Newspaper Page Text
THE TEZAREANIAN J. W. Gardner. Editor and Prop. MONDAY FEBRV VRY r -’’ H< ’“ RATES: Dally, per month hy carrier » 75 tally, six months by mail ♦ <«• July, on.- x. ar by mail... 750 eekly. one year by mail.. 1 '■* erkly. six months by mail 50 All communications should bo addressed oThk Tkxarkanian. The Daily aii.i\Se.kIvTEXARKANiAN are watered at the poatofßce a Texarkana as geeond-clasa mail matter. announcements. ' The following are our rates for announc ing candidates— positively cash in ai>- VAnck: „ Congressional State “ Township - .. — ■ FOR MAYOR OF EAST TEXARKANA. We are authorized to announce J. C. Edw iirds as a candidate for the office of Mavorofthe <;itv of Texarkana. Ark., subject to the action of the Democratic patty. _ KOH CITV MARSHAL. We are authorized to announce ,1. N. Crenshaw as a candidate for re-election to thr office of City Marshal of 'lexar kana. Ark., subject to the action of the Democratic party FOR CITY ATTORNEY. We are authorized to announce John N. Cook ns a candidate for re-election to the office of City Attorney of the city of Tex arkana. Ark., subject to the action of the Democratic party. FOR CITY RECORDER. We are authorized to announce Geo. W. Trcher as a candidate for re lection to the office of City Recorder of . exarkana, Arkansas, at the ensuing election, subject to the action of the Democratic party. FOR CITY TREASURER. We arc authorized to announce C. E. Wright as a candidate for City Treasurer of Ti xarkana, Ark., at the ensiling elec tion, subject to the action of the Demo cratic party. We are authorized to announce W. L. Williams as a candidate for re-election to the office of City Treasurer of Texarkana, Ark., subject to the action of the Demo cratic party. FOR MAYOR OF WEST TEXARKANA. We are authorized to announce T. F. Tierney as a candidate for the office of Mayor of the cit y of Texarkana, Tex., at the approaching election. Now that the tariff reform bill is out of the way in the House, it should tackle and dispose of the sil ver question. Coining the seignor age has nothing to do with the sil ver question. Tin: Mississippi river is to be bridged at New Orleans. It is stat ed that the Southern Pacific rail road has let the contract for a bridge across it, two miles in length near that city. The best way to let the people know that you are a candidate is “avow" yourself. And the best place to do the avowing is at the head of the editorial column of your county newspaper.—[Arkansas Ga zette. The Pine Bluff Graphic accused that clever Democrat. J. W. Gard ner, of the Texarkana Texarkanian with having at one time affiliated with the Greenback party. Mr. Gardner denies the allegation. It seems that the Graphic editor is destined to sit in the judgement up on every man s Democracy save his own. -[Little Rock Press. The Denison Herald says the rea son so many newspaper men die young is because they crowd more work into fewer hours, day in and day out than almost any other class of men. The Herald sizes it upahout right, and it might have added that if newspaper men could get money in tile same proportion that they get “cussings" for what they do, they would be the wealthiest class of men in America. Justice Battle Saturday render ed a very interesting decision in the supreme court, sustaining the con stitutionality of an act of the legis lature of 1889. which provided that railway companies should pay their men on the day of discharge and not wait till their pay rolls were made up. The case decided was Leep vs. the Iron Mountain railroad. The court had the case under considera tion eighteen months. Justice Bat tle sustains the law as to corpora tions and not as to individuals. Chief Justice Bunn dissented. The act had been declared unconstitu tional in totoby every Circuit Judge who pa-sed upon it. -[ Ex. The wide awake and enterprising Helena World thus deals an unfair Fishback organ a hard lick; “The Fort Smith Elevator declares for Fishback for Senator in a full col umn editorial which