Newspaper Page Text
Ms gw "cure ''** , ~r.W 9r JI tbotronblea fnsf" THad* 1 * 6 Md J',to of tho system,such OS "? •• so. Diatross after JSdi* K * RiJo to. ' rnilrl ‘belrmosj 8 ■ J CIJIE3 SICK rartor'e Littlo Livre HHj are SBeWSlsOs DEM butfortu. •Moa“*’V thc “ ., nk ttbcy ml! not bo Wil “• head ache v r r>tnr !!'■•<■" {:rii bore ie rhera ® m e «Snr^ iL,iat Cur s Ueni»»°V ] puis are very email and W ’< o C>.v <• '••• > r>n» ' eryeliy . t r cl'y V■ “ ■ ! '' ■■■ ■ ,10 , uJ £ -UiVru !■■ n ?!-’a=of't who I"s?,™* lungs'■ !s<er ‘ t£l ’‘ flvnforSl. h^‘Q: „ n.rrtn KSCUCIPS CO., Now York. SMALL COSE. SMALL PRICF If p W go s CURES ALL SKIN AND MOD OEASES. L>, ■ I ‘ I ‘ 7 :>l Oe':. m Mien, wl rSi Hnntn r ■ - illfe lie, ■r f a w ■ “ s>re\ ■ aS r. [jjj Ml U'.r • . t- . ■fgM C CURES IrJxiMssi ■ - ■ - ™-.-—. I,—.-—.I K.:ifma,'C.’. C. ..j i.i.u'..-, Ider- M Jtt'slPo!»ob,Tetter,Seal3 c: ~ctc. M L? ?• '* ’ ‘ appetlMf, _ ■■w®- • ' > 'AA'? I I I lb o Ip M UdlM evitens are p •!: n- i mid whoeo ’Joo-1 la la IjllteSl] e: I ■ *'• L'l-><».)- M dsmlcf properties of P. P. I’., L'ritkly Ash, Poks Root ■fc-’ . ■r a ' ■ ‘drM HI Bockc.i Blood Diseases mailed free. ■ ’-. 'MMj $ I l Wd^’ n ®' * I /Saeß®»s « II W9_Ms | iR RR B ™° t ■IBeDeOoMgOD BAIM ? If great remedy ■r °nAL BL^ D fIND SKIN DISEASES - X ■1 i™" '" ''l p Hi i a Kl ra™. ™l Inver fall, to F ■.4CROFUU, ULCERS, ECZEMA \ Bl«H MT,SH ’ ( ’ INIPI - I ’ :S - ERUPTIONS, * ■ Irteonr' ' ' 1 -mi () ■l’ ».i i '.• 1 ,i ’ l / * the nu-st \ K?EUT FRF or a A, J ’**•?, JM-; (’FTRES. T ■if BIOCD BAL f .‘(’9., A' dnn'n, C 4 ■Your AND ■a, your ■strength syspum Hh 0 .. & J Bull.T UP AND ■Kvnewea h<i organizi.i ). ■ A few bottles of fi.S.B. M ">'* <1“ it. If ><>u uro ■d iftnr,„i i , troubled wit h ndepress- right, Will thoruugbly clear awav all hn- KfiSm puritii'S and impart, new vigor and iqi llf o to the whole system. IthtvMi! 86 ’ 1 ’“'‘dieine often for the past itcendSi h ll '\m C Kafo in “‘yi’UX that it is the K noral health restorer in the world.” OurTrcativ Jd ij - <il l$S()N ’ ihltenvilio, Ark. •Mlle <>n mood an<l Skin disease# mailed freet SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. Atlanta, Gn. I i cl ! Bic!:'.-/' F”A-'Z' 1 r ’ l " i ’ n = SAVANNAH, GA. ' 77.7~ 1®“;! ' ■Vi' '''''■ ' ’ k* . -y GET THE NEWS. Every occupation in the country is anxiously looking to the extra session of Congress for relief. Every citizen is directly and personally in terested in every measure to be discussed and will want the news promptly and fully. It is during a time like this, that the great ad vantage of the “Twice-a-Week” St Louts Republic is conclusively dem onstrated. Its readers get' ALL the news each Tuesday and Friday —just twice as often and fully as it ould be had from any weekly pa per—and yet it costs no more than the weeklies—only one dollar a year. It will be indispensable during the next few months. Send in your subscription at once. Extra copy free for one year to the sender of a club of four new names with four dollars. Write for free sample copies and raise a club. Address The Republic, St. Louis, Mo. For Over Fifty Years An Old and AVell-Tried Remedy. —Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for 'their children while teething, with per fect success. It soothes the child, Softens the gums, allays all pain’ cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleas ant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world'. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is in calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, and ( take no other kind. 6-5-93-ly 1 I. ADIES ! i Needing a tonic, or children who want build ing up, should take BROWN’S IRON BITTERS. It is pleasant; cures Malaria, Indigestion, Biliousness, Liver Complaints and Neuralgia. SEWING I ' SEWING ! I am now prepared to work at my home No. 201. Spruce street, near Broad street’ Will make silk dresses for 57.00, wool, gingham and spring dresses for from $3.50 to $5.00; tea gowns and wrappers at from $1.50 to Will guarantee good fit and nice work. Respectfully, Mrs. Emma Hankins, Texarkana, Tex. A Sound Liver Makes a Well Man. Are you bilious, constipated or traubled with jaundice, sick head ache, bad taste in mouth, foul breath, coated . tongue, dyspepsia, indigestion, hot dry skin, pain in the back and between the shoul ders, chills, fever, etc. If you have any of these symptoms your liver is out of order and your blood is slow ly being poisoned, because your liv er does not act promptly. Herbine will cure any disorder of the liver, stomach or bowels. It has no equal as a Liver Medicine. Price, 75 cents. Free trial bottles at Smith Drug Co, Headache, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, And all stomach troubles are cured by P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas sium.) Rheumatism is cured by P P P, Pains and aches in the back, shoul ders. knees, ankies and wrists, are all attacked and conquered by P P P. This great medicine, by its blood-clensing properties, builds up and strengthens the whole body. Nothing is so efficacious as P P P at this season and for toning up, invigorating, and as a strengthener and appetizer, take P P P. It throws off the malaria and puts you in good condition. Abbott's East Indian Corn Paint cures all corns, warts and bunions. FOR DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion, and Stomach disorders, take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS. All dealers keep It, ?1 per bottle. Genuine haa trade-mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. DEAN & TAYLOR, Agents. Henry Dean and J. C. Taylor, rep resenting the Little Rock Steam Laundry, solicit a fair share of lo cal patronage, guaranteeing prompt and satisfactory woi k. Laundry called for and delivered anywhere, in the city. 12-6-ts Bucklon’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, <>r no pay required. H is guaranteed to give perfect satis- ■ faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by ■ Smith Drug Co. t > ' When llnby wm< nl.'lr, wo gtivo her Costorih. When sho was <i Child, she cried for Custorla. When ahe became Miss, she dung to Castorla. When she had Children, sho gaft them Castona BIRTCHER&M’WILLIAMSj CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Repairing, upholstering and all J'iml 8 of woodwork done promptly and cln clontly. COFFINS MADM TO OKDEit. All work guaranteed. Leave orders at, shop, opposite Benellold Hotel, on Broad street. Ballard’s Snow Liniment. This wonderful Liniment is known from the Atlantic to the I acilic, and from the Lakes to the Cult, it is the most penetrating Liniment io the World. If willcure Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Wounds, Old Sores, Hurns Sciatica, Sore Throat, Sore Chest and all Inflammation, after an others have failed. It will cure Barbed Wire Cuts, and heal all wounds where proud flesh has set in. It is equally efficient for ani mals. Try it and you will not. be without it. Price 50 cents. Sold 'H)v Smith Drug Co. iftlhvq ||] for Infants and Children. Castorl* Isso well edapted to children that '-commend it as superior toany prescription 1-own to me.