two daily pa pers have openly advocated law and order, and had the assistance of her j best citizens. In a few years Tex- , arkana will be known far and wide i for not only thrift and progressive- j ness, but for its quiet, law-abiding ( citizenship. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I gg Lucas County. f , Frank J. Cheney makes oath that l he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing busi- , ness in the city of Toledo, county i and state aforesaid, and that said j firm will pay the sum of One Hun- , died Dollars for each and every case 1 of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in my presence this Oth day of December, A. D. 1886. i A. W. Gleason, -{ seal }- Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney &Co., Toledo, O. BfirSolcl by druggists, 75c. Children Cry for fitchfir's Castorfa. Ladies, Mrs. O’Donnell, at the Temple of Fashion, specially invites you to call and price her stock of ha d all millinery. She has greatly reduced prices. Call and secure a bargain in a stylish Spring hat. 12-13 Ballard’s Snow Liniment i This wonderful Liniment is known < from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and ' from the Lakes to the Gull. It is the 1 most penetrating Liniment in the j world. It will cure rheumatism, neu- j ralgla, cuts, sprains, bruises, wounds, , old sores, burns, sciatica, sore throat, ' sore chest and all inllamation. after ! all others have failed. It will cure barbed wire cuts, and heal all wounds where proud flesh has set in. It is equally efficient for animals. Try it and you will not be without it Price fiO cents. Sold by Smith Drug Co. 3 “MOTHER’S •. FRIEND” .* is a scientifically prepared Liniment and harmless; every ingredient is of ' recognized value and in constant use I by the medical profession. It short ens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to life of Mother and Child, j Book “To Mothers” mailed free, con- 1 tabling valuable Information and voluntary testimonials. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt | «f price. 11.. W per bottle. HADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Bold br all druggUU. A KANSAS industrial ratnm (FOR BOTH SEXES.) let Session Begins March 5 and Ends Dec 5,1834. WINTER VACATION. Ono of the loading universities of the Southwest. Graduates till high positions in various states. Literary. Seicntllie. Engineering. Me chanical Agricultural and Normal De partments in the three Colleges at Fay etteville. Law and Medical Departments at Lit tle Rock. Normal and Mechanical College for col ored students at Fine llliill. Twenty-three courses of study. Equipped with modern apparatus and appliances. Large attendance. Matriculation foe. $5. Tuition free to Arkansas young men and young women. Students from other states pay only fit) a year for tuition. Board for boys in the Dormitory at cost— to ?8.'50 per month. Board In private families, sl2 to sls tier month. t-U Arkansas students should secure ap pointments from their County Judges. For Catalogue, apply to PRESIDENT A. I. U., Fayetteville, Ark. POWELL & BRO., Livery, Feed and Sale STABLES, UueenCUy, - T<s~. We still' occupy the old | opulur brick stable, ami, tis in the past, pro pose to serve the public with the best I service, at lowest prices. Remember ' we occupy the STABLES. Bob Osborn, CONTRACTOR, House and Sign Painter, PAPER HANCER AND INTERIOR DECORATOR. jfx.ll Work <jfvl.ara3a.tood.. Office at Lemly’s Drug .Store, TEXARKANA, : : TEXAS. Children ot Mr. and Mrs M. M. Poller Altoona, Pa. Both Had Eczema In Its Worst Form After Phyeiclane Fatted, Hood'e Sarsaparilla Perfectly Cured. Great mental agony is endured by parents who see their children suffering from diseases caused by impure blood, and for which there seems no cure. This is turned to joy when Hood's Sarsaparilla is resorted to, for it expels the foul