Newspaper Page Text
THE TEZARKANIAN ] f'— — i J. W. Gainer, Editor and Prop. ’ : ■ 1 WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY! 4,1»4 J RATES C* T, t> ' - ■ * *•} ■» fix months by mail J®;' M -Jr. one year by mad ’S' F* -rm ■ :h- !<y mi! » j All eoen»nnic*t*on» ahoaM be nMnwi • Tur. Texakkanux. ThelMi)y»*‘ i WwkIrTKXA«BAXIAM»r» ’ at ti pren-ffire i Texarkana as »e- od-c!a-- ■*>! ir.alUr. announcements 1 Ttw following are o«r rates for amtoone- . hie carei dat- — positively cam is ap- ■ risca: ' ce<wr—«»i ] ’TS foe Govnsoa. The Tetcexamas t» aßthi-rued to an- ’ 8 .-. ,U- . i- • ' Phil :«coon- , tv a- a candidate fur Governor of the si;. <d A-.:. - - ri-jert to th- artton c■- ■ : . n>W MAYOR or ItAST TEXARKANA. We are atithorirexi to announce J. C. J. «„■ -a- . .it .- '<■ f--r '!•■• office "f M 'st: ••' T-'trfcana. Art.. Si. >et : ’ act ® >f the D-tnoeralfc party. ri'B OTI MARSHAI- We are authorirnd to announce J. N. Cre .-iu* .- i ■■ • ' r rr-«’.-ct.'-n *o th* office <4 • tj Marshal of Texar t >- . ■ • • a t a of th* Dec erat ;rty for crrr attokxet. W. are auth-rin-d to announce John N. Cook a* a candidate for re-election to the a <•'' Att- rr., yof the city <>f Tex arkana. Ark.. .-object to the action of the D- oocratic party. rORCTTT RECORDER. Wo are acthortred to announce (too. W. T <-ra eandxiatv for re ieetioo to th offir. of City Recorder of -•■xarkana. Arkansas. at the ensiling election, subject to tbe act: n of the Democratic party. roncrrr nKASTBKB. Wear- authorized to announce C. E. Wright a- a candidate for City Treasurer •f T< xarkana. Ark., at the ensuing elec -1 to the action of the Itomo- •rattc party. Weare author./-- ! to ann -nnce W. L. W •-a candidate for re-election t<- th-- -.-fare of C;ty Treasurer of Texarkana. Ark., -bjeet t-> the action of the Demo cratic party. FOB MATOB OF WEST TEXARKANA. V are- i-.t• - announce T. F. T ’-r .. f..r the office of M rof th-- tv of Texarkana. Tex., at th ap;-r - hing- ection. Cecoißi Mcßai’s speech on the free sugar amendment to the Wilson bill, the receipt of which we gratefully acknowledge, abounds in g.-od b>glc i.r. 1 < -und Democratic principles We can see Senatorial Donors homing up in the future for “our Tom.”—[Stephensnlie Mon itor. Tom Mcßae is as good "Senatori al timber ■ we have in the state, and it is only a question of time un til he is promoted to the position of Senator. The country had just as well pre pare itself for a long debate and possible deadlock in the Senate on the tariff bill. The interests of the country demand that it should be passed without further debate I or amendment but the Senate has away of ignoring the interests of the people whin they conflict with Senatorial dignity or court.—[Ex. God forbid! If the Senate don't pass the Wilson bill in some shape in less than thirty days, we shall be greatly disappointed. It can not afford delay in this vital matter. The Gold in the U. S. Treasury has gradually been drained until only about sixty-three millions yet remains. Clevelandites. who stop ped silver coinage, stated that as soon as their “unconditional repeal” bill passed, gold would cease to leave the treasury, etc. As gold balance was then eighty-three millions, so it appears that they were only “gas ing Now let the free