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I Sewing Machines $ j TO KENT. J 50 Cents per Week, J HARDIN BROS. VOL XVI. FT 1 : f | I lVlal£-e -a - Mistake! If You Buy Before You See I iI B our Line and Prices. »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ H*HA4*H**HA*AH*H*4AHH«*4A* 50c. StTSL'W’IHaV 35c.t One=Third Off 75e. “ “ 55c.t ™ SI.OO " “ 75c. 1 lio “ “ SUITS. - ‘ 2.50 “ TooJ | ■ 3.00 “ “ 2.50* 50 and 75c. Line Neckwear, ||3.‘ao “ •• 3'oo] 35c | Brewer & Sanderson, I Hatters, Furnishers, I Clothiers, Men’s Shoes. CHATFIELD & BDHRMAN, Texarkana. Arkansas. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Mill Supplies, Blacksmiths’Material, Gunff, Ammunitions, Queensware, Cutlery, SHELF HARDWARE. Hardware, Sash and Doors. AGENTS F'OR Hazzard Powder, Hercules Dynamites, Coal Lime and St. Louis Fire Brick. heapest house south of st. LOUIS.^ 0 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. faring Sale on Clothing. For the next THIRTY DAYS we will sell at cost our stock of Spring Clothing. This includes all lines except Skeleton Serge Coats and Vests, Linen and Flannel suits. We handle the great est brands of clothing in America. The fit is superior to a great many so-called tailor made garments. WE ARE And always make any necessary altera tions to fit our garments perfectly. lake Advantage of this Sale. TEXARKANA CLOTHING CO Lambeth Grocer Go., STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES AND FEED. We carry the highest class goods that can be bought in the market. One may buy cheap stuff— lower class goods than we wish to carry. We guar antee every toing we sell. Goods returnable if not satisfactory. Special Attention Given to Our Customers Living Out of the City. > ree and Quick Delivery Anywhere in the City. LnToetti Grooer Co., ? road St. Phone 64. .PlP' JNE NEATLY Jfr AT THIS OFFICE ■®l)t Llfiilu tomdemimt / W \ I Wl (Might J GOOD COFFEE] Can be spoiled In the making, of course, but it can't be made as bad as some that is sold as high grade. OUR COFFEE is ob tained from the most reliable dealers, and is fresh, strong and pure. Our Mocha and Java at 35 cents is particularly fine. Has a rich, delicious flavor. “Our Balt” is an excellent low priced coffee and will give satisfaction. A trial will convince you. J, F. FLOYD SUPPLY CO. “THEZRELIABLE GROCERS.” We close at Seven. THROUGH COLORADO. The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, with its numerous branches penetrating the Rockies, has two distinct and separate lines across the mountains. Tickets read ing via the ‘‘Scenic Line” between Denver and Grand Junction, in connection with the Rio Grande Western Railway, between Grand Junction and Ogden, are available over the Denver & Rio Grande either via its main line through Leadville and Glen wood Springs or via the line over Mar shall Pass and through the Black Canon. Tourists to and from Salt Lake City, Og den or San Francisco will find It to their advantage to have their tickets read In both directions vltf “The Scenic Line of the World,” thus being able to use one of the above routes going and the other re turning. Write S. K. Hooper, O. P. & T. A., Denver, Colo., for Illustrated pam phlets. 8-3 To Save her Child. From frightful disfigurement Mrs Nannie Galleger, of LaGrange, Ga., applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve to great sores on her head and face and writes its quick cure exceeded all her hopos. It works wonders in sores, bruises, skin eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and piles. 25c. Cure guaranteed by Smith Drug Co, Ralph Bros, who run an ideal laundry, and who are always add ing new machinery to the plant, have put in a big rotary fan and it rushes in cold air and drives out the hot. The laundry is kept cool and free from that soapy smell that such places have. We pay special attention to re pairing of harness, saddles and bi cycl s. If your work is not done to your satisfaction, we will do it ever again without extra charge. The main thing with us is pleasing the customer. The Edwards Har ness Co. _ 617 The laws of health require that the bowels move once each day and one of the penalties for violating this law is piles. Keep your bowels regular by taking a dose of Cham berlain's iStomacn and Liver Tab lets when necessary and you will never have that severe punishment inflicted upon you. Price l 2s cents. For sale by Smith Drug Co. Your chickens are dying; why? Because they are infested with lict and mites. If you will use Thano lice or Roost Paint, you will have healthy chickens and laying hens. Sold or ly by Williams Williams. A lame shoulder is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles, and may be cured by a few applications of Chamberlain,s Pain Balin. For sale by Smith Drug Co. How Are 1 our lildneya f Dr. nobhu’MimraiiiiiP' llm cure nil kidney Ilin Sam* Uuhutf. Add BlvrUUB