Newspaper Page Text
CURE . „, te ve Ml tbe troubles to* _\ fle< tecW 5w5 T,.,, cl tho system, such afl ?*, w»* Uous Drowsiness. Distress after k”io- wnUs ‘heir mos 4 « TICK Little Liver Pills a» H’“SdM’«® B> IjStomacbAtlmulatethe rk ’7.‘.'b .is. Uthcyoul* HBAO L m - .’acstpriceiessto those who SsS' i ““'’-'2S““ ache ”, -v llr'e i’-at hero fa rrber? fsWtnsecf Onr pills cure It while peni^ eour .- a Jlkenie®”;,, T . .„ pais ire very email an 1 Cfftc’-: Lin- - - ; pills niaitoa d-ica. d °. !; ' e V ?? -lro their ‘ "’"-’h L l : 3 ®/, l ' .-.r’e.bctl’mf ■. 2 - L: .ts; fivofenL or rent by- -ML. @l' h 0 @ [ORES ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES. i i -*■>-—"* } ■“ 1 "J "ip ■• J,«i ccn.Mo atlon. rn>, S I '•■'OB r a ■JWvia : “ \?i L ’ l ' er *i5 nd fliindni.r Sweli-L's K. f-.alarta, old Chroma lku« :t»«! •’ - tfcitncot, Catarrh, ’tiin DnfMWi^S‘*^S^r7 :ilc ' wl*lPo:«oa,’r»tUr,S ; 'nllflead, etc., etc. r. ?■ P- •’ * Powerful t HU Hind r.n excellent gPP ?t IK pnimii ij i ■ > bjXwb ,# H , «Mks-.J ara j leonad and whoso blood la la ta iTPBra - m'rii'.l Irreg'J ult!»a t era | - mJ ■ Tj| J1 I“nic’TrhTblooS? - ctantfag properties of P. P. P.» Prickly Aib, Poke Root IWWiM fc -H LIPP" i, 0 S'.", T anunahnEr Bo< ’: t.-i r'ixxl Diseases mailed free. 1.1 Saw l( ?/ ;“ ; g Wadm'l W Hills S RO BOTUK 5 Ost THE GREAT FiEMEDY * hTf ? n l £ 0D AN ? BKIN pissMtt - n hf T’ : ' ! ' 'yte-’.dbyem. V giV vnnvo ' 1 ''■’f' l l l *’*« PtOplO A .JiteXSa?*’ J Sima n LCeRS ’ ECZEMA, Y »> EU J MIISM ’ ( ' !MPI -ES 1 ERUPTiOMS, <? “'J 1 of j .-riy;, RpitEAIUNO and A ,) ■ cares the most Y / BLOCS fell i 0., . c-r‘3, p = "■ A -,-Z ■flSSBk. oHhcm’S Son i'. 3 " 1,1 > r - d very much from cancel “a lonS h ,’ ’’ MI , VI “ 01 Physicians, an c; tone which er extending from the jaw life BEHOVES Bis g>any remedies in vain, I commenc’d Io give him thecincerdiJ SeVen bott ‘ LS had bec « taken S 3 mass ®due^^ 3 , i selV\o‘s?s\" a . ne ” tly c6, * retl ‘ ' U ’ Trail... >„ ■!' K ‘ Mu ®DOCK, Huntsville, Ala. SloM and Skill Dlimi« Milled Free. SWIf i SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. » : 4r j ■" ■ i L i t.M ■F Ctuuii'd. I 'J' M,l ’ ) ‘’roprlo'ors, - ' c oiccll. SAVANNAH. GA. [ 1 B ■< GET THE NEWS. Every occupation in the country i 8 anxiously looking to the extra session of Coneress for relief. Every citizen is directly and personally interested in every measure to be discussed and will want the news promptly and fully. It is during a time like this, that the great advantage of the “Twice-a Week” St Louis Republic is conclu sively demonstrated. Its readers get ALL the news each Tuesday and Fri day-just twice as often and fully as it could be had from any weekly paper—a d yet it costs no more than the weeklies—only one dollar a year. It will be indispensable during the next few months. Send in your subscription at once. Extra copy free for one year to the sender of a club of four new names with four dollars Write for free sample copies and .aise a club. Address The Re publ c, St. Louis, Mo. Clinton, Missouri. Mr. A. L. Armstrong, an old Arm strong, an old druggist, and a promi nent citizen of this enterprising town says: -I sell some forty different kinds of cough medicine, but have never in my experience sold so much of any one article as I have of Bal . lard’s Horehound Syrup. All who use it say it is the most perfect reme