coinage men pass a straightout free silver bill, and let Cleveland and his gold bug friends meet the issue square ly. Oxly two women in England have the right to append the mystic let ters M. FH. to their names. The one Ls Mr- Cheape, who is master of the Gently pack, with her daugh ter as whipper-in. while the Countess de Pari- is master of the Woodnor ton Hunt. Last season Lady Ileene Hastings officiated for a time as master of a pack of fox hounds in Ireland acting as a substitute for her brother, the Earl of Hunting don. but this autumn she is other wise en aged, her marriage having recently taken place. Nfveb sit on the fence while your friends are fighting. Get down and take sides.even though it may result in a torn shirt A negative man may , have no enemies, but he will not lie , blessed with many warm friends.— [Little Rock Press. Correct, Bro. Ludwig. We believe . in a man showing his colors. These i. good, easy-going fellows who are afraid to commit themselves in a political fight are poor make shifts. The Press is outspoken for Fishback I for U. S. Senator (bad judgement' J we gms-- while the Gazette “ride* the fence.” Come out “old Lady," ! and name your man,or else say noth ing at all. I • The Berry papers are trying to i make it appear that the demand 1 1 for Senatorial primaries comes from the Fishback people They are do ing this because they are afraid to leave the sdeetion ex a Democratic candidate for the Senate to the I people. There can be no oMecticm ! to a primarr unless the parties in terested are afraid of getting left - —[Nashville News. We are surprised at you. Bro. We have watched closely,; and we have not seen an instance 1 in which a "friend’ of Mr. Berry j opposes a primary. Be fair and just. Mr. Berry and the papers supporting him are willing to sub mit to a primary or convention. raw Fishtnck “organs are charging that Berry s friends are | afraid of and oppose primaries. The following from Conway, exactly ex-: presnes our views: "The editor of the Log Cabin is unequivocally and a Berry man. and would like to get a good chance to put in a vote for the old man just once to see how good it would feel and to give the boys in old Faulkner . a chance to feel good all over. No 1 friend of Berry s need fear a pri mary or any other method. But if it can tbe arranged to vote in pri- ■ maries satisfactorily to all the coun ties. that settles it. and there is, no occasion for anybody to howl. State or Ohio. Crrr or Toledo, i Lvcas Cor.vTY. I ; Frank J. Cheney makes oath that \ he is the senior partner of the firm • of F J Chenev i Co., doing busi-; new in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hun dred Dollar* for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cur«l by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Fbavk J Cbexey. > Sworn to before me and subscrib-' ed in my presence this 6th day of j December. A D. 18S6. —A. W Gleawv. i seal Notary Public. ; Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally. acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the sv-tem. Send for testimonials, free. F J Chkwey & Co., Toledo. O. HT Sold by druggists. "sc. Comet Pile Remedy cures. If you want the choicest fresh meats, game. fish. etc., goto Hud dleston’s new Broad street meat