humors from the blood, and restores the dis eased skin to fresh, healthy brightness. Read the follow ing from grateful parents: " To C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "We think Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the most valuable medicine on the market for blood and I skin diseases. Our two children suffered tcrrl- ; 1 bly with the Worst Form of Eczema for two years. Wo had three physicians in i that time, but neither of them succeeded In 1 eurmg them or even in giving them a little relief. At last we tried Hood’s Sarsaparilla and In a month both children were per fectly cured, We recommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla *s a standard family medicine, and would not be without it." Mu. and Mns. M. M. Sollbb, 1412 2nd Avenue. Altoona, l’a. Hooo'B Pills cure llvor Illa, constipation, ] MUousuass, jaundice, tick Uailicho, indigestion. 1 - I F A Run on Parlor Furniture. There is never a run without a reason. Wo are Selling Parlor Suits at prices neve.r otfered before in our city. The quality of these suites accounts for the run, and the price is low enough to turn the run Into a gallop. Como and inspect these suites; it Is our business to sluiw as well as to soil, and it is not the least trouble in the world to show you through our beautiful stock, which Is complete in every variety of furniture, and the finest stock of carpets ever shown in the city. Cash or easy payments. WOODFIN FURNITURE CO.. 104, East Broad Street, Texarkana. Ark. [Pine Bluff. Ark. Branch I Alexandria, La. (New Iberia La. SS/-’’ Ircrayt, Foeltwa ft { C.. .i for Impotence, Loss | 4*3 Ps rs Manhood, Seminal \ XnwM [tuitions, Spermatorrhea, ' ; | A-, Self Distrust, 1 f‘ m V Memory, Ac. Wil l > L- < o/f mi. a STHOND, Vigor- i Man Price SI.OO, A Ulftk 4.L.55C0 I rAJ,., I <- ' D-iectlcns Mailed , ■ u. a. Address 1 L 'z-.-.i iteta«rtCo-, ; w d LUCA® Ave. Bjafcdq ST. LOUI3, • MO. FOR SALE BY SMITH DRUG CO. THE BEST ROUTE between Memphis and the Southeast. The Palace Car Line of the South—-the Kansas City, Memphis & Birmingham R. R. lias two through passenger trains daily between Memphis and Birmingham, mak ing close and sure connections with the trains of all connecting lines. Night trains have through slurping cars between Washington. 1). ('., and Memphis, via At lanta and Birmingham (in connection witli the Richmond & Danville R. R,) the shortest route, quickest time and the. only line running through cars between those cities. Day trains have Palace Reclining Chair cars (seats free to holders of first class through tickets) through between Birmingham and Kansas City, amt Pull man Palace Sleeping Cars between Kansas City and Atlanta. This is many m n es the shortest and by far the bestequlpped Pas senger Line between points in the East and Southeast and Memphis, and all points in Arkansas, Texas and the West and Northwi'st. Everything new and lirst-class. Through tickets via this lino on sale at all through ticket offices. For any desired information, for large man and time table folder, addies.', ,1. E. LOCKWOOD, (I I’, and T. Ag’t. Kansas City. 11. I). ELI,IS, Gon’l Agent, 339 Main St. Memphis. ViiOl MEN /wSN Easily, Quietly, >| Pcmancntly Restored. WEAKNESS, b nerv OUSNESS, OEBiUH Y, GrVfnf | vonw.utu Fullstrciigth, *77 A I) dovclopnicnt mid toim Jl // JVV r riven lo and Ik /llluSlA the bolly. VmL/ I ilir l\ iV I ‘ inipb . naturallucthoilß. /111 \ linHH'dlat.'iniproven't’nl \TiWi /aIX k V •n. F’ihnolmiMfuslblD. 2'in referenns. lluok, < M'lßD.itlon nnd pr<of» jS <1 ,n; (.icaled) free. I ERIE MEDICAL co. BUFFALO, N.Y. I RKQULATK THE : stomach.iliverandbowels • j AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. J » Illi*AN. TAIH'I.I’a nrc the Scat Meat. • ♦ IVr 1 niIIoUMUM. • 2 H«ad*uhv,CoMtlpAtl»N l l>jr*pep»|u l ('hronlo X f OffMvo llrrath, nn<l nil ,|l.. • Z wden the btomm li, l.lter nnd Dowda. * X contain nothin* Inlurlona to • T wie ’nort dvifcntc constitution. Arc nleaMnt to t I aUu, MAfc, affactiMS. and give immediate relief. J ♦ •PPHcutionto ncnrval • •••• Ml • "7 SAY! ■ IUYA CAKE er \ AIRETTE f SOAP . :<[ I bank me for calling' your atteQtioi) to ii?