dy for cough, cold, consumption and all diseases of the throat and lungs, they have ever tried.” It is a specific fop croup and whooping cough. It will relieve » cough in one minute. Contains no opiates, Sold bv Smith Drug Co. 3 SEWING J SEWING] I am now prepared to work at my home No. SOI. Spruce street, near Broad street’ Will make silk dresses for $7.00, wool, gingham and spring dresses for from $3.50 to $5.01); tea gowns and wrappers at from $1.50 io 52.50. Will guarantee good fit and nice work. Respectfully, Mbs. Emma Hankins, Texarkana, Tex. For Over Fifty Years An Old and Well-Tried Remedy. —Mrs. Winslow’s Sopthing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers fbr their children while teething, with per- 1 feet success. It soothes the child, Joftens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleas ant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Tw-enty five cents a bottle. Its value is in calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. 6-5-93-ly Headache, Indigestion, Billiousness, Dyspepsia, And ail stomach troubles are cured P. P. P. j (Prickly Ash Poke Root & Potassium.) I Rheumatism is cured by P P P. I Pains and aches in the back, should ers, knees, ankles and wrists are all attacked and conquered by P P P. ) This great medicine, by its blood- , cleansing properties, builds up and | strengthens the whole body. J Nothing is so efficacious as PPP at this season and for toning up, invigo rating, and as a strengthener and ap petizer, take PP P. It throws off the malaria and puts you in good condi tion. Abbott’s East Indian Corn Paint cures all corns, warts and bunions. FOR DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion, and Stomach ills orders, taka BROWN’S IRON HITTERS. All dealers keep it, $1 per bottle. Genuine has trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. DEAN & TAYLOR, Agents. Henry Detin and J. C. Taylor, rep resenting the Little Rock Steam Laundry, solicit a fair share of lo cal patronage, guaranteeing prompt and satisfactory work. Laundry called for and delivered anywhere in the city. 12-6-ts Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Smith Drug Co. When 11-.hy 'uui.l'L. wo gave her CastorK When she was a Child, uho cried for Costona. When Alio Iwmv.e Illes, she clung to Castorla. When she had Chltlron. she gave them Costona BIRTCHER&M’WILLIAMSj (JAIIPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Repairing, upholstering and all ['■’ids of woodwork done promptly and clh clenlly. COFFINS MADE TO ORDER. All work guaranteed. Leave orders at shop, opposite Benefield Hotel, on Broad street A Quarter Century Test. For a quarter of a century Dr. King s New Discovery has been tested, and the millions who have received beneli Bom its use testify to Its wonderful curative powers in nil diseases, of the throat, chest and lungs. A remedy that has stood the test so long and that has given such universal satistne tlon is no experiment. Each bo lie is positively guaranteed to give re let or Ho money will bo refunded. It i admitted to be the most fm coughs and colds. Trial bottles he at Smilh drug store. Large sizes > J cents and sl. /cr Infants and Children. “ Castoria faso ven adapted to children that recommend it as superior to any prescription ■own to ma" n A . Aacinm, M. D., 11l Sa Oxford St, Erooklyn, N. Y. The use of ‘Castorla is so universal and Jr. crits so well knoam . ua t it seems a work niperero-ation to endorse it. Few are tho ■elligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach.” Carlos Mahtyn. D. D., New York City. T*te Centaur Company, 77 Mubrat .Street, N. a , ;\rr MO & BDBWN, TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS. Wholesale and detail Dealers in, M ilaidmie, Mil! Supplies, Blacksmith s Material, Goos, Ammunition, Queens ware, Cutlery, HARDWARE, SASH, DOORS. ADSO AORKtT® Hazzard Powder, Hurcules Dynamites. COAL LiIMH AND ST. laOITIS OPIRHI BFLICK. CHEAPEST HOUSE SOUTH OF ST. LOUIS. Maii'Orclers will Receive Prompt Attention. Send or call for prices before purchasing elsewhere. FT. WORTfI AND DENYERCITY RAILWAY CO., AND Union Pacific System. The Only Line Passing Through the GREAT PAN HANDLE COUNTRY OF TEXAS. The Greatest Wheat Growing Country in the World. ; CHEAP HOMES for JALT-,. ALSO THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTETO I I Washington, ‘'end for Copy of Our I Idaho, SUMMERLfINDS. Oregon, Montana, i KE TJKE YOU DIRECT TO THE Colorado, I H - ahh Resorts of Colorado. Wyoming and , All Pacific Coast Points. I For full information, address, D. B. KEELER E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A., Ft W. & D. C. Ry., G. P. A., U. P. Rv., Omaha, Neb. Ft. Worth, Tex. < All ZSlxids. DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. • TEXARKANA ICE CO., Telephone No. 25. JESSE MOORE. W. H. WELLS MOORE & WELLS, Wholeault GROCERS. We handle all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries, feed stuffs etc. Prices low down, in keeping with the times. We bought out J. W. I {art, and will remain at his old stand. Our friends and the public generally are cordially invited to give us a call. MOORE *;WKLLB TEXARKANA, ARK Castoria cures Colic, Constii&tta. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Er., r.'.ti n, Killa Worms, gives alocp, ru. l ’ lon-otcc dl gestion, Without injurious medication “For several years I have ryo.-nrr.cnden your ‘Castorla,’ and chad elw?. ■. dKuuo to do so as it invariably ptodtx; - i benofleiai results.” Edwin F. Parde”. D. 15&th Street and 7th Ave., N.a York City Whittemore & Welcome —Proprietors of— RAILROAD MEN’S STORE, NO. 113 BROAD STREET, TEXARKANA, ARK. We carry decidedly the largest, freshest and greatest as sortment of Family Groceries, Pioduce, Supplies and gen eral Eatables of any house strictly in our line. ALL KINDS OF FEED, BEST CREAMERY BUTTER and CHEESE A SLEtTALTY. Our prices assist us in building up a bus iness which enables us still further to cut on margins. Families, hotels, boardinghousesand railroad contrac tors, deal with us, because they GET WHAT THEY PAY FOB. Goods delivered free in city limits. THE ROSE HILL i Steam Laundry Is better prepared ’han ever to turn out fine laundry work-. Try us and see. We use the Troy Process.-Positively no Chemicals Used. Prompt delivery and first-class work guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered free of charge. GEO. TAYLOR & CO., Props. HOFFMJN HARDMRE COMF Y.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Nails, Cutlery, QUEENSWARE, BARB WIRE, ETC. Sash, Doors and Blinds. AGENTS FOR STUDEBAKER WAGONS AND MAJESTIC RANGES. Practical Workers in 'Pin Sheet Iron, Copper. 