is remarkable for several things. In the first place, it recounts with particularity the various offices which have been held by Senator Berry. In the sec ond place, it sums up the amount of money which it supposes has been paid to Senator Berry for his services out of the state and nation al treasures. In the third place it has been reproduced by every Fish back organ it the state with a promptness and with a startling similarity as to the matter of catchy H • headlines which suggests a patent medicine advertisement. Os course •it is the right of the Elevator to I give its support to governor Fish back if it chooses to do so, and if it adds anything to the happiness or the exchequers of the various Fish back organs it is their privilege to produce it. We do not deny their right to exercise their own sweet wills on this, as on all other matters. It is a little remarkable, however, that a reputable journal, as the Elevator undoubtedly is, should re sort to the cheap, backwoodsy.dem. gogie argument, that because Sen-' ator Berry has been judge and gov- 1 ernor senator and has drawn i the salaries attached to those of-j flees, that therefore Fishback is a better man for senator. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I Lucas County. S' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing busi ness in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hun dred Dollars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall s Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in my presence this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. Gleason, -{ seal }- Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney &Co., Toledo, 0. IW Sold by druggists, 75c. Money to loan promptly, by the Cotton States Budding Co., on im proved real estate in Texarkana, Ark. See Win. A. Bomar. 2-3-ts Children Cry for etcher’s Castors. Ladies, Mrs. O’Donnell, at the Temple of Fashion, specially invites you to call and price her stock of hats and all millinery. She has greatly reduced prices. Call and secure a bargain in a stylish Spring hat. 12-13 — ——— Ballard’s Snow Liniment This wonderful Liniment is known from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Lakes to the Gulf. It is the most penetrating Liniment in the world. It will cure rheumatism, neu ralgia, cuts, sprains, bruises, wounds, old sores, burns, sciatica, sore throat, sore chest and all inflamation. after nil others have failed. It will cure barbed wire cuts, and heal all wounds where proud flesh has set in. It is equally efficient for animals. Try it and you will not bo without it Price 50 cents. Sold by Smith Drug Co. 3 CURES RISING .. BREAST .. "MOTHER’S FRIEND” 15 offered child-bearing woman. I have been a mid-wife for many years, and in each case where • Mother’s Friend” had been used it has accomplished wonders and relieved muon Buffering. It is the best remedy for rising of the breast known, and worth the price for that alone. Mrs. M. M. Brurtbr, Montgomery, Ala. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, $1.50 per bottle. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. •old by all druggists. Atlanta, GA. I ARKANSAS IMiL OMltt i (FOR BOTH SEXES.) Heit Session Begins March E and Ends Dec E, 1891 WINTER VACATION. (Ini' of the lending universities of the Soutliwe.t. Grudimtes fill high positions in various states. Literary. Scientific. Engineering. Me chanical Agricultural mid Normal De partments in the three Colleges at Fay etteville. Law and Medical Departments at Lit tle Rock. Normal and Mechanical College for col ored students at Pine Hlutl. Twenty-three courses of study. Equipped with modern apparatus and appliances. Large attendance. Matriculation fee, 85. Tuition free to Arkansas young men and young women. Students from other states pav only #lO a ) ear for tuition. Board for boys in the Dormitory at cost $7.5(1 to $8.50 per month. Board in private families, st'J to sls per month. Arkansas students should secure ap pointments from their County