‘ .Ji H . MANUFACTURED ONLY BY N.KfAIRBANK&Ce .St. Louis] | TEXARKANA MARBLE WORKS, 511 EAST AD STREET, TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS. J L. SMITH, Proprietor, and Dealer In American and Italian Marble and Granite; Scotch Gran ite from Aberdeen: Statuary and Finished Monuments imported from Carera, Italy. I deal in and will furnish any Marble or Granite that can be gotten in either Eu rope or America, or any part of the civilized world. Monuments and Tombstones made to order with neatness and dispatch. Sandstone, Limestone or Granite coping for cemetery lots neatly done. Correspondence solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. - All work warranted to give, satisfaction. Tdo not allow anyone to dd better work than myself, or undersell me. It would be to your interest to call and investi gate my work before giving your orders to eastern shops or buying elsewhere. I carry the largest collection and the finest assortment of designs of anyone in this business. My designs have been carefully selected from all the principal cemeteries in America and Europe, and are of all classes and styles of both marble, and granite. I carry a full line of samples of every variety of both marole and .granite of all the principal quaries in America and Europe. I use nothing but the best material in my work and can furnish anything required in the marble, stone or granite lino. Shop and works 5 11 East Broad street, opposite Iron Mountain round house. W. B. KIZER, President, C. (J. DORRIAN, Secretary. TEXARKANA HARDWARE CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, ' Tinware, Qneensware, Stoves, Agricultural Im ! plements, Sash, Doors, Blinds and TENNESSEE WAGONS. Large and well selected new stock in all lines—not excelled iin this section. Do all kinds of repairing in tinware, etc. Prices as low as any. TEXARKANA HARDWARE CO., Texarkana, Ark. imhimiiT I U jtf TT-T~-~LTr ni lK j J jIiHMMII■.J»I Hi—L J.II ITTi I— ITIIW ■■■WB-IW’MIIMMMMBMUMMM JOE LONGINOTTI, Texarkana, Arkansas and Texas. lii Texas-The Palace; In Arkansas-TheTelephone Two of the Leading Establishments in the two states. Each House supplied with the Finest WHISKIES, WINES AND CIGARS. Best Bottle and Jug Department In the state, run in connection. Also LOW-EST PRIOES. Everything about both establishments is strictly first class. Your patronage is solicited. Respectfully, JOE LONGINOTTI, Texarkana, Arkansas and Texas. JOB BOR K Mil V--W- L. DOUGLAS 0 o U A C GENUINE ►! oriWK welt. V \ SquvaklcsN, Bottom Waterproof. Best Shoe sold nt the price. S 5» S 4 and $3.60 Dress Shoe. K ( »-’piul custom work, costing irom $6 to SB. c/ \SSLS3.SO Police Shoe, 3 Soles. mZiaA • Bent winking Shoe ever imu|c. r/ WV $2.50, and $2 Shoes, a \ (jyL Unequalled at the price* z \ x iIK. Boys $2 it 81.76 School Shoes ■*?/ ! f ■' * LADIES’ s a - B0 $2, $1.75 l?1 \ Stylish, Perfect \v v V Fitting and Mervlevnbh*. Beat B Tine TCTUr \ In the world, All Ntvles. K IniP IS Int i>FST -I I»Hlst upon Imvlng W. 1.. W Qs '•‘• l *!d!.|"fci!ll' Wk DniifflitH Shors. Nmne . Ihfe -, wk mid price stain ped on I DEALERS who push the sale of W.'L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, • which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. They enn nfTonl to sell at a loss profit, anil w«» bellove you can save money by buying all your t foot wear of the denier advertisfil below. Catalogue' frrt ipon application. h Sold bv 0’1.) WYK K <fe AHER N. J TO "spills, Cairo and St. Louis. THE ONLY LINE WITH Tlii’oug’li Car Service FItOM TEXAS TO MEMPHIS, :onnoct!ng with Through Trains to all L'olnts East, North and Southeast. DAILY TRAINS, WITH Through Coaches, Free Reclining Chair Cars and Pullman Sleepers, —from— WACOFT. WORTH, TO MEMPHIS. | All. Toxas Lines connect with and havo Through Tickets on sale via the Cotton Belt Route. For Rates, Time Tables and all Informa tion, apply to any Agent of the Company. A. A. Glisson, s. G. Warner, I. r. A.. Ft. W.rtk, !