220 BROAD STREET. - TEXARKANA, ARK, THE NEW YORK FAMILY STORY PAPER FOR. 1893. PROSPiICTUS In beginning the eighteenth year of its successful career, it Is with a feeling of just pride, that the publishers of tho New York Family Story Paper states that this great journal has double the. circulation of any family story paper in the world. This claim, which IL competitor:; are Invited Io investigate, can easily be verified. The pre-eminence thus acquired can be achieved only by merit. The reading public will buy that paper which best satislies their desire for stories of tlic highest literary merit and most interesting character. And the enormous circulation of tlie New York Family Story Paper proves that it has done this. All the Great Features of the Faper to which it owes its success of the past will lie zealously guarded in the coming year, its distinguished stn.ll'of authors, among whom may bo mentioned Mary Kyle Dal las, Nellie lily, Alii S. Jackman, I'liailoite M. Kingley, “Girlie" May, Emma Garri- • son Jones. I liarlottM. Stanley, i'. W. llan hew, E. llurke Collins and others equal ly famous, will be retained, its artistic excellence maintained, Its beautiful typo- I graphical appearance preserved, and the same judicious editorial supervision exer cised to keep tlie tone of tho paper as pure and moral as It lias been from its Incep tion. No expense ol time or money will lie spared to add new and attractive features. Standing m it does like a beacon light above all its contemporaries, tlie Now York .Fiunily Story Paper cannot help attracting to Its columns all that is brightest and best in modern fiction. IT IR THE H'AMir/ir I>APEH. Terms of subscription: One year. $3; <> months, $1.50; 4 months, $1; single copies, f> cents. Sent free of postage on receipt of price. MONRO’S Pl) DISHING HOUSE, 21 and 26 Vandowater street, Box 3643, New York. I looses Our Specialty. ° ar 40 ROBB Hoobbß ,rewllh * he chofcett varieties Os Rom* In ttiatencc. A All arc 8 row “ 011 tl,elr uwn roof", and we : claim that Ro,es K rowa la tll,g State will y 1 2' Do Best in the Southern States. <rjSP’ \'Z ' Thounanda of testimonials prove this. / W ./.Q' \ Our Illustrated Plant and Seed Catalogue f/; i of 114 pages will be mailed FREE to ALL applicants. Address, flff NANZ & NEUNER’ LV'*'''' LotilnviU*. Ky. NH USER. - ■ r.yent, REPRESENTING: The Oldest and Largest American and Foreign Fire In surance Companies. The Most. Substantial Life Insurance at the Lowest Kates. The Most Sec’ire Accident Insurance at Reasonable Rates. Bonds furnished for persons in positions of trust. Employer's Liability, Boiler Explosion and Plate Glass Policies Issued. Motto: “Roliahlo Indemnity and Fair Dealing. Ol'l'K'E OPPOSITE 01.1) ARKANSAS POSTOFFIC!E aHWI! Railway Time Card. ST. L., I. M. i S. No. 51, Texas Exp. arrives 8:15 a. m. No. 55, Cannon Ball arrives 1:20 p. ni. No. 53, Mail Exp — arrives 8:45 p.m. No. 54, Texas Exp. departs 7:15 a. m. No. 56, Cannon Ball departs 2:25 p. m. No. 52, Mail Exp. departs 7:45 p. in T. k P. RY. No 1, leaves Texarkana at 8:35 a. m. No 5, “ “ “ 1:45 p. m. No 3, “ “ “ 9:10 p. m. No 4, arrives “ “ 6:30 a. m. No 6, « “ “ 2:05 p. m. No 2, “ •' « 7:15 pm. ST. L„ k S. W. RY. No 2 from Ft. Worth arrives 6:45 a m No. 2 for Memphis leaves 7:05 a m No. 4, Chicago & Memphis,ar. 6:35 pm No. 4 for Cairo, leaves 6:55 p m No. 1 for Ft. Worth, arrives 9:35 p m No. 1 for “ “ leave 9:50 p m No. 3 Waco Ex. south ar. 9:35 a m No. 3 for “ “ leaves 9:55 a m T.