Judges. For Catalogue, apply to PRESIDENT A. I. U., Fayetteville, Ark. POWELL & BRO., Livery, Feed and Sale STABLES, yueon City, - We still occupy the old popular brick stable, and, as in the past, pro pose to servo the public, with the besl service, at lowest prices. Remember we occupy the BRICK flraA,3BXjS». Bob Osborn, CONTRACTOR, House and Sign Painter, PAPER HANCER AND INTERIOR DECORATOR. All "Wcrlc 'j-vtaxaixteecL. Office nt Le'mly'u Drug Store, TEXARKANA, 11 TEXAS. | i ; Mr. Gen. HL Turner Simply Awful Worst Caso of Scrofula tho Doctors Ever Saw Completely Cured by HOOD’3 SARSAPARILLA. " When I was 4 or 6 years old I had a scrof ulous sore on tho middle linger of my left hand, which got so bad that tho doctors cut the finger oil, end later took Ort more than halt my hand. Thon the sore broke out on my arm, camo out on my ncek anil face on both sides, nearly destroying the sight of one eye, also on my right arm. Doctors said it was the Worst Case of Scrofula they ever saw. It was simply nn-ful! Five ' years ago I began to Lake Hood’s Sarsaparilla. | Gradually I lound that tlie sores were begin ning to. heal. I kept on till I had taken ten bottles, ten dollar-1 Just think of what a return I got lor investment! Athou ■and pee cent? Yes. many thousand. For the past 4 years I have liad no sores. I Work all tho Time., I oesild do n« work. I kn.w not wliat to say strong enough to express my grat ttud. t. Hood's S.rsaparllln for my perfect euro.” GRonan W. Turner, Farmer, Gal way, Saratoga county, N. Y. WcOO'j PiLI-S Ao not weaken, but aid and »ouo Un stoamch. Try them. 25c- . It 1 A Run cn Parlor Furniture. There is never a run without a reason. Wo arc. Selling Parlor Suits at prices never offered before in our city. The quality of those suites accounts for the run. and tho price, is low enough to turn tho run Into a gallop. Como and inspect these suites: ft Is our business to show as well as to sell, ami it is not the least trouble in the world to show yon through our beautiful stock, which is complete in every variety of furniture, and the finest stock of carpets ever shown in the city. Cash or oasv payments. WOODFIN FURNITURE CO.. UM, East Broad Street, Texarkana. Ark. (Pine Bluff. Ark. Hrnn-v tr„..ons J Alexandria, La. i. New Iberia La. 1 Fositiye .\1 C ~ f- z lr::::itcnce, L 0.3 ij I r.r' '.finhood, Seminal ..' 'J lons, Spermnloulnia. f'd'rl A' ■■■ ’■ c. • SeifDHtrust, I</ CLnicn/. <1;. Will r/Jl' I f jeu u STKOItO. Visor fun /V:.-c Jf.OO, « Vlp. MCO ,1... ! ; ; ‘ : . ■ ■ ■J.'l’ 5 iv. Address » i" E ' blslaret Co.. U pSvjWN I I*3 0 ItlOA. AvK. fSSS'-Xtl CT. uOUI3, • MO. FOR SALE BY SMITH DRUG CO. THE BEST ROUTE Memphis and the Southeast The Palace Cur Line of the South—the Kansas City. Memphis di. Birmingham R. K. lias two through passenger trains daily between Memphis ami Birmingham, mak ing dose and sure connections with tho trains of all connecting lines. Night trains have through sleeping ears between Washington. I). ( .. and Memphis, via At lanta and Birmingham (in connection with tile Richmond X- Danville R. It.) the shortest route, quickest time and the only line running through ears bet ween those cities. Day trains have Palace Reclining Chair ears (seats free to holders of lirst class through tickets) through between Birmingham and Kansas City, and Pull man i’alaee Sleeping Cars between Kansas City and Atlanta. Tins is many nu'es the shortest and by far the besteqiiipm d Pas senger Lino between points in the East and Southeast and Memphis, and all points in Arkansas. Texas and the West and Northwest. Everything new and tirst-ehiss. Through tickets via this line on sale at. all through ticket offices. For any desired information, for large intip and time table folder, addles.', ,1. E. LOCKWOOD. G P. and T. Ag’t. Kansas City. 11. 1). ELLIS. Gen'l Agent, Till Main St. Memphis. WfiOii eF iß /WwSiSv Easily. Qulcfdy, v'Jqfel Pe.-mancr.tly festorod. zOsAfci N2fl VCb'i.’)Eß3, 'f A V lui'i ui f Mi"i toiio Jfj II ‘ ’’ l,l «'"i Hll M bl .D.”