«. e. r. A.. T»l»r. Yei f' <ELPASOgIhI iO \£ACiF!C/ THE SHORT LINE TO NEW OIIIEIIS, AxND POINIS IN THE SOUTHEAST. TAKE THE ST. LOUIS LIMITED 12 Hours Saved BETWEEN— — FT. WORTH, DALLAS AND ST. LOUIS —AND THE EAST— Tint DIRECT —TO ALL POINTS IN— MEXICO, NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA, OREGON AND CALIFORNIA. THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS —BETWEEN — Dallas,.Ft.. Worth and St. Louis, New Orleans and Denver, St. Louis and San Francisco. For rates, tickets and information apply to, or address any of the. Ticket Agents or W. A. Dashiei.l, Traveling Passenger Agent Gaston Meslieb, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, L. S. Tiiobne, 3rd Vice President and CGcn. Superintendent, Dallas, Texas. C. E. Swindell, Ticket Agent, Texarkana. |KON MOUNTAIN Route 5 Dail! Trains 5 EQUIPPED WITH Iffl WJMG IMIf MS AND Pullman Buffet Sleepers BETWEEN Texaikana, St.Louis&Mempks For maps, time tables and oilier infor mation ay ply to company s nearest agent.' C. E Swindell, Ticket Agent L. L. Starks, SIRICTIJ DEMOCRATIC Contractor and Builder. I guarantee all my work, and do none but what is first-class—will not turn out a pcor job. Give mo a call, or write mo tlirough the Texarkana poßtofllcc, am* I will submit a bid For work I do, will 1 make no charges for plans nnd spot ill-1 cations. l. s TAKK , | | PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W.C. SPEARMAN, L .0.. Physician and Surgeon. Office, Front Rooms Over Smith Dm. Stoie. Office Hours—Fiom 8 to p a. m., 2 to 3 p. m. and 8 to 9 p. ~, Telephone at office and nsidei,. , Texarkana, : : Ark. D. S. WILLIAMS, C. F. GBEFNF Res. 619 Wood st. Res. 819 Beech st'’ Telephone 55 Telephone 18. ’ Drs.Wiliiam.J Greene, MEDICINE and SURGERY. Gfiice over City Drug Store, Texabkana, - - auk. S. A. COLLUM, M.R, Physician and Surgeon, Office—With Dr. K. W. Read, o v t City Drug Store Texarkana. • : Ark; a J. A. UGHTFOOT,M. D.„ Physician and Surge, n. : Office Over Lightfoot’s*Drug 5u,,.. 11l East Broad Street. Calls Promptly Attended, R. H. T. MANN, M. D. ; Ear. Eye, Ntse and Throat Treated Exclusively. Office Over Smith Drug Co's S'ore. Office Hours—B:3o a. m. to 1 p. m.; 3 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. Dr. F. T, Hammend, DEN TIST, I , Texabkana, Texas. Office hours from 8 to 12 o’clock s, ■;.>n from 2 to P p. m. Office up stairs in Lipari building. : U JOHNSON, MJ., late Surgeon, C. S. A. Office and residence, S. W. corner Broad and Locust streets, Texarkana, : : Arkansas 1 Minor Wallace. Guy Thimble. WALLACE & TRIMBLE, ittomeys ■ at • Law, OFFICE—Over Lightfoot’s Old Drug Store. W. T. HUDGINS. LEE ESTFS HUDGINS & EHTEB, 1 AttorneysatLaw Office in Henri' liui'dlng, Opposite llenelield Hotri. TEXARKANA, : : TEXAS T. E. WKBBEH, LAWYER TEX ARKA NA. ARKANSAS. j. n. cook. Attorney at Law UP STAIHS OVER KACKKI’ STOBF, Texarkana, Ark. h HOTEL, 102 Markham & Main Sts., LITTLE ROOK, - RRK. Ihe On'y $2 per dav Hotel IN TIIBCITY Jno. Eakin * Ch..ri.ey Walbrfd, Propriitors. First-class ,ti every icspect Ail Modern Improvements. WILL STEINMAN, THE PAINTER. House, Sigh, Ornamental PAINTING. Paper Hanging a Specially i Leave Orders at the City Drug Sion'. A. W. STEVENS, BrlckNakfirfiCOßtractor Having liml an experience of over thirty years, in the brick business, respect fully solicits a share of your patronage. Host of lujek (ilwnyii on band. Khll mates furnished on nil kinds of brick work. Works at end of Clinton st., Tex I arlutnti, Texas. 2 22 3tn