market _ 12-19 Ladies, Mrs. O’Donnell, at the Temple of Fashion, specially invites vou to call and price her stock of hats and all millinery. She has greatly reduced prices. Call and secure' a bargain in a stvlish Spring hat ' 1-13 j Young Mothers! W« Offtr Tint a liemedf vAUA Imurrf Saftlf (A Moller and Child, “MOTHER’S FRIEND" £o6» Ctnftnement of Uo tain, Horror and BUk. Anreßftar"”' Settle of “VI other'• Friend" 1 Obferod ba: 1 title rxa,and dll«xperte-nc« Um afterw-ard uaual la »jch cue*.- M.ra tota Oaot, Lama.”, JIo.. Jaa. 15U, k»l. by cha-jtM prepaid, ol rv*erl»t o< doper bottle. ,k to M Aoert tneUed fro* •BABFU IDBEGCLATOB cw, , ATLANTA, GA. ■DU) EX ALL PBVtoelsm ARKANSAS IHDUSTBIH UiHMH, (FOR BOTH SEXES.) hit Sniiaa w hrti IrJ Btc i> TIM. WINJES VACATION. One of the leading universities of the Soiitbn-eeL Graduates fill high positions in various states. Literary. > i-ntlfic. Engineering. Me chanical Agricultural and Normal De partment- in the three College- at Fay etteville. Law ami Medical Departments at Lit tle Rock. Norma! and Mechanical College for col ored students at Pine Blufl. Twenty-three courses of study. Eqiilpjied with modem apparatus and appliances. Large attendance. Matriculation fee. J.’.. Tuition free to Arkansas young men and yonng women. Students from other states pay only 110 a year for tuition. Board for boys In the Dormitory at cost— to W. 50 per month. Board in private famille-. El 2 tolls per month. Arkan-as students should -ei-ure ap pointments from th- -r County Judge-. For Catalogue, apply to PRESIDENT A. I. U„ Fayetteville, Ark. POWELL & BRO., Livery, Feed and Sale STABLES, Oumaara dtrsr, • •Ii- stitl occupy tbe old popular brica Ataide, and, as in Ute past, pro pose to serve tbe public with the Ihjsi service, al lowest prices. Remember we occupy tbe XJSIIOIC STABLES. Bob Osborn, CONTRACTOR, House and Sign Painter, PAPER HAhCERANO INTERIOR DECORATOR. Jk.ll Work ' ! Office at Lemly's Drug Store, I TEXARKANA, ! • TEXAS. ' I Mra. Sarah Muir Os ycssexpofis. — For Women Mood's Sarsaparilla is Especially Adapted to Cure Difficulties Peculiar to the Sex Tbe restoring and tr-rirenu-g properties of H<xd s Sarsaparilla. coaiN- 1 with its power to rttalue andenrie!l tb» Mood, render it recut Ur!y adaptod f:-r a3 troabtos nreahar to women —tLat tired feeling, cr debility canaed by Aw* of seasoa, e, . nate or life. Hood's Sarsaparg.a has a.---xN.abed very gra:riying nsnits in many fases. Bead tie t . Aowtcg , -1 was lor a long tnae a xsSerer trom Female Weakness and tried Etany rer.t lies —.7 rbysirians. to ns goodpapewe. O'.'day I read one of tbe Hoods SarsipariSa books, and I would try a betfe at tbe luedi-toa. It mde so great a dif ference in ray eoediti -. tXaU took three botttos more and fc-md my -.! j*rf«sly well. I ta>e also jireis Hood’s Sarsaparilla to ».