-C RY. No. 31, leaves Texarkana at 8:25 a. m. No. 33, “ “ « 1:35 p. m. No. 30, arrives “ “ 1:35 p. m. No. 32, “ “ “ 7:20 p. m TEX. k FT. SMITH TIME TABLE. KFFBCTIVB APRIL 10, 1893. Arrive. Depart. No 2 3:20 pm No 1 10:00 a m No 4 10:55 am , No 8 7:30 a m No 6 5:25 pm No 5 2:00 p m Trains Nos. 1 and 2 dally except Sunday. Trains Nos. 3,4, 5 and 6 Sunday only. Trains arrive and depart fronroepot op posite the Cotton Belt passenger depot. W. A. Williams, Genl Supt. TEXARKANA k SHREVEPORT RY. Arrives 5:00 p, m. Departs 8:30 a. m. Tho Texarkana & Shreveport Ry. will run Sunday trains, commencing Sunday, Nov. 26, 1893, as follows: No. 1, south. No. 3, south. Lv. Texar., 8:00 a m Lv. Texar. 2:00 pm Ar. Boyd, 8:25 am Ar. Boyd, 2:30 pm Ar.Roberw 8:40 ain Ar. Roberts 2:45 p m Ar. Louke, 8:50 am Ar. Fouke, 2:55 pin Ar. Boggy, 9:00 a m Ar. Boggy. 3:05 p m Ar. Lynn, 9:15 am Ar. Lynn, 3:20 pm No. 2, north. No. 4, north. Lv. Lynn, 9:25 am Lv. Lynn, 3:3opm Ar. Boggy, 9:10 am Ar. Boggy, 3:45pm Ar. Fouke, 9:50 am Ar. Fouke, 3:55 p m Ar.Roberts,lo:oo a m Ar.Roberts4:os pm Ar. Boyd, 10:15 am Ar. Boyd, 4:2opm Ar Texar., 10:45 ani Ar. Texar. s:oopm BEN COLLINS, Gen. Man. HENRY PLATZ, Boot and Shoe Maker, 11\ Bread Street. Texarkana, Ad, ALL WORK GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS AND PRICES REASONABLE. OAKS’ Poultry Farm, Texarkana, Arkansas. Now is the time to supply yourself with eggs for hatch ing form the finest line of Thoroughbred Poultry that can be found anywhere: Barred Plymouth Rock eggs, 1 setting $1 50 White Plymouth Rock eggs, 1 setting 2 00 Single Comb Brown Leghorn, 1 setting 1 50 Rose Comb White Leghorn, 1 setting 200 Black Menorcas eggs, 1 setting 1 75 Silver Spangfed Hamburg uggs, 1 set. 1 75 Bronze Turkey eggs, 1 setting 3 (X) Wliite Rabbits, per pair 2 50 Black Langshan eggs. 1 setting 1 75 Light Brahmas eggs, 1 sotting 2 00 Red Caps eggs, 1 setting J 75 White Crested Black Polish eggs, 1 setting 1 75 Silver Laced Wyandott eggs, 1 setting 1 75 White. Face Black Spanish eggs, 1 set. 1 75 Pekin Duck eggs, 1 setting - - 2 00 Lop Ear Rabbits, ner pair - -5 00 If you need anything in my line, I will be pleased to fill your orders. All orders re ceive prompt attention. Eggs packed so they can be shipped with perfect safety; nothing sent C. 0. D. The cash must accompany all orders. No fowls for sale until after July i st, 1893. Address all or ders to TxZCisis I. F. Slxeirp, Care A. S. Blvtbe. Texarkana. Ark. J. F. SHAW, COUNTY SURVEYOR, ■FOUKE, ARKANSAS. Will do surveying whenever called upon Terms reasonable. Private parties want ing lines run, not In legal dispute, will bo given reduced rates. Addross mo at above postofficc, 2-7-92. Caieats, Traas-marka, Design Pa’ents, Copyright*, Ami all Patent tnAtncas « zluctwl for MODERATE FEES. Information and advlco given to la ’cutorawltiioilt Charge. Address PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. O. Box 483. Washington, B. C. gyThls Company la managed by a combination of tbo largMt and moat ImluentUU newpapcri la tbs United Slates, tor tho express parposa st proteo*. Ing tbslr svb.cvlbrra against saicntpnlew and Incompetent Talent Agvntn, and each p»y< prlntini: this ndvertlwmrnt vonels'a fortiri rci<i" | nlt blUty ami hl-h«lindiiiff of tho r rets Claims conipsoy.