- jj. A. Ar.crnm, M. D„ Hl Sa Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. The use of 'Castoria b so Universal and ' merits so well known .hat it seems a work .. Superero-mtion to endorse it. Few arc the nreldgent families who do not keep Castoria • .:hm easy reach." Carlos Martts, D. D., New York City. Centaur company, 77 liußiuT Street, Nrr. Y . rrr. SSd & BUHRMAN, TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS. Wholesale and Jletail Dealers in $W iiaitare, Mil! Supplies, Slactaith Material, Guos, Ammunition, Queensware, Cutlery, HARDWARE, SASH, DOOES. ALSO ACkTSIXTS FOR Hazzard Powder, Hurcules Dynamites, COAL laIMHI AND ST. LOUTS FIR.H3 BRICK. CHEAPEST HOUSE SOUTH OF ST. LOUIS. Mail Orders will Receive Prompt Attention. Send or call for prices before purchasing elsewhere. FT. WORTH AND DEN VER CITY RAILWAY CO.. and Union Pacific System. The Only Line Passing Through the GREAT PAR HARDIE COUNTRY OF TEXAS. The Greatest Wheat Growing Country in the World. CHE-A..P HOMES for -A.IMIM ALSO THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTETO Washington, Send for Copy of Our Idaho, SUMMERLftNDS. Oregon, Montana, WE TAKE YOU DIRECT TO THE Colorado. Healtli Resorts of Colorado. Wyoming and All Pacific Coast Points. For full information, address, D. B. KEELER E. L. LOMAX. G. P. A., Ft VV. I). C. Rv., G. P. A., U. P. Rv., Omaha, Neb. Ft. Worth, Tex, All XCixicls- DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY, TEX zaR KAN A ICE CO., Telephone No. 25. JESSk MOORE. W. H. WELLS MOORE & WELLS, tlG> WOfltil GROCERS. We handle all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries, feed stuffs etc. Prices low down, in keeping with the times. We bought out J. W. I lart, and will remain at his old stand. Our friends and the public generally are cordially invited to give us a call. MOORE & WELLS TEXARKANA. ARK Castoria cures Colic, Coasti*etio?L Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Er*: r : in, Kills Worms, gircs sleep, ‘ t.ron.otcs dJ gestion. Without injurious medication “For several years I hare r-vommendoo your ‘Castorfa,’ and shall alwn- ’o.-dlauo to do so as it Lis invariably product#t ixmeficial results.” Edwin F. FARDn-: ” 7). 125th Street and 7th Ayo., N.' York City TEXARKANA! ARKANSAS AND TEXAS. 17 Years Old, and Popula tion 15,000. Gateway to aqd from Texas aqd the Graaf Soufliwast. Texarkana is a live, progressive city—Twin City—located partly in Texas and partly in Arkansas, her 15,000 population being about equally vided between the two States. Though comparatively young, she bus grown and developed as few other cities have done. A RAILROAD CENTER. Texarkana has eight railroads, with over a thousand rwident railroad employes; this gives her especial advantages tn the commercial world, a»tl this, together witli the high and healthy location of the city, will, in a saw years, make her a city of 25,000 population. One of these railroads is owned by home people ami runs to navagable water, thus giving us competing rats# by water. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, WATER WORKS AND STREET IAILWAT. Texarkana's system of electric lights and water works ars snsurpasssd hy any city of ten times her population. Also has a splendid gas plant splendid system of street railroads permeate the city in every direction BANKS, FACTORIES, ETC. Vc have four National bunas, with tin operating capital erf sooo,Ot# There are a number of extensive manufacturing enterprises, amonsj (bcm fur liturc factories, a fence factory, cotton seed oil mill, a number of Itrge Inm cor factories, ice factory, cotton compress, a $125,000 Government bailding md Federal courts. A $75,000 union depot—the finest west of the Mnftta sippi river; two live daily newspapers, three large first-class hotels, with ca pacity for 400 guests daily, several large