• ehDdrm. ard tnd C : it keeps them la grd twarih. I am » . Ir.g that this shall be w»l kv the beartt of others." Mrs. Saeak ■vol ao« le.a a»- Ba. Kaaeayolia. Minn. M • i i ‘ II 1 A Run n Parlor Furniture. There is never e. run without a reason. We are Sellirg Parlor Suits at pricr-e never offered iefore tn our city. The quality of these- suites accounts for the run. and the pride is low enough to turn the run Into a gallop. Come and inspect th- se - ■ - - ■ -how as well as to sell, and it is not the least trouble In the world to show you through onr beautiful-t-H k. w hich is complete in every variety of furniture, and the tines’ stock of carpets ever shown in the city. Cash or ea-v pavmento. Aoons-ix FURNITURE CO.. IM, East Bre-ad Street, Texarkana. Ark. f Pine Bluff. Ark. ! Bran* 1 - H--«« I Alexandria. La. I New Iberia La. A fa • 'I " - ’ ’ * L”ts I-' iik L" ■ ”■ 1 - '«>-■ Aatooal ■ er.- - ■ .. Sc-fDitnit S :j . ■. a a AM--- ■ F:ti.oo, 6 uM jA (i - in W _Ai b-■< T -' Pr-err c-i Mrr’ed SB S “ ? ** ““■ * • 9 LucM Avy. >. - - FOR SALE BY SMITH DRUGCO.” THE BEST ROUTE BETWE E SC Memphis and ths Southeast, The Palace Car Lin- of the So-.ith—the Kansas City. Memphis X- Birmingham R. K. has two through pa-o-nger trains dally between Memph;> and Birmingham, mak ing clire and -ure connection.- with tbe trains of all connecting lines. Night) trains have through sleeping can- between Washington. D. C.. and Memphis, via At-1 lanta and Birmingham (in connection with tin- Richmond A Danville R. R., the shortest route, quickest time and the only line running through cars between those cities. Day train- have Palace Reciiniug Chair cars (seats free to holders of first class through tickets) through between Birmingham and Kansas City, and Pull man Palaee Sheping Cars between Kansa-, Citv and Atlanta. This is many nr’es the shortest and by far the best equipp d Pas senger Lino between points in the East and Southeast and Memphis, and all' points in Arkansas. Texas and the West i and N irthwe-t. Ev-tythinz new and! tirst-cla--. Through tickets via this line on sale ut all through ticket offices. For any desired information, for large, man and time table folder, addrex'. J. E. LOCKWOOD, G P. and T. Ag't. Kansas City. ; H. D. ELLIS. Gen'l Agent. IV Main St. Membhls. Easily. Qelctly, Y*. P'-.-i-f-.!'.’ ruti-rt. S WEAXri~M, NEKVCiI3NE«S, II ■ I I Cinstopßw-t and tec . / C er. t-ereryevanatg t I edia* •ia»nrvrrtr«ii U f'*- Impcwnie a l •»' rv .-rneeffi 4 Ik.k. exr-11 ;• T* r , r EE-1 MEDICAL CO. —BUFFALO. N. V. RI PA N S I i ■ JUGULATE THE J j STOMACH, • : AMD PURIFY THE BLOOD. : | Riraxa Taut tea . ra a. w. t H «a. ♦ • S’". .”1 , ~ r . 1 nill.auiru. • ! a • UtarTre,kto. Mialaem. tlai I ,aab itoa, « I ») w>Uri, cir .U,, Hrtatk. sag all Ate. J a ara~. to tu klawarfc. 11. <r aag 8.a.1a J • . J ■*-**[— •**♦‘‘*'l by aaatoattea ta aaarew a •net*reaaaaa»»«»»eaaaaaaaaaaaX Howling Success. FAIRBANKS J CLAIRETTE f 1 SOAP W. ““t Owes ITS REPUTATION and . - SUCCESS TO ITS OWN CEBITS. 1T IS PURE , UNADULTERATEQANO FOR RAPID Cleansing Power has noequal. IT is INVALUABLE IN i\ITCHEN & LAUNDRY. Sold by all Grocers. NK FAIRBANK &CO- ST. LOUIS. TEXARKANA MARBLE WORKS’ -Il EAST AD STREET, TEXARKANA. ARKANSAS. J T,. SMITH, Proprietor, and Dealer In American and Italian Marble and Granite; Scotch Gran ite from Aberdeen: Statuary and Finished Monuments imported from Carera, Italy. I deal in and will furnish any Marble or Granite that can be gotten in either Eu rope or America, or any part of the civilized world. Monuments and Tombstones made to order with neatness and dispatch. Sand-t me. Limestone or Granite coping for cemetery lots neatly done. Correspondence solicited. Satisfaction guaranteefl. All work varranu-d to givf-sati-facti- r . I ’ -not ,"o -. any on- to do better ■vork than myself, or undersell mo. It would I to y,,nr int< n-t to call and inv. -ti zate my )■> !.: • giving y,j .r ord- r- to ,-t- -- p- or buy ing < ’--whore-. I carry the largest colketton and the finest assortmi nt of designs n this business. My df-izn- hav. |,, n care fully - h-ct- ■: f; n. .. . ■ ;>rinci[>al cm. t» ri- sin America j and Et.r-4■. and are- of ail clw-.