H«iuudy<!u..L’UlCH"; (,*Y. TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS, MONDAY, AUGUST 6 1900 COLORADO LETTER. Trip Over Marshall Pass and Through Black Canon—Fine Fishing at Gunnison. Manitou, Col., Aug. 3, 1900. We have just returned from a trip over the celebrated Marshall Pass, and through the Black Canon of the Gunnison River, and enjoyed some very fine fishing in the Gunni son River, near a town of the same name, in central Colorado, about 275 miles distant from Manitou. Made the trip over the Denver & Rio Grande Ry., “The Scenic Line of the World,” and right here will say a ride over this solidly built and splendidly equipped line, to view the grand scenery described in my last as to “Royal Gorgfe,” and here in spoken of, is worth twice the cost price of same. I wrote last from Salida, Col., where we had to lay over all night, so as to take the narrow gauge to our destination —Cimarron, beyond the Black Canon—early next morn ing. About six miles west of Sa lida, we began ascending to Mar shall Pass over the Rocky Moun tains, drawn by two large locomo tives, and for twenty miles we go up and up—starting beside a good sized mountain stream, follow it for miles to its source, and then take a serpentine course, with a number of long horse shoe curves around canons, finally reaching the summit of the pass, in a long snow shed, 11,000 feet above sea level. At several points we could see three or four stretches of railroad below us, in making the ascent, and to say that the' mountain scenery was “grand beyond description,” but faintly expresses it. On one side, seemin fly not very far distant, Mt. Everett’s hoary (snow covered) peak was seen—over 14,0Q0 feet in alti tude; also Mt. Uray, not quite so tall, but alike mantled in snow, in another direction. At the summit, a short stop was made, and passen gers ascended the tower above the shed, and viewed the pass on both sides and various mountain peaks, canon peaks and gorges. Descent down the western slope of pass was made more quickly than ascent from east, distance being four miles less —speed of train down, is slow and cautious, requiring nearly an hour to descend the sixteen miles. Nearly two hours is required in making the ascent of twenty miles. Grade over the pass is said to be four per cent —211 feet rise to the mile. At Salida, on east side where descent begins, altitude is 7,050 feet, while it is 8,477 feet at Sar gent on West Side, where steep grade begins. From Sargent to Gunnison, through the Black Canon on to Grand Junction, the descent is gradual—grade not so heavy and only one locomotive is used. The “Black Canon of the Gunni son River” is so named from the color of the rock therein —nearly black in many places. At the town of Gunnison the Rio Grande Ry. comes to the river Gunnison and follows it down stream to Grand Junction, one of its various termini, a distance of 135 miles. At Gunni son, observation car (open car) is put on for the benefit of tourists,so they can view the sights of the Black Canon. The Gunnison river is a large mountain stream, one of the clearest, prettiest and most romantic in all the Rocky Moun tains, and like the Arkansas river in the “Royal Gorge,” seems to cut its way through the mountains in its passage through the Black Canon. For some twenty-five or t hirty miles, mountains tower di rectly above thousands of feet,with the river close to the track—much of the way for track is blasted out of the solid black rock, in places overhanging the track. It certainly required a mint of money to con struct this railroad—the engineer ing skill here displayed, as also in the Royal Gorge, and over Mar shall Pass, is indeed wonderful, and shows what man can accomplish. Although there is no "hanging iron bridge” in the Black Canon, scenery, is “immense” —of.course somewhat similar to that of the Royal Gorge. But am tired of trying to describe scenery—“scenery," “scenery"— everywhere "scenery.” It reminds me of the time when I was in Cali fornia—all I could hear was “cli mate”—the “wonderful climate’’— prices of lands, city realty and per sonalty, all based on climate—am now weary of “scenery,” as I was there of “climate.” Now. tor the fine fishing—but have taken up so much space for “occuery," have not much left foi Just a Few That is what we have on hand in Summer Wash; Goods. You can buy them at a big reduction. 