‘tir!.lD’C!lUii'R Xlf/J// ill I 'J I ' llllpUoVVL'Ollt X'Arll k U Hint'l;n|u's‘(lhl('. \\ ■’■ •> ruforcnc'S ibo-k, CNp’an Hon nnd pnofi Mi i'r nK ‘ <scaled)fret'. J Ep !E MEDICAL CO. vUSHFISIL Jj,.’ 4 ''' BUFFALO, N.Y. « } R 4 PA N S > W«L ES | | "IKGULATE THE • STOMACHJIVERand BOWELS i BLJRIF Y THE BLOOD. J AHt 1.l s a re the brat Medl. * f*»r 1 iHlltfvMiiHi, lllllounncffa, • »n«llputlon, B.v»«prpalii, ( hronlc 2 UlrtlnraA. Had Camplcxloiu • fffkiiHhe llrcath, and nil dh. • > Hfomat h, Liver and llewele. { It'.i contain nothing InJurtoun to f ato constitution Are ph mum ut to f etnal, and give Imtneduto relief. • *l«cd by applkalioa to ncnrcisl a r , / ‘“I SAYt p 1 / BUY* CAKE #F p i 4WLAIRETTE pl SOAP 11. ar)d thank fne for calling I v | your atteQtior) to ii,“ jL ft z MANUFACTURED ONLY BY N.K.lairbank & TEXARKANA MARBLE WORKS, X ~sll EAST An STREET, TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS. J L. SMITH, Proprietor, and Dealer In American and Italian Marble and Granite; Scotch Gran ite from Aberdeen; Statuary and Finished Monuments imported from Carera, Italy. I deal in and will furnish any Marble or Granite that can be gotten in either Eu rope or America, or any part of the civilized world. Monuments and Tombstones made to order with neatness and dispatch. Sandstone, Limestone or Granite coping for cemetery lots neatly done. Correspondence solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Ido nSt allow any one to do better work than myself, or undersell me. It would be to your interest to call and investi gate my work before giving your orders to eastern shops or buying elsewhere. I carry the largest collection and the finest assortment of designs of anyone in this business. My designs have been carefully selected from all the principal cemeteries in America and Europe, and are of all classes and styles of both marble and granite. I carry a full line of samples of every variety of both marnle and granite of all the principal quarles in America and Europe. I use nothing but the best material in my work and can furnish anything required in the marble, stone or granite lino. Shop and works 5 11 East Broad street, opposite Iron Mountain round house. W. B. KIZER, President. C. V. DORRIAN, Secretary. TEXARKANA HARDWARE GO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, Tinware, Queensware, Stoves, Agricultural Im plements, Sash, Doors, Blinds and ■t ENNESSEE WA.G-OKTS. Large and well selected new stock in all tines—not excelled in this section. Do all kinds of repairing in tinware, etc. Prices as low as any. TEXARKANA HARDWARE CO., Texarkana, Ark. JOE LONGINOTTI, Texarkana, Arkansas and Texas. In Texas-The Palace; In Arkansas-The Telephone Two of the Leading Establishments in the two states. Each House supplied with the Finest WHISKIES, WINES AND CIGARS. Best Bottle and Jug Department In the state, run in connection. Also LOWEST PRICES Everything about both establishments is strictly first class, Your patronage is solicited. Respectfully, JOE LONGINOTTI, V » Texarkana, Arkansas and Texas. JOBW BE Tho Boat Slinoa for lAf I Rft I I i A L uuUGLAS QO <£ fill K? genuine ► F \ OnVlB WELT. ttV \ Squeakier,Bottom Waterproof. Best Shoe sold nt the price. !z I i’\l 1 <|uni custom worn, costing I rom to SB. cf qA ( Police Shoe, 3 Soles. fc. ’ \ Best Walking Shoe ever made. 1 c/ ' $2.60, and $2 Shoes, ® w I UncqunUcd at the price. ■ST RJk. xAL Boys S 2 & $1.75 School Shoes M wk. Arc flic Best tor Service. SL Wr LADIES’ -f 4 $3, $2.60 $2, $1.75 l)<»iigoln. MylUh. Ferfcet 1 FittingHiulwjrYlccnbie.Best I InD Int I >FST V liiMM upon having W. L. , <, DouglHH Shors. Name / V Hiniprirr stamped on I hottOH), Bl'OCktOU ' DEALERS who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, t which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. They «nn ufford to sell nt n less profit, and wr believe you can save money by buying all your t footwear of tho denier advertised below* Catalogue fret ipon application. H Sold bv O'IJW YEH & AHEBN. J TO