- - and i :L mart!and granite. I carry a ! full line of samples of every variety of but!, mart and granite of alt the principal iquaries in America and Europe. I use nothing bat the best materia! in mv workend ; can furnish anything required in the marble, su.a or granite line. Shop and works 5 11 East Broad street, opposite Iron Mountain round house. W. B. KIZER, President. C. U. DORRIAN. Secretary. TEXARKANA HARDWARE CO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, Tinware, Qiieensware, Stoves, Agricultural Im plements, Sash, Doors, Blinds and TENNESSEE WAGONS Large and well selected new stock in all lines—-not excelled in this section. Do ail kinds of repairing in tinware, etc. Prices as low as any. TEXARKANA HARDWARE CO., Texarkana, Ark. ■■MBKs’wwtrwiw’" a. i mi i imsiKa'. -wmaMsAxucK - «e. -r--- tr r irii 11. ■ i a JOE LONGINOTTI, Texarkana, Arkansas and Texas. In Texas-The Palace; In Arkansas-TheTelepbone Two of the Leading Establishments in the two states. Each j House supplied with the Finest WHISKIES. WINES AND CIGARS. | Best Bottle and Jug Department In the state, ran in connection. Also LOWEST PRICES. j Everything about both establishments is strictly first class. I Your patronage is solicited. R spectfully, JOE LONGINOTTI, Texarkana. and Texas. r—f-xuw-mmiairiwn —n —: i~ra ■ — i--t- .run, jm ,_a iw— iwmjim— ,xj , JOB WORK ffhggsi L DOUGLAS ► f £■■ -o3 * , '“ 1 ©FJ’Wfer. HELT. k'l at ibe price. r s C- an d 53.50 Dress Shoe. > r ***' ci \©LS3.SO Police Shoe, 3 Soles. v Sk IlfM U aiking Shoe ntr'made. SI 52.50, and S 2 Shoes, y a Unequalled at the price. 3T ' fkßcyn 82 & $ 1.73 School Shoes -y / k. ’»*’ Are the Rest tor Sen ice. jX LADIES' -i ' ' XJL$ 3 » S2.SO $2, $1.75 ~ ,t '* l Oonirola. ttyll.h, Per Fret 1 " —■ Fitting »nd )wrv Icrablr.HeM I This is the 1 111 HIIM.H II Lktuglns Shoes. Name . * Fit » price atamped on iHEwwfrgreT - ||ff [j . DEALERS who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, 1 which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. They <an afford to to ii ,-u B (eng profit. an<! we believe you tan save money by bnylng all your 1 footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue frt< tpon application. Sold hv O’DWYEB <t AHERN. Memphis, Cairo and St. Louis. THE ONLY LINE WTTE Through Car Service FSOM TEXAS TO MEMPHIS, Conna-'n- with THBOCGH Tjtont. to al; Pntnts East, North and Southeast. TWO DAILY TRAINS, —* ini-— Through Coaches, Free Reclining Chair Cars and Pr-Ilman Sleepers, —raoM— WACO H FT. WORTH, MEMPHIS. I AH Texas Lines connect with and have Through Tickets on sale via the Cotton Belt Route. Tor Rates, Time Tables and all Informa tion, apply to any Agent of the Company. A. A. GLISSON, S.G. WARNER, X. r. L, >k *«u. Tes, «. r. A. Tjtar, la, 'I THE short line TO NEW ORLEANS, MEMFHI AND POINTS IN THE , SOUTHEAST. •' TAKE