wholesale houses that do an Immense obbing trade. LOCATION, SOCIETY, ETC. The town site is located near the Eastern appex, and at about Hie high cst point on a plateau formed by Red and Sulphur rivers, which run nearly parallel and nearly due east for about 100 miles, and at a distance of about thirty miles apart. Being located on an elevation, the drainage is good. Lime, potter’s clay and gypsum at hand, and coal, iron, lead and antimony ores near by, and will be virtually at our doors as soon as .men and money can complete the railroads now building to the mines. Thousands of acres of hardwood timber right at hand. Public graded schools, with fine brick school buildings and two excellent colleges. Churches of nearly all Christian denominations, with church property valued at SBO,OOO. No city in the South possesses more refined or polite society, or more generous and hospitable peo ple. Strangers arc treated courteously and pains taken to show them our many advantages. THE NEW YORK FAMILY STORY PAPER FOR 1304. PROSPECTUS. In beginning the eialitccnth year of its successful career, it Is with a feeling of just pride that the publishers of the New York Family Story Paper states that this great Journal has double the circulation of any family story paper in the World. This claim, which its competitors uro invited to investigate, can easily be verilied. The pre-eminence thus acquired can be achieved only by merit. The reading public will buy that paper which best satisfies their desire, for stories of the highest literary merit and must interesting character. And the enormous circulation of the Now York Family Story Paper proves that it has done this. A.ll the Great features of the Paper to which it owes its success of the past will be zealously guarded in the coming year. Its distinguished stull of authors, among whom may be mentioned Mary Kyle. Dal las, Nellie Bly, Abl S. Jaekimui, Charlotte. M. Klngloy, ‘‘Girlie” Muy, Emma Garri son Clmrlotto M. Stanley, T. VV. ilanshew, E. Burke Collins and others equal- ly famous, will Ix-retalned, Its artistic excellence malntalneil, Its beautiful typo graphical appearance preserved, and the same judicious editorial supervision exer cised to keep the tone of the paper us pure and moral as it has been from Its incep tion. No expense of time or money will Im spared to add new ami attractive features. Standing as It doos like a beacon light above all Its contemporaries, the New York Family Story Paper cannot help attracting to Its columns all that Is brightest and beat In modern fiction. IT I» THIS FAMILY I’Al’BR, Terms of subscription: One year, $3; <> months, $1.50; 4 mouths, $1; single copies, 0 cents. Sent free of postage on receipt of price. MONRO’S PUBLISHING HOUSE, 24 and 26 Vandcwatcr street, Box 3613, Now York. ■ hi niin— ill an..ii M i F. W. OFFENHAUSER. Insurance Agent, REPRESENTING: The Oldest and Largest American and Foreign In surance Companies. The Most Substantial Life Insurance at the Lowest Rates. The Most Secure Accident Insurance at Reasonable Rates. I Bonds furnished for persons in positions of trust. Employer’s Liability, Boiler Explosion and Plate Glass Policies Issued. ’ Motto: “Reliable Indemnity and Fair Dealing. OFFICE OPPOSITE OLD ARKANSAS FOBTOFFWE. il i - Railway Time Card. ST. L„ I. M. & S. No. 51, Texas Exp. arnves 8:15 a. m. No, 55, Cannon Ball arrives 1:20 p. m. No. 58, Mail Exp — arrives 8:45 p.m. No. 54, Texas Exp. departs 7:15 a. m. No. 56, Cannon Ball departs 2:25 p. m. No. 52, Mail Exp. departs 7:45 p. m- T. & P. RY. No 1, leaves Texarkana at 8:35 a. m. No 5, “ “ “ 1:45 p. m. No 3, » “ “ 9:10 p. m. No 4, arrives “ “ 6:30 a. m. No 6, « • « 2:05 p. m. No 2, “ •' « 7:15 pm. ST. L„ 8c S. W. RY. No 2 from Ft. Worth arrives 6:45 a m No. 2 for Memphis leaves 7:05 a m No. 4, Chicago & Memphis,ar. 6:35 pm No. 4 for Cairo, leaves 6:55 p m No. 1 for Ft. Worth, arrives 9:35 p m No. 1 for “ “ leave 9:50 p m No. 3 Waco Ex. south ar. 9:35 a m ■ No. 3 for “ “ leaves 9:55 a m T.