I’oißphls, Cairo and St, Louis. THE ONLY LINE WITH Through Car Service FROM TEXAS TO MEMPHIS, Connecting with Through Trains to al) Points East, North and Southeast. TWO DAILY TRAINS, WITH Through Coaches, Free Reclining Chair Cars and Pullman Sleepers, —from — WACOan d FT. WORTH, TO MEMPHIS. AU Texas Lines connect with and have Through Tickets on sale via the Cotton Belt Route. For Rates, Time Tables and all Informa tion, apply to any Agent of the Company, A. A. Glisson, S.G. Warner, I. r. A, Worth, Tex. 0. r. A., Tjlor. Tex. <HPASot,-q THE BHDRT LINE jomiM mi* AND POINTS IN THE SOUTHEAST. • fAKE THE ST. LOUIS LIMITED 12 Hours Saved BETWEEN— — FT. WORTH, MILAS AND ST. LOUIS —AND THE EAST— the DUfcEcrr —TO ALL POINTS IN — MEXICO, NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA. OREGON AND CALIFORNIA. THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS —BETWEEN — Dallas, Ft. Worth and St. Louis, New Orleans and Denver, St. Louis and San Francisco. For rates, tickets and information apply to, or address any of the Ticket Agents or W. A. Dashiei.l, Traveling Passenger Agent Gaston Mksi.ieb, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, L. 8. Tuobnb, 3rd Vice President and C Gen. Superintendent, Dallas, Texas. C. E. Swindell, Ticket Agent, Texarkana. poS MOUNTAIN Route 5 D® Hiss EQUIPPED WITH nil imiNiNG cm ems ’ AND Pullman Buffet Sleepers BHTWKEN I bxataiSl.Wsfi Itaplrs For maps, time tables and other Infor- , mation ayqily to company s nearest agent’ I C. E SwiNDici.t.. Ticket. Agent. L. L. Starks, STRICTIV DEMOCRATIC Contractor and Builder. I guarantee fill my work, and do yi none but what is first-class—will not turn out a pcor job. Give mn a call, or write mo through the Texarkana postolllct , and I will submit a bld For work I do, will make no charges for plans and specifi cations. L. L. Stabk. bi PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W.C. SPEARMAN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office, Front Rooms Over Smith Drug Store. Office Hours—From 8 to 9 a. in., 2 to 3 p. m. and 8 to 9 p. m Telephone at office and residence Texarkana. : : Ark I). S. WILLIAMS, C. F. GP.EEXF Res. 61!) Wood st. Res. 819 Beech st ’ Telephone 55 Telephone 18. ’ Drs. Williams & Greene, MEDICINE and SURGERY- Office over City Ding Store, Texahkax.v, Ark . S. A. COLLUM, IVI.H, Physician and Surgeon, Office—With Dr. K. W. Read? Over City Drug Store. Texarkana, * : Arkansas J A. 11GUTF00T, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office Over Lightfoot’s Drug Store, 111 East Broad Street. Calls Promptly Attended, R. H. T. MANN, M. D., Ear, Eye, Ntse and Throat Treated Exclusively. Office Over Smith Drug Co’s Store. Office Hours—B:3o a. m. to 1 p. m.; 3 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. Dr. F. P, Hammend, D FIST, Texarkana, Texas. Office hours from 8 to 12 o’clock a, m. »n< from 2 to 0 p. m. Office up stairs in Lipari building. H 8. JOHNSON,IT, I ate Surgeon, C. S. A. Office and residence, S. W. corner Broad and Locust streets, Texarkana, : : Arkansas Minor Wallace. Guy Trimble WALLACE & TRIMBLE, ' Attorneys - at - Law. OFFICE—Over Lightfoot’s Old Drng Store. W. T. HUDGINS. LEE KSTFS HUDGINS &ESTEB, AttorneysatLaw Office in Henry Building, Opposite Benefield Hotel. TEXARKANA, : : TEXAS T. F. WEBBER, LAWYER TEXARKANA. ARKANSAS. J. L>. COOK, Attorney at Law UP stairs over racket stoke, Texarkana, Ark. MEWoE :-i HOTEL, 102 William & Main Sts., LITTLE ROCK, - ARK. The Only $2 per dav Hotel irv'm is city «Jno. Eakin & Charley Walbred, Proprietors. First-class ,n every respect. All Modern Improvements. WILL STEINMAN, THE PAINTER. House, Sign, Ornamental PAI NTI NG. Paper Hanging a Specialty Ee ' i' OrdiTs nt the City Drug Store. A. W. STEVENS, BrickMakerAContractor laving had an experlenco of over thirty ears, m the brick business, respectfully solleli a share of your patropago. I si of brick always on hund. Esti mates furnished on all kinds of brick work. Winks nt end of Clinton st., Tex irknna, Texns. 2 22 3m