THE ST. LOUIS LIMITED 12 Hours Saved BETWEEN—— ' FT. WORTH, DALLAS AND ST. LOUIS —AXD THE EAST— THIS DISSECT HXE —TO AI.L POINTS IN — MEXICO. NEW MEXICO. ARIZONA. OREGON AND CALIFORNIA. THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS —BETWEEN — Dallas. Ft. Worth and St. Louis. New Orleans and Denver, St. Louis and San Francisco. For rates, tickets and information apply to. or address any of the Ticket Agents or W. A. Dashiell. Traveling Passenger Agent Gaston Meslier. Gen. Pass, and Ticket At -nt. L. 8. Thorne. 3rd Vice Pre; 'dent and "Gen. Superintendent. Dallas. Texas. C. E. Swindell. Ticket Agent. Texarkana. |RON MOUNTAIN Route 5 Dail! T« 5 EQr.lPl't.ll WITH nm mis enm cm AND Pullman Buffet Sleepers BETWEEN .Texarkana, Stlmiis 4 Memphis For maps, time tables and other Infor-1 mation ayply to company s nearest agent' C. E Swindell, Ticket Agent L. L. Starks, SIRICTII DEMOCRATIC Contractor and Builder. — I guarantee all my work, and do ! none bnt wbat is first-class—will not turn out a pier job. I " ,f “ a <mll, or wrSte me through the Texarkana postofflee, and I will submit a hid For work I do. will make no charges for plans and apeciti ration.. k k STA ' RK r professional cards. W.C. SPEARMAN, M.D. ( Physician and Snrg eoili Office, Front Rooms Over Smith Store. Office Hours—From 8 tog a. »,2t03 p. m. and Bto 9 p ’ Telephone at office and resident t Texarkana. : ■ D. 8. WILLIAMS. C. F..i TT? Res. 819 \\ ood st Ri - 81'j 8,.,.t.h A Telephone 55 Telepb^ ' Drs. Williams & Greene, u MEDICINE and SURGERY. Office over City Drug Store > ; Texarkana, - . . : S. A, COLLUM, MJJ Physician and Surgeon ’ Office—With Dr. K. W. Read, O Ve . City Drug Store. iTexarkaga. ■. ; ArkaM|j e *7? J. A LIGHTFOOT, M. D., ' Physician and Surgeon. • Office Over Lightfoot’s Drug Store 111 Kast Broad Street, 'balls ’ > Promptly Attended, R. H. J, MANN. M. Dq " Ear. Eye, Nose and Throat Treated Exclusively. Office Over Smith Drug Co’s Store. Oflice Hour.-—8;30 a. m. to Ip. m.- 3n m to 4:30 p.m. Dr. F. P, Hammcnd, DENTIST, Texarkana, Texas. '-See Io- Ts from 8 to 12 o'clock a, m. from 2 to 6 p. m. Office up - lairs in Lipari building. ■ H. S. Late S rgeon, C. S. A. Office aud residence, S. W. corner Broad and Locust streets, Ti-xarkana. : : Arkansas ) Minor Wallace. < Gvv Thimbu- WALLACE & TRIMBLE, Attorneys • 31 ■ Law. 0] 1 ICE —Ov'-r >Cs old Drug st ord W. T. HVDGIN'. , LEE ESTFS HUOGINS &£STEB, AttornejsatLaif Office in Henry Building, Opposite Benefield Hotel. TEXARKANA. : : TEXAS T. E. WEBBER. LAWYER TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS. J. D. COOK. Attorney at Law STAIRS OVER RACKET STORF, Texarkana, Ark. SHE I-: HOTEL, 102 Markham & Main Sts., LITTLE ROEK, - ARK. The Only $2 per dav Hotel IIM THKCITY. Jno. Eakin x Charley Wai.bred. Proprietors. First-class ,n every respect All Modern Improvements. WILL STEINMAN, THE PAINTER. House, Sign, Ornamental PAI NTI NG. Paper Hanging a Specialty Leave Orders nt the City Drug Store. A. W. STEVENS, BrickKakerfiContractor Having had an experience of over thirty years, tn the brick business, res|>ectfull/ solicits a share of your patronage- Best of brick always on hand. E«ti mates furnished on all kinds of brick work. Works at end of Clinton st., Tex arknna, Texas. 2 22 3ui