7 Cent Goods at = = 3ic. io Cent Goods at = = . sc. I2| Cent Goods at = = = = 7c. 15 Cent Goods at = 71c. 20 Cent goods at 10c. In other words, we offer these goods at just Half Price. J. Weisman & Co. I Phone 157. ONE PRICE CASH HOUSE this. Spent three or four hours fishing at Cimarron, with a “fly,” but had no success, so came back to Gunnison and took a day for it, with live minnows for bait, and had tine success. After getting my minnows and securing a pair of wading boots, started out early in the morning with a friend. It was my‘first real experience at moun tain trout fishing and my friend, Mr. Teachout, had to teach me — ht said 1 proved an apt pupil, as my catch was equal to his. We angled for over two miles down the beautiful mountain river, and about 2:20, our bait getting scarce, be gan to retrace our steps. Both fishermen caught between five and six pounds each of the lovely “speckled beauties;” I lifted out ten of them, varying in size from a half pound to one pound—nearly as many more were hooked, but got away from me ere I could land them. I shall not soon forget, this extra fine piscatorial sport—how -1 had to “play" ray fish and tire them ere I could land them, (oh they are game) how I came near falling into several deep holes just below rap ids, while wading on slippery rocks, and finally how "beautifully sun burned” I got, as my wife expressed it. As 1 was out for sight-seeing with my family, and they were "very tired” of the little town of Gunnison, packed my fine fish in ice and brought them home to the cot tage here, and can say there are no finer eating fish on earth than the mountain trout; under different circumstances would have remained there for weeds. But enough—may write again in a few days. J. W. Gardnur. Paint your house with Mastic Ready Mixed Paint, every gallon guaranteed to be made of pure lead Zinc and oil. Williams <& Williams. If you want paints and oils, it will pay you to see J. P. McMickle, cor per 11th and State Line, before nurchasing. 7-1 Improved and unimproved city property, farms and timbered lands for sale, exchange and rent. W. R. Kelley, State Line, over Wa ter Go’s, office. 10 23 Wall paper—l have a big stock all kinds, ranging in price from 5c to 75c per roll. Do not buy before seeing my stock. J. P. McMickle, corner 11th and State Line Av enue. 71 To Carn Conntlpntlon Foftftts Tahn (’iiHcnretn Cafidv Cathartic. 10c or 25c t C. C. O. full to euro. driwlKlß refund monoy CUT RATES On All Patent Medicines. SINGLE BOTTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ] SMITH DRUG- GO. A proposition has been submitted to the East Side council by Contrac tor Ockander for grading and grav eling the main thoroughfare to Col lege Hill, from its intersection with Broad street to the corporation line on the hill. The council has taken the matter under advisement, and, may, if certain conditions are met accept the proposition and have the work done. Two pretty homes on Maple street for sale cheap by Carmichael & Holloway, account of owners leav ing the city. 7 15 Window bcREENs. —For window screen, at lowest prices, apply to the Standard Novelty Works — phone 125. 5 Mr. Gene Dowl a former street car driver who quit his job last winter when the themometer show ed that it was cold enough to fretze the brass buttons off bis coat, to take a farm job.has returned and re ported that he wants another job on the horseless carriage line. He wants a job where a man can ride and get pay for it. Your Best Friend can give you no better advice than this: “For im pure blood, humors, scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, weak nerves, tired feeling, rheumatism, malaria, catarrh, take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and be cured. Constipation is cured by Hood's Pills. 25c. 4 Three lots on West Broad street for sale cheap. Will make splendid business or hotel property. The only property of the kind in the city. See W. R. Kelley, Texarkana, Ark. Mothers >’« Children Rejoice in the cleansing, purifying, and beautifying properties of Cuticuha Soar and Cuticuka Ointruont, purest and sweetest of emollient skin euros. Those gentle yet effective skiu purifiers and boautiflors have made thousands of homes happy by curing torturing, disfiguring humors, rashes, and irritations of infancy and childhood, and relieving parents of care and anxiety. Roldthro»«houlthiworl<l. I'otths Duvo Chik. C*tr., I‘ropt., B«loo. "All About U«b,‘> SUu." ins. Ji 100 TRUNKS 100 F it For Sale by it I f HARDIN BROS. ) NO. 286 Gooiosi Place io Eat In Town.— -l Our electric fans keeps a good breeze circulat ing all the time. This added to our excellent cooking and superior service, make our Case very popular these hot days and nights COSMOPOLITAN CAFE. Opposite all Depots. /Sb . to The Good of Chinaware The appearance of your table has much to do with the success of your meal. Chinaware makes the table more attractive,and really whets the appetite. We have here those pretty special pieces which please a hostess and her guests alike. Some cost a great deal, others only a little. We carry a complete line of JEWEL RANGES and COOK STOVES. All goods sold for cash or Easy Payments Woodfin Furniture Co., E. A. DKYKK, Proprietor. 115 West Broad Street. Central Institute. (Co-Educational.) Eighth and Wood Streets'. TEXARKANA, TEXAS. Primary, High School, Latin, Greek, Music. The second session begins September 17,1900. 7 10 T. B. WINSTON, Prin.