-C RY. No. 81, leaves Texarkana at 8:25 a. m. No. 33, “ “ “ 1:35 p. m. *No. 30, arrives “ “ 1:35 p. m. No. 32, “ “ “ 7:20 p. m. TEX. 8c FT. SMITH TIME TABLE. EFFECTIVE APBIL 10, 1893. Arrive. Depart. No 2 3:20 pm No 1 10:00 a m No 4 10:55 a m No 3 7:30 a m No 6 6:25 pm No 5 2:00 p m Trains Mos. 1 and 2 dally except Sunday. Trains Nos. 3,4, 5 and 6 Sunday only. Trains arrive and depart from depot op posite the Cotton Belt passenger depot. W. A. Williams, Genl Supt. TEXARKANA 8c SHREVEPORT RY. Arrives 5:00 p. m. Departs 8:30 a. m. The Texarkana & Shreveport Ry. will run Sunday trains, commencing Sunday, Nov. 26? 1893, as follows: No. 1, south. No. 3, south. Lv. Texur., 8:00 ain Lv. Texar. 2:00 pin Ar. Boyd, 8:25a m Ar. Boyd, 2:30 pm Ar. Roberts 8:40 a m Ar. Roberts 2:45 p m Ar. Louke, 8:50 ain Ar. Fouke, 2:55 pin Ar. Boggy, 9:oo ani Ar. Boggy. 3:05 pin Ar. Lynn, 9:15 ain Ar. Lynn, 3:20 pm No. 2, north. No 4, north. Lv. Lynn, 9:25 am Lv. Lynn, 3:3opm Ar. Boggy, 9:40 ain Ar. Boggy, 3:45 Ar. Fouke, 9:50 ain Ar. Fouke, 3:55 p m Ar.Roberts,lo:oo a m Ar.Roberts4:os pm Ar. Boyd, 10:15am Ar. Boyd, 4:2opm Ar Texar., 10:45 a m Ar. Texar. s:oopm BEN COLLINS, Gen. Man. HENRY PLATZ, Boot and Shoe Maker, 221 Broad Street. Texarkana, Ark, ALL WORK GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS AND PRICES REASONABLE. OAKS’ Poultry Farm, Texarkana, Arkansas. Now is the time to supply yourself with eggs for hatch - ing form the finest line of Thoroughbred Poultry that can be found anywhere: Barred Plymouth Kock eggs, 1 getting $1 50 White Plymouth Rock eggs, 1 setting 2 (X) Single Comb Brown Leghorn, 1 setting 1 50 Rose Comb White Leghorn, 1 setting 2 UO Black Monorcas eggs, 1 setting 1 75 Silver Spangfed Hamburg eggs, 1 sot. 1 75 Bronze Turkey eggs, 1 setting 3 00 White Babbitt, per pair > M Black Langghan eggs, 1 setting 1 75 Light Brahmas eggs, I setting 2 00 Red Caps eggs. 1 setting 1 75 - White Crested Black Polish eggs, 1 sotting ' 1 75 Silver Laced Wyandott eggs, 1 setting 1 75 White Face Black Spanish eggs, 1 set. 175 i’ekln Duck eggs, 1 setting - -2 00 Lop Ear Rabbits, perpair • -5 00 If you need anything in my line, I will be pleased to fill your orders. All orders re ceive prompt attention. Eggs packed so they can be shipped with perfect safety; nothing sent C. O. D. The cash must accompany all orders. No fowls for sale until after July i stT 1893. Address all or ders to Xv£issi I. 2F 1 . Shiarp, Caro A. S. Blvthc. Texarkana. Ark. J. F. SHAW, COUNTY SURVEYOR, i -J t ) .FOUKE, ARKANSAS!) Will do surveying whenever called upon Terms reasonable. Private parties want ing lines run, not In legal dispute, will bo given reduced rates. Address mo at above postofflee, 2-7-92. Caveats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyright!, And ull Patent buslneas <x jduoted for MODERATE FEES. Information am! advice given to lir’eatori wltliotn Charge. AUdroaa PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. O. Box 108. Washington, D.C. •GZ’This Company la managed by a combination of tho largest and most influential newspapers in the United States, for the express pnrposo of protect* tn* their airbacrlbees against nnscrapulow •nd incompetent Patent Agents, and each paper printing tbli ••Ivertlsnment vouches fOTthn rcsponM. bliity and high standing of tho Frew Claims Company,